Splash in the Pool

Published on Aug 7, 2006




Jack Scribe

Warning:  The following story may contain graphic descriptions of sex between consenting adult males. If you are underage or do not wish to read such material, or if reading this sort of material is illegal in your jurisdiction, then read no further. This multipart story is primarily about romance and relationships between men. Any reference to actual persons, living or dead, is only to enhance the fictional nature of the story and does not suggest a particular sexual orientation.    

Special acknowledgement to Brad from Denver for providing diligent proofing and editing of the story.

If you have any comments or suggestions for the author, feel free to write me at jack.scribe@gmail.com. I love feedback and communication with readers. Support Nifty!

Part 25, COUSINS


It had been barely a week after the spring break and the meeting with Eunice and her lawyer, Henry. Justin had returned to school in Minnesota and the L.A. family was back in their busy schedule. With my management team, I had completed the hiring process of all personnel for the new 'El Padre' restaurant in Balboa Park. Training would begin next Monday, May 3, with a 'soft' opening on Friday, May 15. Ten days to whip the new crew into shape.

Dave and I had agreed to be the first responders to Eunice's 'Lifeline' emergency alert service. Therefore, when the bedroom telephone rang at 3:00 a.m. early Saturday, it was a 'May day' in more ways than one. We both rushed over to her house and found a lifeless Eunice sprawled on her bedroom floor. We notified the 'Lifeline' emergency control center that Mrs. Palmer had passed away and called a mortuary in El Cajon.

Eunice's instructions included a request for no funeral services and a simple cremation. Her ashes, along with the ashes of her long-deceased husband, were to be returned to Minnesota for a simple earth-to-earth scattering.

Around 6:00 a.m., Dave and I called Justin and informed him of the passing. With all the planning and time Justin had just spent with Eunice, it was determined that he wouldn't need to return to San Diego. Henry and his legal assistant would put up the house for sale and donate all of the furniture and Eunice's clothes to the Salvation Army. She and Justin had boxed all of her personal papers and effects for Justin's safekeeping and Justin stored his 'stuff' at our house before returning to school.  

Dave had arranged for another 'boy's week' at the Gull Lake cabin starting June 8. All the troops were ready for the Minnesota visit. Brent and Doug were bringing Bryan; Dave's old buddy Russ and his partner, Trevor, would be coming up from Chicago; and Justin would get a ride with his roommate from Shattuck-St. Mary's school to Minneapolis. Dave would meet our 'son' at the airport Monday, so that they could drive up together.

I regretted that the restaurant opening would prohibit me from getting together with the guys and another visit to the lake. However, there was always next year and this was a valuable building block in my career. With all the craziness of opening a new restaurant, Dave's planned absence was a blessing.


'Wow, triple-wow,' I thought, 'my biggest wish might come true.' Bryan had asked me if I had any problem with a close friend being gay during our weekly phone call. He was so calm and as-a-matter-of-fact about the question. 'No put-down's or negative slams. How fucking cool? Could it be that Bry was trying to tell me something about him diggin' guys?'

It was the end of Memorial Day weekend and we were both studying for end-of-semester finals that would take place after the following week. Since Gram's passing, Bryan always called long distance on Mondays. We got caught up on what had happened in each other's lives that past weekend and what was in store for the week ahead. We were both looking forward to the vacation at Dave's cabin.

I hesitated for a moment before answering his question. "Um, I have a good friend at school who says he's gay. It doesn't make any difference to me how he shuffles the deck." I didn't add that my school buddy and I had played around this year.

~~~ "Yeah, I kinda thought that you'd be cool with people being different."

"Shattuck is kinda uptight conservative. I mean, you don't run around with a flag saying, 'I'm gay'. But my friend decided to come out to me. Boy, was he relieved at my positive response." 'Cumming out on my stomach was more like it,' I thought with a smile. And my positive response was to shoot a big load, moments later.

~~~ "The same thing happened to me with my best friend at school."

"Bryan, it's no biggie. I mean, we both have dads who are gay and love us. Right? I'm sure you feel the same way as I do...I thank my lucky stars that I have Dave and Mike in my life."

~~~ "Absolutely. Brent and Doug saved my ass, literally." I wondered what he meant by that.

"We're both very fortunate." We danced around the issue before I changed the subject to our school studies. We were both 'acing' our courses and were on track for academic scholarships. The next school year would be prep-time for the SAT tests.

~~~ "Buddy, I can't wait to see you next week. From what both my Dads said, we will really love Uncle Dave's cabin."

"I've seen pictures of this neat, old, haul-ass speed boat that Dave has. Water skiing is definitely in the picture for me."

~~~ "Me, too. You and I will have a lot of fun. Listen, I'm signing off. Good luck on the tests and I'll see you soon at the lake."

"You got it, Bry.  Knock 'em' dead at school. I can't wait to see ya. Bye, bye."

~~~ "Bye, cuz."

'Cuz.' We had started to think of each other as cousins and I thought that was rad. 'Would we ever be kissing cousins?' I wondered, with a smile. 'Would we ever be fuckin' cousins?'

The rest of the week flashed by. I had five tests and crammed studying into the early morning hours for last minute knowledge retention. I loved my science courses and was already charting a plan to become a doctor. My roommate, best friend and J.O. buddy invited me to drive up to Minneapolis with his dad on Friday afternoon and spend the weekend at his house. On Monday morning I would take a shuttle van service from my friend's house to the airport. There, Dave and I would meet and go up to the lake.

Following my two new dads' suggestion, I shipped all my clothes and personal effects to our home in San Diego except for what was needed for travel and the lake. 'Our home,' I thought, 'was pretty neat.'

Gram's house had been sold and the proceeds were deposited into a bank account for me. Dave and I would spend some time in St. Paul after the lake vacation to meet his Uncle Trey. He also wanted me to speak to his financial advisor about investing my inherited money.


"Announcing America West, flight 757, arriving from Phoenix at gate C-9," came over the PA system. Dave's flight from San Diego had one stop in Phoenix.

I had been sitting at the gate for the past half-hour. The shuttle service got me to the airport late morning. I grabbed a sandwich in the food court and busied myself by reading a new Tom Clancy novel. I was distracted for a while when a hunky blond guy, in cargo shorts and a tee, sat down across from me. I loved the arrival of summer in Minnesota when all the hot studs shed their heavy clothes. The airplane slowly moved into position for the gate tunnel 'jet way' to be secured. After storing my book in the backpack I stood up to greet my Dad and friend.

It was amusing to see the pecking order of travelers as they disembarked and walking into the terminal. First Class catered to the businessmen. Almost without exception, each of the first passengers to enter the terminal wore suits with ties. Boring. Next came young moms with tiny crumb-snatchers. Finally, the bulk of the passengers, in Southern California casual, started filing out. Hot.

In the back of the crowd, towering over everyone, I saw the man who, along with Mike, was the most important person in my young life. I had a lump in my throat as I yelled out, "Hey, Dad, over here." Dave recognized my voice and briefly scanned the crowd before he located me. He smiled and waved.

"Hi, Son," Dave said as he walked up to me. We hugged, held each other longer than usual and kissed each other. I noticed a few people give us curious looks at the embrace. 'Fuck 'em,' I thought. There was no reason to be ashamed of showing affection for this guy. He was wearing jeans, a tee and an untucked shirt, with sunglasses propped up on his head.

"I'm really excited about getting up to the lake and vegging out. This past exam week was tough," I said as we started walking down the concourse to the baggage carousels.

"You're pretty confident that you passed?" Dave looked a little concerned.

"Oh, passing is no problem. I'm just concerned about getting 'A's'. By the way, how'd my 'Pops' do on his tests?" I asked, laughing while playfully punching his arm. We approached the 'down' escalator and descended to the baggage area.

"It must run in the family, Son. My big concern also is to ace the courses," Dave said with a grin. "I guess we can both veg out this week...well, maybe for a day or so. Without Mike on hand, I'm going to need your help to feed and entertain our guests."

"Count on me, Dave."

We enjoyed small talk until the bags belched out of the carousel. After we collected all our belongings, 'Dad' and I walked over to the car rental counter. Twenty minutes later, sitting in a shiny, new Jeep Cherokee, we were on our way to Brainerd and Gull Lake.

"Without Mike being with us, I'm going to give Brent and Doug the master bedroom," Dave said. "You okay bunking with me in my old room?"

"Um, yeah, I guess," I answered, giving him a curious glance.

"The room has two double beds, dufus," he said with a laugh. "Russ and Trev will take the smaller bedroom, and Bryan can sleep in the living room. The couch makes up to a comfortable bed."

"Sure, that'll be fine. I guess I'm more curious about how a 'cabin' has so much space?"

"Let me give you the poop about my place. Our family has always called it a 'cabin'. In truth, Justin, it's a pretty sharp, two-story, winterized home. It was Mom's favorite and in my dad's family for years. That's why I kept it. Probably the best decision I made, cuz everyone loves coming here and I get a good rental dollar the rest of the season. I really didn't appreciate how well organized Mom was at managing households until a couple of years ago. She was very talented."

I noticed Dave drift away in his thoughts for a few moments as the fence posts dashed by in the Minnesota farmland.

"Ah, Dave. Getting back to school. Whaduya think about me transferring to a school in San Diego? Shattuck's great and all that, but I really want to settle in 'our' home in California." Dave glanced at me a couple of times and contemplated his answer.

"Actually, Mike and I've done some research on this. The money that your dad funded through his insurance doesn't limit you to Shattuck-St. Mary's. There's a terrific private school in La Jolla called The Bishop's School. Very high academic standards and a solid alumni association."

"The bishop? As in..."

"Episcopalian, originally. For pre-med, I don't want you to mess around with the public schools. And if your educational funds get stretched, I'll make up the difference," Dave said with determination.

"Dad, I don't want to tap you out. You're going to school and need money. I mean, Mike makes good bucks, I guess, but tuition to a private school is serious 'bread'," I answered with concern.

"Hey, we're family and no secrets. I've never mentioned this, but when my folks died I was left with a very comfortable inheritance. Don't worry about it."

"Then I'd like to investigate the school as soon as possible," I said, positively.

"Great. I'll tell Mike to start the enrollment process. Also, we'll talk to Russ up at the cabin. My oldest friend in the world is starting medical school at Northwestern and will be terrific for advice. He and Trev are driving up from Chicago and should arrive this evening."

"Does he know about the schools out West?"

"He was considering USC at one point. I'm sure that he'll recommend either that or UCLA."

"Jeez, that would be super. I mean Bryan is going to attend UCLA. It'd be fantastic if we were at the same school." I grinned as Dave quickly cocked his head and raised an eyebrow.

"You've really become good friends with him, haven't you?" Dave asked in a warm, fatherly manner.

"Yeah, really good. Did you know that he's called me at least once a week since Grams left us? I think that I've got some very strong feelings for him," I said, looking to Dave for reaction.

"Have you and he had any talks about how you feel?"

"Shit, Dave...whoops, sorry," I replied with a short eruption of frustration. "I don't even know for sure if he's gay. I plan on getting together with him tomorrow when they arrive."

Because of last minute pre-production changes on Doug and Brent's movie, the L.A. trio booked a late flight today. They planned to stay in a hotel around the Minneapolis airport tonight and to drive up on Tuesday morning.

"That's a good idea. Get it out on the table. There's a great hiking trail not too far from the cabin. Why don't you two take a little walk tomorrow afternoon? I've got a map you can use."

"I appreciate the suggestion. Um, what'll I do if he feels the same way?"

"Well, a kiss might be a good start," Dave replied with a chuckle. "Seriously, do what comes naturally. Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Ah, yes," I answered, tentatively.

"How experienced are you having sex...with guys?"  There was a sudden silence as I squirmed in my seat.

"I'm, err, well, not very. I mean, my roommate and I have, ah, you know..." I said, gesturing with the universal jerk-off hand sign language. I looked nervously at Dave for a reaction. He smiled and considered my answer.

"That's a start, buddy. Listen, for what it's worth, we both know that getting off is physically gratifying. When I was your age, Justin, I probably found some way to ejaculate at least twice a day," Dave said with a wink. I laughed a felt a little relieved at his candor.

"I guess 'that' runs in the family, too," I said, laughing harder. 'God, was it cool not to fear about talking to Dave this way,' I thought.

"Okay, serious, again. Touching someone you like a lot is much more rewarding. Just lying together, naked, with your hands slowly exploring every part of your partner's body can be really hot. And then, when you add your mouth and tongue...well, Justin, that's about as good as it gets." I became aware that I was listening with my mouth wide open while my cock was begging to be released from the confinement of the pants.

"Wow. I guess I've got a lot to learn. You mentioned the mouth, um, I guess, oral stuff? I, ah, well, what do you do?"

"Well, first make sure the teeth don't get in the way," Dave said with a smile. "The rest just comes." We both broke out with laughter at the pun. "Promise me that you'll always ask Mike or me any questions you have."

"I promise, Dave."

"And let me know if you want me to trade sleeping arrangements with Bryan. If it's to be, cuddle time is terrific. The other promise is to seek me out if you guys decide to try other things."

I knew what he meant by 'other things'.

"Dad, Dave, I love Mike and you so much. I promise and cross my heart...Scout's honor," I said as I leaned over and gave him a big, sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"Well, you might want to consider joining the Scouts, first," Dave replied with a laugh.



The rest of the drive up consisted of Justin talking about school and the possibilities of attending The Bishop's School in the fall. I knew that we would have to get the transcripts from Shattuck-St. Mary's soon and use a little political 'grease' to get him in.

I smiled at the trust he had shown in asking me such intimate questions. As we turned into the driveway to the cabin, I considered all my experiences with Russ at Justin's age.

"Whoa. You're right, Dave. This isn't just any cabin," he said as we drove up to the parking area. When we stopped, Justin jumped out of the Jeep and took in everything within visual range as I popped the back door open.

"Help me with the bags so we can go in and get organized." It was around 3:00 p.m. I figured that Russ and Trev would be arriving around 6:00 p.m. Russ wanted to get here before darkness. "I'll give you a tour around the place after we get settled in the room."

"Neat. I wanna see it all," Justin said with bubbling enthusiasm.

We were able to bring in the luggage and bags in two trips. I silently and proudly smiled as Justin absorbed Mom's interiors. After we unpacked in my old bedroom, I told him to get into a comfortable change of clothing and meet me in the kitchen. I didn't have to remind him that it still got pretty chilly in the evening.

As I was making a final check of all the provisions that had been delivered, Justin came into the kitchen wearing sweat pants, a tee and sneakers. "What can I do to help?" he asked.

"I've got the kitchen pretty well organized. There's some cheese and fruit to snack on if you want? I figure that we'll eat around seven if the guys get up here on time."

"Good idea. And a bottle of water?" Justin asked.

"Everything's in the fridge. Make up a plate of food and take it down to the dock. I'm going to change and meet you there. Okay?" He grinned and gave me a  thumbs up. Even though we were less than ten years apart in age, I was getting used to the idea of being a father figure and friend. 'A difficult balance,' I considered as I went upstairs to change.

After removing my clothes, I picked up the phone and dialed Mike's office. It was 1:30 p.m. California time.

~~~ "Good afternoon this is the new El Padre. How may I help you?" I recognized the voice.

"Mr. Swenson calling Mr. Cole," I replied with a smile.

~~~ "Hey, buddy. You made it? From the time, I assume that all went well meeting up with Justin?"

"Yes, no problems. And our son had many questions about a certain young man who's arriving tomorrow."

~~~ "So you put your 'dad' hat on?" Mike said with a snicker.

"I gave him a few pointers if anything progressed beyond being friends. He admitted that his experience was not that great."

~~~ "I'm proud of you. Most young guys, gay or straight, are really lost at that age and don't have someone to turn to."

"I'm going to monitor the situation with Doug and Brent. They all get up here tomorrow morning. Unless I miss my guess, we've got a real case of 'puppy-love' between Justin and Bryan."

~~~ "Keep me posted. I know they're in good hands."

"By the way, we made the right call on initiating an application at The Bishop's School. Justin wants to move back with us and go to school in San Diego."

~~~ "I'll call the school tomorrow. Both the Connors are alumni."

"You got it under control, then. How's the restaurant going?"

~~~ "Working my buns off. Thank God we're not open for lunch. We did 250 covers on Saturday. Pretty good for a restaurant just open two weeks. Mr. Connor is very happy at the progress. I guess we haven't screwed up too badly."

"Sweetheart, I'm not surprised you're doing so well. I'm going to spend some time down on the dock with Justin and carry out Eunice's request." I had hand-carried the ashes of Eunice and her husband with me. "And then we need to get ready for Russ and Trev's arrival."

~~~ "Pass on my prayers, Dave. Talk with you tomorrow?"

"You bet. Love ya, babe. Bye."

I re-dressed in jeans, a sleeveless sweatshirt and deck shoes and joined Justin on the dock with the bag I had brought from San Diego. Arriving at the dock, I felt the entire past three weeks of stress leave my body. The late afternoon sun was creating deep shadows from the opposite shoreline, along with glistening highlights on the lake surface.

"This is so beautiful," Justin said, leaning back on the bench at the end of the dock. Turning to me, he noticed the bag I was holding. "Whatchu got?"

"The ashes of your grandparents," I answered, sitting down beside him. "I thought that if you have no objections we could fulfill her final wishes on the grounds of our cabin." He visually honed in on the bag as I offered it to him. Reverently, he removed the two canister-style urns and considered his next words.

"Ashes to ashes," he said quietly to the urns as he stood.

"Follow me, Son." I rose and walked back up the dock to the groomed lawn. Justin was right beside me. "I'll show you a good private spot. It's an area behind the gazebo that I always considered my secret place as a small boy. It can be our secret place, now." He nodded as I led the way.

"This is perfect," Justin said approvingly. In the middle of several pines was an open area that was matted with old pine needles, cones and general ground cover. He set down an urn so that he could unscrew one canister at a time. Methodically, he spread the ashes of his granddad around the ground. Finished, he retrieved Eunice's ashes and repeated the same procedure. I respectfully stood behind him.

"Goodbye, Grams," he almost whispered. We stood silently before he turned and hugged me. I noticed a glow of contentment on his face as he leaned in and kissed me. I returned it as a father or brother would. "Thanks, Dave. You and Mike are my family, now."

"Son, you're turning 16 soon. I think it's time a father and son beer," I said with a wink. "Just one, though."

"Ohhh, Daaaad," he said with a smile. We took each other's hand and walked back to the kitchen.

"One-beer, kiddo. Them's the rules," I replied with a laugh. "Let's get ready for our guests. Russ and Trev should be here within the hour and I've got a big salad to fix to go along with the steaks."



This was a series of 'firsts' for me: first time out of California, first vacation and first airplane flight.

I had visited LAX on a school field trip, never as a passenger. It was impressive, in my young, inexperienced eyes, to observe the special services that Brent and Doug were offered. What was really neat was the VIP lounge where we waited prior to boarding. It was like a huge living room with small, private office suites. Sandwiches, snacks, Cokes and every magazine imaginable were available. Brent explained that he now needed these extra steps for privacy when traveling.

We waited in the lounge until everyone was boarded. A friendly attendant escorted us to the gate and the plane. We had literally stepped in and sat in the first seats in the plane when the door closed.

In the Minneapolis - St. Paul International Airport, even though it was mid-evening, I noticed a less frantic rush by people who where dressed with lots less color...in their style of clothes and a lack of tan. And the air, once we picked up the rental Chrysler convertible, seemed cleaner and crisper.

At the Radisson Hotel, north of the city, the welcome was warm and attentive. It was pretty obvious that the entire staff had been briefed on our arrival. Even at 9:00 p.m., the general manager personally greeted and escorted us up to our two-bedroom suite. I was impressed that Brad took the time to say 'hi' to several of the staff and signed a few autographs. He winked at me as we rode up the elevator. We'd had a long conversation a couple of weeks ago about his fame and how he compartmentalized the 'Brad' and the 'Brent'. Most of the time he was the 'Brent' who loved Doug and me, expected me to get good grades and help out with the chores at home.


Doug had given me a rundown of the cabin while we drove up to Gull Lake. So I wasn't surprised at the large, rustic house that we approached after passing the stone marker with the 'Swenson' name attached and turning into the driveway. It was just after ten in the morning. In addition to a Jeep, there was a Volvo with Illinois plates parked out front. As we got out of the car, the front door opened and Uncle Dave appeared, followed by two other handsome men. 'They must be Russ and Trevor?' I wondered. Finally, in a burst of energy, was 'cousin' Justin, who jumped down the steps and trotted over to the car.

"Hey, guys, welcome to Minnesota," he said as he reached the passenger door and opened it for Brent.

"How's my favorite nephew?" Brent got out of the seat and pulled it forward for me. I scrambled out of the back seat as Brent and Justin were finishing a hug.

"Hi, Cuz," I said, as I was next to physically attach myself to Justin. "It's great to see ya."

"This place is neat, Bryan. We're going to have lots of fun," he answered with a big grin. Just then, Doug came over and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I think I know two young guys who are happy to see each other," Doug said playfully, as he ruffled Justin's hair. At the same time, the older trio approached and Doug offered introductions of the two new faces to me. There was a lot of hugging and kissing all around.

"Brent, you and Doug are taking the master bedroom. No arguments," Dave said. "I'm sharing my old room with Justin, and Bryan will be quite comfortable on the sleeper couch in the living room."

"The shower alone is worth the price of admission," Brent replied as he laughed and patted Dave's back. "Bryan, why don't you and Justin get the bags from the trunk so we can get organized?"

"Yes, Dad," I said with a smile. I took the keys and went to the rear of the car to open the trunk.

"Justin, once you sort out the bags to the rooms, give Bryan a little tour of the place. You might want to check out that hiking trail before lunch? We'll probably gather in the kitchen around noon," Dave suggested.

I noticed Dave and Justin exchange big smiles.

"Come on, Bry. We'll get you squared away," Justin suggested.

I smiled at the Navy slang that crept into our vocabularies.

"Sorry about the couch, but Dave says it's comfortable and it's near the fireplace. I thought we'd be bunking together. Guess Dave had other ideas," Justin said with a shrug. "But there's a great shower just off the kitchen you can use and a hamper for dirty clothes."

We grabbed the bags, walked up the steps of the cabin and went inside.

"Hey, it's cool. I've slept in worse places," I said as we entered the great room 'Whoa, this is definitely not a cabin.'

"Pretty neat, huh?" Justin said with a grin.

"Yeah, neat." I slowly looked around at the room and took in the great feel of the place. "Um, what did Dave mean about a hiking trail?"

"If you want, we can go for a little hike. The trail is across the road and I've got a map."

"Heck, I'm game. These deck shoes are prolly not ideal, though," I answered.

"Why don't you change into some shorts and your sneakers? It's warming up enough not to worry about a long shirt."

"Okay, give me 'five' to unpack and get dressed."

"Super," Justin replied, bubbling with enthusiasm. "I'm going upstairs and tell Dave that we'll be gone for a while." I decided to work out of my suitcase for any changes of clothes. I had just stowed away my toiletries kit in the shower area as Justin came into the kitchen. He was wearing his San Diego Padres cap to match my L.A. Dodgers cap.

"Let's grab some bottled water and hit the trail," he said, opening the refrigerator. He handed me a cold bottle and off we went, out of the cabin, across the road to a well-marked trail. Within minutes, we were walking through a lush, dense forest.

"This is about a far away from L.A. as you can get," I said with a chuckle. We had been walking over the well-used path for about 15 minutes. Justin told me about his discussion with Dave concerning coming back to San Diego to continue school. I was thrilled at the possibility.

"Can we take a breather?" I asked, as we approached a large, old, fallen tree-trunk.

"Absolutely. Let's sit for a few," Justin suggested.

There was a tranquil, private feeling in this forest with patches of sun filtering through the tree branches. However, I felt like my world was about to come crumbling down around me. 'Oh, fuck,' I thought, 'what if Justin laughs at me when I tell him that I'm nuts about him? Or worse, strikes back in anger?'  I tried to control the rapid breathing, an erratic beating of my heart and a queasiness of the stomach. We sat and absorbed the stillness of the moment.

"Buddy, I'm not a mind reader but you seem to be thinking about a lot of stuff," Justin said out of nowhere.      

"Justin, um, remember when I asked you if you'd have any problem with a friend being gay?"

"Sure. And I said that there would be no problem, whatsoever." He turned and looked at me, intently.

"What would you think if your best friend in L.A. was gay?" 'Whew,' I thought, 'I said it.'

He continued his stare before scooting closer and putting his arm around me. "I'd say, 'welcome to the club'," Justin answered. It was my turn to move closer.

"You mean..."

"Yeah, me too." I was a little startled when he leaned in and gave me a friendly kiss on the lips. I rose back in reflex and surprise. Justin reacted as if he had done something wrong. I grabbed his hand and added, "Buddy, I've been waiting for this kiss for a long time." I initiated a return kiss...a long kiss...that eventually included our tongues nudging each other.

"It has been a long wait," Justin said breathlessly. "I like you a lot but didn't know how to bring up the subject. Scared, I guess." He stood and pulled me up with him. This time we both aggressively moved into a lip lock that started with tongues and progressed from there. We darted, probed and explored each other. I could feel his crotch expanding against me as I naturally ground my hard dick into his thigh.

"Justin, I think I like you much more than 'a lot'."

"I can tell," he said with a snicker.

"Yeah, well look who's talking?" I boldly brought my hand down to the outline of his woodie. He duplicated my actions and then started rubbing my hard cock back and forth.

"Oh, shit. I'm so turned on, bud," I moaned. "If you don't stop soon, I'll shoot right in my pants." I started jacking him, outside his khaki cargo shorts.

"Good point," he said as he looked around. Seeing and hearing no one, Justin unbuttoned and zipped down his shorts. I did the same and then released my boner from my briefs, soaked with pre-cum. I shrugged when it slapped against my stomach.

"That's a good one, Bryan," he remarked as he stared at my crotch while he lowered his underpants, producing the same reaction. Both of our dicks were pointed up towards the sky.

"Looks like we're both pretty good in the size department," I replied with a lustful giggle. As if scripted, we stood side by side, grabbed our cocks and started slowly masturbating. We sped up the action and it didn't take long for two horny teens to explode. White, silky, semen shot in long ropes across the path as we convulsed to a satisfying finish. Judging from the trail, it appeared that we both had released an ample amount of cum.

"Oh, fuck, I've dreamed about this day," Justin said, as he reached over and milked the last, remaining juice from my still-hard dick into his hand. He winked and brought his hand to his lips. A hungry tongue lapped up my cum. 'Well, two can play this game,' I decided. I gathered the last of his 'stuff' from his red, still-swollen peter in my hand and tasted it.

"Buddy, I have a feeling that we both want to do this again."

"Yeah. But next time, Bryan, I want to do it to you." His stare zeroed in on me and held a fix.

"Me too. Soon. And no clothes. But right now I think we probably should get dressed before someone comes along," I said as I adjusted my softening dick and pulled up my pants.

Justin did the same thing and then pulled me in for another kiss. I could taste my jizz on his lips. I was sure he was experiencing the same thing.

"Why don't we go back to the cabin? You and I have got lots to talk about. I want you to know, Bryan, that this is not just about getting off with a friend. I'd like us to be more than friends, if you want?" He stared at me; his big blue eyes signaled restrained eagerness.

"I want, buddy. I want," I replied, before launching one final, erection-producing, kiss. _______________________ TO BE CONTINUED

Next: Chapter 47: Splash on the Screen 26

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