Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on May 16, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't really know Nick carter, or any other celebrity that might appear in the story. In fact, I don't know anyone in this story...mainly because they are all made up. Even This Nick Carter is nothing more than a man made up with a common name and musical inclination.

Hey all, I'm glad you made it back for another exciting chapter. Lot's of Nick in this chapter...and I hope you enjoy him. I am way ahead on this story, so expect posts almost every day for a while. Joy! All comments, questions, or critics are welcome at leo1980@pride.com

Spinning Nick Chapter Three

DJ I saw you looking at me. DJ I think I was looking at you. DJ I feel that your wanting me. DJ I think I want you too.

Monday was an exciting day for Colin. He arrived at work two hours early, to set up everything with his boss. He had to have clearance to have guests on his show, and seeing who the guest was it was granted right away. His boss just shook his head and wondered how he had managed to set up the interview.

Colin couldn't really tell him if he wanted to. He could hardly understand how it all happened himself. Luckily the show that comes on before him had two DJ's so he wouldn't have to find an extra stool for Nick to set on. Colin busied himself looking over the play list, and making sure to plug in at least one Nick song during time he would be there. The Nick Carter fans would love that.

After looking over the other announcements he had to make during his show, he was quite sure that things would go over smoothly. He got a seat where he could listen in to the show that was going on right now. He hadn't really ever listened to the day show, but it wasn't that bad. After they went to commercial Colin was waved into the room by Bruce and Wayne the DJ's he had been listening to.

"Hey Colin, you came in early for a change." Wayne stated.

"Oh yeah, I have a surprise interview today, so I had to come in and clear it with my supervisor." Colin told him.

"So who's the special guest?" Bruce asked.

"I can't tell you, or it won't be a surprise." Colin teased.

"Fine, fine but if you'll tell us, we'll make sure to get a buzz going...not revealing too much, of course." Wayne offered.

Colin knew it was hopeless to turn them down. It would help ratings for his show, and possibly help Nick out too. So he spilled the beans. Bruce and Wayne looked kind of mad that he wasn't coming on their show, but agreed to tell their listeners about a mystery guest that `you gotta tune in for this folks!" Bruce stated as such.

Colin even was excited by the energy of suspense that they were mustering up. He decided that he would make an effort to listen to their show from now on. With a little more research on Nick, he was fully ready to do the interview.

About ten minutes before his show was to start. Nick showed up at the station. Nick received many stares and some hand shakes as he walked in and made his way towards Colin.

"Hello Mr. Carter." Colin said trying to be professional since his supervisor was just around the corner looking in their direction.

"Call me Nick, please." Nick said looking around to see what Colin was looking at. "I take it that's your boss?"

"Yes, Mr. Smith is my supervisor. Would you like to meet him?" Colin asked.

"Sure." Nick said walking across the room to where Mr. Smith was standing.

"Mr. Smith this is Nick Carter." Colin said as the two men shook hands.

"Nice to meet you sir, thanks for letting come on your station." Nick told him.

"It's our pleasure I assure you. We were all very surprised that you could take time out of your schedule to come by." Mr. Smith said.

"When I met Colin I knew he was a good guy and that anything that happened on his show would only help to represent me in a positive light. He seems to be a very professional yet humane DJ." Nick said.

Colin wasn't sure why Nick was building him up so much, but he was glad of it and made sure to thank him if he got a raise latter on. After, the pleasantries were exchanged, Colin, blushing slightly, led Nick towards the booth. Bruce and Wayne were just exiting the booth, and both stopped to shake hands with Nick, and Colin went on into the booth. He had just a moment ago told Nick to come in when he signaled for him.

"Hello everyone, it's another mania Monday here at WLAM. We are giving away free cds all day! Later on I'll tell you how you can win. Coming up after the break is my surprise guest. Think you know who it is? Well, I'll give you a hint..." He paused for dramatic effect. "He'll be here when we come back from break!" Colin was a tease and his fans knew it.

Colin motioned for Nick to come on in as the commercials started. Nick was laughing about all the mystery Colin and the other guys had been building up. He was listening to the other show on the way in.

"So you ready for this?" Colin asked him.

"I guess, oh and just so you won't have to ask...Black briefs." Nick told him.

"Oh my god!" Colin busted out laughing.

After breaking the ice any nervousness Colin might have been experiencing were gone. Soon the commercials were over and he signaled to Nick that it was time to begin. "Welcome back it's time to reveal the guest...it's none other than...Nick Carter! We are all excited that you could make it." Colin said as he hit a button that made clapping sounds begin.

"Thanks for the intro Colin! I am exited to be here." Nick said.

"So how are you enjoying touring on your own for a change?" Colin asked.

"It was really weird at first not having the other guys around, but then I realized it kind of cool. I don't have to fight for my chance to use the bathroom on the bus, and I get to do everything my way. It's a very liberating experience. I'm also grown as an artist because of this experience." Nick answered

"Excellent, so are the Backstreet Boys working on a new album?" Colin asked.

"We have worked on a few new tracks, but it's all still in the early stages. It's far too early to say if it will come out next year or not." Nick answered honestly.

"So what is your favorite song you perform on tour?" Colin asked him.

"`Blow Your Mind' is my favorite because it's a fun song. I get to dance with it, and the crowd really seems to like it." Nick said obviously looking glad that the interview was going back to him instead of Backstreet.

"And what is your next single to follow up the hit `Help Me'?" Colin asked him.

"I plan to release `Do I Have to Cry for You' as my next single." Nick told him.

"That's one of your slower songs, out of all the fun party songs on your album what made you decide to go with a ballad?" Colin asked.

"Because I wanted to show my softer side, and to let other guys know that it's okay to cry. Love is a very powerful emotion, and it has that effect on people...including guys." Nick told him.

"That's great, it's awesome to see an artist was so much talent, but still is level headed enough to show his own vulnerability." Colin said.

"Thanks man. I really appreciate the compliment." Nick told him.

"Well, we have to head to break, if you want your welcome to hang around for the next segment Nick." Colin offered.

"Sure that'd be great." Nick said.

The rest of the show went just as great, Nick staying for the whole show. The fans were really happy to say the least, and Colin's supervisor kept walking by smiling at him. It was later stated that it was the highest rated show in that time slot in the stations history. Subsequently a few days later Colin was given a well deserved raise.

Colin was excited when he and Nick headed out to eat. Nick was really surprising Colin. He seemed to be so easy to talk to, and very friendly-all things that do not usually come to mind when thinking about celebrities. Colin followed Nick to the restaurant that Nick had made arrangements for them to eat at. Nick had reserved them a nice booth in the back of the place where they could have privacy. Nick didn't want to have to sign autographs while trying to eat.

"Wow this place is great." Colin said setting down.

"Yes, I haven't been here myself, but it came highly recommended." Nick told him.

They both were served drinks soon, and they ordered. Nick ordered a steak, and Colin ordered Chicken Parmesan. The food turned out to be fabulous, and they both ate till they were satisfied.

"That was really nice, and I want to thank you for the invite." Colin said.

"You're very welcome Colin. I've really enjoyed getting to know you better." Nick told him.

"If you are ever in town again maybe we can hang out again?" Colin said, wondering where he got the courage to be so bold.

"That would be cool. Let me give you my personal email address, you do have a computer right?" Nick asked.

"Sure, doesn't everyone?" Colin laughed.

"Great, it's the best way to stay in touch these days. Feel free to use this." Nick said with a smile. "I don't get a chance to make many friends on tour." He told Colin.

"I'll make sure to keep in touch then." Colin said happy with the friendship that had started there that night.

Colin told Nick about high school, and a few of his misadventures in college-including this one time where he had gotten drunk and woke up outside in the mall parking lot.

"And the security guard kept asking what I was doing there, and all I could say was `you tell me, and we'll both know'." Colin told Nick who laughed at the story.

"The weirdest thing is, I had on someone else's underwear...and I later found a used condom in my back seat." Colin continued.

"That's wild man. I hope he was hot at least." Nick said.

"Err...what?" Colin said.

"Don't worry Colin, I know you are gay. It doesn't bother me at all." Nick told him.

"Oh wow, cool...I'm glad you don't mind how could you tell?" Colin asked.

"Well, when you had so many stories about hanging out with guys, and no mention of girlfriends...I just took a guess. And it seems I was right." Nick smiled at his deduction.

"Fair enough I guess." Colin blushed again.

After that they both realized it was getting late, and they made there goodbyes, and Colin reluctantly left after a small hug between friends. Colin didn't know what to think of all that had happened tonight, but he was hoping it was the beginning of a long friendship.

As he walked into the door, he saw the answering machine blinking. He already knew that it was probably David. He had failed to mention his dinner plans. And they usually talked on the phones in the evening. He played the message of his annoyed best friend, and decided to call him the next morning. It was far too late to call him now.

He couldn't wait to see David's face when he heard about Colin's night with Nick.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and that you'll come back for more. There's lots more where this came from. I really need your opinions on this chapter, so if you get a chance send me your thoughts. Email me at leo1980@pride.com

Next: Chapter 4

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