Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on Jul 18, 2003


Disclaimer: I do not know anyone in this story, or wish to imply anything about Nick Carter's sexuality or Daniel Bedingfield's sexuality either for that matter. Any celebrity actions in the story are totally fiction based.

Spinning Nick Chapter 17

Welcome back to the newest chapter of my story. I truly hope you have enjoyed the ride thus far. I'm not sure how long this story will continue on, but however long it does I hope we can all have fun with it! Email me your thoughts and comments to leo1980@pride.com (I'm so glad there wasn't to long of a delay after all)

Daniel was really happy to see James when he arrived at the baggage claim. They greeted each other with a quick hug. The two friends had both looked forward to seeing each other again for a long time now. They had lots planed for their time together, but James had plans of his own for Daniel.

Daniel and James first stop was the hotel room to let James unpack some of his stuff. They spent the day site seeing. They went to Times Square and Central Park. James really enjoyed the contrast of this huge city compared to the places he had lived before. The people were so fascinating. There were so many people to just kind of look at-people watching if you will. They spent a lot of time shopping too. That's the best part of going to the city after all!

That night James and Daniel were tired and called room service rather than eat out. Daniel lit some candles for their meal, and it had a very romantic feel to it. As they completed the meal, James made a move to hold Daniel's hand. Daniel smiled in response and squeezed his hand. James hoped this was a sign of hope.

The moment was short lived though, because the phone rang. "Hello," Daniel answered.

"Hey Daniel did my forgetful friend James make it to New York City yet?" Colin asked.

"Yes, he actually did try to call you, but you were out." Daniel stated.

"Oh, we must have been out at the park then. So are you boys having fun?" Colin asked.

"Yes we are having a great time. Did you need to talk to James for anything?" Daniel asked.

"Oh not really, just send him my love, and tell him to have a great time!" Colin said.

"I will do that. We are about ready to conk out here, so I'll talk to you later." Daniel said ending the call. Byes were exchanged and soon Daniel was back to his guest.

"So only one bed in here...should I sleep on the couch?" James asked.

"No you're the guest I'll sleep on the couch tonight, and you have the bed. We can switch tomorrow?" Daniel offered.

"That sounds great to me." James stated as he started to undress for bed.

James couldn't help but look around to see if Daniel was watching him. He thought he had seen some sign of it, so that brought out the bad boy inside of him. And he went ahead and striped nude. He made sure to bend over to pick up his clothes so everything was exposed to Daniel if he cared to see. After he had picked up after himself, he climbed into bed.

Daniel had in fact watched this show, and his heart was racing as he got into bed. `What is he trying to do to me?' Daniel thought as he lay down to try to sleep.

It wasn't a comfortable couch to say the least, and the thoughts running though Daniels head didn't help much... Did he like James as more than a friend? He hadn't really thought about it before, but the image of him naked seemed to be all Daniel could think of at the moment.

Across the room James was having trouble sleeping as well. `What the hell was I thinking? He's either A. going to think of me as a total slut, or B. think that I'm desperate. Either way doesn't pan out too well for me. I just want him so bad. I guess I wasn't thinking straight...Yeah me straight. Don't think so!'

After lying there a few more hours the boys decided it was time to talk...James had barely slipped on a pair of briefs before Daniel started walking towards him. "Hello Daniel. Can't sleep either I see?" James asked.

"No, I had too much on my head. Do you think we could talk for a bit?" Daniel asked.

"Sure, I'd like that." James said offering him a seat on the bed.

"It's about earlier...When you were getting ready for bed." Daniel started.

"Oh about that, I'm really sorry...I guess I'm just used to getting naked before going to sleep. I didn't think about what I was doing. I guess it came of as kind of rude." James stated.

"Not at all...it actually kind of turned me on." Daniel stated truthfully.

"Really? Um, that's good to know I suppose." James said with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess I'm attracted to you. I don't think I realized it till tonight though. I hope that doesn't sound superficial." Daniel said.

"Not at all, sometimes it takes a little shock to make people think." James offered back.

"So, um...yeah...Do you?" Daniel tried to ask.

"Do I find you attractive? Quite a lot actually." James admitted.

"So what should we do about it? I mean we are friends and business partners..." Daniel said.

"Yeah that does make it risky being business partners, but being friends actually helps. We know a lot about each other already. I think that would make things easier." James offered.

"That's probably true. But are we willing to mess up our business relationship?" Daniel asked.

"I think we are both professional enough to keep our personal life and our business life separate. Don't you?" James asked.

"Yes, I think your right. Um...Would I be to forward to ask to stay here tonight?" Daniel asked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." James said with a big smile. The two men got into bed and cuddled up. This time neither had a tough time getting to sleep.

James and Daniel enjoyed the next day a lot more than the last, because they were now a couple. They spent the morning on a boat tour of the city. They found the most private part of the boat so they could hold hands under there blanket-it was rather cold out on the water.

"This tour guide is really working my nerves." James stated after they had heard him ramble on for about 2 hours.

"I know, I thought he said he was going to take a break...but he just kept talking." Daniel joked back.

After the boat tour, they went to watch a play. They saw "Take Me Out". Which they both enjoyed very much, and were kind of aroused by the shower scenes and full frontal nudity! They followed that up with lunch. After that they had to rush to the concert hall for Daniel to rehearse for his show. Daniel was really glad to have James there for his show. That night Daniel gave one of the best performances of his career.

Realizing they couldn't possibly see New York City in three days, they agreed to spend most of the third day at the hotel resting up for their mutual trips out of town. Daniel was heading back to London for a while after this. They made plans to see each other soon though.

Meanwhile back in Orlando that night two good friends were on their way home. Brian was amazed at what had just taken place at the party...He came to just spend sometime with his friends, but got a lot more than he was expecting. A.J. had been the one to drive him to the party, so it was up to him to get him back. Brian was both thrilled and scared of this fact.

"A.J. about tonight?" Brian asked as he shut his door.

"What about tonight Brian?" A.J. almost mirrored his question.

"Well, I enjoyed the kiss." Brian stated.

"So did I Brian. Right now I really wish you weren't married." A.J. confessed.

"Yeah I know what you mean. But I am..." Brian said for the first time in a while feeling almost sorry to be married.

"It's okay man. We are still good friends, and we won't let this get in the way of it. If we are meant to be together Brian, it will happen when the time is right." A.J. said.

"You are right. I am getting worried about nothing. I just wanted to make sure we were both on the same page." Brian said.

"Of course, I don't want you doing anything crazy like leaving your wife man." A.J. said in a funny voice.

"That wouldn't do at all. It looks like we are here." Brian said realizing they had already made the short trip to Brian's house. Before exiting the car Brian leaned over and gave A.J. a small kiss. It wasn't the big wet one from earlier, but it did send a shiver down both men's spine. The two separated, and said their goodbyes.

Brian loved his wife very much indeed and was attracted to her very much, but the attraction to A.J. was something very different. He only hoped he could push it aside for the time being. When he saw his wife that night, it drove all thoughts of A.J. out of his head. She was beautiful, and he loved her so much. He couldn't imagine being with anyone else.

A.J. didn't have anyone to go home to that night, but he wasn't sad. He was happy for Brian and the other couples. He however did want to find someone nice. Perhaps he would someday soon. He honestly hoped it would be a girl so he wouldn't have to be as private with his relationship as Nick had to be.

But had Nick been all that careful? The next morning Colin went to get the paper, and to his shock there on the front cover was a picture of Nick and him making out in the park...he scanned the article quickly, and found yet another picture of him holding hands with Nick. This was two pictures, and it was rather plain to him who was in the pictures. He was stunned and couldn't move for a while. Thoughts were pouring through his head such as: what will the fans make of this; what will the other guys do; will Nick be furious at him; what could he do to make things better?

All these thoughts had run through his head, but none of them did anything to unfreeze him from where he stood. Nick happened to walk through the living room and saw Colin standing in the front yard.

"You know if you're going to stand outside, you should probably put on a shirt." Nick said laughing at his boyfriend standing outside in a pair of shorts.

"Nick...I'm sorry." Colin said as he started crying. He blamed himself for this mess, and couldn't think of anything else to do but cry.

"What's a matter baby? Talk to me." Nick said holding him.

"This..." Colin managed to get out handing him the paper.

Nick took the paper but instead of reading it right then, he led the two of them inside and down onto the couch. Nick had a good idea what it was...finally taking time to look at the paper, it confirmed his suspicions

"Colin first of all it's not your fault this happened. I was careless the other day at the park, because I'm so in love with you. I can't think of it as something to hide. So I didn't hide the other day, and you know what? I'm okay with this. And you should be too. We both knew it would come out eventually. Did we not?" Nick asked.

"I guess so. I was just scared you'd be mad, or worse you'd be in trouble with the other guys." Colin said with a sniffle, but his crying had stopped.

"I'm not mad at you at all. I love you babe, and we will get through this together. We are going to need each other both now more than ever. This is probably going to be rough for a while. I won't lie to you." Nick told him.

"Yes." Colin answered. It wasn't a long statement, but the agreement seemed to be enough for the moment.

Nick held his boyfriend as they both kind of waited for the world around them to erupt in one way or the other. Nick let out a few tears himself once Colin was calmed down a little. He cried a little because of fear, but mostly because of the fact he didn't have to hide anymore. He was happy...damn whatever may come he was happy in that moment. He also couldn't help notice how good they looked together.

"When this is all over with, I want to get a copy of this picture for our living room." Nick stated. This made Colin laugh.

"I love you Nick, and I will help you through this." Colin offered getting back to himself.

"And I love you too Colin, and I will for as long as I live." Nick stated.

The two enjoyed the moment for a while before it happened-the phone rang. The first call was from David oddly enough. Apparently Jive hadn't been alerted yet. But David was on top of things.

"Hello." Colin answered the phone.

"Hey babe, um, did you see the paper this morning?" David asked.

"Yes I did." Colin answered.

"So I take it you guys were in fact the men in the pictures?" David asked.

"Guilty and it was a nice picture." Colin joked.

"Okay Colin I need you to come down to the office as soon as you can. Go ahead and take a shower or whatever. Make yourself presentable. I'll be getting on the phone with Jive next, but as your agent Colin I highly recommend you at least make a press statement this morning. You never came out on the national level, but I assume you are going to do so now?" David asked.

"Um yes, I was planning to do so eventually anyway. It just hadn't come up yet." Colin answered.

"Great, do you have this on speaker phone?" David asked.

"Yes, Nick is right here with me." Colin answered.

"Great, okay Nick you should probably go through Jive to handle your side of things, but if you want you can be at the press conference with Colin for support." David offered.

"Of course I'll be there. And I'll be making a statement as well." Nick told him.

"Very well, I just didn't want you to get in trouble with your label." David said.

"Don't worry I'll do whatever press conferences they set up for me as well." Nick responded.

"And I'll be there with him on those." Colin threw in.

"Good I'm glad you two are taking this so well. I was really worried about you both. Okay, I will contact Jive and inform them of your plan of action Colin. Nick I highly recommend you do the same, before they make a statement for you. They may try to cover this up, and from the sounds of things you both are ready to go public." David stated and asked at the same time.

"Yes we are ready to go public, I mean those pictures are too fabulous to deny." Nick said with a chuckle.

"Great. Well, why don't I just let you handle the jive call then?" David asked.

"That'll be fine. I'll do that while Colin gets a shower, then I'll get ready. We'll be there in about 45 minutes Dave." Nick said calmly.

"Thanks for calling so soon dear." Colin threw in for good measure.

With that done Colin headed for the shower, and Nick dialed into headquarters.

To be continued.

Oh, exposed to the world...what will happen next? Stay tuned to find out. Please send your thoughts and comments to leo1980@pride.com Thanks once again to Randy for his editing tips. Please stay in touch guys and gals.

Next: Chapter 18

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