Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on Jul 14, 2003


Disclaimer: I still don't know any of the celebrities in this story. So just think of it as a total work of fiction, which it is! :)

Wow, this is a fun chapter, starts off with some drama, but gets much more light hearted soon. I hope you enjoy it. Comments are welcomed at leo1980@pride.com and check out www.geocities.com/leoinbama if you are not already there.

Spinning Nick Chapter 16

The meeting at Kevin's office was a turning point for Colin and his relationship with the Backstreet Boys. Actually some might say it was a turning point for the Backstreet Boys period. Just the smallest ripple has such a lasting effect.

"Come on in Colin. I'm glad you could make it on time." Kevin said very matter-factly.

"Yes, well you did give us plenty of notice of the time change after all." Colin offered dryly.

"Of course, anything I can do to help." Kevin said with a grin on his face.

The meeting had just started and things were starting off on the wrong foot. Kevin's body language spoke nothing but professionalism and a certain ring of coldness was in his voice. They were not acting like friends or even acquaintances. Both things they should have been at this point under different circumstances.

"So what exactly did you want to discuss with me about the song? Did you want to make some last minute changes? I was told the single was already in print...coming out any day now." Colin spoke truthfully. Because he had in fact already received the first royalty check for presales on the single that came out the following week.

"Yes well you heard correctly, but I wanted to speak to you about the video. We have already shot the footage for it, but we were hoping we could slightly alter the song in the middle so we could have a cut scene with just music." Kevin explained.

"I don't have a problem with that at all. You could have handled this with a phone call to David." Colin suggested nicely.

"So are you saying you don't take your work seriously?" Kevin asked.

"I didn't say that at all man. I just meant that since your not actually changing my song, it's not that big a deal. It's practically standard these days to pause the song for something happening in the video, isn't it?" Colin asked.

"So you're saying this is just common place, and the video is not that big a deal to you?" Kevin asked.

"You're putting words into my mouth again. Wait, I know what you're doing. You are trying to get a rise out of me?" Colin asked.

"So Colin, let me get this straight. You think I'm picking a fight with you now?" Kevin asked. As he pulled out a note pad and started taking notes.

"Well, you keep taking things out of context and making me sound like a jerk. When I just came here to help you out with this song, and you are not giving me anything but grief about it." Colin was starting to lose his temper.

"Fine, I think you are correct I should have dealt with your agent. Good day Colin." Kevin said turning his chair around.

"Good day to you as well." Colin stormed off in a huff, and when he saw Nick he just gave him a look that stated `What the hell?'

Nick could tell it didn't go well, and stated "I didn't hear what went on, but I take it didn't go well?" Nick asked.

"He was totally rude to me the whole time. Everything I said he made into a personal insult to him. And on top of that he ended the meeting early stating he would talk to David about what he wanted. So not only did he wake us all up early, but he wasted my morning." Colin vented on his boyfriend.

"Fine, do me a favor dear. Go set in the car, crank it up and let the car get cooled off. You need to relax a while anyway. I'll be their soon. I just want to have a word with Kevin." Nick said looking almost as angry as Colin.

Colin didn't really want to go to the car, but something about Nick's look told him it was better not to argue with him. So he walked out to the car, and started the engine. Soon cool air was hitting his face, and it did have a calming effect on him. He turned on the radio to entertain himself while waiting for his love to return.

Meanwhile Nick had entered Kevin's office and taken possession of Kevin's note book. The conversation was listed almost word for word; save for the fact Kevin had put his own comments on everything.

"Once you're done looking at my note book I would appreciate you handing it back to me. I have to fax that information to Jive." He stated.

"What are you talking about? This is total idiocy. All Colin did was show up to talk about the song he sold to us. He was polite and punctual despite the fact that you rescheduled the meeting one hour before it happened." Nick stated.

"Well that's for Jive to decide isn't it?" Kevin said snatching the notebook away from him.

"Fine do what you want Kevin. I'll be sending my own fax to Jive-namely stating that you wasted company funds scheduling a meeting that by the way Jive is liable for paying for Colin's time. Which you totally wasted! You say here that he was rude and raised his voice to you twice. That's not true first of all, because I was just outside the door. I would have heard." Nick said with is voice slightly louder than he had personally aimed for.

"Get out of my office Nick, before I have you escorted out." Kevin stated as he picked up the phone and started dialing some random number that Nick didn't recognize.

Nick left the room feeling somewhat defeated. He had no idea what he hoped to accomplish by going into Kevin's office, but he sure didn't accomplish much more than pissing the both of them off even more. Jive would get two very different reports about said meeting that day. And a rift between band mates was also in the air.

Nick was really mad when he got to the car, but when he saw Colin look up at him with a deep look of concern it sort of melted away. It was still there under the surface for sure, but for the time his anger was pushed to the side. Colin was hoping some peace was made between them, but giving the state the men were both in when he left. He knew better.

"So, do you want to talk about what happened now or later?" Colin asked carefully as Nick closed the door.

"Let's go with later. I don't want to get in a bad mood before I drive us home." He stated. Nick leaned over and gave Colin a short but sweet kiss.

The drive home wasn't very eventful, seeing how both men were fighting the urge to bring up Kevin neither could really think of much to say. Luckily it was only a thirty minute drive home from Kevin's office. So the music playing on the radio did a little bit of good to drown out their negative thoughts.

When they arrived and were in the house, Nick finally broke down his held back anger had turned into depression. Colin held him while he cried, and then Nick told him everything-including how they weren't on speaking terms before the meeting.

"Nick I know you were trying to protect me, but from now on if something is bothering you. I want you to know you can tell me anything." Colin said.

"I know, it's just you had the stress of meeting all my friends and the move...I just didn't want to add Kevin to your worry list." Nick stated.

"Please, that boy has been a thorn in my side since we met. Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." Colin realized he shouldn't talk ill of Nick's band mate.

"No you have every right to say that. I don't know what I'm going to do Colin. I don't know if I can work with him anymore or not. We can't even have a conversation without raised voices anymore." Nick stated.

"Don't worry about that now dear. The album is ready to be released, you have the first video shot...you shouldn't have to deal with him directly anytime soon. I'm sure he'll calm down with time." Colin offered.

"Kevin holds grudges. He won't calm down anytime soon honey, but thanks for trying." Nick was still sad, but then again so was Colin. He was afraid Nick's relationship with him might cause problems. But the damage was already done, and they breaking up wouldn't help anything. Besides they were a little codependent on each other at this point.

The mood was getting way too heavy so Colin suggested inviting David and Brian over that evening. Being around their best friends might help to lighten the mood. Brian agreed to come, as did David. Brian said he'd bring A.J. with him. And David said he'd bring Eric along, so it was turning into a regular party.

Colin and Nick made sure to check the supplies to see if everyone had something to drink, and they had something to feed their guests with. Luckily Colin and James had grocery shopped before he left for New York City. So Colin threw out a couple bags of chips on the bar in the kitchen, and made a platter with sandwich meats, cheese, and various vegetables and fruits. By the time they were through the guests had started to arrive. Putting out plates and positioning the bread in an obvious place, Colin walked with Nick to greet the first arrivals.

It was Brian and AJ that arrived first, and they had both brought along house warming gifts as they called them. Brian handed Nick a jumbo sized condom, and AJ gave them a can of Crisco. Yeah, maturity was streaming from them at that moment.

Apparently someone clued David and Eric about the gag gift theme, because they arrived later with a giant black dildo and a set of sex dice in that order. `The dildo wasn't going to come in handy, but maybe the sex dice!' Colin thought to himself.

With their lovely house warming gifts stuffed away in a corner where no one could see them, the party resumed. So the guys decided to play a game. Many games were thrown into the air like truth or dare (done to death at parties), I Never (A.J. didn't want to play a drinking game), spin the bottle (vetoed by Brian).

"Why don't we do a combination of a couple games? Hey Colin you remember the game you and I came up with at that first party we met at?" David asked.

"Oh you mean strip truth or kiss?" Colin asked.

"Yes that's the one!" David said excited.

"I've wanted to play that for a while now!" Eric said obviously he still remembered the first game we shared with him.

"Okay I'm a little scared. How does this game work?" Brian asked.

Colin and David relayed the rules the best they could. It was quite simple...everyone's names were put in a hat and it was passed around the room. If you happened to pull your own name out of the hat, you had to lose an article of clothing. If you get someone else's name you ask them a question. If they refuse to answer the question, they have to kiss the person whose name is drawn out of the hat next. Everyone put 3 pieces of paper with their names on it. Once all the names were out of the hat the game was over.

Brian started the game and he pulled out Colin's name first. "Okay Colin, have you ever kissed a girl?"

"Yes I have once; they don't kiss as well as guys!" He joked.

The hat went to A.J. next, he pulled out his own name and instead of taking off his shoes, like everyone guessed he would, he pulled his shirt off. After a few whistles and claps, the hat was passed on to Nick.

Nick pulled out Brian's name. "Okay Brian, who gives a better blow job, me or Leigh-Ann?" This erupted huge amounts of laughter from the other guys.

"Okay who am I kissing?" Brian said blushing badly.

Nick pulled out the next name, and to everyone's surprise A.J.'s name came out again. Brian looked shy about it at first. But A.J. walked to him and pulled him out of his seat, and dip kissed him out right! The guys were having a field day with this. There were cheers and laughter all around.

"Hmm...this game isn't so bad after all." Brian said with a slightly too obvious bulge in his pants. He realized it a little too late and set down and positioned himself where it wasn't so obvious. Sensing his embarrassment, no one called him on it.

The hat went to Colin next and he pulled out David's name. "Okay David, how old was you when you lost your virginity?"

"I was 19 actually." David answered. Colin looked like he wanted to hear the details, but David responded with "Sorry you only get one question per round."

Colin handed the hat to David, who pulled out A.J.'s name which officially put A.J. out of the game. "Maybe we should have shuffled the names better!" A.J. joked as he waited for his question.

"What is your sexuality?" David asked.

"I'm bisexual." A.J. answered truthfully. There was a few surprised looks from Brian and Nick, but considering the kiss from earlier no one was too surprised.

Eric was given the hat last for the first round and he pulled his own name out. He followed suit and removed his shirt as well. Colin couldn't help but stare; this boy had a nice body! Nick might have been Jealous, if he wasn't too busy staring himself. The game got back under way soon after though.

Brian pulled the next name out and it was Nick. The only guy not to be picked yet...seeing it as his chance for revenge he asked the same basic question. "Okay, who's better in bed Colin or me?" More laughter returned.

Nick started to answer, but then he saw why Brian didn't answer his question. Either answer would hurt one of his closest friends. "Pull out the next name!" Nick said finally.

"Okay it looks like it is Nick...hmmm...he can't kiss himself."

"Oh, that's the double rule! We forgot to tell you about it!" Colin yelled and David and Eric started giggling wildly.

"What's the double rule?" Nick asked somewhat nervous.

"Oh it's not so bad. You just have to take off 2 articles of clothing." David explained. Nick didn't like the sounds of that, but he pulled off his shirt and shoes. He really wished he would have worn socks now. One more pull and he'd be in his briefs.

A.J.'s own name was out of the game, but he still wanted to play, so he pulled out the next name. He pulled out David's name. "David, how did you first know you were gay?"

"Oh that's a good question. I think I always liked guys, but I realized I was gay when this guy in high school like kissed me. I didn't expect it, but it was way hot!" David explained.

A.J. seemed pleased with that answer and passed the hat to Nick. Nick pulled out his own name. Everyone applauded loudly as he removed his pants; his black briefs were all he had left on. Colin couldn't resist playfully swatting him on the butt before he sat back down. Nick responded by kissing him on the ear. "You better stop love, we have company." Colin said giggling.

Colin took the hat from his mostly naked lover and pulled out the next name. He pulled out Brian's name. "Okay Brian, if you weren't married right now, would you fool around with A.J.?" A.J. and Brian both blushed at this one.

"Um...probably." Brian said under his breath.

But luckily enough everyone heard him, and had a great time laughing about it. Except for A.J. and he just looked at Brian funny.

Colin quickly passed the hat to David, hoping to relieve the tension. But to no avail, because David pulled out Brian's name. "So if you could kiss anyone in the game, who would you pick?"

"Oh great...either I tell who I want to kiss, or I have to kiss someone at random real fun! Um. Fine, pull a name out of the hat." Brian said looking defeated.

David pulled out none other than Eric's name out of the hat. "You better not smooch my man like you did A.J." David joked.

Eric and Brian did kiss pretty well, but not anything as dramatic as before. It was Eric's turn now, and he managed to pull his own name out of the hat again! Eric was really embarrassed now. "Um do I have to?" Eric asked rather embarrassed. It seems he had made the mistake of removing his shoes when he had arrived.

"Don't worry babe. They won't tackle you!" David encouraged as Eric stood up and removed his pants. It was pretty obvious to everyone that he didn't have any underwear, and his 7 inch soft penis was there on display for everyone. Once again mouths dropped, and this time there was a little drooling going on.

"Um, yeah is it my turn?" Brian asked flustered. Brian pulled Colin's name out of the hat. "So what sound do you make when you have an orgasm?"

"Um, er...Pull the next name please." Colin said giving Nick a dirty look. It seemed that Nick had hinted to Brian about Colin making this loud squealing sound right before an orgasm.

"Oh my, this is interesting." Brian held up a piece of paper with Colin's name on it.

So it came to pass that Colin removed his shoes, and his shirt. Only Brian had all his clothes on.

There was only one name left in the hat, so A.J. wasn't surprised at all when he pulled out David's name. "Okay David. Do you think you would ever date a celebrity, if you and Eric weren't dating anymore?"

"I guess it depends on the celebrity, but I guess I might." David answered ending the game.

"That was a lot of fun...um do you guys mind if I get my clothes back on." Eric asked.

"No, I think it's best if you just stay that way." A.J. answered for the crew. David agreed, but he set in Eric's lap to cover up his equipment from prying eyes.

There was a growing sexual tension in the room, but to their relief everyone behaved themselves mostly...Colin had a suspicion that David moved around a little too much in Eric's lap! And when Nick sat in his lap, well it wasn't exactly a pg party! A.J. and Brian said they had to leave the party early, so Colin and Nick lead them out. Eric and David said they would just stay over for the night, so they excused themselves to the guest room...there were a good many sounds coming from that bedroom!

Nick and Colin also worked out some `stress' that night and fell asleep in each others arms. Colin, before going to sleep, couldn't help but think what might happen between A.J. and Brian on their ride home!

To be continued.

Did Brian and A.J. fool around on their trip home, and speaking of trips...what are James and Daniel up to? Answers to these questions and more will be coming soon.

Notes: Thanks again to Randy for editing tips (This is the Night [must read]). Um, I'm having another small batch of writers block, but hopefully I'll have the next chapter ready before the end of the week. Just keep your emails coming to leo1980@pride.com Thanks the emails have really helped lately. :)

Next: Chapter 17

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