Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on Jul 8, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know the real Nick Carter or any other celebrity mentioned here in. So please don't take this serious, it's just for fun! So enjoy it to the max!!!

Thanks for coming back to another chapter of my story. I never thought this story would last as long as it has, but it's been a blast. And I really am enjoying the way it's going. If you are let me know at leo1980@pride.com and if you don't like the way it's going tell me that too. I like to hear your thoughts whatever they may be, as long as they are constructive. :)

Spinning Nick Chapter 14

Colin was so surprised to see none other than David his best friend walk through the door. He was greeted with hugs from both men. Mr. Smith gave a big laugh; it seems he had been on this for a while now. Colin was sure that his friend would take great care of his career, and he'd get to spend time with him again!

"Wow, so this is why you wouldn't tell me who your new client was?" Colin asked.

"Yes, I wanted to see your shocked look in person. Your smile was worth the wait. You can't imagine how hard it was to keep this secret. I've known for almost 2 weeks now." David said.

"That's a really long time for you to keep anything secret." Colin joked.

"So I guess we don't have to worry about being stuck with a stranger anymore." Said James, also seeming to be almost as happy as Colin.

"What else did we have to talk about?" Colin asked Mr. Smith, really wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.

"That's about all really. I hope you will keep your promise to stay in touch, and I'll be looking out for more great songs! Good luck to you both." With that they left the office.

The boys decided to go out for the night. Eric was still back home getting things ready for their move. It seems the two of them would be moving in together. It was kind of surprising to hear they had gone that far in their relationship. But since they had been friends for a long time, Colin thought they probably knew each other pretty well at least. Eric seemed nice enough, but Colin was concerned about it. So that is what they talked about at dinner that night.

"So don't you think your moving in with Eric a little too fast?" Colin asked perhaps a little too blunt.

"Well, to tell you the truth it does seem a little soon, but the fact is it's just to expensive for us to both get a place when we move...and to be honest we are always staying at each others place back home anyway. The only real difference will be that we have to share a closet. I really want to spend my life with him, and this is just the next step-even if it is a little earlier than normal." David responded.

"You certainly have a point there. I guess I'm just a worry wart sometimes, but I don't want to see you get hurt. So I'll just have to let him know if he messes up I'll have to hurt him." Colin said with a smile.

"No you won't, you wouldn't hurt a fly! But I know what you mean. Thanks for caring babe." David said squeezing Colin's hand that was on the table.

"So on a lighter note, do you guys have a place already?" James asked, trying to take the tension off.

"Yeah, we have an apartment picked out and are almost ready to move in. We will be moving this weekend, just like you guys. It's all happening so fast. I do hope that I'm not pushing this all on Eric too fast. But he really seemed to like the idea of moving though." David said.

"Orlando is certainly a much more gay area then where you all were living. I think it'll be a good change of pace for you both." Said James.

"That's very true. I think it'll be great! I can't wait for the four of us to go on a double date." Colin said plotting out this idea in his head.

"That does sound like fun," said David. "But Can Nick really be out in public with 3 out guys?" David joked.

"I hadn't thought about that, but I don't see how it will make a difference, no one knows we are gay except ourselves and family. I mean we aren't famous yet! If we ever are, that is to say." Colin told him.

"I guess so, but I'm thinking you should still ask Nick before you arrange our first double date!" David commented on the fact that Colin was so excited about it.

"Of course I will. Though I am sure he'll be cool with it. You'll see!" Said Colin being very happy still.

However on the other end of the table was a very quiet James. He felt so out of the loop in that moment, he was the one without anyone... James was very happy for the two couples, but he was wondering when he'd meet a nice girl or guy. He was really attracted to women usually more than men, but lately he's really been thinking about guys.

One in particular had been in heavy rotation in his fantasies. He hoped he would hear from Daniel again soon. They had been exchanging phone calls a lot lately about the new album he was working on. Almost like his thoughts had reached out through the distances that night James received a phone call!

After the three made it back to the apartment, James excused himself to allow David and Colin to spend some time getting reacquainted. He considered David a friend as well, but he knew all too well that he would be out of the loop of most of the things they would talk about. He had only been around David a hand full of times after all.

He picked up his guitar and started playing freestyle. He turned the tape recorder on his desk just in case anything good came from it. He really had no intention of writing anything though. He just wanted to space out. He felt his emotions flowing in his rhythm, and all the stress from the past few days just seemed to be flying away from him. He was so relaxed by the time his phone started ringing he almost didn't hear it.

"Hello this is James how may I help you?" James stated answering the phone.

"Um, James it's me Daniel. I didn't realize I had reached a help line." Daniel said laughing.

"Oh sorry I used to work in tech support for Dell; I guess I kind of got used to answering the phone like that." James said laughing at realizing he had slipped back into his days when he worked phones for a living.

"That's really funny. I guess you were distracted. It took you forever to answer the phone. Should I call back later?" Daniel offered.

"Not at all, I was just playing a little, before you called." James quickly hit the stop button on his tape recorder. He didn't want to record his phone conversation.

"Oh I see, working on a new song?" Daniel asked.

"No, I was just playing to relieve some stress." James told him.

"I take it the move is stressing you out or is it something else?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah, it's kind of scary to leave everything I know to start off in a new city all over again. Shit man I don't even know if I'll have someone to hang out with down there. Nick and Colin will be to themselves a lot of the time. I guess I'll be a third wheel till I can make some friends." James stated.

"You have a point there I guess. So you are moving next week? How long do you think it will take you to get everything unpacked?" Daniel inquired.

"I have a lot of junk, but it shouldn't take but a couple days to unpack. I have most of my stuff in boxes already, ready to be loaded on the truck." James told him.

"That's great, why don't you come spend a couple days here and let the love birds break in the house. I could really use the help with my music." Daniel offered.

"Where is here exactly?" James asked realizing he had no clue where Daniel was calling from.

"Oh I'm in New York City working on my new album. I was hoping you could come out, we could see the city, and work on some songs? If that's cool with you?" He offered.

"I'd really like that actually; hell I've never been to the city before. It should be fun." He stated.

"I really like your southern accent." Daniel teased.

"Well, I recon yall England folks sound right funny too!" James responded. "Yall oughtta speak American! I don't know nothing about no bums or shite. Is that anything like an ass?" He asked.

At this point Daniel was really having a hard laugh on the other end. The two continued to take pop shots at their own accents, and really seemed to enjoy the conversation. Once they finally calmed down they agreed to spend three days in New York together. James knew it wasn't exactly a romantic getaway, but it was a start. At least they were getting to know each other better!

With the conversation wrapped up he left the room to go take a shower. He would be going to sleep soon. Little did he know Colin had just walked in his room as he left. He had come to ask James if he wanted to go with him to take David to the airport tomorrow. But he heard the shower turn so he turned to leave when he happened to see the tape recording running. It seems James had actually not started the thing to recording earlier at all, but had started it to recording when he `stopped' it. Colin stopped it for him this time for sure. He had heard the sounds of his guitar earlier, so he thought he'd go ahead and listen to some of it. So he cared the tape recorder with him.

He set down in his room and rewound the tape. He started it to playing, and to his surprise there was no music at all. It was just James talking. It didn't seem to make a lot of sense either. "Yes, I really don't want to spend the whole week with Nick and Colin." There was a pause and then: "So we will get to see the city, and I'll get some time away from the whole Colin and Nick love fest! Sounds great!" James stated on the recorder.

Colin quickly stopped the tape, and got up to return the tape recorder. He wasn't sure whether to be offended by that statement or just confused and curious as to whom he was going to spend time with. The truth is he was feeling both. He could understand wanting to spend some time away from them since they kind of were to themselves a lot, but it sounded almost like he had a problem with Nick and him.

He decided he would go and talk to him about it after his shower. He would have to apologize for listening to the tape first of all, which would be a challenge when he was kind of mad about what he heard. But he knew it was best not to jump to conclusions maybe it wasn't as bad as it sounded.

After he heard the shower turn off, and was sure James had time to get dressed, he went to knock on his door. "Come on in." James said. "Hi Colin, what can I do for you buddy?" He asked.

"Well, I'm sorry to say I kind of listened to your tape recorder earlier tonight." Colin said.

"Ah, don't worry about it. I don't mind you listening to my music." James said giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"Well, what was on the tape wasn't a song; it was a conversation...I think you were on the phone with someone." Colin stated.

"Oh man, did I get the record button and the stop button confused again? I really hate this new recorder. I will make sure to get a new one soon." James stated not seeming to be worried about the overheard conversation.

"As I was saying, I'm sorry I listened in to your conversation, but I kind heard a few things that I'm confused about." Colin started.

"Oh what's that?" He asked looking confused.

"Well you said something along the lines of wanting to get away from Nick and me." Colin said looking down at the ground. Not really wanting to make eye contact.

"Hmmm...you mean the part I was joking about the Nick and Colin love fest?" James asked remembering the conversation finally.

"Yes, it sounded like you were offended by us being together around you. I thought you being bisexual and all, you wouldn't mind it." Colin said feeling somewhat hurt.

"Colin man, you know I love you both. I was just playing around with Daniel. If you would have listened to more of my conversation, you would have realized we were both just playing around. We made so much fun of each other that we should never talk again. Seriously I didn't mean anything by it." James said pulling Colin into a hug.

"I'm glad you weren't serious. I would really not know what to do if you didn't like to be around Nick and me. After all, we are dating. He'll be there a lot." Colin stated.

"I know. I like Nick and I think you are both a great couple. I love chilling with you, but you have to admit it'd be nice to spend some time just you and him? Right?" Colin asked.

"Yes that's true enough." Colin admitted.

"So then you can understand that I don't want to be in the way of your first week back together, I mean it's been almost a month since you both have seen each other." James reminded him.

"I hadn't thought about it, but you have a point. It's very sweet of you. So you're going to spend time with Daniel...as in Daniel Bedingfield?" Colin asked finally realizing what James had said earlier.

"Yes, I'm going to spend 3 days with him in New York. We are going to see the city, and work on his music together." James explained.

"That should be lots of fun. Make sure to tell me all the details later. I think he likes you." Colin said.

"No, he liked you remember!" James joked.

"That was so forever ago! He's over me now, and I'm thinking he likes you." Colin stated.

"I doubt that, but it would be nice. I guess...I haven't really dated many men as you know. But Daniel is certainly hot. And we have a lot in common." James admitted.

"Sounds great to me, we all have to have somewhere to start. If nothing else, you guys will be great friends." Colin offered.

For once James was starting to think maybe there was something there. They had spent a lot of time on the phone recently. By the end of those three days, perhaps he'd know for sure if there was chemistry between the two of them.

To be continued.

Will James and Daniel hit it off? What lies ahead for Nick and Colin? Have we heard the last of Kevin? Stay tuned!

Thanks lots to Randy for editing pointers on my story. I am always thankful as well for emails, whether it be to ask questions about the story, or to just let me know you actually read it. LOL! leo1980@pride.com

Next: Chapter 15

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