Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on May 13, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nick Carter or any other celebrity that might wander onto this story. This is just my imagination running wild. This story deals with adult situations, such as gay men and the relationships they go through. If you are uncomfortable with it, or think it's illegal to read about homosexuals in your place of residence...Please refrain from reading my story. Though since there's no real action (yet?), I don't think you're in much danger.

Well, it's been a long time since I wrote anything, but I'm back again. I really missed doing these intros, disclaimers, and of course just sharing my work with all you lovely people. I do hope you'll enjoy my new story. Please send any comments or questions to leo1980@pride.com

Spinning Nick Chapter one

Oh DJ, don't break my heart, Oh DJ, I'm layin' it on the line. Oh DJ, don't let it end tonight. Oh DJ, won't you be mine?

"But I'm still lost and at all cost I gotta know" was heard on the radio and then a voice came on.

"And that was Nick Carter's `Help Me'." Stated Colin the evening DJ at WLAM radio. "Nick is going to be here in concert this Saturday folks I hope you have your tickets already, because it's sold out!" He stated. "Up next is some Christina Aguilera, the weekend's almost here. Let's get dirty folks!"

As the song started Colin removed his head phones. He knew he had a break since this was the start of a 30 minute non-stop music period. It had been a long week, and he was looking forward to seeing Nick Carter's concert. Working at the radio station that was covering the show certainly had its advantages. He managed to get 3rd row tickets and a backstage pass. He really would rather have gone to the concert with a friend, but since he only got one ticket...He'd just have to spend the night looking at Nick alone.

Well, maybe alone wasn't the right word...when your at a sold out concert. But Colin was sure he'd have a good time. He had been following Nick's career since the Backstreet Boy's first cd came out in America. He considered himself a fan, and was excited at the possibility to meet Nick.

After confirming with his boss that he was free to go after the break was over, he got ready for his last segment. He had barely put his headphones off when the music was ending.

"All right everybody it's about that time. I hope everyone has a great weekend, and I hope to see you at the concert this weekend. And once again let me remind you that we are giving away the last pair of tickets tonight at 8. Tune in when Jackson gets the party started! Now to see me out here's a personal favorite `More than That' by the Backstreet Boys." Colin said as he switched on the song. He was glad to see that he was all clear to head home to get ready for the weekend.

Jackson the night DJ was just walking in as Colin left. They exchanged greetings and Colin continued his way out of the building. Colin's night was pretty uneventful. He spent most of it doing a little laundry, and double checking that he had the perfect outfit for tomorrow night. He also double checked to make sure to put his ticket in a place he couldn't leave the house without seeing it-namely under his keys.

Sleep found him soon enough, and morning came all too soon. Colin always hoped to remember some good dream the next day, but as usual his dreams either didn't come, or he could not remember them. Getting out of bed he pulled on a pair of briefs and a white cotton robe that he loved so much. It was the last gift Peter had ever given him.

Peter was Colin's former lover. Peter had died two years ago, and Colin had been single since then. He had gone out on a few dates, but he just wasn't ready to get serious. He clung to his robe as he remembered his lover. It had been long enough that it didn't make him sad to think about Peter, in fact it just made him happy. With a warm feeling in his heart he walked down to the kitchen to start breakfast. That was when the phone rang.

"Hello David." Colin said answering the phone after viewing the caller id.

"Hey Colin, what are you up to tonight?" David asked.

"I'm going to the Nick Carter concert dude. I told you about that yesterday." Colin said with a little chuckle. He always was amazed how easily David forgot something...

"Oh yeah, you still want to go make googoo faces at him instead of go out with me tonight?" He asked acting hurt.

"To be honest, yes." Colin stated before laughing.

"You're such a bastard. You know someday I might quit chasing you, you know?" David said with some seriousness to his voice.

"Well, that's your call man. I can't blame you, because you deserve nothing but the best." Colin answered.

"Argh, I can't stay mad at you. I hope you have a good time. And maybe we can go to a movie Sunday evening?" He asked.

"I think that can be arranged." Colin said which seemed to satisfy David. Soon they were off the phone. Colin had feelings for David, but just not the kind David had for him. David would probably have given up, but Colin sub-consciously wanted him to chase him. So occasionally Colin would encourage David's attentions. Really all he wanted from David was a best friend. But despite even going as far to state that, David still held onto a hope they might get together. Both men had some blame for the state of their relationship.

The day couldn't go by fast enough for Colin, but soon enough it was time to head for the concert. Colin parked his car and realized he was about an hour and a half early, which was about right, considering how long it took to get into these events. He would have loved to get into see Nick before the concert, but the backstage pass was only good for after the show. Which was fine with him, since most of the radio winners passes were only good for the meet and greet before the show, he would not have to wade through as many screaming girls to meet Nick.

He made the walk across to the entrance of the building. He saw many fans camped out with signs perhaps hoping to get on TV or some far off chance that Nick might accidentally show up. Colin had been to enough concerts to know that the groups never came in the front door. Looking around he saw the station van and the little stand they had set up for the evening. He walked over to see that Jackson was at the stand doing his show from the venue. Colin made a mental note to thank his lucky stars he didn't work Saturday nights.

"Hey Colin" Jackson waved at Colin as Jackson removed his head set. He obviously had just gone to commercials.

"Hey Jack, how's things going here?" Colin asked him.

"Pretty good, the people without tickets will be here soon to swarm around to try to get on the radio...I'm not looking forward to the rush." He groaned.

"That is the life of a radio dj I suppose. Do you want me to get Nick's autograph for you?" Colin asked him.

"No thanks, but if you see Susan in there make sure she doesn't attack the poor guy." Jackson said as Colin was setting off towards the entrance to the building. Susan was Jackson's wife and it was also well known among the people at the office that she had a crush on Nick Carter. Poor guy's wife is off lusting after another man while he had to work.

Colin made it past the metal detector, and was glad he wouldn't have to empty his pockets. After walking through the doors, he spotted a stand selling Nick Carter shirts and various other knickknacks. He chose a neon glow stick with Nick's name on it, and a program. He collected programs from all the concerts he had been to.

After he had made his purchases, he headed towards his seats. He saw that the opening act was already playing. He didn't really recognize the group, but the music was pretty good so he got into the rhythm of things. He didn't feel the need to scream like everyone else there, but he was having fun.

After the opening act had done its show, it was time for Nick to come on. Colin really was screaming when he came on the stage. Any attempts to play it cool went out the door. He might as well have been one of the screaming girls. And he was close enough he could have thrown something at Nick if he wanted to. For Colin this was awesome. Colin stared hard at the pop star realizing he was a lot sexier than he had remembered...or maybe he was just caught up in the moment. Colin would get all excited whenever Nick looked his way, though he was pretty sure Nick wouldn't see him with all the lights flashing over the stage. But just in case he would scream real loud when he looked that way...not that he could hear himself with all the other girls screaming around him.

After an amazing concert, it was time to head backstage. Colin knew that he'd be a nervous wreck meeting him after going crazy over the guy, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. He walked towards the backstage area, pulled out the pass, and showed it to a security guard that quickly ushered him in.

When he had made it back stage he saw a group of girls talking to someone, and thought it was probably Nick. Sure enough it was Nick there talking. He was shy, but knew it was now or never. So he walked up towards the girls, and tried to speak...but nothing came out. Nick luckily spotted him and said the first words.

"Hey there in the back, did you enjoy the show?" Nick asked Colin

"Yeah, it was great." Colin said, blushing a little that he was talking to Nick.

"So, which one of these lovely ladies is your girlfriend?" He asked Colin.

"Um, neither of them...I came here alone." Colin told him.

"Cool man, I'm glad to hear some guys like me too." Nick joked.

The girls weren't too happy that his attention was on someone for more than a moment, so they started back yammering to him. One girl even went as far as to push Colin aside in order to get closer to Nick.

Colin moved back, and managed to see Susan standing by a side wall kind of laughing at him. Colin walked towards her and waved at her. She gave a knowing smile before she went drudging towards the crowd of girls, hoping to get her 10 seconds of Nick.

Colin figured that'd be the end of his conversation with Nick for at least now, so he moved along the hall and saw a room that appeared to be a dressing room. He peeped in and saw that there was a nice little couch, a big mirror, and a few racks of clothes there. He also so a little bar of snack food set up there. He felt like maybe he shouldn't go in, but curiosity got the best of him. He walked in and looked around. He noticed that some of the suits had been worn that night by Nick. He quickly took a whiff of them, and was excited by the manly smell. He got a little weak in the knees so he set down on the couch.

"I really shouldn't be here." Colin mumbled to himself after he'd been there a minute or two.

"Don't worry about it, I won't call security yet." Nick said as he walked into the room.

Colin gave a small yelp at the sudden entrance, and was glad that Nick was smiling instead of looking mad.

"Soo-sorry I didn't mean to be snooping around or anything, but I guess I...well I'm glad you're not calling security." Colin laughed realizing he couldn't explain this if he had too.

"It's okay; curiosity gets the best of us sometimes. So you really liked the show then?" Nick asked.

"Sure it was great. I love your album; I play your songs a lot on my show." Colin told him.

"Oh wait, I thought I recognized your voice. I was listening to your show yesterday after rehearsals." Nick told him.

"Cool, what do you think of our station?" Colin asked him.

"Pretty good, I'm surprised they let you get away with playing Backstreet Boys music. The group is so dead as far as media is concerned." Nick told him.

"I don't think so. I'm sure if you guys came out with a new record it'd be on top in no time." Colin said.

"Perhaps, I'd just be glad if this album isn't my last solo one. It's done well, but not as good as `you know who'." Nick said.

"Oh, I don't say the J' word either." Colin joked. Justin Timberlake had released his solo album about the same time as Nick, and Justin got way more coverage by the media then Nick did.

"It's hard to make it in a world where the media makes or breaks you. I never have understood by you guys got criticized for the same things that Nsync was glorified for. Oh, sorry for saying the N Word." Colin Joked.

"Yeah, life's a bitch I guess. I'm glad you're a fan though. We don't have that many males that are openly fans." Nick told him.

"I've been a fan since the start Nick, and I hope you do well in whatever you try." Colin told him honestly.

"Cool man, maybe I can set up an interview with you on your show?" He asked.

"Wow! Really? I'd really like that. I figured you'd be out of town after this." Colin said.

"No, I have a couple days off; I'll be in town till Monday night. I'll stop by the station Monday evening?" He asked.

"Sure that'd be great. I'll see you then!" Colin was pretty excited.

After that the men said their goodbyes, and Colin headed out. He wasn't sure how he'd sleep that night, but he knew Monday couldn't come soon enough for him.

To be continued.

There's more to come, but please let me know what you thought of the first chapter. leo1980@pride.com

Next: Chapter 2

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