Spicing It Up

Published on Mar 20, 1997



SPICING IT UP by XHKZ23D@prodigy.com

Chapter 1

I had really felt run down for over two months. I had lost weight, not that I could not stand to loose a few pounds. I was 29 and was starting to get a slight middle age spread, not that I was fat, I was just developing what are called love handles. My energies were just not there and I finally got concerned enough to go see my doctor. He suggested that I go to the hospital for a day and have a complete physical.

On Tuesdays as usual I had dinner with my best friend Tom. He and I had known each other since we were both 15 and came from the same small town about a hundred fifty miles up north. For the last six years since we both moved to the city we had dinner on Tuesdays and usually spent the week ends hanging out if either of us were not involved in a steady relationship. I had broke up with my girl about eight months before and Tom never liked a steady, preferring to play the field. Tom and I were very close almost like family and felt we could discuss anything and everything with each other.

We met at our usual restaurant and both ordered. Tom looked straight into my eyes and asked me what was wrong. I told him I did not know. "I just seem to be tired all of the time, I went to the doctor yesterday and was going to the hospital for tests on Thursday." Tom said lowly under his breath, "Are you going to be tested for aids?" The thought had never crossed my mind, I was shocked that Tom would even bring it up. He jumped in and said, "Now don't get up tight. I have myself tested every six weeks." This surprised me because I thought only gays and druggys got aids. "Tom must have read my mind, "Anyone that has unprotected sex can get aids, so don't start thinking I have switched to men or have started shooting up or anything. Even though I am always careful I always carry protection." With this he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of Trojans.

As we left the restaurant and headed for our cars, Tom again suggested that I be tested for HIV. I told him I would ask the doctor.

When Thursday came, I asked the doctor and he told me it was already something he had thought of and that I would be tested. He explained the other tests he was prescribing which included a lower and upper GI, an EKG, several scans , both urine and blood analysis and several other nerve and circulatory tests. I asked him when he would get the results. He said that he would have most of them the same day and the others by Friday afternoon.

For the next twelve hours, I was probed, poked, felt and plugged into who knows how many machines. Now I must tell you that one thing about me is that I am hairy. I have hair on my chest, stomach, back and a lot on my legs. I have a hairy ass and even hair on my feet. I must some where in my background have a close relation that was a gorilla. The nurse apologized but told me she was going to have to shave me where she put the electrodes on my body. There were four for each arm and leg and another six on my chest and back.

When I got back home that night, I looked in the mirror and was amazed that I had bare spots all over my body. I looked like a mangy dog.

I went to the doctors office on Friday afternoon and he sat me down and we began to talk. He first told me that he could not find anything physically wrong with me. He said that he felt that my rundown feeling was more psychological rather than physical. He asked me about my sex life, and I told him it was nonexistent at present time. He asked how often I masturbated, and I told him only when absolutely necessary which was about every two weeks. He even asked me if I preferred females to men. He finally said that he wanted me to come back in about two weeks, and that during that time I should try to find some outside interest to take my mind off of myself.

Chapter 2

On Friday nights, Tom usually hit the bars. At one time I used to go with him, but when I got involved with my last girlfriend, that was our night together. Now, I usually just did a laundry, cleaned my apartment and puttered around. On Saturday mornings, I usually got up early and headed for the complex pool for a dip and to lay in the sun for the morning. Tom would join me there and we would spend the day together. This Saturday was different. I could not go to the pool looking like a mangy dog. I got up and dressed. I even put on socks, and a long sleeved shirt. I was laying on the couch watching television when there came a knock on the door. I knew it was Tom and I yelled for him to come in.

Tom came through the door and immediately asked me what was wrong. He was wearing a brief swim suit that left nothing to the imagination. Now, as I told you I was hairy, Tom had hair also, but it was different. His hair was light brown and he had a triangle between his pecs and a thin line that ran down to his trunks. His arms and legs were covered in a soft looking light brown fuzz. He was bare footed and sat in a chair across from me and reached over and shut of the TV.

"What gives?" he asked. I told him nothing. He said for me not to give him that shit and asked if the doctor said something to upset me. I told him no and went into detail of the report from the doctor.

He said that something was wrong, "I've seen more skin on a nun than you are showing." I thought I could kid him out of any more questions and said, "I did not know that my skin was something to turn you on." He threw a pillow at me and went to kitchen and came back with a beer and said, "Seriously, what is going on?" I asked him to promise not to laugh. He promised and then I told him about my shaved parts. I could see that he was on the verge of busting, but he held it. "I want to see" he said. I sat up and took off my shirt. Dropped my pants and removed my socks until I was sitting in my boxers. He said that it did not look that bad and that it would grow out in a couple of months. He asked if that was all that was shaved and I told him yes, only the parts that I would normally show to the world. He said I could shave off the rest and it would not look so patchy. I told him I had thought about it but could not get up the nerve to do it. It would be like removing part of my masculinity.

He asked me if I wanted him to do it, and I said that I could not let him do it any more than I could myself. He just said, "Well, I offered, it might be fun." I called him a pervert and stuck out my tongue.

I got up and got myself a beer and when I returned Tom, said what I needed was to get drunk and stoned and forget the whole thing. For some reason I agreed. He said that he was going to go home and get some good stuff that he had got this week and would be back in a while. He asked if he could spend the night here. In all of our years Tom had always gone home on Saturday night to show up again on Sunday morning. I told him sure, I did not mind, if he wanted the couch. He left and in about a half hour was back with a small bag and about a case of beer. We begin to drink and to smoke and before long we were oblivious to what was going on around us. After a bad case of munchies, I began to feel sleepy and told Tom that I was going to take a nap.

I woke up on my bed and my hands had been tied together to the top of the bed and I looked down and my feet was tied also. I also was naked. I yelled and Tom, came into the room with the black bag. He said to me. "Since you won't shave yourself, then I am going to do it for you." I started to squirm and tried to get free from my restraints. He told me to calm down that I would thank him in the morning. He said that the more I fought it the more he would shave.

He took out a plastic sheet and pulled it under me to protect the bed. He took a pair of beard trimmers and slowly began removing the hair from my chest, then my stomach. He looked at me and said to himself, "Why not?" and then went to work on my pits. I began to call him names and to squirm because the buzz of the clippers was tickling me. He then worked on my arms and then my legs. He turned me over and did the same to my back and my ass and finished my legs and arms. Then he turned me back over and spread my legs and began between them removing all the hair from my balls to my ass. The buzz of the clippers was working on that area too and I began to get a boner. He shut off the clippers and I looked down my body and all the hair I could see was a stubble except my pubic bush. I said "Why don't you cut that off too?" He just said not a bad idea and started the clippers. He grabbed my hard cock and pulled it to the side and soon my balls and pubes were clear of every thing but a stubble. I told him that when I got loose his ass was grass. He left the room and I could see that you could still tell where I had been shaved in spots all over. He returned with a dishpan of hot steaming water and a can of shaving cream. He lathered up my body beginning with the back and shaved me from head to toe. He even spread my cheeks and shaved my ass hole. He slapped me on the ass and said that looked real sexy.

He turned me over and began lathering the front. I looked down at him and could see he had a hard on in his trunks that was bulging for relief. I had never seen Tom completely naked and he had never seen me until now. I began to wonder what his cock was like. I saw a small wet spot as his precum was seeping through the material of his trunks. He shaved me again from head to toe being careful around my prick and balls. He told me to lay quiet, that he did not want to make a slip and cut something vital.

When he was finished, he washed me off and rubbed me down with baby oil. He said that at one time he had a girl friend that liked her pussy shaved and he did it for her. He said that she never looked as sexy as I did now.

He asked if he should let me up and if I could behave. I told him it was all right. In fact it felt good and I wanted to be able to feel my self all over. He untied me and I ran my hands over my chest and felt my nipples, then run it down to my crotch and even between my legs to my ass. I was horny and wanted to beat off, I was so turned on by this that I could not stand it. I stood up and went to look in a mirror. It was sexy looking even I had to admit. I just turned to Tom and thanked him.

Chapter 3

I really did not mind being shaved completely, as I said it was a real turn on. I could not remember how many years that I had hair all over. It seemed forever. But, I was still pissed at Tom for doing it without my permission. And I did not like that he had enjoyed it so much. I wanted revenge and started to plot how to get even. I remembered something that my girl had given me. She worked in a vet's office and had given me some drops that they use to induce cattle to mate. We even tried it one time. I took one small drop in my drink and was a fucking machine for the next twelve hours. I got into things that I would never have thought about with out the drug. It sure broke down my inhibitions and improved our sex life from that time until we broke up.

I spread a sheet over the couch and sat down. I did not want to get the oil on the fabric. Tom was back in the chair and I sat there horny as a bitch in heat and stroked my naked prick. Tom asked me if I did not want to put some clothes on and I just smiled and shook my head. He told me it was embarrassing to set there and watch me play with myself. I told him that the shaving had turned me on and that the doctor had implied that I should increase my sexual activities. He turned the TV on and began to watch MTV. I got up and went to the door without him paying any attention. Now, my door has a dead bolt that works with a key from both sides. I locked it and then hid the key in a potted plant. I went to the kitchen and poured both of us a strong tequila sunrise and then got the drops and put one drop into Tom's drink, then decided that I'd add a second for good measure. Now, I thought to my self, let's just see how horny you can get Tom boy. I could just picture him squirming and when he found he was locked in begging for the key so he could go find some ass to satisfy his lust. Oh, I'd give it to him, but maybe I'd make him shave his own pubes before I told him where it was.

I handed Tom his drink and went into the bedroom and pulled on a pair of cutoff jeans. When I returned Tom had finished over half of his drink. He asked me if I thought it was hot in the room. I went and checked the thermostat and told him that it was 70. I could see that he had began to sweat. He started rubbing his chest and stomach. He kept fidgeting in the chair to get more comfortable. I was really getting a kick out of watching him. Several times his hand headed for his prick but remembering that I was there he stopped short of his goal. He excused himself and went to the bathroom. I listened at the door and could tell that he was wanking off.

When he came back he downed his drink and walked over to the thermostat and asked if I minded him lowering it that he was so hot he thought he would roast. I said to him, "What ever turns you on." And I could sure tell he was turned on. His swimming trunks were tented out in front so much the waist band stuck out from his stomach. He excused himself and went again to the bathroom. Again I listened and heard him beating off to another climax and this time he was not as quiet about it as he was before. I could hear him moaning and groaning. I was sure getting a sadistic pleasure out of this and for some reason was also being turned on by his actions. When he returned, I said to him, "Got a weak bladder this evening?" He said that he guessed he did. But, I noticed his frequent trips were not helping his situation, his trunks were tented out more than ever. He lit a joint and we shared it. I guess he thought that this might slow down his rising libido.

He said to me that maybe he should go home and got up. He asked me where the key was and I acted stupid and said that I thought it was in the door. He said that he really had to go and started to demand it. I told him that he did not have any business driving in his condition. He shook his head and said that I was probably right and sat down again. Again he began to rub his body and this time let his hands even go between the waist of his shorts and fondled his balls. I looked over to him and said, "You got a problem there boy?" He immediately pulled his hands out and said he was just horny he guessed." I said that surprised me since he had beat off at least twice in the last half hour. Tom, turned red.

He asked me how I knew and I told him that I had listened. He said that he did not know what was wrong with him. He said, "I've never been so horny." I said well, that was a shame and began to pay attention to the TV. "Paul, would you mind if I took off my trunks, they are uncomfortable." he asked. I said, "What ever floats your boat." He slipped down his trunks and told me that I was sure enjoying his predicament. I just smiled and continued watching TV. He immediately started stroking his cock. I glanced at it and was amazed how big he was. I had never seen it before. Even though we had been close we had never even jacked off together as most teen age boys do. We had never been naked in front of each other. Well, I was feeling rather proud of my self, he had stripped and shaved me and saw my cock and nuts and now he was exhibiting himself in front of me. I had my revenge, I just wondered how we both would feel in the morning.

I stretched and told Tom I was going to bed. I got him a pillow and a blanket and threw them on the couch. I also gave him a towel and told him it looked like he was going to need it pretty soon. When I got to the bed room, I stripped out of my cut offs and headed for the bathroom. I was standing in front of the toilet and draining my prick of hot piss when I saw cum all over the wall behind it. I knew it was Tom's and could see that he had sure dropped a load. I reached out for some reason and stuck my finger in it and felt that it was still warm. I stuck my finger to my lips and tasted it. I had tasted my own many times. My girl really got off on me cumming on or in her and then eating my own fuck juice. His tasted sweeter than mine.

As I returned to the bedroom I glanced into the living room and there was Tom working his hard prick in his right fist and could see that he had at least two fingers of his left hand up his ass. Wow, that was a sight, I wished I had a Polaroid camera. I went into the bedroom and again viewed my now hairless body in the full length mirror. I began to stroke my own cock and after about twenty strokes splattered my seed all over the mirror. I did not even clean it off, I just climbed into the bed and fell asleep. I was spent.

I dreamed of all sort of things that night as I fell into a deeper sleep. I remembered Tom standing over my naked and bound body with the clippers in his hand. I felt his hand again on my hard prick as he ran the razor over my balls and crotch.

I don't know how long I had been asleep when I was aware of Tom coming into the room. He said, "Paul are you awake?" I said, "I sure am now." There he stood with his hard pulsing cock in one hand as he walked over to the bed and sat down. He looked at me and smiled and said, "You bastard." I asked him what he was talking about. He just waved the bottle of drops in front of my eyes. "You, did this didn't you." I just smiled and said, "Revenge is sweet."

He grabbed me and we began to wrestle and soon Tom was on top of me and had me pinned to the bed. I could feel his hard prick probing into me through he sheet. He said, "You bastard, I ought to tie you up and make you take care of this problem for me." as he held me down and rubbed his swollen cock against the sheet. I felt something warm all of a sudden on my skin and realized that Tom had dropped another load of fuck juice. He continued to hold me down and he said that was the sixth time he had shot and asked me how long the stuff was going to work. I told him about twelve hours. He let me up and said that he was going to sleep in here and every time he had to cum he was going to wake me up and make me watch. I told him to try to sleep and it would soon be over. I closed my eyes and soon drifted off as Tom climbed between the sheets.

I was not even fully asleep when Tom woke me up and I could feel the sheets moving as he pulled at his hard prick. He woke me and I turned toward him. I pulled the sheet down and began to watch. It was a turn on and I felt my own cock start to rise. Soon he was bursting forth with another volley of cum juice. Boy, was this hot. I wanted to grab my own cock and start pulling it. Tom, did not even stop after he came, but he did say his arm was giving out and he stopped. Pretty soon Tom sat up in the bed and asked me if I would help him out. I looked at him and asked what he meant. He said embarrassed, "Would you wank me off, please?" I said, "Tom, I can't. I've never done anything like that before." He said that it was OK for me just to forget it. He climbed out of bed and went to the kitchen. He said he needed some juice and asked if I wanted some too. I just said "Why not." I was awake now. He came back in and I noticed as he walked his rigid tool kept swaying back and forth as he walked. He sat on the bed and we drank our juice and just as I finished mine, it dawned on me. I said to him "You didn't?" He simply replied, "Oh yes I did." I only said one thing, "Oh shit." He simply said, "What's fair for the goose is fair for the gander, except in this case it should be what's fair for the gander is fair for the other gander."

Chapter 4

In a very short time I felt the drug starting to take effect. The room was getting hotter. I threw the sheet off and just lay there. Tom, looked at me with a wicked smile on his face and asked me if I had a problem. I could have killed him right then. I was worried what was going to happen. I knew from my one experience that the drug had strange effects not only on the sexual drive but the inhibitions. I knew that was why Tom had the nerve to ask me to jack him off. I wondered what effect all of this was going to have on our future relationship. I figured that I had gone too far. I had thrown a 14 year friendship down the drain on a practical joke and it was backfiring on me.

I grabbed my hard fuck pole and began jerking off. Tom, just looked over at me and began wanking himself. He said, "Well, Paul lets get on with this because it is going to be a long night and you have some catching up to do." I watched Tom pull on his meat and was amazed at a discovery I had just made, he was not circumcised. I watched his foreskin move up and down over his head and soon I shot my load straight up in the air and it landed on both of us. This must have triggered Tom because he reciprocated with another large load and some of it hit me right in the face.

I just fell back on the bed and breathed heavy as I felt the need to do it again. Twice more we shot in the air and yet we were not satisfied. We were both covered in each others spent semen as well as our own. I scooped up some off of my shaved body and used it as a lubricant to start jacking off again. Tom, leaned toward me and stopped pulling his pud and began to rub the creamy substance into my skin. He said to me that it looked sexy. I told him to shut up and keep beating. He said to me with another sly grin on his face, "Mine or yours." I stuck my tongue out at him and he told me I better be careful or he would make good use of my tongue. I stuck it out again and this time some of Tom's cum dripped off my face on to it and I swallowed and shot another load.

After Tom came again we were still horny but our arms hurt too much to do it again. I turned on my stomach and began to hump the mattress. I looked over at Tom and saw him watching my ass move up and down. I turned over before he got any other ideas. He said, "Don't worry, I would not do anything you did not want to do." My problem was I was worried over what I did want to do.

He suggested that we get up and take a shower that it might at least relieve some of the muscle tension as he headed for the bath. I got up and followed. As Tom took a long piss I turned on the shower and adjusted the pulsating head to fast massage and stepped in. Tom, to my surprise stepped in behind me.

I grabbed the soap and started lathering up my body. It felt strange now that I did not have any hair anywhere and I could feel my self rising for another shoot out. I handed the soap to Tom and he washed my back even down in my ass crack. Then he lathered up his own self and handed me the soap and asked me to wash his back. I lathered up my hands and began running them up and down his back, neck and even his legs. Then I looked at his still hairy ass and began to lather up the cheeks. When I ran my hand down his crack he bent over slightly so that I could really work up a good lather. As I touched his pucker he began to moan. I kept working it up and even stuck a finger into his hot hole as I had seen him do to himself earlier. He was hot and slick inside and it caused my cock to throb. He was pulling at his cock with one hand as he supported himself with the other. As I kept moving my fingers in and out of his hot hole he kept saying over and over to me to "Just do it." I said "Do what?" He said "Fuck me. Quick get a rubber and fuck the shit out of me." I asked him if he was sure. He just nodded his head as I reached into the medicine cabinet and pulled out a rubber and pulled it over my raging hard on. Then I stood behind him and had second thoughts. I told him I couldn't. He just said, "Oh yes you can and you want to." He was right and I pushed between his cheeks and entered his hot canal. As soon as I entered Tom gave out a groan and shot all over the shower wall. I soon was filling the rubber with my hot load. We turned off the shower and stepped out and dried each other off. Tom, turned me toward him and looked directly into my face and just said, "Thanks."

When we got back to the bedroom, Tom stripped off the cum stained sheets and put the plastic on as I retrieved fresh sheets. I watched him bent over making the bed and looked at his ass. I remembered I had just fucked him and used his body to satisfy my sexual hunger. And, I wanted to do it again. He crawled in first and I was on the outside and both of us were still with raging hard ons. I sat up and told him I had to piss. He pulled me back down and told me later that I had some catching up to do. He began running his hands all over my stomach and chest. He started to play with my nipples and then to suck them. I thought I was going to drop right there. He climbed between my legs and began to masturbate me with one hand and fondle my nuts with the other, then he surprised me by taking my whole prick deep into his throat. I felt my juices begin to build. I said, "Tom stop! Pull off, I'm going to cum." He stopped and looked into my eyes and said, "That's the idea Paul." and went down on me again. This time I could not stop him nor could I hold back the load that was beginning to rise in my cock. The sensation was just too much and I began to pump into his hot throat. I could see that it was running out the corners of his mouth. I was embarrassed for some strange reason. When he pulled off of my still hard cock he licked his lips and smiled at me. I started laughing. He asked what was so funny. I said the look of all my fuck juice running down his chin. He grabbed me and stuck his chin to my lips and for some reason it felt very natural to start licking it off, I even licked his lips and felt like kissing him, but knew that would be going too far.

I looked down at him and asked him why he did that. He said he did not know, but he had had the urge since he had shaved me earlier. I asked him if he had ever done that before. He just said no was he so bad that it showed. I said no it was so good I felt he might have had practice. He just smiled and told me I was still four times behind. I moved down between his legs and began to fondle his balls with my left hand and even was running one finger over and into his hot asshole. I began to stroke his uncut cock with my right hand. It felt strange. The only cock I had ever had in my hand was mine and when hard the skin is pulled tight. His was loose and moved up and down his shaft and the head kept peeking out at me with every downward stroke. I knew I wanted to taste it, I wanted to take him deep in me and to give him the marvelous feelings that he had just done for me. I started to move my head towards it and he stopped me. I asked him why. He said he was scared. I asked what he was scared of and he said that he could not hold off and would cum. I said that is what I wanted. He said no it might change things and I had never tasted anyone's but my own. I told him that was not true and asked him whose he had tasted.

He pulled me up to him and held me in his arms and said that if he told me I could never say anything about it. I agreed and he continued. He said it was Ed's his older brother, and that it was innocent and an accident. He explained that when they were younger they had jerked off together often. Never touched each other but lay naked side by side and beat off until they both shot their loads. One time apparently as Tom was cumming he had his head thrown back with his mouth open and when Ed shot his load part of it landed in Tom's mouth. Ed had been so embarrassed and apologetic that they never beat off together again. Then Tom asked me whose I had tasted. I said, "Yours, you shot all over the bathroom wall and I wanted to see if it was as good as mine." He said, "Was it?" I told him better. He said well I might as well get it direct from the manufacturer and he pushed my head to his cock and I swallowed his hard cock down to the base. I pulled back up and began to lick around his foreskin and underneath to the sensitive head. That was all he could stand and he shot into my mouth. I tried to swallow all I could but some still ran out the corners of my mouth.

He pulled me up to him and looked in my face and asked if it was any better when fresh. I told him it sure was. He said that he still did not believe it could be better than mine and he planted his lips over mine and started a deep passionate kiss. I felt my balls pull up and I shot another load between us. When he let me go he said that now I was only three behind. I grabbed him and planted a kiss on him.

Chapter 5

I lay beside Tom and asked him if he would do something for me. He said that he thought he had done everything that could be done. No, I said that there was still one thing I wanted and needed. He looked at me with a questioned look and I told him I wanted him to fuck my shaved ass. He asked if I was sure and told me it was going to hurt. I said that I was sure it would but I wanted it. He told me to get on my knees and that he would get me ready. I figured he was going to lube me up and finger me until I got used to it. He got the oil and crawled behind me and again asked me if I was sure. He told me just to relax and not fight him. I felt him spread my cheeks and he told me it was the sexiest sight he had ever seen. But instead of feeling one of his fingers penetrate my hole I felt something wet and warm. I looked down between my legs and saw that he was eating out my ass. I began to moan, it was the wildest sensation I had ever felt.

Soon, Tom playing with my hole and lubricating me. I could feel him penetrate me but it was not uncomfortable. I told him to put in two fingers and he told me he already had three in me. He said, "I think you are a natural for this if you are not uncomfortable." I told him it must be the drug. I felt him pull out and put the rubber over his cock. He raised up and placed the head of his hot rod at my opening. He told me to relax as he began to apply pressure. All of a sudden I felt my hole open up and felt his head slip into me. He held it there and then I felt him push further and more of his cock entered me. I began to push back. I felt a burning sensation in my hole but not great pain. I told him to fuck me. He shoved further into me and I could feel his balls slapping my cheeks and he began to piston his hard cock in and out of my hole. He kept striking something in side of me and I thought I was going to cum, but instead I began to piss all over the bed. When the piss stopped I came once and then twice. I felt him reaching his peak and soon he shoved completely into me and I could feel his cock start to pulse filling me with his hot juice.

We both collapsed on to the bed in my piss and cum. We were both breathing heavy. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 4:00 am and knew that Tom's drug should be wearing off. I reached for him and pealed the rubber from his cock. I turned it inside out and licked up the load that was there. I noticed that his cock lay flaccid for the first time since I had first saw it. We got up and Tom told me that he was sorry, instead of fucking the shit out of me he only fucked the piss out of me. As he stripped the bed he asked me if I was all right. I looked at him and smiled. I knew I was fine now but in the morning I did not know how I would feel.

We showered together and fell into bed and went to sleep in each other's arms. When I woke the next morning I slipped out of Tom's embrace and went to the bathroom. I grabbed a robe and put it on and got one of my spare ones for Tom. I headed for the kitchen and put on some coffee. It was now almost 10:30 am. I sat down at the table and did not know how I was going to face Tom. I got a cigarette and lit it, thinking maybe it would calm me down. I had been trying to quit, but if I ever needed one this was the morning.

Tom came in wearing the robe I had laid out for him and said the coffee smelt great. I poured him a cup and handed it to him. I could not look at him. I just turned away and told him I was sorry. He grabbed me and turned me around and grabbed both cups and headed for the living room. He said we needed to talk. I sat on the couch careful to cover up my naked body underneath. He reached down and retrieved his swim trunks and laid them on the table beside him. I said, "The key is in the potted plant so you can leave when ever you want." He asked me if I wanted him to leave. I told him no but realized that our friendship is over now. He got up and knelt on the floor in front of me. His robe came open and I could see his beautiful body. He placed his hands on my knees and looked at me and asked me if I wanted our friendship to be over. I just said "No, but after what I did and what the drug induced us to do would change that friendship." He said yes, it would, but he wanted me to know something. I asked him what. and he began asking me not to interrupt him until he was finished.

Tom, began by saying, "Yes all of last night would probably not have happened if you had not slipped me a Mickey Finn. But, you must know that the drug only lasted until right after we took our shower and you had fucked me. From then on it was all on my own. You made me so horny and I had an excuse to do all the things that I wanted to do for years. The reason I have never had a steady girl was that I only wanted you and did not have the nerve to approach you. I figured that this would end our friendship for sure. If it does, I can say that it was worth it, but I hope you can put it out of your mind and we continue being friends. Paul, I can't help myself, but I love you." With this he began to cry.

I did not know what to say. I told him that I probably would not have responded to him if he had not slipped me the drug in my juice also. He said that he had another confession. I said, "What." He said to me there were no drops in your drink. You let things happen because you thought I had, but I did not.

He reached up and lay his head in my crotch. I pulled the robe apart, because I wanted to feel his head on my flesh. I looked down at him and began to caress his hair and said, "Let's go back to bed."

Chapter 6

In the next two weeks, I began to feel my old self emerge again. Tom, never went home to stay just to get some clothes he needed for work. He even gave notice to his landlord. We became comfortable and slept in each other's arms each night.

When the time came for me to return to the doctor's office Tom went with me and waited in the waiting room. The doctor asked how I was feeling and I told him great. He said I looked good and asked what I had done to change things. I told him that I had taken his advice and found a new interest that took my mind off of myself.

He told me to strip that he felt he should examine me anyway. I turned red and told him I couldn't. He asked me why and I told him I could not tell him that I was to embarrassed. He said that it could not be anything he not seen before. He said he had seen about every thing. He said a lot of guys even have piercing all over their bodies. Some their nipples and some even their genitals. I told him it was nothing like that and began to strip. He looked me over and said, "Is that all? Look, Paul you do not know how many guys come in here shaved." He lowered my boxers and said to me that it looked like a good job and asked me if I had done it myself. I told him no, that someone else had done it for me, but the nurse at the hospital had started it when she just shaved areas all over my body so that I looked like a mangy dog. He said that sometimes something as intimate as shaving a partner is what a stale relationship needs to spice it up. He examined me and told me I could get dressed. He said it looks like every thing is still intact and working fine.

As I left he followed me out into the waiting room and I introduced him to Tom. As we headed out the door he called after us and said, "Tom, if I ever need a good shave I will call you." Tom looked at me and said, "You told him?" He said, "No, Tom, he did not tell me, but I knew when I looked at the way you looked at each other. I knew that part of Paul's problem was that he was forcing himself to be something he wasn't and he had began to hate himself for it. I knew he only had to meet the right man to open his eyes, and I think he found him."


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