Spencer Andy and Den

By Dan

Published on Jul 20, 2004


Okay, this is a story featuring characters from Eastenders, the Trademark and copyright belong to the BBC. It involves graphic depiction of a sexual nature. IF you are under eighteen, may be offended by the content or would be breaking the law by reading it, leave now. The story is just that and does notimply anything about the sexuality of the actors or characters featured.

This will be the last story in the series as I want to try something new. Thanks to Bill + Jack for thier input so far.

My new project is going to be called 'Hollywood Hotel' which will be split into installments called 'Room1', 'Room2' etc and I want you guys to email me to request which studs you want to be staying in these rooms and who you would like to read graphic sexual activity about. So suggestions for the first four hotel guests and your reasons why would be greatly appreciated....

One hand is held roughly against Spencer's head, pushing it down against the desk. The rest of his body, naked, wet, is laid out, his chest and stomach slowly rising and falling. Spencer can't think, can't act, his self an extension of his slowly, quivering arse hole. Behind him Andy holds onto the root of his cock. He pushes, from the fat, purple head all the way down to the base, making an equisite slapping sound and then removes it all in one go, so that the sticky, oozing precum creates a trail from the fuck slit to Spencer's pulsing hole. Once more the cock rides home, nine inches in one second, and withdraws, each time Spencer's man cunt expanding painfully and in ecstacy and then withdrawing begging for more.

'Oh god, Andy. Please, I can't take it. I need it quicker. Just hold onto me. Please fuck me harder', Spencer whimpered through shallow breath's.

'I told you not to Speak, Spence', Andy replied camly, 'Just listen'. As if to prove the point his cock dug deep with a resounding smack against Spencer's lightly muscled cheeks.

'I like it when he begs', comes a voice from the speaker phone on the desk,'I like to hear the litle cunt beg to be fucked'.

It was Den. Andy had called this meeting to discuss business but Den had excersised his right to at least one day off. Once Andy had tempted him with some information about his latest plan and a chance to hear Spencer taking that big, daddy cock, he conceded to a conference call instead.

'Don't you wish Den was here Spence', Andy whispered in his ear as he bent over to get a deeper Angle inside the boys chute, 'Don't you wish you were gagging on his cock. Do you remember how big it was? What it tasted like?'

'Oh Jesus, I wish he was here. I wish he could be here' Spencer moaned as Andy began to pick up the pace.

On the speaker phone Andy and Spencer could here the sound of Den's breathing going up a gear. 'You wouldn't be jerking off would you Den?' Andy enquired. 'Not just that', came the distant reply, 'I'm keeping up with that slapping sound. It's amazing how much dildo I can fit up my arse without passing out. Just keep that smacking nice and loud'

'How . . .how . . .how big is it, Den?' Spencer mumbled. The smacking has reached a steady metronome rhythm.

'I told you to be quiet!' Andy commended, grabbing Spencer's spiky hair and pulling him up, so that his back arched and every part of his body made a long line to his puckering star. 'But it's a good question'.

'Well . . . oh, Jesus . . . it's black, and wet with my arse juice, and it's just as big as my fat prick. You remember how big I was don't you Spence?'

Spencer tried to reply but the fucking had now spead up quick time, not even half a second between slapping, not half a second between the fat head of Andy's cock rubbing inside Spencer's prostate.

'Before we all cum, I think I should tell you what the plan is,' Andy said camly. Spencer couldn't help thinking how Andy could remain so calm buried inside him. Even Den was moaning between shallow breaths, filling the office with a surreal backing track. Andy grabbed his leg, his foot coming off the floor, his knee moving up in line with his waist, to open him up even more.

'Recently Ronny and Tariq have had a big win in the betting shop. Made them very happy. Something about saving thier house and I want it BACK!'

The shout was accompanied by Andy sitting down, taking spencer with him by grabbing his arse cheeks and lifting him, then dropping him so the boy slid down his cock and stopped suddenly, his teen balls sitting on top of Andy's. 'Oh, my fucking god,' screamed Spence, 'You filthy fucking bastard. You dirty fucking filthy shit. I love you fucking me.' Taking his feet up and onto the chair, Spencer squatted, mentally deciding that Andy wasn't going to be able to talk calmy whilst he rode him. Andy looked down and could see clearly Spencers ring contracting as his cock disappeared up his chute. On the phone, Spence and Andy could clearly hear the sound of thirteen inches of black dildo entering and escaping Den. If they could only see the stud, laying on his back, knees pulled back against his head, the arse raised up and taking that monstrous phallus . . .

'They have the money upstairs in the house and you Den and this little whore are going to arrange a lads night in and find a way to distract them whilst I sneak in and steal the cash. Then . . . oh, FUCK . . .oh, FUCK, I'm going to blow'

Andy grabbed Spencer and span him 360 degrees around his dick so that was facing him and envloped him in a tight embrace thrusting up into the boy's cunt and Spencer began backing into the cock, going deeper. On the Speaker Phone, Den muttered obscenities, as Spencer's face began to tighten and then his long, smooth cock erupted, dousing Andy's chest and Chin as he felt the warmth of Andy fill his backside. The cum from Spencer's cock began to lather against Andy's chest as he felt himself shitting thick white spunk from Andy's release. Andy took the boys lip in his mouth and bit down. On the speaker phone Den moaned with triumph as the anal orgasm ripped through him and as his own cock threw cream on his neck and the bed sheets, the last few shots bringing warmth to his abs and his pubic mound.

Inside the Ferrara household, Ronny dried himself with a snow white towl. The towl moved over his full, low hanging balls and he purred to himself. Dropping the towl he stood in front of the mirror and viewed his body. A self confessed narcicist, he let his eyes run over his dark nipples, his rounded pecs. Licking a finger he traced it over his six pack. His dark skin shimered in the bedroom lamp light. Best of all he loved his cock. Admitedly it was a shower, not a grower, but at six inches soft and another two when hard who was complaining! Alfie had barred him from the Vic for getting it out on the bar but Ronny viewed it as free advertising to any one who wanted a good seeing to.

Pulling on some clothes, he walked around to Tariq's room and opened the door without knocking. 'Shit man, I'm sorry', he exclaimed at the sight before him. Trousers and pants around his ankles, dick in hand, Tariq was wanking hard. Ronny paused for a second, clocked the six inches of Tariq's cock, further clocking the immense thickness of it, then walked out the room. From behind the door Tariq laughed, not embarrased in any way. In fact the sight of Ronny's brief pause to look at his prick made him shudder, convulse, then spunk. The cream coated something in his other hand, a photograph. Tariq ran his tounge over the picture and laughed some more. The removal of spunk revealed the soft features of Spencer, a candid shot taken at the vic.

In the living room Ronny cleared up some mess for the impending lads night in and went a shade of red when Tariq walked in.

'I'm sorry mate, I . . .' he started

'No probs. No harm done.' The door bell intoned. 'Really, just forget it and I will get the door'

'Yer and I will go get a strong drink' Ronny headed off to get a bottle of vodka.

The room span. Spencer reached for the vodka bottle, knocking it over. Ronny and Den burst into fits of laughter at something that would seem much more mundane when sober. Tariq reached out and caught the bottle before it made it to the floor and smiled at Spencer.

'Can't waste a drop, can we?' He enquired to Spence.

'Right, where were we,' Den asked, 'Who's go is it?'

'That we be Mr. Moon' Ronny answered gesturing.

Den winked at Spencer. 'Truth or dare?' The game had been going on for about an hour. Tariq had admitted to jerking off at least four times a day and for a dare Ronny had to describe what he had walked on earlier that evening in graphic detail. Spencer had admitted to losing his virginity last week in a threesome but wouldn't let on who the 'girls' involved had been much to Ronny's displeasure and Tariq's envy.

'Um, a dare, I spose'. Spencer answered in response to the wink Den gave him.

'Okay Spence. I want you to stick the vodka bottle up your arse'. The room went silent. Ronny looked at Den in shock. 'That's a bit heavy man. A bit sick.' He directed a puzzled look at Den.

'Oh come on Ronny, don't be so uptight', Tariq said in Den's defense, his mind racing with a different kind of shock. 'He's supposed to be straight isn't he?' Tariq thought of Den. Secretly nursing his hard on for Spencer each day made him shake with excitment at the thought of seeing the teen take the bottle. And Ronny wasn't going to stop that.

'YOu don't want to do that, do you Spence?' Ronny asked trying to get him out of this awful dare.

'I'm not scared Ronny. I could do it if I wanted to' Spencer replied not letting on that his puckered hole was aching for attention. And with that affirmation he stood and began to remove his jeans. Tariq reached for a cusion to put over his rapidly hardening prick and Ronny got up and walked out of the room. Spence looked to Ronny leaving and then to Den as if to say 'the plan's not working' and Den just nodded to carry on. 'He's got this under control' Spence though as he pulled the Jeans of his feet.

Den watched Tariq as Spencer removed his white briefs. Spencer had positioned himself so his arse was being revealed to Tariq, centemeter of crack and teenage hair running lightly to his hole. Tariq swallowed hard as the boys star became free. He clutched the cushion closer to his cock, the material lightly rubbing his shaft, a small amount of pre cum oozing and sticking to his underwear. Laying back on the couch and lifting his legs, Spencer turned to Tariq, wetted his lips and smiled.

'Will you help me, Tariq?' He half said, half whispered.

Reaching for the bottle Tariq let the cushion fall away. He didn't notice this happen, too busy trying to act like this was just a dare, a laugh. Tariq looked breifly in Den's direction and could see something huge and long bulging in his trousers. 'This isn't a game, is it?' he though. Bottle in hand he shakingly brought the tip to Spencer's ring.

'Are you sure.' He tenderly asked Spencer.

'Stick it in me, Tariq' Spencer said, his eyes now closed.

Tariq slowly pushed the bottle head into the ring waching closley as the ring resisted for a second and the began to envelop the clear tip. Spencer shifted, his cock now hard and resting against his belly button. Any pretensions of this being a laugh were gone. This was sex, no doubt. Tariq jabbed the bottle softly, probing further, the vapour of cold glass turning to water from the heat of Spencers arse.

'You really want this, don't you?' Tariq asked.

'Much more than this Tariq' Spencer answered getting into role. He enjoyed playing a more dominant, teasing role.

Ronny appeared at the door. This was wrong wasn't it? Was this something he wanted to explore more or did he want to leave?. His eyes drifed to Tariq who was ignoring him, staring at Spencers eye's with that fucking bottle in his hands. Spencer was making small, sharp breath sounds but more in agony as the bottle wasn't going any where near as far as he wanted. Den stood and walked over to Ronny.

'Nothing that happens in this room goes any further. See this as an opportunity to . . . experiment.' And then holding Ronny's head he moved in for a kiss. His lips brushed Ronny. Ronny pulled away. 'No kissing,' he said and moved to Tariq and Spencer.

'I tell you something this little whore likes boys. He likes fingers. Now, I know he's had four up there from two different guys. Any one fancy breaking the record!?'Den said with a big smile.

Tariq immediately removed the bottle and took the cusion he had been using to hide his now exposed bulge and put it under Spencer's hips. Wetting his finger in his mouth he placed it at Spencers hole. Den stooped at Tariq's crotch and started unzipping his trousers. 'Let me get that for you, mate; he said devilishly. As the zipper went down, Tariq's finger slid in. As cold air began to surroung his fat, brown prick, his finger felt deep, wet warmth. Den unhooked the waistband and Tariq's cock sprang free, a beautiful thickness that made den lick his lips. Now tariq could feel his finger move inside Spencer.

'Another' begged Spencer.

This time Ronny moved to the hole. This was making him so horny, and it was more about the power that he could have over Spencer than fancying him. His finger moved over Tariq's and followed it as a guide. He could feel the ring resisting, the first set of muscles clamping down and then that same warmth that Tariq was experiencing. Whilst he circled his finger inside Spencer, making Spence moan softly, Den attended to his jeans, unzipping them. Den moved the jeans down and could see clearly thick precum stains coating Ronny's underwear. 'He's loving this' he though as he pulled down the sticky pants.

Den couldn't help stooping and licking the thick cock that greeted him. He had seen it on the bar at the Vic but couldn't believe how potent it looked. Ronny took in a sharp breath. 'You have a lovely big prick Ronny' Den moaned. Moving his attention to Spencer, Den took two fingers at once and began to wiggle them at the tight entrance. Spencer reached for them and pushed then hard up his chute, the impact making his cock shoot a little pre cum. Tariq took this as a cue and stretched the hole futher with another two fingers from his other hand. Six fingers moved in a wave inside Spencer, Tariq with short jabs, Den with purposly long strokes and Ronny adding another two wiggled inside the chute. Spencer writhed on the sofa and then added his own finger. Nine fat fingers entered his arse, now stretched open as if all three guys had entered him with thier fat cocks. Spencer moved his other hand over his cock wanting release and Den, his own trousers and underwear around his ankles was pulling on that magnficent thirteen inches. Tariq began his own assualt on his cock as Den returned his mouth to Ronny's fat dick.

'Right boys, fingers out. Let's get serious,' Den said removing his digits. At once fingers were removed and Spencer whimpered at the empty feeling. He clawed at the hands wanting the space filled. 'Lie on you back, Ronny' Den comanded. Like a deer in headlights, Ronny laid his tight body down, facing up. Clambering above him, Spencer lined his long, smooth cock above Ronny's mouth, his own lips ready to devour Ronny's eight inches of meat. Now in a 69 position, Tariq could see the teen's cock pointing straight down above Ronny's mouth and inches above, his cute butt and ring, visibly red from his finger fuck. He watched as Ronny opened his mouth and allowed inch after inch into his mouth. Spencer lowered his pink lips over Ronny's tool, bobbing and running his tounge on the shaft. 'Tariq, wait here. Watch. I will be back,' Den explained and left the room.

Den moved to the back door and unlocked it. Taking his mobile from his coat hanging on the back of the chair, he rang Andy once and hung up, the chosen signal. Den was sure that the Ferrera boys would be very busy in a few moments.

Returning to the room Den could see Spencers lips right against the base of Ronny's cock and watched as he almost bounced his own prick off the back of Ronny's throat. 'There seems to be a hole right near you Tariq that needs filling. I want you to stick that thick cock up Spencer's arse and fuck him as hard as you can.'

Tariq reached out for Spencer's bobbing hips and rubbed his cock head against the boys twat. His cock slid easily into the hole and with each inch that entered he swore. 'My fucking god, you feel so warm. Oh, my god, I am going to drown your cute little arse in my cum, I'm going to stretch your cunt so wide, you fucking, dirty little boy'. Tariq took hold of the boys hips tighter, dropped his own hips a little and let his balls rest against Ronny's forhead and then began to slam away.

Den moved around to see the sight of Tariq inside Spencer, Spencer inside Ronny. Could hear Ronny's muffled groans and Tariqs slapping. He looked into Tariqs eyes and could see he was lost, totally, in Spencer's cunt. Moving back around to Where Spencer was deep throating Ronny he could see the only hole left to fill. Ronny's dark, virgin arse hole. Standing there, he rubbed his head against the hole and tried to push. Ronny made a small, low grunt. 'Need some lube I think' Den muttered. Spencer raised his head for a second from Ronny's fat cock and opened his mouth letting some precum drip out. Den scooped it up and lathered his dick. He again began to enter Ronny, this time easier, quicker. He thought against the resistance and then felt the space beyond Ronny's tight anal muscles. Ronny began to buck like he wanted to stand but Spencer forced him down with his hips and Den held on tight, timing his thrusts with Tariq.

Meanwhile Andy was moving silently along the corridor toward the stairs. Sticking his head around the living room door, he took in the dirty vision of two guys sucking each other whilst being fucked and stored it for a wank later.

As the fucking began to draw to an inevitable close, Spencer let Ronny's dick drop and said. 'If your going to cum I wan't it on my face. But not you Tariq, keep fucking my arse. Keep pushing inside my cunt' Tariq moaned in agreement and sat taking Spence with him. Now Spence was sitting on his cock and riding it close and hard. Den withdrew from Ronny and both of them stood in front of Spencer jerking. Den took one finger and put it up Ronny's arse and Ronny returned the favour.

Ronny was first to shoot, a hot stream of Jizz. It landed onto Spencer's cute upturned nose and dribbled into his mouth. Spencer screamed and bucked into Tariq harder. Den was second, felt the build up of heat and grabbed spencers hair, bringing him closer to his cock and let the cum hit the boys cheek and chin. Both watched as Spencer put his head back and kissed Tariq, the asian getting his first taste of someone elses Spunk before gripping hard onto Spence and pulling him into his cock and erupting inside the teen's butt. 'Spencer, I never want to stop cumming' he groaned.

And finally Spencer began to loose his wad, up against his lightly muscled chest and jabbing at his arse hole as if to add something else to the crammed ring.

They lay together breathing hard. 'Best lads night I have ever had!' Ronny exclaimed. Then a creak was heard upstairs and Tariq said, 'What was that?'.

'I'm not sure guys,' Den lied, 'But when we get up there, I get to fuck his arse first!' Little did Andy know he was soon going to be on the receiving end of four fat stud cocks!

Next: Chapter 3

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