Spencer Andy and Den

By Dan

Published on Jul 5, 2004


Okay, this is a story featuring characters from Eastenders, the Trademark and copyright belong to the BBC. It involves graphic depiction of a sexual nature. IF you are under eighteen, may be offended by the content or would be breaking the law by reading it, leave now. The story is just that and does notimply anything about the sexuality of the actors or characters featured.

A nervous hand is raised, ready to knock on his door, pauses and lowers. Spencer chews on the bottom of his lip, a small bead of sweat running from his brow.

'Get it together, Spencer', he mumbles to himself, 'This if for Alfie'.

Gathering his courage he raises his hand. He knocks. A smooth, authoratarian voice responds. 'Come in'.

Spencer pushes open the door. Inside Andy is resting, feet on his large, oak table clad in suit and tie. Spencer cursed himself for not dressing for the occasion, like an adult, like a player. At least it would have given him an edge, made Andy respect him a little more. 'This is the last chance to make Andy leave us alone and I'm dressed like a teeny bopper', Spencer thought grimly.

As the door continued to open, Spencer spied another figure in the room. 'Great', he thought, 'that's all I need'. Perched on the corner of the table sat young Den. The sight of Den lounging confidently on Andy's desk made Spencer want to turn and run but this was for his brother, to stop the threats and the intimidation that was Andy's stock in trade. There must be something inside Andy that the teenager could appeal to, a spark of humanity.

'Ah, look Den, it's young Mr. Moon', Andy chimed. Spencer's fears about not dressing properly for the meeting were unfounded in Andy's mind as he allowed himself a long, slow look up and down Spencer's frame. Whilst Spencer and Den thought it was an intimidation tactic to stare so intently at the young man, Andy was drinking in the sight of youth, of denim clutching against long legs, rubbing close to Spencer's teenage package, t-shirt running and dipping over soft muscle. Those wet, pink lips, upturned nose, deep, dark eyes. Andy was already playing out where he wanted the meeting to go, where he wanted Spencer to be.

The room was silent whilst Andy took his time. Spencer felt pathetic and skinny. His cheeks glowed red with embarrasment. Den, feeling sorry for the boy, broke the silence.

'What brings you here, Spence?'

Andy's gaze broke to Den and Spencer let a short, sharp breath escape. Mentally thanking Den, he smiled at him breifly. Den returned the smile and Spencer felt his heart leap. Maybe having Den hear would help.

'I want to ask you,' Spencer uttered towards Andy, 'to leave my brother and my family alone.' In disbelief of his own pluck, Spencer stared at Andy trying to mantain his composure, not breaking down. Den looked to his boss, Andy's trademark snarl across his lips and felt enormous pride for the young man. The pit of Den's stomach churned with excitement at this bare faced show of dignity. Part of him felt like standing with Spencer, part of him wanted to explore his vunerability, explore his virginity, to take him in his strong arms and watch Spencer loose himself in him.

Spencer could now feel two pairs of eyes in him. Amongst the fear, and the expectation he noted another sensation. His eyes flicked to Andy's crotch, to his zipper, imagined it sliding down in his fingers, a thick, hard cock under the older mans briefs, then to Den's jeans, buttons popping open, another large prick. Surveying Den's white T-Shirt he could see muscle that he dreamed about having on his own body. Envy and filth ran throug him.

The three men shared the silence which seemed to breed an unspoken arrangement. Only Andy had the balls enough to say it.

'Say I do leave your poor brother alone. Say I do give you a breathing space, a week off, or an end to the whole sorry saga. What's in it for me?. You see, Alfie got himself into the situation and now his baby brother want's to get him out. It's not exactly the gesture I'm looking for'. Andy stood up, gave a short laugh. He fixed both of his hands on his table. 'What do you think I want, Spencer?' And as he asked the question he reached one hand out and gently cupped the boys balls.

Den nearly bit through his lip as Spencer backed away. Spencer seemed speechless, overpowered by the thought of what he would have to do. This man, this dark shadow over his life, wanted him to yield even more of himself, to be bare and open to him. 'I would never let you do anything to me' he retorted proudly without any trace of fear.

Andy laughed. 'Not with me. With him' he gestured to Den, 'I just want to watch!'. Den didn't move, didn't offer any disagreement. He just stared at Spencer and as if to let him know he wanted it as much as Andy wanted to watch it, he moved his hand onto his crotch and stroked his hardening dick from base to tip, never taking his eyes of Spencer. He got up moved to him and smiled. Instead of asking him if it was okay with it he led with a soft, wet kiss on Spencer's mouth. Spencer resiprocated and closed his eyes as the warmth of Den's mouth enveloped him. He could smell the sweet mush of the older man's skin and reached out to run his fingers through Den's thick hair.

Den broke off the kiss slowly, letting his toungue lick around those pink lips and opened his eyes. Spencer's eyes's were still closed lost in his first gay kiss. Lifting Spencer, one hand on his tight butt, one on the back of his head, Den took him to the desk. Andy's harsh voice broke the silence. 'You first time, Spencer? Never felt your mouth filled with cum, your arse fingered and fucked? Your going to feel all that Spencer.' Andy was clawing at his own trousers, his full, thick meat straining in black cotton. Den's eyes drifted from Spencer to the sight of Andy getting off. Caught between the softness of Spencer and the rough, unteathered need of Andy, he began to unzip his jeans. The sound of the zip brough Spencer's attention to Den and dropping to his knees, Spencer took the zip in his own hand. Pulling is slowly down, he could see white Hilfiger underwear. In a move that suprised himself he ran his wet tounge against the material giving Andy the cue to unzip and drop his own trousers.

The wetness of Spencer's toungue seeped into the underwear making the pinkness of Den's cock visible. The boy was loosing his restraint lathering up the material, it getting wetter and wetter. Pleased with the spectacle Andy stood taking his trousers to the floor and unhooked his underwear. Spencer stopped to see what was emerging, Den sticking a finger in Spencer's mouth to keep the saliva flowing. Inch by inch Andy's big daddy cock presented itself. Den counted five, six, seven, eight, nine inches before the bulbous cock head was free. Two fat nuts hung below this beauty. Andy sat pulling the cock against a the bottom row of visible abs.

'Your not here to watch me', he rattled, 'I'm here to watch you'.

It was Den's turn to have his slab revealed. As Spencer took hold of the waistband he knew this would be the cock that would take his virgin cherry. Before this day he had wanted something small so that he could get used to the feeling but now he wanted something big, something that would leave a hole. He wasn't let down.

Den smiled a broad smile as the air hit his thick stick. He fixed Andy, then Spencer, with a grin. He knew he would impress. Spencer struggled to unhook the waistband from Den's cockhead and managed to move it in to a position to unveil the tool. As the material move down and off Den's legs the other two guys began to breath harder. The cock head was deep purple and underneath between the base and the tip the cock was slighltly fuller like extra meat has been pushed down inside the foreskin. Spencer mentally worked out the length. Was it ten and a half, eleven? He couldn't tell. A drop of precum oozed out of Den's slit. This was it Spencer thought.

Spencer dove upon the juice, taking it onto his toungue. He let the taste fill him, He wanted more. Opening his mouth, the head began to move inside. Den took a sharp intake of breath and gently pushed a little more in. Spencer upped the ante, filling his sweet lips with the bulbous cockhead base, he felt it move towards his throat and gagged. Maybe he could manage it but not now. His lips and tounge began to move in a circular movement as his head bobbed to a rhythmc speed. Animal instincts took over Den, letting a little bit of Andy's spirit enter him. Standing, he held Spencers head and moved the whold cock in. He felt a little resistance against the young man's throat, waited and then moved in. Spencer felt the fat slit against the back of his throat, managing the whole shaft. As Den fucked his face in abandonment, Spencer reached towards his denim clad prick, desperatley unzipping and stripping down his jeans and his back briefs. Now it was his turn to feel the rush of cold air against his hot prick, against his arsehole. One hand steadied himself against Den's face fucking, one gripping his cock.

Andy moved around the table to see Spencers prick and at once he congratualted himself on aranging this set up. The boys cock was less thicker than his and den's but it was very long, no creases, a long vein complementing the span. He watched Spencer's hurried wanking. Broken from his trance by Den's sudden moaning, he looked up. Den's face was contorting. >From Andy's position he could see two lemon sized balls bouncing off Spencer's smooth chin, lips prized wide. Den was feeling something hot building, Spencer knowing something was happening as more and more consistent waves of precum oozed into his throat.

'You fucking little whore', screamed Den, 'You filthy fucking little whore'. Both of Den's hands let go off Spencer's head and hit the table behind him, arching him over Spence, his nuts bashing his chin, his abs rubbing against the top of his head. With one hard, angry thrust, he arched himself back up again, standing straight. Andy watched as Spencer, an extension of Den's body, mouth and throat full of cock, stared in anticipation. Deep rivers of thick spunk drove from Den's fuck stick, flooding Spencer's toungue and throat, his mouth filling with the cream, Den moaning loudly. Cum dripped out of the side of Spencers mouth, off of his chin, onto his hand, which moved robotically over his cock, lathering it in.

Den withdrew, panting. He sat against the desk and fixed Spencer with a look that said he wasn't finished. Andy chimed in, 'Use your fingers'. Den knew what he ment.

Spencer, licking the spunk of his lips, moved toward Den. Den stood by him, pulled off his own shirt and then Spencer's. Fingering the boys soft pink nipples he gronaed with lust and wanting, tracing forming muscle. Spencer explored in kind, rough, hard bumps, that didn't yield. Den kissed his head and gently moved him so his chest and face were on the table, his arse hole on display. Andy walked around and kicked at Spencer's feet, making him stand wider apart so that his hole was much more visible.

Andy was close now, close enough to smell the boys arse cheeks. Den lent near Andy and put his finger nearest his thumb in Andy's mouth. He withdrew it and positioned the digit at the tight puckered hole of the virigin, spread before them. Slowly massaging the hole, feeling it yield to him, the tip went in. Spencer shifted. his hardened cock trapped against the soft warmth of his belly and the coldness of the table. The finger began its way in, a centimeter before stopping. This arse was so tight. A steel like 'O' shut fast. Den rubbed Spencer's back. 'Relax,' he purred. Spencer arched his back as the finger broke past the 'O' and entered the wider part of his chute. Something deep was awoken inside Spencer as he bucked against Den's finger which had now dissapeared.

'I'm not watching anymore', Andy gasped, 'This is where I join in'.

Soon another finger was entering the cherry star and this time it was Andy. He moved his finger straight in, no stopping for tight muscle, straight in to meet Den's finger tip. Spencer groaned as the finger hit the spot. 'Another' he whimpered. Hearing Spencer so desperate, so horny made Den hard again and Andy laughed. 'The little slut!' he exclaimed. Den and Andy placed new fingers against the hole, this time to slide together. Four fingers protruded from the tight virgin arse. Taking it in turns to withdraw thier pinkies, the two men started a steady finger fucking. Spencer raised his arse, moving against them, trying to get deeper. As he lifted Andy took his dick, gently pulling it back and once it was softened but still thick with blood he moved it behind him, below his crammed boy cunt. Den and Andy licked the member in time with thier steady fucking motion.

'Oh, please, I want the real thing. I want a big cock in me. Please! Oh, I want to get fucked, please!!' Spencer was delirious with building pleasure.

'Not a problem', Said Andy' but your getting both.

All fingers removed, Andy sat on the desk, holding his fat cunt fucker in hand. Spencer, above him on all fours, brought his slick ring to the monster. Den took two fingers and held the boys ring open as Spencer descended on it. First the thick head, then inch after inch, until Andy could feel two warm buttocks against his pubic mound. Air hit every inch of his cock as the boy almost lept up and powered back down. 'You think your a big man Andy, but you're all mine now' Spencer said, possessed by filth. The boy athleticly bounced on his member, wanking his long cock. Then moving to his feet and squatting on the cock, Spencer started a fierce onslaught, tensing his arse cheeks at just the right time. It burnt inside him, his first cock. He let the occasional pain subside. This bastard was never going to underestimate him again.

As he thought this, Den place a hand on his back pushing him forward. Spencers face came down to meet Andys and they devoured each other hungrily, biting and swearing nastly little somethings. Den clambered behind Spencer, impaled on Andy's monster and moved his own fuck stick close to Spencer's tunnel. He jabbed at the hole with his prick making spencer emit a long, unending groan. This groan continued whilst Andy grinned until the cockhead managed the move in against the arse wall and the base of Andy. The bulbous under base was next and Spencer was feeling like he could fucking fly! the cock broke through and now it was Andy's turn to groan as his cocks warm hide away was intruded by another, Den's nuts and hair against his own balls.

'Your so fucking tight, I'm gonna rip you apart you filthy little slut' Den errupted. Spencer felt the pile drive action of these two men, watching Andy's face disintegrate into real pleasure, the look of him so lost in his wet chute made him wank harder. Something trickled out of his hole, precum from the two cocks. He knew what was going to happen.

Deafened by the combined cried of Andy and Den, he felt his bowels and his chute filled with deep, glorious warmth. The two man inside him felt the sensation of cum dripping down thier shafts making them nut even harder. Den bit down on Spencers neck and Andy gripped his arms making Spencer shoot, a thick wad of cum spilling onto Andy's face, Andy licking at it like a starving man. The cum continued to shoot onto Andy's body and Spencer held up some cum for Den to slurp up greedily.

Moments later the three lay together, cocks still inside young Spencer. Spencer had won a small triumph today and had been royally fucked! Andy turned to him and whispered, 'I will give you anything you want. But I want you to come and work for me. I have a job for you . . . . .'

Next: Chapter 2

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