Spells R Us: No Refunds Returns or Exchanges

By moc.loa@012jre

Published on May 6, 2008



Spells R Us No Refunds, Returns, or Exchanges Please

Rating PG-13 Disclaimer

The following is not suitable for audiences under 13, even though they shouldn't be on this site anyway. This is a sequel to the long run Spells R Us series, and I figured the wizard had it coming. And before I get ten thousand emails asking Koomf is a slang word for decency, it is not a real word. So don't ask. It is noon, and a rather slow day for the lone wizard in his shop. He sees hundreds of people pass outside of his shop entrance, yet none go inside.

"This human economy." He says to himself. "No one has the money to spend on the extras."

He rotates his old body around and kneels below a rear mounted counter. He pulls out a small, wooden chest with a heavy iron lock. With a wave of his hand, the lock releases and the top of the chest pops off. It reviles a single pile of ten dollar bills, and even it is a bit thin.

"The month's income. I really must think about advertising."

"But that would be illegal." A voice from behind suddenly announces. The wizard pops back up, with the chest immediately closing and securing itself. He takes a look at the teenage looking African American boy. The leans up against the front of the sales counter and looks at the wizard.

"Don't you have any koomf?" The wizard asks the boy.

"I do," the boy responds confidently, "but I'll use it when you get some shame."

The wizard drops the subject, proceeds up the sales desk, and leans up against it himself.

"This is ridiculous. I can't even get people in here looking for ways to power their car without gas."

"Yes, well, I'm sure people don't want to feed their car themselves, like that last one you sold." The boy then stares at the wizard with a disgusted look.

"Yes, well the woman came down eventually."

"As acid rain. Took a week to get all of her back together to return to normal. Tell me something." The boy starts, "Why don't you just give people want they want, without the fine print."

"I haven't received very many complaints." The wizard says turning his head to the side, realizing where this is going. "Matter a fact, they all turned out better."

"No, I guess the boys who are now bimbos, the guy who became a prom date, the man's who's heart's desire lead him to join the canine family, the passengers of your so called dragon flight, your so called apprentice, the man who was sexually addicted to his x-girlfriend not to mention the innocent girl who just happened to get caught up in the whole thing, are all satisfied customers."

"They were. At least for a while."

"Yeah, then the law started getting involved. Tell me, just how many `incidents' do they not know about?"

The wizard turns to the boy with an annoyed look. "Like I'm going to tell the long arm of the law."

"I prefer their representative." He responds rather calmly.

"Besides, no one has complained, matter a fact, I actually have customers who actually like my services. I do believe that two of them go to your University."

"Then why won't you tell me their names?"

"Customer loyalty. Besides, there's something going on their, someone, I don't think I've met in a long time." The wizard begins to look towards the ceiling, trying to compute just who this person is, and what he should do about it. Suddenly, he receives an impression, a psychic impression, one of a customer.

"Uh, can you leave? I may have a customer coming."

"Nope, I'll think I'll stay and make sure they actually get what was advertised and nothing more. Consider me your quality assurance rep."

Suddenly, the wizard realizes that something else is up, the person is angry. Very angry.

"Then again, I'll think I'll go in the back."

The boy spots this, and realizes something's up.

"No, I think you can stay and face the music."

The wizard stops and turns towards the boy, and then to the rather angry girl coming into the store. The girl cannot be much more than thirteen years old. She has light brown, almost blond hair, with perfectly clear smooth skin. Her eyes are green and her figure is that of a budding supper model. She's dressed like a little tennie bopper, with all of the form fitting, barely their cloths and her hair in a side mounted pony tail.

"Hello miss." The wizard says knowing exactly who it is, but trying to sound oblivious.

"Cut the crap!" The little girl yells.

"Ah yes, another satisfied customer." The boy notes.

"The hell I am."

The boy looks at the girl rather flatly. "You know I was joking. Right?"

"Yes, but I don't even want the notion of being satisfied with this idiot and his work!" The girl yells.

"Not satisfied?" The wizard asks, but really states. " Well, I'm sorry, but we do not except any returns, exchanges, or refunds. So good luck."


The girl just about leaps over the counter, but the boy manages to grab her arm and keep her from strangling (or more appropriately, attempting to strangle) the wizard.

"Now, what happened, and I'll make sure he fallows threw." He says rotating his head towards the wizard with an angered look.

"Huh." The girl says with a snarl. "I guess."

The wizard does nothing. He just watches the girl and listens, all while thinking `Here we go again.'

"It all started a few months back..." Its cold, still the middle of January. A middle aged man makes his way up the street. He has a sort of dull brown, poorly kept hair. His eyes are flat black, and his skin rather dried out. He walks down the thin streets, threw the driving snow, but none of it collects on the ground, it's to warm. But as far as the man is concerned, it's still freezing. Finally, he approaches a small shack of a house on the side of the road. He turns towards the house and heads to the door. He unlocks it and proceeds inside. The house is rather poorly decorated and run down. The man looks at the mess, finds the coach and slumps down on it.

"Go to school, Go threw college. Get a nice job with some big aerospace firm. Just for them to lay you off, your gold digging wife leave you, and then your family ditch you for some guy with some cash. Its not fair!" The man goes to throw something, but all that's around is a pile of newspapers he plans on using for heat. "The heat keeps going up, food keeps going up yet with a masters I'm still cleaning floors, and then they want to cut my salary." The man knocks the pile of papers over anyway. Inside, a classified page falls open. He picks it up and opens it out of habit. He looks threw to the Aerospace section, and finds only one job. JIA Corp. We are looking for qualified Engineers to fill a position for aircraft designers. Must have knowledge of Aerospace and Aeronautical design systems. Must be proficient in CAD, CATTIA, and modern Avionics. This position is open to recent college grads only. Offering $45,000-60K

"College grads. They all want kids. Why, Why, Why!" The man nearly cries. He doesn't even have time to tear up the paper before he spots something of interest. This article, right above the previous, in the section for Airlines reads:

Boulevard Airlines NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Aircraft Maintenance personnel for graveyard shift. Starts from 12am-6am. Responsible for aircraft Maintenance and inspections. Aerospace Engineers Welcome. Starting at $65k. Must be able to adhere to FAA regulations, drug test, and background check.

"Well it's not designing, but its something." "Boulevard Airlines huh, I know a few people who work their." The boy thinks.

"Any way," the girl restarts still up set, "skipping forward, I got the job immediately and I started a week later, after my spotless record was reviewed. After a month, I got my first paycheck. I decided that I'd take a decent portion to use to fix up a room in the house, which I hadn't decided at the time. It depended how much I had left, but I did take a few dollars to go out to see a movie. That's when I..." Happy, the man passes into the mall, and up to one of the automated ticket machines. He buys a ticket for a show that doesn't start for another twenty minutes. As he backs off the machine, he sees a young girl come out of a movie crying. While, he decides to ignore it at first, a second look reveals a familiar flair about the girl. He walks up towards the girl and immediately recognizes her, its his daughter.

"Millie." He calls.

The girl is about twelve years old, and a much prettier, spitting image of her father. The girl turns and looks at him. She hesitates, but then charges towards him arms open. She hits him with enough force to knock him over.

"Daddy." She cries like a little baby.

"Millie, what's wrong?" He asks.

"I...I." She stammers a bit. "My friend doesn't want me anymore."

The man takes the context clues and responds, "boyfriend eh. Well, listen, your only twelve, and..."

"Hold it right their!" A loud, overbearing voice yells.

The man immediately recognizes it, and stands up. It's his X-wife.

"I don't want you anywhere near my daughter." The woman yells. "You lousy degenerate."

"Degenerate. So I fell on hard times, kind a hard to get a check from a company when they lay you off!"

"Yeah, right Mike, you were out of work for two years!"

"Because everyone in my field ether left or wouldn't hire me!"

"So, it doesn't matter. The courts stripped any rights you have to these children. You get away from that girl, and you don't come back. Now Millie, get away from this child molester!"

She yells so loud that the entire mall hears it. A variety of gazes immediately starts towards him. Mothers hold their children closer, a security guard takes notice, and everyone looks at him as if he is the black plague.

Soon the guard reaches him and starts, "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the mall. We prefer that your type don't hang out around here."

Mike turns towards the officer and yells "I am not a child molester, she just said that so..." He turns back around to see that both his wife and daughter are gone, lost in the crowd. "...so she can take one of my children away from me again."

Mike falls into disappear. He shoves off the officer, and walks off. He passes into the crowds trying to loose himself. Eventually, the number of mothers hiding their children from him all but disappear. He passes threw to the mall, and without noticing it, straight into a store. He looks around and notes the old looking shelves and the rather rustic appearance.

"May I help you?"

Mike looks to his left and finds an old man wearing an old, worn out bath robe. He appears to be tending a shelf.

"Nothing I just..."

"Oh, you must be here for something." The man says. "Take your time, I'm going no were."

The man looks around. "You don't really seem to have anything here." He says spotting nothing but what he perceives as junk."

"Oh, but there is tons of stuff here, you just must realizes what you are looking for. Say, judging by your appearance, I'd say you are looking for something, to say, help out a loved one?"

The man stands there. While he wonders how he came to that conclusion, Mike figures that anything that can cheer his daughter up would be worth investing in.

"Actually, that may be nice." Mike finally says.

The wizard immediately rushes off into the shop before Mike can even say a word. Within a minute he comes back with a small box.

"This should work for you." He opens the box to revile a rather beautiful looking bracelet. "This bracelet will help bring you and your daughter closer together."

"How did you know I was shopping for a girl, I have a son to you know."

"Yes, and there both being withheld from you by an evil cruella of an X wife and a legal system that sees all men as viscous pigs and women as innocent little angels no matter what the evidence says."

"Yeah, sure, let's go with that, but I have no idea how I would get it to her though."

"Here." The man says as he hands him the case. "Put it on before you go to bed. Then you will have no trouble getting it to her tomorrow."

Mike doesn't understand it, but he decides it worth a shot. "So, how much?"


Later that day, as Mike prepares for bed, he looks at the small box at the edge of his beaten night stand. He looks and wonders just what the old man meant by `just put it on and tomorrow, he would be able to give it to her'. He decides to fallow the man's advice. He reaches down to the box, opens it, and picks up the bracelet. He places it around his arm and secures it.

Perfect fit.' He thinks to himself. Probably to big for Millie, but I guess it will do. Come to think of it, I should have gotten something for Jace as well.' He shrugs. `I'll get him something in the morning. I know exactly what he loves. My only problem is finding an issue he doesn't already have.'

He lay's down in his bed and turns out the light. After a while of trying he finally drifts to sleep. "If you could call it sleep." The little girl notes. "I kept feeling odd the whole night. Like I wasn't really asleep, but yet I wasn't awake. The whole time I could feel my body beginning to tingle all over..." Mike tosses and turns. As he does so, his lanky frame begins to fade away. His more mannish face sheds to revile a younger, youthful self. His facial hair begins to disappear. It isn't long before where a man slept earlier, a young boy now lies, but it doesn't stop there. Soon, this hair lengthens, and then lightens to a sandy color. His hands become daintier. His figure tightens and starts to shows signs of curves. His skin clears, and his face goes from that of a young teen boy, to a young teen girl. Soon, his cloths modify themselves to fit this new situation. They become silkier and in many ways more form fitting. Even a hair band appears on his or her head. Soon, there is no telling that this was a forty five year old man.

The next day, a day Mike is expecting to be a Sunday, an alarm goes off, and as if on queue, a rather youngish looking middle aged woman walks in. Her hair is blond with light green eyes and a to die for figure.

"Come on Ally, time to get up."

She then passes out the room, and pokes in a neighboring one. "Sammy time to get up, its both of yours first day at school, you two don't want to be late."

Mike opens her eyes and looks at the window, a window that wasn't there before. He notes the fact that all the trees behind the house are bare.

Suddenly the thought `I hate changing schools in the middle of the year,' shoots into her head.

He suddenly finds himself wondering why she thought that, but decides he better get up anyway. The urgency to do so is just too powerful. She passes out of her room, and almost immediately runs into an almost identical looking individual.

"Hey Ally." The boy calls.

The name sounds familiar to Mike, so familiar he finds it unusual but manages an instinctive response of, "Hey Sam. I do first, then you go."

Sam shrugs.

She passes into the bathroom and closes the door. She walks inside takes down her pajama bottoms and instinctively sits on the toilet, and immediately supports her tired head with her arms. She can't imagine why she would do such a thing, she only has to pee. But as the stream comes outside of her body, she begins to realize that something isn't just right. She sits up and looks around. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary, just something is wrong. The thought begins to nag at her. She can feel something slipping from behind in her mind, and she fights to keep it. As her stream dies off, she sits up, takes a section of toilet paper and wipes her smooth vagina. She discards the paper and stands up, pulling up her pajama bottoms as she does. She flushes the toilet, washes her hands and departs the bathroom.

"Sounds like you really had to go." Her brother states.

"I had a lot to drink last night. I'll go and get some towels." With that Mike walks off, while Sammy takes over the bathroom. She proceeds to the end of the hall, recovers two towels and two sets of wash cloths. Her mother pops out the door to the master bed room and notes the quantity.

"You know honey, while I like the fact that you and your brother are close, I really don't think you two need to continuing showering together."

The thought brings back a memory of being on the other side of this sort of conversation, only it was to a slightly younger girl than she is now. But somehow she manages to pass it off and in a reflected response, "Sam's my brother mom. Its not like were going in their to have sex. Besides, you're the one always saying how we need to find ways of doing things faster. Besides, weren't you the one who started this over twelve years ago."

He woman just grins nervously and retracts her head and closes the door. Ally smiles and walks towards the bathroom. She can hear the sound of the shower going and spots the cracked open door. She goes inside, closes it, places the towels and wash cloths on the sink basin and takes off all her cloths. She stops to look over her maturing body in the mirror. Only twelve and her breast are already shaping up well. They can already fill out an A cup bra, and she can support, all be it barely, a B cup bra. Her frame is also beginning to curve off nicely, and soon she'll have a shape that is perfect. She smiles at herself, picks up the wash cloths then walks inside of the shower, were her twin is already soaping up. He looks at her, grins, then hands her a bottle of children's body wash, all while Ally hands him one of the two wash cloths. He rubs his smooth frame down, making sure to hit all the parts. Ally does the same. As she does, she notes how her brother's body turns her on. He has a sort of young swimmers frame, that actually has some definition from years of sports. He is sort of girlie looking in a way, considering the two of them look almost exactly alike, especially with his rather longish hair. While hers is longer, excluding it would make the two almost perfect twins, the only separation being their sexes. He turns around reveling his tight little rear, one Ally likes. He rotates again reveling his little barely functioning penis. While the sight of it trying to achieve an erection does arouse Ally, she feels as if its not exactly what she wants, but something she's willing to take.

Her viewing isn't ignored by her brother who notes, "Want to try and suck it like last time?"

Ally thinks, but the thought of being late to school gets the best of her. "Nah, maybe some other time."

Getting dressed for school doesn't take much for Ally. Her black jumper and matching tights are laid out perfectly for her. She also has a pair of Mary Jane shoes at the base of her chair. With the addition of a white dress shirt, she is finished in only a few minutes time. She even manages to beat her brother to breakfast, even if only by a few minutes. But they are both surprised to see a middle age man with rather ginger colored hair at the table eating. Its their father.

"Dad!" the two yell as they run over to hug the man. "We thought you wouldn't get back for another hour?" The two say in almost perfect unison.

"We road a tail wind all the way in from Hilo, got in early." The man responds.

With that, the two twins look at each other, each realizing the question on both their minds, but wondering who should ask it.

"Dad," Sam starts

"Yes kid?"

"Are we going to have to move any more?" Ally picks up.

"Well kids, I wanted to wait till later to tell you, but I think this new company is going to work out. We shouldn't have to move again."


That day would go by well for Ally and her brother. The two go to their new high priced private school. Their, the school assigns the two more experienced students who they are to mirror. Ironically, they are also twins, named Jace and Millie Thomson. They two are almost completely identical, and share a lot in common with the two light haired siblings. Jace and Sam are both into swimming, diving and track. They both draw a lot, and are into Anime Manga's. They don't even make it out the principles office without trying to figure out which series the other doesn't have.

Ally and Millie are too very similar. They both love ballet, and are divers and swimmers themselves. But there is one way they do differ from their male siblings. They both have a sort of attraction that only one of them has explored so far. The moment the two laid eyes on each other, they both felt it, and they both found it impossible to separate from each other the entire day.

By dance practice that afternoon, just before swim practice, Millie and Ally have an empty block in their schedule. Their ballet, since it's a part of the school overall curriculum, is just before afternoon dismissal. So as all the other students run around, trying to figure out were to go, Millie shows Ally a secret spot inside the schools artic space. There Ally discovers this lost sort of attractiveness that she has long wondered about.

"Millie," She says as the two hold each other, about to kiss, "I think I love you."

"I, think I may love you too." Millie returns.

The two kiss deeply. As they kiss, they feel each others bodies, trying to caress the arousal from it. Ally immediately becomes wet, and a dark spot forms in her cotton panties. Suddenly she pulls out of the kiss.

"I want to go all the way with you." Ally gets out in a heavily nervous tone.


Ally is gently guided to the floor by Millie. Millie guides back the skirt of Ally's jumper, removes her panty hose and spots her soaked underwear. She gently smiles, and removes the cotton panties. She then kneels into Ally's love tunnel, and takes a big sample of her fluids, before making love to her. Over the next three minutes, Ally would feel pleasure like she never imagined. She would reach both her first, second, third, and forth organism in that small span of time. Each time spasming violently while realsing a wave of fluids over Millie. Eventually, she would return the favor to Millie. It would take her much longer to figure out how to get Millie off, but after ten minutes of trying, time and pressure aided her, and Millie finally came threw her own. The two girls laid next to each other, holding each other for a full five minutes, before hearing an announcement to release students to their after school events. Its then Millie notices a little something on Allies wrist.

"Wow, what a beautiful bracelet."

"You like it?" Ally asks just having noticed the thing for the very first time today. "I hadn't even realized I had it on. I don't even know where I got it from." Suddenly a vision of the old man appears in her mind. "Maybe from my grandfather? But you can have it if you like."


Ally takes off the bracelet and hands it to Millie. The second Millie secures the bracelet, Mike realizes what has happened. He looks down over his body, and notes that while not naked, it's definitely not something he wanted to see. In a panic he looks back up towards his daughter who has been to busy with the bracelet to pay attention to her frantic expression.

"Its beautiful. A tribute to our love." She says as she turns back towards the disillusioned girl.

Mike can only smile, and play along. "Its been ten months since I got that thing. I had another thirteenth birthday, my first, second and third period, and, oh yeah, I've slept with my DAUGHTER!"

"I'm guessing more than once." The boy notes by Mike's/Ally's enraged and burning red face.

"I've been trying to get back here sooner, but I'm a minor now, and I can't get anywhere. Bad enough I ditched my `mom' at the mall bathroom to get in here""

"What, you got what you wanted." The Wizard starts. "You cheered up your daughter by replacing the girl who dumped her. You gave your son the comics along with a brand new best friend, and your getting back at your wife by being able to see your children whenever you want, and by securing your daughter's future as a lesbian. As for the mental portion of the spell going away like that, that I feel obligated to Repair. I've had that thing in stock for decades, I'm surprised you didn't turn into some sort of intersexed person."

"You don't dare, I want my body back now! You old fart!"

"Still hurting the innocent." A dark voice suddenly comes from behind the small group. While he's usually never surprised, the wizard is caught completely off guard, for the second time today.

"Milo!" He says looking behind to two teens.

"Milo?" The boy questions.

Behind them, a rather ominous man draped in a dark robe, with two men in identical outfits behind him stand silent.

"Yes, that's right." The man starts. "Mr. Simmons, your services to watch this man will no longer be needed. As for you, you are under arrest."

"For what?" The wizard questions.

"I figured that would be obvious. But since you ask, the council is sick and tired of cleaning up after you. Its become so much work, that we've have to create an entire division just to watch you, and we no longer have the patients. But if you must know, here are that charges, distributing magic to unlicensed mortals, claiming a false apprentice for purpose of doing experiments on, giving a mortal minor a dangerous, imprisoned creature then feeding said mortal and a plane full of innocents to said beast, twenty one hundred counts of sexual identification modification, nine hundred counts of converting mortals into inanimate objects, need I continue. So far we have had to re-due, and in some case break space time itself to restore people that you have affected, and we still haven't gotten all of them. We had to triage your output. Matter a fact, human organizations have had to try and stop you."

"Huh, organizations? There's only the one." The boy interrupts.

"You can't arrest me." The wizard says firmly.

"Yes we can. Your powers have been bind, and your protective seal on this place removed.

The wizard tries to whisk himself away, but to no avail. Suddenly, one of the men in back reaches up a small chest, and opens in the direction of the Wizard. The Wizard shirks down to the size, and shape of a marble and flies into the chest, which is then close. Then in a large blast, the three disappear.

"Wha, what happened?" Ally asks completely confused.

"What happened? Looks like I have to go to court."

"But, what, What the hell am I suppose to do know?"

"Go back home, and enjoy life as it is, because I doubt you'll be getting back to normal any time soon."

Somewhere else, a seemingly older woman stands watching out of a window and onto a large green field. She senses a huge power signature disappearing, and smiles.

"Now I am ready."

The End?

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