Speedos in Socal

By James English

Published on Dec 30, 2008


Part II: Exploring the Gym

Graduate students are, as a subset of the larger population, pretty damn ugly. I don't intend for those words to sound unkind or condescending, I just believe they present an easily verifiable truth. That's certainly what I was thinking halfway through my orientation at UCLA.

There we were, all aspiring PhD's, sitting in a wood-paneled auditorium and listening to a series of professors and deans, ranging from the boring to the pretentious, pontificate upon the graduate careers we had ahead of us. Phrases like "contribution to the collective wisdom of mankind" and "finding one's place in the scholarly community" seemed painfully redundant midway through the second speaker's remarks--and there were seven speakers.

Next to me was recently introduced Melinda, an incoming Anthropology student who had spent the summer in Namibia watching how a tribe made instruments out of savanna grasses. Sadly, as she explained to me this possibly interesting experience I could only focus on the unfortunate traces of a mustache plaguing her upper lip and the abundant hair on her forearms. Good thing she was so interested in tribal instruments, I thought crassly, they could distract her from all the sex she wasn't having.

The other guys in the audience were equally disappointing. I hadn't harbored any great hopes of gorgeous classmates, of course, but I thought a few sparkles in the sand might have awaited me. Instead I looked about the room to see unkempt beards, pudgy faces, and bald spots.

A short reception followed the speeches. During the wine and cheese affair I remembered another sad truth about most graduate students: they were hopelessly socially awkward. As I made small talk with several professors groups of three or four silent students would gather alongside like pitiful cavemen seeking warmth from a fragile fire.

The few students who did approach and speak to me all seemed to have reached one simple conclusion: I was young, I was good-looking, and I was an athlete, so therefore I must be dumb. Always welcoming sass from uptight pricks, I casually listed off my undergraduate accolades and watched as their presumptuous smiles fell pitifully into frowns before tightening into subtle scowls.

I myself was largely distracted during the reception as I couldn't seem to locate my faculty advisor among the dozens of professors. After all, the main reason I had come to UCLA was to place myself under the tutelage of Harvey Monroe, one of the most renowned classical historians in the world. Yet as I scanned the room I couldn't find anything resembling his countenance.

Suddenly a voice boomed across the room. "Excuse me, my dear friends," it said.

Almost instantly the timid academics in the room fell silent and turned to the doorway. Also turning that direction, I saw in the frame of the door the tall, slender figure of Dr. Monroe. The light of the hallway behind him illuminated like a full-body halo the fuzz outline of his tweed jacket and his white hair.

"I should like," he continued with his stentorian voice projecting across the quiet room, "to make the acquaintance of Mr. Theodore Mason."

I gulped as eyes began darting around the room.

"Here," I said softly before clearing my throat and saying with a louder, stronger tone, "I'm right here, sir."

Monroe's head--along with everyone else's--snapped in the direction of my voice. He locked eyes with me and gave a short, dignified nod of approval.

"Would you please join me in the hall, Mr. Mason?" he said.

As I began walking towards him he added grandly to the room, "Good evening," and then disappeared from the doorway.

"So then," I heard him say the instant I entered the hallway, "here is my new scholar." His face was composed and stately, but a slight smile warmed his expression.

"Yes, sir. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," I said with an outstretched arm.

He shook my hand firmly before pulling me closer to him and saying conspiratorially, "Come, let's fly from here before those stodgy fools completely ruin a perfectly decent evening."

Surprised and amused, I felt a deep and genuine smile spread wide across my face.

Monroe's office wasn't quite what I expected. I had envisioned neat, orderly bookcases filled with monochrome, multivolume works on the Greeks and Romans and a smattering of polished, white busts of Augustine, Tiberius, and the like. Classicists seemed predictable in their fastidiousness.

Instead, the interior of his office was a picture of chaos. Loose notebook pages covered with indecipherable scribblings littered the floor; books rose from the floor toward the ceiling in precariously stacked towers; half-full coffee mugs filled with everything from apple juice to brandy were scattered about every flat surface.

Conversation came easily between us and I was incredibly thankful for that. After all, over the next few years conversations with Monroe were to be one of the cornerstones of my academic progression. I found him to be dignified and poised in manners, meticulous and inventive in research, friendly and humorous in private, and wise and generous in counsel.

"So you're a Harvard man who didn't even have the sense to apply to my dear old Yale, you're some swimming and diving phenomenon turned Thucydides scholar, you've forsaken the goodly plains of Minnesota for the barren wasteland of Los Angeles, and you've never had a proper In'N'Out burger before," he summarized grandly and with an ironic smile.

"Yes," I replied, smiling.

"Well, Theodore. You're not completely hopeless, but you're pretty damn close," he said with a laugh.

"We'll see about that, sir," I countered playfully.

He smiled and suddenly caught sight of the time. It was nearly ten-thirty. "Indeed we shall, boy. But not tonight. Time for this bag of bones to get home."

"Of course," I said, rising from my seat.

"So then it's Monday morning I'll see you, bright and early," he said as he slipped his arms into his tweed jacket. "Stephen will be here then, he can explain better than I the trials and woes of a teaching assistant." He looked up at my face for a moment. "Although I fear not even his counsel can overcome your curse."


"You look like an eighteen year-old--albeit a tall one--and you're about to assume the helm of several classrooms full of undergraduates." He said with a small smile. "Could be tricky," he added quickly.

I laughed and hid from my face the momentary pang of doubt that came over me.

"So," he said as he grabbed the door handle and gestured me out of his office, "what does a newcomer to this city do on his first nights in town?"

"Well," I said as I held up the strap of my gym bag, "I was hoping to have a swim somewhere, but I guess the pools have closed by now."

"Ah-ha!" he exclaimed. "Sounds like a case for Willie."


"Let this be my first lesson to you, Theodore," he said as he locked his office door behind us. "If you want to come to know the most intelligent men on this campus, consort with the history faculty. If you want to come to know the wisest men on this campus, befriend the janitors."

Bidding goodnight to Monroe, I followed Willie out into the cool night air and we crossed the dark campus together. Willie stopped in front of a wrought-iron gate in a brick wall and pulled a jangling tangle of keys from his pocket.

"Mind that you lock this behind yourself, ya hear?" he said as he searched for the right key. "Now, I can't turn on any lights for ya, so be careful."

"Sure thing."

He clicked open the lock and unwrapped a length of chain from the gate. "Gym's over there," he said with a nod towards the mammoth building across the pathway. "Doesn't close till midnight so you should be able to get in to clean up when you're done."

"Thanks so much for doing this."

Willie smiled. "Won't be the last favor I do for ole Dr. Monroe." With that he walked back along the pathway and disappeared into the shadows.

I stepped through the gate and smiled. A full moon illuminated the peaceful, glassy surface of the water. The reflections of grey clouds with white, wispy halos glided as smoothly across the pool's surface as did their progenitors across the night sky.

A month had passed since my last proper swim. I hastily tossed my pack on a white plastic chair and began undressing. After quickly unbuttoning, pulling, and unzipping I slowly completed my last task by sliding my warm, soft cotton boxer-briefs down my thighs and stepping out of them.

The bright moonlight cast alluring shadows around my pecs and abs and the cool air made firm my nipples. I retrieved my goggles from my bag and stretched them around my head. Standing at the edge of the pool, I stretched my arms, ran my palms over my smooth thighs and speedo-covered ass cheeks, and dove in.

The exhilaration was always the same. The arresting, sudden feel of water completely surrounding my body electrified my senses. The feel of cool water between my thighs was especially thrilling. It was good to be back in a pool.

I swam for an arduous forty-five minutes and emerged from the pool panting and fatigued. After toweling off I sat in a deck chair and rested silently as my breathing gradually calmed to a normal pace. As I relaxed I began contemplating how I was going to get back to Jamie's place. Jamie was probably asleep already and the buses had stopped running. Before I could get myself out of that problem, Willie's words about the gym crossed my mind. The cool air was chilling me to the bones and a hot shower sounded like it might give me the energy I needed to find a way home.

I threw on some shorts and a T-shirt from my bag before entering the gym, so as not to draw attention to my illicit nighttime swim. A perky undergraduate girl working the front desk directed me to the men's locker room.

On my way to the locker room I passed the cardio room with its tidy rows of treadmills, ellipticals, and rowing machines and the weight room with its endless racks of free weights and benches. The building was empty except for three girls running and chatting on adjacent treadmills and the sound of at least one weight lifter clanking about.

The men's locker room was massive. High ceilings and rows upon rows of lockers accentuated its cavernous size. Yet, upon entering the room I felt the familiar, intimate heat of steam billowing from a hot shower. The noisy rush and drizzle of water confirmed that I had company.

As I walked past several rows of lockers to get my bearings I spotted three different guys. Practicing my carefully honed locker room etiquette I scrutinized their figures as best I could through out of the corners of my eyes. The first was tall and lean, with a figure much like mine. An image of sculpted abs, firm pecs, and slicked-back black hair flashed before eyes before I had to pass to the next row. My cock softly surged in my speedo as I remembered why I loved college locker rooms so much. The hot, wet bodies of athletes rarely disappointed.

Two rows down from the dark-haired Adonis a shorter, blond-haired boy toweled off an impressive set of bulging muscles. He must be a wrestler, I thought, because every muscle on his body seemed to be tight and full, like ripe fruit. As I passed he moved his towel over his crotch and gave me an impressive view of his rippling torso and powerful legs.

In the next row the hulking form of a tall black beauty almost stopped me in my tracks. His head was lost behind a locker door as he rummaged for something, but I had an unobstructed view of the sweaty boxer-briefs that clung tightly to his enticingly curvaceous ass and his thick, muscular thighs. From the side I saw a perfect profile of his thick cock dangling heavily beneath the loose front of his underwear. It was difficult but I forced myself to keep walking.

I found an empty row of lockers, took a deep breath, and stripped down to my red speedo. The showers were at the far end of the row and as I walked in that direction I tried to calm my nerves. If the guys in the shower were half as hot as the three I had just passed by, I was sure to get hard standing next to them. I wished I could restrain myself, but countless past locker room boners reminded me my wishing would always just be wishing. Thankfully my speedo would conceal my hard dick relatively well.

As expected, the sight that met my eyes upon entering the shower room seemed to be transmitted almost immediately to my cock and balls. Along the wall to my left I saw a lean, tight back and a perky, round butt lathered and shining under the shower lights. Steam rose off the tile floor and enshrouded the perfect backside in a sultry haze. The owner of the cute butt didn't appear to notice my entrance and continued to lather soap on his chest and stare at the wall as I turned the faucets of a shower on the opposite side of the room.

My cock was already half-hard and growing slowly in my speedo when the warm water of the shower began to run down my body like dozens of oiled, probing hands. As the hot water ran down my abs and then soaked my crotch my dick stretched sideways in my speedo, nearly extending itself in full.

I was being uncharacteristically reckless as I let my boner grow. If the boy turned around under the spray of his shower he'd certainly catch of glimpse of my prominent hard-on not more than ten feet from him. I had no idea what might happen then. In my past similar incidents had led to a particularly rough fight, a pleasantly unexpected blowjob, and several repulsing glares.

I tried to reassure myself as I continued to stand there, my speedo-encased boner bulging massively, that I was relatively safe because most guys rarely turned away from facing the wall in front of them. This reasoning, of course, was unnecessary as my libido was in total control of my body and it not only failed to worry about the boy turning around, but it actively wished that he would so I could see the wet cock and balls that accompanied so cute an ass.

So I stood, boner raging, and took in the sight of the boy. I watched each cluster of soap suds that foamed into creation around his shoulders and then raced quickly down his sleek, shiny back before slowing to traverse the beautiful arcs of his ass cheeks. His skin was honey-brown--no doubt from a summer spent at the beach--and his wet hair radiated a light brown hue underneath the shower lights. He looked young, certainly an undergraduate, and I noticed a certain delicacy to his movements as he lathered his front and tilted his head under the hot water.

Just as I began considering putting a hand to my pulsing dick I heard wet feet slapping the tile floor and, seconds later, saw the black stud from before enter the shower room with a towel wrapped around his waist. Quickly but with forced nonchalance I turned towards the wall before me and began pleading with my boner to disappear. As always, the rush of panic only sustained my hard-on.

Dread came over me for a couple seconds as I imagined that he saw my boner and was about to call me out for it or worse. However, a few minutes passed and the panic dispersed. My cock had shrunk to half its size but was still a conspicuous lump in my red speedo. I kept on facing the wall in front of me and began to dutifully lather up my chest and arms.

After washing my arms and legs my heartbeat had resumed a normal pace. My libido, however, ended this respite and once again started to seek out trouble. I peered quickly over my shoulders to determine where the black beauty had gone. I found him on the other side of the room, two spots away from the boy. This seemed a bit odd since there were ten showerheads on each side of the room and thus many other places and corners he could occupy to gain some privacy. This, however, was only a passing thought at the time since my mind focused more fully on the image of the tower of black muscle that had joined me in the showers.

He was, like the boy near him, facing the wall as he showered, and so his backside was exposed to me. Looking over my shoulder, I took in the sight of his rock hard body. Muscles swelled everywhere, from his jutting ass cheeks, across his wide back, along his long arms. He looked as if he had just finished a hard set in the weight room.

After a minute of peering over my shoulder I grew bold and turned to face the backsides of my two shower companions. The juxtaposition of the black stallion and the cute boy was striking but not disconcerting. Never did the attractiveness of one overshadow the other. In a strict physical sense, there was more of the black stud to take in with the eyes, but whereas each of his bulging muscles held my attention for several seconds, the cute curve of the boy's ass captivated me for minutes. Each had something to offer: the black stud's body suggested the promise of beautiful force and wild power, the boy's body displayed a lithe frame and fresh ass. My dick grew back to full size as I stared at the asses before me.

Suddenly a gravelly, disembodied voice cut across my reverie.

"The Athletic Center will close in five minutes, please gather your belongings and prepare to exit."

I froze, expecting some reaction from the boy and the black stud. They did nothing, as if they hadn't heard the voice.

I snapped out of my lustful staring and began to contemplate an exit. Thoughts of finding a ride home at midnight sobered my libido and had me reaching for the faucets in front of me to turn them off. I had a hand on the hot water faucet when a voice--a live, close voice this time--startled me.

"Hey boys," the voice said with amused irony, "it sounds like we'd better get going."

I turned to see the lean, dark-haired guy and the short, blonde wrestler standing in the doorway of the shower room. Sly smiles curled on both their faces as they exchanged glances with the black stud and the cute boy. In that moment my eyes immediately locked in on their bare crotches, where a long cock swung loosely beneath a dark bush and a thick dick hung heavily from the wrestler's light blonde bush.

Reluctantly pulling my eyes from those tantalizing dicks I looked up to see the black stud flash a serious glance at the two newcomers and nod his head my direction. A tight silence fell over the room. I pretended not to notice but immediately realized that of the five people now in the locker room, four were complicit in some scheme that I knew nothing about. A wave of apprehension and embarrassment flushed across my skin as the wrestler and dark-haired Adonis met my gaze for a split-second. I quickly turned around to face the wall again and think.

I could just bolt, I thought. But as the hot water calmed my nerves I thought better of it. Whatever secret existed in that room was being shared by four hot, naked guys. It was worth some embarrassment to figure out what it was.

Before I could peer over my shoulder to see what the four of them were up to the two newcomers appeared at my sides, the dark-haired Adonis under the showerhead to my left and the wrestler on my right. I glanced quickly at their faces and saw poorly hidden, sly smiles on both.

As they turned their faucets and stepped under the water I took in the sight of them. The dark-haired Adonis stood about my height and his muscles ran lean and smooth like mine. I noticed his smooth thighs and legs and wondered if he was a swimmer like myself. The wrestler stood a half foot or more shorter than me, and my elevated vantage point allowed my to look down and see his sturdy shoulders and massive pecs.

Their dicks commanded most of my attention. An arm's length away the dark-haired Adonis' long cock seemed to swell ever so slightly as the warm water splashed down from his stomach, through his dark bush, and along the length of his soft shaft before dripping to the floor below. The wrestler's fat cock heavily and slowly swung as he lathered his thighs.

Though the two could see my speedo as clearly as I could see their crotches, I didn't try to tame my hard-on. There was no point. To my left and right water splashed down rippling abs and dripped from beautiful cocks. I was rock hard, my cock tip extended to the edge of my right hip under the fabric of my speedo.

While I thought I was doing a good job of surreptitiously stealing glances at their cocks I finally noticed the dark-haired Adonis and wrestler were leaning back to exchange looks and smiles behind my head. My gut--and dick--told me this was a good sign, perhaps the best of signs, but my head still worried. Were the corners of the smiles that I saw evidence of seductive, playful conspiracy or disgusted derision? I couldn't convince myself either way. I painfully worried about what I would have to do if the word "faggot" rang out abrasively from one of their mouths.

Then, suddenly, some convincing, comforting evidence appeared to my right in the form of a rising cock. The wrestler's thick dick slowly began to rise under the hot water until it was parallel to the floor. At that point the dark-haired Adonis reached a hand out behind my back to slap the wrestler in playful reproach on the shoulder while doing his best to cast a look of mock disapproval from within a growing smile. The Adonis' arm had lightly pressed against my back as he reached behind me. I relished the feel of his tight forearm on my shoulderblade.

The wrestler, smiling at the dark-haired Adonis' glances, put a hand around the base of his cock and began wiggling its length until it grew completely hard. The Adonis countered by grabbing his soft cock and tugging it firmly. After several tugs he released his cock and let it swell to its complete fullness unassisted.

A long full cock pointed straight at the shower wall to my left and a thick, fat cock pointed skyward to my right. I couldn't believe my luck. The two began lightly laughing as they continued to trade looks with each other and steal glances at my bulging speedo. I put a hand to my crotch and began kneading the base of my cock and my balls through the fabric of my speedo. I waited for them to make the next move.

Suddenly a voice rang out from a distant corner of the locker room.

"Be sure to check the showers, I think I hear someone in there," a female voice commanded.

I froze and considered a dash to my locker. However, I noticed my companions didn't react in the slightest to the voice. They simply kept at what they were doing for a few seconds until someone appeared at the doorway to the shower room.

A fresh-faced Latino boy stood there in baggy basketball shorts hanging low on his hips and the collared shirt that constituted the uniform of the Athletic Center student-workers. He stared into the showers and at our naked, glistening bodies with a slight smile on his face. I saw the wrestler and dark Adonis return his smile out of the corner of my eye.

"No," he shouted in reply to the female voice. He turned his head slightly towards to entrance to the locker room but kept his eyes locked on our bodies. "Somebody just left a shower running."

"Oh," the female voice replied. "Alright."

"Hey, Kate," the Latino boy said, "I'm gonna head out the back door. Can you lock the door from there and hit the main lights?"

"No problem," she replied. "See you Monday."

"Cool. Thanks," he replied as his smile grew wider.

Seconds later I heard a metal door clanged into a metal frame and saw the main lights of the men's locker room flash out. The Latino boy walked over to a wall near him and flicked a switch that dimly relit the shower room. Then he returned to the shower doorway.

"Missing a few people," he said as he looked about the room. The familiarity in his voice was striking. I felt like a fly on the wall in a den of thieves.

"Jake and Rob aren't back on campus yet and Kev and Andy are in Laguna for the weekend," the dark-haired Adonis said in a friendly voice.

"Well, bitches," he said with a smile as he pulled his shirt over his head, "I guess it's just us."

"And..." the wrestler said as he looked to me.

Tension tightened the room. The Latino boy's smile disappeared as he stared at me.

"Teddy," I said as I cleared my throat and stared at the Latino's dark brown torso. "I'm Teddy."

Another brief but terrible silence followed. It was broken by the Adonis.

"Well, Teddy," he said with a smile and a gesture to my crotch, "I think you've got the idea."

Everyone seemed to smile at that. I myself smiled between my embarrassed, red cheeks.

"Only one thing you should know, Teddy," the black stud said in a strong, clear voice. "What we do here stays here."

There was an edge to his voice and I looked around to see five pairs of eyes meet mine and await a response.

"Of course," I said trying to inject both confidence and levity into my voice. Then I added coyly, "But what is it you do here?"

"Fair question," the dark-haired Adonis replied with a smile that curled not only his lips but his dark eyebrows as well.

As I watched his smile his face tilted and came towards me until, somehow unexpectedly, his moist lips were flush against mine and the tip of his tongue was slipping in between my own lips. His hands pressed softly against my shoulders and then slid smoothly around my back.

"Shit," I heard the Latino boy say. "Not wasting any time tonight."

The Adonis' mouth was tender but strong. He sucked my lips in slow, forceful motions and slipped his tongue deep into my mouth quickly and carefully. I returned the wet, hot force of his mouth with a great deal of my own. Soon our tongues were slipping wildly about each other's mouths and faces and we began nibbling on each other's lips.

As our lips and tongues became entangled the Adonis worked to bring our bodies closer together. He wrapped his arms tightly around my shoulders and brought our pecs into hot contact. The warm water that rushed over our heads found very few places to fall between our bodies, pressed tightly together as they were.

As our torsos moved closer together I felt the tip of his cock suddenly poke hard into my hip. He recoiled slightly in pain and reached for his dick. I beat him to it and put my hand to his boner first. Exhilarated, he momentarily moved his lips from mine and pressed his cheek flush against mine while I took control of his cock. I gently took hold of his raging shaft and positioned the tip of his cock between my smooth thighs. Sensing my intention, he slowly leaned into me and moaned as his dick slid into the tight space between my thighs and the bottom of my speedo bulge.

Pressed so tightly together the heat from our bodies was intoxicating. Muscle on muscle--from our smooth thighs to our abs to our hard nipples--we were completely overwhelmed by each other. As we continued to suck and kiss with our mouths we gently grinded our bodies together, creating even more heat with the friction of our muscles. And while the dark-haired Adonis rocked his body against mine I relished the feel of his full shaft pumping between my wet thighs and rubbing against the bottom of my speedo-bound balls. Intoxicating too was the feel of my own bulge pressing firm against his firm hip.

I was ready to give in to the Adonis' force, to beg him to take my dick then and there, when I felt a pair of lips delicately descend upon the back of my neck. The lips kissed me gently and then disappeared, only to return to my neck as a pair of hands set down warm palms on my hips from behind. Soon I felt the presence of a whole body behind me: lips, cheeks, and a chin softly exploring the back of my neck, forearms pressing against my sides, two thick and firm pecs lodged against my shoulderblades, and a curved cock resting against the speedo fabric stretched tightly against my ass.

Soon the wrestler's kisses became sucking and his sucking became nibbling. His hands rubbed my sides from my armpits down to the sides of my ass cheeks. His cock, too, began rocking against my body and its tip slid smoothly against the firm curves of my ass.

Finally I reluctantly broke my seductive kiss--but not my full-body embrace--with the dark-haired Adonis and turned my head to acknowledge the wrestler behind me. Immediately his eager lips found mine and his tongue slipped against mine. I reached a hand awkwardly behind his head to press his face into mine. He responded in earnest and pressed his entire front firm against my backside, his pecs flattening against my back, his abs filling the arch of my back, and his cock lodging tightly along the length of my ass crack.

I pulled my lips from his to see his facial expression wandering in the haze of ecstasy. Still with a hand behind his head I pushed his face forward towards the Adonis who noticed my intent and met the wrestler's lips with his own. I watched as the two of them exchanged a sloppy, wet kiss over my shoulder.

As they kissed and sucked the wrestler wrapped his hands around the Adonis' ass and in one forceful motion squeezed all three of our bodies together. I nearly came that very instant. The sensations around my body were simply overwhelming. From above hot water streamed down onto me and created a sultry fog that rose from below. To my front and back tight, flexing muscles covered nearly the entire surface of my body and constricted me in a warm embrace. In that instant I wished to be between those beautiful bodies, grinding dick against ass, thighs against thighs, pecs against shoulderblades, abs against abs, until a hot fountain of cum sprayed from within our mass of flesh and ran hot and sticky between our muscles.

The wrestler and the Adonis broke their kiss and the Adonis quickly pressed his glistening lips back to mine. As we resumed our sucking and nibbling I suddenly felt the hot breath and wet mouth of the wrestler close around my earlobe. He began by kissing but moved quickly to sucking and biting on my earlobe. I could barely register the sensations from my mouth and ear as my head was blurred by the heavy breathing of those two faces that were so closely encircling my own.

The wrestler took control of the grinding of our three bodies. Still firmly gripping the Adonis' ass cheeks, he thrust his hips and cock harder and harder against my speedo-clad ass and sent all of our bodies rocking and sliding rhythmically against each other. Though my senses were too inundated with warm, wet feelings to concentrate too long on any one feeling, I did notice the impressive girth of the wrestler's dick as it slid along the fabric covering my ass crack. I briefly contemplated begging him to rip off my speedo right then and fuck me until jizz sprang from my cock into the space between the Adonis's abs and my own.

"That shit is hot, motherfuckers," I heard the Latino boy exclaim. I groggily emerged from the world of that hot embrace and wet kiss and looked with the Adonis and wrestler to see the Latino stroking his cock through his basketball shorts. At first the image of anything but the Adonis' dark hair or the wrestler's eager lips seemed a bother but I quickly warmed to the sight of the boy's dark-brown nipples and sculpted torso.

Equally delirious from our embrace, the Adonis and the wrestler could only look at the boy. Words escaped all three of us. The Latino boy filled the silence.

"Show me this new boy's shit already. I'm about to fucking shoot here."

The sly smiles returned to the faces of the Adonis and the wrestler. They glanced at each other and then at me.

"Yeah, let's see this already," the wrestler said as he reached around my hip and wrapped his palm about the base of my cock shaft. "Damn," he said appreciatively.

As I began to smile seductively in response I felt the strong hands of the blonde wrestler and the dark-haired Adonis grab me by the upper arms and press me against the wet tile wall. The shock of my skin against the cold wall was an unwelcome change from being amidst that hot embrace of muscle. Quickly, however, my two companions assumed places at my sides and began to reheat my body.

The Latino boy looked at me with lustful eyes. I was quite a prize. There I was, my backside pressed against a wall so my pecs, abs, and speedo-bound boner were wet and exposed to the boy. On my right the blonde, muscled wrestler leaned his pecs into my shoulder, pressed his cock against my hip, and rubbed my bulge with his wide palm. On my left the tall, lean beauty kissed my ear, pinched my nipple, and ran his fingers along the inside of my thigh.

"Fuck yes," the Latino said as he took in the sight. His words were had a harsh, domineering edge to them but his face was youthful and bright. I watched as his left bicep gently flexed each time he tugged on his cock through his shorts.

"Show it to me," he commanded.

The wrestler smiled in reply and slipped his fingers beneath the waistband of my speedo. As the fresh air rushed into my speedo I prepared for my cock to swing freely. Part of me was worried. The feel of bare skin on my cock, be it a hand or mouth or ass crack, could have made me cum so easily at that point. The wrestler gently peeled back my speedo until my shaft at first slid and then sprung out of that tight fabric.

"Motherfucker," the Latino boy said slowly with amazement in his voice.

The wrestler's eyes went wide as he looked down at my throbbing dick.

The Latino boy wasted little time. Soon he was standing in front of me with his hand on my cock. He grasped it lightly at first but after inspecting its girth and length he began jacking it more furiously. I rolled my head back against the tile wall as his hand went to work.

He didn't jack me off for long, however. Within seconds he was on his knees with water running through his hair and my thick cock in his mouth. He first closed his lips around just the tip of my cock and gave my cockhead a quick wet kiss. That was enough to send a jolt of pleasure through my body and elicit a low moan.

The Adonis and wrestler, seeing me vulnerable and excited, intensified my ecstasy by each leaning down to suck on a nipple. The wrestler gently sucked while the Adonis nibbled and bit. I wrapped my arms around their heads and pressed their faces firmly into my pecs. The wrestler's face strayed into my armpit for a bit, licking and kissing all over.

Shudders rippled through my body when the Latino boy began taking larger portions of my shaft in his mouth. I looked down to see him close his eyes and crane his neck to position his throat around my thick rod. I watched as the tip, then half, then two-thirds, then three-fourths of my dick disappeared between his gaping lips. I felt the tight wet confines of his throat surround the top of his shaft just as I began to hear him gag and see his eyes water. As he bobbed his head back I offered what help I could by leaning my ass back into the wall. When the full length of my cock finally emerged from his mouth it was drenched in his shiny spit. He closed his palm around my shaft and began pumping me again, using his spit to lather my dick.

Soon he assumed a sucking pace that didn't leave him gagging but left me continuously on the edge of blowing a hot wad into the back of his throat. With a hand at the base of my cock his lips slid from my tip down along two-thirds of my cock and back up. As he started to settle into this rhythmic sucking I dropped my hands down to the cocks of the Adonis and wrestler which were resting against my hips. I took them both in my palms and began tugging at their shafts. My hand could barely wrap about the girth of the wrestler's fat cock; his swollen dick was as thick as any I had encountered. The dark-haired Adonis' dick was long and full; I relished the feel of his hard tool from base to tip.

After I began pumping the Adonis pulled my hand from his shaft and brought it to his mouth. Then with a lustful look in my eyes he spit in my palm. I added some lube from my own mouth and clasped his cock tightly as I vigorously stroked his dick with our warm saliva. His eyes rolled back in a moment of ecstasy as my slick hand polished his cock. When the moment passed he leaned forward and kissed me, not wildly or with a probing tongue, but deeply and gently with great tenderness. The wrestler soon requested the same favor and soon I was jacking off two slick cocks as my own was bathed by the soft tongue and wet mouth of the Latino boy.

Eventually my eyes finally looked beyond the bodies servicing my own to see what the other two boys in the locker room were up to. Under the hot waters of another showerhead and in front of the black stud was the boy with the cute butt on his knees, a fat black cock in his mouth. The black stud's hand was wrapped about the back of the boy's neck and was guiding the boy's head up and down the stud's massive dark shaft. The boy was struggling to keep up with the imposed pace of the sucking. The huge black dick was extending his lips to the fullest and the pumping was making him gag. His eyes watered and spit ran down his cute, boyish chin as he slurped and choked on that massive meat.

The stud took his hand off the boy's head to reach up and pinch his nipples. As the stud leaned back and moaned the boy slid the fat cock from his lips and began kissing and sucking the stud around the base of his cock. The boy ran his hands up the rippling abs of the stud and moved to begin sucking on one of his heavy chocolate balls.

Soon the black stud took his hands from his dark nipples and grabbed the base of his cock. Then he began slapping his huge, wet cock against the side of the boy's face, as if to request that he resume sucking. The boy leaned back from the stud's dark sack and opened his mouth to receive the cocktip but the stud refused to oblige. Instead he teased the boy, slapping both sides of his face with his heavy unit. After several failed attempts to wrap his lips around the dark shaft the boy grabbed the dick by the base and slipped it into his mouth. The stud let out a low moan, murmured, "Fuck," and put his forceful hand on the back of the boy's head again. Soon enough the boy was gagging again on that giant cock.

Much as I tried to relax and calm my surging balls, I knew that the Latino boy's sucking was bringing me closer and closer to a cum eruption. I look back down to his cute face slowly and rhythmically bobbing onto my shaft and felt a familiar tingle in my shaft. Not yet ready to jizz, I slipped my hand from the wrestler's cock and put it under the Latino boy's chin. With the hand I tilted his face to look up at mine. Then with longing eyes and a pull under his chin I convinced him to stand up in front of me.

When his eager, cute face came level with mine I uncontrollably leaned forward to lock lips with him. His full red lips moved tenderly against mine and his tongue darted in and out of my mouth. The Adonis, sorry to lose access to my lips, began licking my ear as the Latino boy assumed control of my mouth.

As our lips churned against each other my hands wandered to the waistband of the boy's shorts. Once there I slipped a hand down and wrapped it around his full hard-on before pulling down his shorts with the other hand. With his cock free he instinctively leaned his muscled torso into mine, squeezing my body between his warm, firm chest and the cool tile wall. Our cocks lodged firmly against one another's stomachs as we grinded our bodies together and kissed passionately.

The wrestler and the dark-haired Adonis dropped to their knees on either side of the tight embrace between me and the Latino boy. They began kissing our hips and rubbing our thighs and ass cheeks as we continued to hold our bodies together with fierce force. When we finally did slacken our grip on each other's bodies the wrestler and the Adonis snuck their heads into the space between our hips and each found a shaft to suck on. The Adonis slipped his delicate lips around the Latino boy's dick and the wrestler placed his soft lips around my pulsing cocktip. The boy and I kept our wet lips locked as the space between our crotches widened to accommodate the bobbing heads of the beautiful boys tending to our hard-ons.

My balls were trapped behind the waistband of my speedo until the wrestler pulled the suit halfway down my thighs. As my smooth sack swung free the wrestler's mouth instinctively moved to close about one of my swollen balls. His mouth and tongue sucked and licked my balls while he stroked my shaft with a free hand. His tongue explored the whole surface of my sack and even lunged behind my sack and into the base of my ass crack.

The Latino boy finally broke his kiss with me to roll his own back against the wall. Leaning comfortably next to me against the tile wall, he arched his back to project his cock outward so the Adonis could better admire and polish his knob. Though our lips abandoned each other, the boy did slip a hand across his chest to pinch and massage my pink nipples. I reached out a hand in return and pinched his dark brown nipples eagerly.

After drenching my sack with his warm, wet mouth the wrestler returned his attention to my hard cock. Soon all I could see when I looked down was my cock disappearing into and reappearing from a head of short blond hair and a set of wet lips.

Across the room the black stud had gone to his knees before the backside of the cute boy. His strong dark hands were spreading those supple, youthful ass cheeks to reveal a tight pink hole and a smooth ass crack. The stud spread the cheeks, admired the boy's hole and how it twitched in anticipation, and then in one deep dive sank his chin and jaw into the boy's crack. A high, loud moan escaped the boy the moment the black stud's tongue hit his asshole. The stud kept his face lodged in the boy's smooth ass crack for minutes, trying to dig his jawbones deeper between those beautiful curves of soft flesh. At one point the stud had clearly gained greater purchase on the boy's hole because a wild shudder went through the boy and in the spasm he lost his balance and nearly fell back on the stud. When this happened the black stallion's muscular arms went up and strongly but gently held the cute boy on his feet.

When the black stud finally retracted his jaw from the boy's backside a coating of hot saliva shined along the boy's ass crack and drops of spit ran from his hole. The stud's hands kept those cute ass cheeks spread so he could admire that tender pink hole. The stud reached a hand up to the boy's face a spoke.

"Suck this," he said.

The boy eagerly took one, then two of the stud's dark fingers into his mouth. His face immediately took on the sultry eyes and sensual expression of cock sucking as he twirled his tongue and slipped his lips all along the stud's fingers.

Fingers wet, the black stud brought them back down to the boy's hole. In anticipation the boy leaned with his ass to spread his cheeks even wider. Feeling the strain, his pink asshole twitched, as if begging to be filled. The stud put his wet, shiny middle fingertip directly onto the center of the boy's hole and ever so slowly began to push. His fingertip had scarcely disappeared into the boy's warm insides when the boy's moans became words.

"C'mon, baby. C'mon, baby," he said in whimpering tones.

"It's coming." The black stud smiled as he continued his push. "You ready for me?" He asked with some humor in his voice.

The boy, ignoring the humor, pleaded to the stud. "Fuck me!"

"Okay, cutie. Here we go."

In one swift slide the dark finger disappeared between the clutching pink hole, knuckle after knuckle vanishing. Then, just as swiftly, the finger slipped out, the hole tightened, and the stud jammed two fingers deep into the boy's stretched hole.

"Fuck," the boy whimpered as his hole struggled to welcome the stud's fingers. Soon the fingers were in to the hilt and the black stud was straining his hand to go deeper into the boy's wet insides. From the stud's flexing forearms and the boy's moaning I could tell the fingers were wiggling all about the boy's tight tunnel.

The fingers reemerged from the hole, the slipped in again, and so on until the thrusts became pumps and the moans became rhythmic cooing.

As the boy let his hole be taken by those strong dark hands he put his own hand onto his half-hard cock and nursed it back to a full boner. The stud, seeing this, dropped his head between the boy's smooth thighs and took the boy's dick in his free hand. He bent the dick straight down into his mouth and took nearly all of its length between his wet lips in one gulp. The boy, not expecting to have his body so thoroughly tended to by this muscular beauty, rolled his head straight back and threw and arm up and across his forehead in surprise and ecstasy.

"Oh shit, baby," he cried. "Oh shit."

The stud smiled with the cock in his mouth and assumed a steady pace of sucking the boy's dick and pumping his asshole with his fingers.

I stood against the shower wall, watching that muscled stud service that cute, lithe boy, and knew that when I blew my load, it was going to be huge.

The wrestler had never slackened the pace of his sucking. His tender mouth continued to bathe my rod in warm saliva. I ran a hand through his short blonde hair and he looked up and smiled.

To my side the dark-haired Adonis pulled the Latino boy's cock from deep within his mouth and then stood to kiss the boy. I watched as the boy's slippery dick slid across the Adonis' firm stomach as the two pressed their bodies together. The Adonis broke their kiss to whisper something in the Latino boy's ear. I didn't hear what was said, but soon the two were turning towards me and the wrestler.

The Adonis put his warm hands on my shoulder and guided me two steps away from the tile wall. The wrestler, resolute in his gentle sucking of my dick, kept his lips fastened to my rod the whole time. The Latino boy squatted on the floor behind the wrestler and began rubbing his back.

Both of us, the wrestler and I, acknowledged our new playmates with smiles. I went further and pressed my lips to the wet lips of the Adonis. As he kissed me he grabbed the base of my cock, pulled it from the wrestler's frowning face, and playfully slapped it against the wrestler's face. The wrestler dove his nose into my sack and sucked my balls to escape the dick slapping, but soon reemerged to once again trap my cock with his lips.

After quickly probing my mouth with his tongue the Adonis stepped behind me. I felt his hands slide down my back and his lips gently kiss their way from my shoulders to my ass cheeks. Then his hands suddenly and warmly took firm hold of my ass cheeks and pushed them up and apart. Closing my eyes, I felt the steamy air of the shower room billow onto my tight hole. I waited for the next sensation, hoping for a finger or tongue on my pink boy hole, and was not disappointed when the smooth cheeks of the Adonis pressed against the smooth cheeks of my ass.

He could only tap my hole with the tip of his tongue at first, but the Adonis quickly grabbed my ass harder and spread my cheeks wider. Soon I felt his buried nose at the bottom of my smooth crack and his tongue spreading wide across my tight boy pussy. Instinctively, and with wild force, I threw a hand behind my body, grabbed him by the back of the head, and pushed his face into my ass crack.

Startled at first, the Adonis soon began chomping at my hole earnestly. His jawbones churned between my ass cheeks; his lips munched along my crack; his tongue flicked all around my hole. I wanted so badly for his tongue to somehow slip deep inside me and then fuck me furiously. I wanted him to pull out his long cock and bury it deep within me.

The Latino boy had taken up a spot lying amidst the warm water and soap studs on the shower room floor. It was there he could best get a hold of the wrestler's ass cheeks and give him the same warm ass-eating the Adonis was giving me. I could not see much of the Latino's face because it was lost between the wrestler's muscular ass cheeks. No doubt the boy was having some trouble pushing apart those rock hard ass muscles to give his tongue access to the wrestler's hole. He must have been having some success, however, for I could see the look of lustful delirium upon the wrestler while he sucked my cock. The wrestler never slacked in his cock sucking; though his hole was sending small spasms throughout his body he kept his mouth focused on my rod.

I heard a shout and looked across the room just in time to see the cute boy blow his load. The black stud was still servicing him front and back, finger fucking his asshole and sucking his dick from below. The boy came unexpectedly and his jizz shot straight down onto the face of the black stud between his legs. The stud continued to hold the boy's cock, pointing it straight downward at his face. He opened his mouth to receive the first stream of cum onto his tongue. Then, as he closed his mouth to swallow the jizz, a second spray shot onto his lips and cheek and began slowly oozing down his face. Not willing to miss another drop the black stud open his mouth wide and took almost the full length of the boy's dick into his mouth. As the stud's moist mouth milked the boy of his remaining cum the boy's body shook with wild spasms.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," the boy repeated as he looked down and watched the muscled stud start to pull at the base of his cock to drain the final drops of cum from his rod. The stud opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue to receive the final pearls of jizz. The last drops joined an already sizeable pool of cum on the stud's mouth.

Drained of cum and finally done shaking, the boy leaned down to kiss the black stud. As their lips and tongues sucked and slurped the hot, sticky jizz from the stud's tongue covered their lips and dribbled down both of their chins. The black stud carefully licked the jizz from the boy's cute chin and the boy returned the favor. Then they continued to kiss until every trace of cum had disappeared.

The black stud, his massive boner still raging, then laid back on the tile floor. His huge dick soared skyward and commanded the attention of the cute boy. Immediately the boy's small mouth was on the dark shaft and struggling to cope with its girth and length. Eager to please the big stud, the boy pumped the glistening shaft with his hand as he sucked. At first the stud watched, propping his upper body up by his elbows, be then he laid back into the warm pool of water on the floor and surrendered his dick to the cute boy.

Keeping his hand pumping, the boy began to suck the big dark nutsack of the suck and slip his tongue in the bottom of his ass crack. This, clearly, was a sweet spot for the stud for his back quickly arched and his cock pulsed visibly.

"Shit yes, boy," the stud said as he reached a hand to his cock. He pushed aside the boy's hand so he could work his dick with his own strong palm. The boy put one, then--just barely--two, of the stud's balls in his mouth. This sent the stud over the edge.

"I'm gonna cum," he announced.

The first spurt left a stream of hot white jizz from the stud's abs to his right nipple. The next spurt never saw the light of day. The boy immediately pulled his mouth from those big black balls and closed his lips over the stud's shaft. He began gently sliding his mouth up and down the stud's shaft while the black beauty unloaded his remaining jizz. Cum oozed out of the space between the corners of the boy's mouth and the stud's dark shaft and then slid down to the stud's nutsack and bush.

Even after the stud's body relaxed the boy continued to suck, coating the black rod with a white sheen of warm jizz. The stud folded both his arms behind his head and peacefully watched the boy slurp on his knob and swallow his thick cum.

Finally, and reluctantly, the boy took his mouth off the rod and looked up at the stud's face. Both smiled warmly at each other. On hands and knees the boy crawled up on top of the stud's body and gave him a sticky kiss of cum. The stud then wrapped his arms around the boy and the two lay there, on the warm tile floor of the shower room, steam rising all around them.

Words from the Latino boy shifted my attention.

"You ready for this hole, baby," he said as he stared up at me and stretched the wrestler's ass cheeks apart. He smiled mischievously and slapped hard on one of the wrestler's meaty cheeks. "Hmm, baby. You ready?"

The wrestler moaned assent with my cock in his mouth and I smiled at the Latino boy from above. Next the Latino boy stood and put his hands under the wrestler's armpits to pull him to his feet. The wrestler was not so sturdy on his feet and still seemed delirious from the ass-eating he had received and dick-sucking he had given. The Latino boy brought him face-first to the shower wall and pushed him against it so his backside protruded enticingly. The boy slapped the wrestler's ass again.

"Yeah, show us what you got," he commanded.

The wrestler's meaty ass cheeks spread and his pink hole appeared at the base of his ass crack. The Latino rubbed the side of his palm along the groove of the wrestler's ass crack and the wrestler cooed. I reached down to my spit-covered cock and pumped my shaft. With my other hand a continued to press the Adonis' face firmly into my ass crack.

After spitting in his hand the Latino boy began rubbing the wrestler's ass crack.

"Let's get you all slicked up," he said as the crack began to shine with spit. The boy put a finger to the wrestler's hole and, with unflinching force, slammed it all the way in. The wrestler's ass cheeks shook when the boy's finger came to a halt and the wrestler let out a low moan.

The Latino didn't relent and soon he was pumping the wrestler's ass with two fingers. The wrestler arched his back into the boy's thrusts and stroked his cock with a free hand. I continued to watch and stroke myself vigorously. The Adonis' warm wet tongue continued to bathe my hole in saliva.

"Get in here, baby," the Latino finally said to me as he motioned with his arm. Reluctantly I left behind the Adonis' ass-eating and stood behind the wrestler. The Latino boy stood to my side and took my glistening dick in his hands. As he stroked me with one hand he used the other to continue finger fucking the wrestler. The anticipation was unbearable as I watched the red tip of my dick swell just inches away from the wrestler's tight pink hole. I wanted to throw aside the boy's hands and slam mercilessly into that hole.

"Okay, baby," the Latino said as he removed his fingers from the wrestler and slapped his ass, "here comes some shit."

I put my hand on the base of my cock and guided my cocktip to the center of his hole. When my dick head touched the entrance to his hole he weakly gasped and turned his head back to look in my eyes. His blue eyes accented the soft, cute expression of both worry and desire on his face. I leaned forward, wrapped my arms around his broad chest, and gave him one quick kiss.

With one slow thrust I slid my full length down his tight, hot insides. He gasped and his body shook but I still had his chest wrapped in my arms so every shudder I caused came right back to me. His moans were high and tender, and I began kissing the back of his neck as I slid my dick back out of his smooth boy tunnel.

I pumped him slowly and soothingly, trying to acclimate his strained hole to my girth and length. After about a dozen pumps I felt his muscles begin to relax within the grip of my arms and his moans became lower and softer. He was surrendering his body to mine.

As I increased my pace he cooed, but didn't seem to resist. Slow pumping soon became swift thrusting and my balls began slapping the back of his thighs at the end of each thrust. Needing more leverage, I released my arms from his chest and instead grabbed him by the shoulders. With that better grip my thrusting became slamming and at the end of each slam my body slapped against his firm, muscular ass cheeks.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God," the wrestler repeated as the full length of my dick continuously slammed deep within his body. I looked down to see my cock fully slipping out of his tunnel with each pull back and then slamming in to the hilt with each thrust forward. His hole was constantly being assailed by my probing cocktip.

After one particularly hard slam his body shook, his arm slipped, and his chest and head fell forward against the shower wall. I fell along with him and the force of my chest against his back squeezed his muscular frame between me and the wall and sent my cock sliding even deeper into his asshole.

"Oh fuck," he yelled with my dick buried impossibly deep inside his soft, welcoming tunnel.

Worried and ashamed I withdrew my dick from his ass as soon as I regained my balance. Then I leaned forward to look apologetically into his eyes. He looked over his shoulder, greeted my worried face with a tender smile, and kissed me softly and deeply.

"A bit slower, I guess," he said with a cute smile. Then he put his arms back on the wall and once again jutted his butt out to welcome my hungry cock.

I was momentarily smitten by his grace and forgiveness before the allure of his glistening asshole called forth the animal inside me. My cocktip found his boy pussy in seconds and soon his tight tunnel was once again surrounding my rod. He cooed softly as I slid my full length in with slow care.

Eager to please the wrestler, I gently rocked my hips against his firm ass cheeks and massaged the inside of his ass with the length of my dick. I leaned my head into the warm skin of his shoulders and showered him neck with soft kisses. He rolled his head back next to mine so I could suck his earlobe and breathe hot air across his cheek.

The slow fucking made my dick come alive with smooth, warm sensations. The urge to cum, to spray my load in his tight interior, was overwhelming, but I resisted. I tried to pretend the feelings along the bottom of my shaft and in my cocktip were dull, regular sensation but there was no use. The wrestler's hole was intoxicating my whole body. I had to focus my attention as best I could on the nape of his neck, but even that was enough to make my cock ooze.

Suddenly the familiar feel of the dark-haired Adonis' jawbones materialized between my smooth ass cheeks. I turned my head back to see his shiny black hair bobbing over my ass crack and his hands spreading my cheeks wide. I rolled my head back and began exaggerating my thrusting motion so with each thrust backwards my ass pushed more firmly into his face and spread my cheeks wider for his probing tongue. Soon the Adonis had settled into the rocking motion the wrestler and I had created and began making my thrusts forward all the more deeper with the extra force of his jaw excavating my ass crack.

In front of the wrestler I heard the Latino boy begin slurping on the wrestler's cock. The wrestler rolled his head back in ecstasy and I used the opportunity to lean forward over his shoulder to see the cute, boyish face of the Latino bob over the wrestler's thick shaft. I reached a hand around the wrestler's midsection and put my palm on the back of the Latino boy's head. With gentle force I pushed his face down onto that thick rod, encouraging him to take as much of that huge meat as he could between his wet lips.

When I began to move my hand from his black hair the Latino reached with his own hand and kept mine in place. Apparently the extra encouragement was a turn on. I took the hint and pressed harder on his head, knowing that the force I put of the back of his head also pushed the wrestler's ass onto my rod. Soon a sensuous rhythm emerged between our four bodies that ran from the jaw of the Adonis, through my ass, across my hips, into the wrestler's ass through my dick, and into the boy's mouth through the wrestler's dick. Always thinking of some way to intensify the sex I was having, my mind could think of nothing.

The dark-haired Adonis, however, had something in mind. His cheeks fell back from my ass cheeks and a probing fingertip replaced them by rubbing across my spit-shined hole. I had a feeling all the Adonis' ass-eating was leading somewhere and I was happy that my suspicions were right.

A finger slowly but surely slipped one-knuckle, then two-knuckles deep into my tight tunnel. He pumped my ass a few times and then removed his fingers. I heard him spit and next I felt the acute fire of two fingers stretching my hole wide and curving into my smooth insides. Luckily the wrestler had taken control of our fucking rhythm by that point because all I could do was hang on to his muscular back while the Adonis explored my hole. The Adonis let the rocking of my ass do the penetrating work; he simply held his hand out and watched my curvaceous ass cheeks back up onto his fingers.

I turned back to see him crouched behind me, staring with wide eyes at my stretched hole.

"Come on, baby," I said, "Fuck me already."

He looked up with surprise that quickly morphed to eager lust and stood behind me. He grabbed his rod, stared at it and my ass intently, and stepped up to my backside.

Before he penetrated my hole I put a hand to the side of his face and gave him a deep kiss. Delirious with the thought of fucking, he returned my kiss with wild wet lips while slapping his cock against my full ass cheeks. I broke our, kiss, leaned forward onto the wrestler's broad back, and let the Adonis get to work.

"Oh shit, baby. Fucking shit," the Adonis said from behind me as his prick slide past my tight boy pussy and into my tight tunnel. "Holy shit."

I gasped and moaned as his impressive length filled me completely. I had to stop rocking along with the wrestler's ass to allow the Adonis to make a gentle entrance into my insides. The wrestler look back, saw what was happening, and leaned back with his ass, and in this way he forced my ass to back up onto the Adonis' probing rod. A mischievous smile appeared over the wrestler's shoulder as he forced me to impale myself on that slick cock.

When the Adonis' full shaft was inside me he exhaled and said, "This shit is hot."

Then he pulled his cock out of my tunnel and my insides went aflame. My head flew back into his shoulder and my moans became screams. I wanted more.

"Fuck me," I said and he slid back in.

"Fuck me," I yelled and he slammed his hips into my ass cheeks. His balls slapped my ass cheeks and his bush tickled my ass crack.

I let out a moan and my whole body slumped forward onto the wrestler. The Adonis gripped my shoulders and began thrusting wildly into my ass. Pangs of pain were quickly overtaken by the delirious, consuming sensation of his long rod filling my insides with such pulsing power. I again wrapped my arms around the wrestler's chest and pressed my hips firmly against his ass. I squeezed our bodies tightly together and let the thrusts from the Adonis fuck both of us.

With each slam the Adonis' hips sent a shudder from my ass cheeks through my hips, up my dick, and into the wrestler's tight hole. Our whole bodies shook; I watched the wrestler's head shake each time the Adonis' dick rammed to a halt in my tender tunnel.

After letting the Adonis ravage my hole for a while I leaned my chest up off the wrestler's back and tried to resume a slower, steadier pace for all of us. The first few moments were chaotic and the Adonis' thrusts sent me slamming back into the wrestler's ass cheeks and backside. Soon, however, he understood my intent and we found a steady pace. We rocked back and forth together for a while, all our hips moving forward in unison in the direction of the Latino boy's mouth. Then we rocked out of sync so when I thrust into the wrestler the Adonis pulled his cock from my pink hole and when I leaned back onto the Adonis' eager rod the wrestler leaned forward and into the mouth of the Latino boy.

As our pace steadied I turned back to kiss the Adonis. Not so frantic to plow my hole now, he tenderly kissed my lips and massaged my mouth with his tongue. Then I leaned forward and the wrestler's sweet face greeted me with a warm mouth. He nibbled on my lip in protest when I tried to lean back away from him.

Suddenly I felt the Adonis press his cheek against the side of my head and he proclaimed, "I'm gonna cum."

I heard some skin slapping on tiles and saw the Latino appear to the left of my ass, looking hungrily at the Adonis' hips as they made their final thrusts into my hole.

Leaning back I gave the Adonis a kiss before he pulled his glistening rod from my tunnel. I kept looking back as he began pumping his shaft. The Latino boy quickly put his mouth around his cocktip and began sucking.

"Oh shit," the Adonis exclaimed in surprise. He leaned his hips backward as if the wet, wiggling of the boy's tongue was too much for his sensitive prick. But still the boy continued sucking.

"I'm cumming," the Adonis blurted out in heavy, labored tones. He grabbed his cock by the base and pulled it from the boy's mouth so his cocktip rested on the boy's wet lips. Seconds after he did this a massive spray of jizz exploded across the boy's lips and left a gob of cum on his left cheek. The boy then opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and grabbed the Adonis' cock. He set the cocktip on his tongue just as the second spray shot a string of pearly jizz along his tongue and into his throat.

Then in one quick motion the boy took the top half of the Adonis' long shaft into his mouth and began sucking deeply. The Adonis moaned and put his hand on the back of the boy's head. As the boy sucked the long shaft the jizz from his lips and cheek ran down his face and dripped from his chin into the hot water on the tile floor.

The sight of the jizz-covered face of the Latino boy slurping hungrily on the Adonis' knob was too much. When I looked back at the wrestler's ass and saw my thick shaft beautifully piercing his boy hole I knew what I had to say.

"I'm gonna cum," I whispered in his ear.

He reached a big hand behind me, grabbed my ass cheek with it, and pushed my body and cock harder against his asshole.

"Cum inside me," he whispered in return.

I almost came upon hearing those words, but I managed to restrain myself a bit. I leaned forward and kissed his shoulders gently as if to say thanks and reached a hand around to his spit-covered shaft.

"How about you?" I whispered in his ear as I pumped his astounding girth. "Ready too?"

He arched his back and pushed his muscular ass cheeks into my crotch as his dick slid through my tight palm. He turned back and smiled.

"Together then?" he asked as he leaned in for a kiss.

I gave my reply in my kiss and then began slowly accelerating the pace of my fucking. As my thrusts grew stronger and stronger I tried to polish his knob as smoothly and deeply as I could.

"Getting close?" I asked as I began to feel precum ooze down his shaft and into my palm.

"Just say the word," he replied softly.

"One," I said as I slammed my dick hard into his tight boy tunnel and stroked his fat cock from tip to base.

"Two," I said--whimpered, really--as I humped his muscular ass cheeks again and felt my pulsing cock slide smoothly along his soft insides. He wrapped his hand around mine and together we slid my palm along his massive tool.

I didn't actually say "Three." Instead I moaned something loud and indecipherable as my hips crashed heavily into his ass cheeks and my prick slipped as deep as it could into his body. When my cocktip had stretched as far inside him as it could my fully extended cock shuddered and sprayed gobs of cum inside him. I didn't move to hump and rock against him; I simply leaned my chest against his broad, warm shoulders and kept my dick buried deep inside his warm tunnel where I unloaded my jizz as my whole body convulsed.

The wrestler came with me, as promised. As I moaned he gasped and I felt his cock surge in my tight palm. His thick rod twitched wildly three times, each time unloading a string of hot white cum on the shower wall. After he sprayed the majority of his load I resumed stroking his shaft. I soon felt drops of cum ooze down his shaft and lubricate my pumping hand. I pumped slowly and delicately but yet still all the wrestler's bulging muscles tensed as I touched his tender, swollen dick.

When my cock had stopped throbbing I began slowly sliding back and forth in his ass. The sensation of warm cum covering my cock and lining his boy tunnel immediately overwhelmed me and made my cock spurt what few droplets of jizz it had left into his body.

As I pumped his ass the wrestler cooed and reached a hand back to my head to pull me forward for a kiss. As our lips tenderly locked I pumped his weary ass steadily. Soon I began to feel jizz leaking from his asshole and oozing along the base of my shaft and down onto my nutsack. Very reluctantly I pulled my cock from his ass, broke my kiss with his moist lips, and bent down before his asshole.

My cum was rolling along the bottom of his ass crack and down the backs of his smooth, firm thighs. I looked at the sight of his pretty pink hole twitching from exhaustion and my hot jizz leaking from his hole. I was overcome. In a burst of passion I put my tongue to one of his smooth thighs and licked upward, collecting the oozing strand of cum on my tongue. I relished the familiar taste and swallowed it eagerly. Then I began to lick his other thigh, following the trail of jizz back to its source and licking his tight hole generously. He let out a low moan as my hungry tongue flicked against his sensitive hole.

Next I grabbed him by the hips and turned him about so his fat, sticky cock was staring me in the eye. With my own cum already swirling around my mouth I plunged my lips over his cum-covered knob and sucked vigorously. Surprised by my enthusiasm, he lost his balance as a shudder rippled through his body and he let out a high moan as he put a hand to the wall to stay afoot. My mouth strained to put his girth between my lips but I not only did that but also managed to put his full length into my jizz-loaded mouth. When he got over the shock of my sucking he looked down at me appreciatively.

The wrestler grabbed me by my upper arms and pulled me to my feet. Quickly he dropped to his knees and took my sticky cock in his mouth. Tenderly and slowly his pink lips bobbed up and down my shaft, sucking the layer of warm jizz off my tool. After a few brief but thorough trips along my shaft he rose again and opened his mouth for a kiss. On his lips I could see the shine of wet jizz. I pressed my lips to his and as our mouths and tongues licked, sucked, and probed each other our cum was traded and mixed together. The wrestler interrupted our kissing to savor and swallow the jizz in his mouth several times. After several minutes our huge loads had all but disappeared down our throats.

As the wrestler kissed me he wrapped his arms around my torso and pulled our embracing bodies under the streaming hot water. The steam rose heavily off the floor around us and brought a tired, lazy haze over our bodies. We were both exhausted and we rested our heads on each other's shoulders. I wanted to stand there under that relaxing warm water, in those huge sculpted arms, until all the energy I had pumped into his ass returned to my weary body. My work for the night, however, was not yet done.

The heavy breathing and low moans of the Latino boy startled the wrestler and me from our momentary reverie. We both turned to see the boy laying back on the floor, gripping his prick and pumping it with both hands. The Adonis was laying chest down on the floor between the boy's legs and was sucking on his brown nutsack. The boy moaned and arched his back against the tile floor. He didn't have long.

After sharing a sly smile the wrestler and I knelt on either side of the boy's chest and each put a hand on one of his dark brown nipples. We pulled and pinched with some force and the boy moaned louder as if in approval of our efforts.

"O-o, fu-uck!" the Latino boy exclaimed as a spray of jizz launched from his swollen cocktip. The rocket of cum shot impressively far and landed on the boy's neck, my hand, and the boy's right cheek. The wrestler and I instinctively recoiled and then giggled softly at the spectacle. The boy, however, wasn't done.

His second spurt hit the wrestler in the forearm and landed on the boy's chin as well. A third followed it in quick succession and sprayed modestly across the boy's tight abs. Finally the boy released his grip on his pulsing dick and the thick shaft fell heavily against his stomach. The Adonis looked up from the boy's sack, grabbed the glistening shaft, and pumped it a few more times, eliciting several moans from the boy and a few more drops of cum from the shaft. Then the Adonis let go of the cock and began rubbing the boy's cum into his abs and across his firm pecs. I wiped the cum from the boy's cheek and chin and prepared to rub it into his chest. As I moved my cum-covered fingers towards his chest the boy grabbed my wrist and pulled my fingers to his lips where he ravenously sucked his own jizz off my fingers. I saw the wrestler smile and offer his cum-covered forearm to the boy after he was done lapping up the cum on my hand. He eagerly accepted the forearm and licked it clean, swallowing his own jizz hungrily. Once he had cleaned off both the wrestler and me he looked around for any more cum to eat and, seeing none, laid his weary head down on the tile floor.

The wrestler, Adonis, and I exchanged smiles across the sticky, exhausted body of the Latino boy. I felt the warm intimacy of their knowing smiles as I looked from the wrestler's blue eyes to the Adonis' dark hazel eyes.

Suddenly the wrestler leapt to his feet and said, "Time to get this little bastard cleaned up."

He hooked his hands under the Latino boy's armpits and, with the assistance of myself and the Adonis, pulled the boy to his feet. We playfully manhandled him underneath the water, rubbing the cum from his abs, pinching his nipples hard, and slapping his ass. Soon we all turned on each other and we began mischievously tugging each other's balls and half-hard dicks, grabbing each other's asses, and punching each other's arms under the streams of hot water.

"Having fun?" a voice called. We turned to see the black stud smiling at us. He and the cute boy were cuddling under a shower on the opposite side of the room.

"Wanna join in, Jules?" the Adonis said as he leapt over to the black stud and pulled hard on his heavily hanging dick.

"Motherfucker," he exclaimed as he took a swipe at the Adonis who quickly escaped back to our shower.

Jules laughed and his abs flexed impressively. The joyful, intimate playfulness filled the room and we hung our arms about each other's shoulders and rubbed each other's smooth skin beneath the showers.

"That was pretty fucking hot," the black stud Jules said, "but it ain't over."

"Really?" the Adonis asked tauntingly, "You got one more bullet in that big black gun for me?"

Jules laughed. "Hell no. I think these balls are empty. But Teddy better have something left."

Everyone's eyes turned on me and suddenly my new bond with those hot boys seemed lost. Then the wrestler smiled, put his strong hand on my shoulder, and spoke.

"Almost forgot. Danny's the one who got this started, so he usually asks a favor from newcomers."

Unsure of how to reply, I asked the obvious question. "And Danny is...?" I said with some humor in my voice.

A soft chuckle rose among the group and then the cute-bottomed boy next to the black stud Jules stepped forward. "That's me," he said with a faint tone of delicateness to his words. I watched as his gentle smile curled deviously. "Don't worry, nothing freaky. Just maybe...well," he hesitated. "Would you fuck me?"

All the boys smiled. My cock was half-hard and exhausted from fucking the wrestler, but upon hearing those words blood immediately flowed to my crotch and sent my dick twitching skyward. I met his sly smile with one of my own.

"I think I've got something left for you," I said as a walked across the shower room, took the boy's cute youthful face in my hands, and covered his wet lips with mine. Immediately his hands slid down my sides and his palms spread out across my butt cheeks. He curled his fingertips into my ass crack and gently pulled my ass cheeks apart, as if testing the firmness and fullness of my ass muscles.

I felt my cock tap against his smooth stomach and looked down. For a boy with such a lithe frame his cock was impressive. I reached down and groped at his hard shaft while our tongues flitted about each other's mouths and lips. He grabbed my cock in turn and squeezed it hard before giving it a few hasty pumps.

I remembered the sight of the boy's adorable ass cheeks and instinctively slid my hands around his body and set them atop his soft, supple ass. The warm and tender feel of his skin made me suddenly twice as desirous to fuck him. I pulled his front up against mine, forcing our cocks to lodge against each other's stomachs. He took his arms from my ass and wrapped them around my shoulders so as to tighten his grip of my body. There was a lustful eagerness rising between us that manifested itself in our desire to press our bodies so tightly together.

Furiously I kneaded his ass cheeks with my hands. I stretched and pulled them apart and then mashed them together. I let my middle fingers wander down between his cheeks and follow his smooth crack to his butthole. He cooed gently when first my fingertip tapped at his boy hole.

"Sit here," Jules said.

I looked over to see him sitting against the tile wall with his legs spread eagle across the pools of warm water on the shower room floor. He was offering his body as a recliner and I quickly accepted. I sat down and leaned against his dark, muscular frame. My shoulderblades rested on his thick pecs, my ass wedged in between his sturdy thighs, and my back leaned against his half-hard monster cock. I sat in the pool of warm water and put a hand to my shaft to entice the boyish Danny to take a seat.

Danny needed no great encouragement. As soon as I had taken my seat on the floor he moved so he was standing straddling my thighs with his ass in my face. He leaned forward dramatically and presented his smooth crack and pink hole just inches from my mouth.

Without delay I leaned my jaw in between his soft ass cheeks and put my wet, warm tongue up against his hole. A low moan escaped him as my tongue bathed his hole in saliva. With my hands I spread his cheeks still further apart to allow my tongue to probe deeper.

"Eat that ass," the black stud Jules commanded. I could feel his half-hard cock begin to grow against my lower back as he watched the spectacle in front of him.

"Fuck," I heard the Adonis proclaim. I briefly looked around the boy's ass cheeks to see the wrestler, the Adonis, and the Latino boy jerking their tired cocks to new life.

I leaned back in to return to my ass-eating but the boy stood straight up and denied me access.

"Fuck me," he said lustfully. Clearly he had had enough foreplay for the night.

The next thing I knew the boy was squatting onto my crotch, grabbing my shaft, and directing my cocktip to his descending boy pussy. Once I felt my dick head press against his tight hole I took control of my boner and guided it the rest of the way.

At first the pressure of the boy's weight failed to open his tight hole but then suddenly his body gave way and in a flash the top third of my cock rushed inside his tight tunnel.

"Oh fuck!" the boy screamed as my fat rod burst through his hole. He moaned and whimpered but yet continued to lower his body onto mine. With my cock well within his passage I moved my hands from my cock to his sides which I massaged gently so he could began to relax.

Danny kept squatting until his soft ass cheeks had set down atop my hips. I used what little room I had to rock and thrust my hips to give him the last inch of my cock. This maneuver took him by surprise and his back instinctively arched as the force of my cock made him shudder.

He stayed there in his squatting pose, the full length of my dick within him, for a while. I felt his muscles loosen as I massaged his back and sides with my warm hands. After he was noticeably more relaxed he began to bob his body slowly up and down onto my dick.

As he steadily worked over my dick I appreciated the tightness of his tunnel. Once past his pink hole his insides didn't loosen, they remained a tight glove constricted my cock with warm wetness. His was a tunnel meant to squeeze the jizz from any cock that entered.

Each time he pulled his ass off my hips I used the opportunity to lunge upwards and slam my dick into him. Eventually he held his ass hovering a foot off my body and let me thrust away into his beautiful ass. This, however, soon proved tiring and I was glad when he sat back down on my hips and took control of the fucking himself. For my part I leaned back into Jules' muscular torso and hard cock and let all but one crucial part of my body go limp.

Danny was certainly experienced. Soon he was dropping his cute ass onto my prick with a force that I couldn't muster on my hardest of thrusts. Each time his lithe frame dropped onto me my body shook from head to toe.

"Hell yes, boy, work that dick," Jules called from behind me.

I watched as the Latino boy walked up in front of the boy's bouncing body and presented his hard cock to the boy's face. The boy slowed his bobbing and hungrily took the Latino's rod into his mouth. The Latino leaned back and exposed a spectacular set of abs and two perky dark brown nipples to Jules and me who rested below.

The wrestler and the Adonis stood on either side of the Latino boy and stroked their cocks vigorously. It seemed as though everybody had something left in them.

As the boy sucked on the Latino's cock he reached a hand out to both the Adonis' and the wrestler's hard rods. I looked up in admiration at the boy who was servicing four guys at once. While staring at the back of his head I saw him pull the Latino's saliva-covered cock from his mouth and lean over to take the wrestler's dick in between his wet lips.

I was thankful that I had recently cum because the tight grip of Danny's boy tunnel around my shaft was exhilarating. The fact that my cock was tired was the only thing that kept me from exploding inside him. Still, the rhythmic way he bobbed his ass over my hips assured me that my time inside his hole was limited.

When I looked back up Danny had again swapped cocks. Now the Adonis' long rod was lost inside his cute lips.

"I'm gonna cum," the Latino boy exclaimed as he stroked his meat.

Danny quickly abandoned the Adonis' cock, stuck out his tongue, and moved his mouth directly in the path of the Latino's cock. The Latino boy groaned and tightened his entire body as cum sprayed all around and inside Danny's mouth. Danny gave the pulsing, dripping rod a few tugs before taking its tip into his mouth and milking the last bits of cum from it with his lips. The Latino boy cooed in ecstasy.

"That shit is hot," Jules exclaimed.

Suddenly he wrapped his arms around my chest and I felt his cock surge against my lower back. Within seconds a hot stream of jizz was shooting up between my back and Jules' abs and pecs. He groaned and breathed heavily onto my neck as his cum lubricated the space between our muscles. The tight grip of his muscled arms around my chest ensured that the jizz would be spread across my back and his front.

I looked up when I heard a cascade of moaning. The first thing I saw was the Adonis shoot a string of pearly cum across Danny's face. Then, a moment later, the wrestler shot a bigger wad from the other direction. Danny awkwardly tried to catch both in his mouth but instead caught the wrestler's wad only with his right cheek. He regained control of the spurting dicks by grabbing both by the shaft, pulling them close together, and putting both cocktips into his mouth. With those two dicks between his stretched lips Danny received several more sprays of cum from both boys directly into his eager mouth. The Adonis and wrestler, for their part, yielded control of their cocks to Danny's hands and mouth and could only to react to the way he manhandled their sensitive pricks.

With two cocks in his mouth Danny began trying say something that came out as incomprehensible garbling. His tone, however, was rather clear. I reached a hand around to his cock just in time to feel a pulse rumble through his dick and gobs of cum roll down his shaft and onto my hand. The twitching that shook his cock as I tenderly milked several more sprays of jizz from it shook his whole body, and thus my cock as well.

As Danny calmed a bit I pause briefly to take in the scene. Everywhere around me in that steamy room I heard the tired breathing and gasps of those who had just blown huge loads.

Danny, however, didn't lose himself completely with his mouth full of cum and his cock weary. He swiftly raised himself from my dick, turned around, and fell to his knees over my glistening cock. His mouth and lips descended smoothly onto my shaft and began tenderly sucking my prick.

The only one yet to cum, I suddenly became the center of attention. Jules put his fingers on my nipples and began pinching them from behind. The blonde wrestler and dark-haired Adonis crouched at my sides and began rubbing my thighs and stomach with their smooth palms. The Latino boy started licking and then sucking my toes. I didn't have much longer left.

"I'm cumming," I exclaimed as loudly as I could from my overwhelmed body.

Danny kept on sucking so I said it again.

Still he persisted.

I considered trying to hold back but I absolutely could not. Danny's bobbing head came to a halt as white hot gobs of jizz exploded from my cocktip into the depths of his throat. After my cock relaxed from shooting to oozing I watched Danny's mouth begin pumping over my rod again. I first saw my creamy jizz as it oozed from the corners of Danny's mouth as it sucked along my rod. Intoxicated by the sight, I fell back into the strong body of the black stud and let all my muscles go limp.

When I rolled my head back upright Danny was crouching over me, his face covered with splotches of cum. He smiled and planted his hot, sticky lips on top of mine. In that deep tender kiss I tasted a creamy blend of several boys' jizz and Danny's moist mouth. I wrapped a hand behind Danny's head to make the kiss last a little longer.

"So," Danny said after breaking our kiss and looking at me with a smile. "Is there anything else we can do for you?"

I smiled in return and looked around the steamy shower room. The strong black arms of Jules were resting heavily across my chest and abs while his huge cock was lodged softly against my back. The wrestler's half-hard, fat cock was dangling heavily below his blonde bush and bulging muscles. Still breathing hard, the dark-haired Adonis showed off his lean torso each time he exhaled. A coy smile lit up the boyish face of the cute Latino who tugged at his swollen rod. And Danny's bright eyes looked down tenderly into mine from his cum-covered face. I thought for a second before speaking.

"A ride home would be nice."

The wrestler, whose name was Richie, happily drove me home. He hadn't wrestled since high school in Iowa, I learned, but he still maintained his workout regime from those days. He was a junior in UCLA studying biology. We traded stories about growing up in the upper Midwest as the night air blew through the car windows and over our weak, exasperated bodies.

"So the black guy was Jules."


"And Danny was--"

"The one who sat on your cock," Richie blurted out. Immediately we both laughed and turned red. I stole a glance at Richie's face and reveled in his warm smile.

"Now what was the Hispanic guy's name again?" I asked trying to diffuse the playfully awkward moment.


"And the guy with dark hair?"


"So that's everybody."

"Everybody that showed up tonight," Richie corrected.

"So this really does happen every week?"

"Just about. Ever since Danny and Jason hooked up there it's been a regular thing."

"Wow," I said genuinely taken aback. "Well," I said, hesitating, "It was nice of you all to let me stumble in on that."

"Are you kidding?" Richie said with earnest surprise in his voice. "That was incredible luck. No offense to my boys, but we seriously needed some new blood."

"Oh," I said, trying not to be presumptuous. "I don't want to bust in on your routine or anything."

"Hell no, man," he said as he slapped his palm on my knee. "You're always welcome." Then he took his eyes from the road to stare into my eyes. "Seriously, I hope you come back next week."

I couldn't suppress my bright grin so I looked down into my lap. "Okay," I said awkwardly.

"And promise me you'll wear that hot speedo," he added with a grin.

I looked out the window at the closed stores of Wilshire Avenue as we descended into Santa Monica. I was riding high in this new city, I thought.

We turned off Wilshire and I navigated Richie to Jamie's apartment building. Once there I stepped out the car and began to walk to the door. To my surprise Richie followed me.

"Good night," he stammered awkwardly as I noticed him with me on the doorstep.

"Good night," I replied.

An awkward silence passed between us. I decided I might as well say something, stupid though it may be.

"Kinda funny. Thirty minutes ago we're cumming all over each other and now neither of us has the balls for a goodnight kiss."

He smiled a crushingly cute smile, blushed, and then leaned in to place his lips ever so softly and delicately onto mine.

"Well," I said, blushing as he leaned back. "I take that back. You definitely have the balls for it."

"You do too," he said with a smile. "I've seen them."

With that he walked back across the moonlit lawn and drove away in his car. I stared dreamily into the street after he passed.

It was a while before I noticed the black Mercedes sitting across the street from where Richie's car had been. The car's dome light was on and a strangely familiar profile was visible through the back window. I scrutinized the figure for a second but could not determine why I recognized it.

"Hello, friend," an accented voice spoke from the shrubs by the doorstep. I jolted and then froze as a figure emerged right next to me in the moonlight. The look of horror on my face melted into confusion and anger when I recognized the countenance before me.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Renzo?" I said in an agitated whisper.

Renzo appeared to gather himself before speaking slowly and confidently. "He will explain," he said as he pointed to the Mercedes.

Suddenly I knew why the figure in the car window was familiar. It wasn't the shape of its body or contours of its face, it was the object on its head: a Havana hat.


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