Speedo Week

By James English

Published on Dec 31, 2003


DAY TWO: New Opportunities

I woke up humping my mattress, hard. My dreams were filled with images of Joe; my mind was retracing every inch of his tight body. An image of his pecs flashes--they're covered in sweat, his nipples are hard. Then in another flash his thighs appear--his smooth, trunk-like muscular legs are sliding up and down along my own legs, my hands brushes along the front of his thigh. Next, his six-pac--my nose is buried in his tight abs, my tongue is wandering in the spaces between his tight stomach muscles. I put my mouth around one of his protruding abs and suck on it, feeling the hard flesh in my warm mouth makes me hard. Next I see his basket--his huge cock is wrestling against his speedo, I reach down and throw my hand around his rod, pulling it and the speedo away from his body. Suddenly a flash of his face--his lips are earnestly searching for mine, his mouth opens wide in ectasy and receives my penetrating tongue. I see my hand glide through his hair. I see his half-hard cock underneath the hot water of the shower. Suddenly the images seem to slow down. I want to see his hard cock; I want to see my hand reach his uncovered shaft; I want to grasp his pulsing cockhead. But I see nothing. I see his speedo bulge again, but no stiff dick. I want to see his ass uncovered; I want see the tip of my finger on his asshole; I want to see the tip of my cockhead disappear between his firm ass cheeks. I want to fuck Joe. Instead I only see images of his hard body, his warm muscles. However, that was more than enough to make me rock hard.

I awoke to the feeling of my own wet precum squishing between my lower abs and the sheets of my bed. I quickly turned over to keep myseft from losing my entire wad on my sheets. When I rolled over in bed I saw Matt sitting on our couch with only a towel wrapped about his waist. I tightened up immediately and arranged the sheets so my boner wouldn't create a tent.

"Hey, James," he said smiling.

"What's up."

He flashed a wide grin. "You were really going to town on that mattress," he said, beginning to laugh.

"Umm, yeah, guess I was," I replied, sharing the laugh with him. It was my first experience with a roommate so I guess I had never before realized how obvious my mattress humping was. I tried to keep him laughing, "I was just, you know, checking the springs. Somebody's gotta do it."

He went along with it and kept laughing; it could have been much more awkward. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

As Matt replied I was suddenly taken aback by his upper body, bulging above his towel. My fading boner shot skyward again as I realized what a sculpted beauty Matt really was. I guess I should have figured as much since he played football, but I was trying not to think of him sexually the first few days. I figured he was straight and if I was going to live with him I'd have to look at him in an asexual way. Well, when he was in the towel, it was pretty fucking hard not to see him for what he was: fucking hot as hell.

He wasn't just muscular, he was jacked. His arms were canons, his biceps when relaxed were as big as mine at full flex (and I'm not selling myself short here). His shoulders and lower neck were decked with tight muscles on tighter muscles. His pecs were humongous, I doubted I could grasp them in their entirety with hands. The bottom of his pecs jutted out from his stomach like a cliff, of lot muscle. And his abs were so well sculpted that they almost seemed pointy. And as he was leaning forward while sitting down, I saw his muscular back. I had never thought of the back as a particularly attractive part of the body, but the twisting muscles that ran along his back changed my mind. At the bottom of his back I could see the beginnings of his firm ass, which was a perfect example of a bubble butt. I had noticed his ass before when he wore gym shorts on the first day in our room, that was the one sexual glance I allowed myself. As Matt sat on the couch he was flipped through a magazine. Even when he did an action as simple as turning the page I could see his biceps move and his shoulders twist slightly. He was a machine, and a hot one.

"So what are you up to today?" he asked, breaking my gaze from his body.

"Umm..." I was still dazed, I was admiring the way his pecs and upper abs squeezed together when he leaned forward. It accentuated his huge pecs even more.

"Still tired, I guess," he said laughing.

I then realized he noticed me ogling his body. I couldn't let the awkwardness go on, so decided to say something. "Jesus, man, you're fucking ripped!" I said, sounding amazed, as I truly was.

He seemed glad that I spoke up, and blushed a little at the comment. For a moment I pondered that he might be gay, but it seemed too good to be true. "Thanks, man. You gotta have the muscle power if you wanna play college sports, you know?"


"Of course you do, man. I mean, fuck, you're pretty fucking ripped yourself in that damn speedo. Hell, almost wish I had a body like yours. Sometimes this can be too much for the girls."

"Right." I was hanging on to one word he said and ignoring the rest--girls. Son of a bitch, we could have had some hot times together. But what the fuck, he'd still be hanging around half-naked all the time. But that would indeed require some serious hardon control.

He seemed to be getting uneasy with all the talk of hot bodies, whereas my boner was loving it. After a bit of silence he changed the subject.

"What are you up to today?"

"Well, swimming practice is late tonight, so I though I'd go for a run before classes."

"In your speedo?" he said, a bit incredulous.

"Yeah, after yesterday I guess I got pretty used to it." An image of Joe's bulge flashed past my eyes. "What are you up to?"

"I've got film class this morning, then football practice till six."

"I guess I won't see you till later then." I noticed the towel again. "Just back from the shower?"

"No, headed there right now."

"Oh, well I'm gonna do some stretches here and then go for a run, I guess I'll see you tonight."

"Streches in here?"

"I'd do them outside but since I'm a little underdressed..."


"Yeah, and I'd better finish what I started on the mattress before I go. Blue balls can fuck up your running." I was half-joking, still trying to make light of the mattress humping incident.

Matt froze for a second, "Right. Then I'd better get going." He was forcing a smile. He reached up to his top bunk and fiddled around with his stuff before leaving. "See ya."

As the door slammed I jumped out of bed. I stood and streched my arms while looking down at the remains of my boner. Just a few days into college and I already had two studs to keep me hard. Excellent. I got on the floor in the center of our room and began doing crunches. I watched as all the energy flowed from my cock into my abs. I kept going until my stomach began burning, and then I went on until it almost felt numb. Then I fell on my back and watched my stomach rise and fall, examining my abs all the while. I went on to do some push-ups and other exercises for the next few minutes. Once I was finished I fell to my back again. I was sweating a bit like always from all the work, however, it was a different experience in just the speedo. Sweat didn't get absorbed by my t-shirt, it rolled right down my chest and thighs. It felt strange. After my breathing slowed down I began rubbing my package again. I had deliberately waited until after my exercises to whack off because it's much more fun when I have to work to blow my wad. If I had done it right off it would have taken under a minute--now I got to play with it. Once my dick was hard I pulled down my speedo and grasped my shaft. Then I ran my hand across my sweaty pecs and spit in it, using natural lubricant--my favorite. As I stroked I began breathing hard. I worked my cock to near-climax a few times and then pulled back. Finally I began stroking furiously, my back slowly arched off the floor and my ass cheeks tightened against the hardwood floor. I was focusing all my efforts on my cock. Sweat droplets were sliding down my brow. I got to watch sweat beading on my pecs and abs for the first time--I saw the results of my efforts in areas aside from my surging shaft. Finally I came. The hot cum shot onto my stomach. I quickly slapped my hand down on my stomach and began swirling the mixture of jizz and sweat across my six-pac. I was tempted to taste it, but I held off. I kept rubbing the cum on my stomach, it was really arousing me. I lathered my entire six-pac and then began cupping my pecs with my jizz-covered hands. When I finally stopped my pecs and abs were covered with a thin, almost invisible, layer of sweat and cum. All my hard work was tiring so I relaxed on my back a bit longer. Too long, though, because I fell asleep for a few minutes. When I woke up the cum lather on my body had dried. I suddenly realized Matt would be back any minute so I quickly put on my running shoes, changed my speedo, and headed out the door for my run--still covered in my caked cum.

Stepping out of the door of my dorm was a test of my nerves yet again, but I built up the courage yet again. However, I did decide to run on the cross country course, which was conviently secluded in the nearby woods. As I was running, I felt amazing. I had never run in a speedo before--it felt like I was running naked. I watched my legs as they flexed with each stride and I watched my pecs as my arms moved in time with my legs. I could see all my muscles putting forth effort. I felt like a machine. Slowly sweat began to bead again on my brow, my pecs, and my abs. I watched as the dried cum slowly mixed with the new sweat and rolled down my body. As I thought about the jizz running all over my body, I began to get hard. The feel of the wind whipping across my body was envigorating. I could feel it sweep across my chest and stomach like a gentle hand. I also felt the swish of air between my legs like hands that were whisking across my inner thighs. It was a great run.

After the run came my shower, my two classes (both without other speedo boys), lunch, and then finally swim practice. I hadn't exchanged any phone number or email address with Joe because we both knew we'd see each other at swim practice. However, it was over 24 hours since our hot episode, and my cock was aching to see his six-pac and his beautiful blonde hair. Before entering the pool area I stopped in the locker room to put away my watch. There weren't many other freshmen in there because speedo-week really did away with the need for storing clothes during practice. However, as I placed my watch in my locker, I heard a familiar freshman voice.

"God damn you're hot," I spun around to see Joe standing behind me, still in my tight white speedo. I was stunned, I wasn't expecting him to say something like that out loud.

I turned to him and put my face close to his. "Shhhh. Easy with the comments."

Joe looked genuinely surprised. "Oh right. Sorry. Silent as the grave from here on out," he said as he ran an imaginary zipper across his lips.

"Thanks." I smiled and looked around, the room was empty. I quickly threw my lips onto his and began sucking on his upper lip. We threw our arms around each other's shoulders, I immediately felt the warmth of his massive arms on my shoulders. I pulled away for a second. "You're fucking hot too."

He slid his hands from my shoulder blades across my back to my ass, which he gently squeezed. Then he looked me directly in the eye and pulled my torso against his. The smooth touching of muscles was heaven. And all the while I felt his body I stared into his blue eyes, he was gorgeous. I began to feel my cock rising, and soon my hard cock was resting alongside his. I also began sliding my hands down his back, sprawling them wide so I could brush across his entire back. He turned his head and gave me a full, passionate kiss. When he finally released my lips my eyes were still closed.

"Jesus, Joe, we seriously need to fuck sometime," I said, half-joking.

He grinned wide. "What about right now?" He looked serious and ready.

I hestated. "Well, maybe not this instant." I smiled and Joe returned the smile.

"You know, James, all I've been thinking about this past day has been how good you must be in bed. I've done everything but draw diagrams of how we'll have sex."

It was hard to believe what I was hearing, hard to believe this hot body was willingly in my embrace, hard to believe how hot the sex would end up being....hard to believe practice started in one fucking minute.

"Shit," I said, after hearing my watch beep on the hour. "We gotta go."

We quickly broke our embrace and began running for the pool, trying to calm our boners as we ran. When we dove in the pool the team was already huddled in the shallow end listening to a talk from the coach. Joe and I swam over as quick as possible--luckily, the coach didn't spot us.

My second swim team practice was much more enjoyable than the first. During the first practice I was still worrying over how I would perform, would I be able to keep up with the college level pace. Now that I had realized I had a secure place on the team, I was able to enjoy practice a bit more--and that meant, as it always has for me, checking out my teammates in their speedos. Out of all the freshmen, I picked about a dozen who were Grade A meat. Among those, about five were absolutely amazingly fucking hot--Joe included of course. But, even though Joe was clearly the object of my admiration during my body survey, there were still one or two freshmen who rivaled him. However, the promise of Joe's naked body and the confidence that we would have hot sex ultimately tipped the scales temporarily in Joe's direction. However, that was only among the freshmen. As I looked at the upperclassmen who were practicing in a separate but nearby pool, I saw from afar that there were some very promising bodies among them. After initially checking out the freshmen, I went back through for a package check. Most of the freshmen had admirable bulges, but there were a few, Joe included once again, who looked to have monstrous cocks in their service. My mouth watered a bit at the prospect of welcoming such thorough bulges into my mouth. So basically I spent the entire practice carrying out a mental beauty pageant for the freshmen swimmers. Categories included: best abs, best pecs, biggest bulge, best face, best ass, and many more. Joe was the winner or runner-up in most competitions. Every now and then Joe caught me staring at him and smiled. However, one time he decided to be funny so he flexed his muscles when he saw me gazing his way. It was embarassing and I wanted to turn away from him immediately, but his show of muscle was attention-grabbing.

When practice concluded the coach gather us in the shallow end for his closing remarks. As I got in the huddle of sorts I felt Joe's body pressing against the back of mine. Luckily, everyone was gathered close together so it didn't look awkward in contrast to the rest of the huddle. However, as coach was speaking Joe's cock decided to spring to attention while pressed firmly against my ass cheek. That wasn't a huge problem--the problem was that my cock decided to flex as well. I had to lower my body a bit to make sure my boner-filled speedo wasn't visible to anyone. I could tell Joe thought my predicament was funny because I felt his body shaking with laughter against m backside.

When coach finished talking, he told us to stay put so that the captains could talk to us. Patrick, the head captain, walked over to our huddle. He was wearing his speedo and was a model of beauty. His muscles were toned, his skin was a dark, olive color, his hair was a deep black. And his speedo, was full--more full than any I had seen. As he began speaking to us he was standing on the pool deck and we were standing four feet beneath him in the water. So we were all looking to him, and in doing so looking at his massively protruding bulge. He seemed to notice the wide eyes. A bulge like his clearly gave him the confidence needed as captain.

"So, fuckers," he began, "how's dick suit week going?" He didn't seem to be expecting an answer.

He didn't get one.

But apparently he was expecting one. "Well," he raised his voice. "How the fuck is it going?"

Freshmen began murmuring. He wasn't happy.

"You, how's it going?" He pointed out a random freshman.

"Fine" was the meek reply.

"No, sir, you fuck. Anybody taken your picture yet, fucker?" Patrick asked.

"Yes, sir."

Patrick smiled. "Well, you must be an attractive fucker. You must fill you speedo real nicely."

Silence from the fresman.

"Do you fill your speedo nicely, fucker?" Patrick crouched down and got his face close to the kid. "Well?"

"Yes, sir." The reply was almost a whisper.

I looked over at the kid. He was one of the star contestants in my beauty pageant. I could have told Patrick he filled his speedo nicely.

Patrick stood back up. "Anybody else wanna give a report on dick suit week?"


Suddenly I felt Joe's body move behind me.

"You," Patrick said, point at me--above me at Joe.

"Well, sir," Joe began, "it's been pretty good. I've been getting lots of encouraging stares." Joe sounded a bit cocky.

"Good, you fuck. I hope you like them."

"Oh sure, there have been some pretty hot guys staring me down." As Joe finished the sentence, my stomach dropped. I could feel all the freshmen's eyes turning to Joe. Suddenly the sight of our bodies pressed together was painfully obvious. I tried to slowly pull away from Joe. I turned a bit to look back at Joe--he seemed unphased and oblivious to all the stares. I looked around and saw a few of the stares were directed at me. My stomach dropped further. I looked up at Patrick and saw that he had an eyebrow raised and was looking at Joe. Luckily, he went on with his talk soon.

"Well, fuckers, enjoy the rest of your last easy day. Tomorrow you start running errands and doing favors." With that Patrick was off and we were allowed to leave. I waited in the pool until almost everybody had gone and began whispering to Joe.

"You idiot!" I began.

"What?" Joe was really surprised.

"Everyone knows you're gay now, man," I said consolingly.

Joe looked dumfounded. "That's the idea. How are we suppose to figure who's fuckable and who's not if we keep quiet. Trust me, now the interested hotties will approach."

The comment kind of hit me in the stomach. I realized Joe and I were basically just hooking up, but the idea of him being a swinger of sorts was kind of unsettling. Then again, if hot guys joined the action, how could I honestly complain.

"Hey," Joe said, "I was hoping we could catch up on our action now."

I quickly threw out all other thoughts and focused on Joe's face. "So was I," I replied.

"Well, as far as I know, the locker room should be empty from the end of practice to tomorrow morning."

I smiled.

He took my hand and led me out of the pool. As I followed him into the locker room I watched the water roll off his body from behind. I admired his tight back muscles, his firm ass, and the curves of his calves as the water rolled down his backside. I mostly focused on his ass, for I was contemplating the asshole that I would be meeting so soon.

Once we got in the locker room we had to pretend to be occupied while we waited for the last swimmers to clear out. Once the room was empty we looked at each other and made for the showers. We both prepared piping hot showers for ourselves and jumped in. At first we each each stood under our own shower, just looking at each other and rinsing our hair. The full view of Joe's body, even with his cock still hidden beneath his speedo, was awe inspiring. His muscles were still primed from the vigorous practice. His stomach was still rocking back and forth from his breathing, showing off his six-pac. Joe grabbed some soap and began lathering his arms. As his lathered one arm the other flexed in its rubbing motion. I watched in envy as he cupped his hands and polished his shoulders and biceps. After he had massaged his shoulders and arms long enough he stood still and looked at me.

I mimicked his actions, but I tried to flex my muscles even more to accentuate my well toned body. Joe seemed to notice my extra effort and smiled accordingly. Finally I stopped and gave Joe the look to continue on our game. He continued by soaping up his hands again and reaching for his pecs. He slapped his hands on his monster pecs and began kneading them forcefully. He squeezed them frequently showing off how tight and firm they were--how resistent to his squeezing hands. Then he gently began stroking his nipples with the tips of his fingers. He pinched his nipples and began pulling on them hard. Suddenly he moaned. I then realized my cock was hard and my precum had been spent watching Joe. He soaped his hands again and began gliding them across his six-pac. As he massaged his abs he rolled his head back in pleasure, and in doing so further arched his abs outward. The scene was making my cock twitch. And I hadn't even touched his body yet. I couldn't hold out much longer.

I took a bound towards him and our wet bodies slapped together. Joe smiled as his soapy pecs connected with mine.

"I knew you wouldn't last long," he said and laughed.

"Just fucking kiss me."

And then instantly his lips were on mine, vigorously playing with and sucking on my lips. He took one of his hands and placed it on the back of my neck and began pushing my face further into his. As a result my tongue found its way into his mouth and was greeted forcefully by his own winding tongue that twisted about my own. With his other hand he rubbed my back, also using it to push my body tighter against his. With my hands I immediately found his ass and began churning his firm ass in my hands. As we tried to push our bodies infinitely close together, the steaming hot water from the shower still found its way between our two chests, which were flattened against one another. At one point the water ran down the channel between our pecs, at another point it split into different courses through our six-pacs. It also rushed down our backs and splashed off our hands. However, although the water was hot, I could still distinctly tell the different between the warmth of the water and the warmth of Joe's touch. As our stomaches pressed against each other our abs slid bumpily across one another. The bumping made me so hot--I knew it was only the result of our firm muscles learning the curves of the other's muscles. I began pulling his ass and cock towards mine with my hands. When his cock finally met mine I felt as though my wad was going to blow.

I backed a way from Joe. At first he gripped hard and escaping his grasp seemed impossible. But as I slipped my tongue from his mouth he opened his eyes and saw in my eyes some plan.

"I was hoping we could get a little further than this," I said smiling. "And, if we keep this up, I gonna blow my load in a heartbeat."

Joe looked at me, considering the options. "Hmm, so we need to turn up the action but not push your cock over the edge, right?"


"Then we don't you get on your knees and explore what my speedo is hiding."

I was overjoyed. I dropped to my knees right away. I found myself confronted, my face with his cock. His dick was trapped in his speedo as it was the day before, with the cockhead way off to one side. I was shaking with expectation as I reached out my hand to pull down his speedo. I slipped my fingers inside the tight nylon and began tugging downward. After a few tugs my prize appeared--Joe's huge cock popped out of his speedo. I stopped pulling on his speedo, leaving his balls trapped inside his speedo, and grasped his cock with one hand and began opening my mouth to receive his cockhead.

"Hey," Joe interrupted, placing his hand on my head, which was descending towards his cock at the time. "First get my speedo all the way off."

I obediently tugged his speedo to the floor and he then stepped out of it and flicked it aside. I desperately wanted to do the same for myself but decided to dive onto Joe's cock without delay. I was glad I took the speedo all the way off, for now a nice set of balls was hanging for me to play with. I began making for his cock again, admiring his bulbous cockhead as I prepared to bathe it in my saliva. However, I felt Joe's hand gently touch my head once again.

"I think you should explore all the other areas underneath my speedo before you visit the main attraction."

I couldn't believe he wanted to delay the oral action any longer, but his voice seemed very patient. If he knew the treat my mouth was about to give him, he might not have given me the run around. However, I once again followed orders. I began by tracing the waistline of his speedo with my tongue. It was easy to find because Joe had a great speedo tan. Once I reached Joe's hipbones I began opening my mouth and earnestly trying to suck his flesh as best I could. It was a strange experience but the taste of Joe's skin was worth it. And Joe seemed to be enjoying it too--his moans were picking up. I finished with one hip and traced his tan line around his back towards the other. As I passed over his ass I let my chin quickly nestle into the top of his ass crack. Then I moved to the other hip. After trying to give him and hickey for a few minutes I moved from his hip to his ass. I first began by grasping his ass cheeks with my hands and squeezing them like crazy. As I squeezed and began to pull his ass cheeks apart, revealing his ass crack. As I squeezed he tightened his ass muscles in response. As I examined his ass I remembered why I liked swimmers so much--perfectly smooth assses, cracks and all. Finally I was pulling his ass cheeks so far to the side that his asshole came into view. Then I decided to dive in. I pulled his ass cheeks as far apart as possible and then sunk my nose and mouth into his crack. I planted my mouth a bit above his asshole at first. I slid my tongue out and began sliding it up and down his crack. As I licked I felt his warm ass cheeks pressing against my cheekbones and jawbone, both jammed into his ass crack. Now when he tightened his ass muscles I really felt his power and warmth. I began sliding my face down his ass crack and soon I felt my tongue connect with his asshole. Joe cried with pleasure.

"Fuck yes, now you found it!"

I circled my tongue around his sphincter gently at first, getting to know the territory. I noticed that the skin around his asshole was very soft, very virginlike. I began swirling around his hole more quickly.

"Aaaahhh, c'mon, that's it."

Then I stopped swirling and began tapping my tongue directly on the center of his hole. I began to feel his sphincter tighten with pleasure as my taps became harder.

"That's nice, harder now."

I began tapping so hard that I could feel my tongue begin to slide into his hole. Finally I stopped tapping and leaning into his ass with all my force and made a drive with my tongue. I felt his hole give way and let my tongue slip in before quickly retightening around my tongue. I could feel Joe's ass quivering from the penetration.

"Good fucker, good fucker," he chanted.

With my tongue partially lodged in his hole I began working it back and forth. At the end of each thrust I made with my face I tried to feel his insides with the tip of my tongue. Joe seemed to feel my efforts at work.

"Oh yeah, lick me from the inside."

Joe liked my thrusts so much he began to rock back and forth to facilitate my thrusts. He bent forward and pushed his ass backwards, spreading his cheeks for my face to enter. With his ass jutting out he began rocking hard, slamming his ass into my face. Eventually, he rocked to hard and my tongue slipped from his hole.

"Put that slippery fucker back where it belongs." Joe was craving more tongue penetration, but I decided to move on to different things. I began sliding my face further down his ass crack until I was directly underneath him. I looked ahead of me and saw his nuts hanging down and began my next exploration under Joe's speedo.

I closed my mouth around Joe's balls so quickly and unexpectedly that he practically came then and there. I felt his legs shake apart as the feeling reverberated though them. Once I got my mouth on his balls, I didn;t let go for a while. At first I just sucked his sack in general, enjoying the wrinkled skin and the stay hairs on it. As I sucked I pulled his sack downward, stretching it from his body. I looked up and saw Joe wincing with delight as I tugged harder and harder with my mouth. Next I began playing with his individual balls. First I sucked each one at a time, making sure I sucked each one as hard as I could. Next I began probing each ball with my tongue while I sucked, attacking it was all sorts of pleasures.

After playing with Joe's balls for ages, I let his nutsack slip from my mouth and hang free again. I then repositioned myself in front of Joe for the final assault. I was position facing his crotch head on, with my mouth waiting to cradle his cock. After getting in place I looked up at Joe and saw in his eyes that he was finally ready to let me put my mouth around his monster. So, with trembling hands, I grasped his cock near the base of the shaft in my right hand and then lowered my mouth onto the tip of his tool. The moment my tongue hit his cockhead I tasted that lovely taste of cock. In fact, I was so overcome by the taste that I quickly went from licking his cockhead to engulfing it with my entire mouth. With my hand holding his cock in place I began bobbing my head over his cock. My body shook with pleasure as I felt his cock slide along my tongue, as I felt his cockhead hit the roof of my mouth. Inside my mouth my saliva was getting warmer and warmer as Joe's hot cock pulsed in my mouth, against the tender skin of my tongue and cheeks. After bobbing my mouth over the top 3 inches of his dick for a while, I thought to take the whole cock in my mouth. I looked down Joe's 9 inch shaft and pondered the possibility. I looked down to his patch of pubes, it seemed like a mile--but a fucking great one. I slowly began taking more of his cock with each bob, until my lips hit my hand which was still grasping his shaft. I released my hand and began bobbing deeper. After a while I had covered all but the last two inches of his cock. I could see how close my nose was to being buried in his pubes and I wanted that badly. However, his cockhead was now beating on the back of my throat with each bob. I could feel his tender cockhead squishing against the firm roof of my mouth. But judging from Joe's moans, he didn't to mind. So on one bob I dropped my jaw as far as I could and let his cock slid all the way into my throat. I felt the tip of his cock wedge itself in the back of my throat. As I felt my nest brush his pubes I felt victory, and the length of a 9 inch cock in my mouth. As the rod slid back out of my mouth I gasped for air. However, as his cockhead slid across my tongue I prepared for another deep dive. However, just as I began to open wide my mouth, I heard a noise.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh, fuuuuuuck." It was clearly the moan of someone cumming, and I taste no cum in my mouth.

Joe must have heard it too, for he quickly tensed and grabbed his cock by the base, beginning to slide it from my mouth.

We heard nother noise. "Oh shit," we heard. It was someone just outside the shower room, and they now sounded like they were trying to make a mad dash from the locker room. Joe seemed to sense that as well and slipped his hardon from my mouth and ran out of the shower. I knelt in place for a moment, missing Joe's cock, but then arose and followed Joe's footsteps.

When I reached the door of the shower I saw Joe with his arms around another naked guy who was battling to get free. I quickly came to the Joe's aide and together we pinned the guy against the lockers.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Joe boomed. He looked furious. I would have too, if I had been about to blow my load during a great suck-off.

When I looked at the kid's face for a response, I immediately recognized him. He was Josh, another freshman on the swim team. He had been a top contender in my pageant as well. With his dark drown eyes, jet black hair, and beautful, sharply angled face, he was a beauty. And his body rang true with all the muscle tone of a swimmer as well. As Joe stared him down, I looked down at his crotch. The first thing I noticed was a splotch of cum on his stomach, now slowly rolling towards his pubic bush above his cock, which was still quite hard. While I was looking at Josh's cock I stole a glance of Joe's as well. His 9 inches were still blazing--and I still wanted to taste his cum.

"Sorry guys, I was just--"

"Just what?" Joe demanded. I caught Joe's attention and pointed with my eyes to Josh's jizz. Joe saw the cum and his stern face melted into a smile.

"I'll be damned, were you peeping on us?" his question was more of a joke at that point.

Josh began to sweat, he didn't think he was in the clear yet. "Ummm, yes," he said timidly.

Joe sought to relax him. "Well shit, Josh," he said pulling Josh off the lockers and gently pushing him onto a bench, "why didn't you say so at first?"

Josh finally seemed to relax a bit. "You scared the fuck out of me, you almost fucking body slammed me."

Joe eyes suddenly flickered. "I'm sorry," he said as he put an arm on Josh's shoulder and began massaging it. "Can we make it up to you?" He flashed a mischevious grin.

"Jesus, you guys move fast." Josh was smiling.

"Well, we're always ready to welcome a friend." And with that Joe lowered his lips onto Josh's. At first I was pissed. I was just giving this guy the blowjob of a lifetime a minute ago and now he was sucking face with a random person--though a hot one. What a bastard. Suddenly Joe broke his kiss and turned Josh's mouth towards me while giving me an amazing look. He seemed to say with his eyes, this is our treaure to share. I promptly landed my lips on Josh's, feeling the new movements of a different pair of lips. As we kissed I reached down to his stomach and began smearing his cum all over his abs. I did it partly to arouse Josh, partly to feel his hot jizz, but mostly to fell his tight six-pac. I was very pleased with my findings. Josh would be a welcome addition to any bed. However, as I felt the foreign touch of Josh's mouth I remembered how much I wanted to finish servicing Joe, how much I wanted to fuck him alone before incorporating strangers into our passion. My thoughts were soon interrupted.

All three of us heard the locker room door swing open accompanied by the sound of something rolling along the floor.

"Janitor," Josh exclaimed.

Soon we were all a frenzy of activity. Joe ran into the shower to retrieve his speedo, Josh pulled his up from his ankles, and I already had mine on (a pity, to be sure). No sooner were we dressed than we were sprinting out of another door and out of the gym. We finally stopped running outside the gym. We all looked at each other for a bit. I was half-expecting Joe to invite us to his room. But we were all a bit too frazzled; we had all lost our boners in the panic. So we exchanged numbers, said our goodbyes, and took off for our dorms.

As I walked back to my dorm I thought through the encounters in the locker room. Joe and I had moved one step, though a small one considering that no cum was shed, closer to having our hot sex. And in the process we had picked up a beauty interested in joining in our fun. I guess Joe's open declaration during practice had served a good purpose after all if he was recruiting such hotties. I was looking forward to Josh's contributions. However, my main desire was still simple: I wanted to fuck Joe. I was upset it didn't happen that night, but I knew it was on the way sometime.

When I reached my room I didn't find Matt there. I looked on his desk and saw that his shower tote was gone. Another shower after football practice, I guessed. I settled down on our couch and turned on the TV while I waited for him to get back.

When I turned on the TV I was shocked. A video was playing, and the star was quite familiar. It was fucking me! My jam dropped as I watched myself jack off on TV. I was dumbfounded at first. How the fuck did this happen? When the fuck did it happen? After watching about a minute of the tape I began to settle down and think clearly. The scene on the screen was from my exercise and jack off session that morning. I thought more. The angle of the camera was such that it was positioned from ahigh, possibly Matt's bed. Aha, that's what that fucker was fiddling with before his shower this morning! What a shithead! I watched the tape in horror at first. Everything was on it. I watched myself rubbing my jizz all over my sweaty body. I felt like my legs had been cut from underneath me. I watched in disbelief.

Suddenly another idea triggered in my rattled brain. What made this fucker tape me jacking off? Didn't I mention that I might be jacking off when he left for the shower? Yeah, he knew what the fuck would be going on, and decided to tape it. Wait, that means Matt could be ga--

The door knob began turning. I scrambled for the remote control and flipped the TV off just as Matt opened the door. When Matt turned and saw me I could tell he was mortified. He face went pale and he barely managed to say "Hi."

I decided I had to play cool. "Hey Matt, how was practice?" I sounded cheery.

"It was g-good." Matt was nearly shaking, darting his eyes to the TV, probably think it would flick on at any moment and reveal his videotape.

I realized it would be best if I didn't speak to him at all. "I'm beat. I'm gonna hit the sack, man."

He looked relieved, though he was sweating. "Okay," he squeaked.

I jumped in bed and within seconds Matt had done the same and turned out the lights.

My mind was reeling. I nearly fucked the musclebound, gorgeous Joe; I met Josh, the sexy new member to our team; and Matt...that fucking little queer.

Now there was a great day.

Next: Chapter 3

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