Speedo Laundry

By Gadfly

Published on Feb 1, 2003


NOTE: Comments are appreciated to cdngadfly@usa.net or ICQ#32364537.

Speedo Laundry: 6. Attacking Flanks

Seth was startled by Andy's swat. Dropping his history book on the pillow, he looked up to find his face inches from Andy's groin. "Hey! Don't sneak up like that. Don't you have any clothing anymore?"

"I'm dressed for your spanking. You'd better get ready too."

"What? Who said anything about being spanked naked? Just do it now, and I'll get back to work."

"Seth! You're mister fairness. If I'd lost, I'd have had eleven spankings, likely all at once and I wasn't wearing anything." Andy put his hands on his hips and tried to look impatient and peeved. The glint in his eyes gave him away as not being in deadly earnest.

Seth looked down at his bed. "You're right. This is going to be embarrassing." Sitting up to remove his socks, he asked, "why are you naked, if I'm the one getting spanked?"

Noticing that there was something more than curiosity or puzzlement in Seth's voice and demeanour, Andy asked, "there's no need to be embarrassed, is there? You've seen all of me there is to see, and we've been in the sauna together." When Seth didn't respond, Andy softly asked, "did you have a bad experience last time you were spanked?"

"Yes. No. I don't know. It was very strange." Seth still did not look up, and those words had emerged haltingly.

"If this is too weird for you, we can skip it. Nobody would know." Andy closed Seth's door. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Seth looked up when he heard the door, watching Andy moving over to sit on his desk chair. "No, we have to do it. Give me a minute." Seth unbuttoned his shirt. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Yes. But you don't have to tell me, if it makes you uncomfortable."

Seth stopped undressing, his shirt open and pulled out of his trousers. "I think I'd better, but this stays between us, OK?"

Andy nodded. "All right, Seth."

"The reason I have to tell you is that I'm worried about this spanking. There's something about it that reminds me about my last one, and it was very freaky. I don't want you to get the wrong idea if..." Seth trailed off.

Andy started to speak, but Seth cut him off. "Something happened the last time, and I think I'd better tell you about it before we begin. You know I'm straight, right?"

"Yep, I've met Debra. You two seem well-matched."

"We are, I think. She doesn't know about this yet, and I'm not sure how or when to tell her, or even if I should. I really should have left the room before this spanking bet. Maybe when I tell you, you'll understand why I didn't. But, I still don't." Seth paused again, looked around the room and asked, "do you want a drink or something, this could take a while."

Andy wasn't thirsty, but decided that Seth needed a chance to get prepared and having a drink would be useful both as a delay and as a prop if this got too intense. "A coke?"

"Be right back." Seth left his room, leaving Andy. Remaining in the chair, he looked around at Seth's room. For a college guy, it was very orderly. Seth was clearly a very organised guy. It was hard to imagine how anyone like Seth could have a hidden past. Andy was a neat and tidy guy himself, but didn't have any dark secrets, so was at a bit of a loss as to what was bothering Seth so much. He didn't have much time to figure it out, with Seth returning moments later with a couple of cans.

Seth handed a coke to Andy, and went back to sitting on the bed. He'd not bothered to do his shirt back up, but was wearing a white T-shirt underneath. "The best thing is to start at the beginning, I guess. When I was graduating from high school, we had several parties. One of these was a bush party, and I got very drunk. My parents were not happy about me drinking generally, but didn't give me a hard time about it as long as I didn't do anything unsafe, or they didn't hear about it, and as long as it didn't interfere with my chores. It was stupid me getting that drunk, because one of the farm hands was sick, so I had chores the next morning. You know my family has a farm?"

Seth took a sip of his coke. Andy nodded.

"I'm not sure how I got home. I never did find out. I ended up sleeping on the porch, instead of making it up to my room. I got awakened in the morning by my dad and Luke. Luke's my younger brother by two years. Although I was groggy when he woke me, I could tell dad was upset. I think he was already angry because they'd discovered I wasn't in my room. He told my brother to get on with his chores. They'd already had a quick breakfast -- we had two, normally - one before the early chores, and another after."

Seth took a gulp before continuing. "He told me I was late, and to get moving. I started to head into the house to get changed when he stopped me. "No time for that', he barked. He told me to get out of my party togs and he'd get my stuff. When he came back I was in socks and jockeys, but he had only a pair of boots. He told me not to ruin a perfectly good set of shorts and get them off. As I did, he threw the boots at me. Not hard, but enough to make it clear he wasn't in any sort of mood for argument."

Andy's eyes widened. Being a city boy, farming life was something he'd only encountered second-hand. Andy was also an only child, born to affluent parents. Although he had chores, they were mostly token.

Seth noticed Andy's surprise, and grinned a little. "We've not hit the weird part yet. I've had to do the chores naked before. It was how dad used to make sure we got up in time. But, neither Luke nor I had to do it in years, so I was a little surprised. Nor had Luke. I already knew my first job was milking, and got about it. I really did not feel well, and it took a lot longer than it should have. By the time I was done, and headed back to the house for breakfast, dad, Luke and the other hand, Dave, were coming out from breakfast.

"Dave's look of amusement made me really embarrassed. He had been with us a year, so had not seen my father's method of punishment before. My dad told him to check that I'd done the milking OK, as he didn't trust me this morning. He hopped to it. My dad wanted to know where the truck was. I couldn't remember, which didn't help. He sent my brother for a belt and told me that I'd get a dozen strokes to help my memory."

"Whoa! He should have been pleased you didn't drive home." Andy didn't like what he was hearing. It sounded so unreasonable to him.

"Oh he was. When my brother came back with the belt, he told me that I would have got a lot worse if I'd driven the truck drunk. But, he felt I should have a reminder not to mislay farm equipment. He was right, I should have known where it was. Besides, a dozen strokes isn't that bad, normally. But, I hadn't had a chance to pee after I got up; I went straight to the milking and they caught me on the return. I ended up pissing myself about the tenth stroke. What was worse, Dave came back and saw it. My dad said that if I wanted to behave like an animal, so be it -- I could go without clothes the rest of the day. The he asked Dave about the milking." Seth stopped again, nervously sipping from his coke.

"I still don't get it. You were at a party, you got drunk, and you got home safely. Why was your father overreacting so much? My parents never got upset about me getting drunk at parties, as long as that was all I did."

"If Bill, the other hand, hadn't been sick, he probably wouldn't have minded so much. But, there's a lot of work to do on a farm and you don't have much choice about when it gets done. I knew Bill was sick, and that meant I had to help with his work. It was irresponsible of me to mislay a truck and not be fit for work on time. He was right to be angry. As to whether he overreacted, I couldn't say. I didn't screw up work for fun after that, though, so maybe he was right."

Andy shrugged. "You think it was OK, then?"

"I wasn't enjoying myself. I was still hung over; probably still partly drunk. But, yes, my dad meant well, and it's worked so far."

"Seems harsh to me. Was there more?"

"Oh yes. A lot. It turned out I hadn't put everything back quite right. Nothing serious, but that was enough to set my dad off again. He sent Dave away to tend to some things. Some things I probably would have been doing had I not been drunk. I was sent to clean out the stable; he said I wasn't fit to do anything else. That was a punishment duty +IBM normally the hired hands did that, they got paid for it. After an hour or so, my dad and Luke reappeared. I was about to get punished again. This time it was worse, though, as dad said I'd have to take some lickings from Luke, as he'd had to do extra work because of my negligence. That was new; he'd always done any punishing himself.

"So I freaked and complained that Luke was my younger brother, that it wasn't right. My dad slapped my face, 'for insolence'. It shut me up quickly. I already knew that arguing about punishment was about the worst thing to do, and I ought to have known better. He left after he told my brother to hose me down. I was a bit of a mess -- cleaning the stable is like that. I had to take my boots and socks off first. Although Luke didn't say anything, I could tell he didn't like this much either. By the time we finished, my father was back. He handed a paper bag to my brother and said, 'now shear him, neck down; anything left and you join him.' And he left again."

"He made your brother shave your body?"

"Yes. And he did a thorough job of it. I helped. As much as I hated it, there was no way I was going to get Luke in trouble too. I felt sick though. It was the beginning of summer, and this meant that everyone would know I'd been shaved. I was madly trying to figure out how I could hide it. That turned out to be wasted energy, as you'll find out."

"You're really hairy -- I can see how that would be a problem. You're not a swimmer?"

"Not enough to compete. My dad had good timing and got back as we were finishing. He told Luke to sit down and for me to get over my brother's knees. We did -- neither of us was going to try arguing. Luke spanked me until dad said to quit -- maybe twenty times. I was too weirded out to count. He asked me if I remembered where the truck was, but I didn't. He told me to finish in the stable, and find him in the barn when I was done." Seth looked nervous again when he paused.

"That doesn't sound all that bad, after all the rest. It must have been strange being spanked by your little brother, though. Is that why you're uneasy about paying off this bet?"

"No. Yes. Partly. You see: when my brother spanked me, I got a boner. He wasn't hitting me very hard and it was turning me on. He had one too. Dad said nothing about either of us, but told me to get back to work and find him when I was done. He and Luke left, but I was very confused, embarrassed and turned on. I thought about jacking off, but didn't want to get caught -- I was in enough trouble already, and it looked like dad wasn't done with me. I finished up as quickly as I could and looked for dad. He was alone when I found him."

Andy started to say something, but Seth cut him off. "He gave me an enema. I didn't want it, but he said he didn't want me to embarrass myself in front of anyone like I had earlier when I pissed, and I had best hustle or I'd have an audience. He hosed me down again after the enema and took me out to the fence behind the dairy barn, had me bend over it and tied my hands and feet to it -- my legs were spread almost as wide as they could go and I was looking back through underneath. My cock was hard again. He left me like that, but came back a few minutes later with Luke." Seth stopped again for a drink, but Andy simply nodded; he didn't think Seth wanted any more interruptions, and Andy was getting curious as to where this was headed.

"Dad told Luke that I was now his younger brother. Luke would be responsible for keeping me in line. He also said that Joel would be arriving in a few minutes, with the missing truck. Joel was my best friend -- we did most everything together when we weren't working. Hell, Joel and I helped out on each other's farms.

"I barely managed to avoid crying. Joel and I had been punished together before, but not for a long time and never like this. Dad was talking and I wasn't paying attention, so he hit me, not hard, but enough. He explained that he'd had a talk with Joel's dad, so Joel and I would be spending the day together, unless Joel made a poor choice. He told me to keep my mouth shut, then he and Luke wandered off."

Andy was getting really involved in the story, and was disappointed that Seth finished his drink and asked Andy if he wanted another. "Only if you do."

"No, I guess not. The wait was miserable. I had no idea what was coming. When I heard the truck, I was getting a little woozy. I was in the shade where I was, but I was getting really horny and hating it; I wished my hands were free. The three of them turned up quickly after I heard the truck stop. Dad spoke to Joel and told him he had three choices. The first was to walk home; I'd be grounded for a month, and Joel would not be welcome at the farm for the rest of the summer. The second was for Joel to take over running my punishment; he'd have to shave my head, collar me and take me home with him after whipping me. The third was to take the same punishment, but it would only last until dark for both of us."

Seth looked at Andy and asked, "what do you think he did?"

"I'd take the third choice. No friend would pick either of the others. But, what about Joel's parents?"

"Joel's dad and mine had been best buddies all their lives. I guess that's why we were and are. When we were younger, it was like we each had two sets of parents. Anything my dad did would have been fine with Joel's parents. Same thing the other way."

Seth could tell that this was foreign to a city boy like Andy, but gave him time to take it on board. After a minute or so, Andy commented, "I guess life is different in the country. I can't imagine my parents having that sort of trust with anyone else. But, that makes me even more sure that Joel picked the third choice."

"You're right. Joel started stripping off his clothes as soon as he was sure my dad was finished talking. My dad smiled, and asked him whether he wanted to know what he was getting into. Joel said he'd take whatever punishment I did, because we had done it together. My dad told him to lean against the barn, whispered something to Luke, and started belting Joel. Luke disappeared, but came back with the shaving kit and a couple of switches.

"Joel wasn't very hairy, but lost what he had. Like I had, he helped Luke. He looked grim through all of this, and he got a boner too. So did Luke. I was watching all of this through my legs. Dad brought a chair while Joel was being shaved. I watched Luke sit on the chair, put Joel over his knees and spank him, as he had done to me. When he was done, dad took Joel and the chair away. I found out later that he gave Joel an enema too, making sure that Joel got everything I did.

"Luke spoke to me for the first time. He didn't say much, but whispered 'sorry, bro, I have to do this'. He hit me with the branch, all up and down my legs and on my back. It smarted, but it wasn't as hard as I'd been switched before. I couldn't believe it, but I was getting even more aroused. And, I couldn't do anything about it. He stopped when dad and Joel returned.

"I could tell Joel was amazed and a little scared, but he was rock hard. It was damn odd, both of us stark naked, hairless, staring at each other+IBk-s goodies. My dad pushed him over into me, and, to my surprise, tied him to me, hand to hand, foot to foot. His cock was squashed against me. After dad finished tying us together, he told Luke to come to the house after he was done, and then dad left." Seth stood up. "I'm getting another drink, do you want one?"

"Yes, please." Andy was not surprised to see that Seth had an erection; Andy had one himself. While he waited, Andy gave his cock a few strokes and rubbed his chest.

Seth returned and handed Andy another coke, sitting on the bed again himself. "Joel was breathing on my head. I couldn't see his face, but his cock was making my back slippery. Luke hit Joel with the switch about the same number of times, and it sounded the same as it did when he'd hit me, so it was probably the same strength. Joel was twitching and rubbing against me as he was hit. Luke stopped, dropped the switch and left us tied."

Seth looked at Andy carefully. "What happened next you can't tell anyone, OK?"

"I won't tell anyone ANY of this, Seth."

"This is tough. I was going crazy, and I was sure Joel was too. I told him to fuck me. He said no, and I begged him. He gave in and did it. I've never felt anything like that, the need or the sensation. It didn't take long before we both came. Luke was gone for a while. When he returned, he untied us and told us to clean up with the hose and meet him at the truck. When we met him -- he gave us each some sunscreen and told us to be thorough, and then get in the truck. He waited for us in the truck." Seth took another drink.

"What did your brother think of all this? Did you talk about it later?"

"No, we've never talked about it. But, I know Luke was as horny as I was, and he'd lost his boner when he came back to untie us. Joel couldn't look him in the eye, but I was curious. He looked at me strangely for a minute and winked at me. I knew he knew about Joel and me and was OK with it, so I smiled back. Luke and I get along really well, and he likes Joel."

"So you communicate without talking? That must be great; I don't have a brother. Why didn't he join in?"

"Luke has his own friends. Sure we often all chum around together, but I wouldn't intrude, and neither would he. You know, I don't think either Joel or I would have minded, but I bet Luke would have felt funny about it. I know I would have. After all, he'd spanked and switched both of us."

"Oh, I see, I think. Why did you get in the truck? What happened then?" Andy was quite intrigued.

Seth grinned, the mood lightened by Andy's curiosity. "He took us to the swimming hole, as dad had told him to. Luke wore trunks, but we, of course didn't. There were lots of other kids there. We got a lot of sympathetic looks, but a few tried to poke a bit of fun. Luke came to our defence, and rallied the others. It wasn't as awful as it appeared it would have been, but Joel and I had to admit that Luke had punished us. We didn't get punished any more, and got our clothes back when the sun went down. It was a little funny having dinner with my mom, but after the rest, it wasn't that bad." Seth finished removing his shirt and stood to remove his trousers.

"Wow. That must have been quite a day. Did your dad explain? Did you and Joel reverse positions?"

"Joel offered, but I said no. I think he was relieved. We didn't talk about it much. We were both very careful about drinking at the next few parties and nobody gave us a hard time about it. My dad did explain that night to both of us that he'd done something similar when he was our age, and he repeated the punishment he got. He said it did him no harm, but he never had any trouble with priorities after it. He added that he'd had a great time with my mom that afternoon and winked."

Andy relaxed a bit, but then looked puzzled. "But I don't understand why you're so worried about getting spanked."

Seth looked disappointed, shrugged, and carried on removing the rest of his clothing. As he did, he said, without looking at Andy, "there are condoms in the top right drawer." When he finished -- he waved his arm in a flourish, indicating that Andy should take up position on the bed.

Andy was still confused, but sat on the bed. Seth draped himself over Andy's legs. Andy asked, "how many?"

Seth replied, "you're in charge."

Andy started in as he had with Jeff, expecting the same result. But then, something clicked and he got the point of Seth's story. Not long after, Seth begged, "fuck me, please."

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