Speedo Laundry

By Gadfly

Published on Jan 23, 2003


NOTE: Comments are appreciated to cdngadfly@usa,net or ICQ#32364537.

Speedo Laundry: 5. Skirmishes

Greg took a step back and dropped the paper. His earlier confusion had been nothing compared to this. Andy had won the bet and then put himself in Greg's hands. Greg's mind went numb. He stared at Andy, torn between lust and wondering if Andy was setting him up for an even bigger fall. In the end, lust won.

Greg's genitals had earlier shrunk from the embarrassment when he was stripping at Andy's behest. He had figured that he had no choice but to do as Andy requested; if he'd refused, Andy could get the rest of the dorm to enforce his wishes. He hadn't liked it at all. He was not used to losing, and had little experience of it for some time. Now, with Andy splayed out for him, he doubted he'd lost after all and had no idea what the game had become. As he fell in line with Andy's wishes, his cock grew and he started to stroke it, giving up on thinking and living the moment: drinking in the sight before him.

Andy could not see, talk, or move much, but he could hear Greg. He knew what Greg was doing. He was pleased that Greg was starting to loosen up, even though he knew there was a long way to go. The sounds and the context were getting a rise out of Andy too.

Greg was fascinated to see Andy's cock slowly start to rise to attention. He kneeled down to get a closer look, moving his head inches from Andy's crotch, carefully avoiding making any sort of contact. What he'd not bargained on was the warmth of his heavy breathing was having an impact on Andy, making him even harder.

Andy thought he was going to burst from the warm breeze, nay, wind, passing over his cock head. It was too much, and he shifted his pelvis to shift more into the wind. In doing so, he smacked Greg right on the mouth. The wetness of Greg's open mouth made Andy thrust involuntarily forward, further in. At the same time, Greg reacted by falling back onto his haunches, affording Andy only the barest touch of contact with his tongue.

Greg was momentarily stunned, and then smiled to himself. Andy was into this too! Being no dummy, he figured out that it was his breath. He slowly and quietly repositioned himself at Andy's armpit. After having a good look, and a sniff, he licked it. Andy had not applied deodorant after his shower, and it was clean and luscious. Andy moaned. Although muffled by Andy's improvised gag (an old T-shirt), Greg knew that he was getting to Andy as much as Andy was getting to him. Emboldened by this knowledge, Greg started to lick down Andy's ribcage.

As much as he wanted Greg back on his cock, Andy liked this too. He tried to move closer to Greg, who backed away, teasing. Frustrated by Greg's retreat, but determined, Andy swivelled his torso sideways, facing Greg, his cock waving as he shifted. Greg moved further back, admiring the view of Andy on his left side, with his right arm and leg pulled back by the ties Andy has used to bind them. After a few stokes on his own meat, he leaned forward to suck and lick Andy's right nipple for a few minutes.

Greg stood up and moved around the bed to get a rear view. Greg bent over and licked down from the right pit, slowly moving to the hip. Andy tried to hold himself still, not wanting to discourage Greg from getting back to his groin. He was mostly successful, but Greg noticed Andy quivering as he licked along. Emboldened by this he continued along Andy's hip into the dimple on the lower cheek.

Andy tried shifting slowly onto his back to encourage Greg to lick back into his groin, but Greg backed away again. Going around to the end of the bed, Greg was entranced by the view up Andy's legs. Kneeling down again, he put a hand on each of Andy's knees and licked up both legs in turn, progressing closer and closer to the crotch. As he moved up, he slid his hands up the thighs, gently forcing them further apart.

Greg was reluctant to lick right to the crotch, but that didn't stop his hands. Caressing the inner thighs, he moved onto Andy's scrotum, gently lifting each ball in turn, and then both. He bent in for a closer look at Andy's perineum. Like his ball sack, there was a light dusting of golden hairs along the lower shaft, running right down into the crevice below. Greg's hot breath was making Andy's balls dance in Greg's hands.

Having had his fill for the moment, Greg let go and stood at the end of the bed, working on his own release. He was so pent-up that it did not take long before he spurted all over his wet dream's body. Beginning to recover from his orgasm, Greg was overcome with remorse - what had he done?

Greg slumped to the floor at the foot of the bed and sobbed. Andy had felt the cum spatter him, and it turned him on more. When nothing further happened, he became puzzled and tried to listen for Greg's movements. After a few minutes, he figured out that Greg was crying. He tried calling out to Greg, but the gag prevented him from making any coherent sounds. To further get Greg's attention, he tried writhing in his bonds.

Greg heard the commotion, and looked up in horror. He was sure Andy was angry, and that somehow he'd crossed some line. A quick thinker, Greg reasoned out that he'd have to release Andy eventually, but it made sense to talk first. Moving quickly to Andy's head, he released the gag, leaving the blindfold in place. He steeled himself for venom form Andy's mouth, but was not ready to deal with any accusing looks.

Andy's first comments were not what he expected. "I want to taste it! Don't stop now."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Scoop up some of your cum with your fingers and let me lick them, please." Andy tried to sound as pleading as he could manage.

Still disoriented, Greg did as he was asked. Marvelling at the gusto with which Andy sucked his fingers, Greg hesitantly asked, "you eat that stuff?"

Andy tried to talk with Greg's fingers in his mouth, but it wasn't much clearer than it had been with the gag. When Greg removed them, Andy replied, "all the time. Don't you eat yours? You should, it's better than mine."

Greg was once again, surprised. After a moment's reflection, he scooped some more up and stuck it in his own mouth. Greg tried to decide whether he liked it or not. It wasn't as awful as he thought it would be, but it wasn't great either. "I think I prefer ice cream."

"It'll grow on you. Like coffee and beer, it's an acquired taste. May I have some from the source?" Andy didn't really want to suck Greg's cock, but it was part of his plan to get Greg to loosen up.

"You're kidding?" Greg wasn't sure what Andy wanted. He thought he knew, but he wasn't taking any chances.

"Not at all." Andy licked his lips before proceeding. "You've licked me, it's only fair I should get to return the favour."

"You mean my dick?"

Andy nodded vigorously, turned his head to the side of the bed where Greg was standing and opened his mouth, sticking his tongue out. That was enough for Greg, and he moved next to Andy's head, using his right hand to place the tip of his cock on Andy's tongue. As soon as Andy felt contact, he inhaled and retracted his tongue, sucking Greg's cock into his mouth.

Greg liked this. It felt good. His cock did too, and started to grow again. He let Andy play for a few minutes, until he was as hard as Andy was. Pulling back, Greg asked, "do you like doing that?"

"Yes, it's lovely." Andy didn't have to shade the truth; he had liked it. "You liked licking me, why shouldn't I like licking you?"

That was enough for Greg to overcome his inhibitions about Andy's privates. Feeling a bit guilty about having got off while Andy hadn't, and curious about how Andy's cum tasted, he moved to licking Andy's prick. By the time he'd worked up to getting it half in, Andy erupted. Greg retreated after the first spurt, so he could get some on his tongue, and let the remaining three spurts land on Andy's chest and abdomen.

"Mmmm. You're wrong, you know. Yours tastes better."

Andy was not ready to talk, but shook his head. In response, Greg scooped up some of his with one hand, and some of Andy's with the other. He put one set of fingers into Andy's mouth and Andy sucked on them. He traded fingers, and Andy sucked again.

"Which was better, first or second?"

"The second."

Greg smiled. "I don't believe you -- that was mine." Greg repeated the test on himself. "I disagree, yours is better."

Andy chuckled. "Well, it looks like we'll have to trade from now on, since we prefer each other's."

Greg laughed too, and then removed Andy's blindfold. Greg sat down on the bed and loosened the bonds on Andy's hands. "You're crazy, you know that?"

"Is it crazy to like to have fun?" Andy was beaming. As his hands became free, He sat up and grabbed Greg in a hug. Only a little startled, Greg hugged back after only a small hesitation. They held the hug for several minutes, until Greg wondered about the time. Looking over at the clock, Andy replied, "looks like bed time to me."

Greg was a little disappointed, and Andy spotted it. "Greg, would you like to sleep in my bed tonight? With me?"

Greg hugged him a little tighter and replied, "I'd love to."

"OK, go muss up your bed while I undo my feet. No need for anyone else to know."

In no time, they were snuggled up together, lights out. As they were drifting off, Andy whispered, "maybe next time we could tie you up?" Greg replied by licking Andy's ear.

Greg was the first to awaken, but had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Mulling over the events of the previous night, he found that he could trust Andy, and that losing the bet wasn't all bad. He was still a little apprehensive about the expectations of the group in the TV room. After all, Andy really hadn't seen much of his naked bod; Greg was embarrassed that he was so thin and unmuscular. At this thought, Greg slipped out of the bed and quietly donned his pyjamas for his morning ablutions.

Don acknowledged Greg's arrival in the communal washroom with a nod and carried on shaving. Greg nodded back; after giving his face a wash, he started to brush his teeth.

Don packed up his shaving kit. As he passed Greg on the way out, he smacked Greg on the backside and commented, "too bad I missed last night's show. Opening performances are the best, they say. Still, I hear you'll be taking over for the rest of the yearlong run. Looking forward to it."

Greg stopped brushing and flushed, toothbrush still lodged in his mouth. He didn't notice Don's wink, as Greg stared ahead, avoiding eye contact. Don shrugged and left the room. Greg was not happy about this - word had spread already, and, by the end of the day, would likely be all over campus. Greg finished up at the sink. As he was heading for the shower, Seth entered the room, acknowledging Greg with a scowl. Greg tried to smile, but it wasn't much of an attempt, and he disappeared into the bath/shower room.

Andy woke with a full bladder. Before he really got his bearings, he stumbled out of bed, grabbed his towel and went down the hall to the washroom, encountering Seth at the sinks.

"Given up clothes forever?" Seth asked.

"Uh. Gimme a minute," replied Andy, making a beeline for a urinal.

Joining Seth at the sinks, Andy made his reply, "around here, maybe. Nobody seems to mind and it is easier on the laundry."

Seth glanced over to see Andy grinning as he washed up. "You're incorrigible. I see Greg hasn't joined you, ... yet."

The smile vanished from Andy's face. "Be nice to Greg, please. There's more going on than you know. He's a lot more sensitive than you think."

Seth was not convinced. "Whatever."

"I'm serious, Seth. He's going to have enough trouble without adding to it. Have you seen him?"

"He's in the shower now." Seth noticed relief pass over Andy's face, and began to wonder what Andy meant. "Greg, sensitive? That's hard to swallow."

Andy moved closer and whispered, "not now. We'll talk later. Humour me in the meantime, please?"

Moving back, Andy asked, in a much louder voice, "when do you want your spanking?"

That caught Seth by surprise. "Uh, after lunch sometime? I'm working on a paper this afternoon, but have classes this morning."

"OK with me. I'll find you then. Don't dress up." Andy gathered his stuff and headed out, leaving Seth wondering about the spanking to come.

A few minutes later, Greg emerged, as Seth was finishing up. Greg was surprised to see Seth smile and wish him a good morning. Greg's attempt at a smile was more successful this time.

Andy was getting dressed when Greg returned to their room. "Going to breakfast, Greg?"

Greg agreed. Andy sat at his desk, his back to Greg, going over his notes until Greg was dressed and ready to leave.

"Andy, what are we going to say about the bet? Don knows about it, so it's likely well known by now."

Andy turned around to see that Greg looked as frightened as he sounded. "I'm not sure yet. I think you should tell anyone who asks to ask me, as I won. Try not to be embarrassed when you answer, if you can. We'll sort something out, but it will sound better if I'm the one who says I got the terms of the bet wrong. We have a week or so before we have to do any more laundry, so we have time on our side."

Greg looked a little better, but more was needed before they could venture out. "You know, you could try changing the subject on them. Remind them that I'll be busy doing the spanking rounds. It worked with Seth this morning." Andy chuckled.

Greg liked that. "Good idea. Seth was more pleasant when I got out of the shower. But, what about my spanking?"

"I said last night you could decide when, and I'll stick to that. But, it might be a good idea to pick a time, so everyone knows you'll be paying up. We could have a bit of fun tonight, if you like?"

"Tonight is a good idea. That way I'll be one of the first. I'm not looking forward to this, you know."

"Come on, it'll be fun. Ask Jeff." Andy gave an evil grin.

"So that's who it was."

"Yep. And Seth is this afternoon. You'll be third, unless someone gets overeager. Let's go get breakfast."

Greg was in a much better humour now. He figured he'd wait on talking to Jeff until after tonight, if at all. On the way over to the cafeteria, Barry joined them. "How are the two daredevils this morning?" Barry was in his usual jovial mood.

"Great, can hardly wait to teach a bunch of guys to be careful when gambling." Andy poked Barry on the shoulder.

"It was worth it, eh, Greg?"

"Andy's a master." Greg laughed at his own double entendre.

Barry broke up over this and the trio remained jolly all the way over. Barry figured they should get T-shirts made up with that slogan on them. Andy was both embarrassed and amused by the notion.

While they were eating, Mike asked if he could join them. Over breakfast, he asked Andy if he could talk to him after they finished. When they got back to the dorm, Barry and Greg had classes and took off.

"I want to ask a favour, Andy."

"Ask away and I'll try to help if I can."

"Can you keep a secret for me?"

"I'll try my best."

Mike paused and then responded, "do you know Carol? She's one of the three gals who came by the TV room last night."

"I've seen her around, but don't know her all that well. Why do you ask?"

"I went over to talk to her last night to ask her not to blab about what happened last night. Zach did the same with Linda and Sharon, the other two." Mike took a breath. "We've been kinda going out, and we're both a little nervous about you spanking her. Would it be all right with you if I were there when you did?"

"If that's what she wants, it's OK with me. I think she ought to be there when you get spanked too. It's only fair. You know it's 'on the bare', I trust."

"What? When was that part of the deal? I don't know if Carol will go for that."

"Oh, I think she might. I'll explain in a minute. If I'd lost Jeff's little challenge, I would have been spanked eleven times on the bare. Sounds fair to me that I should be able to turn the tables. Besides, my only victim so far had it on the bare. Ask Jeff."

"So Jeff's already paid up. Why do you think Carol might agree?"

"Let's just say I have an idea that I think she'll go for, and it might bring the pair of you closer together. The problem is finding a place to do it, where we won't be interrupted."

"We all have roommates, but Carol may have an idea. I like the idea of getting a bit closer -- Carol's great."

"Give me her number and I'll phone her. You know you may have to suffer for your love?"

"What's got into you Andy? You're more mysterious and daring all of a sudden. You're starting to scare me."

Andy laughed. "Trust me. I think you'll like what I have in mind, but I want to see if Carol will go for it first."

Next: Chapter 6

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