Speedo Laundry

By Gadfly

Published on Jan 16, 2003


NOTE: Comments are appreciated to cdngadfly@usa,net or ICQ#32364537.

Speedo Laundry: 4. Regroup

Greg followed Andy into the laundry room. "Want some help?"

"Sure, thanks." Andy pointed at the left dryer and opened the other one. "Stuff the clothes into the bag, I'll fold them when we get back to the room."

Unloading took only a few seconds, and the pair headed back silently to their room. Greg knew he'd lost his bet, and was not used to being bested. He really did not know what to say. Andy was contemplative; this had been quite an evening. They were well on their way before the girls emerged and encountered nobody else on their trip back up the stairs.

Reaching the room, Greg dropped the laundry bag on Andy's bed. "Back in a while. I'm going for a walk." Not waiting for a response, he left.

Meanwhile, the gang in the TV room remained behind. Mike retrieved his video from the VCR and turned the TV off. Jeff continued to mop up.

Seth broke the silence, "It had to be Greg that called them. That guy really doesn't know when to quit."

Hank agreed. "Who else could it have been? He's the only one who's left since Andy got here. How could he do this to him? I thought he and Andy were friends."

Jeff looked up from the floor where he was finishing the cleanup with his T-shirt. "Andy could have stopped."

"Think, man! What good would that have done? The girls were already here. If he'd stopped, he would have no hold over them. As it is, they're due for a spanking, by their own agreement. But it was embarrassing to have them turn up, and I think Greg should pay for that somehow." Hank was talking himself into a bad mood.

Ever the peacemaker, Barry quietly said, "I think we should all calm down. Let's let this cool off a bit before we decide anything. Remember, Andy doesn't want us to give Greg a hard time."

"We should talk to the girls. I know Linda and she can be a bit scatterbrained. Sharon is a bit more level headed but she tends to follow Linda's lead. Anyone know the third one?" Zach looked around.

Mike spoke up, "I do. Let's go talk to them now, before they spread this around any. I think they need to know the full story." He stood, and he and Zach left the TV room.

Barry stood. "Time to get some work done." On that, he left too, followed by everyone except Jeff, who was inspecting the room.

Jeff was about to leave too, when he remembered the speedo behind the couch. He collected it on his way to Andy's room. When he arrived, he was surprised to see the door open and nobody there. Hesitant to just abandon the speedo and reluctant to encounter Greg on his own, he went back to his own room, intending to return later.

Andy folded and put his laundry away, then took off for a shower, still naked. There wasn't much point in dressing now, he figured. He was concerned about Greg. Because Greg was not a fan of exercise, going for a walk was unusual. But, Greg losing one of his games was unusual too, and this was for possibly higher stakes than Greg was used to.

As he showered, Andy wondered about the girls turning up, and came to the same conclusion as the guys in the TV room. It had to be Greg making another play to win the bet. He wondered if Greg had also known about the porn film. He was now sure that Greg was either gay or, like himself, ambivalent. It was likely that Greg was also a virgin and very mixed up. There being no need this time to take care of other matters in the shower, Andy finished quickly and remembered that he should reclaim his swimsuit.

Andy wasn't all that surprised at not finding his suit in the TV room. When it wasn't in his room either, he thought of Jeff. Jeff's door was closed, so he knocked.

"Who is it?"

"Andy. Have you got my suit?"

Jeff's door was closed for a reason: he was jerking off. He thought of telling Andy he'd drop it by in a few minutes, but thought it would be churlish after how open Andy had been earlier. Hesitantly he got up and opened the door, stepping back. "Come in."

"Sorry, man, I hadn't guessed you'd gone to bed. It's early yet." Andy was unable to see much in the darkened room.

Noting that Andy was still naked (he'd left his towel in his room), Jeff gulped and turned on a light, revealing his nakedness and arousal. He reached for the speedo and offered it to Andy. "I thought you might want this back."

"Thanks, I'll need it." Andy looked Jeff up and down. "You'd make a good porn star too." Smiling, he took the offered suit.

"I haven't your nerve, and I don't have the distance." Jeff was having trouble looking Andy in the eyes.

Andy felt awkward. "I'll leave you in peace..." Andy turned to leave, then looked back, winking, "unless you want your spanking now while you're dressed for it?"

Jeff's looked up in time to catch Andy's wink. "Um, that's up to you..."

"I'll take that as a yes." Andy dropped the speedo and sat on Jeff's mussed bed. "Over my knees, varlet."

Jeff positioned himself bottom-up over Andy's legs, his erection nestled between them, leaving a trail of dampness as it brushed over. Jeff couldn't hold in a muffled moan.

Resting his hand on Jeff's rump, And asked, "how many? I don't know that we agreed on an amount."

"You're the winner, you get to decide, I guess."

"Tell you what, I'll keep going until you tell me to stop. OK?"


Not wanting to hurt Jeff, Andy started with a light stroke. As Andy continued, Jeff started pushing back up between strokes, slowly humping Andy's leg. This had an impact on Andy too, and he found his penis, caught under Jeff's body, growing as it rubbed against Jeff's groin. After a few minutes, Jeff went rigid as he came.

Andy tapped him gently a couple more times and then stopped. "I guess that's enough."

Jeff lay quietly for a minute, and then got up. "I guess we have another mess. Let me get that T-shirt."

Andy dropped back on the bed, partly propped by the wall behind. He didn't know what to say. What a night - his first orgasm before an audience, and now this.

Jeff wiped himself off with his back to Andy. Turning, he noticed Andy had his eyes closed, with a dazed grin on his face. Something tripped in his mind, and he scooped some of his cum off Andy's leg and started rubbing Andy's prick. Seeing that Andy kept his eyes closed, he used his free hand to slowly shift Andy around so that Andy was lying flat on the bed. It didn't take too long before Andy gushed forth, splatting Jeff in the face again.

"You are a messy bugger," Jeff commented, grabbing his T-shirt to clean up.

Andy opened his eyes, "and you'll make someone a fine housekeeper one day."

Jeff now got a little nervous. "You won't tell anyone?"

Andy softly responded, "only that you've paid up. That OK?"

That lightened Jeff's mood. "You're one hell of a spanker, but it didn't hurt a lot."

"Wasn't supposed to. But, you've got a mighty pink butt. And now I need another shower. You do too."

Throwing his T-shirt in his closet, Jeff grabbed a couple of towels and handed one to Andy. Andy wrapped his around his neck. Jeff rolled his eyes and held his over his crotch. "Might as well display the proof. Game for a sauna instead?"

The sauna was on when they arrived. Seth was there, by himself.

"Uh oh. Is it my turn to pay the price? I see Jeff has."

"No Seth, my hand needs a rest. Another day, if that's all right." Looking at Jeff, he continued, "you know, you can have your revenge in a few weeks, it's my birthday."

"Now that's an offer I can't refuse. You'll have to collect on all the others before then, so we can all have a go."

"I may regret this."

After the sauna, Andy exchanged his towel for his suit at Jeff's room on his way to his own room. Greg was still not back. Putting his suit away, Andy sat at his desk to work on an essay. About twenty minutes later, Greg returned.

"How was your walk?"


"Greg, I know you're upset, but I want to thank you for a great night. I was confused at first, but had a lot of fun tonight."

"Well, you won."

"Don't worry about that. I won't hold you to the bet. You helped me learn a few things tonight, and that's payment enough for me."

"It didn't sound like that downstairs. I didn't promise to do your laundry naked, but now everyone will expect it. Remind me not to bet with you again."

"I'll tell everyone I got it wrong. It would be the truth."

"Like anyone will believe that! They'll think I'm welching and you're covering for me. You got me good."

Andy turned. Up to now they'd not made eye contact. "Greg, you're my roommate and my friend. Even more so after tonight. We'll work something out. Trust me."

"Friend? That doesn't make any sense. After what I did? Why did you win the bet so openly?" Greg noticed for the first time that Andy was still naked. "You can get dressed now, you know."

Andy went over to the door, closed and locked it. "Yes, friend. As I said, you did me a favour. I won because I wanted to stay your friend, not become your slave. Besides, it was fun. I'm not going to get dressed, you're going to get undressed."

"What? No way!"

"Sit down, Greg. We're going to talk." Andy motioned for Greg to sit, and sat down himself. "I'm not upset and you shouldn't be either. You're embarrassed, but it's really not all that bad." Noticing that Greg was about to speak, he waved him off. "I know you invited the girls, if that's what you were about to say. I don't mind at all. Who knows, I might get a girlfriend from that." Andy winked at the prospect; Greg looked stunned.

"After all, I do get to spank the three of them, along with everyone else there. That should be fun." Greg, fast on the uptake, knew that meant him too, and flushed at the thought. Andy continued, "yes, that does include you too, but not until you're ready. There's no rush. I've already done one today, and my hand needs a rest."


Andy grinned. "Sorry, that's my secret for the moment. I know you're disappointed not to be the first." Greg shook his head, denying the implication.

"OK. Greg, if you're honest with yourself, you'll admit you don't really want me to get dressed. In fact, that's what tonight has been about, isn't it? You wanted me naked for you, but you couldn't just tell me straight out, could you." Again, Andy waved Greg off from trying to protest, "It's all right. I think I understand. I've had a really easy life, but you haven't, have you. I know you've had to fight, to compete hard, just to get here. At least you have managed to escape whatever drove you to be so aggressive. Well, I hope you have. I know you're actually a very considerate and caring person, but you do a very good job of covering that up with most people. You should try and fix that -- you'd have a lot more friends."

It was hard to read Greg's expression. He was very confused by Andy's little speech. He had no idea that Andy had known that much about him; his lack of friends was a bit of a sore spot. At the same time as being embarrassed by Andy's frankness, his anger at being bested was starting to mellow in the face of Andy's genuine concern. Andy was breaking down his defences.

"I'm really grateful for how you helped me tonight. You may not understand how or why, I think, but I know myself better than I did yesterday. You've given me a lot of confidence. I'd like to help you too, if you'll let me."

"Maybe. I dunno." Greg was even more confused.

"Why not give it a try? To make this easier for you, why not distract yourself by removing your shoes and socks while I talk? That will give you something to do. It's getting close to bedtime anyway. Take your time." Andy waited while Greg mulled this over and then started to remove his shoes.

Andy continued, "remember I said earlier that I'm not gay? That's true enough; but, I'm not exactly straight either. I think I'm just horny. I'm sure you're the same. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a good body of either sex. Look at all the guys tonight -- they all had fun. I know I did."

Greg had his shoes off and was fiddling with his socks while he thought about what Andy was saying. Without looking up, he asked, "you're really not mad at me?"

"Not at all. The reverse. Really! It was a lot more fun than doing the laundry usually is. And, there's more to come - I get to spank three fillies, not to mention half the dorm here." Andy chuckled.

Greg blushed again and finished removing his socks. As he looked up, Andy told him to stand up, with his back to Andy, and remove his jeans. Andy turned off all the lights except the one over his bed. Greg hesitated, but slowly undid his belt, unzipped and his jeans fell to the floor. He started to turn his head, but Andy stopped him cold. "No, don't look back yet. I want you to step out of your jeans and take off your shirt."

Greg heard Andy moving around. He was getting curious, and that overcame his reluctance to get undressed further. As he shrugged off his shirt, Andy spoke once more. "When you're naked, you can turn around."

Greg stopped cold, debating whether he should go along with this. After a couple of minutes, his shoulders slumped and he stepped out of his underwear. He didn't turn around immediately, but when he did, his hands were covering his crotch.

Greg gasped. Andy had tied himself spread-eagled on his bed. As Greg moved closer, he noticed that Andy could not undo himself, and was also gagged and blindfolded, with a piece of paper on his chest. Before he retrieved the paper, he figured out how Andy had bound himself. There was enough slack that Andy could move about a bit, but would be unable to undo himself without loosening the nooses around his wrists. He read the paper:

"I want you to trust me. If I can prove to you that I trust you, maybe you will. You wanted me in your power, so I've granted your wish. Enjoy. I think you will discover it's better if we're equals, rather than master and slave. Take your time. I do have a class at eleven I'd like to go to, but that's up to you."

Next: Chapter 5

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