Speedo Laundry

By Gadfly

Published on Jan 8, 2003


NOTE: Comments are appreciated to cdngadfly@usa,net or ICQ#32364537.

Speedo Laundry: 2. Playing for Position

Andy stepped out of the one trouser leg he'd managed to get on and tossed his jeans back on the bed. He divided the clothes into two piles, dark and light, and stuffed each into separate bags. His speedos had crept down and in at the back again. Andy barely stopped himself from adjusting them as he noticed Greg tap his nose.

"You'll have to get used to them creeping, Andy. Eventually, they must settle out in some stable position."

Andy nodded, blushing slightly, as he left for the laundry room in the basement, with Greg following behind at an ideal distance to admire the view. He figured the trip back up the stairs would be even better, but why waste the opportunity. This is the first time he'd been able to watch Andy so closely, and if Andy caught him looking, he would hardly complain under the circumstances of the bet.

They met nobody en route. In short order, Andy loaded both the washers in the small laundry room under Greg's watchful gaze. The suit had crept some more with Andy descending two flights of stairs and bending to load the machines.

"Let's see what's on TV," Greg suggested, as the TV room was next door. Also, he knew Andy often dropped in while the washer ran.

"Sure." Andy led the way again.

There was a crowd in the TV room, but there were a few places to sit. Andy spotted a gap in the middle of one of the two couches. Probably too small for Greg, who was about 6'2", but big enough for Andy, who was on the small side: 5'8". Greg found a loose chair for himself. As he started to watch the TV. Greg realised he was likely in for more of a treat than he'd planned. There was a porn flick on the television! Andy's swimsuit was likely to get a lot tighter. Greg made sure he had a good view of Andy as well as the TV.

Andy was less comfortable when he realised what was on TV. In fact, he felt a bit trapped. He could hardly leap up and leave the room. He was stuck until it was time to shift the laundry to the dryer. He was literally in a tight spot, his legs brushing those of guys on either side of him. Fortunately, he figured their attention would be glued to the screen. As he started to watch the film, he began reviewing the conversation with Greg.

Greg was revelling in the situation. His erection, which he'd had since leaving their dorm room, was already reasonably well concealed by his clothes. With the porn flick, it would not seem out of place; it was likely that everyone in the room had one. As Andy got into the film, the temptation to adjust his swimsuit should become impossible to ignore. Victory seemed to be moments away.

However, Greg didn't understand Andy very well. People liked Andy, not only because he was cute and hunky, but because he really was a nice guy. Andy had a hard time understanding nasty people, because he had little experience with meanness. But, Andy was no dunce either. As Andy thought further on the conversation back in the room, he realised that it had all been a con game. Now that he considered it, he began to figure out that Greg must be gay. Greg had never mentioned any girlfriends and had no social life other than his games, which were always played with other guys.

The film was not without it's impact on Andy. Despite his thinking on the bet with Greg, he felt his cock swelling, and began to feel he was in for a problem. It was pointed down in his speedos, and if it got much bigger, not only would it be very uncomfortable, but also it would soon exceed the space available. Despite being a little guy in most respects, he was not small down there. Usually about 3.5 inches soft, it would more than double in length given the chance, aside from swelling in girth. Adding three to four inches in length would yank his suit down by that amount, as there was no room to spare. Glancing down quickly, he noticed that his blonde pubes were already starting to peek out. He lifted a bit, and felt the back of his suit pull down a bit.

Andy had had boners in his speedo before, but he'd managed to dive into a pool or grab a towel. He'd also been able to rearrange the equipment. Not this time, unless he was going to give in to Greg's little game. He had to sort out whether he wanted to win or lose the bet.

Greg was right, in a way. Andy could see benefits either way, whether he won or lost. The downside was a bit of public embarrassment. Andy wasn't really modest about his body. The only reason he wore clothing was for warmth and because it was a social norm. What would embarrass him would be the reaction of those around him. It struck him that, if he let Greg win this one, he could be a permanent victim of his roommate, and he knew he was not the game player that Greg was.

Andy concluded that he had to win the bet. And, he had to win it in such a way that Greg would never try again. Glancing down again, he saw that about a half-inch of his pubic hair was now exposed. He started keeping an eye on Greg, as well as the film.

Andy's condition had not escaped the others in the room. They all liked him, but it didn't mean that they didn't get a kick out of the show he was putting on. A few were a bit puzzled that he didn't do anything about his increasing exposure, but wrote it off to Andy being a very mellow fellow. The skin flick changed from groping in a lover's lane to a school pool, and Andy started to get a lot more attention, especially as one of the swimmers looked a lot like Andy.

Andy noticed that Greg's eyes were darting back and forth between him and the screen, as if memorising and comparing quite intently. This gave him an idea. If he was to be branded as an exhibitionist, why not play it up? He unfolded his arms from his chest and put them on the back of the sofa, showing off even more skin. Sooner or later, he figured, someone would make a comment. In the meantime, he was going to have fun teasing Greg.

Andy's repositioning made Greg's cock take a lurch. This was more of a show that he had bargained on, and his hormones now overtook his own judgement. If they hadn't, he might have calculated that Andy was planning on winning the bet. Of course, he would have thought he was safe even in that event, as his only penalty was a bit of extra laundry, and Andy would likely still dress down for the laundry.

Using the leverage of his arms on the back of the sofa, Andy lifted up again, and his speedos crept down a bit more in the back. This gave his cock a bit more expansion room, and it popped up a bit. Andy was now showing most of his pubes, and his dick was obviously hard and pointing. As Andy shifted his weight, the guys on either side of him looked over at him, noticing that there was a show unfolding beside them as well as on the screen.

The blond on the TV and a couple of his buddies had won their swim meets, and were hoisted on the shoulders of an admiring crowd of females. With all the handling, their suits started to get a little small, with appropriate close-ups.

"That ever happen to you, Andy?" The question came from Seth, who was sitting on the other couch.

"I wish. If I thought there were a good chance of it here, I'd join the team right away!" Andy smiled and chuckled, getting a laugh from most of the rest of the room.

Barry, sitting on Andy's right piped up, "that guy sure looks like you Andy. You sure you're not a movie star?" As Barry asked, the girls on the TV started to peel down the speedos on the three swimmers.

Andy checked the screen, and replied, "no, that's not me - you'll see as the swimsuit comes off."

"You'll have to strip off too, so we can compare," joked Barry.

"He-he. No way! If you want my suit, you'll have to take it. I'm not losing my bet to satisfy your curiosity."

Now Zach joined in. "Bet? What bet is that?" Zach looked around to see if anyone else knew what Andy was talking about, but got nothing more than a few shrugs.

By now, the three swimmers were nude on TV and the girls were discarding their clothes. Andy looked up from the screen and said, "Greg bet me that I couldn't keep my hands off my speedos until the laundry is done. Loser does the laundry, for both of us, for the rest of the year ... in the nude. If you want my speedos, you'll have to take them, 'cause I'm not touching my suit. To be honest, you'd be doing me a favour if you did take them, little Andy's growing, but he's bent the wrong way."

Barry looked across Andy to Hank, sitting on the other side, winked and wiggled his fingers as if to pounce. Hank nodded. In short order, the two of them had Andy out of his speedos. Hank threw the swimsuit behind the couch, and said, "looks like you'll win the bet, Andy, as long as you stay away from behind the couch."

Barry laughed, "you got your wish. Now be a good boy and stand beside the TV so we can compare."

Andy shrugged and did as asked. Greg was in shock. Andy had misinterpreted the bet, and now everyone was going to expect him to honour the bet as Andy phrased it. At the same time, his libido was in overdrive. He'd seen Andy naked briefly before, but not with an erection, not so openly. For the first time in a long time, he had no idea how to counter his opponent's last move. If he didn't think of something soon, he'd lose; his skill was in speed, not depth.

Andy hammed it up on his way to the TV, avoiding looking at Greg as he did. He wanted to draw attention away from Greg and onto himself. He'd deal with Greg later, and in private. In the meantime, he wanted everyone to forget the bet and have a bit of fun. Reaching the TV, Andy stood to one side, did a slow pirouette, and then a knee bend, before stretching his arms up and thrusting his pelvis forward. He held that position for a minute, and then asked, "have I proved that's not me on the screen?"

Hank was breaking up laughing, but sputtered out, "not yet - we need some side views."

Andy pouted, but obliged with a bounce in his step. First facing one way and then the other, he said, "enough for now, I have to tend to my laundry. Be right back." He'd ended up facing Greg and winked at him as he waltzed out of the room.

Greg sat there speechless. He'd got more of a show than he'd bargained on, but at what price?

Next: Chapter 3

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