Speedo High

By Matt Johnson

Published on Jun 1, 2017


Don't read this story if you're under 18, easily upset or have problems (serious or minor) with gay-themed erotic stories. If your country/area of residence says this is naughty and illegal, well, I'm afraid I don't have a "get out of jail free" card you could use. Please, use your common sense. While the characters in the stories may or may not practice safe-sex, you really should. Not that you're foolish enough to eschew wearing a condom merely because fictional characters don't use them, are you?

Do not forget to donate to Nifty.org, our host. They are super cool and worthy of our support. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Finally, your comments and unsolicited praise are always welcome especially since I am new at this: speedoguy1992@yahoo.com.

Speedo High Part 12

Sitting behind the wheel of the shiny new Mustang was Luke's best friend, the boy he wanted to kiss again and to become more intimate with, the boy who was the captain of the football team, the handsome boy from Cuba with dazzling white teeth, brown eyes, brown skin, and long wavy brown hair. JD's boyfriend was Miguel Acosta. Even though I was blown away, Miguel had no way of knowing that I knew he was fucking JD. So, I tried to act normal. After JD and Indian Boy climbed into the car, Miguel drove over to where I was getting my bicycle. He rolled down his window and called me over. "Hey Matty, what's goin' on big dog?" he asked.

"I just finished my best swim practice ever," I said.

"Yea, he earned a $10 gift card from Game Stop for coming in third place in the mile swim," Indian Boy told Miguel for me proudly. Damn, I was really starting to fall for this boy. He had a great deal of goodness about him, and he was even considering giving me a blow job.

"Not bad, little man," Miguel said flashing that perfect Latino smile.

"That's not all," Luke added. "His team won the 4x50 medley relay, and he swam his part naked."

"Yea," I added, "my swimsuit had come untied and it came off of me when I dived in for the breast stroke."

"No shit? I'll bet that embarrassed the hell out of you," Miguel said laughing.

"No way," Indian Boy said. "Matt doesn't give a shit about who sees him naked or what people think about him. I've never met anyone like him."

"It's true, man. I figure life is too short to worry about shit like that," I said honestly. "It's so weird that just yesterday you told me that you and JD hang out and here you are picking him up from practice. You guys got any big plans for today?" I kept looking from Miguel's face to JD's face trying to imagine the two of them having hot boy-on-boy sex. I knew that it would be a dream come true to see these two studs hard and naked together.

"Not really," Miguel said. "We'll probably hang out at JD's house for a while. There's also a football game on this afternoon. We'll probably watch it together."

"Hey, Matt," Indian Boy said, "do you wanna come watch the game with us this afternoon? A bunch of my track buddies are coming over."

The kind of game I wanted to watch had nothing to do with football. I began to imagine how much fun a game of strip poker would be with all the guys especially since I already knew that these three were into having sex with boys. "Thanks a lot for the offer, Indian Boy," I said, "but I've already got plans for today. Hopefully, we'll get to hang out New Year's Day like we planned."

"Okay, bro," Indian Boy said smiling. "See ya' Wednesday. Hopefully, by them I'll be able to pay back what I owe you."

"That'll be great," I replied before I rode off on my bike. I was shocked that he was planning to give me his first blow job. I was also having a hard time believing that Indian Boy seemed to be developing a mad crush on me. I began to wonder what his cool, jock-type friends would think of me if we started hanging out together. I would have to keep my clothes on so nothing crazy would happen. Anyhow, I had promised JD that I would use the power I seemed to have over other boys with great caution.

As I pedaled, I began to think about the reality that Miguel was messing around with my brother and fucking JD. In fact, JD called him his boyfriend. It made me wonder if Miguel thought of JD that way. One thing I knew for sure was that this boy I idolized, who could date any girl he wanted, liked having sex with guys. It was un-fucking-believable. I would never be able to tell Luke that his best friend was messing around with JD. Likewise, it would break JD's heart to discover that his boyfriend was messing around with Luke. On the other hand, I thought. Both Luke and JD are messing around with me, and I felt certain that Miguel didn't know anything about that. If only Miguel was secretly fucking me and Luke was secretly fucking JD would this complicated matrix be complete. One could hope...

"Holy fuck," I said to myself once I had thought about all of this fucking. I got his brother to kiss me, and JD had even witnessed it. I was going to be the first boy he ever fucked. I squeezed my ass cheeks tightly together as I continued to pedal my bike. His cock was pretty big, and my hole was pretty tight. I felt like I could take Bob's cock in my boy pussy without him doing any permanent damage to me, but JD was another story. I was going to have to do something to get my hole to loosen up for him.

Instantly, I knew what I had to do. I pedaled to a poorer section of down where there was an old strip mall. This place had tar paper for a roof, half of the shops were empty, and the signs on the shops that were still open were so old that the lights which were supposed to illuminate them had burned out years ago. The last shop in the strip was an adult book store and that was my destination. Once I arrived, for the first time in a long time, I felt really scared. But, I was determined not to show it. Even though there was a hand-written sign on the door which read "No one under 18 aloud," I walked in like I had been there a thousand times before. There was a college-aged black boy behind the register, and two other customers in the store. I walked down a couple of aisles taking in the images on the slick covers of the magazines and on the DVD's. I saw one that had women with great big tits called "Jugs." They were so huge and scary, it was enough to turn a straight boy gay. Another magazine had a headline which read "College Girls Get Spring Break Madness." Apparently this incurable disease causes modest girls from the Bible Belt to forget where they put the tops of their swimsuits and to dye their hair unnatural shades of yellow.

Then there was a section of gay magazines. The first headline that caught my eye read "Broke Straight Boys." Now, this was more like it. Apparently, the idea was that these three boys, who had only fucked pussy their entire lives, could not find any other way to make money than to sell their bodies to older guys who had money. The black boy, who was ripped, was getting his ass fucked my an older white guy with a shaved head. The white boy, who looked like a lifeguard, was sucking the long cock of a fit white guy who was covered in tattoos. Finally, the Asian boy on the cover, who was also broke, was licking the balls of a very hung black man. I had to admit that even though the idea was ridiculous, the magazine cover was hot, and I started to get hard.

As I walked up and down the aisles, I finally realized that what I was looking for was probably in the glass case at the front of the store behind which the college kid, who was the cashier, was standing. I was actually going to have to ask him to help me pick out my first dildo. I mustered up all of my courage and approached him. "Excuse me, sir, I was hoping you could help me," I said sounding much too formal for this setting.

"So, what you want boy?" he asked me smiling.

"Well, it's just that I need help choosing one of those," I said pointing to the section of dildos.

"Okay, little man. First, tell me who's it for," he said humoring me.

"Oh, it's for me," I said matter-of-factly.

"For you? Well, that's a first. Boys usually tell me that they's buying these things for a gag gift or for someone else. I ain't never had a boy tell me that he's buying a dildo for his own self," the cashier said laughing.

I began to laugh too. "I can see why most guys lie. They are probably embarrassed, but I'm not," I said. "Have you ever tried any of these?"

"What's your name boy?" he asked.

"Matt," I replied.

"Looka here, Matt," he said, "what I'm about to tell you, I ain't never told anyone befo." The guy was good looking. He reminded me of a young Usher. He had a little beard on his chin and a great smile. His body was wiry and his arms had great definition.

"Yea?" I said.

"First off, you gotta know this. I ain't gay, and no man has ever put his whopper inside my buns. You get me?"

"Yea, I get you," I responded.

"After I started working here, a brother came in to buy one of these," he said pointing to the dildos. "I decided I had to see what it was all about, so I took one."

"No way," I said smiling.

"I took this long black one home with me," he said taking one out of the glass case. "Then, while I was looking at some porn on the internet, I got all worked up and started playing with my hole. I put one finger inside of me, and I hit somethin' inside my ass that felt crazy good. So, I put two fingers inside of my own self while I was stroking my long black dick."

"No shit?" I said enthralled.

"Yea, I could not believe how good it felt. So, I took some KY jelly and coated my hole and this black rubber dildo," he said stroking the dildo like a cock. "Man, I wasn't thinking straight. You know how it is when you get caught up in sex?"

"Yea," I said because I knew exactly what he meant.

"Well, I tried to put this dildo into me, and it hurt at first. But, I kept pushing like I had to take a shit, and it went inside. Then, after I got used to it. I used one hand to rub one off and the other to fuck myself using this black monster," he said shaking the dildo.

My cock was rock hard, so I reached inside of my new Speedo to adjust it. The cashier saw what I was doing.

"Damn, you are horny little fucker," he said laughing again.

"Yea, I am horny all day long," I said licking my lips. "In fact, that's why I need a dildo. My best friend and my swim coach both want to fuck me, but I've never been fucked and my pussy is real tight."

"You funny. I ain't never heard a boy call his shitter a pussy. So, you on a swim team?" he asked.

"Yea, I'm a shark," I said proudly. I pulled down my pants to show him my new Speedo with the shark on the crotch.

"Pull your pants up boy," he said quietly. "Someone might see you."

"Sorry," I said. "I've have a bad habit of doing things before I think about the consequences."

"My little brother Jamal is on a swim team too," he said. "He wears a swimsuit just like yours."

"I know him," I said. "We're on the same team. In fact he won a $10 gift card to Game Stop for getting first place in the mile today at swim practice."

"All that boy ever talks about is swimming. There's another white boy on your team who comes around to our house all the time with a funny accent," he said.

"You mean Dustin," I asked.

"Yea, that's it. Those two are together all the time, and spend the night together nearly every night. I think they might be queer for each other," he said laughing.

"You're not going to believe this," I said, "but I actually gave Dustin's cock a tug today. I've even thought about what it would be like for Jamal to fuck my tight white pussy."

"So, you want to get fucked pretty bad, but you you're scared, right?" he asked.

This guy was pretty sensitive especially for a porn store cashier. "Yea, that's why I'm here. I figured I could use one of these toys to loosen me up," I said.

"You mean like the one I use?" he waving the long black dildo at me.

"Yea, just like that one!" I said. "All I can think about is my pussy and hard cocks."

"I see that, Matt. Hey, you want some of my trouser snake?" he asked while holding his cock inside of his jeans.

"I don't even know your name," I said looking down at the long tube of flesh he was holding in his hand. I could see pubes poking out of his low-riding jeans.

"My friends call me Mando 'cause I don't never wear no underwear," he said proudly. "So, now that you know my name gay boy, you want to see what I'm packing?" he asked.

"You bet I do, Mando," I said. "That's such a cool name."

"I'm glad you like it Matt," he said. "Look here. I want you to go into that booth right there," he said pointing to the first door in a nearby hallway that had three doors side-by-side simply numbered 1, 2, and 3. "I'll put on a film I know you'll like. As soon as these two customers leave, I'll lock the front door and join you, so you can take care of me. Cool?"

"Alright," I replied eagerly licking my lips again. I stepped into the room which was pretty creepy. The room, which was about four feet wide and six feet long, was warm, the floor was sticky, the walls were painted black, and there was no place to sit. I decided I was not going to touch anything. Suddenly, a video started on the flat television screen that was hanging on the wall opposite the door. The name of the film was "The Pizza Boy Delivers," and the star was a boy named Johan Paulik who looked to be eighteen years old.

Johan had just gotten out of the swimming pool wearing a red Speedo which outlined his cock perfectly. It was obvious that the swimsuit had no liner. He dried off, entered the house, and opened the phonebook to order a pizza. He reminded me of Dustin except that his hair was darker. It must have been a foreign film because there were English subtitles. While he waited for the pizza, he started looking at a gay porn magazine. All of the couples featured on the slick pages were black and white guys. It was obvious that Johan was turned on by these interracial pairs as his cock began to fill the pouch of his swimsuit. He reached down several times while flipping through the hot pages of the erotic magazine to squeeze his cock. When he got to the centerfold which featured a cute white boy getting fucked by a muscular black guy who looked to be a few years older, Johann reached inside the back of his red Speedo and rubbed his asshole. He was moaning at this point when the doorbell rang.

Without making an attempt to hide his erection which was straining the fabric of his bikini, he opened the door. He was taken aback by the sexiness of the black pizza delivery boy who looked like he was in his late twenties. He was wearing a tight red shirt with the logo Party Pizza emblazoned in it. He also had on tight black jeans. He sported a thick black mustache, his head was shaved smooth, and he had good hoop earrings. Johan invited him into his apartment, and the pizza delivery looked the nearly naked boy over from head to toe while licking his lips. Johan also checked out the black boy's package before he turned his back for a moment to get some money from his wallet. Once his back was turned, the delivery boy checked out Johan's ass and began to look at the centerfold of the magazine that he had left open on the counter.

When Johan turned around to pay, the black delivery boy was holding his hard cock through his pants. He held up the centerfold and asked the white swimmer, "Is this how you like it?"

Johan responded, "It is my fantasy." Then, he pulled down his red Speedo revealing a long, beautiful uncut cock. "Is this what you like?" he asked the pizza boy while holding his perfect sausage-shaped penis in his hand.

The black pizza boy responded, "It's much bigger than I expected, but not as big as mine." He pulled his tight red uniform shirt off revealing a heavily tattooed chest with chiseled pecs. Both of his large black nipples were pierced with gold hoops just like his ears. He pulled on the hoops and said, "How do you like my pepperonis?"

Johan licked his lips and said, "They look very tasty. What about your sausage?"

This was my first time to see porn on film. Even though the dialogue was lame, these men were very hot. I especially liked the innocence of Johan contrasted with the raw, masculine sexiness of the young black man. The booth seemed to be getting warmer, and my horniness was getting out of control, so I took off my black track suit and my tennis shoes. The head of my four-inch long hard-on was peeking out of the top of my new Speedo, and it was oozing. I wiped the precum from the head and licked it off my finger.

When I looked back at the film, the black boy had removed his tight black jeans to reveal that he was wearing a red thong which barely contained his long plump cock. The skin of his ass cheeks was as black as the rest of his body. He rubbed his black cobra thorough the thong, and asked Johan, "Would you like to do the honors."

"I've never done anything like this before," Johan said innocently as he approached the irresistible delivery boy with his seven-inch-long hard white cock pointing straight out in front of him. His white, nearly-hairless body was a work of art. Every muscle was subtlety defined, and the only hair on it was a small patch above his delicious-looking cock and tantalizing balls. Once he was directly in front of the delivery boy, he got down on his knees and tugged the red thong down. The black cock, which was only semi-hard, looked to be at least eight inches long. First, Johan licked the bull-sized nuts, taking one into his mouth at a time while he wrapped his long white fingers around the base of the rising black monster. Next, he spit into his right hand and began to masturbate himself while he licked the enormous uncut dick from the base to the tip. He ran his lips and tongue up and down the engorged ebony prick, while the black boy began to work one, then two fingers inside his own well-used black hole.

When Johan pulled the foreskin back and took the head of the ten-inch-long black weapon into his mouth, I nearly lost control. I took off my Speedo and hung it in the hook with my tracksuit. I began to stroke myself as I watched the white boy on the screen take the entire black rod into his mouth until his nose touched the thick patch of curly pubes. I was amazed and so turned on that I was about to shoot my load upon the floor, where hundreds of men had let loose their semen before me, when there was a knock at the door. I was so lost in the moment that I had forgotten where I was. I stopped stroking to unlock and open the door.

Mando was standing on the other side of the door as naked as I was. His body and his uncut cock were a lot like Jamal's, long and lean. His dark black sausage looked to be six inches long and it was still soft. He had a thick patch of kinky black pubes and his legs were very hairy. Like his cock, his ball sack was a deep black color, darker than the skin on the rest of his body and it was hairless. He was very sexy, and I was willing to submit to him. In each hand he was holding black shiny objects--one of them was his favorite dildo.

He looked my body up and down and smiled, "Damn, Matt, for a boy, you've got balls, standing in a booth in a porn store naked with a hard cock."

"I told you, Mando, I've got a bad habit of doing things without thinking," I said.

"You are also younger that I expected," he said, looking at my four-inch-long hard-on. "Men and boys of all different races and ages suck my long black cock in this booth every day, but I've never been with a boy as young as you."

"I understand," I said, thinking that this was his way of telling me that I was too young for him. "but I am a high school freshman."

"Yea, but there is something about you, Matt, that makes you impossible to resist," Mando said.

"My swim coach thinks I have a secret power over other boys," I said smiling.

"I think he's right," Mando said while reaching down to stroke my hard white cock. "You know that I could go to jail for what we are about to do?"

"Not if nobody finds out about it," I said moaning softly.

"You can never tell anyone about this. Not your best friend, not Jamal or your swim coach, no one," he said seriously.

"I am great at keeping secrets," I said. The video of Johan and the pizza boy was still playing. The two of them were standing cock to cock kissing passionately while the black pizza boy worked three fingers into Johan's white pussy. After watching the film for a few seconds, I said, "I want to do what they are doing?"

"I told you, I'm not gay," Mando said while his cock began to grow hard in spite of what he said.

"Ah, come on," I pleaded, reaching down and wrapping my fingers around his eight-inch-long sword. I looked into his dark eyes and began licking my lips.

"Alright, alright. I'll kiss you under two conditions. Are you willing to do anything I ask you to do and to trust me?" Mando asked while closing the door to the booth.

"You bet I am," I said enthusiastically. I thought back to making a similar agreement with John David Friday night and was hopeful that, like that night, I would have no regrets.

Mando, who was a head taller than me, gave in to my request, bent down some, and aligned his large black lips with my thinner white ones. We both released each other's cocks, hugged each other and kissed. His tongue practically raped my mouth, he was so forceful. His thick mustache brushed against the space between my mouth and my nose, and I liked it. I was kissing a real man for the first time. I loved it. Next, he reached behind me, and began rubbing the lips of my asshole. He knew what he was doing. I spread my legs apart enough to give him full access. He was rough with me, like Luke, and I liked it a lot. I loved the feeling of his tongue against mine while he worked his middle finger inside my tight hole. He began to fuck my hole with one and then two fingers. I was moaning like a little girl.

When he asked me to turn around and grab my ankles, I knew exactly what he wanted. For the second time that day, I felt scared, but I was not going to go back on my word. I promised to do anything he asked me to do and to trust him. Even though I wanted Bob to be my first, Mando was hot and I was horny as fuck. So I turned around and grabbed my ankles. He moved behind me, and said, "Trust me Matt, you are going to like this." Next I felt something hard pressing against my somewhat loose boy pussy, so I tried to relax and push out like I was taking a shit. I felt it move back and forth against my asshole, then I felt a moment of sharp pain. Impulsively, I yelled, "Fuck!" Then, the pain lessened.

I reached back to feel his cock where he had entered me, but what I found was something hard like rubber covering my asshole. "What is it his thing?" I asked.

"It's called a Colt Anal Trainer," Mando said. "It will help to loosen up your boy pussy for fucking. This one only stretches your hole a little over one inch wide. Wear it as often as you can, everywhere you go for a few days. The medium-sized one will stretch you to one and a half inches. Then, when you are ready, try the large one. It will open your hole up like two inches. That should get you ready for a man-sized dick like mine." He grabbed his beautiful black cock, which was nearly hard, while he talked about the largest butt plug.

"So, you are not going to fuck me?" I asked feeling both disappointed and relieved. I wrapped my fingers around his black monster.

"Not today, pretty boy," he said smiling. "But, the next time you come into my store, your ass is all mine. Does that sound good to you?"

"Awesome," I said. "I can't wait to feel your black dragon inside of my small cave." I reached between my legs to feel the butt plug. It turned me on to know it was inside of me, and my ass had already adjusted to it.

"Damn, you are a horny little fag," he said as he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me to my knees. I knew what he wanted. Even though the floor of the booth was sticky, I was so turned on by Jamal's brother that I didn't care that I was kneeling in the sticky remains of hundreds of desperate men. I was both turned on and disgusted at the same time. I could not believe that in just four days I had gone from playing strip poker with my best friend in a tent to sucking a black man's cock in a porn store. My decent from being an altar boy to a depraved, cock-hungry pervert had been rapid, but I could not stop myself. His black skin was such a turn on; I had often wished that my skin was as black as his. I started off by sliding the foreskin down while I licked the precum that was oozing from the head of his perfect penis. It had to be eight inches long. I licked from this nice black nuts to the head over and over like a dirty whore. Then, I began to run my lips up and down his throbbing erection while I fondled his balls. They felt warm and heavy in my small hand. Finally, I took the head into my mouth and swirled my tongue all over it causing Mando to emit a low moan.

I looked up at him to see the pleasure on his face. His eyes were closed, his head was tilted back slightly and he was rubbing his nipples with the ball on his palms below his thumb. I wanted to hear him moan louder, so I began to take more and more of his turgid dark meat into my mouth. I fought to control my gag reflex when I felt the head hit my throat. I moved back to catch my breath, before I attempted to swallow it into my throat. As I bobbed back and forth, I opened my eyes to see how close I was to nestling my nose in his curly black pubes. While it took a few minutes and lots of sucking and swallowing, I finally managed to get the whole thing into my mouth.

I felt victorious when my nose was ticked by his thick black bush, and he moaned again. Louder than before. "Fuck yea!" he said. "You like my long black monster, white boy?"

I stopped sucking to answer him. When I pulled my mouth off if his black missile, a line of precum stretched from the head of his eight-inch-long love stick to my swollen lip connecting us. "I love your black dick, Mando. I wish I was as black as you," I smiled looking up at him. Then, I began to run my lips up and down his shaft from the base to the tip, desperate to please him.

"I ain't never heard a white boy say he wished he was black," he laughed hoarsely. "Little man, you's funny."

I looked up at the video of Johan and the black pizza delivery boy while I returned to sucking Mando's sausage. At this point, Johan was positioned on his hands and knees like a dog. The tattooed black boy was kneeling behind him fucking Johan's tight pussy and kissing the back of his neck. He had his right hand under Johan, jacking off his hard uncut white cock while he fucked him. The subtitles indicated that black boy was saying over and over, "You like this white boy?" I did not know how Johan could take a meat that big inside of him, but it was anxious to find out.

Johan's only response was, "Yes, yes, yes!" I reached down to see if my cock was hard, and it was. I stroked myself a few times; it felt good. I did not want to cum, though. I was saving my load for Bob. I could not believe I was going to lose my cherry that night. The thought excited me, and I began to suck even harder.

Mando put both of his hands on the back of my head and he began to fuck my face. There was power in his thrusts, and I could feel the head of his cock pushing itself into my throat over and over. The taste of salty precum filled my senses and his musty smell assailed me. There was something different about his smell, and I liked it. I decided that black guys and white guys had their own distinctive body scents.

As Mando approached his climax, he began to fuck my face harder and harder, his beautiful black balks slapping my chin. He also grew more verbal, like my brother Luke. "Suck my cock, you little white ho. Take my black meat, bitch. Whatever you do, don't stop pussy boy. Get ready to swallow this nigga's juice whitey. Damn, you are a good cocksucker, boy. I can't wait to fuck your tight pink hole, slut."

Some of comments hurt: "What would your daddy say, Matt, to see his sweet little boy sucking a hard black dick kneeling on the floor in a porn shop?"

Yet, his insults turned me on. I could not help myself. I began to jack off again. I needed to cum. My senses were overloaded. I lost track of time, of space, of reality. I wanted him to fill me with his black seed, and I wanted to shoot my load onto the sticky floor.

Mando's banter did not stop. "Suck it, Matt. You are nothing but a low life, cocking sucking queer. That's all you will ever be. A black man's cum dump. I know you love feeling my big black balls slapping your white chin? Just wait until I breed you like a dog. Fill your tight white belly with my babies, mark you as mine."

The more he degraded me, the more lost in the haze of sex and darkness I descended. I wanted to please him, and he was right. I wanted him to mark me.

His moaning grew louder as he continued to fuck my mouth and use my tired throat. Suddenly, he pulled his cock back so that only the head was in my mouth, he used his hand to masturbate the part of his cock that was not inside my mouth, and he began to fire his salty load into my mouth. I closed my eyes and started swallowing as hard and fast as I could. At the same time, I became aware that I was shooting my own load into the floor. It was as though the cum that filled my mouth was shooting out of the end of my cock as I took more and more of his cream inside of me. I had never felt so much pleasure at one time.

When he finally stopped shooting, Mando put his hand on my forehead and gently pushed me off of his sated cock. I looked up at him, desperate for his approval, my face dripping with his seed. I smiled sheepishly.

He also smiled. "Damn, Matt. I ain't never felt anything like that. It was like there was only you and me and nothing else. You know what I mean?"

"It was amazing! Thank you!" I found myself saying before I realized it. I was actually thanking him when he should have been thinking me. But, I was thankful. He had taken me to a place I had never been before. It was as though, the more he degraded me, the more I wanted to please him. I knew it was sick, but his insulting words were like a drug to me.

Mando, who was still naked, became gentle. He helped me to rise from my knees and he hugged me tightly. Because of the difference in our heights, I could feel his sticky black snake against my hard white abs. He kissed the top of my sweaty head and mumbled, "Sorry 'bout what I said little man. When I get caught up in sex, I talk shit."

"Mando, you don't have to say that you're sorry. I liked it," I said.

"Yea? I thought you might, but I was pretty harsh," he said.

"Look at me," I said while wiping his cum off of my face and licking it from my fingers. "I really am a low life cock sucking queer."

"You is funny, Matt," he replied. "Look, we got a bathroom in the back of the shop. Go get cleaned up. I need to unlock the front door. If my boss finds out I kept it locked, he'll fire me or worse."

I wondered what "or worse" meant, but I didn't ask. I took my track suit, socks, shoes, and my new Sharks Speedo with me to the back of the store. My cock was still hard. It definitely had a mind of its own. I reached around my side and ran my long finger along my ass crack. The butt plug was still in place. I liked having it there.

The bathroom was not easy to find. I had to go into a back storage room which had several doors leading from it. Once I found the one that belonged to the bathroom, I was surprised to find that it was a actually clean. It was apparent that this was not a public bathroom. I looked at my face in the mirror. Some of Mando's cum had dried around my mouth. Otherwise I looked the same. Inside, I knew that I had changed. My conscience nagged at me, telling me that this was wrong. But, another part of me knew that I was harming no one, and that I could not stop. I reached down, wiped the cum from the head of my cock, and I licked it off. Then, I took some paper towels, wet them, and wiped the sticky mess from my knees. I gently cleaned my cock, then moved onto my face. By the time I finished, I looked like an innocent fourteen-year-old who was on his way home from swim practice.

Mando came and checked on me. "You okay?" he asked with concern on his voice.

I smiled back, seductively licking my lips and rubbing my crotch like a rent boy. "I am better than okay."

He laughed and said, "You know, you ain't normal, Matt."

"Yea, I've known that for a few days now," I replied.

He took me to the back door of the store and let me out into an alley. "Be careful," he said.

"I will," I replied. I walked around the side of the strip mall, returned to the front of the store happy to see that my bicycle was still there.

Next: Chapter 13

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