Speechlessly in Love

By moc.liamtoh@erolagstrid

Published on Nov 20, 2006


We just sat together until 9:00 then Kattie had to go home. As soon as she left I went on msn to see what was up with with Meghan to see if maybe she changed her mind.

It didnt look like she did her msn named read: "Kattie and Angie are two little fucking dykes". As soon as I saw this I knew she wasnt going to get over it. I started talking to Meghan very quickly

Meghan why cant you just realize that Kattie and I love each other.

Because its fucking sick she replied

well could you atleast change your name? i asked

why are the little dykes afraid that the world will find out she had the capslock on

oh my gosh Meghan I wasnt going to say anything but I told Ashely and Liz and they understood perfectly, like I thought we were friends but I guess not. It was hard to type because I was crying so hard

This might of hit Meghan hard because she didn't talk to me for the rest of the night.

I waited until 11:00 for Katie to come on line but she didnt. I wanted to talk to her so bad but I wasnt sure if I should I just didnt have any words of comfort for her because I was unsure my self.

Back in school again. Katie and I walked threw the doors together just to get glances from other people I knew what they were saying but I pretended I didnt know what they were saying and I acted like I didnt know they were talking about me. It was hard, finally we were walking threw the cooler hallway at school and Katie did something that just blew my mind. When the kids in their started speaking louder so we knew they were talking about us. One kid actually shouted dykes. When he said that Katie grabbed my hand and squeeze I wasnt sure if she did it just to prove a point of because she was scared...It felt great

As soon as she grabbed my hand a lot of the kids just looked at us funny almost like they were just razzing us but when they knew it was true they werent sure what to do.

We got to our lockers and I just smiled at her she had a tear in her eye but she smiled and it wasnt a forced one she truely meant it.

The five min bell rang in my ears and I had to say goodbye to my little girl(even though she was exzactly 6 monthes and 5 days older than me)

First class started I had math which was good because kids cant really talk outloud about you then. it was odd the class that usually goes by the slowest just flew by. walking threw the halls to my next class I saw Katie I felt so bad she had P.E first class. She looked at me and cried I went over to hug her but then another teacher rushed me off to class. I couldnt really fight because she just got in my way down the hall and I just saw Katie alone in the hall.

second I had english, flip you get to talk a lot in that class and usually im the one who starts all the talking but today I was all that was being talked about.

One thing tho I found one of my best guy friends ever. The cool part was that I just met him this year. His name is Nick and when I took my place in the back of the class he sat beside me. "Wow Angie I didnt know, you could have told me it doesnt matter gay or straight your still the same person to me. I cant beleive that you held her hand in school that was really brave. I looked at him with a warm grin, thanks Nick I said, that really means a lot to me.

A boy in my class usually doesnt say to much to me because he thinks he's above me. His name was Andrew he looked at me and then pointed to his crotch and said

"what dyke are you afraid of this"

Nick looked at him but you could tell that he was to afriad to do anything. I just tried to shrug it off like nothing happend. Then he said one thing that drove me to the edge

I always knew that you were a frigit little bitch, I bet if you saw a cock you wouldnt know what to do because you have always been a little rug muncher.

I started to move becuase I was getting ready to punch him out but Nick jumped in my way and just tackled him down. Our teacher mrs. Rikeheart ran from her desk to pull what she thought would be Andrew from Nick but it was Nick who was beating the living snot out of Andrew.

Nick's fist's were just flying and he screamed "its people like you who make this school a living hell, why dont you grow up asshole"

mrs.Rikeheart lifted Nick off Andrew. Andrew was all bloody his nose was bleeding like crazy and his face was red I wasnt sure if it was because he was tired from the fight or embareassed becuase he lost. Andrew is one of those guys that doesnt quite tho.

Ya I guess I do make this school a living hell but thats just cuz freaks like you and Angie dont belong, shove it fagit.

Nick kicked him in the stomach which was hard for him to do because Mrs.rikeheart was holding him back. Andrew fell to the ground. When he hit the floor Nick spit in his face and said step off asshole.

It turns out at the same time Katie in S.S got her self into a little bit of trouble but this time it wasnt from a student it was from a teacher. Mr. Dennison was always a very black and white man it was either right or wrong no in between. When Katie steped into the class and sat down she asked the person beside her for a pencil. As soon as she opend her mouth mr. Dennison screamed

"KATIE OUT IN THE HALL NOW!" it was weird because class hadnt even started but he scared her, hell he could scare anybody the way he would hell. It was twenty mins into class and he finally steped out in the hall to talk to her.

What were you thinking? he questioned in a mean tone but not yelling.

I was just asking for a pencil, Katie replied.

Dont you understand why I pulled you out of class he said in a low tone but with gritted teath it was more of a growl

Well im not really sure katie replied trying to hold back her tears of fear

Why must you walk around and be different its bad enough this school has a rep fro drugs but you and your little girlfriend are turning us into a bunch of homosexuals he said this without emotion almost like he was programed to think so.

Im sorry I dont under...katie trailed off because she was crying so hard

Near by another teacher spoted this and thought that the student was causeing the trouble instead of the teacher and sent Katie to the office and said to mr.Dennison that the v.p will take care of this

I was already sent to the office for the fight and I was sitting in the waiting room part of the office along with Nick and Andrew was on the other side of the room nursing his swollen lip and had cloth over his bleeding probably broken nose.

When Katie opened the door I got up very quickly and ran to hug her. It was a hard hug one of love and a sense of home in her arms.

Nick saw this and simled it wasnt a pervert smile but one of respect. Andrew looked at us and rolled his eyes and mutterd something about it being wrong, no one payed attention.

The principal called Andrew in first since he probably have to leave to see if his nose was broken.

After I hugged katie I finally noticed then that her eyes were all puffy and red.

Whats wrong I asked? Nick looked at her like he was asking the question himself and like he truely did care for an answer ever tho this is the first time he actually met Katie.

Katie whats wrong? I asked

Its...Mr.Dennison.. she said in between sobs

What did he do to you, nick questioned before I could

He went off on me.... about us....about us dating and he said....that we were a bad.....image....for..the school. Katie could hardly speak she was crying so hard

that douche Nick replied meaning it when he said it.

what?..I just couldnt understand like I knew the kids would be unfair about it but a teacher.

The princeipal came out. Listen guys This sounds like a problem that we should all try to solve Im going to give you three a note to get out of your next class and this may take up some of your lunch. Kaite why are you here?

that little dyke is here for the same the reason! said Andrew in a hurtful tone.

THATS ENOUGH FROM YOU!! yelled our frustrated princeipal mr.Avery.

but if that is the case that you are involved with this then I will write you a not as well.

Katie,Angie and nick you can leave now to get your notes signed and Andrew you will wait with me until they come back.

Things went over well with the princepal he had to give Nick an in school suspension by rules of the school board but was glad that Nick stood up for us. Andrew was kicked out of school and sent to Westbridge a school around 10 miles away from us.

Katie and I decided to have a little party top try and get the arkwardness around school dissipear. We invited a couple of friends to come and hang out. Katie made me invite Meghan even though I didnt want to. Liz and Ashely were also invited.

Only 10 people showed up and that was cuz Nick invited some of his friends. To my surprize Meghan came to.

The party started at 7:30 and Nick,Liz and Ashely were the first to arrive. We just kept the conversation simple talking about funny movies and just going back to how things used to be. I wish people were as understanding as the friends I have around me right now.

Meghan walked in the door around 9:00 she was the last to arrive. She knocked on the door even though it had a sign that read "hurry come on in"

I answered the door and saw a very upset looking Meghan.Before I could speak she started.

Oh my gosh Angie Im so sorry, I didnt know that I could cause so much trouble and she had tears running down her cheeks.

I hugged her before she said anything else, Meghan im so glad that you came around and beleive it or not but you helped out a lot. I brought her inside and we sat in my living room.

I just dont know what made me so mad, It just really botherd me and I guess I just couldnt deal with it.

Thats ok Meghan I said, It was even hard for Katie and I to handel it. We even pretended nothing happend almost like we felt nothing but we knew that we did and that we had to try. It was so hard to tell you.

Is katie mad at me? asked Meghan

No infact she was the one that told me to invite you, infact if she didnt tell me to I wouldnt have but im glad I did.

The night turned out to be a great night. Every body left at 12:30 so Katie and I had the house to ourselves which was great after a week as hard as the one we went threw, but for her i'd do anything.

We sat in my basment just watching t.v when she turned over to me and kissed me.

She said kiss me hoe like you mean it just joking around.

I then pushed her down on the couch onto her stomach then turned her around so she was on her back and started rubbing her breasts and kissing her neck and then bitting her ear lobe making her giggle and moan at the same time.

She moved her knee around so it would rub against my crotch causeing me to get wet and to calopse under the shivering of my whole body. We kept kissing and rubbing each other. Then we stoped and at the same time we both took of our shirts and bras. We then went back to rubbing each other. Her hard nipples scraping across my stomach and my nipples doing the same to her. Soon katie took control and started kissing me harder and harder bitting my earlobe and my neck a little. This felt so good. I felt a hand go below my waist and she started to unbutton my pants I soon kicked them away and her hands raced again to take off my panties. Usually im the rough one so I pushed her off my so we both feel on the floor and I was on top I was naked while she was only naked from the wasit up I pulled off her track pants and took her panties into my mouth.

she then laid on the ground tottally naked.

Katie stay here I will be right back. She looked at me with eyes wanting more

so I told her that it would be worth the wait. her eyes lit up after I said that.

I went up to my room and grabbed the strap on which Nick bought for me as a joke, guys are so funny.

then I ran to my brothers room and grabbed the ky jelly. I put the strap-on on and put the ky all over it. I ran down stairs with a blanket wrapped around me and I told her to turn around and not look. She started to stand up but I told her to lay back down.

She listend to me I walked up to her and then kneeled down and put some ky on my finger and circled around her butt whole. She moaned at this. I then told her to count to five.

She counted 1-2-3

As soon as she hit three I slowly insirted the dildo into her ass she moaned with both surprize and pleasure. I started to move it in and out of her until she begged me to move it faster and faster. The whole six inches was inside of her. With one hand I held her back pushing her onto the dildo and with the other hand I ran circles around her clit causeing her to moan. She begged for me to put it in her cunt


with this I started to take out the rubber cock while putting my fingers inside her ass hoping she wouldnt notice the change, she started to move her but in circles. It was high in the air so I could easily locate her cunt and then I put the rubber dildo in fast and screamed with a mass amount of pleasure.

After this we just held each other on the floor with a blanket over top

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