Speechlessly in Love

By moc.liamtoh@erolagstrid

Published on May 28, 2006


there is this girl that ive been crushing on since middle school i saw her in grade 7 and thats the year i foud out i was gay not at the moment did i notice her infact i didnt notice her till one of my friends introduced me to her it turns out there good friends and have been for ever. I wasnt sure how i felt about her for a long time since i haven never crushed on a boy let alone a girl. The night i realized i loved her was when were were haning out at li'z house and katie her bestfriend was there liz didnt tell me she was going to be there so when i showed up and katie was there i knew that i liked her mayb a little bit more then a friend becuase seeing her gave me chills of being nervous and of excitment.

Liz then asked her mum if we could both spend the night i was so excited but i couldnt understand it myself like hey im not a lesbian but i never really told my self that i liked boys either so i gave it a try i just let the thought kick around in my head, i wasdnt sure if it was jus me but katie kept very close to me but hey i just met the girl mayb shes a touchy feely kind of person which usually drive me nuts but this time it was ok.

the next morning i woke up and she was snuggled up next to me i was about to just touch her soft gentle face as soon as i raised my hands to touch her soft face liz woke up beside me and said "oh i see you met katie in the middle of the night" ya i agreed unsure of what she meant by that then she said "for some reason she tends to snuggle right into people in the middle of the night its kinnda of weird but you will get used to it" well having her hug me so tight with her nice soft loving eyes shut but still as they were shut i can feel the warmth of them as if they were looking back at me. But still that wasnt when i found out i was gay that part shall come along sooner then you think.

most of grade 7 is boring details like that but grade 8 things get a little different. this girl me and katie are both friends with this girl angela and she has been cutting herself as we both noticed we talked to her about it but she said she was fine boys when a girl says their fine their lying we both gave her some chances like mayb everything is ok but after a month of the same harsh cuts across her wrist we told the guidance counsol and well after words we were both well i cant describe it we jus looked at each other and cried i held her in my arms and for sumreason i found the strenght my arm was broken at the time from a fall down the stairs(yes im a cluts)

I was getting to know her so much in grade 8 we would hang out just us and sometimes she would jus take my bus to hang out it was great but still i was unsure of how i felt and how she felt to we used to play this staring game we would jus sit and stare at each other while the other one wasnt looking who ever stared at the other one for the longest time won it was great for me becuase when ever i would zone out on her beautiful face with teeth full of metal from her braces but to me she had the straightest smile in the world with her purple died hair turning a light brown color and well i would just get lost, she may not sound that pretty but some people have all the wrong features that come together and for some reason work with her extram small size of 4'11 and small wieght of 105 mostly muscle becuase she was a cheerleader.

the summer of grade 8 came and so did camp a lot more happend that week then anything else we seemed to get close she would come up to my bunk and she would jus watch me or she would get me to take her to the bathroom in the middle of the night she was my little homely puppie thats when i found out the sadder parts of her life how her parents divorced and how much she missed people around her and his brothers girlfriends death it was quite bad and i myself hate hugs like i dont even hug my parents but i would give her a nice tight but gentle hug and she would return the favour but sometimes a hug wouldnt solve it i could hear her crying at night and that hurt me a lot knowing that i couldnt fix the worl for her and cast away her dakr skies.

Finally grade 9 came along highschool which didnt bring much onto me because my angle katei found aboy friend that was when i started feeling low and stupid that year i got into some bad things i tried to commite sucide many times with that it bugged me so much but one thing that stuck to me was what a sunday school teacher said to me they said "if you truely love somebody then they must love you back or else it isnt true love" and thats what kept me going, i knew i really loved her so she must love me too

june came and i remeber the day it was wonderful in a sad way it wasjune 5th a tuesday and my cell rings at 8:30 in the morning a crying voice says hello Ange are you there me being a smart ass and all said yes who else would answer her cell phone, then i realized it wasnt my turn to talk just to listen. She could barely talk but she came out with the words that to this day make me shiver,Ange can you come over to my house i need you. She didnt have to finish her sentence before i hoped a bus over to her house. the bus droped me off at least 3 blocks away from her house i ran as fast as i could.

when i got to her house i knocked on her door, it opend up like on scary movies with a creak and nobody else was home so well me being the stupid blonde in the movie(except my hair is died bright red) i walked right inside and turned into her completly messy room, just with my luck i fell on to a pile of dirty blankets katie my messy little girl. the blanket was rather bumpy and well my blanket doesnt normally sob, damn i stay inside my head to long it was katie, i got up quick extreamly embareassed but one little smile made everything go away, she just gave me a hug and said thank you, i soon felt her rub her nose against my shoudler which sickly enough as it is senmt shivers down my spine and she said Ange thanks a lot and gave me a little kiss on the check after knowing katie for so long you no that its just her being sweet but gosh i take it to heart everytime just hoping for me. That night she asked me to stay the night at her house

we decided it was a good idea to start drinking with out guys you dont have to worry about anything bad happening like a child. I guess we are really cheap drin ks becuase i only remeber having like 2-3 coolers before being out like a light. what was weird was when i woke up it had only been an hour and i saw 12 coolers around me and katie. she was loaded so was i and well we started playing some weird games but the funny part was i wasnt i jus pretened to be. That way if things did go to far i could just say that i was drink, she dared me to kiss her it was crazy i couldnt believe that she said that and the weird part was i said no me i said no but katie i guess she just wouldnt hear of it she must have been loney after breaking up with her long time boyfriend she leaned in really slowly and touched my face ever so lightly and said to me "Ange you are my angle look after me and make sure i turn out ok" before i knew what i was saying i already said " Katie you are more beautiful than an angel you are my heaven you are my world then she leaned in for a kiss it was soft and slow lasting only seconds but i was trapt for ever sucked into her unalbe to move she then stoped kissing me, i almost wanted to cry like a little kid but she spoke before i could say anything ,Ange i dont want this to be remeber as a drunken mistake i want you to remeber this so go to sleep and we'll talk in the moring, (who said that we'll talk is horrible)

the next morning couldnt have come sooner all night i couldnt get her out of my mind i cant believe she said that to me. when i woke up i noticed my angel katie wasnt by my side huging me closely. i called her name then i just heard the tolite flush, Ange do you remeber what happend last night she asked as she came walking into her room while i was on her bed, i nodded just unalbe to speak, well she said i have never done that before and i noticed a sound of guilt in her voice but then she picked herself up and said well i dont regret what i did Ange when i said i love you well i meant it and well i want you to love me too that kiss to me meant the world, that was when i knew i loved her. I noticed again she was starting to cry i took my hands and wipe away all of her tears i asked her why she was crying and she said well if you ran away or thought that i was a freak or a perv that would brake my heart, i only dated that guy because somebody told me that you were straight i was trying to search for love but it was straight in front of me. with that we both burst into tears becuase we finally understood each others troubles and wanted to make it beter our lips found each other and first lightly touched then trying to make up for all the lost time we grabbed each other she wrapped her small muscular legs around me and was thrusting her pelvis against me and then said i cant slow down i love you to much and her tears came hard and her kissing more meaning full and hard she then started to part my lips with her tongue and i let her in un sure of what to do with it i just took my tonugue and slide it around her tongue it was beautiful she moved her hands looking for the buttons to my pj top and opend me up i shivered at the thought of her seeing me then i felt scared but when she just looked at me like she had seen heaven and smiled and slowly started to take off her own top i knew it was going to be ok, i never thought that breast wsere beautiful up until the day i saw katie's but then again why should i be amazed everything about her was perfect but thats what amazed me she was everything and more she came towards me slowly with her shirt just naked from the waist up and i as well and we looked then touched each other slowly she got this weird smile on her face and came back with some lube from her brothers room, i didnt need any lube i wass already wet enough but it was ky gell and she put it on her tongue i bet it tasted gross and thats when she went down on my it was magical she took her tongue and slowly started flicking my clit i was speechlessly in love my best friend my girlfriend making me please how i only heard porn stars felt and making me feel beautiful and whole like a woman soon she told me to turn over and said get ready virgin i wasnt sure what she was going to do but i felt this warm object move insdie my ass i felt a shapr pain and she heard me gasp and said dont worry baby pain for pleasure and soon i felt my self trying to grip it and move farther back on it when i was really starting to like it she said its time for both of us to have loads and loads of fun she showed me this long dildo or atleast i think it was a dildo and she slowly eased it insdie her self and said lets fuck in a sluttly tone it was crazy it drove me nuts and she thrusted it into me really hard i bet france could hear me scream she just giggled and i knew everything was ok and we started to screw each other it was like we were men and women at the same time i would force the dildo in her me being the guy then she would put it inside me, me being the girl. i was just speechlessly in love

Next: Chapter 2

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