Specters Gamble

By moc.liamg@dniotrecnoc

Published on Mar 30, 2010


This is a work of fiction; all the resemblances are completely accidental. I am the one who owns all the ideas and characters in the story. Contains violence and descriptive sexual scenes between two males. If you are not supposed to read it, don't do so. Feel free to e-mail me with praises or insults (former preferred).

  • XXI -

It was ten minutes to eight on Friday night, and they walked into the house behind the old Plaza.

"I still can't believe that you forgot about a safe here," Desmond said with a grimace. "This would've been so much easier and less risky..."

"Yeah, well," Rayhe shrugged. "The last time we were here, the safe wasn't anywhere close to my mind... And then I simply didn't think about it," he shrugged again. "It's all good though. The more money, the merrier, right?"

"Right," the assassin sighed.

"Ah, crap!" Gabriel slapped his forehead. "I forgot my notebook in the car," he explained after Desmond shot him a puzzled look. "I don't remember the combination to the safe... Be right back."

Desmond shrugged and headed towards the couch. Rayhe went outside, his eyes darting around.

"Well done," Julian said behind him and Gabriel whirled around.

Salamander wasn't alone; there was another man whom Gabriel didn't recognize.

"Give me the vial," Julian said and stretched out his hand. Rayhe blinked. "I have to make sure that you didn't tamper with it," Salamander explained, and Gabriel slowly pulled the vial out of his pocket and handed it to Julian.

Salamander studied the vial for several minutes, narrowing his eyes and turning the small container back and forth. Finally, he seemed to be satisfied and he handed the vial back to Rayhe.

"Alessandro..." Julian nodded at his silent companion. "...is going to walk in and make sure that Specter is indeed out after the drug takes effect. He will also handcuff him... Just in case," he added with a small smile. "Now go, master Rayhe. Finish what you started."

Gabriel silently walked back inside the house.

"Got it?" Desmond asked him and Rayhe demonstrated a small notebook. The assassin nodded.

"You wanna drink?" Gabriel asked casually and Desmond nodded almost immediately.

"Yeah," he said. "That would be great... I'm gonna take a leak," he added and started towards the bathroom.

"Okay," Rayhe muttered.

Gabriel walked into the kitchen and pulled two short glasses out of the cupboard. He filled them with old whiskey that he found on one of the shelves, and then pulled that vial out of his pocket. He stared at it for several very long minutes, and finally, he broke off the plastic top of it, and emptied its contents into one of the glasses. He dropped the empty vial into the garbage disposal and flicked the switch on the wall. The garbage disposal came to life with a furious roar and Rayhe turned it off after a minute.

"I could definitely use a drink right now," Desmond said from behind him, and Gabriel's shoulders tensed. "It's been a while since my last one..."

Rayhe handed him the glass and the assassin gave him a small nod, thanking him. They drank in silence, Gabriel's eyes locked on Desmond's glass. The assassin simply gulped the whiskey down and sat the glass on the counter.

"That was good," he said with satisfaction. "Come on, let's get to that safe..."

Rayhe finished his own drink, sat the glass on the counter next to Desmond's, and walked closer to the assassin. Desmond blinked when Gabriel put both of his hands on his shoulders.

"Hey," Rayhe said quietly.

"What?" Desmond frowned slightly. "Something wrong?"

Instead of answering, Gabriel leaned forward and planted a long kiss on the assassin's mouth.

"I love you," he said in the same quiet voice after he pulled away, and Desmond's eyes became wide. "I am sorry..." he added after a few seconds.

Desmond's frown came back onto his forehead.

"What..." he started saying and suddenly, he swayed on his feet. "Wait..." he muttered and grabbed onto the counter. "Wait..."

He blinked rapidly, and slowly slid onto the tiled floor of the kitchen. He raised his head and looked at Rayhe with a mix of confusion, surprise, and disbelief.

"I am sorry..." Gabriel whispered again.

"You..." Desmond muttered. "You drugged me... Why...?"

"I am sorry," Rayhe whispered one last time, and the front door of the house creaked open.

Alessandro walked into the kitchen, dark smile twisting his mouth. Without saying anything, he walked closer to Desmond and kicked him in the ribs hard. The assassin groaned and fell onto the floor facedown. Alessandro was about to kick him again, but Rayhe grabbed his arm.

"Enough!" he said sharply. "Enough!"

Alessandro scowled at him but lowered his leg. He pulled a pair of handcuffs out of his pocket and went down on one knee.

"You killed my brother, you son of a bitch," he said quietly while twisting Desmond's arms behind his back and sliding the handcuffs onto his wrists. "You broke his neck," he hissed and forced Desmond to roll over so he could look into his eyes. "Back in that house... You broke his neck," he said again and placed both of his palms on either side of the assassin's head. "I should do the same to you..." he muttered. "Right now...!" his fingers dug harder into Desmond's scalp and the assassin let out a moan, his eyes unfocused because of the drug, his body limp.

"Don't!" Rayhe said sharply.

Alessandro took a deep breath and slowly lowered his arms.

"The only reason I am not going to do it," he said through his clenched teeth. "Is because Julian wants to kill you himself, you piece of shit!"

He slapped Desmond's face hard and got up.

"Let's go," he said shortly after glancing at Rayhe.

"Wait..." Gabriel muttered. "Let me..." he coughed. "Let me say good-bye..." he finished in almost a whisper.

"Your hands," Alessandro said sharply. "Show them to me!"

Gabriel slowly stretched his hands out.

"Hurry up," Alessandro said after making sure that Rayhe's hands were indeed empty.

Gabriel went down on one knee, Alessandro watching him intently. Rayhe ran his fingers through Desmond's hair slowly, and then he leaned forward and placed another kiss on the assassin's mouth, hugging him briefly.

"I am sorry..." he whispered again, and Desmond didn't say anything to that; he seemed to be almost out of it.

"Let's go," Alessandro grabbed Gabriel's shoulder, forcing him to get up. "Let's go!"

They walked out of the house and Alessandro slammed the door hard. Julian was waiting for them by the car that was sitting in front of the house now.

"Well done," he nodded at Rayhe.

"What are you going to do?" Gabriel asked in a hoarse voice, and Salamander smiled.

"You get your clean slate, master Rayhe," he almost purred. "I don't even care if you stay in this city; you don't exist for me or my family anymore. Now, if I were you, I would get away from this place as soon as possible," he added and pulled something that looked like a small white box out of his pocket. "Because it's going to be very hot here in a few minutes."

"You are giving him such an easy death?" Alessandro asked him in a very tight voice. "After everything he's done? He'll be unconscious when the house burns!"

Julian smiled.

"No," he said, and Rayhe's eyes went wide. "That particular drug incapacitates only; it doesn't make you unconscious. He will feel everything."

"You said you are not going to make him suffer!" Gabriel almost screamed. "You gave me your word, you bastard!"

"I am not laying a finger on him, am I?" Salamander looked contended. "He is going to burn alive and he is going to feel everything... To be honest, it's an easier death compared to some," he shrugged. "It's not going to last long. Good-bye, master Rayhe," and he looked at Gabriel pointedly. "I want to make sure that you are far enough from the house. I don't want you to sneak into the back door and save him..." a small smile snaked its way through his lips.

Rayhe stared at him with helpless hatred for several minutes, and then he turned around and stumbled towards his car. Julian watched him climb inside and drive away. He nodded after Rayhe's vehicle was far enough, and got into his own car, Alessandro following him silently. They were safely far from the house when Julian rolled down the window and pressed a button on the small white box. There was a loud booming sound, as if insane thunder decided to unleash its rage upon the city, and then the house sat ablaze.

...Gabriel brought the car to a screeching halt when he heard the booming sound. He climbed out and stared behind him. The house that he left several minutes ago was flaming in the darkness of the night like a huge torch. Rayhe stood there frozen for several minutes, and then he slowly got into the car and drove away.

Next: Chapter 20: Specters Gamble 22 23

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