Spectacular Quark

By moc.oohay@6601srehtims

Published on Jun 26, 2002


The following serialized story contains explicit descriptions of sexual situations between consenting adult homosexual men. If such content offends you or is illegal for you to view due to age or laws in your state or country, please do not continue. All persons and events in the following story are fictional. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This is the third installment in a continuing erotic comic book story. Comments and criticisms are welcome at smithers1066@yahoo.com. Enjoy.

The Spectacular Quark Episode Three: Truth

I arrived at the station the next day in a fog. The last night's dream had unsettled me. Clearly I was falling for two men at the same time. Quark was mysterious and strong and the sense memory of his taut body next to mine gave me chills. Charlie, on the other hand, was sweet and shy. If I imagined kissing him, a warm feeling roiled in the pit of my stomach. I lusted after both of them, and I fantasized about both of them making love to me. But when I dreamed about the man I wanted to hold me as I fell asleep, it was always Charlie. I told the entity in my pants to focus on one thing and put thought of Quark out of my head.

Charlie was in the newsroom when I arrived. He looked even more disheveled than usual and there were bags under his eyes from lack of sleep.

"Hey Charlie," I said, smiling warmly at him. His face seemed to brighten and his eyes lost a bit of their sleepiness.

"Hi." He smiled.

"Is your Mom okay?" I leaned against the desk next to his chair.

"What? Yeah, she's fine. Thanks." His eyes still hesitated when I met them with my own.

"You have any plans for tonight? You wanna try again?" I sure as Hell did.

"Okay." His lips gave a tiny, adorable smile.

"Same time? Eight o'clock, my place?"

"Yeah." I was about to head for my office. "Look, David, if you don't want to, we don't have to."

"Charlie." I saw his hand laying on the desk and placed my own on top of it. Just touching him made my heart lurch. "Of course I want to. I'm the one who asked. Do you not want to?"

"No, yeah. I do. It's just. I still can't believe you'd want me." He steeled himself and looked in my eyes.

"Well, you're going to have to get over that." I gave his hand a squeeze as I caught Jenny Swenson entering the room out of the corner of my eye. Charlie noticed her too and pulled his hand away. Jenny stared at me. I couldn't read her expression.

Larry, the News Director, flew into the room. His fast gait and the intensity in his face told me something was up. He saw me.

"Miller. The Dyzeman board of directors has just called an emergency press conference. I want you down at the Bel Air Hotel to cover it." Charlie's face was ashen as he quickly glanced at me.

"Okay," I said.

"Take Billie and Sam, it starts in 90 minutes."

"Shouldn't Jenny cover that?" asked Charlie. Jenny, Larry and I all stared at him. Charlie, well, no one, really, ever questioned Larry.

"I'm the News Director, Swenson. If I need someone to fix the TelePrompTer, then I'll ask your opinion. Advance your sister's career on your own time."

"It's just," started Charlie.

"Charlie, shut up," said Jenny sternly.

"Jenny, I need you to cover the pile up out on the interstate."

"Yes, sir," said Jenny, still eyeing Charlie.

"Do you people not understand that when I ask you to do something I mean NOW. Move!" We all snapped to attention. I headed to my office. Charlie was at my heels.

"David, you can't go. You have to stay as far away from them as possible." I reached my office door. Charlie followed me in.

"It's my job. Besides, they're not going to kill me in front of a camera crew." I walked to my closet and grabbed a suit to wear.

"You have to be careful." He eyed me sternly.

"I will. Now, I have to get changed." Charlie headed to the door. "But, Charlie, thanks for caring."

"It's not hard." He opened the door and left. I had one leg in my pants when the door burst open. Jenny strode in, her blonde hair bobbing with fury.

"What the Hell is going on between you and my brother, David?" She crossed her arms and fixed her eyes on me.

"Jenny! Knock." I tried to conceal my undress.

"They're legs, David, I've seen them. What's going on?"

"Maybe you should ask your brother that." I hoisted my pants up and fastened the, I had never seen this mama bear side of Jenny.

"I'm asking you. Are you sleeping with him?"

"With all due respect, Jenny-"

"Answer the fucking question!" Her tone startled me.

"No, we haven't. We haven't even had a date. Jenny, relax."

"If you hurt him, so help me." She looked out the window, her eyes narrowing in thought.

"I'm not going to hurt him. What's this about?" I was honestly puzzled. I knew the two of them were close, but Charlie was a grown man.

"He wants this so bad and if you're just using him, stringing him along while you look for somebody better I will kill you."

"I believe you," I said, meaning it. "But I'm not. I really like him."

"What the Hell took you so long?" Her body seemed to be loosening up a bit, but her voice was still on fire.

"That's a good question." I wasn't sure where this conversation was going.

"Fine. You need to get downtown. Just remember. You hurt him?" She slashed at her throat with her hand.

"Got it." She turned and left. I knew who I would call to save me if Quark was ever unavailable. I finished dressing and left the office to find my camera and sound crew.

"This is David Miller reporting to you live from the Bel Air Hotel." I held the microphone in front of my mouth and spoke directly to the camera. I made sure to punch the fact that we were "live" as Larry had so often instructed me to do. "In a few minutes, we will be bringing you an emergency news conference by the board of directors of Dyzeman Chemicals who last week announced closure of their City City plant. No word has leaked out about the reason for the press conference, but rumors of a recent accident at the plant have been swirling for weeks."

"Good, Miller," said Larry through my earpiece. "We'll come back to you in five."

Billie, a squat, tomboyish woman of 35 brought the camera down from her shoulders. I hoped the mic hadn't picked up the incessant smacking of her gum. Sam, a tall kid in his early twenties stood next to her holding my cue cards.

"Nice," said Billie through her gum. "But I haven't heard any rumors of an accident. You making shit up again?"

"I've never made anything up." I'm not sure why I threw that in. It hadn't been on my cards. But there had indeed been rumors and I had a feeling they were about to be confirmed.

The East Ballroom of the Bel Air Hotel was filled with television crews and print reporters. Each of the towns seven stations and six newspapers were accounted for, as well as one or two cable news networks. Their presence told me I was not the only one who feared a major news event. At the front of the room sat a long, empty table with a cluster of microphones in the center. The board members were expected in a few moments.

I chatted with Billie and Sam for a bit, then made faces at my friend Bonnie on the other side of the room. She was a fortyish woman with an eagle face and prematurely graying hair. She worked for the worst of the towns tabloids, a fact I never let her forget. She called me "Pretty Boy". I called her "Muckraker". We enjoyed teasing each other.

The door at the back of the room opened and everyone quieted. Billie hoisted the camera onto her shoulder and began filming. Twelve men and women, all smartly dressed and looking grave, entered the room. I didn't see Travers or Brandt, which concerned me. Even though I was fairly certain The Scream was in fact Leland Brandt, the company's founder, it had yet to be confirmed. Travers' absence was even more conspicuous as he was the CEO. A round-faced man with small, rodent-like eyes approached the microphones.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming." He took a deep breath. "I am Peter Tarkanian, Chairman of the Board for Dyzeman Chemicals. I will read a short statement and then we will call for questions. Please hold all questions until the end of the statement." He glanced down at the papers in front of him, then scanned the table, getting nods from each member of the board. He closed his eyes and began reading.

"It is with great sadness that I announce the death of our founder, Leland Brandt." There were gasps in the room. "Mr. Brandt was killed in an industrial accident one month ago. While certain members of this organization tried to conceal this fact, we feel it is our duty to the stock holders and to the public to come clean. For years, Dyzeman has taken pride in creating and marketing new and innovative household solvents and industrial lubricants. We have made the lives of every person in this country easier and provided jobs for thousands of Americans. But, at the same time, unbeknownst to the members of the board, researchers in our labs have also been working on creating chemical weapons for sale to nations and groups whose interests are not those of the American people. Mr. Brandt was killed during a test of one of these chemicals, a toxin called Cyanex. Rest assured, we are making every effort to see that every last drop of the substance is destroyed." The room sat in a stunned silence. Tarkanian continued.

"In light of this knowledge, the members of the board have concluded that there is no solution but to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy and proceed with the dissolution of the company."

"Never!" a voice boomed from the back of the room, chilling my blood. Everyone turned to see a tall figure, cloaked in purple standing between the two open doors. He lifted his head and when the reporters in the room saw his face, many screamed. It was the natural reaction.

The Scream was quickly flanked by twelve black-clad goons. Their ashen faces gave them the look of corpses. In fact, they were walking dead. The hulks began advancing on the reporters in the room, forcing everyone toward the front table. Fear washed over the men and women on the board and each rose and tried to flee. More minions sat waiting at each exit.

"What is that thing?" Sam asked in a panicky whisper.

"That's Brandt," I said coldly. "Or what's left of him." A few other reporters turned to look at me quizzically.

"But they just said he's dead." Billie had finally stopped chewing her gum.

"We have to get out of here." I said, surveying the room for an exit. People had begun trying to run, but The Scream's men were pushing them back with ease. We were being herded like sheep into the center of the room.

"Ladies and gentleman," boomed Brandt, his voice louder than any microphone. "There will be no closing of my company." He clipped each syllable with menace. Suddenly he produced, from beneath his cloak, a large machine gun. Everyone in the room dove to the floor as he began strafing fire at the head table. From beneath my hands I saw Tarkanian slump over the microphones, dead. When the shooting stopped, several other members of the board were dead or dying as well.

"Now, as for the rest of you." Brandt pointed his gun at Bonnie, who lay cowering near the back door.

A flash of orange light filled the room. The Scream looked up to see Quark standing firmly on top of the table, his hands outstretched. Brandt immediately trained the gun on him, but thick streams of light shot from Quarks hands, sending the fiend flying backward through the air until he landed in a head at the back of the room. Quark pointed a finger at the machine gun lying on the ground beside him and a thin beam of light shot at it, turning it instantly to a black, smoking ooze.

Quark jumped down from the table as twenty or so goons approached him, producing pistols. "Get out of here now," he yelled to the crowd. People began hobbling up and running to the exits. I was too far in the room, my path was still blocked six armed men. Flashes of light began streaming from Quark's hands as each soldier was thrown back and to the ground. Two came up behind him, but he quickly dispatched them with a fierce roundhouse kick. Then one charged him and jumped on his back, choking him. My hero reached back and placed his palms on either side of the attackers face, causing the skin to glow white hot. The hands immediately left his throat and the goon collapsed to the ground.

I caught Quark's eye and he seemed to will me to get out of there. My path now clear, I started running to the exit. But I stopped when I saw the purple robes rising, as if from some mist, and saw The Scream's horrid face clearly again. There were only a handful of people still in the room.

"You!" hissed the thing, training his red eyes on Quark. Before he could knock the thing down again, though, The Scream opened his gaping maw like a snake swallowing a rat. The sound the emanated from it was the most horrible thing I had ever heard. Like the wail of a banshee, it brought everyone in the room immediately to their knees. Including Quark.

Then chandeliers hanging from the ceiling began to shatter explosively as the scream increased in pitch. Shards of glass fell like deadly hailstones all around us. I felt one cut a gash in the side of my face. Billie grabbed my hand and pulled me under her large overcoat.

"Where's Sam?" I eked out, wincing from the din.

"He got out," whispered Billie. The wail gradually faded. We looked up from under the coat. The Scream was gone. But worse than that, Quark didn't seem to be moving at all. I rose and ran toward him, hearing the crunch of the broken glass under my shoes. But just as I was kneeling down to see him, his entire body disappeared in a flash of light, sending tiny shimmers all over the glass-strewn floor.

The police and fire crews were on the scene in a few minutes. 18 of the black clad figures were dead, but there was some confusion as to how long they had been dead. The coroner put the time of death as "a long-fucking time before this incident." Five of the board members were rushed to the hospital. The rest were pronounced dead at the scene. Billie shot my reaction as I described what had happened to the viewing audience. Once we were done and the police had taken my statement, Larry told me to get myself home. He wasn't thrilled about a reporter with a gash on the side of his face.

When the elevator doors opened and I looked down the hall, I saw Charlie sitting in front of my door. He stood up and ran down the hall toward me. Suddenly, his arms were wrapped around me.

"Are you okay?" he asked, desperately.

"I'm fine." I was a little startled, but loved the attention. He released me and I fished the keys out of my pocket.

"You're bleeding." He said, placing his hand on my cheek. It was the most intimate he had ever been with me and it almost made the afternoon's whole ordeal worthwhile. I opened the door and he followed me in.

"It's just a flesh wound."

"That's what they all say," he smiled at me. "Where are your bandages?"

"They're in the bathroom, but I can do it."

"No," he said firmly as he marched to the bathroom. I plopped myself down on the couch. When he returned, he had a washcloth and some ointment. He knelt down next to me on the couch. "Hold still."

Just feeling him that close to me was doing a number on my stomach. He cleaned the wound, which was not very deep, and gingerly spread some ointment on it. When he was done, he set the supplies down on the coffee table and moved to stand up.

"Don't get up," I said, grasping his arm gently. He looked at me, his brown eyes filled with innocence and a twinge of fear. I placed my hand on his cheek and pulled him in for a kiss. He broke free and stood up.

"You should eat something." He was desperate to get away from me.

"I'm sorry," I said softly.

"No. It's just, you're vulnerable and I don't want to take advantage of that." For some reason I doubted that was the real reason. "Let's order some Chinese food, okay?"

"Sure. Hand me the phone." He walked over and grabbed the cordless, then handed it to me. He took a seat in the easy chair opposite me rather than on the couch. I pressed speed dial 5. He looked at me quizzically.

"Hey Sumiko, it's David Miller," I said into the phone. "I need the usual. Anything you want, Charlie?"

"Uh, I like Moo Goo Gai Pan."

"Also, some Moo Goo Gai Pan and some pot stickers. Thanks, put it on my card. Bye." I hung up the phone. "They know me."

"Obviously," he winked. "I don't have to stay if you want to be alone." He was back to being skittish and I was so hoping that phase was over.

"Charlie, relax. I'm so glad you're here." I smiled at him and he smiled shyly back. "Look, if we're going to do this, then you're going to have to accept that I want to be around you, pretty much all the time, so you don't need to run off."


"I ask you out. I try to kiss you. What more can I do? You want me to propose?" He chuckled a bit.

"Okay. You like me. I get it."

"Good. I'm going to get something to drink. You want anything?" I asked, rising.

"I'll get it." He stood up.

"No, you're the guest. Just relax." I walked to the kitchen as Charlie stood up and walked to the window. When I returned with two glasses of wine, he was fixing his gaze on the skyline. I set the glasses down and walked up behind him. It was a risk, but I slid my arms under his and embraced him from behind. Resting my chin on his shoulder, I sighed in his ear. He didn't pull away.

"That's better," I said.

"I was so scared today, David. When that video came in, I panicked."

"Well, I'm okay." I drew him a little closer to drive home the point. He pulled away a bit and turned to face me.

"I don't think you know what it would do to me if anything happened to you." His tone was very serious. I could have fallen into his eyes at the moment. I reached up and took his chin in my hands.

"Nothing's gonna happen." I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. He stiffened a bit, but then relaxed into it, opening his mouth. The second the rims of our mouths touched, a shock ran through me. I broke the kiss and stared at him.

"You bastard," I said to him without anger. "It's you." A flash of fear crossed his face so I pulled him back into me to reassure him I wasn't angry. I opened my mouth and gave him a deep, slow kiss. Then I slid my arms up his back and pulled him into an embrace. He was rigid.

"I'm sorry," was all he could say. I held him tightly to me, finally feeling the muscle beneath his ill-fitting clothes.

"I'm not. I was hoping it was you." Slowly he relaxed and I felt his hands gently trace up my back. Then his strong arms tightened around me. Those arms had held me before. They had saved my life. Charlie was Quark. And in that moment, the power of attraction I felt for each of them melded into one and then redoubled. I should have been angry at the deception, but I wasn't. Things started making a crazy sort of sense. I was drawn to the man in the suit as much as I was drawn to the cute guy with the black glasses. Amd they were the same man. There were so many things I wanted to ask him, but I didn't want the moment to end. I could feel his heart beating, the heat of his body. It felt right, perfect even. Emotions were bubbling intensely through my body. I think in that moment, as his head nestled against me, I fell in love with him.

The buzzer rang, and we were pulled out of our communion. Our arms released and I took a step back to smile at him. I walked to the door and paid for our food. When I turned around to set it on the table I realized Charlie's eyes were filling with tears.

"Are you angry?" His voice was quiet.

"I should be. But I guess the whole secret identity thing comes with the territory. And your secret is safe with me."

"I know," he said looking at me softly. "I just wish you were safe, too."

"Hey," I said as I laid the food out on the counter. "I've got my own personal super hero, right? I'm fine."

"Don't be flip about this." He walked over and took a plate.

"I'm not. Look, let's just eat, okay?" I scooped up some chow mein and a couple pot stickers and sat down at the table. Charlie soon joined me.

"I guess you have a million questions."

"Yeah, I'll say. But, look, you don't have to tell me." I was dying to know, but I figured it was probably painful for him to talk about.

"No, I'm glad I can finally tell someone." He did seem relieved. And hungry, he was shoveling noodles into his mouth and barely chewing them. He noticed me looking at him. "Sorry, I need a lot of energy these days. I can finally eat carbs." He laughed a bit.

"The bright side to falling into a vat of some mysterious chemical: guilt free potato chips."

"Yeah," he said with a laugh.

"You need to do that more. You're adorable when you laugh." He shied away from the compliment and focused on his plate. "It was you I saw that night, right?"

"Yeah. I fell in."

"Well, you were shot." I was curious for the explanation to that one.

"The bullet just grazed me. I guess you want to hear everything. I fell in. It hurt. I still don't know what it was."

"Was it the same thing the Brandt was exposed to, Cyanex?"

"I don't think so. I'm not dead. Or evil. It must have been something else. It think it was radioactive because it did something on a molecular level. I felt it. I drowned in it but I didn't die. I just laid there in that crap waiting to die and finally I realized it wasn't going to happen. But I could feel it doing something, changing me." His eyes were far off now.

"Did it hurt?" I asked, trying to ease out more information.

"Yeah, at first. Then I just felt sort of numb, so I surfaced and waited for them to leave. That's when you saw me. I had no idea you were there. And I didn't know what was gonna happen to me, or if I was dangerous. That's why I ran."

"I wish you would have let me help you. It must have been terrifying to be alone." I hated the thought of him in pain.

"Well, I went home and showered. I was afraid to go the hospital. I didn't know if I was toxic. But my cat seemed fine the next morning. Until I went to pet him and singed his fur."

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine," Charlie said with a slight grin. "I realized that my hands were.I could do things, there was energy there. And then I realized I had to pee and thought about going to the bathroom and all of a sudden I was there, lying on the floor. I don't know what it is. I'm still figuring out what I can do."

"You're amazing. Hell, you're spectacular." I smiled at him.

"Was it cheesy that I named myself?" His modesty was very cute.

"No. Otherwise you'd be the Pink Lightning."

"Yeah. Eesh." He shuddered.

"So you heard my message, you knew I was going to be at the plant. That's why you showed up."

"Yeah. Good thing I did, huh?"

"I'll say. Thank you." He didn't respond. "What else?"

"I don't know much more. I still have a million questions. But the first priority is finding out what Brandt's intentions are and stopping them. They'll be time for questions afterwards." He set his silverware down on his empty plate.

"Do you have to go out again tonight?" I asked, pleading for a no in my mind.

"I probably should."

"Please don't." My eyes fixed on his. I was trying to tell him how much I wanted him.

"I doubt he'll try anything so soon. And it looked like whatever that noise he made took a lot out of him. I saw him almost limp out."

"Are you okay?" I asked, remembering how bad he had looked at the end of the battle.

"I'm fine. I was just a little drained this afternoon." His tone didn't fully alleviate my concern.

"So you can stay here and keep me safe tonight?" I was totally using the situation to my advantage, but I needed to feel his arms around me again, and soon.

"I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be. But first, now that you know." He rose and walked over to me, kneeling beside my chair. "There's one more thing I can do."

He reached his hand up and placed it on the thin wound that lined my cheek. I felt and electric warmth extend from his hand into my body. I could feel the skin closing up and healing in a matter of seconds.

"You can heal people?" I was astonished.

"Just little cuts and stuff. Nothing major." A sadness washed over his face and I immediately thought of his mother, lying in her hospital bed. I placed my hand on top of his and looked into his eyes. He leaned in and kissed me sweetly.

We rose up together, our mouths never leaving each other. I ran my hand through his hair as I felt his fingers nervously caress my back. He was tentative and shy, like a teenager. I held his face in my hands and looked unblinkingly into his wide brown eyes.

"I want you, Charlie," I whispered. The words hit him and he stood motionless. I knew that, technically, it was pretty soon in our relationship to become this physical. But I wanted, no, needed, to feel him. I needed to kiss him and touch him and make him feel good. He had saved my life. And there was more than that. I felt safe with him and I wanted him to feel the same safety with me.

He didn't say anything, and I could feel him begin to tremble. This was a man who was unafraid to fight 20 armed men yet my words turned him to jelly. I pulled him close to me and gently kissed his earlobe.

"We don't have to. I just want to make you feel good," I whispered to him. He squeezed me tighter as his lips lightly kissed my cheek, then my neck. While my fantasy had been him carrying me in his arms and making love to me while I lay prone on the bed, I knew that for now I would have to take the lead. I took his face once again in my hands and gave him an open-mouthed kiss. Slowly, I slid my tongue into his mouth and felt him meet it with his own. They did a slow awkward dance in his mouth, like seventh-graders at their first dance. Then he began to gain confidence, stretching himself into my mouth and clutching my back harder.

We kissed like that for a long time, exploring each other. His hand shyly slid to my butt and I sighed into him. I kissed him harder, opening and closing our mouths together, sucking on his pouty lower lip. The passion built in me as I began toothlessly biting him, like he was the most delicious ice cream cone in the world and I could eat him as fast as I wanted, with no risk of a headache. I licked and sucked faster, tasting his chin and his cheeks. I worked my way to his ear and sucking on the lobe, then taking the whole thing in my mouth. I could feel his tension dissolve as he leaned his head back. He began pulling my dress shirt out of my pants and I did the same to his.

I leaned back and placed my hand on his top button. He closed his eyes and bit his lower lip. As each button popped and released, more and more of him was exposed. First the small patch of brown hair on his clavicle, then the mounds of his pecs. I could see the soft ridges of his stomach muscles, then two perfect, large pink nipples. I slid the shirt off his large, rounded shoulders and past taut biceps. The fabric fell the floor and I leaned back to take him in. He was perfect. His muscles were well-shaped, but real. He wasn't some chiseled body-builder, there was a softness to him.

"God, you're beautiful," I sighed. He opened his eyes as if waking from a dream and stared deep into me. I think he was lost for words. I opened my mouth and closed it on his tight shoulder. I loved the salty taste of his skin. He caressed my back fiercely as I kissed my way down his chest. I extended my tongue and flicked his nipple, causing him to let out a short grunt. His confidence building, he took my chin in his hand and lifted my face, pulling me into another kiss.

Placing a firm hand on my chest he pushed me back and began unbuttoning my shirt. I kept my eyes on him, wanting to say everything and nothing at the same time. His fingers were nimble, but he fumbled nervously a couple of times. I smiled at him sweetly. When my shirt was opened, he placed both hands on my hairy stomach and slid them up my body, gliding seductively over my nipples. With his hands under my shirt, he moved up over my shoulders and it fell to the ground. The sudden exposure to the slightly cold air made my skin give way to gooseflesh. As I had done, he placed his warm mouth on my shoulder and kissed me.

I took his hand in mine and led him to the bedroom. I had bought myself a king-sized bed with my first big paycheck and he eyed the brown bedspread and large pillows as if he was choreographing something in his head.

"Are you sure?" he asked breathily. I squeezed his hand and turned so were once again facing each other as I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of them.

"I couldn't be more sure. Are you?" I wanted to make sure he was comfortable. He exhaled quickly.

"Yes" was all he said. I ran my hands up and down his arms, then moved them to the buckle of his belt. I looked at him, giving him one more chance to back out, then slowly undid the leather. My eyes never left his as I unbuttoned his khakis and slid the zipper down. He had forgotten to remove his shoes, a problem he corrected with a self-deprecating smile. I gave his waistline a gentle tug and his pants fell to the floor, leaving his strong legs, with their light covering of hair, exposed. The bulge in his white boxer- briefs was quite remarkable.

I felt his hands at my own belt as he unfastened me. My pants dropped to the floor and now we both stood in only our underwear. We both stepped out of our pants and closer to each other. He put his hands on my upper arms and inched in closer to me. My body hair was feathering him, but there was no contact yet. He turned me so my back was to the bed, then pushed tightly against me. The pressure of his bare body against me made my every part of my body lurch. I could feel his hardness pressing against my own.

My own balance gave way to his arms as he leaned me back. I threw my arms behind me to brace us as he lowered me to the bed. As I felt the bedspread crush against my skin, his mouth neared my ear. The rush of his hot breath made my neck hair stand on end. The he opened his mouth and sucked the lobe in.

I could feel his full weight on me now with the same power as when he had held me and whisked me away from the factory. I traced his back muscles with my fingers as he took my ear into his mouth. He slid off me a little and laid sideways on the bed, his mouth now inches from my own. Like a spider, he spread his fingers through my chest hair, then down my stomach to the waistline of my boxers. I was in heaven, but I didn't want it to happen like this.

"I want you to go first," I said, smiling at him. For some reason, I seemed to have the power here and I didn't want to set a precedent. I wanted us to be equal. I lifted myself up until we were facing each other. I ran my hand across his face and pressed my lips to his. If he had an objection to the change, he didn't voice it. I reached up and grabbed the covers, pulling them down. He laid on his back and squirmed around until only the sheet was under him. I did the same, tucking my feet under the blanket, but leaving our bodies exposed.

Now it was my turn to caress his chest. The mounds of muscle in my palm made my cock pulse. I buried my face in the space between his pecs and I slid one hand over his stomach to the elastic of his underwear. With snail-like efficiency I slid my hand under and through a thick bush of hair. I brushed his hard shaft with my fingers and he let out a sigh.

I repositioned myself and pulled my hand out. I placed both hands on his waistline and he lifted himself up. Unhurriedly, I eased his briefs down. A thick mound of curly brown hair expanded like a sea anemone. Then I saw the base of his shaft. It was thick, but not enormous. I was a bit afraid that his transformation into a super hero had left him with a super-sized cock. And while that may sound great on paper, a gigantic dick isn't terribly practical, especially for what I had in mind. Once the waistband had cleared the 8 inch shaft, it bounced up and then stood, staring straight up at me. It was gorgeous, with a beautiful pink mushroom head. Beneath it I saw two egg-sized balls. Charlie lowered himself back down as the underwear glided down his strong legs. I threw the boxer- briefs to the ground and sat up, appraising the man before me.

He was, and this isn't hyperbole, the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I moved my eyes up and then down his adorable, dimpled face past those deep brown eyes to the sinew in his neck, the mountainous shoulders and pecs, the tight stomach. His taut muscles formed a perfect "V", focusing my attention on his bush and the large pink head of his cock. I leaned down and kissed it gingerly. He let out a little squeak of joy. I stood up and knelt at the foot of the bed, between his legs. Our eyes locked as I smiled lasciviously at him.

Then I extended my tongue and moved down to his ballsac, licking the loose skin from the bottom to the base of his cock. Leaving saliva in my wake, I tongued the underside of his cock broadly, taking a moment on the rim of his head. Then, with a flick to his slit, I continued licking his body, up his trembling stomach, to the valley between his pecs, to his Adam's apple, then his chin. I found his mouth open and waiting as I locked my lips on his and thrust my tongue into his mouth. He took it in and sucked. I pressed myself down on him, letting my hairy stomach stroke his throbbing cock. His hands flittered up my back, then gently grabbed fistfuls of my hair.

Our bodies rubbed together, my own cock straining at the thin fabric of my shorts. He snuck his hands under the elastic and cupped my ass. I pushed myself up from the bed and looked down into his eyes. They were filled with intense lust, but there was something else swimming in their chocolate depths, something that made my stomach flutter.

With a quick nip at his nose, I heaved myself down so my face was right next to his dick. I caressed it with my cheek, then took the head into my mouth. Charlie let out a guttural moan and threw his head back as I sank down onto him. I swirled my tongue around him as I opened my throat and took him in. It was difficult, but I was determined to make him see God. Or at least one of the saints.

As the tiny fingers of his bush brushed my face, I constricted my throat muscles, forcing him to moan even louder. Slowly, I sucked back up the shaft until only the head was in my mouth. His fingers frolicked through my hair, which I loved. I started bobbing up and down on his shaft, licking and sucking. His breath was ragged and there were tiny yeses on his voice.

Faster and faster I sucked him, loving every joy-filled sound he made. Just knowing I was making this guy, this sweet, nervous guy, feel so good was the best reward I could ask for. Of course, he was also the man who had saved my life, so I felt I owed him.

"Please, stop," he groaned. "I don't want to come yet." I released him. I didn't want him to come yet, either. I laid down and nestled against him, resting my head on his arm.

"I want you inside me," I told him tenderly. I could tell he wanted the same thing, but didn't want to be presumptuous.

"Okay," he said. "But you have to return the favor, okay?" His lips curled into a grin.

"Definitely," I said. Glad that was over. It's always awkward before you know what a guy likes.

"Lay down," he told me and I complied, feeling the soft pillow give way to my head. "Close your eyes."

I closed my eyes and felt him raise up next to me. His legs slid over my own and I felt his shaft press against me. I could feel the weight of his body descend on top of me, then his warm breath wafted on my forehead. Tenderly, I felt his soft lips on my eyelids. My lips curled into a smile. He lightly kissed my nose, then my lips as his body slid down me. He took my right nipple into his mouth and bathed it with his tongue. I didn't think it was possible, but it stood harder and tighter between his lips. I opened my eyes to see him lean his cheek into my chest hair and stroke it back and forth. Then he licked and sucked my left nipple, leaving them both hard as glass. He kissed his way down through my hair as he grasped my shorts and pulled them down. My glistening cockhead greeted him as he threw the underwear on the floor.

Extending his tongue, he lapped up the liquid and tasted it with a smile. With an open mouth, he took my balls in and sucked on them, brushing the hairs back and forth with his tongue. With every second he gained in confidence. The balls eased from his mouth and he let out a soft breath up the length of my shaft. A shiver ran through me. My cock was a little smaller than his, about 7 inches, but he did not complain. Like a snail, he licked his way up the underside and took my head into his mouth.

His mouth was like warm, wet velvet as it took me in. He wasn't the most experienced cocksucker, but I could feel how much he wanted to please me. He gagged a little as he took me in and I stroked his hair to let him know it was okay.

After a couple of delicious-feeling tries, he buried his nose in my bush and tried to replicate what my throat had done to him. A moan crawled up from my belly. Sucking me in and out I fell in love with the softness of his mouth. I could feel the orgasm starting to build and I was not ready.

"Please. Fuck my Charlie," I hissed. He released me and moved further down the bed. When his hot tongue touched my perineum I let out a ragged grunt. This only encouraged him as he spread my cheeks and snaked his way down. His breath danced over my hole and I ached for him. Like a wet feather, his tongue traced over my rosebud and it spasmed in response.

He licked slowly back and forth, then made it hard and darted into me. My eyes rolled back in my head. I reached into the nightstand and handed him a condom and some lube. He sat up and spread some of the clear liquid on his fingers. As he unfurled the condom on himself, I felt two greasy fingers circle my rim. Then one slid achingly inside. I clamped down on it. Then he slid two fingers in and I began to relax. He stroked in and out, building speed and diving deeper. I wanted him inside me so much I was about to scream.

He lifted my legs onto his shoulders and lined himself up. Our eyes connected and I tried to tell him wordlessly how much I wanted him. When the tip of his head touched me, I bit my lip, closed my eyes and laid my head back. I opened up for him as he pushed farther in. The rim of his head passed my opening and the muscles constricted around him. Now it was his turn to moan. Deeper and deeper he pushed, every millimeter sending me further and further into the clouds. He dropped down onto his hands and hovered above me. His biceps tightened and I could see every bit of muscle. Moving only his pelvis, he buried himself to the hilt and I boomed out a long yell. With a deliberate slowness he began thrusting in and out of me. My own cock became harder and the head pulsed with every quickening heartbeat.

"Yes!" I screamed. "Harder, baby. Please." He took the encouragement and began plunging faster and harder. As he swept my prostate, currents of bliss rippled out through my body. He drove faster and faster. "Oh yeah," I thought to myself. "He has super powers."

Like a machine, he pistoned in and out of me, moving faster than I could see. My breath was running out in front of me and I couldn't seem to catch it. I was losing consciousness, drifting off into a sea of absolute pleasure. But Charlie didn't lose momentum. If anything, he just kept driving faster. His arms gave way and he collapsed his full weight on top of me, enveloping my cock in flesh and hair. As he fucked me, his body rubbed back and forth, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.

Then he let out a cry and the room began filling with light. He dug his arms under my body and pulled me tightly to him. The bed seemed to melt from under us as we were wrapped in tendrils of radiance. We seemed to be suspended in space, or swirling inside some rift in time. The only thing I could feel was him inside me and on top of me and around me. We literally were becoming one person.

The grunts on his ragged breaths became louder and louder and I could tell he was getting close. This in turn set me off and I felt hot pulses of cum shoot up from my balls. Like fire I felt him erupting inside me. I thought it was over, but the orgasm just kept coming and coming. And it wasn't just in my cock, it was like every cell in my body was having it's own out-of-body experience, jumping and screaming in pleasure.

Finally, his thrusts became slower and slower and I felt the bed rise up beneath us again. The light faded away and I could make out my bedroom again. All the tension in Charlie's body evaporated and he collapsed like a doll against me. We laid there, covered in sweat, panting for a very long time. I felt him soften inside me, but I didn't want him out of me yet.

"I'm sorry," he said after several minutes. "I didn't know that was going to happen."

"Don't ever apologize for that," I said, still a bit out of breath. "That was the most intense orgasm I've ever had." I think it was the most intense orgasm anyone had ever had; it defied the laws of physics.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Okay doesn't even begin to describe it," I cooed. "Are you?"

"You are incredible, David. You make me feel so good."

"Yeah, I'm the incredible one," I said, dripping with sarcasm. We laid there for a while longer and he finally slid from my hole. I immediately wanted him back in but I was too exhausted. "I think we're going to have to wait a while for me to return the favor."

"Yeah. I'm exhausted." He slid off of me and snuggled up next to me, disposing of the condom with a knot and a toss. He eased his hand up my chest to my cheek and turned me into a soft kiss. Then he laid his head on my chest.

"Thank you," I said. It was the only thing I could think to say. Well, the only thing aside from "I love you" but I wasn't quite ready to say that.

"David?" he asked, turning his face to mine. "What are we?"

"What do you mean?" I had no idea what he meant.

"Well," he said, the old shyness returning. "Am I.am I your boyfriend?" He was so sweet and innocent.

"Do you want to be?" I knew the answer, of course.

"Yes," he said softly.

"The yes, Charlie, I am your boyfriend." He squeezed me a little tighter. "And I'm not just saying that because you're a super hero."

"Is that why you wanted me, because you found out I'm Quark?"

"If you'll remember," I whispered into his ear. "I turned down Quark for Charlie Swenson. It's just my luck that they're the same guy." He smiled broadly and laid his head back on my chest. I reached down and grabbed the sheets and blanket, pulling them over us.

"Can we sleep like this?" he asked.

"We can stay like this as long as you want. I love feeling your arms around me." I kissed the top of his head.

"Can we stay like this forever, then?" He asked.

"I don't think that's nearly long enough." He kissed my chest tenderly.

As we lay there together, I knew we would have to move eventually. The days events had only been the beginning, not only of my love for Charlie, but of a fight we would both have to wage. I didn't know what would happen, and I feared for the future. But I knew, whatever happened, whatever evil The Scream had planned, whatever other enemies the hero in my arms would face, I wanted to be at his side. And when the fight was over, I wanted to always be like this, wrapped in his arms, drifting into a beautiful sleep.

End of Episode Three. Stay tuned for Episode Four.

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