Special Lady

By John Nail

Published on Aug 24, 2009


I woke up the next morning around 5:45 pm the next morning and I felt Julie's arm on my chest and smiled I remember where I was and I was happy. I turned a little bit and kissed Julie that slow passionate kiss and she stirred with a low moan and opened her eyes and smiled.

She said," So how is my cowboy this morning, I love you so much you getting up to get ready to go haying this morning?"

I said," Yeah, I hope nothing happens to keep me off the field today I really need to make some money today even though last night was really inexpensive and I enjoyed it."

I got up and by now you couldn't hardly see the bruises on my shoulder since it has been a week since that day. I have been working on that horse and he has been coming along just fine he is about ready to ride but I have been smart enough to not discuss it with Julie deceitful I didn't think so but 20 years later I am not so sure ( but I was still at that age where I thought I had all the right answers.)

She got up with me and said," My cowboy deserves a good breakfast."

I watched her walk out in that silk mid-length negligee and those sexy legs and shook my head at amazement.

I couldn't believe my luck that this beautiful woman was in love with me and she had worried and cared for me this way.

I went to the closet we have brought more clothes over and I put on my slightly faded Wrangler Brush Popper shirt and put the faded and worn Wrangler jeans on my 30 inch waist.

I put the belt on and all the necessary things like my pocket knife and keys in my pocket and put the billfold in my left hip pocket.

Than I put on my well worn boots and carried out my work cap and headed out to the kitchen.

Julie looked at me and said," What you are wearing that cap today?"

I said," Yeah it is easier for what I am doing today it has less of a chance of getting in my way.

She came over with the skillet and gave me some delicious looking eggs and put them on my plate. Than she got a couple of slices toast and than she sat down put the rest of the eggs on her plate with a couple of slices of toasts. Than she went and poured me a cup of coffee and brought the cup to me.

After she sat down I said," This meal looks delicious."

She smiled and said," I told you I like looking after my man."

We ate the eggs and toast and she got up and started cleaning and the phone rang and Julie answered it.

She said," Ross yes he is and yes he is awake he has just got done eating breakfast."

She smiled and kissed me and handed me the phone.

I took the phone and I said," Hi Ross, I am bright-eyed and bushy tailed and hoping you aren't a bearer of bad news."

He said," No,no in fact this is good news how about 2 weeks worth of work. Now it is going to balls to the wall and working some late evenings to wrap up these last couple of weeks but you should be satisfied with what you earn by the time these 2 weeks are over."

I said," Good,great news Ross I appreciate the news."

I hung up the phone and Julie looked at me with puzzlement.

I said," Looks like the next couple of weeks are going to be busy sweetheart and more than likely alot of late evenings getting off work but I should make a pretty good amount of chump change."

Julie said," That only means one thing, you are not staying at your place you are staying here. That way I can keep all of your clothes straight and have you ready in the mornings. I am not taking buts or nos for an answer all I want you to have to concentrate on is earning yoyourself a living for the next couple of weeks."

I couldn't believe it not only was she not upset by the news she told me I was stay here the next couple of weeks.

The phone rang again and it was Ross.

Ross said," Hello can I speak with John again?"

Julie asked," Is there a little bit of delay when you call by this arrangement?"

Ross said," Maybe a second delay. why?"

Julie said," John will be staying here for the next couple of weeks and here it is.

It is 587-2995, do you have that?"

Ross said," I sure do and I appreciate it."

She handed me the phone and I heard Ross chuckle on the other end.

I said," I can see you are enjoying this aren't you."

Ross said," You two should be married why don't you two quit messing around and tie the knot already."

I said," I will take that advice under consultation, so why did you call again?"

Ross said," I don't have my head screwed on right today. We need to go to the Neeley place that 5,000 acre spread and be here by 7 it is a big job. We are talking about 4,500 bales today. It will be a 12 hour shift day today but you will be making close to a $100 if my estimation is right."

Well, I looked at my watch and it was almost 6:30 and I went over and kissed Julie and said," I should be home by about 7:30 this evening Ross was talking 4500 bales today."

She squealed and said," That is wonderful honey, you should make alot of money today."

I walked out to my truck got in with the lunch that Julie put together for me and started up the pickup.

I backed out of the slot and than put the truck in gear and headed to work.

Within 10 minutes I was turning left onto the South fork Road and drove for 20 minutes and got there by 7 on the dot and walked to Ross with Mike in tow and he was smiling.

He said," You know the bars and taverns are going broke since you hooked up with Julie they are about to call to beg her to allow you to go back."

I laughed and said," OK OK enough with the guilt so why don't we get to work or are you girls going to talk about my love life."

Ross laughed and said," Now that is tempting that is one of the great mysteries of life."

We got to work and by 1 we were about a half way done with it and we sat down and ate.

I opened my lunch box found some fried chicken potato salad and ice-tea with a note from Julie saying she knew it wasn't completely southern but she hoped it suffice.

Ross looked at my lunch and said," Shuussh look at that spread don't let her go you have a winner."

I enjoyed my lunch for about another 20 minutes and than it was time to get back to work.

Well 7:00 came around and we stacked our last bales of hay and I walked over and Ross said here is your check and don't spend it all in one place.

I looked at my paycheck and was happy it was $95.00 and I drove home back to Julie's arms.

I pulled into the drive and parked into the slot and started walking in when I saw Joe Beacker who was a retired out-fitter and he looked at me and smiled.

He said," John is that you?"

I said," Yeah Joe I didn't know you lived here."

He said," Yeah me and the Missus do you know the place is small and we don't have to care for the lawn so we have more time for things in our golden years. I can't believe it when I heard Julie talking about meeting you and how you seemed settled and happy I couldn't believe it. You were a little on the wild side, a hard worker but wild."

I laughed and said," I know it is a little hard for me to comprehend also but she is one special and beautiful lady."

Joe said," Sort of reminds me when I met my wife of 52 years I was a wild one also but I settled down also. Yeah, a good woman can do that with a man and well I am going back inside and I do still love Liddy she is still beautiful even though she said she is old and wrinkled but so am I so we fit each other perfectly."

I chuckled and marveled than the door opened and there was Julie smiling.

She said," Why didn't you tell me you knew Joe. I talked to him and his wife and he talked to me for an hour talking about the friendship between you two."

I said," I didn't know the Beackers lived here and you didn't tell me."

She laughed and said," OK good, point but to think of course he is a retired wrangler." We kissed for about 3 minutes and than the Beackers came out of their apartment and Lizzie who was arm in arm with Joe giggled.

She said," I see you two lovebirds are doing well this evening."

Julie laughed and said," Yeah, I think I am going to keep him since I can enslave him with my smile."

Joe laughed and said," John don't feel bad I was and still am the same way with Lizzie all she has to do is flash her smile why else do you think I am going grocery shopping with her."

Lizze said," Sssssh Joe you know you really like going so you can critique the baggers."

They slowly made their way to the old pickup and Joe helped Lizzie into the pickup and he slowly made his way into his side of the pickup and started it up and off they went.

Julie smiled and said," I can picture us like them at their age."

I said," Yeah, they are good together and we are good together."

I put my arm around her waist and we went inside for the evening.

Now she was wearing the same outfit she was wearing when we first met in McDonald's.

She said," Why don't you sit down and I will finish dinner."

As we were talking she put down some garlic bread and as I reached for a slice she slapped my hand and smiled.

Than she brought a steaming bowl of spaghetti and than went back to the counter and brought back a bowl of salad.

She said," I have only cooked you breakfast I wanted to prove to you I can also prepare a good dinner."

We talked ate and laughed during dinner and it was delicious.

After dinner I insisted in helping her clean. She cleaned the counters as I washed the dishes and we were done in about 30 minutes.

She said," Why don't we go to the bedroom I would love just cuddle with you."

We went into the bedroom and we stripped and slipped into bed.

She laid her head on her chest and suddenly looked up to me.

She said," I know I am repeating myself but I am so lucky to have you in my life to know and accept I am just a lady."

We laughed and talked in bed until the wee hours in the morning and than Julie said," I better set the alarm it is past midnight."

She did just that and she looked so sexy in her nude body as she laid her head back on my chest.

I felt my eye lids getting heavy and I fell alseep with a smile.

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