Special Lady

By John Nail

Published on Aug 21, 2009


You ladies out there who like this story ( I will no longer call you transgendered because I think of you as ladies) you can email me at wyojohntop@yahoo.com or wyogent67@yahoo.com

I woke up the next morning with the phone ringing and it was my boss Ross on the other end.

Julie picked it up since it was on the other side and asked," Can I speak to John?"

Julie said," Sure, Ross, I will give him the phone."

I answered the phone groggily," Hello Ross what can I do for you today."

Ross chuckled and said," Shit man it is 6:30 what are you doing still in bed?"

I laughed and said," Well, I have been in very good hands here."

Ross said," Well how do you feel about working today?"

I said," Well I like that I like the thought of making some money today."

Ross said," Good thing how about 7:30 or a little after we should be starting and there is only about 300 bales and between about 10 or 15 guys we should get it done in about 4 or 5 hours. Oh yeah, when you show up you can tell me all about Julie when I talked to her yesterday she sounded like a great lady."

I hung up the phone and said," Looks like we are starting to bale about 7:30 today and if he is right should be done today around 12:30 and should be if I am right at about a . a .90. bale and at about if there is 15 guys I should do about 40 bales of hay I think I should make about $36.00 today if my calculations are right."

I got to work and saw that there were 10 guys and saw this might take a little longer than we estimated.

Ross said," It looks like there were only 10 guys that showed up but that would mean more money for you right so before we get started tell me about Julie."

I spent about 10 minutes. talking about how we met and our first date and how I have ended up staying with her for a couple of nights.

He whistled and said," She nursed your wounds, also so did you get any?"

I smiled and said," I don't kiss and tell but she is one fantastic lady and I am probably going to keep her awhile."

He said," Well, Mike said she is a knockout and you three had a great lunch. He also said you looked real comfortable together."

Mike came up to us and said," When are we going to get to work."

Ross laughed and said," We are John got here a little earlier than I thought and it is only 8:40 am but I just wanted to know about this Julie who is going settle John here down."

We got to work and we spent about 7 hours and it was almost 4 by the time we got done."

I made about $45 that day I will let you figure out the calculations.

I drove back to Julie's apartment and was already picturing spending my life with her and I was smiling. I pulled up and I saw Julie pull up at the same time and she saw me and smiled.

She hugged and kissed me and said," I hope you weren't waiting too long for me."

I have something for you since I think I am going to arrange for you to be here alto."

I looked and saw she was handing me a key.

She said," I made a copy of my apartment key and I want you to have it."

I said," No I just got back it took longer than I thought but coming home to you is great."

Julie said," How about we go to a friend's house tonight. He is married and his wife and he have wanted to meet you I work with him occasionally at the front desk."

I said," Sure let get a shower and that sounds great."

I got a shower and forgot my clothes in the bedroom so after showering and shaving I went to the bedroom and Julie was in a mid-height evening dress and she was sexy.

She looked at me and said," Oh that sexy body you better get dressed quick or we won't make it."

I smiled and said," OK OK well who says we have to go but I will get dressed.

She laughed and said," John you are so naughty but I love you."

She kissed me on the cheek and she went behind me she pinched my ass lovingly.

I put on my best shirt and than a clean pair of briefs than I put on my new Wranglers I put on my belt than put in my billfold than I put in my car keys which now had Julie's apartment key on the ring and my pocket knife and than I went over to the bed and put on a clean pair of socks and than I put on my freshly polished dress boots and than I put on my summer straw hat it was a Stetson-Resistol.

Julie took a look at me and said," Wow what a sexy cowboy I am looking at it but wait this only take about 5 minutes and I forgot to do this last night."

She sat me down on a chair and put a towel around me she got a pair of scissors and she started trimming my mustache stopping occasionally to see the progress and before I knew it she was done.

She gave me a mirror and said," Take a look sweetheart I hope you like it."

I looked in the mirror and I did like it it looked professionally done.

She said," Let's go sweetheart we leave now we should be there in time if we leave now."

We walked arm and arm as we approached her car she gave me her car keys and said," I want you to drive you are a good driver and I want to you drive."

So I opened the passenger door for her and she kissed me and than got in and than I closed the door and walked over to my side and opened the door and got it in.

I started the motor and the motor in her Celica came to life.

She bent over and kissed my cheek and said," Let's go, I press the clutch and put it in reverse and than put it into gear and we left the parking area."

We drove for about 5 minutes with her hand lightly touching my hand and we talked and laughed.

We pulled into their drive-way and we approached the door and Julie told me to knock.

I knocked and the door opened and a lady answered and she saw Julie and said," This must be your boyfriend."

Julie said," Leslie this is John and John this is Leslie."

We both shook hands and said it was great to meet you and than her husband came to the door and Julie and Leslie introduced us and we said great to meet you and his name was Bill coincidentally.

Leslie said," It will be about another 10 minutes before supper is done why don't you men sit in the living-room and Julie and I can catch up."

Bill said," How does Bourbon sound to you?"

I said," That sounds great."

Bill brought over 2 small glasses and he handed me one and said," I said she is great."

I told him everything from our first meeting to when I came home battered and bruised and how she nursed me that night. Everything short of us making love.

He laughed and said," Sounds like her and she will never do you wrong. I take you are a cowboy."

I laughed and said," I will do just about anything legal to make a buck lol."

He said," There is nothing wrong with that, she has got herself a good man."

Julie and Leslie said," OK men you can come to dinner we got up as they brought the last of supper. As we sat down I noticed pork roast and lots of vegetables including potatoes and dinner rolls.

Bill said," I don't know how Leslie does it all these vegetables are from the garden so enjoy."

Bill got up and refilled our glasses with the Bourbon. Than he got up and came back with a chilled bottle of wine and two glasses for Leslie and Julie.

He poured Leslie a glass of wine and than he gave me the bottle and I kissed Julie and I poured her a glass.

Than I sat down and Bill got up.

He said," Here are to two great ladies here tonight and for Julie found a great man here in this small town of Cody I toast you two."

Since I couldn't add to it the two women blushed after I said here here.

Bill sat down and we started helping ourselves to the food.

Julie asked," This pork roast is delicous what did you do?"

Leslie laughed and said," Thank the crockpot for this I put it on this morning and let it cook all day. I will be more than happy to send a copy of the recipe with you before you leave."

Julie said," Great I got a crock-pot for Christmas last year just never used it."

Leslie said," Once you use it one time you will wonder how you went without it."

We ate and laughed and talked than the women cleared the table and 10 minutes later we sat down and enjoyed a card game called Rummy.

We played until 11 and we realized we had to go home. so we all hugged and said goodbye.

As we walked to the car hand in hand and with the copy of the recipe in her purse Julie kissed me.

After I let Julie in the car and I got in she asked," So what do you think of them?"

I said," I like them they are nice enough."

She said," Yes, from the first day I knew Bill he said for me to feel free to come over anytime and I really love him and his wife."

I said," I can see why, they are really nice people."

We got to her apartment and I unlocked the door and let her in first.

After that we couldn't keep our hands off each other we left my pants in the living-room and we left her dress in the hall in front of the bedroom door and we were throwing her bra and panties all over the floor and my underwear and shirt.

We fell to the bed kissing passionatly and than I lubed her and I went inside. We made love to each other for about an hour and a half. Than I felt my penis flex and than I flooded her with my seed. I collapsed beside her than layed her head on my chest and I fell asleep with a big smile.

Next: Chapter 9

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