Special Lady

By John Nail

Published on Aug 7, 2009


I would love to hear from you TG/TSs especially if you live close to Cody and would like to get to know me. you can write me at wyojohntop@yahoo.com

I woke up around 10 in the morning with the phone ringing and I groggily answered it.

Julie giggled and said," I thought you cowboys were supposed to be up at the crack of dawn."

I laughed and said," Well, this is my weekend off and I had a wonderful night with you."

She said," John, I just got up a few minutes ago and I am sorting out the boxes and I was wondering if you wanted to come by and help like you did Thursday and you can take me on a picnic."

I said," Well, I am not planning anything so sure I would love to."

She said," Great I would love you to see you in a few minutes."

I hung up the phone and it rang again.

Mike laughed and said," So John, did you ruin things last night?"

I laughed and said," Not yet she just called and asked if I wanted to help her unpack and than go on a picnic."

He asked," Where do you plan to take to her?"

I said," I am thinking the Top of the World in the Beartooths."

He said," She would love it."

I said," I thought so I will talk to you later."

I hung up the phone and hurried and got dressed quickly and grabbed my hat and walked out quickly to my pickup.

I put it in reverse and let out the clutch and backed out and headed to her house.

I knocked on the door and she answered it and she was in a sexy pair of denium shorts that hugged her curves and an old buttoned up blouse that was tied up revealing her flat tanned stomach.

She smiled that beautiful smile and wrapped me up in a embrace and we kissed.

She said," It is soooo good to see you again sexy, I like to use the unpacking the boxes as an excuse to see you again even though I don't like unpacking them."

I said," You don't have to be so coy, but it is my pleasure to help you, I know what a pain this is I have moved enough time to know."

She asked as she went into the kitchen," Do you want some coffee?"

I said," Yes, I would appreciate a cup of coffee."

She went in and came out with two cups of coffee and she gave me mine.

She asked," Is black ok with you?"

I said," Black is perfect for me thank you."

I took a sip of the steaming black liquid and loved the taste.

We started unpacking and pausing in between to take a sip of our coffees. An hour and a half later we had a couple of empty coffee cups and two more empty boxes.

She looked and said," Wow this is beginning to look like a livingroom, I only have about an hour and a half of unpacking. I think it is time for that picnic and I know you have a place picked out shall we get some food togather?"

We worked about 30 minutes and she had some lemonaide made and we had some pop togather and sandwiches and we started heading off to the pickup.

I helped her in the cab and she kissed me and said," John, you are such a good man and I am so lucky to have you."

After she was in and in the middle of the seat I got in and started the truck. and put it in reverse.

I said," It is about an hours drive but it is worth it."

Well, I got to Sunlight Basin and turned left and started going up Dead Indian. We got to the top of Dead Indian and I stopped at the lookout area. Now I am afraid of heights but I decided to swallow my fears and put on my best face. I went to the other side and helped her out.

I said," I think you will appreciate the scenery so I decided to stop by for a couple of minutes and let you take it in."

We stepped out to the end of the rail fencing with my arm wrapped around her waist.

She gasped and said," This is absolutely beautiful. and I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life."

I said," I hope you didn't mind the gravel road I know it was a little rough."

She said," No, this is absolutely gorgeous here, I thought I wold love living here and I was right."

She wrapped herself around me and she kissed me..

Well, we walked slowly back towards my pickup and she said," You are so great to share this with me."

I laughed and said," I didn't you to let me go sweetheart."

She giggled and said," I had already decided that the first evening you helped me unpacked."

The road is now paved but when she was living here in Cody it was gravel.

I helped her inside the pickup and went to the driver's side and got in.

She was in the middle of the seat again and I started up the pickup and pulled away.

I told her how I snowmobiled here during the winter.

She kept gasping and oohing and she excitedly pointed at a bull moose crossing the road.

Well we drove for about a half-hour and we made it to Crandell. She was loving the scenery. Well we got to the intersection and I turned right and I said if we go left we will go to Cooke City and I will take her that way on another trip.

We made our way up going higher and higher and she said is there that much snow year around up.

I told her yeah and you will see more snow.

Well we finally arrived to the Top of the World and I parked the truck and helped her out of the truck.

She said," I can't believe how much snow is around us."

I said," Well we are up to more than 10,000 feet so the snow rarely melts here. Oh there is a jacket in my truck if you get chilled I know it can get quiet cool."

She asked," Are you sure you will be all right?"

I said," Yes, I am warm natured and I have a long-sleeve shirt I can put on."

She said," Ok I think I will be fine."

Right after she said that there was one of those mountain breezes that blew through.

She said," Can you get your jacket for me?"

I smiled and said," Sure sweetheart, I will be back in a minute."

I came out wearing my Brush Popper shirt and put my Carhardt jacket around her shoulders.

She turned around and kissed me.

She asked," What kind of shirt is that?"

I said," It is called a Brush Popper and I love it it is durable."

She said," I bet, and you look so sexy in it."

We set out lunch on the picnic table and sat down and started enjoying our lunch. It was about 1:30 and we were ravenous.

She said," This has been such a beautiful drve are you in a rush to get back to town?"

I said," Naw, I don't have anything pressing to do we can enjoy watching people snow skiing."

She said,' People snow ski in the summer?"

I said," Yeah that is the only time they open the ski slopes because during the winter it is closed to automobile traffic."

We stayed there until about 5 and Julie said she was ready to go home. I helped her up into the pickup. We started down and I said we have one more stop before going home.

I drove for about an hour and got to Red Lodge and I stopped by an ice cream stand. We got our ice cream and sat down at some picnic tables.

She looked at me and said," You will just never let this day go without seeing all the sites and enjoying every minute will you."

I said," I want you to enjoy everything today and oh yeah by the way we are in Montana now."

She smiled and said," You are such a wonderful man and I can't believe I have you. You have shown the majestic scenery of this country and I do love you so much."

We finished our ice creams and threw our napkins away and I helped her into the pickup. I drove back to Cody and she leaned against my shoulder and fell asleep.

After about 45 mins. we got to the outskirts of town and she slowly woke up from her nap and smiled and kissed me.

She said," Yes, I believe you are my prince."

I blushed and said," Well, this prince does not have shining armour."

She giggled and said," We just might have to change that."

Well about 20 mins. later we pulled up to the front of her apartment and I helped her out of the truck. I got out and walked her to her apartment and she turned and said," I believe I am going to bed early."

We kissed each other and she went in and closed the door.

I got in my pickup and I started it up and smiled.

She loves me and I can't believe it.

I backed out and headed home knowing this will be terrific.

I got home and took off my clothes to my briefs and went to bed and fell fast asleep.

Next: Chapter 4

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