Special Lady

By John Nail

Published on Aug 4, 2009


The alarm clock was loudly and annoyingly was telling me it was time to get up and I sat up yawning and stretching getting up out of bed. I got dressed in my old Wranglers and a t-shirt and boots and stumbled to the kitchen and poured some cereal and and milk. I poured some coffee and I sat down at the table and started eating breakfast.

The phone rang after I got done eating and I answered it and said," Hello?"

The voice on the other said," John, where were you last night?"

I put the bowl in the sink and said," Oh Hi Mike, I was out didn't get in until late last night."

He said," We were supposed to meet at the Proud Cut Saloon for that steak dinner."

I moaned and said," I am sorry, something came up last night."

Mike said," All right I know you must have met someone what did you get home last night 11:30?"

I said," Close a little after midnight, I met a beautiful lady yesterday at McDonald's after haying and helped her unpack a couple of boxes and than after that we talked and laughed on her couch."

He asked," Where does she work?"

I said," She mans the front desk and does some books for the Irma's Hotel." He said," Man, what does she look like?"

I told him and also told him about her knockout smile.

He said," You sound like you got lucky man."

I said," She kissed me good night last night and she said she has a tendency of keeping the man she likes. What does that, do you think she is just being nice?"

He said," She could be but in my opinion I think she is planning to hold onto you. I think you just hit the jackpot."

I hung up the phone and looked outside there were some heavy rain clouds and wondering if we were doing anything.

The phone rang and it was my boss and he said," John where we are supposed to be baling it is a downpour it looks like it is put off until Monday so looks like you have a 3 day weekend."

Well, that answered my question and I have had some money saved up so I would still be able to take out Julie tonight. Mike called and said," Looks like we aren't working tonight so what are your plans today?"

I said," Well, nothing until 7 so my time is free until than."

He laughed and said," Great, man maybe eat lunch at the Irma's huh. I want to meet this mystery lady "

We messed around the house talking and laughing and taking verbal jabs you know what young men do when they are good friends. !2:00 came quickly and Mike said," We are heading to the Irma's so I can meet this woman. We got into his pickup since he said he was not taking no for an answer.

We got there and pulled into a slot in front of the bar entrance and walked around to the door in the resturant.

A waitress came and took our orders.

He said," Hey, is this Julie working the front desk today?"

She smiled and said," Yes as a matter of fact I think her lunch break is coming up."

Mike said," Tell her John who is supposedly going out with her and his friend Mike are here."

She smiled and said," John I didn't recognize you, you were so funny in school. Sure, Julie talked all about you."

She left and 2 minutes later the waitress and Julie came walking out.

Julie slid in beside me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Mike said," Well, I am glad John was telling me the truth and what he described falls far short."

Julie laughed and said," If John shows up on time tonight I just may hold onto him."

Mike said," Well I'll be danged, I can't believe it."

Julie's order and ours came to the table Julie gave her order as she was coming out with the waitress.

We ate laughed and talked and got done with our lunches and as we were leaving she stopped me.

She said," I like your friend John and I am loving the fact you taking me out. Are you working today?"

I said," No, there is a down pour where we are supposed to work today."

She than grabbed me and we kissed passionatly and than I turned after saying our goodbyes.

I walked out and Mike said," Well, I saw that and I believe she is falling for you."

I said," You think? I don't know I have never had anybody do that before."

He said," She is I can tell and you are lucky and don't ruin it."

We pulled up and he said," That Cindy has been bugging me about going out again shall the four of us go to Cassies tonight? Don't worry about it you guys will also have a chance for some qualtiy alone times."

I said," Sounds good to me quiet frankly I am a little nervous about the date with her and well I am afraid I might mess it up."

He said," Great if she likes the idea we will see you at Cassies tonight."

I got out of the truck and humming a tune I can't really whistle what can I say.

I went into my place and turned on the T.V. and try to burn the time between 1 and 6 the time I get ready.. Nothing was on so put a VHS movie in the VCR. I watched it and after the movie was over I yawned and took a nap.

I woke up and noticed it was 5 and I ate supper and 6 I undressed and took a shower and shaved. I got dressed into my new Wranglers and good shirt and my good hat and boots. It was now 6:50 and I stepped out to my truck turned the key and put the truck in reverse backed out and headed towards her house. I pulled in front of her apartment complex looked at the time and it was 7:00. I knocked on her door and 2 minutes later she opened the door and she looked spectacular. She was wearing a black dress that stopped between her knees and her hips just long enough to allow room for imagination and matching heels that were about 4" and she stood about a head taller than me.

She smiled and said," How do I look, stud?"

I laughed and said," I just might start drooling uncontrollably."

I asked," Would you like to my friend and his date at Cassies tonight?"

She said," That would be great, I believe that will be fun. I think it would be fun to hear how you think."

We drove to Cassie's and we went in and grabbed some snacks and she had a glas of wine and I had a beer. About 30 minutes later, Mike and Cindy came in and saw us at the table and sat down and Cindy and Julie introduced each other.

Cindy said," It is so good that John has a decent lady and Mike told me all about you on the way here. Where did you come from originally?"

Julie told the story about growing up in California and about her move here and the unpacking and when she got to the part of me helping unpacked I blushed.

Cindy said," John is a good man and you can trust him. He does have a tendency of getting hurt at times saddle breaking horses."

Julie laughed and said," Well, I guess I am going to have to do something about it."

The time came quickly and the band West was tuning up their instruments and we knew that we would be dancing pretty soon.

Cindy said," May I add that John is a pretty good dancer he has definetly spent alot of time in the honkytonks since turning 21."

This time they all laughed and Julie said," John, I am learning so much about you."

I laughed and said," Cindy you are supposed to wait for at least our 3d date before telling her about all my secrets."

Well the music started and Julie and I danced the night away until closing time and I was seeing I couldn't quiet tell. Was it a trace of love in her eyes?

2:00 came and it was closing time and Julie and I were arm in arm with each other and Cindy and Mike were behind us.

Cindy said," Mike look at them they are going to be inseperable."

Mike said," Yes, they are going to be togather for a long-time."

Julie and I walked to the pickup and I held the door opened and before she climbed in Julie bent over to me and kissed me.

Julie said," John, you are such a great man and you have shown me a good time and I have decided to hold onto you."

We got to the pickup and held open the door for her and before climbing in she turned around and pulled me close and kissed me.

Julie said as we were seperating," John, I think I am falling for you and I have never met a man like you."

I said," Sweetheart, I don't think I am going to let you go."

I went to my side and climbed into the cab and I noticed she was already in the middle of the seat. After I climbed in and after I started the truck she leaned her head on my shoulder.

I put the truck in reverse and backed up and than turned around and exited the parking lot.

She said," You are so incredible, first you offered to help me unpack Thursday than you took me out for a wonderful time."

i said," You are such a lovely lady I feel myself falling for you and not just because of your looks even though you are beautiful. When you made the statement that you did before I left that you have a tendency of holding onto the man you like I wondered if you were just being nice."

Julie said," It surprised me that I said it so quickly I don't usually say it that quickly and John you don't have to worry about me holding onto you. That doesn't scare you does it?"

I said," No I am glad."

I drove her to her apartment and walked her to her door and we kissed good night.

I got back in my truck after she went in and backed out headed for home. This was going to be a wonderful relationship even though she was going to reveal to me that little surprise.

Next: Chapter 3

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