Special Lady

By John Nail

Published on Aug 1, 2009


The other story was fiction kind of it was a story that I wish did happen but this story is true and I guess this lady was intersexed a person who is female kind of still has a little bit of male genitelia.. Well here is the story and this story won't be overladen with sex even though there will be moments on this story of lovemaking. So I hope you enjoy this story and I would love to see your comments especially from TGs TVs and TSs.

I was your typical man in his 20's in a small to medium sized town in the Rockies. You see I live in a town in Wyoming called Cody and I thought like alot of your men was 10 foot tall and bullet proof. Little did I know how much my life would change on this day. I was alot like alot of guys that I thought I could never be attracted to anybody who wasn't genetic female but you never know what life throws you. Anyway it was July and I just got done with a haying crew and I stopped at the local McDonald's to get a bite to eat. This Mc'Donald's since Cody is a tourist town has different western murals on the walls. Well, I stepped behind this lady who was waiting to give her order. She was dressed rather smartly a navy blue skirt with blazer and some shoes with about 2" heels. She had shoulder length brunette hair. She stepped up and gave her order and received it about a couple of mins. later turned around said


She was beautiful and had this fantastic smile and I asked if I could sit with her.

She pointed and said," I will be over at the table give them your order and I will be waiting. "

I gave my order and 2 minutes later I got my order and sat down across from her.

I said," My name is John and sorry about my appearance I just got done in a haying crew, bucking and stacking about 950 bales."

She said," My name is Julie and if that offended me I am in the wrong area. Besides, I like sitting with a real man."

I blushed and said," Well, Julie, I don't ever remember seeing you before and this town is small enough I should remember seeing you."

She laughed and said," I came over here on vacation and I remember loving this town and well I heard from somebody while still living in California that the Irma needed somebody to run the front desk and keep the books and I sent them a resume and they called me for an interview and I was hired. I have just moved here a couple of months ago I still have most of my stuff in boxes."

I laughed and said," That will take time are you preparing for winter?"

She said," I used to go up to the Sierra' during the winter to snow ski and other winter activities during Christmas vacation so I have some winter jackets and stuff and I will buy some more during the fall, I don't plan to just stay here during the summer. "

I said," I am impressed, you must really turn some heads, you can't possibly be sitting home alone."

She said," I haven't really had a social life since coming since I have been busy unpacking."

I laughed and said," Oh I am bad you did say you had most of your things in boxes. Would you like an extra pair of hands? If you are nervous about having a strange guy at your place you can leave your door opened while we are unpacking."

She laughed and said," You look like a guy I can trust besides my neighbors are kind of nosy."

I laughed and said," Yeah, that is one thing about town everybody knows what you are doing sometimes before you do."

She said," That is one thing I like about this town everybody watches out for everybody. You have talked your way into working some more."

I said," You lead the way and I will follow you to your place,"

She got in this 82 blue Toyota Celica and started it up and backed out and I waitied for her to pass and I backed out my Ford pickup and put it into gear and followed her for about 5 mins and we pulled into her apartment building, I parked in the guest parking area and followed her upstairs. She unlocked the door and I followed her in.

I said," Nice apartment you did pretty well for yourself."

She said," Thank you, I do like it, should I get you something drink I grab some lemonaide."

I said," That sounds good."

She went in and about 5 mins. later she came out with 2 glasses with lemons in them.

I said," You made this from scratch?"

She laughed and said," All it is water sugar and lemons."

I took a drink from mine and," I haven't had lemonade that tasted like this since I was a kid."

She laughed and said," I think I am going to like you are so easy to please."

I laughed and said," I am easy to please so you should like me if that is what you like. Oh yeah by the way I am a sucker for a great smile and you have a beautiful warm smile."

She said," Hmmmm so you are a sucker for a great smile huh. I will have to remember that."

I laughed and said," Ok now I know I am in trouble."

She laughed and said," Most guys I know it takes flashing a little cleavage you are going to be easy. Shall we start unpacking?"

We unpacked for about an hour and 30 mins. and than she said," Wow, 2 boxes unpacked and got those things put away and have some pictures hung up. I have to thank you for helping me. I think it is a good time to sit on the couch and get to know each other."

She asked," I noticed a southern accent so how long have you lived here in Wyoming."

I said," For about 10 yrs. almost moved here in 82 and well have loved it here ever since. I was born in Missippi and lived in the south the first 17 yrs. of my life."

She squealed and said," I love it and may I say I love your accent."

I laughed and said," I am so southern I still like southern dishes like collard greens, cornbread,blackeyed peas, and fried chicken."

She laughed and said," Nobody is perfect but I do know how to put you under my spell southern dish with a smile."

I asked," So how long are you planning to live here?"

She said," For now I would love to make Cody home I am loving it here. I mean in a big city you can't really get to know people and here on the day I moved I had at least 5 neighbors introduce themselves."

I laughed and said," Yeah, you now know the 2 secret weapons that you can use to have your will on me. "

We talked for 2 more hours laughing and enjoying each other's company.

Julie looked at her watch and said," Would you look at the time it is now midnight and tommorrow is my last day before the weekend."

I said," Yes, it is time to go home, I have to get up also and since you said you are going to be free tommorrow night why don't we go out. You can't keep just unpacking and putting things away you need to go out and enjoy yourself."

She smiled and said," You know what I was going to unpack but since you asked I will go out with you tommorrow night these boxes will wait til Saturday."

I said," Great is tommorrow night the date? What time do you want me pick you up?"

She said," How about 7 that will give me time to come home and clean up and change."

I said," Great 7 it is I will be here."

She laughed and said," You better or I will call the police and search and rescue on you."

I laughed and said," Well, than it is a promise that I will be here by 7."

She said," That is great it has been months since I have been out with anybody."

Than she shocked me kissed me and I was shocked and I did kiss back.

She said," Well, John Nail there is a thing about me when I like a man, I have a tendency of keeping him."

I stepped outside we quietly said goodnight and waved goodbye to each other and she closed the door. I got to my truck and climbed in and started the truck pushed in the clutch put the truck in reverse and backed out. As I pulled out away from her apartment building I started considering how fast everything has moved. I got off work from haying and met her at McDonald's. Than I went back to her apartment and helped her unpack. Than we sat on her couch and almost talked the night away. Than as I was leaving she kissed me and said she has a tendency of keeping the man she likes. I am confused am I a man she likes that much or was she just being nice? The only conclusion I could come up with is I will know by tommorrow night.

Next: Chapter 2

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