Special Inducements


Published on Apr 7, 2018



by BJ Michaels

I was reluctant, but my ex-boyfriend Brian talked me into going to his younger brothers graduation pool party. We were sitting in my car in the parking lot of the liquor store. He had bought two kegs of beer and I helped load them in the car.

"Why should I torture myself staring at all those eighteen year-old hard bodies?" I jokingly asked him.

"Because you'll get to stare at all those eighteen year-old hard bodies," he laughed, "...and they're legal now. Who knows, you have the best gaydar of anyone I know, I'm sure one or two of them are queer but don't know it yet!"

I had to smile at Brian's lack of self-awareness. We had met when he was eighteen and at that time he didn't know he was gay himself.

"Besides," he added, "my parents are out of town and I promised them there would be adult supervision at the party."

"So who are the adults going to be?" I asked with a smile.

"John," he whined in that sing-song voice he always uses when he wants to get his way, "...if you do this for me I'll spend a Sunday afternoon kneeling between your legs like the old days!"

Ohhhh, yes, I remembered...once I had taken him to the lake cabin for ten-days and trained him in the fine art of pleasuring men, Sunday afternoons with him became simply delightful!

"Oh, alright," I said, "but on one condition: thinking about all those boys wearing nothing but skimpy swim trunks has given me a raging hard-on...I'll go if you suck me off right now in the car."

"You're incorrigible," he sighed. "I've never met a guy who gets so many hard-ons!"

I simply smiled and pointed to the bulge in my slacks. Like I do with all my boys, I sat back and had Brian do the work of opening my pants and taking out my cock.

He scooched over to me, and while he was fumbling with the clasp and the zipper, I saw his eyes glaze-over with that familiar look of hunger and lust for my penis.

I silently congratulated myself for training such an obedient and proficient cock-sucker.

"I'll be back at four," I told him once we'd unloaded the kegs and placed them in his backyard.

"But the party starts at two," he said.

"I know, I want to give the boys a couple hours of beer drinking to loosen them up," I replied.

I heard him chuckling as I walked away.

I drove to the car lot to get some paperwork done and make an appearance. I like to be involved with all my salesmen. I give them encouragement. Each one makes boatloads of money which in turn makes me boatloads of money.

I have the busiest Toyota dealership in the state. I have fifteen salesmen and two full-time lot boys and two part-timers. The salesmen are all highly motivated by greed so they don't need someone looking over their shoulders. The lot boys are another matter. If they're not watched closely, they will disappear and hide.

My boys are gay and horny. I've caught them diddling each other during working hours and have constantly warned there will be hell-to-pay if they have sex on company time with someone other than me.

Timmy and Eddie are naturally gay. I didn't have to offer them any 'special inducements' to become my bitches. Sammy and Jimmy though were another matter.

They fiercely clung to their 'I'm not gay' meme, but after each one spent a week with me at my lake cabin, they understood and accepted their true sexuality.

Their rewards were full tuition to the university; jobs at the car lot for spending money; and living free in my house.

For eighteen year-old boys still grappling with their sexual identity and insisting they are straight, the 'special inducements' have convinced several boys they had been wrong about their sexuality.

I don't consider myself a bad man, but sometimes I lose control of my inner demons when a boy stubbornly persists he is straight.

A few years ago a reluctant boy I fell head-over-heels in love with made me so mad that when I finally turned him out, it wasn't good enough for me.

No, I exacted my revenge by making him a total sissy complete with bras, panties, nighties, even skirts and dresses. When I tired of him, a friend of mine took him into his house. The boy is now my friends 'personal maid.' I understand he must wear a French maids costume during working hours.

As far as I know all the salesmen are straight, but from time-to-time they will let a lot boy suck them off. The lot boys are well aware how much money the older men earn and can't help themselves trying to seduce them, or at least get into their pants and make them happy and, uh, 'appreciative.'

When I turned the corner and saw how many customers were strolling the car lot my prick stirred inside my boxers. Nothing gets me more excited than a pretty, teenage boy, or the sight of a large crowd of potential car buyers.

I slowed down and even stopped a couple times as I made my way to my parking spot. I waved and smiled at the salesmen who were gently herding the buyers out of my way.

When I got out of the car, little Timmy was running towards me. Even after a year, he was still fresh-faced and eager to please.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Mr. Evans? Can I wash your car for you?" he asked excitedly.

"No, that's okay, sweetie...business looks good today," I said.

"Oh, you won't believe it – Mr. Graham just told me we've already sold fourteen cars and it's only one in the afternoon!" he excitedly exclaimed.

My prick stiffened inside my boxers. I wasn't sure if it was due to the cute little fucker standing before me, or the imaginary 'CHA-CHING' of the cash register in my head.

Timmy suddenly lowered his voice and shyly asked as he stared at the bulge in my slacks, "May I take care of that for you, Mr. Evans?"

"Yes you may, but not now...come to my office at three!" I said firmly to him.

"Yes sir, I'll be there at three, thank you sir!" he said enthusiastically.

I watched his cute bubble-butt as he quickly sauntered away from me. A year ago, Timmy had been one of those boys who refused to believe he was gay, and now, quite frankly, he can't get enough of my cock.

I went inside the showroom. The hushed tones of the salesmen pitching deals to their potential buyers made me smile. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my Sales Manager, Bobby Graham closing in on me.

"John, guess what?" he said excitedly. "Wally Buford is here – he wants to update his entire fleet!"

"WOW – that's twelve pickup trucks – that's fantastic! Where is he? I'll go meet with him," I said.

"He's kind of busy right now. Eddie is 'entertaining' him in your office," he said.

"Oh, good...." I replied. Eddie is another of my lot boys.

Bobby checked his watch and said, "It shouldn't be too much longer...unless he goes for seconds."

I chuckled and said, "Oh, he'll definitely go for seconds!"

Eddie was another boy who wouldn't admit he was gay until I proved to him he was wrong. Like Timmy, it took me a full seven-days at the cabin to turn him out. Now however, he has the most talented mouth of any of my boys.

You'd be wrong if you think I pimp-out my boys to special customers. They don't have to do anything they don't want to do. Of course, I do offer them 'performance-related' bonuses for services above and beyond their regular duties. That is simply good business.

My two part-time lot boys, Sammy and Jimmy, came in the front door loaded down with pastries and small sandwiches and replenished the refreshment table.

Sammy gave me a weak smile when he saw me. I could tell he was tired from the previous night. He and I and Timmy had a nice threesome. The only problem was when the satin sheet became so slick and wet with our copious spendings, I ended up sleeping in one of the guest bedrooms.

I may as well say something nice about Jimmy since I mentioned the other three boys: Jimmy taught himself, along with encouragement from me, how to close the velvet walls of his boycunt around a hard cock and milk it for all it's worth. The feeling is simply exquisite. A rare boy and special talent for sure.

Driving to the pool party I was not only basking in the afterglow of orgasm, but also the heady success of a major business deal.

Wally bragged he had a record year and I convinced him into adding two more pickups to his fleet. I sold him fourteen pickup trucks! CHA-CHING!!

I was so excited by the deal, when Timmy came into my office at three, it took less than two-minutes before I shot four heavy spurts into his mouth. Luckily, my dick remained hard and I made him work another fifteen-minutes before I rewarded his efforts with even more mouthfuls of spooge.

So counting the early morning blowjob I always insist upon from one of my boys: I had cum in Sammy's mouth once, Brian's mouth in my car, and Timmy's mouth twice in my office. Five orgasms and it was only 3:30. Not a record but the day was still young.

However, I was not expecting much from the boys at the party. I need more time and privacy to convince a reluctant boy to get on his knees. They need reassurance that simply taking my cock into their hands and mouths does not necessarily mean they are homosexual.

I figured after a few hours of ogling the nearly naked bodies of young boys I would be sufficiently excited and once they all left the party I would have Brian suck me off one or two more times.

There were so many cars on the street I had to park more than half-way down the block from the house.

The closer I walked to the back gate of the yard the louder the noise grew.

There was the splashing of water and the shrill and playful screams of females in make-believe distress, and of course, the boasting and taunts of overly confident, testosterone-filled eighteen year-old boys.

When I sauntered through the gate I saw heads turning to check out the new arrival. As soon as they saw I was old their interest waned immediately. Teenagers live in their own little world and if you're over thirty you become invisible to them.

Smoke from the barbecue grill to my left wafted upwards catching my attention. Brian and his brother Michael were busy flipping burgers and hot dogs. I walked towards them.

Michael noticed me first and waved. I waved back. Brian smiled and nodded and pointed to a nearby table. I placed my small bag on the ground, pulled off my shirt and sat in one of the lawn chairs at the table facing the pool.

Brian called out: "The keg and cups are over there...burgers and dogs are ready...you want cheese on your burger?"

He remembered I hated hot dogs. I smiled and nodded 'Yes.'

I drank in the hard bodies as I walked slowly to the keg. Most of the boys had been on the swim team with Michael and were gorgeous with sculpted chests and firm, smooth, hairless flesh.

It was smart I'd worn a jockstrap under my baggy swim trunks because my dick stiffened immediately at the sight of all the fresh, young meat. My erection would be noticeable only to those who looked closely at my crotch.

Two girls were filling their cups with beer and oblivious I was standing behind them.

Both wore rather skimpy bikini's. The brunette was on the chunky side, but I figured most of it was still baby-fat and she'd look pretty good in a year or two. The blonde was so skinny I wondered if she was anorexic.

The brunette whispered excitedly: "Did you see Nicky's hard-on pressing against his trunks?"

The blonde girl replied: "Well, duh, I'm not blind!"

Brunette: "Didn't you two hook-up a couple years ago?"

Blonde: "Yahhh, but his dick wasn't that big then."

Brunette: "Todd is always saying 'Anymore than a mouthful is a waste anyway.'"

Blonde (giggling): "He used to say that to me too."

Brunette: "Guys are sooo insecure about the size of their dicks!"

Blonde: "Oh-my-God – yes – sooo true!"

Brunette: "Although, it would be nice to know what it feels like to have someone as big as Nicky inside me."

Blonde (giggling): "Well, girlfriend, we got all summer to find out!"

Women! Sheesh....

While pouring beer into the cup, my eyes followed the girls to where they were sitting. I looked around them trying to guess which of the boys was 'Nicky.' I wanted to see his hard-on, too! Hahahaha....

Brian sat eating at the table with me. We didn't say much. Our eyeballs carefully scanned each boy in the pool, and the ones sitting around it.

I surreptitiously moved a hand beneath the table. I suspected what it would find, and sure enough, when I suddenly grasped and squeezed Brian's throbbing erection thru his swim trunks he nearly leaped off the seat.

"OH," he cried out in surprise.

I laughed and said, "When all the beefcake is gone, you and I are going to meet behind the gazebo!"

He laughed and said, "You can count on it!"

When he and I were dating, I would sometimes come here and swim.

We'd get each other worked-up in the pool and I would press his hand against my bulge and tell him, "Meet me behind the gazebo!"

That was the only area in the backyard that offered privacy. The added danger of being caught by his father while he was blowing me gave us fantastic orgasms.

Our lust-filled reverie was suddenly interrupted by a booming voice shouting "WE'RE OUTTA BEER!"

Brian left me alone to hook-up the other keg. When his brother came near, I said, "Michael, I've got a couple questions for you" and he sat down beside me.

I pointed at a boy sitting on the edge of the pool dangling his legs in the water.

"I've been watching that boy off by himself for half-an-hour...he never talks with anyone and no one talks to him...he sits there sulking like a lost puppy - what's up with him?" I asked.

He looked at where I was pointing and said, "Oh, that's Brad...he lives on the next street down. He and I had been best friends since kindergarten...until a couple years ago, that is..."

"What happened a couple years ago?" I asked him.

"Well, I'm not very proud of it – I don't like to talk about it," he said mysteriously.

I looked at Michael's watery eyes and his slightly swaying body and could tell he was tipsy from the beer.

"C'mon Michael, it's me – you used to tell me everything," I said to him.

"Well...I set him up with Mandy, an old girlfriend of mine figuring he would finally get laid...." he said then suddenly stopped.

"Okay, that's good. What happened?" I pressed him.

"Well, they were parked in his car and things were getting hot, and, well you know..." he said then abruptly stopped again.

"No, I don't know. You can't start a story without finishing it. What happened next?" I gently scolded him.

"Well, Mandy is kind of a slut. She gets so horny she'll practically tear a guys clothes off...anyway, she opens his jeans and when she takes out his dick she starts laughing..." he said.

"Ohhh, that's not good..." I said.

"No, it's not...anyway she told me when she stopped laughing, she asked him: 'Who the hell do you think you can satisfy with that tiny thing?"

"That's brutal – my God, what a bitch!" I said.

"Yes she is, and that's not the worst of it...she told her girlfriends and they all started calling Brad 'needle-dick'...even to his face!" said Michael.

"That's terrible," I said.

"Well, you know how it is...word gets out and pretty soon all the guys are laughing and calling him 'ND' for short...I'm afraid I did too...he didn't speak to me for over a year," he said.

"That poor baby," I said. "He's cute as a bug and doesn't look a day over sixteen. This is the time of his life when he should be having fun without a single care to think about!"

Michael stared at me with his wide, bloodshot eyes and said, "John, Brad is not gay, if you're thinking what I think you're thinking!"

I smiled and replied, "A guy can fantasize, can't he?"

While Michael laughed a memory came to mind.

Two-years ago I was sitting at this exact table watching Brian and Michael swimming and I fantasized what it would be like to have them both naked and servicing me in my bed.

Ooooo, yes...brothers kneeling between my legs taking turns sucking my cock! A guy can dream, can't he?

"I'm surprised he came here today," I said. "The boy has guts!"

Michael cleared his throat, averted his eyes from mine and said, "Well, I kinda told him he might be able to score some pot at this party...."

My ears pricked up.

He continued: "He began smoking dope a few months ago...after his dad, uh...."

"After his dad did what?" I asked.

"His dad lost a fortune investing in some kinda financial deal...his dad lost all the money that was meant to pay for Brad's college...it's a real shame. Brad has like a 3.9999 GPA and won't be able to go to school...that's when he began smoking..."

"Go on..." I said to Michael.

"John, I knew you'd be here, and I know you always have some with you..." he said sheepishly. ""Don't be mad, okay?"

Mad? I was elated! There was now a tenable reason to be introduced to the boy without suspicion that my motive was for my own sexual satisfaction. Unwittingly, Michael made it that much easier for me to get into the little cutie's pants.

"Alright, I'm not mad..." I said to Michael, "...the boy's life has fallen apart – I can sympathize. Go ahead, bring him over and let me meet him."

"Oh, that's great – thanks, John!" Michael said enthusiastically.

I watched Michael lean over the boy and whisper in his ear. The boy's head snapped around to look at me. Did the little cutie blush when he saw me smiling at him?

Introductions were made and I sent Michael on his way.

"I understand you and I have something in common, Bradley," I said to him.

"Oh, uh, it's 'Brad' – I prefer being called 'Brad'," he said softly.

"Oh, of course," I answered. "I just happened to have brought with me the finest weed I have ever smoked. Would you like to try it, Bradley?"

I stared into his beautiful, baby blue eyes waiting for him to respond. He ever-so-slightly nodded his head at me without saying a word.

I thought, 'Cutie-pie is a shy one...this boy is going to take some effort!'

"We need some privacy..." I abruptly announced rising from the table. I opened my bag and brought out a smaller one. "Come on and follow me, Bradley."

My back was to him but I heard him weakly say, "Uh, I prefer 'Brad.'"

Walking towards the gazebo I took note that not a single person was watching us. Why would they? Why should they care about Needledick following some old guy into the bushes? Hahaha....

On the other side of the gazebo was a wooden bench. It was protected by large shrubs and bushes to ensure privacy.

My prick began to stiffen when I sat down. I had many fond memories of the bench.

This was where Brian and I shared our first kiss. This was where I masturbated him for the first time. This was where I had convinced him sucking my cock didn't necessarily mean he was gay.

"So tell me about yourself, Bradley," I said to the boy as I reached into the bag.

"It's, uh, 'Brad'," he said.

"Of course," I replied.

"I understand you won't be able to go to the university in the fall, is that true?" I asked him.

"Well, uh, um...." mumbled the boy.

The boy was so tongue-tied I decided to fire-up the joint right away. I was hoping it would put him at ease and he'd be able to speak.

Five-minutes later I sat back with a smile on my lips as I listened to him talk...and talk...and talk.

I would ask a question and he would tell me everything he could. On my part I offered praise when it was called for...and sympathy and understanding when it was appropriate.

"Mister Evans, I really want to thank you for listening to me...I've been going on-and-on-and-on...." he said.

"Bradley, call me 'John' – all my friends do!" I said.

He had stopped trying to correct me over his name.

The longer I had listened to him, the more I realized his non-stop talking was a form of therapy.

From what Michael had told me, and now Bradley himself, I had deduced the boy to be so lonely that he would even tell a man sixteen years older than he every little detail of his lonely and pathetic life.

It would have been heartbreaking if my raging hard-on hadn't been distracting me.

There was something about this boy. Simply sitting near him feeling the heat coming from his ripe young flesh made my head swoon, and my dick hard as a rock. Listening to him I realized he wasn't asking for pity but simply stating the facts of his life.

He was smart, and even funny at times. He was an excellent speaker. He used words and phrases I'd never heard from any eighteen year old. He seemed wiser and more mature than anyone else his age.

My heart went out to him. He had been screwed-over by his friends. The very people he thought he could trust. Then worst of all, his own father betrayed him by gambling away the boy's college money.

Through it all though, the boy didn't sound bitter or even angry. He was logical, and has a common sense approach to life that I admire.

From time-to-time I put my arm around his shoulder and gently pulled him against me. It startled him at first but he didn't say anything.

I said to him, "I guess you can say I'm one of those touchy-feely kind of guys when I'm talking with someone – I'm sorry if it offends you."

He quickly said, "No-no, that's okay, Mister Evans, I understand. I know other people like that, too."

My touches became more frequent and personal. I began squeezing his leg just above the knee.

I was glad I chose to wear a jockstrap. If I hadn't, my erection would have been obscenely stretching the fabric of my swim trunks.

"Bradley, I can't help but notice you have very little body hair," I said to him at one point.

To emphasize my point, I boldly placed my hand on his bare chest and gently stroked it. When I playfully pinched his nipples they hardened and he began coughing.

"Mister Evans, um, you know, um, I'm not gay – I am positively straight!" he said.

"No-no-no, I know..." I said. "I'm sorry, your skin is so soft and smooth I can't help myself."

I could tell by the tone of his voice it was time he smoked more dope. I lit the joint, took a hit then gave it to him. He looked at it and I could see he was unsure if he should have more.

"So what do you think of this stuff?" I asked him.

"It's pretty mellow," he said.

"Yeah, it's a very pleasant buzz, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yes, it is..." he said then brought the joint to his lips.

I declined when he passed it back to me. He shrugged and took two more hits.

"You might as well finish it," I said.

Another two hits and I heard him groan, "Ohhhhh" and his eyes glazed over.

I was advised when I bought the stuff that three hits would be more than enough. Bradley had five.

His body began swaying next to me. I placed my arm around him and pulled him close and held him steady.

My hand on his leg went higher and higher. I fondled and caressed the soft flesh of his inner thighs. He tried to close his legs but I prevented that from happening. I was now openly caressing his thighs; squeezing the smooth, girl-like flesh.

I had to look close to see his erection. It barely made an outline in the swim trunks.

He whispered, "Mister Evans, please...I am positively straight!"

"Friends with benefits," I whispered back at him. "You have been through so much I want to make you feel good...have you ever had an orgasm while you are high?"

"Oh my God...." he moaned.

"Bradley, I know you are positively straight...you don't have to do anything at all for me and no one will ever know about this, okay?"

My fingertips began tracing the outline of his boner through the trunks. His moans grew louder.

It was time. His body was trembling. He was beginning an imperceptible grinding of his crotch into my hand.

I grasped his hardness and squeezed. He almost leaped off the bench.

"No one will ever know about this, okay?"

His restraint and will power melted away.

"Okay," he hissed through clenched teeth.

I immediately worked my hands inside his trunks and tugged them downward.

"Lift up!" I said to him.

He instantly obeyed and I worked the trunks to his knees and took his boner between my thumb and two fingers. I stared at his cute little dick the whole time I masturbated him.

It wasn't even four-inches and it wasn't thick either. It was obvious why that bitch had called him 'Needledick.'

He was beginning to make louder noises so I whispered "Shhhhh...we don't want the others to see us."

I stroked him faster and harder. I guessed correctly he wouldn't last two-minutes. He didn't. When he came he clamped his own hand over his mouth stifling his cries of pleasure.

I whispered, "Good boy...good boy...good boy" as I watched thin ropes of sperm and semen spurting from his cock-slit while my hand milked his tiny hamster-balls dry.

When his body came to rest, I whispered, "That was the greatest orgasm of your life, wasn't it?"

In a barely audible voice while gasping for air, he whispered, "Oh-God-oh-God-oh-God-oh-God-oh-God...."

An hour later we were sitting in the dark inside my car laughing and smoking another joint. He excitedly relived our 'victory' in 'The Great Graduation Pool Party Chicken Fight.'

"Did you see that, Mister Evans? Did you see what I did to that cunt?" he said with pride and satisfaction.

After I had masturbated him to the best climax he'd ever had, he rested for a minute or so until he found the strength to clean the pools of jizz off his belly and thighs and fix his trunks back up into place.

My cock was so hard inside my jockstrap and swim trunks it took every ounce of will-power I could muster to not talk the boy into returning the favor by bringing me off too.

Calm down, John, I'd told myself. It won't be long until the boy will happily perform whatever act you tell him...have patience, my man.

I didn't want to give the boy time to think about what had happened so I led him to the food. I had another cheeseburger as did he. He also wolfed down a hot dog.

We were eating and watching the party guests become livelier and more daring in the pool. The sound of drunken teenage boasting made me smile.

Even though darkness was beginning to set in, everyone could clearly see some of the boys saving themselves a long walk to the bathroom by simply standing before the bushes ten-feet from the pool, whipping-out their dicks and pissing right there.

Some of the girls smiled and laughed, while others craned their necks to get the best view of the boys dicks they could.

"Bradley, which one is Mandy?" I asked the boy.

"The brunette over there...the one with the big boobs," he said.

I was mildly surprised to see him pointing at the girl who had been in front of me earlier at the keg.

Out of curiosity, I asked him, "Which of the guys is Nicky?"

"The one she's talking to now," he said.

I decided to have a little fun with Bradley.

"I was standing behind Mandy and a blonde girl at the keg and I could hear what they were saying...Bradley, is it true Nicky has the biggest cock of any guy in your class?" I asked carefully watching his reaction.

The boy coughed and turned beet-red.

"Well, I, um, really Mister Evans – I wouldn't know – like I said, I'm positively straight!" he mumbled and stammered.

"No-no, I understand that. Don't take this the wrong way, Bradley, but when I was showering with all the guys in high school, I used to 'check them out'...you know, whenever they couldn't see me looking...I wanted to know how I measured-up compared to them...c'mon, I KNOW you've done it too – it's the most natural thing in the world."

"No, really Mister Evans, I didn't look!" he frantically insisted.

"I'm disappointed in you, Bradley," I said making sure he could see the frown on my face. "After what we did together we now share a huge secret...I told you before and I'll say it again: I promise, I will NEVER tell ANYONE what you and I do together, or talk about...okay?"

"Mister Evans...I, uh---"

I persisted, "Okay, Bradley?"

"Okay," he sighed.

"You can say anything to me and I won't tell anyone...c'mon Bradley, there must have been at least a couple times you looked at other guys in the shower, right?"

His shoulders slumped as he softly said, "Well, yeah, a couple times...but really Mister Evans, I mostly didn't look – I always kept my back to everyone – I didn't want them to see, uh...."

"You didn't want them to look at yours, isn't that right, Bradley?"

"Yes, sir," he admitted in such a small and pitiful voice it broke my heart.


Bradley and I both flinched in surprise at the loudness of Nicky's proclamation.

We listened to the boys arguing over teammates then watched the game unfold.

In neck-high water, the bigger of the two boys submerged themselves while their partners climbed onto their shoulders. The boys standing in the water stood up and held onto the legs of their teammates who were now above the water and free to use their hands and arms.

The object of the game was simple: the boy in the water would position himself where the partner on his shoulders fought with the opposing boy to try and push him into the water.

Some of the matches were over in seconds, but a few lasted a couple minutes.

It was very entertaining to watch the firm and glistening hard bodies struggling with each other. My dick became stiff during the first match.

When it was over, Nicky and his partner were the victors.

"HEY, the girls wanna play, too," announced Mandy.

Again, we watched as the boys and girls paired off. I smiled when I saw Mandy climb aboard Nicky's shoulders. The little slut was well on her way of getting what I'd heard her say she wanted earlier: Nicky's big dick inside her!

There were fewer teams for this contest. During the final match, I said to Bradley, "Get ready – we're going to take on the winners!" which we both knew would be Mandy and Nicky.

The fear on his face and in his voice was unmistakable.

"No-no-no, I can't do this – no, please Mister Evans, I don't want to lose to a girl!"

"Bradley, this is your moment. I want you to unleash the anger you have felt for a long time. This is your chance for revenge – if you don't do this, you'll regret it for the rest of your life!"

"Mister Evans, please...."

"Bradley, I am King of Chicken Fights – I've never lost a match!" I lied. "All I ask is for you to trust me – do you trust me, Bradley?"

"I'd simply die if I lost to her, Mister Evans."

"Trust me – we are NOT going to lose...do you trust me, Bradley?"

"Well, uh..."

"Do you trust me, Bradley?"

"...yes...I trust you, Mister Evans!"

"That was fantastic, Mister Evans...it was the greatest moment of my life!"

I placed my arm around the boy and gently pulled him next to me. I gave him the rest of the joint to finish and sat back and let him bask in the sweet glory of victory.

To be honest, I didn't think we had stood a chance. Nicky is bigger and stronger than me, and quite frankly, Mandy is bigger and stronger than Bradley.

When I led Bradley to the pool and announced we'd take on the winners there was a stunned silence. Then, unfortunately, the laughter began. I could feel the humiliation Bradley had to endure.

But when we jumped in the water and everyone saw we were serious it became so quiet it was almost deafening.

Bradley climbed onto my shoulders and when I stood I grabbed him by the ankles to steady him. I squared-off with Nicky and carefully danced in and out keeping Bradley out of Mandy's reach. I soon discovered I could maneuver better if I held Bradley's thighs.

Well, and I swear it was totally by accident, my hands squeezed and gripped his thighs in such a manner I soon felt his little boner pressing against the back of my neck. His arousal gave me a hard-on, too.

It was then I feinted in and out closer so Bradley could get his hands on the girl. They gave each other small pushes and shoves. A couple of times I felt Bradley about to fall in the water but was able to keep him on my shoulders.

It was Mandy who made the fatal mistake.

"Hey little boy, you got nothing!" she sneered at Bradley. "You're afraid of me aren't you? You're scared of a girl, aren't you little boy!!"

I felt Bradley's legs tighten around my neck for better balance.


I took a sudden step forward, stopped, and leaned over. Bradley was propelled toward the girl. I had to hold his thighs tightly to keep him from falling.

His momentum carried him into the girl and Bradley gave the bitch a mighty shove. She fell off Nicky's shoulders and made a loud splash in the water.

The girl instantly started shrieking at the top of her lungs.


I couldn't see anything and wondered what in hell she was talking about. And then I heard the laughter and catcalls.


As soon as Bradley climbed off my shoulders into the water I saw what the commotion was all about: when Bradley gave her the winning shove, the bra of her bikini had come off exposing her massive titties.

Everyone was standing and clapping and cheering Bradley. The bitch was screaming and tried unsuccessfully to hide her 38-D's.

I wondered why the girl was making such a huge fuss about her condition. As far as I understood, she had already allowed most of the boys in her class to suck on her big titties at one time or another anyway.

When we emerged from the pool the guys were still congratulating Bradley. Even the girls, Mandy's supposed friends, were all smiles and laughter and slapping Bradley on the back.

Apparently, Mandy's popularity was all in her head.

We had changed into dry shorts and tee shirts behind the gazebo and after saying his 'Good-byes' I drove Bradley down the street and parked in front of his house.

I was happy for the boy. After suffering through two-years of humiliation he finally found revenge. He was still floating in the clouds.

"Mister Evans, wasn't that something? Thank you so much for making me do that..."

"I didn't make you do anything, Bradley. It was all you – it was your choice – it was your fight – and it was your victory!"

I knew what I was going to do next with him, but debated how to go about it. I decided to go as far as I could without offering 'special inducements' if it wasn't necessary. I would play that card later.

I boldly massaged his thighs. I even snaked my hand underneath his tee shirt and caressed his breasts and nipples.

He weakly said, "Oh-noooo, Mister Evans" but made no effort to stop me.

He offered no resistance as I opened his shorts and tugged them down to his knees.

I pushed his legs wider so my hand could fondle his balls while I gently stroked his boner.

Again he murmured, "Noooooo, Mister Evans...." without trying to stop me.

I lowered my head to his crotch and inhaled deeply through my nose.

Oh-my-hell - there is nothing more intoxicating than the fresh and natural aroma of an eighteen year-old boy's genitals.

I wet my lips, slid them over his glans and lowered my head until my mouth came in contact with his wiry pubic hairs. I don't suck cock much anymore, but when I do, I love small dicks I can take entirely inside my mouth.

I sucked his prick in earnest drawing cries from him of "Oh-my-God-oh-my-God-oh-my-God..."

It was time to experiment. I had a hunch about the boy. Even if he wasn't queer, and I was beginning to have my doubts, I was sure he would feel a strong sense of fairness and the need to reciprocate.

I silently opened my shorts and extricated my throbbing erection then slightly rearranged our positions so his hand could reach my cock.

I sucked him hard and fast for a few seconds, his cries of pleasure filling the car. I then found his hand and placed it on my hard cock and waited for his reaction.

He groaned, "Mister Evans...Mister Evans..." and tried to pull his hand away from my flesh but I held it firmly in place.

I removed my mouth from his dick and whispered, "Bradley, I'll use my mouth if you use your hand..."

"Ohhhhhhhhh...he moaned.

I was sure the boy had never received a blowjob in his life and knew a battle was raging inside his head.

I licked all around beneath the crown of his glans and up and down the ultra-sensitive underside of his teenage hard-on then abruptly stopped and pulled my mouth away.

"Ohhhh, Mister Evans – please don't stop..." he groaned.

This time he allowed me to wrap his fingers around my cock. He began to violently tug on it. I slowed his hand to show him how I liked it.

When he established the proper pressure and stroke, I resumed sucking his hard little dick.

He was soon following my rhythm. When my head began to furiously bob up-and-down, his hand stroked me faster and harder.

I needed to cum. My balls had gotten so swollen looking at all the nearly naked boys they were quite painful.

I reasoned that once I get the little cutie in my bed I would take my time with him. I looked forward to training him, but for now I needed to shoot my load, and quickly.

My timing was as good as ever. When I brought him to the very brink of orgasm, I briefly lifted my head from his dick and said, "FASTER" and he obeyed me without question.

The moment his first spurt of cum struck the back of my throat, my own cock erupted. We both had stored up an impressive amount of sperm and semen.

Unintelligible grunts and groans filled the air as stream-after-stream of hot jizz shot from our cockslits.

Oh my hell, his boycream was absolutely delicious and I swallowed everything he gave me down to the feeble last squirt.

When I finally raised my head from his crotch I decided to experiment again.

I pressed my cum-slick lips to his and gave him a kiss. I could tell it surprised him, but he let me kiss him longer than I had thought he would before he pulled away.

"Bradley, did you like that? Do you like having your dick sucked?" I softly asked him.

"Ohhhhh, Mister Evans...wow..." was all he could manage to say.

Now it was time to mention the 'special inducements.'

"Bradley, Michael told me what happened to your dad...how he lost all of your college money...I feel so bad for you...here you are number one in your class and you won't be able to go to the university..." I said.

"Oh, uh, my d-dad meant well," he replied but his voice choked up. I wondered if he was crying.

"You know Bradley, I have a grant program at my dealership. I've sent many boys like you who can't afford it on their own through school - it's my way of giving back to the community...not only will I pay for your school, but I'll give you a part-time job at my dealership as a Lot Boy so you can earn spending money. It won't interfere with your school-hours or study time..."

"Mister Evans, that is so generous - I don't know what to say..."

"Best of all, you'll be living rent-free at my house...you'll have your own big bedroom for privacy, complete with a nice desk and even a 62" television...how does that sound to you?"

"It sounds great!" he eagerly replied.

He suddenly became quiet. I could tell the wheels in his head were turning.

"Bradley, what are you thinking?" I asked the boy.

"Uh, well...what do you expect in return, Mister Evans? My dad's favorite saying is 'If it seems too good to be true – it usually is!'"

I chuckled and said, "Smart man, your dad...I honestly do not expect anything in return...however, my boys DO show me their gratitude."

"You mean like, uh, what we just did?" he asked skeptically. "Mister Evans, I'm positively straight...I mean, yeah, okay, maybe I did just, uh, you know...."

"Take my cock in your hand and masturbate me?" I asked.

"Well, uh, yeah, I don't know what made me do that..." he sheepishly replied.

"Bradley, let me explain some facts of life...having sex with another guy doesn't automatically make you gay!"

"It doesn't?" he asked with surprise.

"Oh hell no...ever since the dawn of humans men have gratified one another in times of need when a woman wasn't available to them...men are born with the basic need for sex – we can only go for so long before we have the biological need to ejaculate – to replenish our bodies with fresh sperm and semen...."

As soon as I said it I realized I needed to work on a different opening line, that one was beginning to sound rather lame, even to me.

I quickly added: "I have learned over the years that sexually satisfied boys make better students and earn better grades."

"Why would that be?" he asked.

"Oh, it's simple if you think about it..." I responded. "Let me ask you a question: how often do you think about sex every day?"

He hesitated then cautiously said, "Well, uh, you know...a lot."

"Precisely..." I said, "it's very distracting, isn't it? When you're in school your focus and concentration should be a hundred percent on your studies, shouldn't it?"

"Well, yeah, I guess so," he answered.

"...and when you become distracted in class or while you're studying and fantasizing about sex you probably spring a boner, am I right?" I asked.

"Mister Evans," he said with dismay, "...that's kinda personal."

"Bradley, you and I are adults...if you decide to accept my offer we will have many 'personal' conversations about sex," I said. "...but to get back to my point, when a boy springs a boner everything else becomes secondary and you begin daydreaming about girls and getting laid, am I right?"

"Well, yeah, I guess so," he said softly.

"...and while you're daydreaming you don't hear a word the teacher is saying...or if you're reading, the words on the page become blurred because your mind is obsessed with sex...think about this though: if you ejaculate once or twice before school, and two-three times in the evening, your mind will be fresh and clear with absolutely no distractions...would you agree with that?"

"Ummm, uh, I guess so, I think," he stuttered.

"Bradley, all of my boys have graduated with honors – they have all moved on to important and lucrative careers – some of them are married to women and have children...what I'm getting at is having sex with a guy doesn't change who you are, it simply gives you a release to clear your mind so you can concentrate on more important matters, like your education!"

"Mister Evans, uh, no offense, but couldn't I live at home while I'm going to school?" he asked.

"Bradley, you're missing the whole point. There are too many distractions at home...I have found that my boys thrive better when they are with boys their own age with whom they share a common goal...and a common lifestyle," I said and instantly thought to myself: Would you buy a used car from this man?

I continued: "I don't need your answer right now...I want you to think hard and long about it tonight and if you decide to accept my gift, come to my house for lunch at noon tomorrow and I'll show you around and you can meet your roommates, okay?"

"Oh," he said. "okay."

When I got home, I looked in on Sammy and Jimmy. The cute little fuckers were seated at their respective desks studying for their finals wearing simply their jockstraps.

"How's it going boys?" I asked.

They swiveled their heads and smiled when they saw me.

"Hi, daddy," they said in unison.

Jimmy, the more dominant of the two said, "I fixed Sammy a nice casserole tonight, daddy, there's some left if you're hungry."

"I had a couple cheeseburgers at the party, thank you anyway," I replied.

I glanced at the rumpled bed and smiled at the boys.

"I want you both to join me tonight – if you're not too tired, that is," I said pointing at the wrinkled sheets on the bed.

"Sammy will definitely be ready, I didn't let him cum tonight..." said Jimmy as Sammy shyly averted his eyes. "...and you know me, daddy, I'm always ready!"

I chuckled and said, "Okay, boys, take your time...I'm going for a swim."

"Alright, daddy," replied Jimmy.

Since my swim trunks were still wet, I decided to go into the pool 'au naturel.'

I dived into the water headfirst, swam to the far end then swam back. My arms on the edge held me up neck high in the water while I thought about Bradley.

I wasn't sure how he would turn out, so to speak. He easily took the pleasure I gave him while making no move to reciprocate until I threatened to quit sucking him. Only then did he willingly participate.

Yes, it was his first time with a man, and he had been shy and unsure of himself, but I can usually get a sense if a boy is going to be a top or a bottom right away.

It was easy with Sammy. He had been so shy and submissiveness from the start, I knew he would obey my commands with little or no fuss.

And Jimmy, well, he was like Sammy at first, shy and acquiescing, but when I paired them together in the same bed, Jimmy topped Sammy rather quickly.

Which reminded me, I had plowed Sammy's boycunt so hard and long last night, he is probably still sore so I'll fuck Jimmy tonight instead – he needs it anyway – when one boy thinks of himself as a top to another, being on the receiving end of a good ass-fucking can be a healthy dose of reality.

Anyhow, if Bradley decides to move in here, and that is a big 'IF,' I'll go slow with him. I'll have the other boys suck him off for a few days until I teach him how to suck their cocks.

If necessary, I'll take him to the cabin for a week or two of intense training.

When a boy becomes addicted to receiving pleasure and is suddenly denied that pleasure, it's amazing how quickly he learns that 'receiving' and 'giving' are closely interrelated.

I started thinking about the summer of my eighteenth birthday.

I had begun high school thinking I was a typical, red-blooded guy, but by the time I graduated, the demons in my head had sewed enough doubt in my brain I felt an overwhelming need to learn the truth about my sexuality.

I was still looking at hetero porn while I masturbated. Particularly photos of women kneeling between men's legs sucking their dicks.

I'm not sure when it began, but my fantasies suddenly shifted from the women to the hard cocks they were sucking. I dreamed it was my mouth wrapped around a manly cock. It was my head bobbing furiously back and forth trying to make the man cum in my mouth.

What the hell is wrong with me? I asked myself every time I climaxed.

There was, and still is, a park near downtown notorious for homosexual hook-ups at night. It's name was used as a cruel taunt by many boys.

"So Anderson, what are you doing Friday night? You gonna hang out at Loring Park as usual?"

or "You gonna be on your knees behind a tree at Loring Park tonight?"

or "You strike out with girls so much you might want to try Loring Park!"

I worked nights at my father's car dealership as a Lot Boy. When I got off at ten I would usually drive straight home to look at porn.

One night the car seemed to have a mind of its own and I found myself at The Park. I sat in the car staring down the gentle hill at the walking path below. I wanted to see for myself what really happened there.

For half-an-hour I saw an occasional solitary figure but never saw anyone 'hook-up.'

Suddenly, there was a young-looking boy being followed by an older man. The man caught up with the boy. They briefly conversed then disappeared together back into the darkness.

For some reason, my heart was pounding and I was breathing heavily. I imagined the man standing behind one of the giant oak trees while the boy dropped to his knees and took out the man's hard cock.

What the hell is wrong with me? I wondered when I sprung a boner.

Soon, another boy was on the path. He too was soon joined by an older man. After a brief conversation, the man turned and began walking up the hill nearest me. The boy followed close behind him.

It excited me thinking I was going to get a closer look at what the two of them were about to do. But when the man continued walking towards me the hair on the back of my neck stood straight. I had to scrunch down in the seat so he wouldn't see me.

Oh my God – the man stopped at the back door of the car right in front of me and looked all around. I clearly heard him say, "Get in the car, boy!" and the boy replying "Yes, sir."

For fifteen-minutes I stared over the top of the dashboard trying to make out what I was looking at in the backseat. The only discernible sights were the man's head and shoulders. I couldn't actually see the boy but I knew darn well what he was doing with his head in the man's lap.

When the back door finally opened, first the man came out followed by the boy.

"That was pretty good, kid" said the man. "Be here tomorrow night at the same time!"

"Yes, sir," the boy replied.

My imagination was running wild. When the man drove off I couldn't help myself. I took out my hard prick and in less than two-minutes shot a big load while picturing his manly cock in the boys mouth.

The next night at work the demons in my head were arguing again.

"You have to go to the park tonight to see if the boy shows up!"

"Why? What do I care? I'm not queer...I couldn't see what the boy was doing anyway...."

"Who are you trying to fool? Quit lying to yourself! You couldn't even wait to get home to jerk off last night! Maybe tonight you can screw-up enough courage to do the 'fag-walk' on the path yourself!"

I recognized the man's car but there were cars parked behind, and in front of his. Disappointment turned to elation when I spotted an opening directly across the road from his car.

When I parallel parked and shut-off the engine, my eyes slowly adjusted to the dim lighting from the lone street lamp. I saw a silhouette in the drivers seat of the car and assumed it was the man waiting for the boy.

I scrunched down in the seat but gave myself a clear look into the backseat of his car. I was excited – this angle would give me a much better view of them.

I checked my watch, the 'show' would begin within ten-minutes if the boy was on time. My prick was already stirring in my pants with anticipation.

From this side of the street there was no view down the hill into the park. I simply waited and waited and waited....

I checked my watch for the tenth time. The boy was now fifteen-minutes late. I decided I'd wait until the man either drove away, or went down the hill to the walking path.

His drivers side door suddenly swung open and the man climbed out of the car. He looked all around him as he closed the door.

And then – OH MY GOD – he began walking directly towards ME!

I tried to make myself as small as I could but he strode right up to my window and lightly rapped it three times.

I was busted - what else could I do? I lowered the window and dumbly said, "Hello."

"Looks like fag-boy isn't coming tonight, maybe you want to take his place in the backseat with me...you'll have a close-up and personal view instead of crouching down and spying on me," he said.

He squinted hard at me and exclaimed, "Holy shit, boy, how old are you? I don't do jail-bait!"

"No-no, I'm eighteen," I said.

"My-my, aren't you a pretty little thing...you wanna suck my cock, boy?" he asked me with a smile.

I could have said "No" and told him to "Go to hell" but for some damn reason all I could think of to say was "I've never done that."

He instantly replied, "But you're dying to find out what it's like, aren't you boy?"

Now I was tongue-tied. "Uh, well, uh---"

The smile remained fixed on his face.

"I usually don't do virgins, but you're cute as hell...I will teach you everything you'll need to know...c'mon boy, get outta the car and follow me!" he said firmly.

The blood drained from my face. My heart was pounding so hard I imagined he could hear it.

He took three steps toward his car then turned and said, "C'mon boy, you're wasting my time...you came to this park for a reason – you want to know if you're queer or not, don't you? This is your chance to find out...deep-down I know you want to do this..."

I was frozen in place. The demons were howling in my head.

His voice suddenly softened as he said, "You know son, if you don't at least give it a try, you will regret it the rest of your life!"

So for two-months that summer, I willingly climbed into the backseat of his car three-nights-a-week.

Each time was the same. Once we were inside the car and enveloped by the darkness of night, he would kiss my cheek and say "Open my pants and take out my cock, boy!"

I always responded "Yes, sir" and did as I was told.

His penis was always soft when I managed to lower his slacks and boxers.

"Get your pretty face down there and lick it until it gets nice and hard, boy!" he would say.

"Yes, sir," I replied and again obeyed his command.

Once my tongue had him fully erect, I would keep licking his hot flesh while I reveled in the wonderful manly aroma wafting up into my nostrils until I heard the magic words.

"Wet your lips and slide them over my cockhead..." he ordered.

I replied, "Yes, sir" and did as I was told.

His final command never failed to give me a throbbing boner inside my briefs.

"Good boy," he would say while gently patting my head. "Now suck my cock, boy, and when I shoot in your mouth you make sure to gulp it all down!"

"Mmmmmmm...." I would hum with four of his six-inches stretching my lips obscenely wide.

And each time after I had successfully swallowed his load, he would say, "Lick it clean, boy!

"Yes, sir," I would say then immediately do his bidding.

Once he was satisfied with my effort he would softly say, "That was good tonight, boy."

"Thank you, sir," I always replied.

And when he fixed his clothes in place, he would kiss my cheek again and whisper in my ear: "I turned you into one helluva cocksucker, didn't I boy?"

I would reply, "Yes, sir" and for some unknown reason I would add, "Thank you, sir" which always made him chuckle.

When you finally accept the fact you are attracted to the same sex, the next discovery to be made is whether you are a 'top' or a 'bottom.'

In my case, I had met an older man who was definitely a top. There was no question it was my place to obey him. I figured that is simply the way these things work.

And when 'The Man in the Lincoln Town Car' (I never learned his real name) was transferred to Houston, I went in search of another older man to serve and obey.

I soon learned gay boys my own age didn't interest me. They were either too overbearing or wimpy as hell. I was attracted to strong and confident men, not wishy-washy little boys.

I have to admit though, on slow nights in The Park, sometimes I didn't have much of a choice on who I would end up with if I wanted some semblance of human contact at all.

Gay bars sprung up all over town and that hurt my chances of finding nice men. They didn't have to cruise in darkness anymore.

It seemed the only ones left walking The Park were guys too young for the bars, like me, and creepy older men who were in such deep denial of their sexuality they had to lurk in the shadows and carefully pick and choose their prey.

I had many disappointing and dangerous one-night stands.

It happened several times. After I swallowed the guys jizz behind a tree, he would go into an inexplicable rage while I was still on my knees.

"You worthless faggot" or "Goddamn fucking queer-boy"

I never understood it – I had just sucked them off and now they were calling me names?

And I learned early on when they said something like "I'm going to teach you fucking faggot a lesson" I had better protect my face and head from the blows that were about to rain down at me.

The last time I went to The Park I was still swallowing the last spurt of cum from some guys dick when he began pummeling me. I received two black eyes, a swollen cheek, a split lip, and two bruised ribs from his work boots.

I finally told myself "No more...."

Until my junior year, my college roommates were all regular guys. They never asked if I was gay and I never volunteered it either. Since I wasn't cruising The Park any longer, I masturbated in the shower if my roommate was home.

That all changed when 'Kent' became my roommate. He was shy and passive. We always did whatever I wanted to do and he never complained, but I wasn't sure if he was gay or not.

He was a cute little fucker and I found myself wanting him more and more. Strangely, in my fantasies, I wasn't the one on my knees. That was a first for me.

I dreamed about his small hands caressing my penis and balls until I sprang a boner. Followed by his full, pouty lips wrapped around my hard prick while I plunged in and out of his hot and moist mouth.

All I had to do was figure out a way to convince him he was queer. That was when I came up with my 'special inducements' plan.

The first part of the plan was simple. Since our dormitory always seemed to be 80 degrees and the windows in our room all faced west toward the setting sun making it even hotter, I simply announced one afternoon "I can't take this anymore" and stood from my desk and peeled off my clothes until I wore nothing but my boxer briefs.

Kent's eyes bugged wide, his mouth agape as he watched my little strip show.

I smiled at him and remarked "This is so much cooler...you know, I won't mind if you do the same."

He turned beet red and stammered, "Well, uh, I don't think so..."

For two days, I loved it when I caught him sneaking glances at my body. He was definitely perspiring more than normal, too.

On the third day, he was sweating profusely and unable to concentrate on his studies.

"I can't take it anymore," I said to the pretty freshman boy. "It bothers me how uncomfortable you look...if you don't take off your shirt and jeans – I'll come over there and strip you myself!"

You should have seen the cute little fucker blush!

"Kent, sitting around in your undies with another guy doesn't make you queer!" I frowned at him.

"No-no, it's just that, uh...you know...." he mumbled.

I glared at him and said in a louder voice, "STRIP!"

The expression of fear and uncertainty on his pretty face was priceless.

"You leave me no other choice!" I said and abruptly stood.

When I took a menacing step towards him he cried out, "Okay – okay" and immediately shed his shirt and jeans.

When I saw he was wearing string, bikini briefs I licked my lips, gave him a broad smile and teased, "What cute little panties!"

He blushed so hard I thought he was going to cry.

"No-no-no-they're cotton, string bikini briefs – I buy them in the men's department!" he frantically protested.

"Uh-huh, whatever, dude," I said still smiling.

I boldly stared at the bulge of his crotch. I remembered my high school days when I wore the same kind of briefs. I liked them because the tight-fitting material gave me the illusion my 'package' was so much bigger than it actually was.

Okay. Step One was complete. I would wait a day or two to begin the next part of the plan so he could get accustomed to our near nudity.

Kent was taking the same advanced mathematics class I had taken as a freshman. He was having trouble and I was helping him pass the tests. My help would be 'special inducement 1'....

'Special inducement 2' was financial. He received a very small weekly allowance from his blue collar parents for necessities. I began to give him money so he could enjoy a few luxuries. He fought and protested the money, but grudgingly accepted it.

He thought the money was a gift, no, heh-heh-heh...when the amount exceeded a couple hundred dollars, I would begin asking him "So are you ever going to start paying me back the money you owe me?"

"B-But I didn't think they were loans," he protested.

"Do I look rich – I work as a Lot Boy!" I scolded him.

I then offered him a job at my dad's dealership as a Lot Boy so he could begin making payments to me.

The coup de grace however, are the unique cookies I bake that make the boys light-headed and horny as hell. One cookie and a boy loses all his inhibitions.

It is so much easier training a boy when they are either indebted to you, or anticipate having climax-after-climax-after climax.

A couple days before Winter Break was to commence, I announced to Kent, "We're going to my parents lake cabin!"

His beautiful blue eyes opened wide with surprise.

"Huh? What do you mean? My folks are expecting me home for Christmas!" he said.

"Christmas is two weeks away," I replied.

"How long are we going to be there?" he asked.

"For as long as it takes," I answered.

"As long as WHAT takes?" he asked.

I smiled and placed a finger to my lips and said, "Shhhhhh, it's okay...everything is going to be fine."

"How about our jobs at the car lot?" he said in a high-pitched squeal.

"I already told my father we wouldn't be working over Winter Break...business is slow this time of year anyway," I said.


I cut him off and firmly asked, Sweetie, do you really want another spanking?"

"Noooooo...." he softly whined.

I stood from the desk and pushed the boxers down my legs exposing my erection to him.

"I want some lovin' now, sweetie!" I said as I walked to my bed.

I laid on my back and spread my legs wide.

The boy remained seated. I began the count.


As always, he sprang into action before I could say 'three.'

I sighed with frustration, but thought how after a week at the cabin, the boy would no longer hesitate when I give him a command.

He bolted from the chair, pushed his undies to the floor and came to my bed. I watched his cute little hard dickey standing straight out from his crotch. He knelt between my legs on the bed. He wasted no time lowering his face to my pulsating prick.

I laid back and closed my eyes and finalized my plans for him at the cabin as his lips and tongue worked on my throbbing cock.

In a few short weeks he had become a so-so cocksucker but by the time we leave the cabin he would be a fully trained expert.

Not only that but I would take his virginity, as well. I couldn't wait to hear him squealing as I broke-in his boycunt.

I knew he would protest but I was looking forward to using 'The Spanker' on his little bubble butt. A wooden paddle with a narrow handle and a thin, flared, hard-wood base.

In fact, I had bought two of them and knew exactly where I'd hang them: one on the wall in the living room directly across from the sofa where he would see it whenever he was next to me. The other would go on the wall in the bedroom. They would serve as constant reminders to him his obedience to me was of the utmost importance.

I had used it once on him in our room, but found his shrieks and cries too loud for the thin dormitory walls. I didn't want to totally humiliate him by drawing attention to our relationship, at least not yet.

At the cabin, however, the nearest neighbors are so far away, no one would hear his cries of discomfort or see the tears streaming down his face.

Once I had 'Cunt' fully trained (that was my nickname for Kent), he became a wonderful cocksucker. Not only that, I would make him beg me to fuck his tight little pussy. The boy was an absolute delight!

Unfortunately, three-months later my parents were killed in an auto accident and I had to quit school and take over the car dealership.

Ironically, my parents were on their way to the cabin when the accident occurred.

Cunt was the first boy of many I trained at the cabin. Some took less than seven-days to realize they were gay...others took up to two weeks.

Like I said, I would always keep them at the cabin "For as long as it takes."

I truly believe I have made all my boys lives better – they no longer suffer from sexual confusion or delusions they are real men...and of course, heh-heh-heh...the orgasms my fully-trained boys have given me through the years have all been spectacular!

The morning I was expecting Bradley, I baked a new batch of cookies. My boys find the cookies delicious and they serve a useful purpose for me.

Over the years I developed the perfect recipe: lightly laced with marijuana with a heavy concentrate of anti-erectile dysfunction powder.

One cookie and the boys are happy and euphoric for hours. More importantly, their dicks remain so hard they are open to any and all sexual suggestions.

I ate a cookie myself one time. Sure, my prick was hard for hours and the orgasms were fantastic, but to be honest with you, it scared me how I lost all self-control. There wasn't anything I wouldn't do for a man.

I wore my navy-blue, nylon gym shorts and nothing else as I waited for the cute little fucker to arrive. I had Sammy and Jimmy in crisp, white jockstraps.

I know what you're thinking...when Bradley saw the three of us in such skimpy attire what would stop him from running out the front door never to return?

Intuition. I have a very strong feeling about Bradley. He wants to go to college so badly he can taste it.

Also, the two orgasms I gave him yesterday were fresh in his mind. The poor boy had never felt someone's hand on his prick let alone a mouth.

After the boy eats a cookie, he will become pliant and agreeable, and quite honestly, eager and excited when I give Jimmy the order to suck Bradley's cock. The boy will then become putty in my hands.

Before I allow him to orgasm, I will have him play with not only Sammy's dick, but mine, too. He will bring us both to climax before he is allowed to shoot in Jimmy's mouth.

He will be out of his mind with lust and will masturbate us so frantically, any thoughts he may have of NOT being queer will be erased from his mind for quite awhile.

After an appropriate amount of time, I will insist he reciprocate with Jimmy. He may find the idea of sucking cock abhorrent and repulsive, but by then he will have no inhibitions for several hours and everything I make him do the rest of the day will be on video.

Okay, I admit it...the strongest 'special inducement' I offer the more reluctant boys, I guess, can be considered blackmail.

Over the years I found that supposed straight boys do not want photos or videos of them sucking cock circulating on the internet, and they suddenly become quite submissive and obedient when they are faced with that threat.


I had mixed feelings as we celebrated Bradley's graduation.

I was proud of him for graduating in just three-years, but he also celebrated another milestone: his twenty-first birthday, and that caused me to begin to question our relationship.

He had matured so much in three-years I almost didn't know who he was any more. Even physically he wasn't the same boy I had become smitten with.

The summer he had moved in with me, he went through an unbelievable growth spurt.

He went from being two-inches shorter than me to three-inches taller. He lost his baby-fat and worked hard on developing muscle. He outweighed me now by forty pounds.

More importantly, his penis grew proportionately. It was now over six-inches. He could no longer be called 'needledick.'

I am not very well endowed myself and have always favored boys smaller than me. Now however, Bradley's dick was a full two-and-a-half inches longer than mine.

If that wasn't bad enough, my interest in him had waned to the point I wanted a younger boy to take his place. Old habits die hard, I guess, I can't help it if older boys don't get me as excited as younger ones.

Sure, the other Lot Boys are old now, but for some reason I feel protective of them. They understand my needs and regularly bring eighteen-year-old boys home to me.

As a graduation present I told Bradley I'd take him on a trip to anywhere he wanted to go. I was beginning to regret that offer but decided to suck it up and do one more nice thing for him before I replaced him.

Who knows? Maybe at one of those exotic resorts I would find a pretty, young-thing to occupy my time.

It surprised me when he said we'd be taking the car and he'd be driving. The resort he had in mind was only a hundred-miles away.

That pleased me. I would be close to home when I told him he'd have to move out of the house and find another job.

Whenever I tire of a boy, I find it most effective to cut-off all contact with him. Out of sight – out of mind, I guess.

I'm not a total asshole: I'd make sure he would receive compensation for his years of devotion to me and my cock.

We traveled north on the interstate in silence until he exited to highway 51. I turned to say something but he spoke first.

"Surprise!" he said with a smile. "We're going to the cabin!"

"You remembered, how nice!" I said.

"Yes, how could I ever forget?" he replied.

I had taken him to the cabin that first summer. He had already become so submissive and obedient we spent just four-days there. It took only three sessions using 'The Spanker' for him to become my ideal boyfriend.

I could feel my heart racing. Perhaps I was a little premature in getting rid of him.

He was a valuable asset at the dealership. He was assertive and had learned all aspects of the business. If I kept him around I could take more time off work to explore, uh, more pleasurable pursuits...heh-heh-heh....

Also, he and I always had an 'open relationship.' He never objected whenever I brought a cute little fucker to bed with us. Besides, he had become as good a cocksucker as Jimmy.

Maybe I should keep him around longer. When I find a cute eighteen year-old, I'll have Bradley move to another bedroom but he can still join me and my new boyfriend in bed as long as he brings us both pleasure.

We'll see what the next few days brings us then I'll make a decision.

I hadn't been to the cabin in months so was quite surprised when I saw how clean it was. Not only that but the kitchen was stocked with food.

"I had some people working up here last week," he casually said.

That was a bit puzzling but I admired his foresight in planning.

We unpacked our bags then Bradley began to set-up his laptop.

"That won't work here, there's no signal," I said.

"That's been taken care of, too," he said. "The 'hot spot' works very well now."

He opened his brief case and brought out a thick manilla folder and laid it on the coffee table. I was getting slightly annoyed.

Did we come up here so he could work on business? It was time to take control of the situation.

"Bradley, you can do whatever you need to do later..." I said. "...right now I'm horny as hell - my dick is getting hard - get over here and open my pants and take out my cock!"

"That won't be happening any time soon," he said.

His insolence shocked me. I glared at him and forcefully said, "Little boy, you're playing with fire!"

"Yes, but I won't be the one who gets burned," he replied.

I pointed to 'The Spanker' hanging on the wall opposite the sofa and said, "I've been too easy on you the past couple years...looks like you need a refresher course in obedience...strip to your jockstrap then bring me the paddle...it'll be like the old days, I'm going spank your butt until you are crying like a schoolgirl!"

A strange smile spread across his handsome face. Frankly, it unnerved me.

"Open the folder on the table, old man...there is interesting reading in there," he said with a sneer.

Old man? What the hell?

I remained still. That little faggot-cocksucker wasn't going to order me around.

I watched him remove a baggy from the briefcase.

"I baked some brownies for you, old man," he said then took one out and laid it in front of me. "Eat it - it'll make you feel r-e-a-l good!"

What the hell is going on here? I was about to explode. None of my boys talks to me like that without suffering the consequences.

"I'll save you some time, old man. The folder has all the proof I need to get you arrested and convicted and sent to federal prison!" he said bluntly.

The blood drained from my face.

"I don't like your attitude, boy!" I said as I leaped from the sofa and retrieved the paddle from the wall and returned to the sofa. "Take those pants down and get across my lap!"

"Oh, that won't be happening anymore, old man," he sneered at me."In fact, within a half-hour YOU will be laying across MY lap and YOU will be the one crying like a schoolgirl once I'm finished spanking you!"

My blood began to boil. I was shaking with anger.

"You better have a damn good excuse for talking to me like this, boy!" I shouted at him.

"Calm down and hear me out, old man," he said with an annoying smile on his face.

I took deep gulps of air to help lower my blood pressure.

He said, "The best I can tell, you've been 'cooking the books' at the dealership for ten-years: tax evasion, financial fraud and money laundering!"

It felt like a slap across the face. "How the hell would you know anything?" I shot back at him.

"You never asked me a single question while I was going to school...you showed no interest in my studies whatsoever...well, old man, my degree is in forensic accounting! What do you think that means?" he said.

A cold shiver raced up and down my spine. Oh yes, I knew what forensic accounting meant.

He continued, "I studied the statutes, you're going to get at the very least ten-years in federal prison...if you're a good boy, they might let you out in seven!"

He gave me the strangest smile and said, "Eat the brownie, old man..."

I exploded, "I made you who you are today – if I hadn't turned you out and paid your tuition and gave you a place to live AND a job, you'd be a fruit hustler hanging out in queer bars and Loring Park giving ten-dollar blowjobs, you ungrateful piece of shit!"

His calmness frightened me.

"You know, Johnny," he said, knowing full well I hate being called that. "Once the feds release you, the state is going to lock you up for another twenty-years."

I lost control and shouted: "REALLY? FOR WHAT YOU UNGRATEFUL PRICK?"

"Sexual blackmail, rape, and providing mind-altering drugs to unsuspecting boys," he said.

I said contemptuously. "I did all you boys the biggest favor of your lives...you don't have anything on me!"

"Except your ego is sooo big, you just HAD to video not only the sex acts, but your threats of blackmail, too...the jury will be so disgusted with what they see, there's a good chance you'll spend the rest of your life in state prison!"

"That's ridiculous – it was all in good fun – I was helping you boys!" I protested.

He sneered at me and said, "Yeah, sure," then added: "You know what convicts do to guys like you in prison...I wonder how many men over the years will make you their bitch?"

Another violent shiver coursed through my body. I could see he was dead serious.

"Eat the brownie, Johnny," he said.

I stalled for time and asked him, "What did you do to them? What did you put in the brownies?"

He smiled and said, "Oh, it's a variation of your cookie recipe...I guarantee you'll love the brownies as much as all the boys loved your cookies!"

"Look, Bradley---"

"My name is BRAD and I am offering you the deal of your life – not like you deserve it though...if you eat the brownie, I won't have you sent to prison!"

"THAT'S BLACKMAIL!!" I screamed.

His laughter was long and loud.

"Yes, it is – you know all about that don't you, Johnny?"

"Bradley, I mean Brad – c'mon, we can work something out here...how would you like to be my Assistant General Manager? You've been working hard – you deserve it!"

"No, that's not what I have in mind..." he replied.

I was at a loss for words. I had never felt so helpless and vulnerable in my life.

"It's a simple decision, Johnny...eat the brownie or go to prison!"

I stared at the brownie. My hands were shaking and my mind was enveloped with fear and a panic so strong I couldn't think straight.

I knew I was guilty of all the accusations. I was sure he had the evidence against me to send me to prison. I am small of stature, and I shuddered when I pictured myself being repeatedly raped by the convicts.

He was right. I didn't want to go to prison and become some guys bitch. What choice did I have? And, who knows? My employees adore me – they might come to my rescue!

Still, I couldn't help the tears that welled in my eyes as I picked up the brownie and began eating.

Fifteen-minutes later, I was sitting on the sofa wearing nothing but a fresh, white jockstrap. My mind was slowly filling with fog.

I felt good – the fear had subsided. Not quite euphoric but better and better with each passing minute. Brad was beside me.

"Give me your hand," he said. "No, the other one."

I saw a ring in his hand. A diamond ring. He worked it onto my finger. It was a very tight fit.

"Sweetie," he said with a smile. "We are now engaged...when we leave here we're going to be married."

I was speechless. Huh? What? Married to one of my bitch boys?

"From now until the wedding ceremony, you will address me as 'My darling fiance'...do you understand me, sweetie?"

The fog in my head was growing thicker and heavier. I tried to fight it but heard myself say, "Uhhh, yes...my, uh, darling fiance."

I sprung a boner in the pouch of the jockstrap. My balls were rapidly swelling. A wave of pleasurable euphoria washed over my mind. I wondered how much longer it would be before my hard penis took over my brain and did all the thinking for me.

He continued: "I'll be busy at the dealership after the wedding and won't be able to take you on a honeymoon...we will think of our stay here as our honeymoon...we're going to have a wonderful honeymoon, won't we sweetie?"

"Ohhhhh, yes, my darling fiance, a wonderful honeymoon..." I agreed with him wholeheartedly.

"While we're here, I'm going to teach you how to be the perfect wife for me...you want to be the perfect wife, don't you sweetie?"

"Oooooooo, yes, my darling fiance...I want to be the perfect wife for you," I mindlessly answered.

"Oh sweetie, I know you will do your best to make me a very happy man...look at the paddle on the wall, sweetie."

"Yes, my darling fiance," I answered and immediately stared at 'The Spanker.'

"I promise you as long as you obey me at all times, you will be a very happy wife...but if you make me unhappy – I will use the paddle on you and make you very unhappy...but that won't happen will it? You are going to serve and obey me and do your very best to keep me happy, won't you sweetie?"

"Oooooooo, my darling fiance – I will obey you at all times – I will make you a very happy man – I promise, my darling fiance!"

"Sweetie, open my pants and take out my cock!"

"Ooooooo, yes my darling fiance – yes!"

I was staring at the most beautiful erection I have ever seen. I couldn't wait to obey his next command.

"Suck my cock, sweetie!" I heard him say.

"Ooooooo, yes my darling fiance – thank you my darling fiance," I moaned.

And when my lips brushed his purple, bulbous cockhead, I paused one last time and what was possibly my last cogent thought, I asked him, "How long are we going to be here, my darling fiance?"

He gently stroked my hair and said in a soft and soothing voice, "For as long as it takes, sweetie...for as long as it takes."


I cannot describe the pure joy I felt in my heart when I heard the minister say, "Brad and Sissy – I now pronounce you husband and wife!"

He then turned to Brad and said, "You may kiss your bride!"

When Brad kissed me my head swooned and my tiny clitty immediately hardened inside my pink lace panties and pink satin short-shorts.

Brad smiled down at me and whispered, "You look wonderful tonight, Sissy!"

I blushed and softly said, Thank you – I feel wonderful!"

"Sweetie," he added, "from now on instead of 'fiance' you will say 'my darling husband', do you understand?"

My heart fluttered with happiness. "Yes, my darling husband!"

When he led me back down the aisle I felt all eyes on me. Everyone was smiling – quite a few were laughing – I was thrilled that our guests were as happy as I was.

There were twenty-five invited guests, and most of them were my dear employees from the dealership, and it meant sooo much to me to hear their laughter and their shouts of congratulations:

"You make a beautiful Sissy!" - "Pink is your color, you Sissy!" - "Hey Sissy, I can't wait to see you in your bra and panties!"

There were four women together at the end of the aisle. Wives of salesmen. Brad had warned they were jealous of me, and they might say some nasty things.

"My God, what a little sissy-faggot!" - "I hear he's got such a tiny dick being a sissy comes naturally to him!" - "What a disgusting little sissy-queer!"

Thru it all, my darling husband squeezed my hand for reassurance. I could see he was smiling with love and pride.

My darling husband led me into the house. A man I didn't know was sitting at the dining room table with papers neatly stacked before him.

My darling husband had me sit beside the man while he remained standing.

"Sissy?" said Brad.

"Yes, my darling husband?" I responded.

"This is Earl, the company attorney," he explained. "Before we join the reception outside, there are some papers you need to sign."

"Oh, okay, what are they?" I asked.

Brad leaned over and kissed me on the lips. My heart began pounding.

"There is no need for you to worry your pretty little head about them – I know what they mean - just sign where Earl tells you to sign, do you understand?"

"Yes, my darling husband," I replied still gasping for breath from his wonderful kiss.

The man shoved the first paper before me and gave me a pen and showed me where to sign.

I became confused. My darling husband understood my hesitation.

"Sissy, sign your maiden name – 'John R Evans' okay?"

"Ohhh, yes, thank you, my darling husband!" I breathed a sigh of relief and signed the first of what seemed like a dozen papers.

When it was over, my darling husband helped me to stand and led me a few feet away from the man and whispered in my ear:

"Sissy, you understand we have an 'open marriage' right?" he asked.

"Well yes, my darling husband," I replied.

"...and I am going to love watching you with other men...but there is one thing I didn't mention – the very thought of you servicing a man while we are in separate rooms drives me absolutely crazy with lust for you!"

"Oooooo, I didn't know that, my darling husband...I love you so much I will do anything to make you happy!" I said.

"I know, and you WILL, sweetie...here is what I want you to do now...take Earl to our bedroom – strip to your bra and panties - get on your knees and take out his cock – then give him your best blowjob, okay sweetie?"

The thought of a strange man's cock in my mouth made my clitty hard as a rock.

"Ooooo, yes my darling husband...anything to make you happy, my darling husband!"

When you are finished with him, change into the outfit I have laid out on the bed, okay?"

"Yes, my darling husband!"

The moment I licked the man's flaccid penis clean of all his excess cum, he gave me a gentle shove and I fell backwards. He fixed his clothes in place and left me alone.

On the bed I saw the outfit my darling husband wanted me to wear. Huh? I thought. It was simply another pink bra and panty set.

This time though, they were the sheer, diaphanous fabric that feels so wonderful on my little clitty I can climax inside the panties without Brad ever having to touch me.

My lace panties never excite me as much as the ones I was now slipping up my legs...oooo, yes....

I fumbled behind my back with the clasp of the brassiere. I wondered if I would ever be able to fasten or unfasten it in one try.

I removed the lacy one and before I slipped my arms thru the straps of the sheer and smooth bra, I admired my little titties in the mirror on the wall.

I was proud how in such a short time, Brad had elongated my nipples to almost a full inch, and using a breast pump, had given me actual titties.

Yes, they were on the smallish side, I only needed a 32AA brassiere, but Brad loved them so much and I am happy if he is happy.

I saw Brad standing in the kitchen and went to him. He was naked except for his brief swim trunks. My heart skipped a beat staring at his muscles and sculpted chest.

Oh my God, I love this man sooo much!!

What I saw on the counter made me smile.

My darling husband put his arm around me and said, "It's time for another brownie, Sissy!"

I giggled like a girl and said, "Thank you, my darling husband!" and ate the brownie in three bites.

He led me to the sliding glass door leading to the pool area then stopped. I could hear the loud chatter of the guests outside. He took me in his arms.

"My sweet little Sissy," he began, "I'm going to give you a wedding night you will remember forever...would you like that?"

"Ooooooo, yes, my darling husband," I squealed with delight.

He kissed me and said, "Play with my cock, Sissy!"

I immediately snaked my hand inside the waistband of the swim trunks and caressed not only his manly penis but his large and swollen balls, too.

My tiny clitty stiffened, tenting out the sheer fabric of my panties.

"Sissy, do you love me?" he asked.

"With all my heart and soul, my darling husband!" I said gently stroking the length of his hardening cock.

"Sissy, do you trust me?" he asked.

"Ooooo yes, my darling husband...I trust you with my life!" I sighed.

The first wave of euphoria washed thru my mind. The wonderful effects of the brownies seemed to begin sooner and sooner.

"I am going to give you a special treat tonight, would you like that?" he asked.

"Oooooooo," I sighed as the waves of euphoria splashed thru my brain with more frequency. "Yes, my darling, I'd love it, my darling husband!"

"It would mean so much to me – it would prove to me once and for all how much you really love me if..."

My breathing became labored. My clitty was throbbing.

"If what, my darling husband?" I sighed thru gulps of air.

"See the platform on the other side of the pool? And the lights and cameras aiming at it?"

"Oooooooooooooo...." was all I could say. The euphoric waves of pleasure in my head were so powerful I was rapidly losing concentration.

I knew what would come next: the overwhelming need to obey the voices I hear in my head.

"You are going to kneel on the platform, and one-by-one, you will suck-off all of the men here – AND, you will suck their cocks as many times as they want...the best part is though, it will all be captured on our wedding video...and we will show the video at all of our dinner parties! Won't that be wonderful, Sissy?"


I heard the sliding door open. The guests all seemed to stop talking at the same time.

He said, "Your 'darling husband' will go first - get on your knees, take out my cock and suck me off - , you little Sissy!"

"Ohhhhhhh-yessssssssssssssssss...thank you, my darling husband!"

My only concern while I was sucking my darling husbands cock in front of all of our guests was that I would prematurely shoot my load inside my panties before he climaxed.

No, I had another plan in mind!


I decided to bring Bradley to climax slowly. I wanted, no, needed, all of my ex-employees to believe he had truly converted me into a mindless and obedient, sissy-sex-slave.

I made a great show of kissing and licking his entire manly pole of flesh until it was glistening wet in the glare of the light above the sliding door.

When I heard Jimmy shout from the pool area "C'mon you little sissy, what are you waiting for - suck his cock!" I inwardly smiled and wet my lips and slid them over his velvety glans. I slowly moved my head back and forth over his hot flesh drawing as many inches as possible of his manhood into my mouth.

I decided I would somehow come up with a plan to get Bradley to teach me how to overcome my strong gag reflex so I could deep-throat not only his cock, but all the cocks I knew he would order me to suck in the future.

As I settled into a slow, languorous sucking of Bradley's wonderful cock, I had to fight back the tears of joy I felt welling in my eyes.

I am the luckiest man alive. Not many men get a second chance at life and I will take full advantage of mine.

I have been a very bad man far too long. I believe submitting to extreme degradation is my only path to salvation and redemption for the horrible acts I committed with countless number of boys for so many years. I will eagerly obey Bradley's orders and perform every humiliating act of indecency and perversion he desires of me.

My only hope is he doesn't tire of my submissive acceptance of his subjugation of me any time soon. I truly do love him and want to serve him for as long as he is interested in me.

His indifference would break my heart.

I vowed to myself weeks ago I would allow Bradley to shape me into whatever type of faggot he deemed I deserved to be.

I did my finest acting the night he showed me a pink bra and panty set and told me, "Sweetie, from now on you are going to wear women's underwear and you will love it!"

He didn't have to add "...and you will love it" - I had fantasized for years a strong man would force me into feminine undies and make me his sissy. I longed for the old days of being a total bottom.

I find no joy in being the boss. I hate ordering men and boys to do my bidding in both my business and personal lives. It is unnatural. I was born to obey and serve them, not the other way around.

The brownie I ate was giving me a very mellow buzz. They were only slightly stronger than my old cookies, but when I feel the pleasant fog settle in my head I begin to act like the brain-dead, sex-starved-sissy-slut I know Bradley expects from me.

What he doesn't know won't hurt him, and frankly speaking, it gives me the opportunity to be so uninhibited I lose myself in the sex and the most overwhelming orgasms I have ever experienced.

I bob my head back and forth faster. My tongue never leaves his hot flesh. I can feel his egg-shaped balls grow heavier in my small hand. I even make loud slurping noises for the benefit of all those watching me suck his cock.

I wondered if something was wrong. Should I be this happy while being humiliated and degraded before so many people?

I was well aware that Bradley's major had been forensic accounting. He is so smart and sharp I knew it wouldn't take him long to find the discrepancy's in my bookkeeping. My only concern was how would he proceed?

It was a gamble on my part. Would he turn me into the authorities, or devise a more ruthless and sinister payback?

I was lucky he chose the later.

When I finished signing all those papers for Earl the Attorney, it felt as though the weight of the entire world had been lifted from my shoulders.

It was another fine performance on my part. I knew what I was signing. Bradley seized control of not only the dealership, but the house and property, as well.

I am now free to be a good housewife. I will cook my darling husband all his favorite foods; keep the house spotlessly clean; and be a ravenous whore in the bedroom.

I will do my very best to keep him interested, but if he does tire of me, I do have an offshore bank account with enough money to last the rest of my life, but I don't want to think negative thoughts. I want him to use and abuse me for a long, long time.

Bradley began his ritual thrusting in-and-out of my mouth. That was my signal he was less than a minute from climaxing. An idea suddenly came to mind.

What would be more humiliating and demeaning than if Bradley pulls out of my mouth and cums all over my face in front of all these people? AND what if I could manage to shoot my load inside my panties at the same time?

I begin to rotate and grind my hips forcing my little clitty to rub harder against the sensuous material of the panties. Ooooooo, yesssssss....

When Bradley's rapid thrusts suddenly stopped, and I could feel his body tensing, I loosened my lips and slid my mouth from his cock. I stroked it with my hand and aimed it at my face.

The first long rope of his semen and sperm struck my forehead and that was when my own hard prick exploded inside my panties. I methodically targeted my entire face as we both came-and-came-and-came.

When our bodies finally came to rest, my face was covered with his thick and viscous man-cream, and the front of my panties were absolutely drenched.

I dared to look up at my darling husband. There was a quizzical expression in his eyes. He had always deposited his jizz in my mouth – this was new for him.

I said to him, "I suppose you're going to make me wear your cum on my face all night!"

A small grin formed on his mouth. "Not only that, I'm going to encourage the others to cum on your face, at least once tonight!"

I smiled at him and he helped me to stand. He took my hand in his. I never felt so safe and secure and happy.

Suddenly a voice called out: "Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time anywhere, I present to you Mister and Missus Brad Perkins!"

The guests erupted in cheers, applause and a non-stop litany of sissy insults as my darling husband led me to the raised platform. I could only imagine what I looked like with his cum glistening on my face and my pink panties soaking wet.

He held my hand tightly until I was settled onto my knees. He looked down at me and mouthed the words "I love you."

"I love you, too" I said softly up at his handsome face.

When Bradley walked away I saw a line of men had formed behind him.

Jimmy was the first in line. He approached me with a somber expression on his face.

"I used to have so much respect for you...now look at you – you're nothing but a sissy-faggot-bitch...what are you waiting for cunt – take out my cock and suck it!"

His words took my breath away. Even though I had just ejaculated, my little clitty became semi-erect inside my wet pink panties.

"Yes sir," I replied and immediately obeyed his command.

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