Special Fridays

By Libnos

Published on Jul 8, 2006


Waking in the morning after promising I would suck a cock for her I found our bodies still entwined and facing one another. Gently kissing her on the lips I slipped away from her and went into the bathroom, pissed then showered. Coming out of the bathroom later wrapped in a towel I found her watching me from the bed still covered with a sheet.

"Do you still love me?" she asked with a grin.

"You know I do, my love."

"Then why didn't you make love to me before you got up?"

"I had to pee and you were sleeping so sweetly. It did cross my mind though."

"Well, I'm still waiting."

Throwing the towel aside I climbed back into bed and we spent another hour with me making love to her. It seemed a strange reversal of the previous night's activities. However, it seemed so normal. After we were sated we lay back and held one another.

"When are you planning for me to suck another man?" I asked.

"Next Friday." she whispered in my ear as she slipped her tongue inside. "But remember, you won't be sucking another man. You will be a woman, sucking a man."

I jerked at the intrusion in my ear before asking another question.

"Who is it going to be?"

"I have a gay friend I know at work who said he'd be glad to participate."

"You've been planning this for some time then?"

"I'm being as honest about this as I can when I tell you it's been a fantasy of mine for as long as I can remember. I've wanted to seduce a man into sucking a cock. Does that turn you off now?"

"Do you love me?"

"I love you with all my heart." she responded.

"And I love you too. That's why I'm going to do it for you and I'm going to do it for Simone."

"Thank you so much my love." she responded followed by a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Do you think that you will still love me when it's over."

"My love will be unwavering and stronger than ever thinking how you're doing this for me."

"Don't you worry that I may like it and run off with him afterward?" I joked.

"That is a concern but I think you like pussy too much so I'm not worried."

"And you have a very nice one." I added as I slipped my finger into her freshly sucked out pussy.

"Are you ready for another round?" she asked in response.

"It's Saturday. What else do we have to do?"

"We have to pick up Belinda from mom's pretty soon, but I think there's time for a little more action." she said as she crawled down and took my cock in her mouth again. Later, I made slow, sensuous love to her; making sure she knew I was in control now.


Walking over to her mother's condo I said, "When we started this weeks ago you said that you would never humiliate me when you were in control. Isn't sucking another man's cock , if he's gay, a humiliation?"

"Again, you won't be sucking him as a man, you'll be sucking him as a woman. When I suck a man I don't feel humiliated. I just want to pleasure him. You'll be a woman so you'll just be pleasuring him and submitting to him as a woman. Also, Simone will be doing it, so you don't have to worry that I will lose my respect for you as Simon. I think you're far enough into your role as Simone now to accept being a woman, aren't you? "

"I guess in that light you're right. I'm feeling more comfortable being a woman all the time. You are a sneaky seductress." I told her as we stopped and kissed in the bright Saturday morning encouraging a few cat calls from passerbys.

Breaking apart with an embarrassed laugh we continued on our way holding hands and talking.

"Is your gay friend to fuck Simone too?" I asked.

"No, only Andy can do that. It's his way of making sure Simone remains under his control.

"I think I'm finally able to understand where you're coming from and I'm so happy I can make your fantasy come true. Can I ask now why you and you're former husband split?" "Can you wait until after you've given head for an answer?"

"I can wait as long as you want, my darling."

About this time we reached her mom's condo and went in. A small red-headed dynamo squealed, "Mommy!!" and leapt into Anita's arms where she was hugged and kissed.

"Hi, pumpkin. How's my big girl?"

"Fine mommy. Are we going to the beach now?"

"Not now pumpkin. Maybe tomorrow. How would you like to go out for brunch?" Mister Simon is going to take all of us. Aren't you Mister Simon?" she asked turning to me with a wicked smile.

"You bet and grandma is coming too."

"Ray!! We're going to brunch." Belinda hollered as she was put down and raced over to me asking, "What's brunch, Mister Simon?"

Everyone laughed as I picked her up and told her, "Brunch is a meal that we eat between breakfast and lunch so they call it brunch."

"Can we go to McDonald's?"

"Today we're going where grandma wants to go sweetie." I told her putting her down. "This is a thank you for looking after you last night."

Rushing over to Anita's mom she asked, "Where do you want to go grandma?"

"Well, if its my choice I want to go to McDonald's."

"Ray!! We're going to McDonald's."

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at Anita. "Sorry babe."

So off to McDonald's we went and then spent a day together as a family. I felt so good about feeling part of something so wonderful. I know my eyes misted over a few times as I watched Belinda and her mother together and hoped to be a permanent part of them soon.

Later that night after Belinda was put to bed I made love to Anita as Simon again. It wasn't the sex of Friday nights but the coupling of two people deeply in love.


The following Friday evening I arrived at Andy's place early at his request to allow time for me to get dressed appropriately as Simone. Andy wanted me ready when his friend arrived at 8 PM. He slowly shepherded me through the routine of internal cleansing, shaving, dressing and makeup then he donned his strap-on and had me kneel and practice suckling, swallowing and licking his dildo until he was satisfied. When he had finished he reminded me to look up into his eyes while you're doing it. "Guys like to believe you're worshiping them."

"OK, Simone. Are you nervous?"

"Yes, I'm having a hard time breathing."

"Just take some deep breaths and think how nice it will be to be a woman and please a man. Ron is such a nice guy and I'm sure you will like him and enjoy pleasuring him. He went down today and had himself tested so you wouldn't be concerned about STDs."

"I think I'll be glad when it's over. Am I going to have to do it again?"

"We'll talk about it later after you've done it this time. Then you can make a decision based on 'hands-on' experience." he giggled uncharacteristically as a man..

It was getting close to 8 so he went and dressed in his boxers and sweat shirt and we sat on the couch and drank a glass of wine to relax.

Promptly at 8 the doorbell rang and Andy went to answer it. I started to break out in a cold sweat and I felt like my muscles were frozen so I couldn't move.

I heard the door open and voices then Andy came back in the room leading a handsome, young man by the hand. He stood about my height and weight with blond hair and blue eyes. In my role as Simone I felt a real attraction to him.

"Simone, this is Ron Barton." He's your date tonight. Isn't he cute?"

I remained seated on the sofa with my short dress pulled demurely as far down as possible; trying not to hyperventilate. In my best contralto voice with a little quaver I responded to Andy's introduction.

"How do you do, Ron."

"It's nice to meet you Simone. Anita has told me so much about you and it's really intrigued me."

"Ron, why don't you sit next to Simone on the sofa? I 'll get us some drinks. Is wine OK with you?"

"Wine is fine with me, Anita."



"Ron, my name is Andy tonight. Remember?"

"Oh yes. I'm sorry ...Andy."

While we waited for Andy to return Ron turned and told me how happy he was for me and how he fondly remembered how his first time giving another man pleasure had transpired. He had determined at an early age that he liked boys and men more than he did girls. Now he just lived to be with a man, but he was doing Andy a favor by helping me on my first time and make it memorable for me. He explained that he'd never been interested in doing the tranny scene but understood that it could be just as fulfilling as being man-gay.

After another glass of wine I was feeling just a little tipsy but more relaxed and Andy suggested we adjourn to the bedroom. When we got there Ron began to undress and I stood there, undecided for a moment.

"Simone, why don't you just take your dress off so you don't get it wrinkled or dirty." Andy told me so I slipped my dress off and hung it in the closet. When I turned back into the room Ron was standing there naked looking at me. I noticed his large, cut cock was semi hard and his body was as free of hair as mine was.

"You look so sexy Simone." he told me and I knew I blushed as my eyes refused to leave his cock. It was somewhat longer than mine but not as thick. My mind was already trying to determine if Anita would be attracted to him or me. Then I remembered that he was gay and it didn't matter.

"Why don't you give Simone a kiss Ron?" I heard Andy say over the roaring in my ears. I knew I was close to collapsing and was thankful when Ron came to me and took me in his arms. Bringing his lips to mine; gently at first and the more sensually. I clung to him with my arms around his neck as I tried to maintain my role as a woman and then responded wantonly as he thrust his tongue into my mouth.

I was suddenly startled by a flash of light and broke the kiss to turn and look at Andy standing there with his camera.

"Don't get excited sweetheart." he told me. "These are for you as a souvenir to remember this occasion. Ron said he didn't mind."

I nodded and returned to kissing Ron. I noticed now that I felt his cock pressing against my corslet and it excited me to know that he was responding to me. Ron's tongue plunged deep into my mouth again and I eagerly sucked it as my cock strained in its confinement. His chest pressed against the bodice of the corslet and my breast enhancers making the sensation there feel very feminine. My training with Andy began to take hold and as I pressed my crotch against Ron's hard-on, it was as a woman.

My hand slipped down between us and I took hold of the first cock that wasn't my own. It felt so warm, silky and hard as I began to run my hand up and down it. The precum that was oozing out of the large purple head was aiding my efforts.

Ron broke our kiss and whispered in my ear, "Don't make me cum yet Simone. We need to save it." I stopped movement of my hand but couldn't force myself to release it. It felt so erotic and sensual to hold it and pleasure him. I heard Andy in the back ground as more light flashes announced his continued picture taking activities.

"Why don't you get on your knees Simone?" he was asking.

I felt Ron's hands on my shoulders and I sank to my knees without further urging still tightly grasping his cock. When I was suddenly confronted with the large purple head it was almost reflexive to open my mouth and take it inside; being careful to not touch it with my teeth. I felt the glans slide over my lips and tongue. It felt like the dildo but warmer and alive. Andy's lessons were paying off again as I gripped the shaft above my fist with my lips and ran my tongue around the head and through the precum. Ron groaned and I felt a thrill of accomplishment in my groin as I looked up into his heavy lidded eyes. His hands found their way to my head pressing in slightly to encourage my submission.

The flashes of light from Andy's camera continued to punctuate the semi darkened bedroom while I began to rock my head back and forth as I worked my tongue under the head. This solicited more groans from Ron and I lost eye contact with him as he threw his head back in the ecstacy of his response.

"You're doing great Simone." I heard Andy tell me. "When you swallow his cum you'll be a woman. Take him deep Simone, like we practiced."

Removing my hand from the shaft I moved the head to the entrance to my throat and prepared to swallow. I was glad the girth of his cock wasn't any bigger than my practice dildo as I gulped and the head entered my throat. Another swallow and my lips were pressed into the hairless base of his cock. What a feeling of accomplishment as I felt it suddenly swell in my throat and begin to pump cum into my stomach. I wanted to taste it so I brought the head back into my mouth and allowed the final spurts to settle on my tongue.

As his cock began to soften he withdrew it from my mouth and I kissed the head before swallowing his cum. It left a pleasant salty taste in my mouth and a feeling of accomplishment in my still active libido. I turned and smiled at Andy.

"Oh, my dearest!" he exclaimed. "That was so wonderful. My cock was so hard watching you. You're really going to be fucked tonight."

"Thank you my darling. I'm glad I could please you."

"Why don't we rest a few minutes and then Simone can work to get you hard again Ron. That will be good training for her." Andy told us.

We collapsed on the bed and Andy gave me a passionate kiss; sending her tongue deep past my cum coated lips.

"Oh Simone, you turned me on so much. I'm going to fuck the hell out of you later."

After resting I rolled over between Ron's legs and resumed kissing and suckling his soft cock. It wasn't long before I had him starting to get hard again but it took much longer to take his second load in my mouth. I believe Andy was very pleased when I finished. I knew she had been taking more pictures.

"That was wonderful Simone. Did you enjoy it?"

"I think I did knowing it gave you pleasure. But I think I enjoyed pleasuring Ron too."

Ron started dressing as we talked and in a few moments he was ready to leave.

"Thanks ever so much, Ron." Andy told him. "I'll see you at work Monday"

"It was my pleasure, Andy and thank you very much Simone. You make a lovely girl and you give awesome head. Maybe we could do it again sometime."

"Thank you, Ron. I'll have to think about a next time but I enjoyed it very much. It was so sensual."

Andy took Ron to the door as I put my dress back on. Ron's cum left a slick coating in my mouth as a souvenir of our brief tryst. When Andy came back he took me by the hand to the living room where we sat next to one another on the sofa..

"Let's talk, Simone. First, give me a kiss."

I gladly let him take me in his arms and we kissed gently but with passion. My libido was still running high as was his.

"Now." he began. "I want to tell you how much I love you for doing that for me."

He kissed me again.

"It's time for me to tell you why my previous spouse and I split up. We were young and relatively new to sex, although we weren't virgins. My desire for control was a latent fetish that I hadn't discovered yet so neither of us were aware of it. I found out about it the first time when I got on top during one of our early sessions and really got turned on my it. I wanted to fuck the hell out of him. He went along with it in subsequent sessions until I wanted to start dressing him in women's underwear. He really balked at that and we discovered he did not have a strong feminine side and really didn't want to submit. About that time I discovered I was pregnant with Belinda. I was really getting frustrated in our couplings and knew I couldn't overcome my fetish. Eventually I caught him with another woman who enjoyed submitting and we broke up. That's the story."

"So, what attracted you to me?"

"Your honesty, dedication to faithfulness and I felt you had a fairly strong feminine side. I decided early on in our relationship however, that I would only request control once a week so it wouldn't put too much pressure on you."

"I guessed it was something like that. So now where do we go. Do you want me to do that again?"

"It's not necessary. Did you like it?"

"I'm not sure. As Simone, it wasn't as repulsive as I thought."

"Well, we'll just see how it all works out. Now I have a question for you." "What is it?"

Slipping to one knee in front of me, Andy asked, "Will you be my wife, Simone?"

I was momentarily stunned then the realization of what he was asking struck me.

"Oh, my darling. Yes, I will be your wife."

I bent down and kissed him gently on the lips. He took my left hand and slipped a small band with a single diamond onto my ring finger.

"We are officially engaged, my dearest. Now come back into the bedroom and I will fuck you until you're too sore to stand. Tomorrow you can ask me to be your wife and we can go out and pick up my engagement ring."

"All right, my darling. Tomorrow I will ask you to be my wife. However, we don't have to pick out a ring as I already have it."

She gasped and said, "Oh Simon! Can I see it now?"

I laughed, "I don't have it with me. You'll have to wait until tomorrow."

She blushed and responded, "You sweet darling. Get on your back. I'm going to fuck you now. You're getting too bold."

"I laughed again, got on my back and pulled up my knees as he put on his strap on.

"Hurry, my darling. I need you."


The next morning I awoke with my arms and legs wrapped around her. The strap on was gone but she was still laying on me. A movement must have awakened her because her eyes blinked open and she was staring into mine. I kissed her gently on her lips as I felt my morning woody grow between our bodies. She smiled as I flipped her over, slipped between her legs and then my cock slipped into her warm and slippery cunt.

"You horny bastard. Don't you ever get enough?" she whispered.

"Not of you my, darling." as I began to fuck her in earnest.

Soon we were both gasping and moaning as my hips slammed down against her and the bed rocked back in forth in time with my thrusts. All too soon, in spite of trying to hold back to wait for her, I felt the buildup of the ecstacy and the rush of cum as I emptied myself into her.

As my cock softened and slipped from her cunt I looked down and saw her scowling at me.

"You didn't wait for me."

"I'm sorry. My lust for you got the best of me."

"You're going to have to be punished you know."


"You're going to have to get me off now."

I tentatively started to move my hand down over her belly toward her crotch.

"Not that way." she admonished.

Realization was slow to come but when it came I looked at her. I'd done it before, but it was hard to get started sometimes when your libido was at zero ebb.

"With your tongue. Hurry and get at it now."

When I slid down and saw her cunt wide open and my cum coating her lips and oozing down. I stared at it for a moment, trying to recover some libido but it was her voice than finally revived it.

"You know you want to please me. You want to lick up your cum."

And suddenly, I did, and attacked her cunt with gentle vigor; sucking and licking away my residue while her moans sounded in my ear.

Placing my nose on her clit I continued to probe her depths with my tongue. I was quickly rewarded when her hips began to thrust up against me. When my tongue finally pressed deep and found a G spot her hands grasped my head and pressed me into her as her body stiffened in her ride to glorious ecstacy.

"OOOooooooo!!!" Her cry of release filled the room and her body slowly relaxed as the moment of her sexual release passed.

She opened her eyes and looked down at me.

"Are you sorry now you came without waiting for me?" she asked.

"No, my darling. That was more of a reward than a punishment."

"You're incorrigible. Let's get a shower and then you have to leave."

"How long do I have to wait before the wedding? I hate leaving you."

"Maybe a couple of weeks or so. I want to get married in a church because I want a spiritual bonding for our wedding so I need time to make the arrangements. I want a small wedding and I would like to make our vows in front of my mom and your parents. And, of course, Belinda. Your folks live quite a ways away so they need time to get here."

"That's the way I want it too. I just want to marry you so you can't get away from me."

She kissed the end of my cum covered nose and pulled me into the shower. Afterward, we had breakfast and then headed over to pick up Belinda.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 5

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