Special Fridays

By Libnos

Published on Jul 3, 2006



By Libnos

The sight of the flashing red and blue lights in my rear view mirror caused me to look quickly at my speedometer. Shit! I was doing 45 in a 30 mile zone. Damn it! I'd just forgotten where I was momentarily and the foot on the accelerator pushed down a little too much. I was caught. Pulling over to the side of the street I made sure my seat belt was on and rolled down the window. While I was waiting for the officer to arrive I reached in the glove compartment and got out the vehicle registration. The officer arrived as I was fumbling with my wallet trying to extricate my driver's license.

"May I see your drivers license and car registration, sir?" she said.

She? A female officer? I smiled at her as I handed over the requested items.

"I'm guilty officer. No excuses."

"What, no excuses sir? You're not making my day." she said with a smile as she took my information and headed back to her patrol car. After checking for wants and warrants she was back and started writing the ticket. I looked at her and thought, Not bad looking, nice shape. Must be married. But no, there was no ring on her left hand. Looks about my age. Promising.

I'm single and my name is Simon Dickson. I'm 28, work as a civil engineer for a consulting firm which allows me to travel and get out into the outdoors quite a bit. I'm not a big guy, 5' 7" and weigh in at 150 but I stay in shape with tennis and bike riding. I'm not bad looking either and have had my share of dates and relationships but at the present time I was not committed to anyone. I was still looking though.

After she handed me the ticket to sign I glanced at her name on the form. Cpl. Anita Gomez. Signing it, I handed it back to her and she handed me my license and registration with my copy. I thought I'd see whether she was interested in getting to know one another.

"Officer, I know this might not be appropriate at the present time but I would like to invite you to a drink or dinner. How do I go about doing that if you leave now and we never meet again?"

She thought for a minute. Obviously, I surprised her.

"Well sir, I get off duty at 5 o'clock and usually stop and have a drink with a few of the guys at McGuire's on Elm street. If you were there after I was off duty, we might discuss our options then."

"I know the place Officer Gomez. I'll be there."

She gave me a brilliant smile, turned and went back to her patrol car without further comment. It's funny but her forthright and decisive personality seemed to stir up something in my groin.


I arrived at McGuire's at 5:10 and found her at a table with several other officers.

I went to the bar and ordered a draft beer. She saw me there and got up and came over to me.

"Hi, I really didn't think you'd show up."

"You intrigue me. I want to know why a good looking woman like you isn't married with six kids." I laughed.

"Maybe I've got the kids and maybe you don't want to know why I don't have a husband."

"Now you've got me really intrigued. Can we go to dinner and find out about one another?"

"Sure, but I've got to go home to take a shower and change. How about if we meet at Ruby Tuesdays in an hour and a half?"

"Sounds good to me. See you then." We walked out to our cars chatting together and I was impressed again at how she carried herself with authority, even while she walked. She stood about 5'6'' and I estimated she weighed about 125 lbs without her gun and other equipment she carried. That tingling in my groin was back again. We waved goodbye and took off to our respective homes. I wanted to shower and change too.

Later, I was waiting at a table at Ruby Tuesday and I almost missed her when she came in. Instead of her hair being tied back as she had it on duty, it now fell softly to her shoulders and with makeup on, she was an entirely different person. The dress she wore stopped just above her knees, showing off her legs to perfection. The snug bodice accentuated a respectable pair of breasts and a nice curve to her hips and ass. I thought, so much for the physical attributes.

Coming up to the table she slid onto the bench seat across from me as I got up to welcome her. I had to express my admiration for her changed appearance.

"You look terrific. Do you mind if I pat myself on the back for knowing how to pick them?"

"No. Go right ahead." she responded with a blush. "You clean up pretty well yourself."

"I believe we have a mutual admiration society and a very good start to a new friendship."

"Before we get too involved in our "new friendship," she told me, "We have to get to know the real us. I'll start if you don't mind."

"OK, but can we get our drinks first and then have show and tell."

"That sounds like a good idea."

Before I had a chance she had signaled the waitress over. Wow, I thought. This is a take charge woman. My groin was tingling again. What was going on?.

She ordered a draft of domestic beer and I followed suit. While we waited for our drinks we chatted about the weather and the local political scene. After our drinks arrived she took a healthy swallow of her beer and then started to tell me about herself. I sipped mine while I listened.

"You made a comment before about me not being married and having kids so I'll start there. If we're going to have some sort of relationship I want to be totally open and I expect the same courtesy from you. I'm 27 years old and I've been married once before. We divorced because we found we were incompatible. I have a child from that marriage. My daughter is 4 years old and the love of my life right now.

"I am searching for my soul mate; someone to help raise a child or children. The person who I'd like to spend the rest of my life with. Someone who respects and trusts me implicitly and is faithful to me. I will love that person and cherish him to the end of my life and beyond. I will not betray that person, disrespect, humiliate him or hurt him. I should warn you that I'm a controlling type and have a few kinks regarding sex. The one I'm looking for must be able to go along with me on that. As I said, however, I will not disrespect or harm my partner in any way. Simon, I hope you are person I'm looking for but I'm prepared to continue my search if you are not."

Wow!! My mind was in chaos momentarily. I took a swallow of my beer before I responded. We looked into one another's eyes as I spoke.

"Anita, that was as forthright and as succinct a testimony as I have ever heard. You blow me away. I think I've been looking for you all my life and I agree with you a hundred percent on your criteria for fidelity, respect and trust in a relationship. I like the words "love" and "cherish" too because that's what I'm looking for. Someone to love and cherish and grow old together."

"As you know from my driver's license, I'm 28 years old but I've never been married. I've dated and had relationships with other women but none of them have impressed me as much as you have. I'm on the verge of asking you to marry me right now, but I guess the sensible thing to do is wait awhile longer to see how this pans out and to find out why you and your ex were incompatible. It does not bother me that you've been married before or have a child. I would like to share some of that love you have for your daughter. I must admit that the thought of giving you control during sex arouses me but there are many variables that have to be addressed before I can make a commitment in that regard. I would like to propose that we proceed slowly and see what sort of relationship develops."

"We're in agreement then." she laughed and raised her glass to mine. We touched glasses and then took a hefty swallow. The first step in our relationship had been taken.

"I will admit however, to being a little puzzled as to why a good looking woman like you doesn't have a million guys banging on her door."

"I guess I'm very selective and maybe the men I meet aren't enamored of my dominant side. Most men like their women soft and feminine. I think I'm feminine but I couldn't hold down my job if I were soft."

At that moment the waitress came and delivered our food order so we dug in. As we ate we Talked about our likes and dislikes. We both liked non lite beer and country western music and were both into physical fitness. We both disliked getting drunk, phony politicians and publicity seeking Hollywood celebrities. I knew that the more I got to know her the surer I would be that this was the woman I'd been looking for. I was starting to get aroused at the possibilities.


After dinner she asked if I would like to meet her mother and her daughter, Belinda. I told her I'd be delighted to do that and she told me to follow her in my car. We ended in a condo complex in the suburbs. After parking I followed her to a lower unit situated near the community swimming pool. She took a key from her pocket, inserted it in the lock and opened the door. A small red headed rocket screamed across the floor and jumped into Anita's arms.

"Mommy, you're back."

"I'm back pumpkin and I brought you somebody I want you to meet."

A red headed little face with big blue eyes looked over Anita's shoulder at me for the first time. I was smitten.

"This is Mr. Simon, pumpkin. Say hello to him."

"Hello Mr. Simon. Are you going to marry my mommy?"

"Hi Belinda. Yes, I'm going to marry your mommy just as soon as she asks me."

Anita gave me a funny look and then turned and introduced me to an attractive elderly woman sitting in a chair in front of the TV.

"Mom, this is Simon Dickson. Simon, this is my mother, Fran Bellows."

How do you do Mrs. Bellows?"

"Fran, Simon. Call me Fran. You must be one special guy. My daughter doesn't usually bring her dates to meet me or Belinda."

"Why thank you Fran. I can see where your daughter gets her good looks."

"All right you two. Knock off the BS. C'mon pumpkin. Pick up your toys and put them away and we'll head for home."

Within a few minutes we said our good byes and headed to Anita's place which turned out to be a condo over on the other side of the complex. After reparking our cars Anita picked up Belinda and carried her to her unit and we entered.

Her home was tastefully decorated and neat. Somehow, I was expecting it to be just that and I wasn't disappointed.

"Make yourself at home Simon. You'll find beer in the fridge. I'll get my little friend ready for bed."

I went into the kitchen and got a beer and then went back into the living room. Sitting on the couch I could hear Belinda and Anita talking in the bedroom.

"Do you like Mr. Simon, mommy?"

"We just met but he seems like a very nice man."

"Are you going to ask him to marry you?"

She laughed, "It's a little early for that pumpkin. Before you marry anyone you want to make sure that you can get along OK. Marriage is forever, you know."

"Well, I like him so far."

That's good pumpkin. Now get your jammies on and you can go and say goodnight to Mr. Simon."

A few minutes later a small red headed dynamo was hurtling toward me and climbing on my lap;

"Can you kiss me goodnight?"

"I sure can sweetie."

Taking her in my arms I smelled her sweet goodness and felt her lively body against me. My heart melted as I kissed her on the cheek. Anita watched from the doorway with a smile on her face as a tear ran down my cheek after Belinda kissed me back.

"If mommy asks you to marry her Mr. Simon, say yes."

"I will, I will." I responded as I reluctantly put her back on the floor.

Anita laughed.

"OK, pumpkin. Time for bed. Say goodnight to Mr. Simon.

"Good night Mr. Simon.

"Good night Belinda. Sleep tight."

She was off in a blur past her mother and down the hall to her bedroom.

"Don't forget your prayers now." I heard her mother call out as she followed up the hall.

Soon I could hear the familiar, "Now I lay me down to sleep .......... and finally ending with ...........and God bless mommie, grandma and Mr. Simon. Amen."

It felt good to be included in a little girl's prayers.

A minute later Anita came back up the hall.

"This is when I can finally relax." she told me as she went to the fridge and got a beer and then joined me on the couch."

"You have a delightful daughter. She makes me think I might be missing something in my life."

"Kids require a lot of work, attention and love." . "Speaking about the love part, do you have any left over?"

"For the right guy I would. Are you applying for some of it?"

"I may be."

"Before you get too serious, I think we need to talk about the criteria for the job again."

"I'm ready. What's required?"

"First of course; there's Belinda." It seems that you and Belinda get along and she likes you. So, you seem to fill the bill on that count. How do you feel about more kids?"

"If you can keep producing kids like Belinda I'd like about six more. But seriously, if we were to marry I would like to see something tangible from our love and it's also something about a person living on in his descendants I guess."

"That's no problem. I know that we've already talked about trust, faithfulness and respect and I know you agreed with me but its something I need to emphasize. If we have problems in that regard we must sit down and talk them out the same as any other problem.. If you were to get aroused by seeing me in the arms of another man I'm telling right now I won't go along with that."

"It sounds like we're on the same wave length so far. I don't think I could stand to see you in the arms of another man or woman for that matter. I would be yours and you would be mine. What else do you have?"

"Now, this last one is a touchy one for most men. I told you I like to be in control during sex. I like to be on top. Do you know what that means?"

"I know it means I'm getting a hard-on right now. In the long run I don't know what my reaction might be but my cock is enjoying the idea right now.," I told her as I pointed to the obvious bulge in my crotch. "I suggest we go slow and see how your desires regarding sex go. We might be totally compatible in that regard but I've never been into that scene before so I can't tell you how far I can let you go. I know you've told me that you would not harm or disrespect your partner in this regard and that seems good enough for now."

"I will not disrespect, harm or humiliate you in any way. My control will only exist in the bedroom and you would be expected to dress a part on occasion. At all other times our relationship will be normal. I'd prefer the kinky part be limited to one night a week."

Leaning toward me she kissed me gently on the lips and then rubbed her hand over my cock through my pants. Our kiss quickly became more passionate as my hand slipped up to her breast.

Breaking our kiss she exclaimed, "No! No! I'm in charge and I'll tell you when and where to use your hands. Now, let's go to bed."

Taking me by the hand she led me down the hall to her bedroom.

"Let me undress you and then you can undress me."

She began by unbuckling my belt and then zipping down my fly. Unbuttoning my pants at the waist she let them drop to the floor where I stepped out of them after kicking off my loafers. She next unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off my shoulders and arms, tossing it on a nearby chair. She knelt down and removed my socks then reached up and pulled down my briefs. My cock immediately sprang forth close to her face and she reached up and took it in her hand. I could only watch, mesmerized, waiting for her next move. Slowly sliding her hand up and down the rigid staff she brought her mouth to the purple head and took it inside and began to suck on it and rubbing her tongue against the underside. This brought me close to cumming almost immediately and then she removed her mouth and stood up; leaving my libido raging.

I groaned as she stood and told me, "Now you can undress me."

With my cock rigidly protruding from my groin I went behind her and unbuttoned her dress with shaky hands. Pulling it off her shoulders I watched as it slithered down her body and puddled at her feet. She stepped away from it and I took it and laid it across the chair. She was wearing thigh high, white stockings held up with a garter belt instead of panty hose together with a white lacy thong and bra. She almost looked surrealistic and very mouth watering. I unclasped her bra and removed it and looked in awe at her perfect rose tipped breasts that stood so proudly from her chest without sagging. I wanted to bend down and kiss them they looked so beautiful but she put her hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me to my knees in front of her.

"Take off my thong, Simon."

My fingers hooked reached for the clasp on the strap over her hip and released it. This allowed me to slide the thong down her lovely legs and she stepped out of them. Her perfectly trimmed pussy was in front of my face with a wetness visible on the lips and a scent that spoke of her arousal.

"Kiss me Simon."

I leaned forward and tenderly kissed her lips through her wispy, pubic hair and then ran my tongue along their wet length. She moaned and I felt happy somehow that I was pleasing her.

"Wait Simon."

She moved over to the bed and lay on it, moving her feet up close to her body and spreading her knees wide.

"Come Simon. Now you can eat me."

I moved over and knelt on the bed with my face between her thighs and brought my face down to resume my worship of her pussy. Her hand came to the back of my head and I looked up at her between the sweet valley of her breasts and saw her looking down at me, smiling. Her hand pressed gently and I buried my face in her crotch and resumed my ministrations of her labia; sliding my tongue inside as far as it would go and then moving it up to her clitty. Her juices flowed across my lips as I suckled them. Her moaning increased and she began to thrust her hips up against my face as her orgasm began.

"OOOOooooooo!!" she moaned softly.

Her hands clutched my hair and pressed down as her thighs tightened on my head. I was almost suffocating but I continued to submit myself to her pleasure. It seemed so right that I do it.

Suddenly, her body stiffened and she held her hips up off the bed as she began to cum.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!!"

I was able to breath again as she came down from her orgasm and her thighs relaxed on my head. She pushed my head away from her now sensitive pussy as I began to lick it again.

"Wait Simon, wait. Oh god, you were good. I haven't cum like that in a long time. Let me rest awhile."

I flopped up beside her as she continued to lie there staring at the ceiling. Moving over I kissed her lightly on the lips with my face covered in her cum. She kissed me lightly back and then began to lick her cum off my face.

Finishing she told me, "I licked my cum off your face because we shouldn't be repulsed by what we want the other to do for us. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand and I agree with you."

"Good! Now I want to fuck you."

Her words about fucking me caused a surge in my cock.

She had me get on my back. My libido was still high and my cock remained rigid as I lay on my back next to her. She rolled over onto me and forced my legs apart allowing her body full access to my vulnerable crotch. I began to realize the submissiveness a woman feels when she spreads her legs for a man and allows him to enter her body.

"Now Simon, I want you to pretend you're the woman and you're taking a big cock in your pussy. I want you to hold off cumming as long as you can. Your answer is `Yes, my darling'. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my darling."


Grabbing my cock she placed it at the entrance of her pussy and inserted the head in her wet channel.

"Feel it going into you, Simone. Feel it begin to fill you up." she said as she slid me slowly deeper and deeper inside her.

I concentrated my whole mental being on my groin and I could imagine being slowly penetrated by her cock. The feeling was so erotic and almost overwhelming.

"Doesn't that feel good, Simone. Your taking my big cock. It's stretching you out and going deep inside you."

She began to pump her hips up and down on my cock and I began to buck my hips back in response. I felt so feminine and submissive.

"How does it feel to be the woman, Simone? Can you feel my cock inside you?"

"OOOOooo!! It feels so good to be fucked. I feel so full."

"I'm going to cum soon Simone. I'm going to empty my balls into you. Do you want that?"

"Oh yes!! Give me your cum. I want your cum!" I gasped as I felt my hips rise to meet a final thrust and our bodies clashed together in a mutual orgasm that seemed to go on forever. The pulsing of my cock was the pulsing of her cock inside me. I could imagine it pumping cum into me.

My arms went around her as we took deep breathes in the glow and crescendo of our coupling.

"That was amazing. I almost felt like a woman and it really turned me on." I finally gasped out. "Did I remember you calling me Simone?"

"Yes, do you mind? My name is Andy by the way."

"No, it seemed appropriate at the time. I've never felt so close to another person before as I feel with you. I've fucked other women before but this was something so much more intimate. I think I'm falling in love with you."

My cock remained hard as we continued to couple and my libido was still high.

"I don't trust men who tell me they love me when their cock is hard." she laughed.

"Maybe you're right. Fuck me again my darling and then I'll tell you."

She giggled.,. "I think I've created a monster here. I'm so glad you have such a strong feminine side."

"Not a monster. Just someone who's feelings have been exploded into a whole new world. That whole world is you. I never thought I could feel this way."

"I'm glad you find this so enjoyable but I think we should wait on making any commitments until we've proceeded on further. I have some additional things to try on you that may make you regret getting involved with me."

"I want to go along with whatever you want to do. I've certainly enjoyed this tonight. Now fuck me again my darling man." I whispered.

"Oh, Simone! I do want to fuck you until your pussy is too sore to do it again.."

As she was saying this I had to chuckle to myself as I felt my previous load and her juices running down my cock. She did fuck me again and then we showered together. Afterward she sent me home, much to my dismay. She told me she didn't want me around in the morning when Belinda got up as she only wanted her to associate my being there in the morning unless we were married. I thought it was a little quirky but I wasn't a responsible parent so I couldn't argue. She invited me over for dinner on Sunday evening before I left which I happily accepted.

Sunday evening was a quiet family affair with her mother, Fran and of course little Belinda. I was enthralled with the little girl and her boundless energy. Later, Anita and I made a date for the following Friday and I drove Fran home when I left.


After the movie on the next Friday we headed back to her place. Belinda was staying at her grandmother's for the night so I could spend the night. I was a little disappointed because I really liked the little girl, but when I thought about spending the night with Anita it seemed like a good trade-off.

I had been on pins and needles since our previous coupling and for most of the time I'd struggled to keep from having an erection thinking about our time together and where she might be taking me. My thinking was that I must have a strong feminine side that I hadn't been aware of and I wanted to explore it further. The trouble was that I didn't know how far I wanted to go.

When we arrived at her place she led me by the hand back to her bedroom.

"Why don't you get undressed while I get myself ready?" she said.

"Yes, my darling."

She smiled at my response and went into Belinda's room while I began to take off my clothes. When I finished I sat on the bed waiting till she returned. My cock was hard in anticipation.

A few minutes later she returned and I was surprised. She had on a pair of white, men's boxer shorts and a woman's sports bra that tended to flatten out and hide her lovely breasts. Her makeup was gone and her hair was tied back severely as though she were on duty.

"What do you think?" she asked.

"I think you look like you have a strong masculine side." I said.

"I do. Does it turn you on?"

"It does for some reason."

I could see her eyeing my erection as though to confirm what I was telling her.

Reaching into a drawer in the bureau she pulled out a pair of lacy pink bikini panties.

"Here, why don't you put these on?"

"I gulped and took them from her. Holding them at arms length as though they were a foreign object I inspected them.

"Go ahead, put them on." she laughed. "They won't bite you. I think you'll look very sexy in them. If you want to be fucked like a girl, you should look like a girl. Maybe you could shave off your body hair for our next date and look really sexy."

"Yes, my darling."

I knew, that if I wanted this relationship to go on I needed to comply with her wishes. Also, the panties served to feed my libido so I took a deep breath and put them on. I thought I looked a little ridiculous with my hairy legs and my hard cock held against my belly above the waist band of the panties.

"Oh, that's precious Simone. We need to get something to keep your penis restrained .sometime."

As soon as we get rid of that nasty looking hair you'll look positively sexy. We'll have to get you a man's thong to keep you in place while you're wearing your panties. Now, let's get on the bed. I need my girl friend's sweet mouth working on my little cock."

A minute later I was on my hands and knees with my head between her thighs sucking on her clit and she was thrashing wildly under me. She came with a roar and a gush of her juices which I eagerly lapped up. Coming down from her orgastic high was slow and punctuated with many sighs.

"You give such great head Simone. I'm so glad this is working out between us. Now, let me kiss your little clitty."

My cock had slipped past the crotch of my panties and was rigidly sticking out from my groin.

"I see your little clitty is ready to go. You are such a bad girl Simone." she told me as she pushed me over on my back and wrapped her lips around it. She began to slowly move her head up and down my shaft and just as I was about to let my cum fly she stopped and lifted her mouth off my cock. I groaned in frustration but then heard her open the drawer on the bed side table. Removing a couple of objects she went back to my cock and began sucking on me again. A few seconds later I felt her finger at my anus and it was covered with something cool and slippery which allowed her finger to slip inside without pain. Then a second finger followed and her two fingers began to massage my prostate. I could feel myself heading to a big orgasm again when she removed her fingers and something else replaced them. Something cold and metallic. I clenched my anal muscles but it continued to slide in until it rested against my prostate. A little click was heard and then what ever was in my ass began an intense vibration which blew the cum right out of my cock. I couldn't stop cumming for several minutes as my hips bucked and heaved in blissful ecstacy.

"Oh, oh, oh !! I squealed as she caught my cum in her mouth.

When I was done she removed the dildo and turned it off then came up and kissed me. Thankfully, my libido was still active and I didn't react in revulsion as she dumped my cum in my mouth. She held me in her grip with her mouth pressed to mine until I swallowed.

"There Simone, every girl likes the taste of her lovers cum. Did you like my cum? Wasn't it sweet and tasty? You swallowed it like a real slut."

"Oh god my darling, you've me so worked up I don't know what I'm doing."

"Now I want to fuck you good like the slut you are. I want to make you my bitch."

Her words inflamed my libido again and I spread my legs wide as she slipped between them and inserted my still hard cock in her pussy. Then she began to thrust her hips up and down on mine as I thrust back; trying to drive myself to my own orgasm. With her breasts pressed against my chest it almost seemed like they were my own and I was sharing them with my lover. Sweat formed between our bodies and I reveled in her juices that poured from her cunt and down my clitty. I was enthralled in a feeling of rapture as I gave myself to her dominance and strength. We both came together in a symphony of colors and sound that had built to a crescendo of feeling and release. She collapsed on me with a sigh of contentment.

"You are going to make a great bitch, Simone. Do you like being my bitch?" she gasped in my ear.

"Oh, my darling Andy. I love being your bitch."

"We need to share what you've given me then.," she said as she brought her body up and straddled my chest.

"Drink this my sweet bitch and you'll pledge yourself to me."

Then she brought her gaping pussy, dripping my cum and her juices to my mouth and settled herself there.

"Suck, Simone. Clean me out. Be my slut bitch."

Even though my libido was low I tentatively began to run my tongue inside her cunt allowing our love juices to flow into my mouth. My libido began to return and I began to eagerly suck and move my tongue into her love canal to retrieve as much as I could.

"That's it you sweet slut, get it all. Be my darling bitch!"

I suckled her cunt until my jaw tired and my lips were raw, then she shifted her position allowing me to tongue her clitoris. Within minutes I drove her into another orgasm and she fell off me. When she had regained herself we went in and had a shower together. Afterward we went back in the bedroom and lay naked on the bed in one another's arms.

"Did you enjoy being my bitch, Simon?," she whispered in my ear.

"More than you can comprehend, my darling." I whispered back.

Her arms tightened around me and I knew we were as one at that moment.

"I'm so glad my dearest one. I'm so glad I found you. You give me such a feeling of fulfillment that I can't begin to express my feelings for you. I know that they will only grow stronger with time."

Exchanging endearments seemed to break a log jam and I responded in kind.

"My darling, I didn't know what I was looking for before but I do now. Don't ever leave me. You fill a void in me that I didn't know I had. Thank you for showing it to me and filling it."

While we were talking and holding our naked bodies against one another, I felt my cock begin to grow hard again. She must have felt it too.

"It seems that your snake is showing signs of revival. Maybe we can get a final round out of it., " she said as she reached down and slipped it back into her wet pussy.

She pulled me on top of her and we began to fuck lovingly and slowly; allowing feelings for each to take us to a mutual ecstacy. When we were done we kissed gently and then she spooned me as we prepared to sleep. No further words seemed to be necessary.


After a leisurely breakfast we went over to her mother's to pick up Belinda. We held hands on the way over. When they went into her mother's condo, her mother looked at us and commented on our obvious happiness.

"You two have the glow of love in your faces. I'm very happy for both of you."

"Thank you mama. Does it show so much?"

"Without a doubt." she laughed.

We both took Belinda by a hand and went back to Anita's condo with Belinda chattering all the way.. We looked like an ordinary couple with our child out for a walk. It gave me such a lift to see people passing and smiling at us as though we all shared a great, happy secret.

Belinda gave us both a good laugh when she asked, "Did you ask Mr. Simon to marry you yet mommy?"

"Not yet, but soon pumpkin." she replied looking at me with a warm smile.

"Are you going to say, yes, Mr. Simon?"

"There is no doubt to that, Belinda." I responded while looking at Anita. "I can't think of anything better than to be your daddy."

Our responses must have made Belinda happy because she began to skip along while gripping our hands tightly. Damn, but I got a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. I was so happy.

When we arrived back at the condo Belinda went into her room to play and we sat on the little patio at the back door having coffee.

"Do you have any plans for today, Simon?"

"I'm at your command, milady."

"I thought we could go on a picnic to the lake. There's a little county park there with picnic tables, swings and things that isn't usually crowded on the weekends. I liked to take my mother since she babysits Belinda and doesn't get a chance to go out much."

"A picnic with you, Belinda and your mother would be fine with me. What can I bring?"

"I'll make the sandwiches and the potato salad. If you could bring some chips and soda I think we'd be all set."

So that day we went on a picnic and I enjoyed myself being with them very much. I realized how empty my life was up until now and knew that I wanted our relationship to proceed with whatever it brought.

After we got Belinda to bed that evening we snuggled on the couch kissing and watching TV. I was giving my heart and soul to this woman and I knew she was reciprocating. It felt so good. We didn't have sex that evening because we both admitted to being a little sore down there and agreed to cool it till the following Friday. She said she needed time with Belinda during the week when she wasn't working. She invited me to dinner for the next day, Sunday, to give me more time with her.

Sunday afternoon I took them all out to dinner at McDonalds; Belinda's choice. We did have a good time though, laughing and talking. We were almost like a family.

When I left them that evening I kissed Anita goodbye after confirming Fridays as our night when she would be in control of our sex. Before leaving Anita asked me if I would refrain from masturbating during the week and repeated her desire to have me shave off my body hair.. She told me a lot of guys did it now and it looked really sexy. Some, she told me, even had it done permanently with lasers. She could tell I was nervous about doing it and I didn't promise anything, but I knew she would be happy if I did it. I knew her happiness would probably be reason enough to do it, but I still had misgivings.


To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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