Special Dorm Delivery

By Frat Boy

Published on Mar 4, 2000


Subject Special Dorm Delivery II

WARNING: This is a fictional story depicting explicit scenes of unsafe homosexual sex between consenting adults. Fictional characters do not get diseases, and the author does not condone such behavior. The characters in the story are not real, and any likeness to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

If you do not wish to read such stories, or are not of the age of majority in your state, or such material is illegal in your state or locality, you must stop reading now.

TITLE: Special Dorm Delivery, Part II (4M, anal, coll, con)

BY: J. Andrew Robertson

Quick summary of previous events:

Part I. After another boring class, Andrew and Will go to Andrew's room that he shares with three of his buddies at Overlook College in New York. While chatting on AIM, Andrew schedules a hot bareback orgy for someone who dreams of getting ganged as a pizza delivery boy for later that evening.

Part II. Andrew and Will have a heavy one-on-one session of hot jock sex that culminates (or should I say cummim'nates?) in a heated exchange of body fluids.

Part III.

And Professor Markus droned on and on and on. "So, what we have learned from the case is that in controversies presenting a conflict between the traditional jurisprudential theory that the common law is to be discovered and not adjudicated by judges or other officers of the law. And Miss Willis, would you please tell the class what the author means by substantive litigational theory?"

In the back of the lecture hall, Matt sat in his seat, next to his buddy and roommate Jay who was slowly dozing off. The two college jocks usually sat up high in the rafters of the class so that their chances of ever getting called on by the dweeb Markus were slim at best. There were well over 70 people in the classroom, and because the professor's eyesight was so bad, he really could see only the nerds who sat in the front of the room and constantly raised their hand to make brownie points with him. "Why did I sign up to take Markus' legal theory when I could have taken pottery instead?" Matt thought to himself, tapping his pen quietly on the wood desk in front of him. "I never would have taken this crap if I thought it was going to be so fucking boring!"

Matt glanced over at the now sleeping face of Jay. His mouth was slightly open, and Matt could see a little spittle begin to work its way out of Jay's mouth. It was also obvious by the stubble on Jay's face that he forgot to shave that morning. Not that Matt cared. In fact, he liked the look that Jay sported when he let his facial hair grow a few days. Jay was the type of kid that needed to shave twice a day. If he didn't, he had a nice five o'clock shadow on his cheeks by the end of the day. Matt thought Jay looked oh-so sexy in that rugged jock way whenever he forgot to run the blade over his face. That, and the boy loved the feeling of his whiskers on his smooth mounds of ass flesh when he allowed Jay to rim him real deep.

Matt let out a gentle, almost unnoticeable sigh while he thought about having sex with Jay. Both jocks had a justified reason to be so sleepy. After all, just two hours ago they were fucking like rabbits on top of the huge bed they and their roommates shared together.

Rough, dirty sex takes a lot out of a man, even in-shape college boys like Jay and Matt. After concluding with their deep anal probing, they even left a present of a partially-used load of cum on the sheets, and Matt hoped that Andy or Steve put the gooey man-slime to good use.

Matt smiled and clenched his sphincter muscle. His asshole flexed tightly around the invading butt plug that Jay had placed in his rectum after they exchanged young college boy sperm earlier that day. Matt knew that it was Andy's plug that he wore all the time, and hoped that his roommate would understand if Matt borrowed it to keep Jay's cum in his ass for the rest of the afternoon. To Matt, nothing was sexier than walking around campus with a little bit of his buddy in him. Surprisingly, however, Matt felt that the plug was slowing coming out of his rear end and badly needed to be re-adjusted. Matt suddenly had an idea. He elbowed his buddy and whispered, "Hey Jay, wake up dude..."

"Uh," Jay's eyes quickly opened, "Oh, sorry, I guess I must have dozed off. This shit is so fucking boring." Jay yawned, and smacked his lips together and looked at his watch. "Thank God there is only 10 minutes left of this shit." His mouth felt dry, like he had been asleep for hours, not just 20 minutes.

Matt's face suddenly became serious and he pursed his lips like an old Catholic nun. "Jay, I think the plug is coming loose. You have to fix it for me?"

Jay looked shocked. "You mean right here... right now?"

"Yeah, if I were to get up when the class bell rings, it would come out and your boy slime and my butt juice would pour out of my ass and make a big stain over everything." Matt said, blinking his eye to Jay, who was quickly becoming very aroused at the thought adjusting Matt's plug in the middle of an ongoing class. What would the other students think? What would happen if the professor saw them? I mean, what do you say to the spectacle of one boy re-adjusting a butt plug in another boy's ass infront of an entire legal theory class? Emily Post sure didn't have a response to that in her etiquette book!

"Fuck `em" Jay thought to himself. "Well we can't have that, can we? Hunch over and let me check your asshole, Matt." Jay said. Matt moved his rear end up on the bench, and leaned forward, tightly grasping the edge of the desk in front of him. The people sitting next to the horny couple began to pay attention to what Matt and Jay were doing. Jay took his right hand and placed it right in the middle of Matt's bubble ass, outside of his jeans, and felt the dislodged butt plug that was slowly being shitted out of Matt's ass. Unbeknownst to Matt, his repeated clenching and squeezing of his anal walls was actually increasing the speed at which the plug was getting expelled from his chute.

Jay loved the feeling of Matt's rear end. Hands down, Matt's ass was his most appealing part of his body. Matt was the type of boy with the ass that just begged to be fucked whenever he walked or bent over. Muscular, but not too hard; round, but not too the point it stuck out; smooth, but with a few, naturally light ass hairs that saved up his natural college stud flavor: Matt's gluteous maximus beckoned all who saw it to take the Nestea plunge in his back door. It didn't matter what type of shorts or pants Matt wore: his ass was not to be silenced in its mission to have its perpetual itch scratched.

Jay stretched the back of Matt's jogging pants that he was wearing, and put his hands on Matt's naked behind.

Jay allowed his index finger to glide down Matt's sweaty and seeded crack until the tip of his finger felt something solid, yet slimy. "I found the plug," Jay whispered into Matt's ear. More onlookers from class were intently staring at the couple from their seats. Matt felt a strange, erotic mixture of humiliation, horniness, and pride at having such a hot stud like Jay tend to the very personal requirements of his needful and somewhat demanding undergraduate asshole.

Imagine the scene: Two ever-horny college studs sitting in the middle of a 70-person class, one adjusting the butt plug of the other. Collectively, the students of the class were losing interest in anything to have to do with legal theory and were engrossed on the public anal escapade of Jay and Matt. Not a single mouth in the room, male or female, was closed. If one listened closely, one could almost hear the sound of the penises beginning to harden in the pants of every guy in the room.

Not surprisingly, only Professor Markus was totally unaware (as usual) of anything occurring in class. He continued with his monotone, oral tirade about substantive legal thought in the post-industrial United States.

Finding the end of the plug, Jay gently began pushing the plug back into Matt's gooey ass. A copious amount of cum oozed out from between the clenched butt plug and Jay swiped it up with his finger and brought it to his mouth, slurping down the sweet man slime from Matt's sphincter bag.

The feeling of the extra-large plug getting re-embedded in his shit chute was quite intense for Matt, and consequentially he let out a loud grown that surprised both himself and Jay, and the now-horny-and-dripping members of the class looking on. Unfortunately, Matt's involuntary groan also attracted the attention of professor Markus.

"What seems to be the problem, Mr. Olson?" Professor Markus asked of the student that just interrupted his never-ending lecture of boring crap. "Would you like to add something to class discussion?"

Many of the other students in the class let out a sigh of relief. Matt was now going to get the professor's full attention for the rest of the class, and they could mentally phase out. Jay smiled at Matt, removing his hand from Matt's asshole and brought his fingers to his face, smelling the hot musky scent of Matt's most private of places with everyone watching. Jay knew that Matt was the king of bullshit, and that his quick thinking would save the day and put Professor Markus back in his place.

"Yeah, sure, I would like to add something to the class discussion," Matt said confidently. "The implied imperative norm of the substantive theory poses an unreconcilable dilemma in the fact that at the same time someone is able to prove it, it is shown to be dispositive." Matt smiled, knowing that Markus was going to eat that intellectual-sounding shit up. Hell, Matt knew what he said didn't actually mean anything, but the great thing about professors is that they never can allow themselves to look stupid. If a professor doesn't understand something they don't think is wrong, they will call whatever you said right and try and take the credit for it at the same time.

The professor's eyes were wide open and his jaw gaped. "Ugh, yes, umm, that is exactly my conclusion as well, Mr. Wilson. I was just about to make that very point.

Thank you for bringing this to the attention of the entire class."

The bell rang and Jay enthusiastically high-fived his buddy. "Way to go smarty-pants. You certainly put that boring fucker in his place!" Matt and Jay grabbed their books and backpacks and walked out of the lecture hall and out the door of the building.

Outside, the setting afternoon sun could be seen just above the peaks of the Adirondacks in the distance. Jay and Matt both smiled, remembering the awesome times they had when they camped in the Green Mountains during their freshman orientation retreat, the trip where they first met each other, Andy and Steve for the first time. But that is another story.

Matt and Jay made their way across the green quad between the old, stately ivy colored buildings of Overlook College. The college's campus had a look that matched its excellent reputation. Recently, it was voted one of the most beautiful campuses in the country by a national magazine.

The only thing that looked better than the buildings at Overlook were the boys who lived in those buildings. Matt and Jay were no exception. Both studs considered themselves thin, but not too thin. Both of their bodies were defined because they were both members of the Crew team and Matt played soccer and Jay played lacrosse with Andrew. Besides sports, they enjoyed going to the gym each day. Working out had its benefits -- that awesome feeling you get after hard physical exertion, and more importantly, the winding down activities that all guys know happens in the locker room after a tiring work out.

Matt wrapped his right arm around his buddy grasping his shoulder. "You know Jay, it really has been a great year so far. When I entered college, I never thought that it was going to be this cool."

"Yeah, me too. Hey look, it is Steve going into the library." Jay pointed his finger to a figure walking in the distance. "Let's go and ask him what is up tonight."

Matt and Jay sprinted quickly over to the khaki-, sweater-, and cap-clad college student on his way to the library. "Hey Stevie, what is up?" Matt asked.

"Not anything too good. I have a massive project to do tonight for my sociology class. Can't believe the fucking professor is having this due on a Saturday morning. What a way to ruin a Friday night! I guess I am going to miss dinner with you guys, but I will probably order pizza later tonight. It sucks so bad because I think Andy has some big shindig planned for tonight." Steve said.

All three boys smiled approvingly, knowing exactly what the word "shindig" actually meant.

Steve continued, "I just hope I can get this fucking paper done and come back to the room and join in. I have a huge fucking load that I have to drop really soon." Steve frowned. "Sorry dudes, but I gotta go. Have a great afternoon men!" He scooted up the library steps and grudgingly entered the building.

"Hey dude," Jay said to Matt, "Let's go to the room and find out what is going on for tonight. If I know Andy, I know that we are going to do some probing tonight!"

Part IV.

Matt and Jay entered their two-room quad they shared with Andy and Steve. The common room was a fucking mess. Pizza boxes and cigarette butts were stomped into the wooden floor. Clothes were tossed everywhere. The smell of stale beer and ass hung intoxicatingly in the room. Jay turned to Matt and wrinkled his nose. He said, "Dude, our parents will be up visiting next weekend, and we have to make sure that the room does not smell like THIS. They will know that something is up big time, and my father will have my ass!"

"Well, something is up big time. In fact, I never think it goes down. And tell your father that he will have to fight me for your ass if he ever finds out about you!" Matt said, smirking and looking at his swelling crotch.

Jay opened his top left drawer in his desk and took out his pot pipe. The thought of either one of his parents finding out about his homosexuality was the cause of real anxiety to Jay. Jay's older brother, Jonathan, made the mistake of coming out to his fundamentalist parents, and they responded by throwing him out of the house. At the time, Jay was a freshman in high school, and was just beginning to have doubts about his own sexuality. After Jon was thrown out, Jay kept in touch with him -- he loved him more than anyone else in the world. Although Jon was okay now, Jon lost everything at the time: his college tuition money, his apartment he lived in, his parents. Although Jay would never admit it to anyone, Jon confided in him that he became a prostitute for a short time in order to support himself. The thought of his older brother having to sell his beautiful body to other men just to keep himself in school caused Jay's temper to boil.

Although Jay never would or could forgive his intolerant parents for treating his brother like that, he used Jon as a reason to stay in the closet to his family, at least until he was out of college. Then he would give his parents the surprise that they would never forget: that the family name would not be passed on to another generation. God, he was looking forward to that moment. "Serves those fuckers right," he thought.

All this thinking got Jay upset and worried. Shaking his fist, he desperately wanted the release that only a good high could provide. "Man, I don't know about you, but I could go for getting stoned right now." Jay waved the well-used pot pipe infront of Matt's face. "Wanna join me?" Jay asked.

"Sure thing, let me get my stash." Matt reached in his bottom drawer and pulled out a sandwich bag filled up with a good half ounce of wacky weed. "I smoked some of this shit last night and it blew me out of my fucking mind." Matt tossed the bag over to Jay who looked at the bag seductively, craving a huge hit.

"Let's get comfortable first though, I am sure you don't mind." Jay said. Jay unbuckled his jeans and took off his shirt and sneakers and threw the clothes in the corner where Andy and Will's sneakers were. Jay loved his jock body and looked to any excuse to get into as little clothing as possible. Seeing Jay's hairy, sexy chest, Matt took Jay's advice and quickly took off his clothes, leaving on only his bright blue, and ever-so-tight CK briefs. Matt loved the feeling of tight briefs on his package for a number of reasons, most notably that tight underwear left nothing to the imagination. Jay looked at Matt bend over to remove his socks and noticed a lump of something poking out at the fabric of the underwear. "Wow, I can't believe that the butt plug has stayed in all afternoon." Jay said.

"I can't either, I just love the feeling though. I think I am going to keep it in me for a little while longer." Matt said, reaching into the back of his shorts, thumbing at the tip of black colored plug.

"Time to head to the clouds," Jay said with a grin, holding the pipe and stash in his hands.

"Sure fucking thing, dude." Matt said, smiling at Jay.

Both sat down in their underwear on their 70s era yellow velvet couch, each boy placing their naked-but-hairy legs up on the couch's cushions, allowing their feet to massage the other boy's jock mound. Matt looked at Jay's naked foot rubbing against his package. He thought it looked so beautiful pressed up against the sky-blue fabric of his briefs. Slowly, he brought his nose down to Jay's foot, and inhaled deeply his sweet foot scent. "I could get high just off the smell of Jay's hot foot." Matt thought. He inserted Jay's toe in his mouth, and lightly began sucking.

On the other side of the couch, Jay was engrossed in another naughty activity. Although he loved the feeling of Matt's toe sucking, he loved the idea of getting high better -- especially after thinking about his family back home. Opening the sandwich bag, Jay was pinching the pot leaves and plugging it into the bowl of the pipe. "Be careful with this shit," Jay said, almost instructing Matt on the appropriate way to pack a bowl. "You have to make sure you don't smoke any of the seeds `cause they cause impotence."

"Shit dude, that is just an old wives tale meant to scare kids away from smoking pot." Matt said, taking a moment from sucking Jay's big toe.

"Maybe, but I sure don't want to take that chance!" Jay lit the bowl and inhaled deeply, allowing his lungs to absorb as much of the magic smoke as possible. "Here man, take a hit." Jay said as he passed the bowl to Matt trying to allow as little of the smoke escape from his lungs as possible.

"Cool, thanks dude for packing this." Matt said and took the lighter and the pipe from Jay. Jay grinned to himself, knowing that wouldn't be the last of the "packing" any of the boys did that day.

Suddenly, without saying anything out of fear of letting any of the smoke out of his bursting lungs, Jay snapped his fingers and motioned with his hand for Matt to lie on top of him. Matt hovered over Jay, and Jay quickly locked his lips over Matt's and exhaled his pot smoke directly into his buddies mouth. In turn, Matt inhaled as deep as he could and took in all of Jay's smoke directly from his lungs.

"Hold... , , onto it... as... long as you can, ... buddy." Jay said to Matt, his throat rough and raw from the harsh cannabis smoke. Jay fell back, his head bouncing on the couch's golden velvet cushions, and immediately felt the strong buzz from Matt's stash beginning to take effect.

After about 30 seconds, Matt let his breath go and watched the crystal smoke rise up to the ceiling. "Dude, that was fucking powerful. Whatta fucking hit!" Matt said.

Jay smiled and said, "No reason to let any smoke go to waste, is there? Now, try it with me."

The two underwear clad jocks continued to exchange smoke with each other until they went through four stuffed bowls between each other. Matt was amazed at the effect of the high... not only was his mind at ease, but his cock was itching for some serious attention.

Higher than two planes colliding in the sky, the two boys began to fondle each other in ways only college fuck buddies know how. Clad only in his white boxer briefs, Jay's jock pouch began to wiggle instinctively at the stimulation Matt's hands were giving to his package.

The feeling of hot college flesh on college flesh, nipple to nipple, jock to jock, heat on heat: It was almost too much for both boys. Matt noticed Jay's mound beginning to swell and started to massage his own basket into Jay's jock. The fabric rubbing against each other's cocks were making both boys really hard. Pre-cum drooling from their piss slits was being absorbed into the white and blue fabric, respectively, forming damp spots on the front of each of the boy's baskets. Jay reached up and massaged the right side of Matt's tight buttocks with his hands, pushing his ass muscles against the butt plug in his ass. As the nob of the plug rubbed against his pleasure button, Matt deposited more pre-cum into his now-soaking brief pouch.

Continuing to push Jay's jock pouch against his own, Matt said, "Oh man, I love you so much, I am so lucky to have a buddy like you as one of my roomies." He locked his lips over Jay's and embraced him passionately, all the while sticking his tongue deeply into Jay's open and hot mouth. Matt felt the abrasive whiskers on Jay's face brush up against the smoothness of his own lips. Jay responded by slithering his tongue against that of Matt's. It is funny, Matt thought, that a person's tongue really can have a different texture and shape than that of your own. Jay's tongue was rough and manly, like the rest of him. In the opinion of Matt and his other roommates, this made Jay's tongue the most awesome thing in the world to sit on whenever possible. Powerful and abrasive in texture, it could dig its way deep into just about any hole.

Matt started trailing his tongue down to Jay's hairy chest. Matt nibbled at Jay's nipples and Jay let out a moan as he felt Matt's pearly whites nudge into his now erect tits. Matt moved over and stuck his nose in Jay's armpits and inhaled deeply, loving the scent of afternoon college boy pits. Jay raised his hand, allowing Matt deeper access to the hairy jungle under his arms.

While Matt continued to lick at Jay's underarms, Jay began pinching Matt's tits and ass. The two began to get sweaty, grinding into each other in an attempt to satisfy that natural hunger to be as close to one another, as buddies, roomies, and lovers, as physically possible.

Feeling the dampness from all the absorbed pre-cum between them, as well as the powerful weed knocking their brains in to a pleasant oblivion, the college studs knew that they were not going to last long. "Dude, we really shouldn't do this here... anyone can walk right in and see what's happening. Let's go to the bed room and finish this afternoon off right." Matt said.

Matt got up off of Jay and Jay followed Matt into the back bedroom, his hands on the elastic of Matt's underwear. They opened the door

"Well, well, well... what do we have here?" Matt asked.


Matt and Jay stood at the doorway, still dressed only in their underwear, looking at the two very-sweaty bodies of Andrew and William on the bed, entwined in each other's arms. Will had Andy's wet jockstrap on his forehead, and was snoring rather loudly.

Looking at the sight of Andrew, Jay said, "Jesus, does Andy have a sock shoved up his? Must have been leaking something fierce!"

"Certainly looks that way to me," Matt nodded. "I guess he used that instead of his plug." Matt again flexed the plug in his ass with his anal sphincter, savoring that "full" feeling it was giving him. "I think we should make it up to the both of them for borrowing his plug."

"Agreed, but let's make it a surprise." Jay said. Silently, the two boys crept over to the bed, careful not to wake either Andy or Will from their afternoon slumber.

Jay stood over the sleeping frame of Will and dropped his boxer briefs to the dirty floor. Jay bent down to look between Will's legs. Will's legs were naturally very smooth, in Jay's opinion, they looked sort of like the legs on a Ken doll. The similarity to Ken, however, dissipated when you looked at Will's hung cock and dangling Canadian balls.

Jay lifted up Will's testicle sac that hung down and blocked the view of his delicate rose. Looking closely at Will's pink asshole, Jay noticed that it certainly didn't look freshly-fucked. It was closed, rather dry looking, without any "petal damage," as Jay liked to call it. Jay leaned over further and inhaled deeply over Will's crotch. Smelling that familiar scent of Andrew's ass, Jay knew that Will played the superior role in his last coupling. "Hey buddy," Jay whispered to Matt, "I need some lube for my cock... Andy failed to open Will up for me." He reached his hand over to where Matt was standing and asked, "Wanna gimmee some?"

Matt knew exactly what to do. Sticking his thumb around the elastic of his tight blue briefs, he slipped them off and reached behind and pulled out Andy's black, shiny butt plug out of his ass. The plastic invader coming out of his hole made a wet slurping sound. Matt then placed his hand at his now easily accessible back door oven, and moved his bowels slightly, which allowed the accumulated ejaculate to seep into his cupped hands. He handed the creamy helping over to his buddy Jay. "That should make your cock go in real easy."

Jay took the body-warmed spooge that was baked in Matt's ass for about three hours and slimed his now hard pole with it. "Gotta grease this up so that Will can take it." Jay grunted. He slowly pulled Will's bare legs off the bed, careful not to wake him, and placed Will's calves on his shoulder. This allowed the tip of his hard cock to align exactly with the Will's closed rosebud. "And some people say that a guy's ass is only an `out' hole!" Jay thought to himself, picturing his close-minded family in his head.

"Time to wake up, Willy." Jay said teasingly, as he hunched forward and jammed his cock the entire way into Will's unprepared asshole.

Will's eyes abruptly opened wide from his sleep. "What the fuck!!" Will screamed, half in pain and half in shock at the invading anal intruder, Jay, who was mounting him. His ass was on absolute fire. "Oh man, you gotta tell me when you are going to do something like this.. ohh... ohh God that fucking hurts!" Will said.

Jay held his cock still in Will's rectum, allowing for the walls of the boy's ass to contract and stretch around his hard 8 inches. "Sorry, bud. I didn't mean to hurt you, just give you a surprise. I will stop if you want."

Although the pain in his ass was still apparent, Will loved the packed-up feeling that Jay's large penis was providing him. Laying there, silently savoring the moment, Will said, "No way, Jay. The only cock that is allowed to withdrawal from my ass is the cock that cums in it. Now that its in, lets finish the job."

Jay giggled like a school girl, thrilled that Will would let him continue. Although his pubic bush was already tightly pushed into the back of Will's buttocks, Jay knew he could go even deeper in Will. He hunched forward and pushed as deep into Will's bowels as he possible could, tightening the skin around the head of his embedded cock until it almost hurt. The lube provided by Matt allowed him to go about an inch deeper into Will's backdoor.

"Oh man, I love the feeling of you in me." Will said as the head of Jays raw cock repeatedly rubbed up against his prostate. "Fuck my ass, man." He commanded. "Fuck that hole deep." Nothing in the world beats the feeling of having a hunky, hairy college jock on top of you, giving it to your ass really good. Will's cute little toes curled at the stimulation he was getting. Out of the corner of his eye, Jay noticed this, and grabbed Will's calf on his shoulders and placed the big toe of Will's left foot in his mouth.

"Yeah man, taste that toe. It has been in my sneakers all fucking day! Yeah, clean underneath the nail with your tongue." Will said, a naughty smile on his face. "Yeah, fuck my ass. Oh, oh, man... yeah."

The extreme pounding that Jay was giving to Will made Will's head bump up against the back Andrew's sleeping head. "Ow!" Andrew cried from the unexpected pain and sat up. "Oh, hi Matt, hi Jay." Andy smiled, looking at the naked frame of Matt next to him, and then over to the mounted mass of flesh that he believed to be Jay and Will getting it on. Andy rubbed his napping eyes, and yawned. "Nice to see that Will and Jay are getting along so well." Andy said, reaching out to massage Matt's hard cock. "Hey Matt, I am really hungry. Wanna give me something to eat?"

Matt smiled, looked down at Andrew, and said, "Yeah man, I am starving too. Let's feed each other."

"Sounds good to me." Andrew moved over, yanked the sloppy sock from his ass, and made room for Matt next to him. Matt laid down, and the two boys began to 69 each other.

Since Matt had not had sex for about 3 hours, Andy did not have to work hard on Matt's cock in order to get it hard. Andy truly loved the texture of cock in his mouth. The feeling of a man's most precious treasure in his oral cavity sent pleasure waves throughout his body. Moving up and down Matt's now-hard shaft, Andy began to purr like a kitten with a bag of catnip.

Andy had a lot of experience sucking penises in his life. Hell, he lost count of how many guys got off in his mouth back in high school! One thing he was certain of was that uncut cocks tasted a whole lot better than their cut counterparts. Andy loved the taste of a cock head that was allowed to accumulate its flavor throughout the day, covered in tight foreskin. This does not mean that Andrew liked a dirty penis, no that's not it at all. Just that cut cocks, at least in Andrew's opinion, had a soapy, just-been-cleaned taste that did not seem natural -- and by no means can someone argue that cutting off skin from your penis is natural!

Unfortunately for Andy, and also for Will and Jay, their parents decided that they should be robbed of the pleasure that a foreskin offers. However, Matt indeed was a lucky one, for he still had his.

This allowed Andrew to experiment with Matt's meaty and tasty cock in his mouth. He took his tongue and licked up from Matt's swinging balls to the tip of his 7.5" cock, slurping around the sides, and underneath of the engorged head. Andrew took his tongue and pressed it into Matt's piss slit on the tip of his penis. Matt moaned, and his cock responded by pumping out a little more pre-cum. The amount of pre-cum that Matt was able to produce in a hot session never ceased to amaze any of his roommates. Sometimes so much came out of Matt's cock that it actually appeared that he was taking a piss. Andy wrapped his lips around the tip, and suckled lightly, nursing the pre-cum from Matt's cock like a newborn would his mother's tits.

"That is it, man, suck my cock." Matt said, groaning from the treatment that Andy was giving his cock. Matt knew that Andy had the reputation of being a master at giving head, and he agreed with the conventional wisdom. Andrew was a kid that could go far in life just by utilizing his mouth-to-cock ability.

At the other end of the sixty-nining couple, Matt licked all around Andrew's crotch, washing his salty nether region with his spit. Andrew's balls and cock were quite slippery, thanks to the good work-over that Will provided them just about a half hour before. Matt stuck his tongue into Andrew's light pubic bush, wetting his hairs at the base of his cock. Opening his mouth, he sucked the entire length of Andy's currently flaccid cock into his mouth.

Since Andy "got some" so soon before, he was able to remain soft enough so that Matt was able to fit Andrew's balls into his mouth as well as his flaccid cock. "Oh man, I am, like totally inside your mouth!" Andy cried out. The feeling of both his penis and his balls being inside the mouth of another was incredible. Matt began to suck at Andy's genitalia hard, and in response, Andy's juices began bubbling, causing his cock to swell inside Matt's mouth.

"Owh, guf, uh munth!" Matt cried, his mouth literally chock-full-of-nuts [Ed. note: Sorry about the commercial plug!]. The continued swelling of Andy's cock made it impossible for Matt to continue to hold onto both Andy's cock AND balls in his mouth, so he reluctantly let the two testicles go with a wet pop.

The magic that Andy was simultaneously performing on Matt's cock was getting Matt hornier and hornier. Matt responded by deep-throating Andy as far as he could, anxious to take as much of his man into his jaws possible. He felt the head of Andy's now-hard cock travel the lining of the back of his throat, past the point that normally induces someone to puke. Andy was in as deep as a man could be in another, the tip of his cock nearly tickling Matt's voice box.

The deep throating Matt was administering to Andy meant that Matt's nose pressed up against Andy's sloppy asshole. As Matt withdrew a little from deep throating Andy's shaft, he felt and noticed a string of spooge attached to the end of his nose, trailing to the center of Andy's rose. "Oh manth, da cum in door asth ith connected to mith nose!" Matt screamed, although Andy's cock in his mouth muffled him a bit.

If Matt had one fetish -- it was for cum. Just as Andy had the reputation of being the Blowjob Queen, the lockeroom gossip pipes pinned Matt as the King of Cumlovers. Matt took cum from just about anyone, and loved it just about anywhere on or in his body. The fact that his nose was now connected to his buddies ass by a string of his most sought-after fluid made his mind spin.

Almost instinctively, Matt let go of Andy's cock, leaned over and pressed his lips on Andy's quivering ass, sucking out as much of the cum as possible. Andy normally would have been surprised -- after all, not every guy likes to rim a freshly fucked ass with another guy's spooge leaking out of it. However, since this was Matt on top of him, shoving his tongue in his ass, Andy sort of expected it.

"Oh man, I love the taste of the cum in your ass. Tell me, is it Will's?" Matt groaned as he feverishly licked at Andy's asshole, slurping up and swallowing every tasty drop.

"Yeah, it is. Oh man, your tongue feels so hot at my ass." Andy said as his lips were suckling at Matt's cock. Andy moved his rectal muscles a little, allowing a copious amount of cum to seep out from his hole and into Matt's hungry mouth.

Jay and Will, were still pounding cock-to-ass. Jay glanced over to the other side of the bed, and the sight of Andy and Matt sucking each other was really hot. He looked at Matt on top of Andy, going madly at his ass like someone just giving up on a hunger strike. Listening closely, Matt sounded like a dog lapping at his water bowl on a hot day. "It looks like someone is chowing down your cum, Will." Jay said to the boy he was rutting.

"Oh,.. oh keep fucking my ass, Jay." Will said, and looked over and noticed the hot scene of Matt wolfing down his cum from Andy's ass. "Hey Matt, how's my cum taste?" Will asked.

The thought of people watching him wolf down Andy's asshole that was full of cum, along with the stimulation that Andy was giving at his cock proved too much for Matt to handle. He sucked one final time at Andy's ass and began to cum in Andy's mouth. "Oh man, I am fucking cumming!" Matt shouted and looked down at Andy. "Eat my cum man. Suck that cream down your throat!" Jay screamed while still probing at Andy's sloppy ass.

Ever obedient, Andy had no trouble at complying with Matt's request. Although Jay could not see any cum from Matt's cock since it was stuck in Andy's mouth, he could definitely notice the swallowing motions that were evident in Andy's throat as he swallowed Matt's jock sperm. The scene of the direct feeding was too hot for Jay, and he his cock began twitching, feeling that familiar wave of a powerful orgasm.

Will clenched his rectal muscles like he was taking a shit, feeling Jay's cock begin to get a little larger in his ass. "Oh, oh, I am going to cum. Where do you want it?" Jay asked.

"Unload in my ass, Jay. Give me your cum where it belongs: deep in my ass!" Will commanded, milking at Jay's cock with his ass muscles.

The soft velvet lining of Will's tight ass squeezing around Jay's cock was too much for the stud, and he began shooting deep into the bowels of his buddy. Will felt string after string of gooey sperm enter his ass directly from the tip of Jay's cock.

"Ohhh, man... I... am... cumming... in your ass!" Jay yelled, slamming as far as possible up his buddy, sending his cock so deep into William that the head of it actually entered Will's intestine.

The spreading heat inside his body sent shivers up and down Will's spine. Yeah, he had been fucked many times before, but no one had gone so deep in his ass--into the hiddent nether region that he had heard referred to as the "second sphincter." The feeling of the warmth was so deep that it felt like it was happening from inside him, not from Jay. It was absolutely incredible, like nothing he ever felt before. Locked together, tears began welling up in Will's eyes, not being able to believe that one man could be so physically close to another. This was truly a beautiful moment he would treasure for a long time to come.

The two sweaty couples collapsed, exhausted after their tough work out. But Jay, coming back to earth from his unbelievable orgasm, looked concerned. "Hey, what are we going to do? Andy and Will haven't had their orgasms yet!"

Andy and Will smiled at each other, knowing exactly what they wanted to do: save up for later. "That is okay, Jay. We don't want to cum yet. We really should save up for tonight. Don't you think so, Will?" Andy said.

"Oh yeah, I am, like, totally spent. It was great having you fuck me raw, Jay, but I think I am going to try to save up a couple hours of cum for the hot plans that we have for this evening." Will said.

The tongue lapping at Andy's ass suddenly stopped licking. "What is planned for tonight, Andy?" Matt asked. "Jay and I bumped into Steve and he said that you had something planned for tonight."

"Yeah, I was wondering that too." Jay winked at Will, his cock still up the young Canadian boy's ass.

"Well, I got a message from my bareback message list, and I invited this local kid over to play out a hot fantasy he has. I figure that we could all help him out tonight, you know, break him in." Andy said, smiling that cute boy grin of his, feeling Matt's tongue lazily lapping at his asshole.

"Oh man, that will be fucking awesome! What a way to spend a Friday night!" Jay said, raising his hands to Andy to give him a high-five. With the added movement, Jay's cock came out of Will's ass, and cum began dribbling down Will's unplugged backside.

"Well, lets all get cleaned up and go out to eat. I don't know about you guys, but all this rutting has sure made my tummy grumble." Will said.

All the boys agreed, and went to the bathroom to clean up. The roommates had a great relationship, and each of them shared the two shower stalls together, Will with Matt and Jay with Andy. Each buddy took the time and gently and thoroughly cleaned the other boy, washing out his ears, his ass, massaging each others feet, and cock. After they were finished, they put on new, fresh clothes, and Jay grabbed his keys to his Explorer.

The munchies were really hitting Jay and Matt bad. "Hey guys, I'll drive. Where are we going to eat?" Jay asked, rubbing his tight stomach, motioning to the door.

"I don't know, let's decide on the way." Will said. The four boys left the room, dreaming about what the night had in store for each of them.


******************************************************* AUTHOR'S NOTE: I would like to thank many people out there for providing me with suggestions, and especially my hot friend from Italy (you know who you are!) Anyone with any other ideas or suggestions please E-mail me promptly! Part III is as good as written! *******************************************************

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jack Andrew Robertson is currently an undergraduate college student at a large university in the Midwest. Currently studying economics, he enjoys hiking, running, and going to dance clubs in Chicago whenever possible. He would love to hear your comments and constructive criticism and may be reached at IAFratBoy@hotmail.com.

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