Special Assistant

Published on Mar 20, 2005


Special Assistant.

Part 8

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Getting it back to the house was slow, but Roddy wasn't even winded. Gill taped up my ankle and I was out of commission. I stayed on the porch in the shade and they brought things to me. It was a quiet afternoon.

At three another guest appeared. They called him the Bishop. At first I thought this was a nickname, but after a while I realized the man was a Bishop. John was a retired Episcopal Bishop. He fit the physical type of Marty's other friends. He was six feet four and a good two hundred and fifty pounds of solid beef. His voice was mellow and I could easily visualize him leading a service.

In spite of his size, the Bishop wasn't threatening or imposing in a physical way. You could tell he was a man of peace from a block away. He was Bernard's good friend. Bernard stayed with me while the other men went off to an event in town, so the Bishop joined us and we talked for the entire afternoon.

At first I thought the Bishop was a flake. He didn't sound like the men you hear on the televison. I said that to the Bishop.

"Why thank you. That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in months," the Bishop replied. "I do all I can to be as unlike those men as I can. I hate to say it, but I'm almost embarrassed to admit I'm a Christian these days."

"John's a Bishop, but he's not sanctimonious or self righteous enough to a modern style Christian," Bernard said. "He's one of those old style help the poor, the sick and the needy kind of Christians."

"You're a Bishop, you should be able do something about that," I said smugly.

"John's daughter died of MS a month ago. He's been busy nursing for the last few years," Bernard said. If I could have crawled under a stone and died at that very moment. I would have regarded it as merciful. I was too shocked to say anything.

"You're quite right, I should do something," the Bishop said. "I have been unfocused and I think the televison preachers snuck up on us. Frankly, I thought they were a joke. They aren't funny anymore."

"I'm so sorry!" I finally blurted out. "You must think I'm a fool."

"Not at all. It seems to me the professionally religious people have taken over the discussion of religion. Their interest isn't the worship of God and even less the care of God's creation. They're interested only in outward shows of piety. Piety, power and politics. It's an evil brew," the Bishop explained. "Religion has nothing to do with Janet Jackson's breast, or prayer in public schools, or Ten Commandments graven in granite. It concerns loving your neighbor and helping the unfortunate and sick."

"Damn it John," Bernard said. "Here I demolish my friend Jason for making an ill-considered comment and you come to his rescue. This turning the other cheek has got to stop! You'll give catty Jewish intellectuals, like me, a bad name."

John laughed. "We all have bad habits, trying to spare a young man form embarrassment is one of mine," he said. "As I recall, Bernard. Your bad habit is pretending to be hardened man of the world, when you are passionately committed to the welfare of your fellow men."

"Jason," Bernard said. "The Bishop is a master of combining a put down with a compliment. He's a master at it."

"I look for the best in men," John said. "It's hard to say that without sounding smug, but it's the way I am."

"Being Jewish makes it hard to look at people that way," Bernard replied. The conversation continued, but I began to doze off. Gill had given me a pain pill and it took effect. Roddy appeared and carried me up to bed. I fell asleep. When I woke, it was getting dark. Roddy was watching me and he went to get some dinner.

I don't know what kind of pill it was, but I worked. After eating something, I fell asleep again. In the middle of the night I had to get to the bathroom and got out of bed without thinking about my ankle. My ankle had no intention of taking any weight and I almost fell to the floor. I woke the Bishop, who was in Bernard's bed. He helped me to the bathroom.

When we got back, Bernard was snoring and I was wide awake. I had been sleeping since four in the afternoon and it was five in the morning. John helped me into my bed. I mentioned I was wide awake. John said he wasn't sleepy. He sat on the bed and I sort of invited him in.

"I need to warn you. I'm normally a top. Bernard only likes oral," he said.

"That's not going to be a problem for me," I said. John got up and went over to the side table. The moon was bright and I saw him take something from the table. It was a tube of lubricant.

`Does it offend you to have a man you barely know fuck you?" he asked.

"Only if I don't enjoy it as much as he does," I said.

"That sounds fair enough to me," the Bishop replied, "I'll do my best."

His best was good. He was uncut and when I sucked him in the dark room, I found he was both thick and long. He got to three quarters hard and seemed to stop. Getting on my side, he lubricated my hole, then slowly worked his cock into my ass.

I wasn't sure his cock was hard enough to get in, but that was no problem at all. John was careful about my bad ankle, but soon enough, his entire organ probed my rectum. Since he wasn't completely hard, his cock felt as if it were cushioned. The Bishop was gentle and it was relaxing rather than exciting.

If there is such a thing as low stress intercourse, this was it. I almost dozed off. I was half asleep when I realized the organ in my ass was getting bigger. While the Bishop was still gently pumping his cock, the excitement level intensified. As John's cock grew it seemed as if it were taking over my body.

It completely filled my ass, but then it kept on growing. I couldn't think or get my bearings as it filled me. Every movement he made sent waves of sensation through me. It squeezed my prostate and I felt I was going to shoot off at any moment, but I couldn't climax. It was sex, but was very different from anything I had experienced before. He wasn't screwing me; I was being occupied.

John and his horse cock took control of me and my sexual organs. I was only able to react to his cock. The Bishop was in complete control. To say John was a good man was an understatement. He was an enlightened despot like an 18th Century monarch. I enjoyed it, but not as much as he did.

His cock totally filled my ass, so he could only make small movements. He discovered which movements made me twitch and which movements made me shiver. He would hit the same spot over and over again until I was more jelly than man. Then he's slow down and let me catch my breath.

From his breathing I could tell he was as close as I to shooting off, but he always was able to hold off. "It's been a long time since I was with a man," he whispered. "Are you holding up?"

I whispered, " Yes."

"I can stop anytime you want," the Bishop said, "but I can keep it up for a long while." He didn't wait for me to respond. He kept on pumping slowly. Ten minutes later he began to breathe hard and I knew he was going to shoot. I didn't think his cock could get any bigger, but I was wrong.

He rammed the most sensitive spot in my ass five or six times, so I would climax, then he began to shoot off himself. John must have been saving up. My balls were drained after my orgasm, but he kept on shooting. He shivered every time he ejaculated, so I knew exactly what he was doing. He left his cock in my hole for a long time. I squeezed it to get the last of his cum out of his horse cock. The Bishop liked that a lot.

His cock began to get hard again. This time I used my ass to massage his cock. He didn't get as hard as before, but we had a good time. We rotated so I could sit on his monster. Bernard was up by now and he joined us, sucking my cock as I wiggled on John's love pole. John began to twitch as he shot off a second time. I shot again and Bernard got it all. He was a happy guy. We broke apart and John went off to the bathroom for a shower.

"Thank you," Bernard said.

"For what?"

"For helping John out," Bernard replied. "He's the nicest man I've ever met, but I can't even get close to bottoming for him. He's way too big. I didn't think he would be too big for you."

"He was looking for a bottom?" I asked.

"No, he'd never look for a man based on his sexual skills," Bernard explained. "He's a top, but he's never complained or even mentioned it. I was watching you. I don't think I've ever seen a man achieve such a total sexual release."

I smiled. "I don't know John at all, but I sensed that too. It was exciting for me too." It was time for breakfast and we went downstairs. My ankle was better but not good yet. It hadn't gotten worse over the night, so I knew it wasn't a break. However, I didn't know how I could drive back to Washington.

Gil solved that problem, he was planning to fly back to California and Roddy was going to drive him to the airport. He would drive me back and take the train to National. He had a flight at 3:00, so we left soon after breakfast. He wanted to have plenty of time.

Gil was a flaming liberal and I had little experience with that political outlook. A scientist, he was involved in many environmental studies and experiments but he also was well read. I tried out a few "talking points" on him and was blown from the water. He wasn't rude. He just knew chapter and verse about his field. I hadn't moved in high powered scientific fields and this was a new experience for me.

He taught at a University and knew how to explain difficult scientific concepts understandably. Gill was impressive. I had been with people some of whom believed in creationism. His scientific rigor was all new to me.

Flat Earthers didn't impress Gil. He didn't think they were funny and he though they were dangerous. "We were once the foremost scientific power in the world, but we're getting more stupid and just plain ignorant. What's worse, some seem proud if it," Gill complained. "Americans are able to put their trust in magic, angels and UFOs."

"You mean you don't believe in angels?" I asked.

Gill was not amused. "It bothers me when we are on the verge of the greatest scientific breakthroughs in human history, we have a retreat into mysticism. We know how to reduce air and water pollution, we know how to cure many diseases that afflict the world and are addressing the others, but we have people trying to prove an old borrowed Sumerian legend like Noah is a scientific and historical truth."

Gill got me to my apartment, then took the Metro to the airport. I hobbled around for the rest of the day and took a nap. The next day my ankle was much better and I went to Rolf's. He was back and ready to go, His trip seemed to have reinvigorated him.

One evening that week I was looking up some information on one of his diplomatist missions, a short trip to Paris with Mrs. Kennedy. I Googled "Escort, Paris" without thinking and got escort services. Of course I went searching for "Escorts, Washington, D.C." and looked at the local entrepreneurs.

I clicked my way through several dozen ads. I have to admit it strikes me as odd that some men have to buy sex. As far as my experience went, everyone seemed quite eager to do it free. I also wondered how men could pay the going rates. I suddenly stopped clicking my way through the pages and pressed the back button. It took me a second, but it was an ad for Randall. The photo showed him a few years younger, but it clearly was the man I had met several months earlier. It was the man I had approved for access to the White House press room.

He listed his name as Robin Ready, and gave both his interests and dimensions. I returned to Google and tried another escort site. Robin wasn't there, but two sites later I found another full page on Robin Ready. This had more explicit photographs and added the phrase "mild to wild". An hour later I had checked out two dozen web sites and had found Robin on five of them. I didn't sleep well that night.

The next morning I told Rolf about my discovery. He was shocked. "Somehow I was under the impression this was just a little playful whim on Randall's part. I had no idea he was a real pro," Rolf said.

"His adds are hidden in plan sight," I said. "It's only a mater of time before so one finds them."

"That may not be the case, if we're lucky." Rolf mused. "The men who are looking for escort services don't want to highlight their sexual tastes. Let me call a friend who moves in those circles and see what he thinks." Rolf made a call, but got an answering machine. We went back to work on his memoirs.

Rolf's housekeeper was off, so I went to get a take out lunch. When I returned, Rolf's contact had called back. He was going to make some calls and find out more about Robin Ready. The rest of the day was uneventful. We went out to dinner and I got Rolf settled for bed and went home.

The next day Rolf told me his friend had found some information and would drop by in the afternoon. The man was a vice cop for the Metropolitan police. I wasn't sure this was good at all.

Next: Chapter 9

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