Special Assistant

Published on Feb 22, 2005


Special Assistant.

Part 3

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

I was uneasy about Randall's situation, but I was a really small fry in the White House organization, so I figured the higher ups knew better. Randall became a fixture around the White House and I stopped noticing he was there, unless he brought in of his younger "interns" with him. He seemed to like Marine type men. I don't know if they were Marines, or if they just looked the part.

I don't look the part. I'm average looking, thin and hairy. I was clean shaven, but I needed to shave again every day by 4:30- 5:00. In some ways I didn't fit in that well with the rest of the younger men at the White House. Most were spick and span clean, well coiffed and bow-tied. I combed my hair, but never used hair spray.

Most of the others were also vocally Christian. I was Episcopalian. They seemed to see that as problem, but couldn't say it to my face. I think there were Episcopalians in the President's family tree and you had to be careful about that. One characteristic I did share with the others was my father. He was very wealthy and a good donor to the President. Money counted.

After a while I discovered I was out of place here. My father was an old time Republican. He was conservative and wealthy, but, while you couldn't say he was a libertarian, he thought lots of things were "none of your business." He didn't like government messing around in his business, but didn't like government in the bedroom either. Dad was deeply distrustful of people who made a big show of religion. "They're either trying to prove something, or hide something," he said.

My Grandfather had been dirt poor and got his education by way of the GI Bill after World War II. He had done well in business and my father had done even better, but Dad never forgot our roots. Dad was a great believer in public education and deeply suspicious of religious and private schools. My Mom wasn't into politics at all. She had her children and volunteer work. That was enough for her. I was the youngest of four children, two boys and two girls. All the others were married and had children, so Mom was happy.

With six grand children, there was no pressure on me to get married and reproduce. I almost never dated, but no one ever commented on that, or was concerned. One day I overheard my mom telling a friend, "Jason may just be a bachelor." She knew and wasn't worried.

While I didn't have much of a love life, my sex life was great. Tommy and Marty came by to see me from time to time. Marty told me he had some other friends who might like to meet me. He wanted to know if I were interested. I said yes, if he could vouch for them.

Marty laughed. "Jason, let me warn you in advance, they all aren't as pretty as me!" he said. "Most are older men and they'd love to have a younger man like you." A few days later I got a call at home from a man named Rolf. He was a political consultant and a friend of Marty's. He asked me to come over to his place after work some day. He lived on the edge of Georgetown and turned out to be an attractive guy.

He was tall and thin, dapper in dress with a distinguished grey beard. His apartment was on the upper floor of a handsome townhouse. It was a beautiful apartment filled with antiques, but it was dark. Rolf was cordial and pleasant, but he moved a bit oddly with great deliberation. I realized he was either blind, or close to being blind. Rolf talked about my job; it seemed he knew everybody in town. After some small talk, we went to his bedroom.

We stripped and I approached him. He put his hand out and touched me, then he felt for my cock. I get hard really easily. "You're already, aren't you?" he said.

"I'm sorry," I replied.

Rolf smiled. "That wasn't a complaint. I take a while to get it up," he said. With that comment, he leaned over and began to suck my cock. His bushy beard and mustache felt good on my cock and balls, like being sucked by Santa. As he sucked me, his hands felt my chest. He must have liked fur. Even in the dimly illuminated room, I could see he was a good shape for an older man. He had a furry chest and back.

I got him to get on the bed, so I could suck him. His cock was still only semi hard. Uncut, the skin still covered most of his mushroom. I like that a lot. Once I started sucking his cock got hard and long.

It was big, but it seemed to fit my throat perfectly. I could easily deep throat him and that turned me on. I could take it all and burry my nose in his hairy balls. The musky smell turned me on even more. Rolf pulled away, "I need a cool down period," he said. "I don't want to pop too soon."

He asked me about my life and I told him. My life is about as boring as a 25-year-old Republican guy can be, but Rolf had an ability to sound interested. I asked him about his background.

"I've been a politico for years, usually an advisor for campaigns. My real job was Senator Roland Murphy's lover. Rolly was a good man with the sex drive of a teenager until the day he died. I kept him in line," Rolf said.

Senator Murphy had been a great leader in the Senate. "I thought he had a happy marriage?" I remarked.

"He did. Just not to his wife," Rolf explained. "They respected each other and like each other, but once she had kids she didn't have much use for Rollo sexually. That could have been a disaster for him, if I hadn't been available."

"I had no idea he was gay," I said.

"To tell you the truth, I'm not sure he was." Rollo replied. "He didn't like men or boys in general. He liked me. We were soul mates. You can be straight as an arrow and be attracted to one person of the same sex. God has a sense of humor sometimes. "

"Sexual soul mates?"

Rolf laughed. "Our personalities were a perfect fit and his ass was made for my cock," Rolf said. "I was the first and only man to fuck him, but my cock was all he needed."

"What did his wife think of it? Did she know?"

"When she got sick, Rolly took care of her. She wouldn't let him miss any Senate business for her, so I pinched hit for him when he was busy," Rolf said. "Right before she died, she thanked me for helping her. Then she told me to take care of Rolly. I think she knew." He paused for a minute. "He died a few years later. A heart attack on the floor of the Senate. At least he died with his boots on."

"That was about six years ago?"

"Yes, I was sixty-three at the time and my eyesight was beginning to go."

"You're seventy?" I said a bit shocked. "You don't look it!"

"Thank you. I have to take your word, I can't judge the way I look," he said. "Did Marty tell you I am a top?"

"No, but that's fine with me," I said. "Is Marty a friend of yours?"

"A friend, but not a sex friend," Rolf said. "We're both tops. I can't get out much, so if he finds someone I would like he sends him my way. Marty and I share some of the same tastes."

I was playing with his cock. I liked the hard shaft inside the soft foreskin. Rolf was oozing precum by now. "Is it frightening to meet new men and not see them?" I asked.

"Not exactly frightening, but it does take some getting use to," Rolf said, smiling. "Marty's a good judge of character. It helps that he would kill anyone who hurt me. Marty's not a forgiving man."

I laughed. Rolf looked worried for a minute, then resumed his normal appearance. I realized he hadn't been joking about Marty killing someone.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Rolf asked.


He dropped his voice to almost a whisper. "We've just met and I want to shove my cock up your ass. Does it bother you?"

"I don't know, I've never thought of it like that," I said. "I guess I don't mind. When I'm having sex or even the prospect of sex I get so excited, I don't seem to think much until afterward."

"You let your cock do the thinking?"

"That's one way to put it," I said. Rolf was really hard now and I lubricated his cock. I gently pushed him back on the bed and straddled him, easing his cock into my hole. I sat on it. My ass peeled back the skin and his knob popped into me. It was bigger than I had thought. It hurt a little but felt fine once it was in the dark side of my ass.

As it slid deeper, I was surprised how good it felt. The knob snow plowed deep and my ass closed hin on his thinner shaft. His tender but bloated glands bonded to my ass lining. It felt good form the start, but got better with every movement.

Rolf got me on my back and started fucking me slowly. Rolf was a sex machine. He fucked me non stop for a good hour. You would think a guy would get times, but my ass had a very high tolerance for pleasure. He finally shot off. I didn't know old men had so much cum.

The first few ejaculations were so strong, I could feel the cum ticking my ass. Rolf continued to shoot for a minute or two before he was spent. My ass was almost raw, and the cock cream felt like a salve. He fell asleep, leaving his cock in. It was good.

The phone rang. Rolf woke and answered it, finally pulling out of me. "Oh, he's here now," he said. "You have good taste Marty. It's been good." He listened for a little then said. "Frankly, I'd give it a 9.5 or maybe even a ten." If he could see, I think he might have winked at me. "Marty's a block away, Jason. Do you think you could help him out?"

"I sure can!" I said. Why I said that, I didn't know, but Marty arrived at the apartment. He and Rolf tag teamed me for another hour. My tolerance for sex was much greater than I thought. Then two men have very different cocks and fucking techniques. When I got close, Marty would pull out and Rolf would take his place. I stayed on the edge of an orgasm for most of the time.

All of us enjoyed it. They were pleasant. Maybe it was a gang bang, but they were considerate. Marty said he wanted to make sure I would last. It was pleasurable, but friendly. I hadn't thought of sex as a friendly activity before. We were just enjoying each other's bodies. The two older men knew a lot more about my body than I did, but I learned fast. I shot off a few times.

We talked during a lull and Randall's name came up. Marty asked how Randall was doing. Rolf didn't know him, so we clued him in. Rolf did know Ronnie Billings. He was unhappy. "What in hell are they thinking?" he exclaimed.

"There are problems?" Marty asked. "I just thought he was an asshole."

"Do you remember Lawrence Wilson?" Rolf asked. Marty nodded. "He knew Ronnie. Discovered he was a congenital liar, with delusions of grandeur. Big time problems. How in hell did he get into The White House."

"He made a pass at me at a reception," I said. "I assume I wasn't the only one."

"That what happened to Lawrence, he was at a reception and this good looking guy made contact. They went off to a hotel room," Rolf said. "They met a few more times. Ronnie wanted to know who Larry knew in high places. He also began to talk oddly. Ronnie seemed to think he was the great White and Christian hope for saving the Republic. The sex was good so Larry let it go."

"Eventually Ronnie wanted to meet some of the important men Larry knew," Rolf continued. "Naturally, Larry didn't want to do that. Ronnie got violent. Larry was a sweet man, but no tower of strength, so he arranged an introduction."

"To whom?" Marty asked.

"To Steve Martineau," Rolf answered. I was stunned. Steve was the Darth Vader of the White House. The enforcer. The evil genius.

"It appears they hit it off," Marty said.

"That's the way it sounds to me." Rolf said.

"He's a hooker. How in hell could he think he could get away with that?" Marty asked. "I bought him for "$600.00 a night."

"Mr. Martineau gets away with everything," Rolf said. "Haven't you noticed?"

"I noticed all right," Marty replied, "Ronnie's into water sports! I can see having a hobby, but bringing him into the White House is too much. Monica was just a cheep bitch. She did it for fun, not for cash."

"The word is Steve prefers his sex for cash." Rolf said. "He likes the employer- employee relationship."

"Like his relationship with the President?" Marty asked.

"I'm not sure about that. I've always thought Steve loved the President. I think it's platonic, but love none the less. I think destroying anyone who gets in the President's way is an alternative to orgasms for him. He's ruthless for the man he loves."

"What role does Ronnie play?" I asked. "I don't think platonic is in his vocabulary."

"Ronnie likes to dominate and humiliate according to Lawrence," Rolf said. "Men who think their desires are evil like that. They can have sex and be punished for sex at the same time."

"That scares me," I said.

Next: Chapter 4

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