Special Assistant

Published on Jul 17, 2005


Special Assistant

Part 17

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

The Metropolitan police were unhappy. They were excluded from the investigation of the Press secretary's death. After my discussion with Kevin and Bull, I suspected they were conducting their own investigation. The administrations, "hear no evil, say no evil and see no evil" approach was well established, so there was no reason to expect a real investigation would take place,

A week later I got a call from Kevin. "We got wind of a wresting event at the Metropolis club," he said. "Some of my pond scum informants had been to one and said it involved a gang bang at the end of the night. I was thinking this might explain the Press Secretary's condition. I was hoping you wouldn't mind taking another trip to the club."

"I'm not sure Baskervill liked me enough to ask me again," I said.

"You leave Baskervill to me," Kevin replied. "He's not in a position to complain." A few days later I was a guest at the Metropolis Club again. It was another boy's night out and I was Baskervill Robinson's guest. Both Kevin and Rolf thought I would be good to know if the murder had any effect of the club. It seemed to be at the heart of a certain sort of ultra conservative Republican homosexual activity. Since I had been there before, I might have better access to the membership.

As before, Baskervill abandoned me as soon as we entered. He was after younger men than I. The room looked just as it did the last time I was there. Cal found me and took me to a quiet corner. "This is going to be wrestling night," he whispered. "It usually gets pretty wild."

A small table sat next to us covered with bottles of beer and water. A small dish held small, blue candies. I took me a second or two to realize it was a dish of Viagra pills. Another dish held cloth covered glass ampules. I didn't know what they were but Cal told me to avoid the Viagra, I wouldn't need it.

"It seemed wild to me the last time I was here," I said.

Cal smiled. "It good old-fashioned no holes barred, loser gets fucked wrestling," he remarked. "If you like gang bangs, this is the night for you."

"You mean, everyone gets to take a victory screw?" I asked. "That seems unfair."

"Sure as shit they do," Cal replied. He chuckled. "Look around at the men here. How many do you think could win a wresting match? You saw the Viagra. Everyone going to fuck tonight." I looked and the collection of elderly and out of shape men. They didn't have the makings of an Olympic team.

"I see your point," I said. "What do you do to get in the ass of a loser?"

"You just ask politely," Cal said, then he let out a belly laugh. "To tell you the truth, you don't need to be that polite. There's not much sympathy for losers here." He looked at me closely. "My cock could use some attention, would you mind helping me out?"

"I thought I wasn't your type?" I replied.

"When it comes to cock sucking, everyone's my type," Cal said. He had one of the small glass ampules in his hand. He broke it open and gave me a good sniff. I slipped to the floor and took Cal's cock into my mouth. I had never wanted a cock so badly in my life. It was massive and responded immediately to my attention.

Cal was the strong silent type, but he was already drooling pre cum. I heard him taking a deep sniff of the ampule. He was turned on. While he wasn't exactly my type either, it's easy to get into the swing of things when your sucking a cock as large as Cal's, and inhaling pure amyl nitrate.

There were some loud voices at the door. Steven and Randall arrived. Randall was yelling at Steven as before. Sexual insults were non stop. The two men joined us in our corner of the room. Randall didn't recognize me at first since my face was buried in Cal's crotch. I was worried someone might get suspicious, but everyone assumed I was there to service the members.

Randall and Steve's relationship was odd. Randall treated Steven like dirt, but Steven looked at him like a puppy in love. The muscular and buffed hooker was the physical opposite of the plump and squishy Presidential advisor. Randall's cock was hard and impressive. Steven's lurked in a roll of fat. The abuse didn't seem to affect Steven. Randall would yell at him then they would cuddle and make up.

While they made up, they talked. Steven was a gossip and gave Randall the low down on who was doing what to whom in the White House. Strangely, a good portion of the news consisted of homosexual sex or lust.

I had no idea any of that was going on. Working in the White house I hadn't guessed so many of the staffers were gay. They went off to the pool to cool down and I came up for air.

"I've never run into anyone so indiscreet in my life," Cal remarked.

"I worked in the White house and had no idea," I said. "It's odd. They're so anti-Gay."

"Closet cases can be useful," Cal said. "The word is the Big Man likes to have something to hold over a subordinate's head. It keeps them obedient. He always has something he can not only fire them for, but destroy their lives. The married men are in the worse shape. If he exposes them, their jobs, marriages and families are down the tubes. "

"You were married?" I asked.

"Yes, Susan died three years ago," Cal explained. "You have to get married in the Army of you don't wants tongues to wag. We had a good marriage too, great kids. I was away for long periods of time on deployments and Susan did it all. I could have lived with having my life ruined, but not with hers."

"Did anyone know of your other life?"

"Well there wasn't much sex in my other life anyway, not until after Susan died," he said. "Some may have suspected, but there wasn't the go for the jugular approach then as there is now." Changing the subject, I asked when the wrestling started.

"Usually around nine thirty," Cal said.

"How often do you have wrestling nights?"

"It use to be every six months or so, but they had one a few weeks ago. I couldn't make it, but it must have been a real success for them to schedule another so close," Cal explained. Randall and Steven returned from the pool.

Randall forced Steven to his hands and knees, slapped Steven's ass a few times then rammed his cock into Steven's hole. It was brutal, but Steven didn't mind.

"Cal, how are things going with you?" Randall asked without losing a stroke.

"Good, but not as good as you, it seems," Cal replied. "I saw you on the televison a week ago. You'll have your own program soon."

"I'm hoping to get a guest spot on Fox," Randall replied. "I love to get into Ann Coulter's cunt."

"You swing both ways?"

"For Ann Coulter I might," he said. "I watch to see if her skirt will slip an inch or two higher and we'll finally see her pussy. That will give Janet Jackson's boob a competitor."

"I think perpetually living on the edge of a wardrobe malfunction is at the core of Coulter's appeal," Cal said. "Whoever said women are naturally warm and nurturing has never seen that bitch at work." As the conversation continued, Randall never missed a stroke. It was as if he were riding an exercise bike while reading a book. He ignored Steven.

The room was filling up. Many of the men were new to me and hadn't been at the club the last time I was here. The club members were much the same, but the "sons" were older and distinctly more masculine. Several were pierced and tattooed. Several could correctly be described as punk, while others were body builders. One of the men announced the matches were ready to start in the exercise room.

I didn't know there was an exercise room. A small door on the side opened into the room. The exercise equipment was pushed to the side, leaving the middle of the room open. There was a mat on the floor.

After a few minutes of wrestling, it was clear the rules were unorthodox. Two beefy men came forward. One was in his late 40s or early fifties with brown hair and a hairy body. The other had grey hair and was totally shaved. They looked as if they had been wrestlers at an earlier time in their life. The referee coated their cocks with lubricant then made them bend over and he lubricated their ass. They were half hard at the beginning of the match and fully erect at the end. There was some effort to use traditional wrestling holds, but the primary effort was to maximize the genital contact.

The room was air conditioned, but the crowd of men and the heavy physical exertion warmed up the space. Both wrestlers were dripping with sweat. The hairy man finally forced his cock into the shaved man's ass and the match was over. They left and were replaced with Cal, who faced Rani, his small Indonesian man and another man, Ravi, who was Indian. It was a two on one novelty match.

Cal outweighed the two men together. Rani looked even younger than the time before. He could have passed for being 13 or 14 except for his fully developed cock. Ravi was less than five feet tall, but was well built and fully developed. He had long black hair, a handlebar mustache and thick beard. His chest was hairy and he was horse hung. His organ looked large in proportion to his body.

The match was played as a comic routine with the two diminutive Eastern men fighting the oversized Westerner. Cal was in better shape then I thought. The crowd gasped when Cal skewered Rani. It was hard to believe Rani could take Cal's huge organ. While Cal took Rani, Ravi made a sneak attack from the rear and got Cal good. The room burst out in laughter. Cal's ass was forbidden territory as far as I knew. I didn't know how Cal would take Ravi's attack. Fortunately, Cal had a good sense of humor. After the initial shock of the penetration, he relaxed and began to wiggle his ass, so he could get the Indian's cock into a better position. All three men had a good time. Cal proclaimed the match a draw. They went off to shower and another match started.

After cleaning up, Cal and his friends came back to where I was sitting. When Cal sat, Rani took a seat in his lap. Ravi sat next to me. Ravi was an official in an NGO who was in Washington for a few months working at the Department of Agriculture. He was a Indian from Malaysia, but had gone to school in Australia and England.

The combination of his aggressively masculine appearance and diminutive size was oddly exciting. He looked a bit like a wild man, but he spoke with an English accent. I liked him, and he seemed to be taken with me. He was pleasant to talk to and wasn't at all shy about sex. By now everyone in the room was hard and either engaged in sex or getting ready to have sex. I had an ampule of amyl withg me. Ravi and I shared it, then Ravi leaned over and sucked my cock.

That was great, but soon his finger was wandering toward my ass. I didn't object. We understood each other. His finger worked its way deeper into my ass. When he reached my prostate, he pressed hard. I looked into his dark brown eyes and wanted his cock. We were trying to work on that when another match started. This was a tag team event with Randall and another muscular man verses two club members. One was a young, but over weight man, the other was an older member. To say they were over matched understated the situation.

At first I though it would be a comedy routine such as the match between Cal and the two eastern men, but this was different. Randall was into humiliation. He reminded me of the high School Sophomore going after an eighth grade who wears glasses. He gave his opponents no break and was always on the edge of inflicting real pain.

Some of the men were laughing at the young guy's discomfort. They laughed when he squealed in pain. Randall would pin his arm behind his back then shove a few fingers up his ass. He would then switch with the other man, they called Mad Willy and afflict the older man. Mad Willy was a body builder covered in tattoos. They gave evidence of hard time spent in prison.

Randall was clean cut, but I wasn't sure about Mad Willy and several of his friends. The match came to an end and all of the members got in line to fuck the two losers. The older man seemed to enjoy it. Randall hoisted him into a sling. The old man had no muscle tone I could see and each cock slipped in effortlessly. He was chatting way as fifteen to twenty men shot their loads into his ass. Once and a while he reacted to a particularly brutal thrust of large cock, but the rest of the marathon fucking was a walk in the park for him.

I suspected the younger man had gotten into more than he expected. He winced every time a new cock rammed his ass. I think he must have had a tight ass. He looked shaken and on the edge of tears. He was shivering, sweating like a pig and drooling cum from his ravaged ass.

I wanted to do something for him, but didn't know what to do. I went over to him, but another man was fucking him. This man was saying, "You've got the job, you're in." Apparently this was a test of some sort. I was ready to go as was Ravi. As we left, Mad Willy and two other men were gang banging another older man. Randall and Steven were watching and giving advice. I wondered if the late Press Secretary had been on the receiving end of Mad Willy's attention after losing a match.

"I like sex, but I'm not sure I like that kind of sex," Ravi said.

"It was nasty, wasn't it?" I said. "How did you get involved in it?"

"Cal is a friend of a friend," he replied. "He thought we shared a few common interests. We did. Our wrestling bout was good. I was a wrestler in school, but they almost had to make a new division for me, since I was so small. I've always been strong for my size." We were at my apartment and he came in. We went right to the bedroom. I had thought Ravi's cock was large in proportion to his body. I soon discovered his cock was just simply large.

When it popped through my sphincter the first time it was a trip. Ravi had a huge cock head and his shaft was like a sausage, pinched at each end. Once it was in, my ass constricted on the base of his shaft and we formed a natural cock ring. He stayed hard for an hour, shot off, then went at it again.

His cock was like one of those oddly shaped things you find in adult book stores. It massaged as he pumped. It was comfortable and exciting. Somehow I fell asleep and when I woke the next morning Ravi was still in my ass. I briefly turned tables on him. His ass opened effortlessly to welcome my cock. His ass was tight fit, but it worked for both of us.

The doorbell rang at 9:00. It was Bull looking for a report on the event. Ravi wandered out while we were talking. When they saw each other there was an almost an electric charge in the air. While I know a mouse and a whale are both mammals, it was still hard to think of Ravi and Bull as being in the same species.

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