Special Assistant

Published on Jun 13, 2005


Special Assistant

Part 16

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Jim relaxed when he realized Rolf and I were friends, not romantically attached. Jim was five or ten years older than I and a complete political animal. As I talked with him, I realized he was blind sided by his attraction to Rolf. He was a country club type, a golfer and throughly conventional man.

We talked for an hour or so. He was deeply closeted, but liked talking to another gay man who wasn't a threat. "When Rolf told me you had worked at the White House, I was scared, but Rolf told me you were all right," Jim said. "There are some scary folks up there."

"I must not have been scary enough," I said. "I don't have enough of the go-for-the-jugular attitude to be successful."

"I'd never make it up in the White House," Jim said. "I'm a veteran who fought in the Gulf War and then in Kosovo. They hate my kind."

"I thought they loved the military."

"They like the military as an abstract concept, and as a tool for world domination," Jim explained. "The President is a draft dodger who went AWOL. The last thing in the world he wants near him is a decorated war hero. He goes after them with a bloody ax. Look what he did to McCain, Kerry and Senator Max Cleland. The troops are just cannon fodder."

"The Secretary of Defense thinks any officer who has any interest in the welfare of his men are weak," Jim continued. "I think they've all fallen for the old John Wayne movie plots where the brazen, but dumb hero saves the day by ignoring the advice and orders of those who know. They don't like experts. Knowledge gets in the way of their fantasy lives."

"Mission Accomplished and Iraq has just turned the corner?" I suggested. "As far as I can tell, Iraq had turned the corner three or four times so far. I can't tell if we're back to where we started."

"I think we'd be damned lucky if we were back where we started," Jim said. "With another two or three years of this we may not have a functioning army any more." Our conversation continued, but just got more depressing. The televison was on and we listened as they covered a Press Conference. Randall was asking a puff ball question.

"What in hell is Ronnie doing there?" Jim asked.

"You know him?" I asked. "By the way, he now goes by the name Randall."

"I don't really know him, but I ran into him once," Jim said. "I went to a party at a beach house on the Maryland shore. I discovered Ronnie was a paid guest. The host, who was a wealthy lawyer-lobbyist, hired Ronnie to serve the guests' needs."

"And did he?" I asked.

Jim laughed. "He didn't serve mine," he replied. "Host and several of the other guests liked him a lot. He's into role playing and domination. Hell, If I want domination there are more than 500 members of Congress more than willing to meet my needs. I don't need a hired hooker." It was my turn to laugh.

"This was several years ago. It was common for lobbyists to invite members of both parties to a shindig." Jim continued. "Today a similar party would only have guests approved by the Majority Leader. I will say to his credit, Ronnie stayed hard for the entire weekend. Why his cock doesn't have calluses, I don't know."

"And you didn't play?"

"He's not my type," Jim said. "I'd never been with more than one guy nor watched other men having sex before. Ronnie is an exhibitionist. He's into that master-slave thing. He enjoyed it when the man he screwed were uncomfortable being on display as he worked them over."

"He a real prince," I commented. "I'm afraid I'm not into Sadism or masochism at all, so I don't know what the rules are. Maybe they liked it."

"Do you think it's all right to be a plain vanilla gay man?" Jim asked. "I like to suck and to fuck. That seems to meet my needs." We were in agreement on that. Jim was talked out when he left. I felt good about him. At least, if Rolf was falling for him, he was safe.

Shortly after Jim left, I got a call from Kevin. He wanted to talk. It must have been a day for true confessions. He came to my apartment a half hour later, bringing another man, Detective Wilson. "His nick name is Bull. Hide all the good china," Kevin said only half in jest.

I laughed. "I have one set of dishes my Mother gave me when I had an apartment in college. I said. Given my druthers, I'd use paper all the time, plastic for formal occasions."

"You'll get kicked out of the gay union," Bull said in an incredible deep voice. He was 6-4 and perhaps 300 muscular pounds.

"I'm a slovenly, non decorator type fag," I said. They got down to business. Bull was in homicide and the Press Secretary's death bothered him. While the Metropolitan police were not on the case, he took this as a personal affront. Kevin told him about my dealing with the White House and Randall, but Bull wanted to hear it directly from me. With Kevin's connection to Vice and my connection to the White House, Bull felt we covered the ground well.

"Upscale murders aren't my speciality," Bull explained. "I don't follow politics much. What chance is there that a male hooker could get into the Washington Press Corps and into the White House by chance?"

"My guess would be zero, or a little less than zero," I said.

"What chance is there our hooker friend is connected to a lower level functionary?" Bull asked.

"Really slim," I answered.

"How many men had enough influence to get Randall in?" Kevin asked. "Can you name names?"

"You assume the Press Secretary's death is related to Randall?" I asked.

"Since he was gang raped and stripped naked just before he died, we know sex played a role in it. We also know Randall is into domination," Kevin said. "It would be one hell of a coincidence."

"You're right about that," I admitted. "In the realm of pure speculation, I would think the Press Secretary himself would be the lowest ranking man to have enough clout to get Randall into the White House. I know Randall has a relationship with Steven. The White House is a top down organization, run by Steven and the Vice President."

"They say the president has a hands off approach to governing," Bull commented.

"That's what they say," I replied, "I don't know of anything to contradict it."

"Who in that group would resort to murder to get their way?" Bull asked. I had no idea, but I wouldn't rule it out.

"Logically Randall should have been murdered," Bull said. "He has the greatest potential for embarrassment. Why would the Press Secretary have to die?"

"Let me propose a scenario," I said. "Randall is a whore with delusions. He's fucking someone in the upper most levels of the White House. He also playing with a Saudi agent and God knows who else. Is it possible Randall failed to keep his eyes on the prize? I know he screwed Steven. Steven knows everything there is to know in the government. Some say he is the President."

"Maybe Randall was tired of Steven and transferred his affections to the Press Secretary. That would be a waste of effort from the point of view of the Saudis. The Press Secretary doesn't know shit." I explained. "They keep him in the dark, so he can't have an inadvertent slip. The Saudi's killed him off so Randall would maintain the flow of information from the White House."

"You've been reading too many spy novels," Bull said. "I work in the less rarified circles of Washington society. My guess is the Press Secretary was moving in on Steven's bitch. I'd put my money on jealous rage. The gang rape shows deep hatred. This shouts out jealousy to me. Steven moves in masochist circles. He has access to men interested in pain and perhaps snuff. "

"It's funny. I was talking to a guy earlier today about that. I can't understand sadism." I said. "Sex is so good by itself, adding pain to the equation doesn't make sense to me."

"Amen brother!" Bull said. "Like all strong emotions it can twist and turn. Dante put those who twisted love in hell, but the upper tiers. Love of food can turn into gluttony; frugality turned into avarice."

"Somehow you don't look like a scholar of the Divine Comedy," I said.

Bull laughed. "It was an unexpected side effect of the curse of being a football scholarship student. My last year I had to complete my literature requirement and the only open class was in Dante. The oldest fuddy-dud professor in the school taught it. I was scared to death of the class and damn if I didn't like it."

I smiled. "I spent much of my college career in the quest for gut courses," I said. "I took a class my last year in "Archaeology of the Ancient Americas" and never enjoyed a class so much. I guess it can happen to the best of us slackers." Kevin's beeper went off and he had to leave. I was surprised when Bull stayed. We continued to talk about the case, but I knew he was interested in something else.

Eventually the subject turned to gay sex. "I've never had sex with a man," Bull said. "It leaves me at a disadvantage in understanding this case. I couldn't even get my wife to suck me." He hesitated a few seconds. "My ex wife."

"Well, as far as I can tell, sex is sex," I said. "Was your wife unhappy when her football star turned into a policeman?" Bull nodded.

"Kevin runs into men who are quite extreme, transvestites, hookers and the like. It's easier to relate with guys like you," he said. "You seem like a normal man. Kevin said you were a good man. From the way he said it, I guessed the sex was good too."

"You think Kevin's gay?"

"I'm not as dense as I look. I've never asked and he's never said, but I know," Bull said.

"You're thinking about giving gay sex a tryout?"

"I've just been getting curious," Bull replied. "It seems I've been getting more curious as I get older. I've been too scared to try it out."

"Afraid you wouldn't like it?" I asked.

"It's not that."

"Afraid you'll like it too much?" I asked. Bull didn't reply. He looked down at the floor. We both knew the answer to that question.

"Do you think you might help me out?" Bull asked in almost a whisper. I didn't like the idea of being a try out person for anyone who wanted to try gay sex, but Bull was attractive. He was gruff and aggressive when we were talking about police work, but when we talked about sex, he changed. He was shy and sounded unsure of himself.

"I might," I said. "Let me be frank with you. I'm not interested in giving you a blow job. I want something in return. Can you reciprocate? I want to have a good time too."

"I think I can," Bull said uncertainly. "It's all new territory for me. I'll try. It's not very big. People see me and they think I'm going to be huge." I led him to the bedroom and began taking off my clothes. Bull held back. He looked uncertain.

"You've been naked with men in a shower room hundreds of times," I said. "It's the same, but you're going to enjoy it more. Jump in, the water's fine." He stripped and joined me on the bed. I touched him. He jumped.

"Relax, it's going to be fine," I said as I stroked the hair on his chest. "It's going to be fine."

It was fine, but it took some doing. He was timid, a bit scared and horny as hell. Five minutes later his cock was in my mouth and all was well. He was wrong about his cock. His package was fine. It looked small in comparison to his bulk, but his balls were bull like. They were tangerine sized, and swung low in a hairy pouch.

He wasn't hung if you were into length, but if you liked mass, Bull had a monster. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and barely fit the head in. He had double the foreskin of most men, so I sucked it into my mouth and licked his head.

I had noticed before some uncut men had sensitive heads. That was true for Bull. The edge of his mushroom was delicate and as my tongue stroked it, he shivered. The skin held in the precum, so after a while it got to be a thick brew. His piss slit was in scale with his massive head, so I could get my tongue deep into it. Bull liked it when I tongue fucked his slit.

I was having such a good time, I had forgotten about making Bull reciprocate. While I was taking a break from my sucking duties, bull rotated. He took a long look at my cock. Open his mouth and swallowed it. He was a big man and deep throated me on his first gulp. He must have liked what he tasted.

Bull treated my cock like a rare and exotic object. He loved my cock. His lips, tongue and throat made love to my cock. He was a natural sucker. I returned to his cock and we sixty-nined. During a break I asked him how he was doing.

"Great. It's good," he said. "Shit, it's more than good. You know, deep in my heart, I thought I'd like it. I hadn't guessed it would be this good. Damn, what have I missed?" I continued to suck and he gave up his load. I took it all and poor Bull almost cried it was so good. There must5 have been a pint of cum.

"Sorry, I should have warned you," Bull said.

"Do you shoot that much every time?" I asked. "I can skip dinner. That was a meal in itself."

"Yeah, I shoot buckets. Sometimes I can do it several times," Bull said. "It takes ten or fifteen minutes to recharge."

"I can wait," I said. "If you're game, I'm sure willing."

"I'm willing," Bull replied. "I could do this for hours." He paused. "Do I have to take your cum?"

I smiled. "Only if you're thirsty." I replied. For a man who was hesitant and uneasy before sex, once he got into it, he was an eager leaner. Bull wanted to try it all. A half hour later I was wedging his thick meat into my ass. It was a stretch for me, but Bull loved it.

It was okay for me, but great for him. It was fun to watch a man enjoy himself so much. Once he was in, it became increasingly comfortable. My ass held Bull's foreskin tight, but the extra skin let his shaft and head move freely. Bull was excited, but since he had shot off earlier, he could hold back. It was a good experience for both of us.

Bull didn't take my load in the mouth. That was too much for him. Bull was still excited and ready to go at it again. While he was uncomfortable visualizing my spurting cock in his mouth, he was curious about how my cock would feel in his ass. If he like sucking, he loved getting fucked. My cock is long and thin. It popped through his iron buns easily and probed deep into unexplored, virgin territory. By the time he left for home, nothing was unexplored and nothing remained virgin in Bull's ass.

Next: Chapter 17

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