Spanking Superman


Published on Apr 30, 2020


I must beg the indulgence of my readers for this story. I have never wrestled, although I enjoy watching it. In this tale, Superman is challenged to a wrestling match. I have tried to describe moves that I have seen or read about, but I fear my ignorance will nonetheless show through. So please forgive my lack of knowledge and enjoy.

Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This is a work of fan fiction, not intended for profit.



Superman was patrolling south of the city one crisp autumn afternoon when he spotted two teenage boys driving south on the Interstate in an open top Jeep. They weren't doing anything wrong; they just caught his eye because they were particularly good looking—especially the boy in the driver's seat. He was muscular and athletic, with dark hair and a good tan. He was wearing a snug, light blue crop top t-shirt and faded jeans that hugged his muscular legs. His moderately long hair was blowing in the breeze as they drove along at about seventy miles per hour. Hands that looked firm and powerful grasped the steering wheel.

The other boy was also athletic looking, although much leaner. He had short, brown hair and an even deeper tan than the driver. He was wearing a white wife-beater shirt, and knee length khaki shorts. He was good looking enough to have attracted Superman's attention on his own, but the boy that was driving drew his gaze and held it.

Superman followed the Jeep, which was carrying a large pile of gear in the back, as it drove farther from the city. He knew better than to fly too low or too close, so he stayed high in the air and watched with his telescopic vision. At one point they exited the Interstate and stopped at a gas station. The boy from the passenger seat went inside, while the driver inserted his card into the gas pump and began to refuel. As he stood waiting for the tank to fill, he stretched and flexed his muscles and Superman could see that he was indeed strong. Superman watched, enrapt.

At length the other boy came outside carrying two large drink cups and both boys got back in the Jeep and continued down the highway. Superman followed, ever at a distance. He could not get enough of the sight of the beautiful boy driving the vehicle.

Superman hadn't had his bottom spanked in weeks and he was itching to be punished. He began to imagine those powerful arms and hands spanking his naked bottom, how he would be too weak and helpless to resist, and how it would sting. This thought immediately triggered an erection and he started feeling weak. Afraid he might crash-land on the highway, he quickly put that thought out of his mind.

Finally, they pulled off the Interstate and drove to the entrance of Valley Lake State Park, a location known for its wooded areas, camping and fishing. Superman decided that he had wasted enough time in boy-watching and needed to get back to the city and continue his patrol.

It was dark by the time he got back to Metropolis. He landed at the police station to see if there were any crimes that needed investigating. Looking over the list of recent police reports, he noticed a minor convenience store robbery that would not have merited his attention except for one thing. Two boys had taken at gunpoint, and without paying for, an ample supply of groceries: hot dogs and buns, mustard, catsup, pickles, bags of chips, several packages of cookies, cans of pork & beans, spaghetti and corned beef hash, eggs, bacon, frozen hash-browns, a box of Bisquick, a half-gallon of milk, a pound of coffee, a couple of six-packs of beer, an assortment of sodas, a carton of cigarettes, and two bags of ice. They had sped off in an open top Jeep and had gotten away.

The two suspects had been identified and there was a picture of them. It was the very boys he had been following. His heart skipped a beat. Looking over the police report he saw that they were Tony and Ben Moretti, fraternal twins who had attended East Metropolis High. Tony was the beautiful, muscular one. Although very good athletes and members of the football, baseball and wrestling teams, they both did poorly academically and dropped out of school before their senior year. Tony appeared to be of moderate IQ, while Ben had a bit of a learning disability. That had been the reason he dropped out and Tony—being a caring and protective brother—had done the same.

Superman could not resist getting back to these boys, so he told the police officer that there was something he needed to look into, excused himself, and left the station. Taking to the air, he immediately headed for Valley Lake State Park.

JOURNEY TO THE PARK Superman was quickly growing excited as he flew southward. The thought of encountering the boys up close and personal was beginning to arouse him and his penis began to harden, causing him to fly slowly. Thoughts swirled through his mind: "How am I going to handle them? Do I want to apprehend them, or should I try to persuade them to turn themselves in? Should I even confront them? What if I do and they give me a spanking? I bet Tony could spank me really hard...I would be completely helpless to resist him..." These thoughts were making the Man of Steel weaker and he floundered in the air. He had to stop in a wooded area off the highway to recover. He needed to put thoughts of getting spanked out of his mind. A half hour passed. Regaining enough of his strength to fly again, he continued on, although unable to fly very fast.

Still, he could not help but anticipate what their encounter might be like. "Will I be strong enough to overcome them? Not if Tony starts spanking me...he could pull down my pants and even strip me completely naked...that would be a terrible spanking...that would be a wonderful spanking. I'll be crying before he even spanks me for a half hour..."

By this time his penis was rock hard, and he was weaker than before. He had an empty feeling in his stomach, and he was twitching his bottom uncontrollably. He began to tumble to the ground and landed awkwardly on his hands and knees beside the road. It was nearly midnight and there wasn't much traffic, so thankfully no one saw him. He crawled farther into the trees and knelt there panting and trembling for several hours. So great was his arousal that he was unable to recover as quickly as he normally did just from thinking about getting his bottom spanked. He tried, without much success, to put the thoughts of getting spanked out of his mind. Even so, he couldn't shed the images of the lovely boy. He sank into a prone position face down on the ground, buried his head in the crook of his elbow, and pulled his left knee up toward his stomach. His erection pressed against the ground. The weakened hero lay there like that for another several hours more. Even without thinking specifically of getting spanked, the images of Tony's strength and beauty kept him aroused and weak. If he was this helpless just thinking about the boy, what would it be like when he stood before him in person?

Finally, he felt he was strong enough to fly again, and so once more he headed toward the state park. Yet once again, the thoughts insisted on occupying his mind. "Maybe I don't have to apprehend them...they're good boys...especially Tony...maybe I could just explain to them that their actions are wrong...but that wouldn't convince them...they need to be punished...especially Tony...maybe he's the one that needs a spanking...I could give him a spanking... what am I saying? I could never spank him...he would be the one spanking me...he would spank me so long and so hard...I would be blubbering like a baby..."

Again, the Man of Steel weakened to the point of being unable to fly. But now he was at the entrance to the park. So, he landed and staggered inside the big gate on foot. He continued on for a few minutes, nearly falling to the ground a few times. Realizing that he would need to take to the air again to locate the boys in this large park, he made his way among the trees and sank to his knees to recover his strength. He would need his strength to find them, even if he lost it again in their presence. He tried to fill his mind with wholesome thoughts to make his erection go down. Again, it took several hours, but at last he was able to take to the air again.

THE CAMPSITE Superman flew the length and breadth of the large park, scanning it with his super vision. It being autumn and having turned a little colder—as well as it being a weekday with school and work in full session—the park was nearly deserted. Finally, he spotted the Jeep in a clearing about a hundred yards up from the lake and gently lowered himself to just above the ground, hidden by trees, about fifteen feet from the edge of their campsite. They had a good size A-frame tent, about six by ten feet. There was gear spread around and the two boys lay sleeping in front of a large campfire. Despite it being a little on the chilly side, both boys were shirtless. Ben lay with his head resting on his brother's stomach and Tony had his arm wrapped around Ben's shoulders. The flickering fire highlighted their muscles and made their skin glow. They both looked so contented that Superman was unwilling to disturb them, so he hovered in the air back in the trees and watched them. He was happy to just look at them and enjoy their beauty, keeping thoughts of getting spanked out of his mind so he continued to float and not make any noise.

About an hour passed and the first glimmers of daylight were just beginning to appear when first Tony and then Ben stirred. Ben looked lovingly up into his brother's eyes and Tony returned the glance with a warm smile. He gently squeezed Ben's shoulder and kissed him lightly on the top of his head. Seeing this caused a stirring in Superman's groin. But still, he kept silently watching.

At length, Tony carefully removed Ben's head from his stomach and stood up, stretching and flexing his powerful muscles. Ben gazed admiringly at him. Tony sat on a large rock and removed his sneakers and socks. Then he stood and unbuttoned his jeans and lowered them to the ground, stepping out of them. He was now wearing only a skimpy pair of navy-blue briefs. He looked magnificent as he again flexed his muscles. He reached inside the back of his briefs and caressed his shapely, round bottom.

The sight of all this was too much for Superman. His penis immediately grew hard and his strength deserted him, causing him to fall abruptly to the ground. The distinct sound of a large body hitting the ground, of twigs snapping and of leaves rustling caught the attention of both boys. Ben leapt to his feet and Tony grabbed a flashlight from the duffle bag that lay just outside the tent.

Superman shuddered and trembled, afraid to move a muscle. But it was too late. The beam from Tony's flashlight hit him as he lay sprawled on the ground. He looked at Tony like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Hey, Ben!" laughed Tony. "Look what we have here!"

"It looks like Superman! I think it is Superman!" Ben exclaimed.

"It certainly is!" proclaimed Tony. "What in the hell are you doing here, watching us?"

"I...uh...I was just..." stammered Superman.

Sensing that he had the upper hand, Tony took control of the situation.

"Stand up, perv!" he ordered. Superman did as he was told. "Come over here by the fire." Again, Superman complied. The Man of Steel stood with his shoulders slumped and his head hung, looking ashamed of himself. Tony expanded his chest and flexed his muscles in an intimidating look. Superman withered even more. His tent in his briefs was unmistakable.

"Look, Tony," exclaimed Ben, "Super-dude's got a hard-on!"

"He sure does!" said Tony mockingly.

Superman was unable to respond.

"We don't like people hanging around spying on us," proclaimed Tony. "Especially so-called superheroes. Do we, Ben?"

"No, we don't!"

"What...did you come to take us in?" demanded Tony.

"Er...kinda..." stammered Superman.

"Well, I don't think you can do it," said the dark-haired boy. "I think we're gonna have some fun with you."

"P-please don't..." said Superman meekly.

"Tell you what..." Tony went on, "let's wrestle." Superman looked surprised. "If you beat me then you take us in. If I beat you, then you're our captive for as long as we want."

"I-I don't know..." said Superman.

"Here's the rules..." Tony continued, "for each pin-fall, the loser has to take off one piece of clothing. The first one naked loses."


"What have you got to lose, Superman? You're a big powerful superhero and I'm just a teenage boy. You only have to remove my underwear pants, but I have to get your entire costume off. The odds are definitely in your favor. What do you say?"

"I don't know..." said Superman, completely unsure of himself.

"That's what you wanted wasn't it, Superman? To take us in? Isn't that the reason you're here? Or did you just want to perv out looking at us?"

"Er...uh...y-yes, take you in, that is..."

"Good!" announced Tony. "We wrestle!"

Ben moved close to his brother and whispered, "Are you crazy? He's Superman. You don't stand a chance against him."

" I not the state wrestling champion?" Tony whispered back. "I doubt that this putz knows anything about wrestling. Besides, look at that hard-on! I've heard that Super-creep gets weak when he gets an erection. This'll be a piece of cake."

STRIP WRESTLING Tony stood in the midst of the clearing while he rotated and stretched his upper body. Superman just looked dumbfounded. "Come on, dude, let's get it on!" said the boy.

Superman moved toward Tony, but just stood there, looking as if he had no clue what he was supposed to do, which he didn't.

Tony spread his feet and leaned forward, arms raised in the classic wrestling pose. Superman, totally ignorant of what he was supposed to do, tried awkwardly to emulate the boy's stance but only looked silly. Ben, who had seated himself on the large rock to watch, giggled.

Tony circled around the Man of Steel cautiously. Superman, confused, turned around facing the boy, still maintaining his faux wrestling pose. Tony jerked forward suddenly. Superman started in surprise. Tony continued to move around the befuddled hero. Then suddenly, faster than even Superman could comprehend, the boy sprang at the hero, wrapped his arms around the powerful waist, and threw him easily to the ground. In a heartbeat he was on top of the surprised Man of Steel and pinning his shoulders to the ground.

"Pin-fall one to Tony!" exclaimed Ben gleefully.

"I guess that took you by surprise...maybe you weren't ready..." offered Tony as he reached up to Superman's neck and unfastened the red cape. He stood up. "Well, on your feet! We've got a lot more rounds to go before you're naked...or maybe just one round till I'm naked. We'll see."

Superman slowly stood up. His briefs were severely tented out in front. Tony again assumed his stance, and Superman did the same. Then just as quickly as before, Tony was behind Superman, one armed wrapped around his neck and the other hand pulling the hero's wrist up into the center of his back. Superman grimaced and struggled, but he was just too weak—and Tony was just too strong. With lightning speed, Tony wrapped one mighty leg around Superman's knees and tripped him. Superman landed on his stomach and Tony was on him in an instant. He easily flipped the hero over onto his back and again pinned his shoulders to the ground.

"Round two to Tony!" laughed Ben. Superman closed his eyes for a moment and sighed in defeat. He lay there and allowed Tony to unfasten his yellow belt and pull it from the loops of his briefs.

"Okay," announced Tony, "this time we start in the down position." Superman just looked at him, bewildered. "On your hands and knees, stupid," said Tony with exasperation.

Superman assumed that position and Tony leaned down over him, one arm on the hero's shoulder and the other wrapped loosely around his waist. Superman just knelt there awkwardly for several long moments.

"Okay, you're supposed to try to break free," prompted Tony. Superman did as he was told, but Tony instantly pushed him to the ground, once again flipping him over and pinning him.

"Third pin-fall: Tony!" announced Ben.

Superman just lay there wishing that Tony would just declare victory and strip him naked, and that this humiliating ordeal would be over. Tony was just too strong for him. But the boy was enjoying his superiority over the pitiful super-hunk way too much to bring it to a speedy end.

Tony pulled Superman's red briefs down to his feet and removed them. Superman was now wearing only his tight, blue shirt and pants and his red boots. He lay on the ground moaning.

"No stalling, Superman," said Tony in a commanding voice. "Into the down position again."

Superman slowly got into the position on his hands and knees and Tony knelt over him. Superman sighed as if to say, "What's the use?" and at length made a feeble move to escape. Tony was quick to push him down flat on the ground. He grabbed the hero by one ankle, placed a foot in the small of his back, and raised the ankle as high in the air as it would go, twisting it as he did. Superman groaned in pain.

"What's the matter, big fella," asked Tony, "you don't like that?" Superman's only response was "Uhhhhggggnnnn!"

"You give up?"


"What's that?"

"Give...up..." moaned the agonized Man of Steel.

"I can't hear you," taunted Tony.

"G-give..." groaned Superman, slightly louder.

"Do you submit?" demanded Tony.

" more..." begged Superman.

"I thought so!" gloated Tony, removing the boot from the foot that he held and tossed it aside, allowing the leg to drop to the ground. Superman sat there holding his ankle and bare foot. He assumed that the entire wrestling match was over, since he had submitted, but Tony ordered him back into the down position. He got on top of the hero again.

This time, Tony didn't wait for Superman to try to escape. He took his hand and reached under Superman's arm, placing his forearm across the base of the Man of Steel's neck. In this position, he locked his hands at the wrist and applied pressure in a downward motion, forcing Superman's head under his shoulders. Using his free leg, he flung him around and flipped him over into the pin position.

Ben shouted gleefully, "A three-quarters Nelson! Tony wins another pin-fall!"

Tony sat over his fallen opponent and did a double biceps pose. Then he grabbed the remaining red boot and pulled it off. Now barefoot, Superman wore only his blue tights. Again, Tony ordered Superman into the down position.

This time, Tony pushed him to the ground with the force of his hips and sat in the small of his back. "And now, Superman," he announced, "my favorite hold—the camel clutch!" With that, he grabbed the hero under the chin with both hands and pulled back, bending his neck and back until the distraught hero groaned in agony.

"Do you submit, asshole?" Tony shouted in his ear. Superman tried to speak but couldn't. He tried to nod his head but couldn't. So he just moaned incoherently. "I take that as a yes," said Tony derisively. Tony grabbed the waistband of Superman's tight pants and pulled them down. He slid them over the hero's luscious, round bottom; down his shapely, muscular legs; down to his feet and completely off. Superman was naked from the waist down. He lay flat on the ground, face down, panting heavily. His penis pushed painfully against the rocks and twigs on the ground.

"Another pin-fall for Tony!" laughed Ben. "Score—Tony six, Superman zero! One more item of clothing and Superman will be completely defeated!" Superman wanted to die right there and then.

Tony didn't wait for Superman to get into position. Instead, he placed one foot firmly on the hero's shoulder blade and grabbed both feet, lifting them high in the air. He applied all his weight to the front of Superman's shins and pushed down, painfully bending his back. Superman screamed in agony. Tony bounced up and down on Superman's shins. Superman screamed even more. Tony applied even more pressure. Superman let out his most agonized groan as tears started streaming down his cheeks.

" more...please, sir..." whimpered the agonized Man of Steel.

"Are you sure you want to give up, Superman? This is the final round."

"Y-y-yes, s-sir...y-you w-win..."

"You're damn right I win! You are now the property of the Moretti boys!" shouted Tony victoriously.

"You won, bro," said Ben excitedly. "You are the best!"

"We are the best, bro!" agreed Tony. "You and me, bro!"

Superman lay face down on the ground, defeated, completely naked, whimpering, sobbing, and sniveling. He had come here expecting to be punished, but had not anticipated such a painful, humiliating ordeal. His bottom, which he had hoped would be red and stinging, was untouched. But his muscles ached from being abnormally stretched and twisted. He continued to cry.

Tony positioned the defeated hero flat on the ground, face down with his head facing the ground, his toes pointing back, his arms extended forward, and his palms flat on the ground. "Now don't move from that position, asshole!" he commanded. Superman determined to obey him completely.

Tony turned to Ben. "I'm hungry," he said.

"Me too," replied his brother. "I'll fix breakfast."

"And while you do, I'll get cleaned up," added Tony.

"Sounds like a plan," said Ben.

Ben set about preparing the meal and Tony, after restoking the fire, shed his briefs. Completely naked, the boy was a picture of teenage male perfection. He had a distinct tan line and his white bottom was round and muscular. He had a trail of black hair below his navel that ran down to a thicket of black pubic hair. A low-hanging scrotum held a pair of impressive testicles. His circumcised penis was quite large, both in length and girth for a nine-teen-year-old. He exuded masculinity in every aspect. It made Superman feel ashamed of himself.

Tony grabbed a bar of soap from his duffle bag and headed down to the lake. Meanwhile, Ben busied himself with cooking. Superman lay completely motionless, still afraid to move.

After about twenty minutes, Tony returned, still naked and now dripping wet. He looked even more magnificent with the beads of water covering his skin. He took a towel from his duffle bag and began to dry himself off. Then he put on a clean pair of gray briefs, his tight jeans, crop top t-shirt, socks, and sneakers.

"Is breakfast ready?" he asked his brother.

"Yep," replied Ben, and so they sat around the campfire eating piles of scrambled eggs, thick slices of hickory-smoked bacon, hash-browns with catsup, drop biscuits with strawberry preserves, and drinking strong, black coffee.

When they finished eating, they sat around the campfire for a long time, laughing about defeating Superman and about their convenience store heist the day before. Superman had stopped crying but continued to lie obediently as Tony had placed him.

Finally, Tony stood up.

"And now, bro," he announced, "you get to spank our captive first!"

"Sweet!" exclaimed Ben, a massive grin on his face.

PUNISHMENT Ben sat on the large rock. Tony lifted the naked, trembling hero in his powerful arms and laid him across Ben's lap. Ben wasted no time in beginning to slap the beautiful, round bottom displayed before him. Ben's hand was strong and firm. Because of the painful, humiliating ordeal he had been through and because he was so aroused, Superman began feeling the pain of the spanking immediately. The blows came at a pace of about one every two seconds and were hard and stinging. Each one indented the lily-white skin and Ben let his hand rest there for a second, pushing it around as if to rub the pain into the tender bottom. Superman winced with each slap and emitted a little grunt. Ben had never felt anything quite so smooth as Superman's soft, pliable bottom. He enjoyed each punishing blow, even if Superman didn't. The hero's erect penis pushed into the boy's leg.

After about five minutes, Tony asked, "Can I spank him for a while?"

"Yeah, sure," answered his brother. "You're gonna love this. His ass feels so great."

The two boys switched places and Tony started spanking the Man of Steel. His big, powerful hand fell with even more force. His blows were spaced about a second apart and stung Superman's sensitive bottom terribly. Instead of resting his hand on the exposed skin as Ben had done, he immediately raised it again in the air to prepare for the next slap. He enjoyed watching the tender, round bottom jiggle in response to each smack.

Superman's vocal responses were a little louder now and his bottom was a lovely, pale shade of pink. He bit his lower lip between each blow, but other than that he did not move.

When he had spanked the Man of Steel for about ten minutes, he relinquished the helpless super- stud to his brother for more spanking. By now the hero was whimpering and sniffling.

Ben continued the spanking. He would raise his hand high in the air and hold it there for a varying amount of time before bringing it down hard on Superman's bottom. The result was that the Man of Steel never knew when the blow would strike, increasing his anxiety and fear. The hero's chest quaked as he sobbed and sniffed. He responded to each smack with a loud "Owww!" but made no effort to resist or evade the punishment.

Tony sat and watched intently as his brother spanked the beautiful, helpless muscleman for nearly fifteen minutes. When Tony at last took over again, Superman was crying out loud.

Tony had the naked hero stand, leaning forward with his hands against a tree. He spanked at a rate of about four blows a second with all his considerable strength. Superman was bawling at the top of his voice. His bottom was bright red and felt like it was on fire. His handsome face was covered with tears and snot. His Herculean chest quaked with massive sobs and his swollen penis pointed nearly straight up, the tip coated with pre-ejaculate. He was completely weak and helpless. His powerful muscles were useless. He was, in short, a pathetic sight.

After about twenty minutes of this, he stopped and said, "I've got an idea." He got a twenty-five- foot length of stout hemp rope from the tent. He tied one end securely around both of Superman's wrists and threw the other end over a sturdy tree branch. He pulled it tight so that Superman was hanging by his arms with his toes barely touching the ground. Then both boys took turns delivering powerful swats to the pitiful hero's beautiful, round bottom. Ben even retrieved Superman's yellow, leather belt and used it to assault the tender, stinging bottom. Superman continued to blubber and scream in agony. His bottom was nearly purple from the relentless punishment, which went on for over a half an hour.

Finally, they let the rope down and untied Superman's hands. He was allowed to sink, bawling and blubbering, to his knees. He hung his head in shame and cried into his hands. The boys let him stay like that for about ten minutes, his crying never lessening. Then Tony grabbed a handful of the hero's hair and hauled him to his feet. The boy led him into their tent and forced him to lie face down on the ground, stretched out and flat, and ordered him not to move. Superman complied, afraid to do otherwise. He lay there crying at the top of his voice while the boys headed down toward the lake to do some fishing.

AFTER PUNISHMENT Several hours later, Tony and Ben returned to their campsite with their fishing gear and a string of trout. They immediately checked on Superman inside the tent. They marveled at the fact that he had not moved an inch from where they placed him. He was still crying, although not as loud, and the color in his bottom had subsided to a bright, rosy red. His penis was still erect.

Ben knelt and stroked the luscious bottom. Even punished, it was amazingly soft and smooth. Superman started and winced, letting out a little cry, when his tender bottom was touched. But he did not move. Ben began spanking the hero—not nearly as hard as before, but still hard enough to make him react with louder crying. Tony got down and the two of them alternated slaps for about ten minutes. Then they again left Superman alone to cry inside the tent while they went to clean the fish they had caught.

Superman lay inside the tent all day long, motionless, erect, and crying. One or the other—or both—of the boys would come inside periodically to spank him some more. He never stopped crying. That evening, after a hearty meal of trout, pork & beans, and beer, the boys sat around the campfire laughing about fishing and spanking Superman and stuff. Inside the tent, Superman listened to them with shame, still crying and still aroused.

After several hours, Tony and Ben stripped down to just their underwear pants and got inside the tent with Superman. After one more spanking on his tender bottom, they lay down on either side of him. Ben laid his arm across Superman's waist, just above his bottom, and Tony draped his arm over the hero's muscular (but shaking) shoulders. They contentedly went to sleep to the sounds of Superman sniffling and sobbing. Although in pain, Superman was happy to have the close touch of the two strong, nearly naked teenage bodies. He felt safe with his tender super- body in such good hands. His sobbing was a mixture of crying and purring.

Superman, needing neither food, drink nor sleep to survive, lay there without moving all night long. At one point, Ben got up and went outside to pee. Superman hated not having the boy's tender touch so close to his bottom, but soon, Ben returned and again lay down with his arm across the hero's waist.

When the boys awoke at about six o'clock in the morning it had turned colder—maybe thirty- five or forty degrees—so the boys, in addition to their regular clothes, put on sweatshirts and stocking caps. Superman remained naked and shivering. But they warmed up his bottom with a brief spanking. Afterwards, they led the Man of Steel outside the tent and allowed him to sit up, his knees bent so that he sat on his lower legs, and he didn't have to rest his stinging bottom on the rough ground. He obediently sat there, sobbing softly, with his head bowed submissively, while the two boys prepared and ate breakfast.

Having eaten a hearty breakfast, Tony came over to the shivering, sobbing, naked hunk and knelt down beside him on his haunches. "What shall we do with our pathetic crybaby today?" he asked his brother.

"I don't know—" replied Ben. "What do you think we should do?"

"Well, I don't intend to devote our entire camping trip to his punishment," said Tony.

"Should we let him go?" asked Ben.

"I think he's too weak to leave on his own," mused the dark-haired boy. "I think we should take him somewhere that he can get over his crying."

"And where would that be?" wondered his brother.

"I dunno...we'll find a place."

And so, after finishing up the dishes and tidying up the campsite, Tony and Ben laid the naked, sobbing hero in the back of their Jeep and covered him completely over with a blanket, his costume tied in a ball beside him. They drove him outside the park and about ten miles to the south until they left the Interstate and found a dirt road, leading seemingly to nowhere. They drove down this road a few miles and stopped. They took Superman about fifty yards from the road, laid him on the bare ground and spanked him for another good ten minutes. They placed his wadded-up costume beside him and left him there, naked and crying.

Superman lay there in that spot for the rest of the day until he was strong enough to get dressed and fly back to town. He wished that he had never followed the Moretti boys.

But he was glad he did.

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