Spanking Club

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Oct 22, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

The Spanking Club

Part Nine

By Chris

As the weeks passed, Zoe spent more and more of her evenings with Carrie, only seeing Alex and the gang during the week when they would eat lunch together. She did keep her Wednesday night yoga sessions going with Faye and she tried to get Carrie to join her but she wouldn't. However she did introduce Carrie to yoga and while she wasn't as flexible as Zoe and not nearly as flexible as Faye, she did begin to get into yoga. Even Carrie Ann would join them sometimes and she put them both to shame on being able to put her body into any position that she wanted but then she was still growing and was thus highly flexible. Carrie Ann wasn't all that interested in Yoga however she loved doing something with her grandmother and Zoe whom she had accepted into the family.

Zoe did note that as the days got closer to the Wilma and Sylvia's party, Carrie got a little more nervous. Zoe knew that if Carrie could think of a way out of going, she would. However, she had said she would go and she always kept her word, even if it was something that she didn't want to do. Zoe did spring one thing on Carrie the Monday night before the party on Friday and she knew that it would cause her a bit of grief but she hoped that she could pull it off.

They were laying in bed talking a little before they turned out the lights; Carrie seemed to be in a good mood so Zoe figured that it was a good time to bring up what Wilma had asked her at lunch. "You know I was talking to Wilma today at lunch and she mentioned that everyone is staying for the weekend and she invited us to join them." Zoe told her and she got from Carrie was silence, which wasn't a good sign.

"What did you tell her?" Carrie asked.

"I told her that I wasn't sure what we would be doing this weekend but I thought that you had mentioned doing something on Saturday." Zoe told her and that was indeed what she had told Wilma.

"So you gave me a way to say no." Carrie told her.

"I did, I figured that I was stretching my luck as it was getting you to go to the party." Zoe told her.

"Well thank you..." Carrie said and then hesitated for a second, "and by everyone, Wilma means Alex, Faye, and Rose?"

"Yes that is who she means." Zoe told her.

"Do you want to stay the weekend?" Carrie asked her.

"Yes I do, I want you to get to know all of them and see them as they really are." Zoe told her.

"I'll meet them at the party." Carrie countered.

"There's going to be forty to fifty people there, you won't get to talk to them as much as I would like." Zoe told her.

"I don't know; let's just start with the party okay." Carrie told her.

"Okay," Zoe told her giving her a smile.

Carrie gave her a questioning look, "You're giving up that easily?"

"Yep, I know I'm asking a lot of you just to go to the party with me. I know when you said that you would; you were figuring that there was a real possibility of us not still being together when the party came." Zoe told her.

"No I didn't!" Carrie said in protest and Zoe just arched her eyebrows up at her. "Well okay I thought that there was a slight possibility that we wouldn't still be together."

"I stand corrected." Zoe said and then she laughed causing Carrie to laugh.

"Okay I had no plans of actually meeting your friends." Carrie said as the laughter died down a bit.

"You know we can still back out, they'll understand." Zoe told her giving her a further out.

"Oh no, I said I would and I'm going to. Besides a part of me wants to meet them now." Carrie told her.

"I'm glad; I really do think you'll like them." Zoe told her giving her a little kiss.

"Okay enough about the damn party, let's go to sleep." Carrie told her then she turned onto her back, reaching up to turn off the light.

They both lay on their backs and Zoe waited for Carrie to say something, as she knew she would. Carrie only laid on her back if she had something on her mind that she had to think over, if she was ready for sleep, she would have curled up against her.

"What are they going to do over the weekend?" Carrie asked her.

"I don't know, it's supposed to turn hot this weekend so I suspect that they'll spend the weekend by the pool." Zoe told her.

"What will they do at the pool?" Carrie asked her.

Zoe knew where Carrie was going with all of this so she rolled over on top of her, "They aren't going to be having a wild orgy..." Zoe was saying when she sense Carrie was about to say something else so she placed her finger over her lips which Carrie hated but tolerated this time, "This is just a weekend of friends getting together and celebrating Wilma and Sylvia's anniversary. They will be swimming and running around the pool naked as I have never seen any of them in a bathing suit but that doesn't mean that we can't wear one."

"May I speak now?" Carrie asked.

"Oh yes, sorry." Zoe said as she removed her finger from Carrie's lips.

"You know I'm not a prude and am open minded. I hope you haven't described me as such." Carrie said as she reached up turning on the light again.

"No I haven't described you as such. But without having met you yet, they will be on their best behavior until they find out how much of a slut you really are." Zoe told her.

"Oh god I can't talk to you about anything seriously." Carrie said as she pushed Zoe off of her. Then she turned the light back off and turned on her side away from Zoe.

"I'm sorry," Zoe told her as she placed her hand on Carrie's shoulder pulling her back onto her back and she was surprised that Carrie let her.

"You had better be." Carrie said and Zoe could see her smile in the dim light.

"I'll think about it... okay." Carrie told her and Zoe knew that they would be spending the weekend there at Wilma's.

Zoe however had to suffer through a week of hell as Carrie went through every dress that she owned and then some from the shop trying to find one that didn't make her look hideous at the party. Zoe thought she looked great in all of them but Carrie wasn't to be convinced. Zoe ended up getting Kristen and Marcella involved before they all got Carrie to settle on a dress which did make her look beautiful, even Carrie Ann put her stamp of approval on the dress.

Zoe took a half of a day off on Friday, picking up her bathing suit from her apartment that she still had, although she was rarely there anymore. Carrie too needed a bathing suit and Zoe didn't want to have to go through shopping for a bathing suit with Carrie as she just knew that it would be a repeat of picking out the dress Carrie was to wear. So Zoe offered to pick up one for her. Carrie actually agreed to this telling Zoe only to make it like the one that she was going to wear. Zoe didn't tell her that she had two, one a little more conservative and one that was more of a string bikini that barely covered her ass and tied at the sides. She, of course, chose the latter one to take and so that she what she bought Carrie to wear however she was smart enough not to show Carrie what she had gotten for her.

When Zoe got to Carrie's place, she found that Carrie was packing her bag and Carrie Ann was following her every step. Zoe suspected that Kristen had sent Carrie Ann down to keep Carrie under control and not freaking out about the weekend. Carrie Ann was being more of a bother than any real help as she brought things that Carrie was giving her over to the overnight bag that Carrie was packing.

"You know we are just going away for the weekend, not for two weeks." Zoe said as she stood in the doorway watching them.

"Aunt Zoe, I'm helping grandma pack her bag." Carrie Ann said excitedly as she came over to give her a hug.

"I can see that and I bet you're being a big help." Zoe told her giving her high praise as she saw Carrie frowning that made Zoe want to laugh but she knew better.

"I'll tell you what, why don't you and Aunt Zoe go make us some lunch, that'll be a great help." Carrie told Carrie Ann and it was Zoe time to frown.

"Come on Carrie Ann; let's see what we can find to eat." Zoe said as she took Carrie Ann by the hand leading her out of the bedroom and thus leaving Carrie alone to fret and pack. Zoe did get Carrie to stop packing long enough to eat a bite or two but that was about all she ate.

About three, they headed out to the beauty salon where they got their hair done up and also fingernails and toenails done since they were both wearing open toed heels. It took Carrie forever to decide on a color for her nails thought she had no problem picking out what color that Zoe needed to get. This all took about two hours for the hair stylists to get their hair fixed and put up. They then headed back to Carrie's place where Kristen and Marcella were waiting for them. Kristen helped her mother as Marcella helped Zoe put on their dresses. This way they were able to not undo what they paid a fortune to the hair stylist to do.

On the way to Wilma and Sylvia's house, Zoe kept the conversation going, telling Carrie all about her day at work and keeping away from the party. Carrie talked some but mostly she looked out the window at the passing countryside. Zoe knew that Carrie was scared to death so she finally stopped talking and just took Carrie's hand in hers giving her some reassurance that everything would be okay. Zoe had long since learned that while Carrie was great dealing with the public, she was very shy in social situations.

When they finally arrived at Wilma and Sylvia's house, the first thing out of Carrie's mouth was, "Where are all the cars? We'll not early are we?" as the only vehicles in the front were from the catering company.

"They arraigned for a car service to pick everyone up at their houses or motels, bring them here, and then take them home at the end of the party." Zoe told her.

"Isn't that expensive?" Carrie asked her.

"Yes but they can afford it plus it is a lot better than having a lot of people who had too much to drink on the road or having to stay over." Zoe told her.

"That's smart, now answer my other question." Carrie told her as Zoe parked the car in front of the garage.

"Yes we are early, I wanted you to meet my friends without everyone around and they wanted to meet you." Zoe told her.

"And you never seem to find the time to tell me that." Carrie asked her giving her the look that said that she was in trouble.

"It slipped my mind." Zoe offered as an excuse.

"Yea, right." Zoe said in a huff then she said, "You had better not leave me alone tonight."

"I won't, I'll even go to the bathroom with you." Zoe said kidding as she leaned over giving Carrie a kiss on the cheek then whipping the lipstick off.

"You might have to, this dress is so tight, I don't think I can get to my panties alone." Carrie said with a laugh.

"Oh I will love pulling your panties down for you." Zoe said winking at her.

"Behave, you're already on shaky ground as it is and you might not get any for a month if you keep it up." Carrie warned her.

Zoe laughed, "I'll try to behave. Now come on and let's have some fun."

"I'll go but I doubt that I'll have any fun." Carrie told her.

Zoe just smiled as she got out of the car and then came around to help Carrie get out as her dress was long and fit closely around her legs thus not giving her much room to walk but it hid Carrie's pale legs that she didn't like but Zoe loved. Zoe took her hand and they walked around to the front of the house where Zoe opened the door and escorted Carrie into the house. Zoe figured that everyone would be gathered in the kitchen and so they were. When they got close to the kitchen and they could see everyone, Carrie stopped her.

"Those are my dresses." She whispered into Zoe's ear.

"Yep, they are. I told everyone about your dress shop and they just had to check it out." Zoe told her.

"They are the ladies who asked for me when they came in." Carrie whispered.

"I am sure that they did." Zoe said.

"You know you're just digging that hole ever bigger, you're up to two months without any." Carrie told her and Zoe knew that she was serious.

"Hey, they're here!" Zoe heard Alex say and they all turned toward them.

"Yes we are." Zoe said and she saw Carrie put a smile on her face. She could only hope that the smile would become real by the end of the night. Zoe squeezed Carrie's hand as she escorted her over to her friends.

"Carrie, this is Alex, Faye, Rose, Wilma, and Sylvia. And ladies, this is my friend Carrie." Zoe said.

"Welcome to our home," Sylvia said coming first to give Carrie a hug and a kiss, and then came Wilma who said the same thing. After Wilma had released Carrie; Rose, Faye, and Alex all went to Carrie giving her a kiss and a hug.

"I love your dresses." Carrie told them as she gave Zoe a look.

Alex laughed as she said, "We were told that you had the prettiest dresses around and she was right."

"Well thank you," Carrie replied seemly pleased by the compliment.

"Zoe, would you go and check and make sure that the caters are going to get everything set up on time, you know you got to keep an eye on those people. And that will give us time to talk to Carrie and get to know her and her us." Sylvia told her; however Carrie's look told her that she had better not move an inch.

"Okay, I'll light a fire under them." Zoe said, and then she leaned over whispering into Carrie's ear, "Relax, you're in good hands." She gave her a light kiss on the lips before leaving.

"Come on Carrie, let's get you a glass of wine and we'll tell you all the shit on Zoe." Zoe heard Wilma say to Carrie.

Zoe knew she was taking a chance leaving Carrie alone right after telling her that she wouldn't leave her alone but she trusted her friends to do the right thing and make Carrie feel at home. So Zoe went on out to the pool, seeing the large tent set up beside of the pool and all the tables and chairs set up under it. Zoe talked to the people setting things up and they all seemed to have everything in order not that she didn't expect them to have. The only purpose for sending her away was for her friends to make sure that Carrie felt safe among them and that they could be her friends too. She had told them how nervous that Carrie was about meeting them for real, even though she had already met them at her shop, only at the time, she didn't know who they were. They were just customers to her and she treated them as such, only making note of their dress sizes and what they liked in dresses.

Zoe gave her friends about an hour alone with Carrie before she headed back toward the kitchen. The guests would be arriving soon and besides that was as long as she could stand being away and wondering if she was in real hot water or that everything was cool. Zoe's heart was pounding away as she came into the living room and at first she didn't hear anything but then the kitchen burst out with laughter and Zoe was sure that Carrie's laughter was among them. Zoe went on to the kitchen looking from the doorway at her friends who had obviously won Carrie over as she was wiping the tears from her eyes from laughing so hard.

"Whatever they told you is a bunch of lies, I assure you of that." Zoe said as she came to Carrie's side giving her a kiss.

"Well since you have already lied to me several times tonight, I think I'm safer to believe them than you. And by the way you're up to three months now." Carrie told her but then she put her arm around her waist and gave her a brief kiss.

This of course made the rest of the women laugh at her expense. "I think you're in deep shit." Faye told her.

"I've been in deep shit since the day I laid eyes on her." Zoe told them not daring to look at Carrie.

"Make that six months!" Carrie said which brought out more laughter.

"Thanks girls, I wanted you all to help me out and not get me into more trouble." Zoe pleaded.

"There's only so much we can do, besides this auburn hair beauty made us tell her everything we had on you." Rose told her which made Carrie blush but also smile at the compliment.

"Yea, like she had to twist your arms." Zoe told them.

"Oh she did, about tore my arm socket out." Sylvia said giving Carrie a wink.

"I bet she did." Zoe said smiling at Carrie.

"I didn't have to pressure them much, they all seem anxious to rat you out." Carrie told her giving her a big smile.

"And I thought you all were my friends." Zoe said with a sigh.

"We were, but now we're her friends." Rose told Zoe and she knew that her friends had made good on their promise to make Carrie feel good about coming to the party and that they could be her friends too.

"That figures," Zoe said with a smile. "How about pouring me some of that wine and then tell me what I need to deny ever doing." Zoe said with a laugh.

"Oh sorry," Rose said as she hurried over to get Zoe a glass of wine.

"We'll catch up with you guys later; I believe that our guests are arriving." Sylvia said as she came over to give them both a kiss and hug as did Wilma then they left them with Alex, Rose and Faye.

"So what were you guys laughing about when I came in?" Zoe asked curious and a bit worried.

Rose laughed, "Oh we were telling her about how we had this elaborate plan on how to tell you about our little group and then you went and screwed up our plans by getting us all together in your apartment without any of us knowing the rest would be there."

"And then I told them that I didn't think that you would have been smart enough to pull that off." Carrie told them with a laugh.

"Thanks for the confidence in me." Zoe said pouting a little and they all laughed.

They all talked until Wilma told them to get out to the pool as they were going to be serving dinner at seven-thirty sharp. So that broke up their little chat fest and they headed toward the back yard.

"Let's hit the bathroom first." Carrie told her.

"Okay, I need to go too." Zoe said to her then to Rose, Faye, and Alex, "We'll catch up with you in a minute."

"So what did you think of them?" Zoe asked once they were out of earshot.

"Just so you know, I'm not going to speak to you for six months nor are you getting any loving for the same amount of time." Carrie informed her.

"Oh okay," Zoe said not real sure how serious Carrie was but she didn't doubt that Carrie was a little pissed at her. Carrie didn't say anything else until they got to the bathroom door where she stopped them. "However I might let you off with probation but another screw up and you're dead meat."

"I appreciate that." Zoe said opening the bathroom door for Carrie, who went on inside then she stopped. "Well come on, I was serious about this stupid dress that you all made me wear."

Zoe laughed, coming on into the bathroom. "So you going to answer my question?" Zoe asked as she went with Carrie to the toilet.

"Remind me never to design another dress like this. How in the hell is a woman suppose to pee in a dress like this." Carrie complained.

"You don't drink anything long before you put the dress on and nothing as you're wearing it." Zoe said with a laugh as she helped Carrie get the dress up and her panties down so that she could sit on the toilet.

"Now will you please answer my question?" Zoe asked and that got a laugh from Carrie.

"They're nice, and I admit that I was hoping that I wouldn't like them. I wanted them to turn out to be what I thought they were." Carrie said as she peed.

"What would that be?" Zoe asked.

"I don't know, women I wouldn't ever want to be friends with." Carrie admitted.

"But you can see them becoming your friends too." Zoe asked her.

"Yes and you can wipe that smug smile off your face, you're still on probation." Carrie told her as Zoe helped her with her panties and dress.

"I'm sorry, but I so wanted you to like them." Zoe said as she traded places with Carrie, sitting on the toilet so that she could pee.

"But then they told me that they were on strict orders to be nice to me this weekend and to behave." Carrie told her.

"Those sluts, they weren't supposed to tell you that." Zoe said angrily.

"They didn't, you just did." Carrie said smiling.

"You tricked me!" Zoe said angrily but this time at Carrie.

"Yea I did, but I figured that you told them that and it's sweet that you did so. But I'm a pretty good judge of character. I mean I'm still with you." Carrie said as she came over and gave Zoe a kiss. "I think that they're very nice and they care about you and that is all that matters."

"That's a relief; I've been worrying about that as much as you have been worrying about what dress you'd wear tonight." Zoe said.

"I know you have. And I worried about the dress because I wanted to be as pretty as I can so that when you saw me and then them, that you'd still want me." Carrie told her as she frowned a bit.

Zoe got up not bothering to wipe herself, coming over to Carrie with her panties around her knees. "They're not your competition, they never have been." Zoe told her as she took Carrie's face into her hands and giving her a kiss.

"I know that now." Carrie admitted and then she said, "You know, I think they are as protective of you as Kristen is of me. All they talked about how sweet and kind you were. They also told me that they knew when you joined their group that you weren't going to be a lifetime member, you were looking for someone of your own and they think you have found her."

"I have." Zoe told her giving her a kiss, a much more passionate one this time. "Now how about us going out there and mingle, or they'll think we're up here making out."

"I think you had better pull up your panties or they'll really think that we are making out." Carrie said with a giggle and Zoe looked down to see that her panties were now down at her ankles.

"Maybe I should just take them off." Zoe told her with a wink.

"Oh no you don't, that's the last thing I need to be thinking about is you walking around with no panties on." Carrie told her as she pulled away going to the mirror to fix her lipstick.

Zoe pulled her panties up then joined Carrie by the mirror fixing her lipstick then she took her hand leading her out to the party. "Don't you dare leave me this time!" Carrie told her as they got to the patio seeing a number of people gathered in the back yard, under the tent, and by the pool.

"I won't." Zoe assured her squeezing her hand before leading her down the stairs.

A number of the people there, Zoe had met over the past year and those she introduced Carrie to and Wilma or Sylvia introduced them to the rest of them. There were lesbian couples, gay couples and straight couples as well as a few single people and they all were there to do the same thing, celebrate the loving marriage that Wilma and Sylvia had. Though they could not legally marry, they were married all the same, just as any straight couple was. They were married in the heart and that was what counted. They talked with most everyone but mostly they were with one of Zoe's friends who were becoming both of their friends. Carrie had been won over in a short time and she was enjoying talking to them.

When they were seated for dinner, they were at the center table with Alex, Rose, Faye, Wilma, and Sylvia with Carrie sitting by Sylvia. Zoe was placed across the table from her between Alex and Rose. This Carrie didn't seem to mind as Zoe saw that Carrie and Sylvia had developed a friendship and were talking away to each other.

Once the dinner was completed, Wilma and Sylvia went up to a little stage set up for the band that had been hired to play. "Attention everyone, I have a few things to say before the band begins to play." Wilma said as she stood behind the mike.

Everyone quieted down then Wilma began to talk. "I want to thank you all for coming to our little celebration. Sylvia has put up with my shit for ten years now and I figured that I had better show her how much I appreciate that and how much I love her. She has been my friend, the one person that I know that I can count on through the bad times and the good times. She is my rock, my savior, and my lover."

Zoe could see the tears in Sylvia's eyes and well as her own eyes and most of the people there.

Sylvia then came to the mike after wiping her tears away, "Wilma is right about me having to put up with all her shit and let me tell you it wasn't always easy." This of course got a laugh from everyone and a mock shocked look on Wilma's face.

"No seriously, she has to put up with my shit too so we are equal there but that is what love is all about isn't it. It is loving someone when you really want to beat the shit out of them. And there have been days that I have wanted to do just that but I am sure that she can say the same thing about me. It is about doing things that she likes to make her happy and her doing things I like to make me happy. Like this party, she knows I love things like this so she made it happen and I love her for that. So thank you for joining us in the fifteenth anniversary of our marriage and we have a marriage no matter what the law says." And that brought forth a long round of applause.

"And she is right about the marriage... and the shit I have to put up with." Wilma said as she took the mike from Sylvia and that earned her a slap on the arm that made everyone laugh.

"A kiss!" rang out from the back of the tent.

"Yes, kiss her!" Zoe cried out surprising everyone around her and even herself.

Wilma pulled Sylvia to her and she gave her a kiss, a light soft one.

"No a real kiss!" Alex said as she stood up waving to those around the room to get up too.

"Kiss her, kiss her, kiss her!" Rang out around the room and Wilma and Sylvia stood there laughing at their friends.

They let the cry go on for a few moments then Wilma took Sylvia into her arms bringing her in tightly and the tent became quiet. Wilma then moved her head in and the kiss began and this time it was the kiss that everyone was calling for. Zoe was close enough to see that they were both getting into the kiss, to the point that everyone else disappeared for them as they kissed, it was just them on the stage alone with no one around. When the kiss ended, it left them both breathless and everyone broke out in applause.

"A toast to Wilma and Sylvia," Alex said holding up her wine glass, "May their love last forever and their friendship even longer." Everyone held up their wine glasses and they repeated the toast before clinking their glasses together then taking a sip. This made both Wilma and Sylvia blush and smile at the same time.

After the toast, they came down from the stage to accept everyone's congratulations with hugs and kisses.

Then band came on stage and began to play. Zoe went to Carrie, taking her hand, and bringing her out to the dance floor that had been set up. The first song was a love ballad that enabled Zoe to pulled Carrie in close and hold her as the female singer sang her song of love. When the song ended, Zoe put her hand to the back of Carrie's head bringing it in for a kiss which Carrie welcomed with passion.

Zoe was holding her close and as the next song began to play, when Zoe felt a tap on her shoulder. Zoe pulled back from Carrie turning to see Alex standing there. "May I cut in?" she asked.

Zoe looked at Carrie to see what she wanted to do. Since she had promised not to leave Carrie, she wasn't going to let Carrie go unless Carrie wanted her to. "I'd love to dance with someone that can actually dance." Carrie said to Alex.

"Thanks a lot." Zoe said putting a pout on her face but then she smiled as she let Carrie go. She stood back as Alex began to dance with Carrie to an old rock song and Zoe was impressed by Carrie's ability to dance, something that surprised her a little.

"Care to dance?" Zoe heard Rose say from behind of her.

"I would love to." Zoe said as she gave a wink to Carrie who was smiling at her. Carrie ended up dancing with all of Zoe's friends more than a few times. Zoe could see that Carrie had cast aside her fears and she was having fun. Zoe however made sure that the slow dances were between her and Carrie, something that her friends understood and expected.

The party didn't end until about two in the morning when the last of the guests had finally departed. They were all exhausted by this time. They said their good night, each going to the bedroom assigned to them. Zoe noticed that Alex, Rose, and Faye went to one bedroom together and she saw that Carrie took notice of that too.

"So did you enjoy the party?" Zoe asked as they lay naked next to each other in the bed.

"Oh god yes, I haven't danced that much in years. I had so much fun." Carrie told her as she yawned.

"I'm glad; I wanted you to have the time of your life." Zoe told her.

"I did but now I want to make love to you." Carrie said as she kissed her lips.

Zoe pulled her in close and as she kissed Carrie she felt Carrie's lips relax and she knew her baby had fallen asleep on her but she didn't mind. She just kissed Carrie's lips again hearing her coo in her sleep. She then closed her own eyes letting herself sleep.

"What time is it?" Zoe asked as she woke up seeing Carrie standing by the bed.

"A little before ten, we both slept late this morning." Carrie told her as she came to the bed and sitting on the edge. She leaned down giving Zoe a morning kiss. "I'm sorry about last night; I didn't mean to fall asleep on you."

"It's cool; I was just as tired as you were. I don't think that either of us was capable of making love last night." Zoe told her.

"Thanks for understanding." Carrie told her.

"Sure, now how about a hot shower and some breakfast, I'm starving." Zoe told her as she sat up in the bed and stretching letting the sheet fall down to her waist.

"Me too, come on and let's see what we can find for breakfast." Carrie said pulling Zoe from the bed. She handed Zoe a robe and putting one on herself before she opened the door.

Zoe stepped into the shower before dragging Carrie in with her. She pulled Carrie to her kissing her as they stood under the spray of the shower. Her hands went to Carrie's back caressing it before letting her hands slip down to Carrie's ass cheeks grasping them in her hands squeezing them. Carrie moaned into their kiss before pulling back. "Quit before someone walks in on us."

"Then they'll see me eating you out won't they." Zoe said before dropping to her knees in front of Carrie. She grasped Carrie's hips into her hands pushing them back against the shower wall. She leaned in giving Carrie's clit a kiss and making her moan.

"Don't..."Carrie moaned as she tried to push Zoe's head away from her pussy but then Zoe began to lick that clit and all that Carrie could do was to start to pull Zoe's head into her pussy.

Zoe licked and sucked on Carrie's clit until Carrie opened up her legs. Zoe licked her way down to Carrie's wet pussy licking up her juices as she grasped her ass cheeks in her hands. Zoe parted those smooth lips with her tongue getting in deep to get at Carrie's entrance and the source of her tasty juices. Her fingers teased Carrie's asshole as she licked and sucked on those lips making Carrie moan and groan. She had Carrie past caring if anyone heard them making love, she was just enjoying the pleasure that Zoe was giving her. Slowly Zoe made her way back up to Carrie's clit sucking the hard bud into her mouth as two of her fingers entered her tight pussy. She pushed them in deep holding them there as she moved her fingers within that wet tight pussy. Carrie lay her head back and let out a long moan. She then began to finger fucked her hard and deep as she licked at that hard bud making Carrie groan. It didn't take Zoe long doing this before she felt Carrie's pussy tighten around her fingers and she was rewarded with lots of Carrie's girlcum.

Zoe had to help Carrie down to the shower floor as she knees gave out when she came. Zoe kissed her lips and then both of her pale nipples as Carrie slowly recovered from her orgasm.

"That was sneaky." Carrie told her as her eyes fluttered opened.

"So it was." Zoe said with a devious smile.

"Well it's your turn now." Carrie said as her fingers found Zoe's pussy and she began to stroke her clit as she kissed her. Zoe let out a moan as Carrie eased her onto her back on the shower floor. Carrie pushed Zoe's legs up and she lowered her mouth to Zoe's pussy. Zoe felt the water fall on her chest as Carrie began to eat her pussy. She licked the length of her pussy from the bottom to her clit where she sucked and bit down on the base. Then she went back to the slit getting her tongue in deep licking and sucking on her core. Zoe groaned out loud as Carrie licked so deeply and her fingers caressed and teased her clit. Zoe pinched and pulled on her own nipples as Carrie quickly brought forth an orgasm from her that made her moan aloud and give Carrie the girlcum that she lapped up greedily.

When she had recovered, Carrie made her get up and they finished they shower quickly less someone suspect what they had been doing in the shower. Zoe knew that everyone in the house knew what they were doing and were probably doing the same things themselves.

When they got to the bedroom, Carrie put on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt so Zoe did the same thing. It was weird putting on clothes in this house but she wanted to make Zoe feel comfortable and feel safe here. When they got to the kitchen, everyone was sitting around the table and they were all wearing either gowns or a form of a sundress though she could tell that none of them were wearing anything underneath. They said their good mornings to each of them as Sylvia put a cup of coffee in front of them. Then she put the breakfast onto to the table and they began to eat. The talk was mostly about the party and how successful that it was. Zoe had noticed that the caterers had cleared everything out after the party. Zoe was surprised that she hadn't heard them since their bedroom was to the back of the house but then as tired as she was; nothing was going to wake her. They talked until it got warm outside and they could go out to the pool. Normally it would be too cool for the pool but they had a warm spring and this was going to be a hot spring day, hot enough to use the pool since it was heated.

They were just getting up from the table when Carrie surprised Zoe by saying, "I know you all usually go nude when you swim and when you are here. Please don't put on bathing suits just for me. And that includes you too Zoe." She said as she turned toward Zoe.

"Are you sure?" Zoe asked a bit surprised.

"Yea, we don't mind putting something on, it's no problem at all." Alex told her and she was very serious when she said it.

"Yesterday when I got here, that would have been my request but I've changed my mind. I want you to treat me like you do Zoe and that means you do and dress as you would normally. Yesterday I felt a little threatened when I got here but I don't feel that in the least. You all have welcomed me with open arms and make me feel like a friend to you which is what Zoe has wanted all along but I resisted." Carrie told them.

"You are our friend, you have been since Zoe went into your shop and fell head over heels over you." Alex told her.

"Yea, she was so love struck that it was almost sickening to see." Rose added with a laugh making Zoe blush.

"But you don't have to do anything for us; we don't mind wearing bathing suits. I mean I even went out and bought a new one to show off." Sylvia told her.

"Zoe, show them that I am serious. I don't want them to do anything different just for me." Carrie told her and Zoe knew that she had better than to argue with Carrie on this.

Zoe stood up, reaching down to the bottom of her tee shirt, and pulled it off. She turned around letting Carrie undo her bra which she pulled off before turning around. Zoe was feeling as nervous as she did the first time she got naked in this house though she tried not to show it. She felt her nipples harden as everyone looked at them. She then undid the button of her shorts pushing them and her panties down off her hips and down to her ankles and stepping out of them. She reached down handing both to Carrie who was smiling at her. She then leaned down giving Carrie a kiss thanking her for doing this for her and her friends.

"Well... what you waiting for?" Zoe asked as she put her hands on her hips staring at her friends who were surprised at the change of events but smiling too.

"I'm in." Faye said as she stood up, pulling the gown that she was wearing over her head thus leaving her naked. After that, the rest of them stood up and pulled whatever they were wearing off leaving them naked too.

"That's better, now I'm going to go up and put on my swimming suit because I'm a chicken shit but that doesn't mean you have to be too." Carrie said as she got up, giving Zoe a kiss then walking out.

"That surprised me a bit." Alex said after Carrie had left.

"It surprised me too but Carrie is strong headed and once she decides something then her mind is made up." Zoe told them. Then she said, "Come on, I'm ready for a swim."

She started out of the kitchen heading to the living room which led to the patio. They had just gotten out to the pool when Zoe heard Carrie cry out, "Zoe I'm going to kill you."

Zoe looked up to see Carrie hanging out the window of their bedroom. "What did you do now?" Sylvia asked.

Zoe smiled as she waved up at Carrie and she said to the rest of them, "She told me to get her a swimming suit like the one I had so I did. It was just like the one that I had bought but never dared to wear out in public."

"This I got to see." Rose said with a laugh.

"Oh you will be seeing more than Carrie meant for you to." Zoe said with a laugh that she knew she would pay for.

A few minutes later Carrie came out of the sliding glass doors wearing the bathing suit and not wearing any cover for it which surprised Zoe more than a little but then this whole morning had surprised her. The bathing suit was pink in color and the top barely covered Carrie's breasts and the bottoms were just as small covering Carrie's pussy and the back just barely covering her ass cheeks.

"Smile now, as you just violated your parole and are back to not getting any for six months." Carrie said as she walked by Zoe.

"You told me to buy one like mine." Zoe protested.

"But I didn't know you had one this small." Carrie told her as she sat down in a chair that Sylvia had set up in the shade of the big oak tree.

"Well I think it's cute." Rose told her while Sylvia was coating her down with sunscreen.

"Me too," Alex added.

"You're just trying to get your friend Zoe out of trouble." Carrie countered.

"No actually we quiet enjoy Zoe being in trouble." Faye told her with a laugh.

Now that made Carrie laugh even though she was trying hard not to. "Well next time, we're here, I will have a bathing suit that I have picked out." Carrie told them.

"I hope that it's skimpier than that one as you do have a cute body." Wilma told her.

Carrie blushed, "Thank you but Zoe's still in my doghouse."

Zoe then began to whimper like a little dog that made Carrie laugh and relax a bit and then she did start laughing as Zoe came over and began to lick her face. "Get away from me you fool." Carrie said laughing as the rest of the women watched and laughed at Zoe antics.

Zoe kissed her before sitting on the edge of Carrie's chair where upon Carrie kicked her but then when Zoe reached out her hand, which she did take. "You do look cute in the bathing suit." Zoe told her.

"Thank you," Carrie replied.

They watched Sylvia coated the ladies down with her sunscreen before they went into the pool. When Sylvia had finished, she came over to them. "No one is allowed in the sun with my sunscreen so do you want to do Zoe?" she asked as she handed the bottle toward Carrie.

"No that's your job. Go ahead." Carrie told her.

"You sure," Sylvia asked.

"Yep, I'm sure. I'll let you have the honors." Carrie told her.

"Okay," Sylvia said as Zoe stood up.

Sylvia did Zoe's front as Carrie watched on. This was always something that Sylvia did and she didn't attempt to make it sensual as she was serious about getting everyone coated with the lotion but still Zoe felt her nipples harden as Sylvia's hands and fingers went across them. She wished they wouldn't have but Carrie didn't seem to mind that it happened though she was watching Sylvia's every move. When it came time for Sylvia to do her back, she made Zoe turn around so that Carrie could see just where her hands went and how long they stayed there.

"You want to join us?" Zoe asked once she was done.

"No, I'll sit here for a while." Carrie told her.

"Okay," Zoe said not bothering to ask if she was sure. She just went running over to the pool and dived in like the little girl she felt like she was when she swam. She swam a few laps then rested as she talked to Rose, Faye, Wilma, and Alex, though she did look over at Carrie from time to time. However she didn't need worry about Carrie feeling left out as it seems that she and Sylvia were deep in conversation and wasn't paying any of them any mind. After a couple of games of water volleyball, they all climbed out of the pool and sat under the tree to eat the snacks that Sylvia and Carrie had fixed.

As they ate on blankets under the shade of the oak, Zoe noticed that Carrie had stopped feeling so self conscious about herself and she had long since stopped fiddling with her bathing suit. That gave her an idea that she hoped was correct. So after they had talked a while and they were ready to go back into the pool Zoe decided to put her idea into play.

"You want to join us in the pool?" Zoe asked her.

"Ah, sure." Carrie replied.

"You know it's a nude only pool." Zoe told her and she saw two things at once. Carrie didn't tell her hell no and from the corner of her eye she saw that Sylvia was about to protest. Sylvia and the rest of her friends were standing behind of them so as she reached up behind of Carrie's neck, she waved for them to keep quiet.

She slowly untied the string behind of Carrie's neck holding up her top. She let the strings fall before going to her back and untie the last string holding the top up. She pulled the top away and she saw Carrie wanting to cover her breasts so she leaned down giving the right then left nipple a kiss. This seemed to calm Carrie just a bit but not completely. Zoe lowered her hands to Carrie's hips, pulling on the strings out thus untying the knots holding the bottoms off. She slowly pulled the bottoms away leaving Carrie as naked as the rest of them. Zoe leaned in giving Carrie a soft kiss on the lips.

"Now turn around and let everyone see you." Zoe told her softly.

"But I'm not as pretty as all of you all are." Carrie whispered to her and she appeared to be almost in tears.

Sylvia came up at that time and she said softly, "Honey, we are all beautiful here even after our boobs and asses sag down so far we have to hold them up to walk."

Carrie laughed despite herself. Sylvia then pulled Carrie into her arms giving her a motherly hug. "Now come on and let's get you lotion up and then you can do me." Sylvia said as she pulled Carrie by the hand over to the pool. Carrie gave a look back at Zoe making sure that she was coming along and Zoe game her a reassuring smile as she raced up to her taking her other hand. Sylvia let go of her hand to go get the lotion and then she looked to Carrie who just raised her arms up so that Sylvia could do them first. Sylvia gave her a smile as she began. Zoe could see Carrie tense up just a little when Sylvia started on her chest going down to her small breasts with their pale inverted nipples. She was so self-conscious about her breasts but Sylvia was using loving hands on them that made Carrie relax some. Carrie began to relax more until Carrie ran her fingers around her pussy getting the lotion there but careful not to get it in her slit.

Sylvia then did her back before handing the lotion to Carrie. "Your turn to do me."

Carrie looked over at Zoe who said, "She won't let us in the sun without it and she surely isn't going to let herself in so you had better do it."

Carrie smiled then she squirted some into the palm into her hand. "You got enough on me didn't you?" She asked Sylvia as she began to put the lotion on her arms. "I turn into one big freckle when I get into the sun."

"Don't worry, with your pale skin, I'm going to keep an eye on you. Besides the tree is shading the pool so I think you're safe. However, I can put on another coat if you like. I enjoyed it the first time." Sylvia said making Carrie blush and smile at the same time.

"No, I'm cool just keep an eye on me." Carrie told her.

"I will." Sylvia said this time being serious.

Carrie was careful as she did Sylvia's body, trying not to look too hard at the parts of the body that she was putting the lotion onto.

"I'm next." Rose yelled as she stepped into Sylvia's place as soon as Sylvia stepped away from Carrie when Carrie was finished.

"Here you go Sylvia." Carrie said as she turned to hand the bottle to Sylvia however Silvia was already several steps away.

"You can do it; I'm going for a swim." Sylvia said with a smile.

"Shit!" Carrie said making Zoe laugh and then Carrie handed the bottle toward Zoe.

"It's all yours honey." Zoe said and Carrie stuck her tongue out at her.

"I don't bite." Rose told her.

"Yes she does, see look here where she bite me on my ass last night." Alex said as she quickly turned around presenting her ass to everyone to see.

"Don't listen to her, I didn't bite her ass last night, but I am going to real soon." Rose told Carrie as she gave Alex a mean look that got Alex to laugh and then them all to laugh.

"Come on you two I want to get into the pool." Faye said laughing.

"Okay enough," Carrie said as she resigned herself to her fate and she squeezed some lotion into her hand and began to coat Rose's body.

This still didn't stop their bantering as they each accused each other of biting the other and doing various sexual things that Zoe had to admit was getting to her. She listened and even joined in as she began to tell them how Carrie had tied her up in the bed last night and did all types of nasty things to her. And as she did this Carrie was denying it all and telling Zoe to shut up even threatening to cut her tits off and that only made Alex offer to go and get a knife for her to do it.

Finally it was Zoe's turn and it was just her and Carrie standing there."'You know we just slept last night!" Carrie said loud enough for everyone to hear as she began to put the potion on Zoe's body.

"I do but they are now thinking that we did a lot more." Zoe said softly.

"I know." Carrie said and then she added, "You know you can be evil sometimes." And to make her point, she pinched each of Zoe's nipples... hard making Zoe groan after each.

"Ouch that hurt." Zoe complained as she rubbed her tits.

"It was meant to." Carrie said as she moved her hands to Zoe's stomach.

"I do have to admit that all that talking made me wet, how about you? Did feeling everyone's body make you wet?" Zoe asked.

"No it didn't." Carrie proclaimed much too quickly.

Zoe quickly lowered her right hand down to Carrie's pussy palming it in her hands and feeling of her wet pussy lips. "Oh I think it did."

"Quit that!" Carrie said but Zoe kept her fingers on Carrie's pussy letting her fingers run up and down her pussy lips.

"Nooo... please not in front of everyone." Carrie moaned out as Zoe's fingers played with her clit feeling how enlarged and sensitive it was.

Zoe hadn't meant to get Carrie off but she had to finish what she started, she didn't want Carrie to be frustrated all day. She began to move her fingers hard and fast against Carrie's clit causing Carrie to stop protesting, instead she lean forward and held onto her. Carrie began to push her pussy against Zoe's hand as she quickly got off, letting her orgasm pass through her body and her girlcum coating Zoe's fingers.

"I am so going to kill you one day." Carrie gasped out as she slowly recovered.

"I know but I know that you needed this. I saw how wet your pussy was getting as you put the lotion on everyone." Zoe told her.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean or want for that to happen." Carrie told her.

"Oh I know, but hell, you're just as human as the rest of us." Zoe told her then she gave her a soft kiss.

"Maybe I am but that isn't going to stop me from killing you." Carrie said as she stepped back and began to coat Zoe's body.

When she got down to Zoe's pussy she said, "I see that I'm not the only one wet and excited."

"Yea, I might be a bit excited." Zoe said.

"Well you're going to have to stay that way until tonight." Carrie said as she gave Zoe an evil smile then she went on down to her legs.

"And you think I'm evil." Zoe moaned out.

Carrie quickly finished with Zoe's legs then she turned her around doing the back of them going up to her ass and then back. "You're done!" Carrie proclaimed then she smacked Zoe on the ass making a loud slapping sound that got everyone's attention and Zoe yell out "Ouch!"

"Spank her girl!" Alex cried out making Carrie blush.

Zoe laughed but then she took Carrie by the hand leading her to the pool and helping her into it. Even after having an orgasm in front of the women just moments before, Carrie again became a bit shy about her body so Zoe suggested a volleyball game. They had seven women so each side got three women and Rose was the designed server. This, she figured would make Carrie jump up out of the water to get at a ball and thus forget about her nudity. She made sure that Carrie was on her side of the net and thus she could position her where she wanted her which was up near the net. She told Carrie that it was because she was tall but that was only partly it.

Rose was on the other side and she was going to serve. Since Carrie had her back to Carrie, Rose could see Zoe signaling her to serve the ball to her. The ball came to her as Rose was an excellent at placing the ball where she wanted it. Zoe popped the ball in the air directing it toward Carrie.

"Get it Carrie!" she yelled loudly.

Carrie was scared by Zoe shouting at her and she jumped up hitting the ball. However the ball went not where Carrie intended for it to as she hit it much too hard and sending it out of the pool.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm not too good at this." Carrie said.

"That's okay, none of us are all that good and we don't worry about the score too much." Alex said from across the net.

"Except for once, the tit game." Sylvia said and then everyone looked at Rose.

"The tit game?" Carrie asked.

"Yea, when Zoe arrived, we had six people so we could play a game with three on each side but we couldn't decide how to divide up until Rose came up with an idea." Alex said then she looked at Rose.

"Hey it was a great idea." Rose said.

"Which was?" Carrie asked with her curiosity peeked.

"Big tits against small tits which also made it the oldest against the youngest." Rose said with a bit smile on her face.

"Oh god you didn't?" Carrie said as she gasped putting her hand to her mouth trying not to laugh.

"Yep," Rose said proudly.

"So who won?" Carrie asked.

"We won the first match and they won the second. We decided that there would be no rubber match. And also decided that Rose was no longer allowed to choose how we would divide up." Sylvia said.

"Go get the ball and let's start again." Alex said to Rose who went to the side of the pool and hopped out, running over to get the ball and returning.

Rose served the ball to the other side of the pool and they began play again. Faye was on their side and she also made sure that Carrie got balls to hit. Neither side tried to spike the ball, mostly just keeping the ball in play until it went out of someone's reach. They played for most of the afternoon, changing partners as they went along so there were times when Zoe was playing against Carrie and she made sure that she got her share of balls coming her way. Which after her first miss hit, she became determined to hit it right and thus forgot about showing her breasts when she jumped up out of the water.

"Well it's time for me to go make supper." Sylvia said when the unending game finally ended. "I'll call you when it's time to get cleaned up." She added as she got out of the water.

"You need some help?" Carrie asked.

"Nope, cooking is my job." Sylvia called back to her.

"Don't any of you ever help her?" Carrie asked after Sylvia had walked away.

"She won't let us. She says the kitchen belongs to her and her alone." Zoe told her.

"So someone needs to help her, cooking for seven isn't easy." Carrie said as she went to the side of the pool.

"She'll just chase you out." Wilma called to Carrie as she was lifting herself out of the pool.

"No she won't, I won't let her." Carrie said not bothering to turn around.

"I'll bet she will be back out here in thirty seconds." Wilma said aloud.

"No she won't." Zoe countered.

"You want to bet on it, you don't know my Sylvia like I do." Wilma said.

"And you don't know my Carrie. She is as stubborn and hardheaded as a mule sometimes." Zoe said.

"How about a real bet but make it quick as she will be coming back out seconds after she gets in there." Wilma told her.

"Okay, who ever loses get to be spanked after supper tonight." Zoe told her.

"By the winner?" Wilma asked.

"Ah no, by whoever the loser wants except for Carrie or Sylvia. They are the bet and not into spanking." Zoe said.

"Okay deal." Wilma said as she reached out her hand and Zoe shook it.

They all swam over to the side of the pool putting their arms up on the edge watching the back of the house.

"Not getting worried are you?" Zoe asked after about five minutes had passed.

"No, Carrie is probably just taking a shower." Wilma said confidently but Zoe could see that she was getting a little worried.

"I don't see her coming out; I believe that you have lost your bet." Zoe said after ten minutes.

"Oh no, I haven't. She may be in there talking to Sylvia but not really helping or maybe taking a nap. She has had a hard day." Wilma said as she was now obviously worrying.

"There is only one way to find out, I'll go up there and look." Zoe said as she started to get out of the pool.

"Oh no, get your ass back in the pool." Wilma said as she put her hand on Zoe's shoulder pulling her back down. "You are part of the bet, someone else has to look."

"Who then?" Zoe asked.

"Oh hell, I'll go look." Rose finally said as she hauled herself out of the pool.

"I think someone is going to get spanked tonight." Zoe said with a smile.

"Yes you are." Wilma said however her voice showed that she wasn't every confident about who was going to get spanked.

They watched Rose go into the house and then they waited and waited and waited. They were about to send Alex in after Rose when Rose came back out carrying a several bottles of water against her chest. She hurried down the steps coming out to them in a trot.

"Here take these bottles of water, their freezing my tits off." Rose said as she dropped the bottles of water. Zoe would see the cold pink places along Rose's breasts where the cold bottles lay against them.

"Why did you get bottles of water, we got plenty in the fridge under the patio." Alex told her.

"I had to have some excuse for hanging around the kitchen. I wanted to make sure what I was seeing was what was happening." Rose said as she sat down on the edge of the pool hanging her feet into the water.

"What in the hell did you see?" Wilma asked loudly.

Rose hesitated for a moment letting the tension build before she replied with, "Carrie had an apron on and was cutting up some carrots with peppers and onions next in line."

"Sylvia was letting her help her?" Sylvia asked highly surprised.

"I'm not sure that she was willingly helping her as Sylvia kept saying, I can do this" and Carrie replying with "I know"" Rose said with a smile.

"So Sylvia wasn't letting her help?" Wilma stated.

"No but Carrie was helping so Zoe wins the bet." Rose said.

"Not if Sylvia was telling her that she didn't need the help then I won." Wilma stated.

"I'm afraid that the bet was that Carrie would be back out here and wouldn't be helping cook dinner and I'm afraid that she is, you lose Wilma." Alex told her.

"This I got to see." Wilma said jumping out of the pool, heading toward the patio in a trot.

About five minutes later, Wilma came out walking slower and she had this shocked look on her face. She came out to the pool and sat down beside of Rose. "Now they are laughing and talking as they both prepare our dinner. You win." Wilma said as she held out her hand to Zoe.

"I told you Carrie was stubborn as a mule and when she makes up her mind to do something then she damn well does it." Zoe told her. "And you don't have to get spanked, the bets off."

"Oh no, I made the bet and I am going to go through with it. Alex would you do me the pleasure of warming up my ass after dinner." Wilma told her.

"It will be my pleasure." Alex told her smiling broadly.

"I don't know about this girls, I have introduced Carrie to a lot this weekend. I don't want to go any further." Zoe said.

"I don't know, she might enjoy the show and she won't be a part of it. Just sit beside of her and if you think we should stop then tell me." Alex said.

"Okay," Zoe said but she couldn't help but to worry.

She and Alex got up out of the pool sitting on the edge with Wilma, Faye, and Rose. "I think today went pretty well didn't it?" Zoe commented and asked.

"Yes it did, I believe that Carrie had a good time, at least she seemed to. And when she got that ball past you, I thought she would blow out a lung screaming in joy." Alex told her.

"Tell me about it, I was right across from her. As much as I hated to get beat like that, I'm glad she was able to do it." Zoe told them.

"You know I don't think she is as reserved as you described her." Faye commented.

"I'm still learning about her. I mean we really have just started to live together and there is more that I don't know about her than I do." Zoe said.

"Hey I have been with Sylvia for fifteen years and she surprised me today." Wilma told her. Then before Zoe or anyone else could reply, she went on, "You know the day you stop learning about her is the day your relationship ends."

"I know and there is so much to learn. She is so in control when she is in her shop but once outside of her work she seems so shy and fearful." Zoe said.

"She didn't seem so fearful when she was in the pool or when you were fingering her to orgasm." Rose said to her.

"I know, that is what surprises me, I wasn't even sure if I should take her bathing suit off but yet it almost seemed like she wanted me too. Does that make sense?" Zoe asked.

"Sure it does and you want to know why?" Alex asked her.

"I would love to know why." Zoe told her.

"Because of you silly!" Rose said excitedly.

"Thank you Rose," Alex said giving her a look. "What Rose said is true, Carrie trusts you and she wants you to show her what she wouldn't ever allow herself to do on her own. She is safe in her shop where she is the boss and knows what she wants. But you are showing her a whole new world. The trick is knowing when she has gone as far as she wants to be taken."

"How do I know when that is?" Zoe asked of them all.

"She'll tell you sweetie, she'll let you know." Wilma told her as she put her arm around her shoulders giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"What if I have gone too far already." Zoe asked.

"Honey, she just out stubborn my Sylvia, I assure you that she will never let you take her where she doesn't want to go." Wilma said with a laugh and that made Zoe start to feel better.

"She did do that didn't she?" Zoe said with a smile.

"Ask my ass later on tonight." Wilma said with a laugh.

They went onto other subjects until Sylvia came out onto the patio and told them that they had thirty minutes to get showered and be at the table and anyone arriving late would go without. Then she turned on her heels and went back inside.

"I think we've been given out marching orders." Faye said as she hopped up with the rest of them following her inside.

Zoe got to the bedroom, not finding Carrie there. Sylvia had said that she was getting ready for supper. Zoe was about to go looking for her when she came back into the bedroom naked and drying her hair in a towel.

"Oh I love your outfit." Zoe said giving her a wink.

Carrie blushed then she said, "Shut up and go take your shower. It seems Sylvia doesn't like anyone to show up late for dinner."

"That sounds like someone else I know." Zoe said with a smile.

"Yea right, now go take your shower." Carrie told her.

Zoe laughed and walked toward the door when she heard Carrie say, "Don't I get a kiss first?"

"Yes madam!" Zoe said as she hurried back taking Carrie into her arms and kissing her. Zoe had meant for it to be a brief kiss however Carrie obviously wanted more as she gripped her shoulders holding onto her tightly. Zoe pulled Carrie in even tighter as she opened her mouth kissing her passionately.

"You know if you keep kissing me like that, Sylvia will be putting me to bed without my supper." Zoe said as she was catching her breath.

"Then I guess you had better go take your shower." Carrie said however she didn't release her until she received another long kiss.

Zoe then had to hurry to get her shower in and put on a robe before going on down to the dining room. When she got there, everyone had arrived except for Wilma. Sylvia and Carrie were just putting the food that they had fixed onto the table, they like everyone else had put on robes of light cotton material as she and Carrie were wearing ones made of silk material. None of them had bothered to tie their robes so that when they walked or moved they showed parts of their bodies. However because they were also partially covered, this made their dress a bit more erotic than if they were completely nude.

Sylvia had put the last plate of food on the table when she said in the direction of the door to the living room, "Why you dressed in that?"

Zoe like everyone else turned to see Wilma entering the dining room wearing a shirt going down to just about her knees. The blouse she was wearing was white in color and almost sheer under that she had a blue colored bra that matched the color of her skirt. "I'm dressed for dinner." Wilma said as she came to the table and sat down.

"I can see that but why are you wearing that?" Sylvia said as she sat down beside of Wilma and Carrie sat down beside of Zoe.

"I thought that it would be an appropriate outfit for tonight." Wilma said smiling as were everyone else except for Sylvia and Carrie who had confused looks on their faces.

"Just how is it appropriate?" Sylvia pressed on.

"It just is sweetie and now let's have some of that great smelling dinner you and Carrie made for us." Wilma said as she gave Sylvia a kiss and then she picked up the bowl in front of her dipping out some green beans onto her plate and onto Sylvia's plate.

"I love you dear but sometimes you can be weird." Sylvia said to her and then she said, "Carrie do you have the feeling that everyone knows something that we don't?"

"Yes I do," she replied to Carrie and then to Zoe she asked, "So what is going on?"

"Don't ask me, I didn't tell Wilma what to wear to dinner." Zoe said which was true but didn't answer Carrie's question.

"With these women, who knows what they are up to." Sylvia said, "So let do as my weird lover says and eat."

So they all began to dig in and the bowls and plates were passed around the table. The conversations started with sometimes one person talking and everyone listening and other times there were several conversations going on. Carrie would look at Zoe at times and Zoe could tell that she was expecting an answer from her on the question she asked but Zoe always found a way not to answer it. The eating didn't last as long as the conversations but they eventually went to the living room to drink their wine and continue their conversations. Carrie, of course, insisted on cleaning up. Zoe was about to offer to help when Alex said that she would help. Zoe still tried to help but Alex sent her into the living room with the rest of the women. This time Carrie didn't seem to mind that Zoe left her alone with one of her friends. However by this time, Carrie had become comfortable with everyone and didn't fear being left alone with someone.

About thirty minutes later Alex and Carrie came in to join them. Zoe was sitting on the couch with Faye to her right and Rose to the left. Sylvia and Wilma were sitting in a love seat together. There was one chair sitting between them and no other seat there. Carrie started to go get a kitchen chair when Zoe called her over. When Carrie got in front of her, Zoe turned her around and put her hands on her hips pulling her down onto her lap. Carrie giggled but didn't protest. Carrie lay back against her and they shared the glass of wine that Zoe was drinking. The conversations then resumed but now it was pick on Zoe time, much to Carrie's delight and Zoe had to suffer through it taking the ribbing in good grace. Some things she had to protest as the story was being stretched a bit but everyone was having a good time, however Zoe also got in a few zingers at her friends. It was all done in good fun but it also served a purpose of letting Carrie know about each of them and also about Zoe. However Zoe make sure that she got in a few stories about Carrie who kept telling her to hush up but then she had to tell her side of things to make sure that everyone got the story straight.

The conversation went on late into the night and after Faye and Rose came back from a bathroom break, Wilma stood up going over to stand beside of Alex. Throughout the evening, Carrie had moved around on Zoe's lap so the Zoe's legs would not go to sleep on her, sometimes sitting more on either Rose or Faye however when Wilma stood up, Zoe got her back on her lap. Zoe moved Carrie's legs around so that they were on Faye's legs and she would have a good view of what was to happen. Zoe put her left hand around Carrie's waist and she lay her right hand in Carrie's lap.

"I guess it is time for me to pay off my bet." Wilma declared.

"Just what bet would that be dear?" Sylvia asked as she sat up and gave Wilma a look of "Tell me the truth or else"

"A bet that no thanks to you I lost." Wilma told her.

"How could I lose a bet for you when I didn't know that there was a bet?" Sylvia asked and then she asked, "And just what bet was that?"

"Well when Carrie went in to help you cook dinner, I said that you would tell her that the kitchen was your domain and you would then chase her ass right back outside. However Zoe then said that Carrie was just as stubborn if not more than you were and that she would stay and help you cook." Wilma said.

"You told her that I was stubborn." Carrie said as she looked at Zoe who could only smile sheepishly.

"And you told them that I was stubborn?" Sylvia asked Wilma.

"NO, I said you were more stubborn than Carrie was." Wilma said with a smile.

"You're not helping your case any there; you're still in hot water." Sylvia said.

"And so are you." Carrie told Zoe.

"Anyway, we decided a bet was in order and since I knew that you would send Carrie packing at any second, we decided that the loser would be spanked." Wilma told her. Moreover, Carrie gave Zoe a concerned look. Zoe just smiled at her giving her a squeeze.

"So that is why Rose came in to get water that we already had in the fridge under the patio and then you coming in right afterwards." Sylvia said.

"Yep, I had to see for myself. I couldn't believe that you would kick the rest of us out and not kick Carrie out." Wilma said with a grin.

"Well, maybe she is more stubborn than I am and she wouldn't let me kick her out so I put her to work." Sylvia said and she gave Carrie a wink that made Carrie smile and blush a little.

"Alex I assume that you are to be the spanker?" Sylvia went on to say.

"I am." Alex said with all seriousness.

"Well she lost her bet so now I want you to give her a long hard spanking and don't stop until her ass is beet red." Sylvia ordered her.

"Yes madam," Alex said then she turned her attention to Wilma. "Take your panties off." She ordered Wilma.

Carrie turned her eyes to Zoe and she had this look in her eyes of not knowing whether to stay and watch or to get up and leave. Zoe had to make an instant decision and she could only hope that it was the right one. She gave Carrie a kiss on her cheek then whispered into her ear, "Just watch baby, its okay." Zoe waited for a second as Carrie looked at her as Zoe tried to give her the most reassuring smile that she could. She wanted to make sure that Carrie knew that this would not involve her and wasn't going to turn into a spank fest.

After a second, Zoe turned her eyes back to Wilma and Alex, winking and thus telling them to continue. Carrie obviously saw the wink as her eyes reverted back to Zoe who became a bit worried however Carrie didn't seem to be upset, she just smiled nervously and looked back at Alex and Wilma. Zoe let out a relieved sigh that made Carrie smile, like she was enjoying that Zoe was feeling some tension too.

After the slight pause, Wilma reached down to the hem of her skirt, pulling it up at the sides until she could reach under it to grasp her panties. She pulled them down past the skirt and over her knees where she dropped them letting them fall to her ankles and stepping out of them. She reached down picking them up and handing them to Sylvia.

"Well..." Alex said to her as she turned her chair slightly to the left.

Wilma, keeping a serious looking her face, came to Alex's right side and she lay across her lap. This put Wilma's ass which was still covered by her skirt in direct line of sight of the couch where Faye, Rose, Zoe, and Carrie were sitting. Sylvia didn't have quiet as great a view but she could still see well enough. Alex padded Wilma's ass cheeks a few time with her hand as she got Wilma positioned correctly on her lap.

Alex laid her hand on Wilma's ass caressing it before she reached down to the bottom of the skirt. She slowly began to pull the skirt up revealing more of the back of Wilma's thighs. Zoe was watching Carrie as much as she was watching Alex and she saw that Carrie wasn't trying to look away or averting her eyes. The bottom of the skirt reached the junction of Wilma's thighs and ass cheeks where upon Alex paused for a moment. Zoe would feel the tension in the room as everyone wanted Alex to just go on up with the skirt. Finally she did and slowly Wilma's ass cheeks came into view. Wilma had her legs closed but Zoe knew that they wouldn't stay that way forever, not with Alex spanking her. Alex folded the skirt neatly on top of Wilma's back then she placed her left hand on it to help it in place once the spanking began.

"You freely entered into a bet with Zoe that you fairly lost, is that not correct?" Alex said as she laid her right hand over Wilma's ass cheeks.

"Yes I did." Wilma answered though there was some apprehension in her voice.

"Sylvia has declared that you should be given a hard and long spanking to pay off that bet, do you agree that you should pay off the bet in this way." Alex asked of her.

"Yes I do." Wilma said and Zoe knew that all this formal talk and delay in her receiving her spanking was getting to Wilma. However, it was having a real effect on the audience. Zoe could feel her nipples tightening and her pussy getting moist. She could also feel Carrie begin to wiggle just a hair on her lap.

"Are you ready for your spanking?" Alex asked.

Wilma had obviously reached her limit as she replied harshly, "God Dammit, just begin the spanking already."

This brought forth a gasp from Carrie and she looked with concern at Zoe who just gave her a smile trying to convey that everything was cool; it was all a part of the game.

"Oh I see someone has a little attitude, let's see if I can spank that attitude out of you." Alex said with a smile then she looked at Carrie giving her a smile and a wink. Zoe liked that Alex did this as she saw Carrie relax some knowing that what she had tried to tell her was what Alex had just told her.

End of Part Nine.

To be continued.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 10

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