Spanking Club

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Oct 16, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

The Spanking Club

Part Eight

By Chris

She immediately made a couple of rights and had them heading back to Carrie's place. She just wanted to get the bitch back there and be done with it, however the closer she got to Carrie's place; she began to try to think of a way to get Carrie to talk to her. She was worth fighting for before and she was still was worth the fight, she thought to herself. When she got to Carrie's warehouse, she started to pull in front of the store but Carrie made her go on down the street to park.

As soon as Zoe turned the car engine turned off, Carrie was getting out of the car leaving Zoe just sitting there. She really didn't know what to do. "Well come on, I want to get upstairs before Kristen sees us." Carrie told her impatiently. Then she went on ahead leaving Zoe to lock up the car and hurry after her. Now Zoe was completely confused but with Carrie that seemed to be something that was becoming a normal thing. They rode up in the elevator in silence which was killing Zoe. When the doors opened, Carrie grabbed her hand and practically dragged her toward her bedroom. Once inside, Carrie shut and locked the door before going toward the bed.

There she turned and she began to unbutton her blouse. "What are you doing?" Zoe asked her being surprised by Carrie's actions once again.

"Getting undressed stupid," Carrie told her as she got to the middle of her blouse in unbuttoning it.

"I figured out that much but why?" Zoe asked ignoring the fact that Carrie had just called her "stupid" for the moment.

"So we can make love, now get undressed with me or don't you want to make love to me." Carrie said as she finished unbuttoning her blouse but as she started to take it off; Zoe saw Carrie's hands shaking and her lips trembling.

"Don't you want to make love to me?" Carrie asked again as tears began to fall from Carrie's eyes and down her cheeks.

Zoe rushed to her taking Carrie into her arms and holding her tightly to her body. She felt Carrie's body trembling and she heard her let out a sob, "Don't you want to make love to me? Aren't I pretty enough for you?" She sobbed out.

Zoe pulled back putting her hands to Carrie's face wiping the tears off her cheeks before saying, "You are beautiful Carrie, the most beautiful woman that I know. And yes I want to make love to you; I want to do that very much."

"Then why aren't you taking your clothes off?" Carrie asked of her as she sobbed again.

"I will baby I promise, we'll make love all night long and then again in the morning but first I want to talk to you." Zoe told her. Then she kissed her lightly on the lips and that seemed to help stop stem the flow of tears running down her face.

Zoe moved Carrie over to the bed and eased her down until she was sitting on the side. "I'm going to get you a wet cloth and a glass of water then we are going to talk." Zoe told her as she hurried off to the master bath finding a washcloth and getting it wet. She then found a glass and ran Carrie a glass of water. She brought the glass of water to Carrie making her take a long drink before she sat beside of her, taking the warm wet cloth and wiping Carrie's face with it.

"I've fucked everything up haven't I?" Carrie said and she appeared like she was about to start crying again.

Zoe put her fingers under Carrie's chin bring it toward her. She gave her a light kiss, and then she said, "You haven't fucked anything up. I promise you. We will make love and it will be soon. I just want to know what brought this on, why are you so suddenly needing to make love to me."

Carrie looked away for a moment and Zoe let her compose her thoughts. "I got scared when you went to see your friend Faye." She said.

"But I told you, nothing happened. I didn't go there to have sex with her and I don't want to make love to her." Zoe told her.

"I know, I believe you. That's not what scared me." Carrie told her.

"Then what is it honey?" Zoe asked her.

"I was afraid..." Carrie said then she stopped herself. "I was afraid that I couldn't compete with your friends. They do all these exciting and erotic things with you while I have had only one lover; I don't know all that they do. I was... I am afraid that I can't please you like they can." Carrie told her and her lower lip began to tremble again.

"Carrie listen to me and please believe me when I say this." Zoe told her pulling Carrie's chin back toward her. "I had sex with those women however with you I plan on making love to and that makes whatever we do a thousand times better. When they hold me, I feel good but when you hold me I feel like I'm being held by someone who loves me. What we did Saturday night meant a lot more to me than any of the nights I spent with my friends." Zoe told her then she gave her a kiss.

"And you want to know a little secret." Zoe asked of her.

"Yes..." Carrie said.

"I'm scared to death that I won't be able to please you like you deserve and need to be pleased. And that is the truth." Zoe told her as she stared into Carrie's eye willing her to believe her as it was the truth.

Carrie smiled and she said, "I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"And neither do you." Zoe told her as she gave her a kiss.

"So what do we do now?" Carrie asked with a smile that showed that the fear was gone from her face however there was still some tension there.

"How about we go into the kitchen and make something to eat. Then we'll sit on the couch and cuddle and kiss for a while. And then maybe we'll end up in here again tonight." Zoe told her.

"That sounds nice." Carrie said as she gave Zoe a hug and a kiss.

"Well what do you want to eat?" Carrie asked her as she got up then held out her hand to help Zoe up.

"I don't care, I'm sure that anything you will fix will probably be better than the fare that we would have gotten at the supper club that I had planned on taking you to tonight." Zoe told her.

"I'm sorry about missing up your plans." Carrie told her.

"Don't worry about it; this was something that we obviously needed to talk about, both for your sake and mine. We needed to clear the air. Besides we can always go there tomorrow night." Zoe told her.

"That's true but what makes you think that we will go out tomorrow." Carrie told her as she turned to face her. She tried to put this serious look on her face but she was failing to do so. However Zoe played along.

"Don't you want to go out with me tomorrow night?" Zoe asked.

"I don't know, I haven't been asked." Carrie said smiling brightly.

"Oh okay..." Zoe said then she started to walk out of the bedroom.

"Well aren't you going to ask me?" Carrie asked as she caught up with her.

"I'm thinking about it." Zoe said turning the tables on Carrie.

"You had better!" Carrie said as she hooked her arm in Zoe's arm.

"Why is that?" Zoe asked her now smiling at her.

"If you don't then you'll get sent to bed without supper..." Carrie said and as Zoe arched her eyebrows Carrie finished with, "and without me."

"In that case, would you like to go to out with me tomorrow night?" She asked Carrie.

"I would love to." Carrie said then she gave her a kiss. "Now let's go see what we can find to eat."

"Thank you for accepting my invitation." Zoe told her.

"Anytime," Carrie told her.

"Mmmm... an open invitation, I like that, now you can never turn me down." Zoe told her.

"You just love to take an opening and run with it don't you?" Carrie said more than asked.

"I do tend to do that; you'll have to watch what you say around me." Zoe told her.

"I'll consider myself warned." Carrie told her and by then they had gotten to the kitchen.

Carrie began to go through her cabinets and refrigerator calling out things that she could whip up in a hurry. Once she had gone through everything that she could think of, they still didn't know what they wanted to eat. They were hungry but not hungry with all the emotional feelings that they had started to deal with. So Carrie began to look again and she finally came up with a thought, she got out a few cans of mixed fruit and some angel food cake that she had for Carrie Ann. She dished them both some of the fruit and with the cake to soak up the juices, they had something light to eat that would quell the stomach pangs that they had but also not overfill them. They sat at the table eating their supper and talking some, mostly about work so thus they stayed away from what was on both of their minds as which would come later that evening.

After eating, they went to Carrie's living room and Zoe found one of Carrie's movies that she put on for them to watch. Zoe sat at the end of the couch putting her feet up on Carrie's heavy coffee table. Carrie turned off the lights before coming over to the couch where she slid in beside of her putting her own feet on the table. Zoe put her left arm around Carrie's shoulders pulling her in tight to her body. The movie was one that Zoe hadn't seen but had heard that it was pretty good and it wasn't one of Carrie's horror flicks. This was more of a romantic drama that seemed to fit in with both of their moods.

Zoe let the fingers of her left hand caress Carrie's left upper arm as they watched the movie. Carrie seemed to get absorbed in the movie quickly as did Zoe. It was very enjoyable and it felt nice to have Carrie sitting up against her. It all seemed so comfortable to Zoe as if this was where she belonged. When the couple in the movie kissed, Carrie looked up at Zoe smiling at her. Zoe dropped her head down, kissing Carrie on the tip of her nose and thus Zoe's favorite freckle. This made Carrie giggle a little then she put her focus back on the movie.

As soon as the movie ended, they both sat there for a minute as the credits played out. Zoe wasn't sure what her next move should be. She knew what she wanted to do but she wasn't sure if that was what she should do. Carrie solved that dilemma for her. She moved her feet from the table and Zoe thought that Carrie was going to get up to put another movie on however she did something else entirely. She swung her legs up on the couch as she moved her body over. She was now sitting with her back to Zoe's legs. She turned her upper body toward Zoe. She had a soft smile on her face that Zoe could see that she was wanting some assurance from her. Zoe moved her left hand to Carrie's stomach as she put her right hand to Carrie's back. She pushed with her left hand and pulled with his right. She also brought her feet up, putting them on the edge of the coffee's table. The table was heavy enough that Zoe could push on it yet not move it. This was good as it allowed her to sort of form a "V" in which she could cradle Carrie between her legs and her body.

Carrie seemed nervous as she looked at her so Zoe gave her a kind smile. She put her right hand to the back of Carrie's head bringing it up for a kiss. Carrie put her right hand to Zoe's face and she moved her left to Zoe's right side. Zoe kissed her lightly at first until Carrie began to relax. Zoe then opened her lips letting her tongue slip out and go to Carrie's teeth. She let her tongue run across Carrie's top teeth and then bottom before entering her mouth. Carrie moaned as Zoe's tongue touched her tongue. Zoe could feel the tender touch of Carrie's fingers as they caressed her cheek as they kissed. Zoe slowly ended this kiss then she kissed the tip of Carrie's nose making Carrie smile at her then she moved to Carrie's cheeks kissing each in turn, going on to her forehead and when Carrie closed her eyes, she very tenderly kissed her eye lids. When Zoe's lips found Carrie's lips, Carrie kissed her more passionately, the hand that was at her cheek now went behind her head holding Zoe's lips to hers.

Zoe knew that Carrie was ready for more, the hand that Zoe had left resting on Carrie's belly moved up to the one button that Carrie had buttoned back on her blouse. She let the blouse fall open and Carrie didn't seem to mind. She moved her fingers up to the clasp on the front of Carrie's bra. Zoe used her fingers to open the bra. Carrie tensed but for a second before relaxing and resuming the kissing that they were doing. Zoe moved her fingers to the cup covering Carrie's right breast. She slowly eased the cup off of Carrie's breast. She let her fingers slide across the breast and across the pale inverted nipple. Carrie let out a slight moan. Zoe let her fingers tease the nipple feeling it harden but the nipple didn't rise. Zoe let the tips of her fingers go across and around the nipple making Carrie start to pant. Their tongues were going from one of their mouths to the other as they continued to kiss with Carrie gripping her tightly as they kissed. Zoe slowly moved her fingers down that breast and over to the left one. She slowly uncovered the breast and she began to tease it. Carrie moaned more and she had to end the kissing they were doing to catch her breath.

"Your top," Carrie panted out as she looked up into Zoe's eyes with a need that Zoe knew well as it was the need that she herself was feeling.

Zoe leaned down giving Carrie a light kiss before letting her go. She leaned back and with Carrie's help, she pushed / pulled her blouse up. She then pulled it over her head not caring if she tore it or popped off a couple of buttons. She did neither and as she was pulling the blouse off she felt Carrie's fingers at her back going to the clasp of her bra. She was now wishing that she had worn a bra that connected in the front rather than the back; however Carrie didn't have any problems in getting the bra undone. She helped Carrie to pull her bra off leaving her topless. Carrie's eyes went down to her breasts and she smiled as she looked back up at Zoe who smiled back at her. Zoe reached down and began to push Carrie's blouse and bra on off of her shoulders. Carrie had to sit up a bit so that Zoe could finish getting them off.

Once her blouse and bra was off, Carrie leaned in giving Zoe a kiss but it was too brief of a kiss to suit Zoe however what Carrie did next more than made up for that. Carrie's hands went to Zoe's breasts, cupping them and giving them a squeeze. She then lowered her head down to Zoe's right breast. She lightly kissed the nipple making Zoe moan. She then went to the left one giving it a light kiss. She moved her mouth back to the right breast and she kissed the nipple, then she sucked it into her mouth.

"Mmmmm... that feels nice." Zoe moaned out and that seemed to please Carrie as she sucked a little harder on the nipple.

Zoe put her right hand to the back of Carrie's neck cradling it in her hand, the left one went back to Carrie's breasts, pinching and pulling on Carrie's nipples making her moan and groan. Zoe could feel her pussy getting wet. Carrie seemed content to suck and caress her breasts and Zoe loved having her do that. Zoe wanted to tell Carrie to bite her nipples but the way Carrie's hands and fingers were caressing them and how she was kissing and sucking on her nipples felt so good that she feared telling Carrie to do anything but what she was currently doing would just mess up a great thing. Zoe let her left hand slip down from Carrie's breasts to her stomach. She moved her fingers to Carrie's left hip so that she could undo the button of her slacks and then she pushed the zipper down. This loosened Carrie's slacks enough so that she could slip her fingers under the waistband of Carrie's panties.

Zoe felt Carrie's hands leave her breasts though her mouth kept sucking on her right nipple. Zoe was afraid that Carrie was going to stop her from slipping her fingers down to her pussy. However Carrie's hands went to her hips grasping her slacks and panties in her fingers. Instead of pulling her slacks back up, Carrie pushed them downward. That brought a smile to Zoe's face and she began to help Carrie get her slacks and panties off her hips. Zoe saw the light red hair of Carrie's pussy come into view. She thought that the hair would be darker than the hair on her head but it was about the same color if not a bit lighter. Carrie pubic hair was untrimmed and it looked so pretty to Zoe and she felt her own pussy get wetter.

Carrie could get her slacks down only so far so Zoe told her, "Lift your legs honey."

Carrie did and once she had them far enough up, Zoe was able to pull the slacks and panties up Carrie's long legs and then off her ankles. Zoe threw both back over the couch as Carrie lowered her legs. She placed her feet on the seat of the couch and opened her legs.

"Oh god you got a pretty pussy." Zoe said in almost a sigh. Carrie acknowledged the compliment by sucking harder on Zoe's right nipple. Her hands went back to Zoe's breasts, caressing them and pinching the left nipple. Zoe put her hand just above Carrie's pussy hair letting her fingers go down and run through it. She pulled gently on the hair making Carrie raise her ass off the couch a little. She then released the hair and let her fingers moved on downward. When her middle finger touched the top of Carrie's pussy, she stopped, teasing Carrie a little and making her moan. She moved her fingers on down to Carrie's clit feeling that it was already engorged with blood and very sensitive. She rubbed her clit just a moment before moving down to Carrie's slit feeling the wetness already there. She ran her fingers up and down Carrie's slit and that got the bite on her nipple that Zoe was wanting from Carrie.

Zoe let her fingers tease and caress Carrie's pussy lips making Carrie groan and moan. She slowly let her middle finger part Carrie's lips feeling the wetness and heat from inside of Carrie's core. She let her middle finger fuck Carrie's pussy as her palm now wet with Carrie's juices rubbed against her clit. Carrie groaned and she began to squeeze Zoe's breasts harder as she sucked harder on the left nipple that she was now sucking. Zoe began to rub harder and her middle finger went deeper into Carrie's sweet core. Carrie's breathing quickly increased until she began to pant and that made her ease up on sucking on Zoe's nipples. Zoe slowly removed her finger from Carrie's pussy so that she could take Carrie's clit between her fingers. She first rolled the little clit with her thumb and index finger then she began to pull on it as she rolled it. Carrie gasped a couple of times then she trapped Zoe's fingers between her thighs as an orgasm rolled through her body. Zoe squeezed on Carrie's clit a little harder making the orgasm more intense then she eased off, just barely touching the now super sensitive nub.

As Carrie's slowly recovered from her orgasm, Zoe brought her fingers to her lips, tasting Carrie's juices and loving the taste. "I got to eat that pussy of yours soon, you taste so fucking good." Zoe said as Carrie's eyes fluttered open.

"Not before I taste you," Carrie said with a very lusty voice.

She then rolled off the couch landing on her hands and knees. Carrie crawled between Zoe legs where she had just enough room to squeeze between the couch and the coffee table. Zoe was about to suggest that she move when Carrie's fingers reached for the top button of her jeans. Zoe instead moved her hips forward letting Carrie undo her jeans. She raised her hips up off the seat of the couch allowing Carrie to pull them down her hips and then her thighs. Zoe saw Carrie's eyes light up upon seeing her shaved pussy and that made her happy. Once the jeans and panties made it to her knees, Zoe dropped her ass to the couch and she raised her knees up allowing Carrie to pull her jeans and panties off her legs. Zoe saw them flying across the room and then she felt Carrie's hands on her knees pushing them out wide.

Zoe put her ass to the edge of the couch and her feet spread wide setting them on the coffee table behind of Carrie. Carrie looked into Zoe's eyes and she had this nervous smile on her face but she didn't let that nervousness stop what she was about to do. Zoe watched as Carrie's mouth approached her pussy and she felt her pussy practically dripping from the anticipation of what was to come. Just before Carrie's mouth got to her pussy she stopped and looked up at Zoe.

"Close your eyes," Carrie said softly.

"Okay," Zoe said just as softly just before closing her eyes.

Zoe had to wait just a moment before she felt Carrie's warm breath against her left thigh and then there was a soft kiss to her inner thigh.

"Oh god," Zoe said in a sigh feeling Carrie's lips so close to her pussy.

Zoe felt Carrie's soft lips on her right inner thigh kissing her there. Those wonderful lips went back to her left inner thigh getting closer to her pussy but not touching it. Zoe was moaning and she so wanted to reach down and grab Carrie's head and push it into her pussy but she also loved the teasing that she was getting. It was so sensual and was making her so aroused. Carrie's kisses kept getting closer to her pussy until there was no place to go but on her pussy lips. Zoe held her breath waiting for that kiss but Carrie hesitated making her wait. Zoe thought that she was going to die, but then she felt Carrie's hot breath on her pussy and then she felt those lips kiss her lips.

"Oh god girl..." Zoe cried as she felt an orgasm rip through her body. She knew that she had just died and that was fine with her. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body as she lost touch with the world for a moment.

When she began to feel again, she felt Carrie's tongue licking up her girlcum that was flowing from her body. Carrie's tongue had parted her lips and going inside of her, licking in deep between her lips. She felt Carrie's fingers at her thighs and then the fingers at her lips as they pulled her open so that her tongue could get in deeper. Zoe moved her fingers to her breasts where she could pull and pinch her nipples as Carrie ate her out. Carrie moved her tongue around inside of her then up to her clit which was so sensitive. Carrie licked around her sensitive nub before she sucked it into her mouth. Zoe groaned as she raised her hips up off the couch.

Carrie sucked harder as her fingers slipped into Zoe's pussy filling her up. Zoe could only grunt her approval as she felt those fingers fucking her and Carrie's soft lips and mouth sucked on her clit. Even though she had just had a massive orgasm, she felt another one coming on her fast. She had no control over it, Carrie was controlling her completely. Zoe was putty in Carrie's hands or rather mouth and fingers. Carrie began to fuck her harder and her mouth pressed down on her clit making Zoe twist her hips around and she was pinching her nipples hard. Then like the first orgasm, this one burst upon her and she felt her body just explode in pleasure. Her body stiffened as Carrie sucked her clit hard and finger fucked her harder until Zoe was spent and she fell back down onto the couch.

When she could open her eyes, Carrie was tenderly licking up her girlcum. Zoe reached down pulling Carrie up to her as she sat up. "Oh baby, that was wonderful." Zoe told her kissing her lips and tasting her own juices on those lips. "But now it is my turn to taste that pussy of yours." She told her.

Zoe stood up on shaky legs pulling Carrie up to her. "I believe that it is time to return to your bedroom."

"I believe so too." Carrie said softly as she walked with Zoe toward her bedroom.

When they got to Carrie's bed, Zoe pulled the covers down before she guided Carrie into the bed. She had Carrie lay on her back then she lay down on top of her. Zoe slipped her hands under Carrie's shoulders as she felt Carrie's hands go to her hips. Zoe gave Carrie a reassuring smile when she saw the nervousness in Carrie's eyes. She lowered her head down and she saw Carrie's eyes close while Carrie licked her lips. Zoe went not to Carrie's lips but to Carrie's nose kissing first her favorite freckle of Carrie which made Carrie giggle.

"You know my lips are more fun to kiss than that stupid freckle that you're so enamored with." Carrie told her.

"Is that so?" Zoe asked.

"Yes it is." Carrie told her smiling up at her with the nervousness in her eyes gone.

"I don't know I sure do love to kiss that freckle of yours." Zoe said as she started to kiss that said freckle.

"You kiss that fucking freckle one more time; I swear to god I will cut your tits off." Carrie told her in a tone that dared Zoe to kiss that freckle.

Zoe rose up on her elbows giving Carrie a look showing how shocked she was by Carrie's comment, and then she gave Carrie a devious smile before giving a kiss to the freckle on Carrie's nose. From there, she quickly moved her lips to Carrie's mouth stopping the words that were trying to spill out of her mouth. Carrie tried to talk to for a moment but then she gave into the kiss. Her hands moved up to Zoe's shoulders, gripping them as their lips opened, and Carrie slipped her tongue into Zoe's mouth. Carrie let out a moan as Zoe began to wiggle her hips making Carrie open her legs further. Zoe began to grind hips into Carrie causing their pussies to come into contact. Carrie pushed her hips upwards as she wrapped her legs around Zoe's waist. Carrie began to grind her pussy up into Zoe's pussy as Zoe pushed downward. The harder that they rubbed their pussies together the more they began to pant. Zoe could feel her juices leaking out and mixing with Carrie's juices. Soon they had to end their kissing as they rubbed their pussies together bring them both closer a massive orgasm. Carrie was the first to cum but Zoe wasn't too far behind of her.

Though she was the last to cum, she recovered a little faster than Carrie. Zoe gave Carrie a soft kiss to Carrie's lips making her smile though her eyes remained closed. Zoe slipped downward until her head was over Carrie's breasts. The only light in the room was from a night light that was probably put in there for Carrie Ann. Zoe could barely see Carrie's pale nipples but she knew where they were and so did her mouth. Zoe lowered her mouth down to Carrie's right nipple giving it a kiss.

"Ohhh... that feels nice," Carrie purred as she put her left hand to the back of Zoe's neck holding it down.

"Yes it does," Zoe said as her lips moved to Carrie's left nipple kissing it before sucking the nipple into her mouth. She could feel the nipple harden in her mouth. Zoe used the tip of her tongue to tease the inverted nipple making Carrie moan. Zoe could sense that while Carrie's nipples were a little different, they were very sensitive. Zoe sucked on this nipple as her fingers played with the other one, pinching and pulling on it. Zoe moved from one nipple to the other, as she used her hands and fingers to tease and play with the other one. Soon she felt Carrie push her hips upwards rubbing her pussy against Zoe's stomach and Zoe knew what Carrie wanted and needed.

Zoe gave a little bite to each of Carrie's precious nipples then she moved down her body. Carrie had her legs open wide by the time that Zoe got there. Zoe looked at that lovely pussy surrounded the auburn hair. She could see the pink lips and the pink flesh inside and it was covered with Carrie's juices. Zoe just looked for a moment until Carrie showed her impatience by lifting her ass off the bed pushing her pussy at Zoe's mouth. Zoe smiled at Carrie then she lowered her mouth to that sweet smelling pussy. Zoe kissed Carrie's engorged clit making Carrie moan.

She went from there to Carrie's pussy where she began to lick. Carrie let out a moan that just went on forever. Zoe licked Carrie's lips getting the juices and then she went to the slit and letting her tongue go in deep. She so loved the way Carrie was moving her hips as she licked her. Zoe used her fingers to part those pink lips pulling her open so that she could get her tongue in deep. She was rewarded with lots more juices that Zoe had to get every last drop. She moved her tongue in and around Carrie's pussy not leaving any part untouched which included Carrie's clit. She licked and sucked on the little nub until she had Carrie screaming and cumming hard.

Zoe licked her clean before moving up in the bed to kiss the sweat from Carrie's smiling and contented face. "Mmmm..., that was nice." Carrie purred out.

"Yes it was, I could eat you all night long." Zoe told her giving Carrie a kiss.

"I like the sound of that..." Carrie told her then she turned Zoe onto her back. Carrie then gave her a kiss before she got up on her hands and knees. Zoe smiled as Carrie turned herself around in the bed and settled over her with her pussy right above Zoe's face. Zoe reached up, pulling that pussy down to her face where she could lick up the juices that were already gathering there. Zoe felt Carrie's face between her spread legs and soon she felt her tongue moving around her pussy, going across her outer lips and then deep inside. Zoe was doing the same to Carrie licking and sucking on Carrie's lips. She got Carrie very aroused before she pulled Carrie down a little closer so that she could move her tongue from her pussy up to her cute little asshole. She wasn't sure if Carrie was into anal play but this was a good as a time as any the find out Zoe figured.

Zoe used her fingers to spread Carrie's cheeks apart then she ran the tip of her tongue across Carrie's asshole feeling it flex as she did so. Carrie stopped licking at Zoe's pussy for a moment as Zoe ran her tongue back down across the puckered little hole. Zoe ran her tongue around the rim of Carrie's asshole a couple of times before she got a moan from Carrie. Zoe knew then that she had hit upon something good. Zoe ran her tongue around it some more before going back and forth across it again. She then placed the tip of her tongue at the center and pushing it into Carrie's ass. Carrie let out a louder moan as Zoe tongue fucked her ass. Zoe slipped her fingers around Carrie's leg and placed them on Carrie's clit. She began to rub the sensitive nub as Zoe tongue fucked her asshole.

"Oh fuck!" Carrie soon cried out as she came hard again. Zoe felt the girlcum drip onto her cheeks.

Zoe went down to lick up all that girlcum that Carrie had produced. Carrie was producing even more juices as Zoe licked them up. After a minute, Carrie gasped out, "No one has ever done that to me."

"Did you like it?" Zoe asked.

"Oh hell yes, it was great." Carrie said and then she dropped her head back down to start licking Zoe pussy. It wasn't long before Zoe felt Carrie pulling her legs up and Carrie's tongue found Zoe's asshole making her moan. Zoe raised her legs up high giving Carrie plenty of room. Carrie's wasn't hesitant at all as she licked around, across and into her asshole. Zoe pulled Carrie's pussy to her mouth and moaned making Carrie moan as she tongue fucked Zoe's asshole. Zoe sucked on Carrie's clit as she felt Carrie's tongue move around and in and out of her asshole. Then she did as Zoe had done to her, rubbing on her clit as she played with her asshole. Soon Zoe was moaning as she came hard.

After she had came, Zoe turned them to their sides and they continued to eat each other out until they had cum so much that they were exhausted. They cuddled close together and fell into a very contented sleep.

Zoe woke up the next morning to find that she was alone in the bed. She strained to listen to see where Carrie might be but all she got was silence in return. She lay there for a bit remembering the night that she had just spent with Carrie, and what had started out to be a disastrous night turned out to be a wonderful one. Eventually the call of nature got to her, plus she was curious as to what Carrie was doing so silently. She turned over and that was when she saw a note pinned to Carrie's pillow.


I've got some work to do this morning; I'll be back in a couple of hours. There's breakfast fixed in the kitchen for you. Don't you dare leave!


P.S. Last night was wonderful and thank you for being so understanding."

Zoe felt a smile come to her face and she lay there reading the letter again before finally getting up and going to the bathroom. Then she went to the kitchen to find that indeed Carrie had made her something to eat and all she had to do was to pop it into the microwave to warm it up.

Zoe ate her breakfast then she wandered about a bit but she felt funny walking around alone in Carrie's place. Their relationship was still developing so she wasn't yet comfortable just laying around or going on Carrie's computer to check her emails. Zoe went and took a shower but then she realized that she didn't have anything to wear. She knew she was just going to have to start planning ahead. She found a robe and went to find her phone.

"Morning sweetheart," Zoe heard Carrie say as she answered her phone.

"Hey baby, what you doing?" Zoe asked of her.

"Oh down in the shop, I wanted to change a couple of things today before we went out tonight." Carrie told her.

"Hey, I know you told me to stay here but I need to run home and get some clean clothes to wear. I hadn't planned on staying the night but someone seduced me." Zoe said and in her mind she could see Carrie blushing.

"Give me a few minutes and I'll go with you." Carrie said a bit too quickly and then she added, "If you want me to?"

"I don't know..." Zoe said as she hesitated for a moment, "I not sure your ready to see my den of depravity."

"Yea, right," Carrie said laughing.

"So you need some help before we go to my place?" Zoe asked.

"Sure but you don't have to." Carrie told her.

"I know but I want to, just let me find something to wear, all I got is one of your robes on." Zoe told her.

"Oh that's cool, I'm in the back, and there is no one here but me." Carrie told her.

"But what if Kristen comes down and sees me in a robe, she will know I spent the night." Zoe told her.

"Oh she already knows that, I talked to her this morning. I don't think you have to worry about getting her approval anymore. She likes you and likes that I'm seeing you, so everything's cool." Carrie told her.

"That's good to know." Zoe told her. "I'll be right down."

"So is it just you, Kristen, and Marcella that work the shop?" Zoe asked as she was carrying some dresses to where Carrie wanted them.

Carrie turned and looked at her for a moment and Zoe got the impression that she had crossed the line; how Carrie ran her business wasn't her business. However Carrie's facial expression softened a bit. "Well I started out with just myself and a woman named Charlotte, who retired last year on me but she still likes to come in when we need her. Anyway about the time that the business started to really take off, Kristen came to live with me and she soon began to help. I picked up a couple of part time girls to help out but they never seemed to work out. I don't guess I was very good at picking employees and Kristen let me know that as she was in college by this time. So I smarted off to her that she should try hiring them and she immediately took me up on my offer. Her first hire was Marcella who was a friend of hers that she had met at school. I just knew that was a mistake and as much as I wanted to tell her that, I kept my mouth shut which was a good thing as Marcella turned out to be a great hire. She then hired a couple of other part time girls from the school who worked on the days that they didn't have classes." Carrie told her.

"But I have only seen you, Marcella and Kristen here in the shop." Zoe told her.

"And how many times have you actually been in the store?" Carrie asked her.

"Several times," Zoe told her.

"I mean how many times have you been in here and gone past the counter?" Carrie asked.

Zoe had to think a moment then she smiled, "Twice," Zoe told her.

"And those times were on Friday evening's right?" Carrie told her.

"Okay, I give." Zoe said with a laugh.

"So anyway by the time that Kristen had graduated college, she had pretty much taken over running the shop. I pretend to be in charge and all the girls know to do what I say however they all look to Kristen as their boss. And she runs a tight ship, she is caring and works with the girls but she is also firm with them." Carrie told her.

"Okay, then that makes me feel better about asking you to do things on Saturdays." Zoe told her.

"Yea, I think I can take a few off, I know Kristen wants me to. I am usually here or up with my seamstresses six days a week and Kristen wants me to take more time off. Now I guess I got an excuse to do so." Carrie said with a smile. "Kristen always spends a couple days a week with Carrie Ann doing things plus since we don't open until ten she can fix her breakfast each morning and get to listen to all her tales as she eats."

"And I bet that you join those breakfast's sometimes too." Zoe told her.

"Yea, I make an appearance from time to time but for the most part, I let it be Kristen's time with her daughter. And when Kristen and Marcella want to go do something, I get to keep Carrie Ann for the night." Carrie said smiling.

"Kristen seems close to Marcella, isn't she." Zoe asked probing a bit.

"Yea, their best friends, they do a lot together." Carrie told her and that made Zoe wonder if they weren't closer than Carrie seemed to realize but that was for another discussion.

"So do you do all the designs?' Zoe asked her.

"You're sure full of questions this morning aren't you?" Carrie asked.

Zoe smiled, "Well I was just curious, but for the most part they were selfish questions." Zoe told her.

"How so?" Carrie asked of her.

"I just wanted to make sure that I could whisk you away for a weekend or a week even if the mood so struck me." Zoe told her smiling.

"Oh I see, well to answer your question, yes you can... if the mood struck me to go along." Carrie told her with a wink and a smile. "And yes I do almost all the designs though there are a couple of designer friends that I buy from."

"Hey since I just designed a dress, maybe I can sell some of my designs to you." Zoe said seriously.

"I wouldn't hold your breath on that one." Carrie said and that made Zoe break out in a laugh. "Anyway are you planning on taking me away from here for a weekend?"

This question made Zoe stop laughing as she was the one to turn serious, "Well I was hoping that you would come with me to Sylvia and Wilma's party."

"But that is two months away, how do you know we will even be seeing each other by then." Carrie stopped what she was doing to ask her.

"It's a month and half now and I got faith." Zoe told her.

This made Carrie smile, "I do too." She said quietly.

Zoe smile and came to Carrie giving her a soft kiss as she hugged her. Carrie put her arms to Zoe's back holding onto her as the kiss became more passionate as their mouths opened and their tongues touched.

"You know there is a floor two stories up that is a little more private." Zoe heard Kristen say to them from a few feet away.

Carrie jumped from Zoe's arms blushing and Zoe just had to laugh just as Kristen was laughing. "Where's Carrie Ann?"

"Playing hide and seek with Melinda, then this afternoon Marcella and I are taking her to that new Disney film that she is just dying to see. I got Charlotte to come in a cover the store for us." Kristen told her.

"Sounds like you got things covered." Carrie told her.

"Don't I always." Kristen said in a smart tone but she winked at Zoe who realized that Kristen was just pushing one of Carrie's buttons.

"Watch that tone young lady; I can still fire that smart ass of yours." Carrie threatened her.

"Yes you can mother but you won't." Kristen told her as she came up to Carrie giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Now take this poor woman up to your place and let her put some clothes on. Then check in on Carrie Ann before you go anywhere, I told her you would see her, she is just dying to tell you about the movie we're taking her too."

"Okay," Carrie told her giving her a kiss before she said to Zoe, "I guess I had better do as the boss says."

"That's right." Kristen said aloud.

"I was talking about Carrie Ann, not you." Carrie told her and that made Kristen laugh.

"You're right about that one." Kristen told her as she laughed.

So as Zoe went to get dressed, Carrie went on up to see Carrie Ann. Zoe was dressed and ready to go long before Carrie made it back down but then Zoe didn't expect that Carrie Ann would let her grandmother go too quickly. When she returned, Zoe had Carrie get what she was going to wear that night so that they could just leave from her place.

As they entered her apartment, Zoe said, "Welcome to my humble abode."

"You mean your den of depravity, don't you?" Carrie asked as she entered the apartment.

Zoe laughed at Carrie's quick retort. "Yea, well it isn't as much of a den of depravity as I made it out to be."

"I didn't think it would be." Carrie said knowingly as she went on into the living room.

"It isn't as big as your place but it works for me for the moment." Zoe told her.

"Hell, I live in a warehouse; I doubt there are very many apartments as big as mine, a lot nicer but not bigger." Carrie told her laughing a bit more.

Zoe then showed her around the place which didn't take a real long time. They then sat at the kitchen table and drank some coffee. They sat and talked until it was time to get ready to go to the supper club that Zoe was supposed to have taken her to the previous night. The dinner was okay but the play was excellent and worth the trip. Not worthy of Broadway but very enjoyable. From there, Zoe returned them to Carrie's place as she knew that Carrie would be more comfortable there.

"So what do you want to do?" Zoe asked when they entered Carrie's place.

"What I want to do is best done in my bedroom." Carrie said with a shy smile.

"I like the sound of that." Zoe said as she put her right arm around Carrie's waist bringing her in close to kiss her cheek.

"You know I'm talking about sleeping don't you." Carrie told her.

"Oh sure, of course I knew that was what you were talking about." Zoe told her giving her another kiss, this time on the lips making Carrie let out a little moan.

When the kiss ended, Carrie pulled back from Zoe saying, "Go put your clothes up before they wrinkle and I'll be in there in just a moment."

"Don't take too long," Zoe told her.

"I won't." Carrie said as she pulled Zoe back in for a soft kiss then she sent her toward the bedroom.

Zoe hung up the dress that she was going to wear to work on Monday. She made sure that Carrie saw her get the dress as well as enough clothes to get her through to Monday and Carrie seemed fine with it so Zoe figured that meant that Carrie wanted her to stay until then. Once she had everything in place, she went to Carrie's bathroom where she peed then she pulled her clothes off. She ran the brush that she had brought from home through her hair and then she brushed her teeth. As she went out of the bedroom, Carrie was coming in; she gave Zoe a smile and kiss before going on in. Zoe could feel Carrie's eyes on her as she went to Carrie's bed. When Zoe turned around, she saw Carrie standing in the doorway of the bathroom. Carrie gave her a sheepish smile before turning to go on into the bathroom. Zoe turned the bed down before lying down, turning on her side to face the bathroom. She could hear Carrie humming a nursery rhyme as she got ready for bed. Soon enough Carrie appeared at the bathroom door, naked and looking beautiful.

"Oh god what a heavenly sight," Zoe told her making Carrie blush a little.

"Thank you," Carrie whispered before coming on over to the bed. She bent over the bed placing her hand to Zoe's shoulder pushing her onto her back. She then climbed onto the bed lying on top of Zoe who wrapped her arms around her as Carrie's head came down for a kiss. Their lips touched in a light soft kiss that slowly became a passionate kiss. Zoe let her hands roam around Carrie's back caressing her there and then on down to Carrie's ass cheeks giving them a squeeze before letting her hands and fingers go back to Carrie's back. In the meantime, their lips had parted and their tongues touched in a kiss of their own. Zoe wrapped her legs around Carrie's waist as Carrie pressed her pussy down against her pussy. They both began to moan and their breathing quicken as they became aroused and their pussies got wet.

Zoe was just getting to the point of wanting to cum when Carrie started to kiss her face as she slipped downward. Zoe had to loosen her legs to let Carrie go. Carrie's lips kissed her cheeks, then chin, and on to her neck as she slid down. Her lips kissed Zoe above her breasts then between them before her hands came from her sides to her breasts. Carrie's hands were squeezing her breasts as her mouth went to Zoe's left nipple kissing it then sucking it into her mouth. Zoe let out a moan as she put her right hand to the back of Carrie's head holding it to her nipple. Carrie gave the nipple small short love bites that send Zoe through the roof. She kissed her way over to Zoe's right nipple kissing and biting it. Zoe's pussy was soaking wet and she was rubbing it against Carrie's stomach smearing her juices onto it.

Carrie began to kiss her way down Zoe's belly leaving her hands on Zoe's breasts, squeezing, pinching, and pulling on the nipples. Carrie kissed Zoe's belly making Zoe giggle between her moans. When Carrie got to just above Zoe's pussy; she stopped, then she began to kiss her just above her clit and then to each side of her pussy. Zoe knew that she was in for some teasing and she looked forward to it this time. Once she had kissed her way around Zoe's pussy a couple of times, she then used the tip of tongue to ever so slowly circle her pussy.

"Oh fuck girl, you're driving me crazy!" Zoe cried out as she felt her pussy leaking juices down to her ass and onto the bed.

Carrie used the tip of her tongue to go around Zoe's pussy one more time then Zoe felt Carrie move her fingers from her breasts down to her pussy lips. Zoe thought that Carrie was finally going to really lick her but no; she had other plans for her. The tip of her tongue went to Zoe's hard clit; she very lightly teased the tip of Zoe's clit driving Zoe crazy. "Oh god damn," Zoe cried out.

The tip of Carrie's tongue just kept teasing Zoe's clit until she thought that she was going to die, then it went to the right side of Zoe's pussy running down the inside of it to the bottom then back up the right side to her clit. There she stopped to tease it some more. "Oh please Carrie, I can't take no more!" Zoe cried out.

Carrie immediately clamped her mouth over Zoe's clit sucking on it hard as she used her tongue to lick against it using fast short stroked. Zoe arched her back, crying out in a load moan as her orgasm hit her hard and fast. Zoe pinched on her own nipples hard pulling on them as the waves of pleasure washed through her body. As she came out of her orgasm, she felt a couple of Carrie's fingers deep in her pussy fucking her and her tongue was lashing at her clit. This immediately sent her into another massive orgasm. Zoe about lost touch with the world as she just lay there, letting the pleasure take over her body.

This time when she came to, Zoe pulled Carrie away from her sensitive clit. When she got up to her, Zoe saw all her juices smeared around Carrie's face which she promptly kissed and licked off. Zoe then turned Carrie over onto her back where she slipped down to those breasts she loved. She kissed those nipples sucking on them hard, first the left one then the right one. Then she sucked the right one into her mouth letting her tongue tease it. Carrie began to moan as Zoe loved on her nipples. Zoe went from one to the other sucking and biting hard on those inverted nipples and Carrie was moaning and groaning loudly but then Zoe felt Carrie pushing down on her shoulders.

Zoe let herself be moved to down to Carrie's pussy where Carrie had her legs spread wide for her. Zoe saw the pink wet flesh revealing itself from the auburn hair surrounding it. Zoe stuck out her tongue and let the tip move around the outer edges of Carrie's pussy teasing her as she had been done. Carrie seemed to love this as she bucked and moaned. Zoe so wanted to dive in and lick but she used the tip of her tongue to tease those lips and then the hard clit that had come from its hiding place. Zoe teased the hard little bud unmercifully just barely touching it and circling until it was Carrie begging her to lick and suck on her clit. Zoe then pushed two of her fingers in deep as she sucked on the hard sensitive bud. Zoe just kept finger fucking Carrie's pussy and sucking on her clit until Carrie had a series of orgasms. Only then did her relent and let Carrie pull her up in the bed.

Zoe kissed the sweat form Carrie's face as Carrie recovered from her orgasms. Slowly Carrie opened her eyes and she smiled up at Zoe. "That was wonderful," Carrie told her.

"Yes it was, and the night is just beginning..." Zoe said then she dropped her head down for a kiss. They kissed lightly just using their lips turning their heads from one side to the other as Zoe's hands caressed Carrie's face and arms and Carrie's hands and fingers caressed Zoe's back and her ass cheeks.

"Do you like to be fucked?" Zoe asked her softly between kisses.

"I do... but I don't have anything here." Carrie told her.

"I might have something in my bag." Zoe told her giving her a wink. Then she slid off of Carrie and went over to her overnight bag that she had brought her clothes.

Carrie had turned over onto her side and was watching her as Zoe, with a smile on her face, reached down into her bag first pulling out a small but thick dildo and then she pulled out her strap-on harness.

"You came prepared didn't you." Carrie stated more than asked.

"I took a chance." Zoe said as she brought out a bottle of lube.

"You knew I would say yes didn't you?" Carrie asked of her.

"I thought you might or I wouldn't have brought it." Zoe said as she put the dildo into the harness. She then stepped into it bringing it up to her waist. She tightened down the straps so that it fit tight against her body and against her wet pussy. She came over to the side of the bed handing the bottle of lube to Carrie. She poured a little into her hand then she began to coat the fake cock with it.

"Oh god it has been a long time since I have had one of those used on me." Carrie said softly as she finished with Zoe's fake cock and she put the leftover lube on her hands on her already soaking wet pussy.

"I'll go easy on you." Zoe said as she got up on the bed where Carrie was now laying on her back with her knees up and spread outward.

"Not too easy I hope..." Carrie said to her softly as she bit her lower lip.

Zoe smiled, "No, not too easy..."

Zoe then got between Carrie's legs and she was going to lean down to lick Carrie's pussy to get her ready but Carrie obviously felt that she was already more than ready as she reached for the fake cock guiding it and Zoe to her pussy.

Zoe watched as Carrie placed the head of the fake cock to her pussy lips and then she watched as Carrie's lips opened up as the cock entered her. Zoe slowly lowered her hips letting Carrie get used to the cock filling her pussy. Once the cock was all the way in, Zoe propped herself up on her elbows letting Carrie adjust both of their bodies until she was comfortable. Zoe kissed Carrie's lips and face as she adjusted to being filled. Zoe slowly began to move her hips as Carrie wrapped her legs around her waist. She raised her hips up then pressed downward making Carrie moan with each stroke. Carrie was gripping her shoulders as Zoe's hips picked up the pace of the cock fucking Carrie's pussy. Carrie groaned and her fingernails dug into Zoe's back as she fucked her.

"Harder baby," Carrie urged her.

Zoe smiled giving Carrie a kiss on her panting lips, as she picked up the speed of her hips and also the force of her hips driving the cock deeper and harder into Carrie's pussy.

"Oh fuck that feels good!" Carrie cried out as she pushed back against Zoe's hips. Zoe loved the feeling of Carrie's wiggling body under her as she fucked her hard and deep. She kept kissing Carrie's face as the sweat formed on both of their bodies causing them to slide against each other. The sound of their bodies coming together with such forcefulness echoed around the room.

"I'm getting close! Don't stop!" Carrie panted out.

"I won't," Zoe grunted back as she drove the cock in deeper and harder into her lover's pussy.

Zoe kept pounding into Carrie's pussy as Carrie arched her back and she came hard. Zoe just kept driving the cock into her pussy as Carrie just cried and moaned through her orgasm which seemed to go on forever. When Carrie's orgasm seemed to come to an end, Zoe slowed down her pace until she slowly stopped, leaving her fake cock buried deep in her pussy.

"Oh god that was nice.' Carrie panted out as Zoe wiped the sweat from her brow and she kissed her.

"Yes it was, I love fucking you." Zoe panted out as she too was catching her breath.

"Now the question begs to be asked, do you like to be fucked?" Carrie asked her.

"I thought that you'd never ask." Zoe told her with a smile and a wink.

"Well I was busy..." Carrie said smiling and winking back at her. Then she turned them over so that Zoe was on her back. She raised herself off of the cock that Zoe was wearing. Zoe saw that it was coated with Carrie's girlcum.

Zoe started to reach down and help Carrie get the harness off of her but she got her hands slapped away for doing that. So she put her hands behind her head and let Carrie remove the harness only raising her hips so that Carrie could pull it off of her without completely undoing it. Once it was off of her, Carrie stood up on the bed to put the harness on.

"You look sexy wearing my cock." Zoe told her.

"It's my cock now girly." Carrie said with a smile.

"Hand me the lube." Carrie then told her.

"You don't need it; your juices are lube enough." Zoe told her.

"Oh I forgot about that, I can wash it first." Carrie told her.

"You had better not, just put your cock in me and fuck me hard my lady." Zoe ordered her.

"My pleasure," Carrie said as she went down to her knees and then leaned over her.

Zoe let Carrie place the head of the cock to her pussy and Carrie moved the head up and down her slit. "Damn girl, just push it in!" Zoe ordered her.

Carrie giggled but she did as she was told. Zoe put her hands onto Carrie's sides helping her lower herself down and thus putting the cock deep into her pussy. "Mmmm... That feels good." Zoe moaned out as Carrie lay down on top of her.

Zoe wrapped her legs around Carrie's hips as Carrie pulled the cock back a little then pushed it back in. Zoe kissed Carrie as Carrie began to move her hips up and down moving the cock inside of her. Zoe could feel her pussy being filled and her clit being stimulated by the cock. Zoe wrapped her arms around Carrie pulling her in close as Carrie used her fake cock to fuck her but good. The fake cock spread her lips out wide and the cock filled her pussy nicely moving in and out, slower at first but with Zoe digging her heels into Carrie's ass cheeks, Carrie began to move faster and driving the cock in deeper and harder. Zoe moaned and groaned as Carrie fucked her hard.

They were both soon sweating again as they panted. It might have been a long time since she had used a strap-on but she quickly got her touch back as she was using the cock, perfectly moving it inside of Zoe's pussy and she was pounding it into her hard. It took Zoe just a bit longer to get to the point of cumming but when she did, she came hard with Carrie not stopping the movement of her hips as Zoe went from one orgasm to another. Finally Zoe just had to grab onto Carrie tightly holding her to her body as she convulsed one more time and her pussy squeezed that cock that was buried deep in her pussy.

"Oh god you do know how to fuck a girl silly." Zoe moaned out.

"Thank you," Carrie said in a whisper, "I wasn't sure..."

"Oh you did great and I will be demanding a repeat performance very soon." Zoe said interrupting Carrie in mid sentence.

"Thank you again," Carrie said as she pushed her hips downward making Zoe grunt.

"But right now, I would love to cuddle and sleep with the most beautiful girl in the world." Zoe told her as she kissed Carrie's lips softly.

"You do know how to bull shit a girl don't you." Carrie told her although she was smiling from ear to ear. Then she kissed her before Zoe could protest.

After the long kiss, Carrie pulled away from Zoe pulling the fake cock from her satisfied pussy that was still pulsing from the fucking it had just gotten. Zoe helped Carrie take off the harness, putting it to the side of the bed, then they cuddled together in the sweat and girlcum soaked bed.

Sunday morning, Zoe did wake to find Carrie still in the bed with her. She just stared at her and as she moved the hair from Carrie's eyes, which awaken Carrie whose eyes fluttered open. Zoe leaned in giving her a kiss.

"Mmmm, that's a nice way to wake up." Carrie told her as the kiss ended.

"Yes it is, I wouldn't mind waking up like this a lot more in the future." Zoe told her giving her a longer and more passionate kiss.

"You keep kissing me that way, I believe you will be." Carrie told her breathlessly.

"Then I guess I had better kiss you again and again and again." Zoe said as she kissed her again which led to another kiss and another until they ended up in a sixty- nine licking and sucking each other to a morning orgasm that left them breathless.

Then it was a mad dash to the bathroom to pee and to shower where they couldn't resist making love one more time before they put on their robes to go find something to eat in the kitchen. Their day was then spent entertaining an energetic five year old as Kristen and Marcella had something to do. Zoe had fun entertaining Carrie Ann, playing about every game that Carrie Ann had and adapting to Carrie Ann's ever changing rules that always seemed to work in her favor.

That evening they had dinner with Carrie Ann, Kristen, and Marcella. Then they all sat and talked as Carrie Ann played with her dolls. Then once everyone had gone, they snuggled into bed together and while they didn't make love there were lots and lots of kissing and cuddling.

That Monday, Zoe met the gang back in the dining room where they all caught up with each other. Zoe told them about her continuing relationship with Carrie and they told her what they had done. Zoe noticed that while they were as good as friends as before there was still a change however slight. She would always be a part of the group but in a way, she was on the outside much like Sylvia was. Still it was nice to be back amoung them. As the week went along, Zoe thought more about introducing Carrie to her friends and she knew that she would but it was just a matter of knowing when. On Wednesday night, she did have her yoga lesson with Faye and while she asked Carrie to join her, she was turned down. However she made sure to call Carrie before she got to Faye's place and then when she was leaving.

The next weekend, she was back with Carrie and this time when she got there on Friday, she had enough clothes packed to last the weekend. She was able to bypass the shop as Carrie had given her the code to the door leading to the elevator. So they spent the weekend together going to dinner and making love each night and a time or two during the day. They were taking it slow but their relationship was deepening and growing stronger with every moment that they spent together.

When the third weekend of March came along, Zoe thought a little about her friends and what they were doing without her, but she was happy where she was. She didn't regret giving up her membership in the club as she was happy with Carrie. So as the weekend went along, she tried not to show Carrie that she did miss the girls a bit but she could see that Carrie sensed what she was thinking. So Zoe tried extra hard to make Carrie happy and please her completely but it was one of those things that they both had on their minds.

After that weekend, Zoe began to spend more time or rather more of her evenings with Carrie. She showed up there on Tuesday unannounced so that when Carrie came up after the shop closed, Zoe was there and she had supper on the table which seemed to please Carrie to no end. Then after her lesson with Faye on Wednesday, she came to Carrie's place where they made love until the early morning hours when they got a couple of hours of sleep and then Carrie got up to see Zoe off to work. That evening they were both in bed by seven as Carrie let Kristen close up the shop.

It was in the middle of April when they had their first real fight or first real argument and it was Zoe pushing Carrie for information and not the other way around. Carrie had told her that she would be busy from Thursday through Friday doing inventory and that she couldn't see her.

"I can help, if you want." Zoe offered as they sat in the kitchen drinking their coffee after having dinner.

"No, I can handle it. You can just enjoy your weekend of freedom from me." Carrie said much too quickly like she was hiding something.

Zoe was surprised by such a quick answer so she pressed on, "I just as soon spend my time with you, I mean it's just counting dresses and you don't have that many to count in the shop." Zoe pressed on.

"Well it's more complicated than that. You know how Kristen is and she has made inventory so much harder with her ways." Carrie told her as she got up going to the coffee pot and keeping her back to Zoe. "You just relax or spend time with your friends, I'm sure that they miss you."

"Ah, they can do just fine without me, I'd rather spend my time helping you do inventory, there's not that many to count." Zoe said pressing her a bit.

"There's more than you think. You know we got all the racks of cloths, zippers and such, and the rest of the things it takes to make dresses." Carrie told her.

Zoe hesitated for a second then her mouth opened before she had thought things through completely, "Like all the prom dresses that you have stored down with the seamstresses?" Zoe asked

Carrie turned around and she had this angry look on her face, "Did you go sneaking around where you were invited?" She accused her.

"No, I didn't. You know me better than that." Zoe told her as she got up going to Carrie who pushed her away.

"Do I?" Carrie asked still red faced.

Now Zoe was becoming angry, "Yes you do. You know I wouldn't do that and I'm surprised that you would even accuse me of that." Zoe spat back at her.

Carrie seemed to cool down and she said, "I'm sorry, I know you wouldn't." She said then she asked, "Who told you about them?"

"No one, I saw them when we went down to make my dress and I just figured that you sold them during prom season. However it is now prom season and you don't have them out to sell so you're doing something with them." Zoe told her now wondering what this was all about.

"It's none of your business and let's leave it at that." Carrie said as she started to walk away.

"No let's not." Zoe said catching up and turning her around.

"Why are you pushing this?" Carrie asked her.

"Because something tells me that this is an important part of your life and I want to be a part of it. I don't want to be left out wondering." Zoe told her.

"Well get used to it." Carrie said as she pulled away and went back to the counter by the coffee pot.

"God why are you being so fucking stubborn?" Zoe asked.

"Because that is the way I am, get used to that too." Carrie told her.

Zoe not willing to give up, came up behind of Carrie wrapping her arms around Carrie's waist and was a bit surprised that Carrie didn't push her away. "I'm just as stubborn as you are, so we can keep going on for days or you can just tell me."

"Fuck you!" Carrie told her then she was silent for a moment not moving.

After a minute Carrie let out a sigh then she began to talk, "When Kristen came to live with me, we got to talking one night. It was about this time of year and Kristen was talking about where she grew up and how poor the neighborhood was that she lived. And how when the time for prom came only the girls and boys with money got to go to prom as they were the only ones that could afford the dresses and suits. That got me to thinking and I wanted to do something about that but I wasn't sure how. It seemed that Kristen was thinking about this too as she kept bringing it up. Then one day we saw a show about an organization that brought used prom dresses to the poor and Kristen said we should do that and more. I only had a couple of seamstresses then as that was all that I needed. The money I made from the shop I really didn't need, so I hired a bunch of seamstresses to make prom dresses and suits for the boys. And I also started to make regular clothes that looked nice for everyone else. Now every April, we distribute these clothes to goodwill and to organizations that make sure that they get to the people that need them. This way the girls who are poor and can't afford a pretty prom dress can go to prom and look just as pretty as or prettier than the rich girls, and the boys escorting them can also look nice. I also make regular clothes for them to wear to school and on social events. The only condition that I make on the organizations that I give the clothes to that they must never tell where they came from. So can you never tell anyone." Carrie told her sternly as she turned around to face her.

"You know I won't." Zoe told her.

"Yes I do, that is why I told you, I have wanted to but then we all made a promise here never to tell anyone, no matter who they are." Carrie told her.

"Well since I am helping you, I'm part of your group now, I too make that pledge." Zoe told her giving Carrie a kiss. "I knew you had a heart of gold."

"I don't know about that, I just try to do my part. It's not like I'm feeding the hungry." Carrie told her.

"No but you are clothing them and that they need too. Every woman wants to look nice every once in a while and you let them do that." Zoe told her.

"No the foolish women paying my outrageous prices are doing that." Carrie said with a smile.

"Well that includes me too." Zoe said with a laugh

"Oops..." Carrie said as she blushed and then laughed.

Zoe then got Carrie to tell her more about what she did and she was still hesitant to toot her own horn, but with Zoe pressuring her, she did so. So they talked until it was about time to go to bed. They both went to the bathroom to pee and brush their teeth. As Zoe was sitting on the toilet, she noticed Carrie's hand go down to her pubic hair, letting her fingers comb through it. Zoe wanted to ask Carrie what was on her mind as she was obviously thinking of something. However she kept her mouth shut as she had pushed Carrie enough for one day and she didn't want to push her luck.

When Carrie finished at the sink, Zoe replaced her brushing her teeth and brushing out her hair. When she came out of the bathroom, Carrie was already laying in the bed waiting for her. Zoe came over and was about to turn off the light when Carrie stopped her. Zoe had been with Carrie long enough now that she knew they were about to have a serious conversation.

Zoe snuggled in close to Carrie giving her a kiss and then she waited Carrie out which didn't take too long, "Can I ask you something and you give me an honest answer?" she asked.

"You know you can and I am always honest with you." Zoe told her.

"I know but I really need for you to be honest this time." Carrie told her.

Zoe wanted to scream that she is always honest but the serious look on Carrie's face made her bite her tongue, "I will be honest with you."

"Which would you rather I be, clean shaved or have hair like I do?" Carrie asked her.

"You know I love you the way you are. What brought this on anyway?" Zoe told and asked her.

"You didn't answer my question." Carrie told her and then she said, "What brought this on, was that I have let you in on my last secret however I have one more that I haven't told you or asked you." Carrie told her.

"Well tell me what it is." Zoe told her.

"No you answer my question first, tell me which you preferred, a shaved pussy or one with hair like mine." Carrie asked her again.

"I love both, it really doesn't matter to me and that is the honest truth." Zoe told her.

"I believe you..." Carrie told her and Zoe wanted to say something but she saw that Carrie still had something on her mind.

"Tell me what's on your mind." Zoe said gently.

"I want to but I'm afraid to as it was something that Mischa and I did and you won't want to do it because of that." Carrie told her.

"Carrie, I know that you loved her and she loved you. I have had lovers before and if there is something that you two did together and you want us to do it too then that's cool." Zoe told her as she gave her a soft kiss.

"It won't bother you?" Carrie asked of her.

"No it won't and you want to know why?" Zoe asked of her.

"Yes," Carrie told her.

"She may have showed you this but I'll be the one doing it to you now, not her so that makes it something special you and I are doing and I know that I am pleasing you by doing it." Zoe told her and then she kissed her again.

"You may not think so once you hear what it is." Carrie warned her.

Zoe had finally had enough as she flipped Carrie onto her back catching her by surprise and then sitting on her waist. She then grabbed Carrie's wrists pinning them above her head. "Now tell me what you and her did or I will tickle you to death!" Zoe told her.

Carrie giggled then she said, "Well when Mischa and I first met, we both didn't trim our hair. I had never really thought about doing so before that. Then one night she decided that we needed to shave each other's pussies. I didn't want to but she kept at it until I finally gave in to shut her up. So we went into the bathroom and she sat me on the edge of the bathtub and she cut then shaved my hair off. I was scared but the way she did it was so sensual that I couldn't wait to do her. After that, we shaved each other as soon as either of our hair began to grow out. Hers did so faster than mine but I didn't mind in the least. And she had some shaving gel that didn't give you any razor burns and left you feeling so soft. I just wondered if that would be something that you would want to do." Carrie told her as she bit her lower lip waiting for an answer.

"I would love to." Zoe said as she leaned down giving Carrie a soft kiss.

Then she climbed off of Carrie and off of the bed. "Where you going?" Carrie asked.

"To the bathroom so that we can shave each other's pussies." Zoe said giving her a wink.

"Wait for me!" Carrie yelled as she jumped from the bed.

"What you doing?" Carrie asked as she entered the bathroom, seeing Zoe sitting on the counter by the sink with her heels up on the edge of the counter with her heels spread as far apart as she could get them.

"Waiting for you to shave me." Zoe told her.

"But you don't need to be shaved." Carrie told her though she was smiling.

"Then you shouldn't miss a spot," Zoe told her grinning at her.

Carrie laughed at that, "No I shouldn't. Now don't move while I get my stuff."

"Oh I'm not going anywhere." Zoe assured her.

Carrie opened one of the drawers under the large counter, pulling out a couple of razors and then a can of some shaving cream that had obviously come from France as Zoe recognized the language but not what it said. She pulled some towels and a couple of wash clothes all while humming happily. Neither said anything as Zoe was busy watching her and Carrie was busy getting the stuff together. She turned on the hot water and she began to fill the sink up and as it did so she left the bathroom returning a few moments later with a foam cushion that she placed on the floor in front of Zoe, which was a smart idea, Zoe thought to herself. Once there was enough water in the sink, she turned the water off. She then stepped back looking over her items and after deciding that all was ready, she placed her knees on the cushion and positioned herself in front of Zoe.

Zoe sucked in her breath as Carrie ran her fingers to each side of her pussy. "Someone is getting a wee bit wet." Carrie said as she looking up into Zoe's eyes with a big grin on her face.

"I wonder why?" Zoe said blushing a little.

"I wouldn't have any idea." Carrie said then she leaned forward giving Zoe a kiss on her clit.

"Mmmm..." Zoe moaned then she said, "You know that isn't going to help the wetness problem."

"No it isn't might have even made it worse." Carrie said still grinning. Then she leaned back down letting her tongue run up Zoe's slit to her clit.

"Fuck," Zoe moaned as she was really getting aroused now.

"Now I think you're ready," Carrie told her.

"God you're a fucking tease." Zoe moaned out but she did so smiling and Carrie seemed to take the remark as a compliment.

Carrie placed a washcloth into the warm water getting it wet and ringing it out. She placed the warm washcloth over Zoe's pussy which just added to her arousal. Zoe had to bite her lower lip as she felt her pussy getting that much wetter. Carrie removed the warm cloth then she put some of the shaving cream into the palm of her right hand. She used her left hand to spread it all around Zoe's pussy. Carrie had a look of concentration as she picked up the razor with her left hand as she was left handed.

Up to this point, this had been a game but for the first time in her life someone other than herself was about to place a razor extremely close to a very delicate part of her body. Zoe felt herself get just a bit nervous but then Carrie gave her a reassuring smile and a wink. Zoe let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. Carrie used the fingers of her right hand to pull the skin above Zoe's pussy up, and then she began to shave her. Zoe immediately noticed that Carrie was using a very delicate touch, much more so than when Zoe shaved herself.

After that first swipe of the razor, Zoe began to relax enjoying the touch of Carrie's fingers moving above her pussy. Carrie shifted from there to the right side, taking time to rinse the shaving cream from the razor. Carrie worked slowly going to the left side, letting her fingers brush against Zoe's pussy lips which made her moan. Every moan that came from Zoe seemed to please Carrie so Zoe didn't try to suppress them not that she could if she wanted. Once the sides were done, Carrie pulled out a bit on the left lip to make sure she didn't leave any hair and then the right lip. That about made Zoe cum and Carrie seemed to sense this as she pulled farther than she needed to and her middle finger seemed to have accidently slipped into Zoe's pussy. When she had Zoe so aroused that she couldn't stand it, Carrie put the razor down, picking up the wash cloth that was in the water and placing it onto Zoe's pussy to wipe the remaining shaving cream off.

Carrie removed the hot cloth that served to make Zoe's pussy even hotter, however Carrie wasn't through with her torture as she then ran her fingers lightly around Zoe's pussy but she didn't touch the lips or her clit which were dying to be touched.

"I believe that we're about done, now lay back and pull your legs to your chest." Carrie ordered her.

"Why?" Zoe asked.

"Because I said so silly." Carrie said with a smile then she placed her left hand between Zoe's breasts pushing her backwards.

Zoe had no choice but to obey, so she lay back. The counter was wide enough that she could just about lay flat with her head just up against the wall. However Carrie cured that problem by grabbing her hips and pulling them outward so that Zoe's ass was out over the edge. Zoe couldn't see what Carrie was doing except for her getting another warm washcloth from the sink filled with warm water. Zoe waited for the warm cloth to be placed upon her pussy however it was placed a bit lower, covering her asshole and the crack of her ass. Zoe now knew what Carrie was going now and she liked it as this was one place that was hard to shave without nicking oneself.

The warm cloth felt so nice on her asshole and she hated to have it removed to be replaced by the cool shaving cream. She felt Carrie's fingers push her right cheek away and the razor went smoothly down the left side of her ass crack. Carrie was so smooth with her action that the razor felt like a feather going down her ass cheek. Carrie made a couple of swipes down this side then she switched to the left side. Once that side was done, Carrie began to work around her asshole and Zoe could see a couple of hairs that she obviously missed as Carrie rinsed the razor out. Carrie went back over her ass crack and asshole getting Zoe completely clean before using the warm cloth to get the last of the shaving cream up.

Zoe hated to see the shaving session end when she saw Carrie get a bottle French cream. Carrie held the bottle above Zoe's pussy and she squeezed some out letting it fall onto Zoe's skin above her pussy making a little puddle there. Zoe sucked in her breath as the cream was cold verses her pussy being so hot. Carrie dipped her fingers of her left hand into the pool of cream and she began to rub it into the skin above Zoe's pussy.

"Mmmm" Zoe moaned as she felt Carrie's fingers go down the right side of her pussy as Carrie rubbed the cream into her skin. Zoe could almost feel her juices dripping from her pussy. Carrie's fingers were moving up and down the right side then she switched to the left side that kept Zoe's arousal at a peek point. Zoe could just barely feel the sides of Carrie's fingers brush up against her pussy lips making her moan. When they got to the top, the fingers just grazed her clit making her cry out but the contact would quickly leave not allowing her to cum which she badly needed to do. The fingers went back up for more cream, this time working it into the crevice of her ass. The fingers moved across her asshole making Zoe groan. This was becoming more than Zoe could take. Once she had it all covered, Carrie took the last of the cream and began to smear it all around Zoe's pussy and ass getting it all rubbed in. She did this until there was no more cream to be seen. Then her fingers left Zoe's pussy and nothing happened.

Zoe waited for a second or two and when she was about to scream at Carrie to make her cum, she felt a finger at her asshole. Zoe felt pressure against her asshole and she relaxed it allowing the finger that was lubed with the cream that Carrie had used, enter her ass. Then she felt Carrie's breath on her pussy just a moment before she felt Carrie's tongue touch her slit at the bottom and slowly work its way upwards.

"Oh fuck!" Zoe cried out as the tongue moved up her pussy and the finger began to fuck her asshole. Carrie stopped at Zoe's clit licking it until Zoe was about to cum then she went back to her slit licking up the juices that Zoe was producing. Carrie kept licking at her pussy lips and pulling on them with her lips as the finger went in and out of her ass. Zoe had to reach down and grab the edge of the counter to keep from flinging herself off the counter as she could hardly keep her body still. Just when Zoe thought she was going to burst, Carrie moved her mouth to her clit sucking it into her mouth and using her tongue to lick the hard nub.

"Ohhhhh..." Zoe cried out as her orgasm hit her hard. Zoe lost any ability to think, she was just there as she felt the pleasure course through her body.

Zoe didn't know how long she was out of it but when she came too, her thighs were laying on Carrie's shoulders as Carrie tenderly lick up her girlcum from her pussy. The finger was no longer in her ass. "Oh god, you can shave me anything you want." Zoe let out in a sigh as she rested.

"My pleasure." Carrie told her. "Now feel your pussy."

Zoe slipped her fingers down to the pussy feeling the skin around it. "Oh god it's so soft." She replied almost surprised.

"That's the cream, it is expensive but worth it." Carrie said as she gave the soft skin a kiss and then Zoe's fingers a kiss.

"Yes it is, definitely." Zoe said as she continued to feel the skin.

Carrie then slipped out from under Zoe's legs and she came up pulling Zoe up to her feet while holding onto her. "So you enjoyed that?" She asked.

"Oh god yes and if I could, I would fly to Paris and thank Mischa personally for teaching you." Zoe told her then she gave her a kiss.

''I think I would prefer if you would try your hand at shaving me." Carrie said as she gave her a wink.

"My pleasure," Zoe said as she turned them around and helped Carrie hop onto the counter.

Zoe let the water out after turning on the hot water. She rinsed out the washcloths and when the water was hot, she stopped the sink back up so that the hot water would collect.

"Where are your scissors?" Zoe asked her.

"Second drawer down to your right." Carrie told her.

Zoe pulled open the drawer finding several scissors there, she chose a pair like stylists would use. "What you doing with a pair of these?"

"Oh I used them to trim my hair and Carrie Ann's bangs when she will let me." Carrie told her.

"Then I think they'll do." Zoe said slipping her fingers into them snapping them open and closed to get the feel of them.

When the sink filled, she shut the hot water off, leaned over giving Carrie a kiss, and then she got down between Carrie's legs. She had her feet up on the edge of the counter as Zoe had done to start. Zoe put her fingers into Carrie's auburn hair getting one last look at her pussy with the hair still surrounding it. She almost hated to cut it off but if she could make Carrie feel even half of what Carrie made her feel then it would be worth it, plus she did want to see what Carrie would look like shaved clean.

Zoe leaned down giving a kiss to Carrie right above her pussy and in the center of her auburn hair, and then she gave a kiss to each side, smelling her arousal and seeing the moisture gathered there. Zoe then reached over to pick up the scissors which she promptly dropped. This, she saw, made Carrie raise her eyebrows at her but she didn't appear nervous in the least, while Zoe was feeling very nervous though she tried not to show it. She brought the scissors to Carrie's pussy where she paused for a moment to see where to begin. She decided to start with the top, so she took a bit of Carrie's hairs in the fingers of her left hand, and then she made a snip of the hairs going just above Carrie's skin. She looked at them for a second before placing them on the edge of the counter.

"The trash can is just to your left by the toilet." Carrie told her.

"I know, those are for me." Zoe told her giving her a wink.

"Oh I see," Carrie said with a smile.

Zoe went back to Carrier's pussy snipping all the hair above her pussy while making sure that the edge of her fingers grazed against Carrie's engorged clit on about every cut of the hair. This, of course, brought forth a coo or moan from Carrie. When she finished with the area above the pussy, she moved to the sides. She made Carrie open her legs up a bit more before she used the fingers of her left hand to pull on Carrie's pussy left lip and she began to carefully snip the hair away. Carrie's pussy was so wet it was hard to hold onto the lip and by holding onto the lip, she was making Carrie that much wetter. To do the right side, she had to rest her left elbow up on Carrie's thigh and pull the lip to the left and she was able to use the scissors though Carrie was keeping an eye on her with the scissors so near her pussy lip.

Once she got that side cut fairly close, she put the scissors down, Carrie's pussy was now exposed and she could clearly see the inner lips just peeking out from the outer lips. Zoe couldn't resist leaning in giving Carrie's pussy a long lick going from the bottom up to her clit.

"Oh shit!" Carrie cried out as her body shook from a small orgasm. Zoe on the other hand, got a tongue full of loose hairs from where she had just used the scissors on Carrie's pussy hair. So as Carrie had her eyes closed enjoying the pleasure going through her body, Zoe used a wet wash cloth to clean her tongue off.

Just as Carrie opened her eyes, Zoe had a warm wash cloth ready to place over her pussy getting the remaining hair moist and soft. Zoe pressed down on the cloth with her open hand with her palm placed against Carrie's pussy making her let out a moan. After a minute or so, she removed the cloth, placing it back into the hot water in the sink; she then got the saving cream putting some of the nice smelling cream onto her palm. She used the fingers of her right hand to slowly work the shaving cream into the remaining hair surrounding Carrie's pussy. She was massaging the skin as much as she was getting the shaving cream spread around, Carrie for her part seemed to enjoy her doing it this way as she had her eyes half closed. Zoe kept this up until she had all the cream spread around Carrie's very wet pussy.

Zoe rinsed her fingers off, before picking up a new razor. She gave a smile to Carrie before using the fingers of her left hand to tighten Carrie's skin as she began to shave the hair from above Carrie's pussy. Zoe had to go much slower than Carrie had done on her since Carrie had hair to cut and lots of it. Zoe had to clean out the razor after each cut to keep it clean. Zoe wanted to keep this as erotic as possible but she had much more hair to cut. So she made sure to let her fingers touch and caress Carrie's clit keeping her aroused as she shaved her. She slowly got all the hair from above Carrie's pussy then she went to the sides. Here, she could at least touch and pull on Carrie's pussy lips so keeping Carrie aroused wasn't too hard to do. As she got down lower on the left side, Zoe let her ring finger slip into Carrie's pussy. She could feel the heat there and Carrie's pussy squeezing against her finger. She soon had this side done and she moved to the right side of Carrie's pussy again crossing over her hands to pull the pussy lip over so that she could get all the hair off. Once that was done, she put down the razor and got a hot wet wash cloth pulling it over Carrie's pussy to get the remaining shaving cream off.

When she removed the cloth, she used her fingers to feel around the soft skin, and it was now so soft and pretty. When she found a spot with a bit of hair, she used the razor and some shaving cream to get it removed. Once she had gotten all the hair, she looked at Carrie's pussy and she was pleased and Carrie seemed to be too as she was smiling broadly. She could also see how wet Carrie had become. She so wanted to dive into that freshly shaved pussy, but she made herself hold off. She had Carrie excited and aroused and she wanted to keep her on edge, so she just leaned in to give the aroused clit a kiss, a brief kiss.

She then put her left hand between Carrie's breasts pushing her backwards. Carrie smiled at her as she leaned back, taking her knees in her hands, and pulling them back, and out. This opened up Carrie's ass to Zoe eyes and fingers. Zoe gave that cute little asshole a kiss getting a nice moan from Carrie in response. She then plucked the wet warm wash cloth from the sink placing it on Carrie's asshole, letting part of the cloth lay on Carrie's pussy. She pressed the warm wet cloth to Carrie ass and to her pussy making Carrie coo and squirm just a bit. She pulled the cloth off seeing Carrie's pussy leak its juices and the asshole pucker a little. She got some of the shaving cream putting it from the top of Carrie's ass crack down to the bottom of Carrie's pussy. She used her fingers to smear the cream around making sure to move her fingers across Carrie's asshole several times, each time getting Carrie to coo and pucker her asshole on each touch. She then picked up a new razor, placing it at the top of Carrie ass crack where there was no hair going down the right side getting the hair. She rinsed the razor off before going back to get the remaining hair. She did the same to the left side before getting the delicate area around Carrie's asshole and the skin between her pussy and asshole.

She got the cloth back out from the skink, wiping the leftover shaving cream. She used her fingers to check for any hairs or stubble that remained having only to hit a place or two to get Carrie completely clean. She picked up the lotion that Carrie had gotten from France, placing a little puddle above Carrie's pussy. She dipped the fingers of both her hands into the cream and began to rub it around the top of Carrie's pussy slowly making her way to the sides. She was careful to not touch Carrie's lips or clit, making Carrie squirm for need of contact to those sensitive parts. Her fingers danced and skirted all so close but she made sure not to touch Carrie where she wanted her to touch. She then went down to Carrie's ass spreading and massaging the cream in and around Carrie's ass crack again not touching her asshole.

"Oh god and you call me a tease!" Carrie moaned out as she pulled her legs in tighter to her chest.

Zoe just smiled though Carrie couldn't see the smile as she had her eyes closed tightly. When there was no more cream to massage into the skin around Carrie's pussy, Zoe removed her fingers leaving Carrie lying there in so much need. Carrie's pussy was leaking her juices going down to her asshole. Zoe let them cover it, before she leaned in, sticking her tongue out and licking the juices from Carrie's asshole.

"Fuck!!!!" Carrie cried out.

Zoe ran her tongue across that cute little hole, running it over it long after all of Carrie's pussy juices that had ran there was gone. She then put the tip of her tongue at the center where she began to press it inside. Carrie relaxed her ass and Zoe's tongue slipped inside.

"Oh god," Carrie moaned.

Zoe tongued Carrie's ass getting it very slippery with her saliva, then she took out her tongue putting her middle finger to Carrie's ass, letting it slip in deep. She moved her tongue to Carrie's juicy pussy where she began to lick the juices from the smooth and now hairless pussy. Zoe slipped her tongue into Carrie's slit sucking and licking up the juices. Carrie could hardly lie still as Zoe licked, chewed, and sucked on those lips. Her finger was deep in Carrie's ass and she was moving it in and out of that tight hole. Zoe slowly made her way up to Carrie's extended clit that was just waiting to be licked and sucked upon and that is what she set into doing. First she licked all so lightly at the sensitive nub before sucking it into her mouth. She used her tongue to lash at the clit as she sucked hard.

"Oh god I'm cumminggg," Carrie cried out as her girlcum poured from her pussy for Zoe to lick up. Zoe kept licking her pussy and finger fucking her ass until Carrie went limp. Only then did she remove her finger and washed it off. The licked the last of Carrie's girlcum from her pussy before standing up and pulling Carrie to her.

Carrie wrapped her legs around Zoe's waist with her ass sitting on the edge of the sink counter. "So would you like to do this again?" Carrie asked of her when she got her breathing under control.

"Oh I think this should be a weekly ritual." Zoe told her as she kissed her lips lightly.

"I don't know that I will need to be shaved that often, my hair doesn't grow that fast down there." Carrie told her.

"So..." Zoe told her giving her a mischievous wink.

"Oh right," Carrie replied grinning.

"But right now, I think I need to take you to bed and examine that pussy of yours for any hairs that I might have missed." Zoe told her giving her a kiss.

"Oh please do and I will do the same to you, I fear I might have missed a hair somewhere and I need to find it." Carrie replied as she grinned.

"Come on girl," Zoe said as she grabbed Carrie's ass cheeks in her hands and lifting her up. Carrie giggled as she wrapped her arms and legs around Zoe holding on tightly, letting Zoe carry her out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. She had planned on laying Carrie gently onto the bed however two things worked against her doing that, one Carrie was getting a bit heavy as she was a grown woman and two, she got to the edge of the bed sooner than she thought that she would. So what ended up happening was that they both went down onto the bed with them both crying out.

"That didn't go quiet as I had planned." Zoe said with a giggle.

"Well I have seen more graceful moves." Carrie said laughing as did Zoe.

When they got their laughing under control, Carrie moved them to the center of the bed where they began to kiss, lightly at first but then passionately. Their hands caressed each other's backs and ass cheeks. Then Carrie gave her a kiss before turning around in the bed. She had Zoe lay on her side pulling her top leg up so that it was resting on Carrie's shoulder as Carrie put her own leg up on Zoe's shoulder. Zoe looked at Carrie's now freshly shaven pussy letting her fingers move around the smooth skin and smelling of her rich womanly aroma that was like the most expensive perfume in the world. Zoe felt Carrie doing much the same thing to her as they slowly got one another aroused and when their juices began to flow anew, their mouths, lips, and tongues began to explore the most sensitive parts of each other's bodies. And when they couldn't hold off any longer, they brought the other to orgasm so that they could start again until they could go no further and sleep begged to take over their bodies.

End of Part Eight.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 9

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