Spanking Club

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Oct 8, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

The Spanking Club

Part Seven

By Chris

Zoe let their lips part and she looked Carrie in the eyes. She let Carrie decide what was to happen next. After a brief moment of indecision, Carrie came forward with her lips kissing Zoe.

Zoe returned the kiss with passion and as she did so, she let her fingers slide under Carrie's panties. She felt Carrie's pubic hair and she let her fingers run through that hair. They slowly went on downward as both of their mouths opened and their tongue's attacked each other. The kissing became even more passionate. Carrie seemed to be attacking her and Zoe enjoyed that. Her fingers went on downward until she felt her clit. It was already becoming aroused and coming from its hiding place. Zoe felt the heat coming from Carrie's pussy.

Carrie brought up her leg placing her knee on top of Zoe's hips thus opening her pussy to Zoe's probing fingers. Those fingers were now pressed against Carrie's wet lips. She began to run her fingers up and down her slit getting them wet with Carrie's juices. Carrie began to moan as the need that she had been holding within her came flooding out like water bursting through a damn. Zoe began to stroke her harder, letting her fingers part her lips and her middle finger dipping inside of her. Carrie let out a loud moan as an orgasm broke forth from her. Zoe kissed her face and kept stroking her pussy and making the orgasm go on, then she went to her sensitive clit and she began to rub the hard little nub. Carrie groaned aloud as she clung to Zoe with all her strength. Zoe felt Carrie convulse over and over again as she came again and again until she was spent.

"Oh god, I needed that." Carrie panted out when she was able to breathe again.

"I know you did." Zoe said as she hugged her closely and she felt Carrie hugging her back. This time she felt like she was actually getting close enough, she didn't have to hold Carrie any tighter than she was now. This was what she was missing but now she had to make sure that she held onto this woman. Carrie wasn't a woman that one great orgasm was going to convince her to commit to her forever.

Zoe kissed Carrie face and lips as Carrie's breathing returned to normal and then slowed even more. Zoe looked down at her friend who was now asleep and she gave her one last kiss before closing her own eyes and letting herself fall asleep.

Zoe was awakened the next morning by Carrie's stirring. "Sorry," she said as Zoe opened her eyes.

"Good morning," Zoe told her with a smile.

"Morning," Carrie said as she smiled back at her but then she frowned and she had this concerned look on her face.

"What's wrong baby?" Zoe asked as she brought up her right hand, using her fingers to comb Carrie's hair from her eyes.

"Last night didn't go as I intended, I just meant a cup of coffee and then for you to leave, not what we did." Carrie said as she blushed a little.

"I still got a half a cup of coffee left so it went exactly as you planned." Zoe told her as she laughed a little hoping to ease the tension that she could see that Carrie was feeling.

"Good then that is all the coffee that you're getting this morning, you can drink your cold coffee." Carrie quipped back as she let out a little laugh but then she turned deadly serious again.

"No, I mean that I didn't want us to... No I don't mean to say that I didn't want... I just wanted to wait until I knew... Oh fuck, I don't know what I want to say." Carrie said as her eyes began to water and she tried to turn her head into the pillow.

Zoe quickly pulled her left hand up and she caught Carrie's head in her hands stopping her from burying her head. "Carrie, when you asked me up here, you just wanted the date to go on a little longer and then after a cup of coffee, I would leave. When I came up here, I came up with the same intentions. But after I got here, I just felt that what I had planned on telling you sooner or later could not wait any longer. The time had to be now and I needed to get it out so that we could go from there if you didn't kick me out, which I am glad that you didn't."

"But how in the hell did we go from there to me letting you masturbate me. And why did I get so turned on by something that I'm not the least interested in?" Carrie asked.

"When was the last time you made love?" Zoe asked her.

"That's none of your damn business!" Carrie snapped at her.

Zoe didn't say anything, she just lay there holding Carrie's head which Zoe was surprised that she hadn't jerked away or slap away. She just looked at Carrie until her facial expression began to soften. She let out a sigh then Carrie said, "Not since I left Paris." And again her face began to turn a little red.

Zoe leaned forward and she gave Carrie a light kiss on the lips and she said, "Honey, after that long I could have told you about cockroaches making love and you would have gotten horny."

"Oh god you're gross!" Carrie told her and this time she did slap her hands away. Then after a moment she began to smile, "I guess you got a point."

Zoe smiled at her, "But I wasn't going to take it any further than what I did. It was what you needed last night and I am glad that I was able to give you a little release."

Carrie stared up into her eyes before saying, "I knew I was in trouble when I let you take your damn blouse off. I should have known better."

"Well I'm glad that you did." Zoe told her as she pulled Carrie in close to her, hugging her tightly. She felt Carrie lay her head on her shoulder and she felt Carrie's arms going around her to hug her back.

They just lay there for a while before Carrie cleared her throat and said, "You know this doesn't mean..."

"I know I still have to earn your trust. I've made you promises that you're not completely sure that I will keep." Zoe told her.

"No I'm not completely sure..." Carrie said and that made Zoe's heart stop for a brief moment. Carrie then pulled from her arms and looked into her eyes, "But I believe that you will do as you say you will."

"I'm glad that you believe that I will. That means a lot to me, more than you know." Zoe told her and then she slowly leaned in.

She saw Carrie smile then close her eyes for the kiss that Zoe was about to give her. Zoe tilted her head slightly and their lips met as she closed her eyes. Zoe let their lips linger, just touching and then she pulled back. She waited for Carrie's response which was positive as Carrie moved her left hand to the back of Zoe's neck pulling her head back in. This time the kiss was a bit more intense as their lips opened and their tongues touched. Zoe moved her right hand to the center of Carrie's back pressing her in against her body. Zoe felt her heart pounding and she could feel the heat of Carrie's body against her as they began to move around on the couch. The kiss stretched on and on but then she felt Carrie push back against her.

"Okay that's all you get this morning. I need to get up and change out of these wet panties... thanks to you." Carrie said as she pushed Zoe off of her gently. However before she sat up, she did give Zoe a smile and another quick kiss.

Zoe sat up beside of Carrie who just sat there for a moment with her arms covering her breasts then without looking at her she said, "You know I didn't mean to go that long, it was just after I came back here, I got this place going and then Kristen came along and I never just got around finding someone. You know?" She asked.

"Yes I know, I was the same way when I moved down here and if Alex and her gang hadn't got a hold of me then we would be close to being in the same boat." Zoe told her. "I wasn't looking for someone and work was more important to me then."

"I'm glad that you understand." She said then she asked "Does it bother you?"

"No it doesn't bother me but there is something that does." Zoe told her.

"What?" Carrie asked as she turned a few degrees to look at her.

Zoe didn't say anything at first but got down on her knees moving in front of Carrie. "The way you cover yourself, I love your body and I love your breasts." She said as she reached up taking Carrie's wrists in her hands a gently moving them Carrie's hands away from her breasts. "I love your pale nipples and every one of your fucking freckles."

"Is that another one of your weird fetishes... freckles?" Carrie asked smiling at her and also allowing Zoe to hold onto her wrists.

"It was number ten on my list of fetishes but I have now moved it to number one." Zoe said seriously but then she burst into laughter.

"Oh god you're sick!" Carrie said as she took her hands away and she pushed Zoe onto her back. Then she too burst into laughter.

After laughing for a bit, she reached out taking Zoe's hands in her helping her up as she stood up. "You make me laugh." Carrie said as she gave Zoe a kiss.

"I'm glad that I do, you have a nice laugh." Zoe told her and she gave Carrie another kiss before letting her go.

She watched Carrie head to her bedroom and only after she had gone inside, did Zoe pick up her clothes and head to the guest bathroom thinking that just maybe the night had gone better than she had a right to expect. Once inside, she saw the shower and while Carrie's panties were soaked from her girlcum from last night, her own panties weren't completely clean. Masturbating Carrie had a very noticeable effect on her and left her needing clean panties that she didn't have and her pussy needing a good washing.

She wasn't sure if she should just use the shower without asking but she didn't think it was a good idea to barge in on Carrie who was probably taking her own shower. She decided that Carrie would prefer her looking and smelling clean so she shed her panties and stepped into the large shower. She turned the nozzle away from her body and turned it on. It quickly got hot so after adjusting the temperature, she stepped under the spray of the water. The water felt so good and she began to feel refreshed again. She wondered just what Carrie was thinking and how she would act toward her after she had some time alone. She could only hope that Carrie didn't think too much and talk herself out of everything that Zoe had just talked her into. But she couldn't control Carrie's thinking just like she couldn't control her own mind when it was worrying over something.

She wanted to stay under the shower for hours but then she didn't want to overdo it, so she quickly washed her body and hair then she cut the shower off and pulled down one of the towels hanging by the shower. She dried her body and then using the hair dryer that was hanging on the wall by the sink to dry her hair. Since she was borrowing everything else, she borrowed some of Carrie's lotion and then her robe that was hanging behind the door. She then quickly washed out her panties in the sink, hanging them in the shower before heading out to see where Carrie was.

She didn't see Carrie when she came out; so on the way to the kitchen, she picked up both of their coffee cups, taking them with her. She put them into the sink then she started a fresh pot of coffee. She then went back to the sink and started to wash out their coffee cups. About that time she heard the elevator doors opening. She figured that it was Carrie who must have gone up to see Kristen. While the platter of feet didn't sound quiet right, she didn't turn around until she heard a tiny voice say, "You're not my granny. Who are you?"

Zoe turned around to see a small version of Kristen and there was no doubt in her mind that this had to be Carrie Ann. "I'm a friend of your grandmothers. My name is Zoe and you must be Carrie Ann. You are just as pretty as your mother." Zoe told her giving her a smile.

"Yep, where is granny?" She then asked.

"I believe that she is in her bedroom." Zoe said.

"Okay, bye." Carrie Ann said to her and then she went racing off toward her grandmother, calling out "Granny" all along the way.

Zoe smiled to herself as she realized that she rated way below Carrie Ann's grandmother as far as importance went. A couple of minutes later, Zoe heard that same little voice talking away as she and Carrie came out of Carrie's bedroom. Zoe noticed that Carrie was wearing a robe that matched her own.

"I see that she found you." Zoe said as they came into the kitchen area.

"Oh she is the best there is at finding me." Carrie said as Carrie Ann suddenly got shy and hid behind of her grandmother.

"Granny, mommy wanted me to ask you something." Carrie Ann said as she pulled down on Carrie's robe.

"What is it honey and get out from behind me. You've never been shy before and you don't need to start now." Carrie told her as she pulled Carrie Ann from behind her.

"Honey I don't bite, I promise. But I have been told that I am a great tickler of little girls." Zoe said as she got down on one knee.

Carrie Ann giggled at that comment and she then looked up at Carrie. "Mommy has decided to take me to the indoor fun park and she wants to know if you want to go. You want to go with us don't you?"

"Honey, I have a guest today. I need to stay here. I'll go with you next time, okay." Carrie told her.

Carrie Ann frowned at her and then she smile, "You can bring her too, Mommy won't mind."

"I bet she won't but I need to stay here." Carrie told her. That brought a frown from Carrie Ann. "But how about you and I have a tea party tomorrow afternoon, just the two of us."

"No one else?" Carrie Ann asked as she glanced at Zoe not too subtly.

"Not even Mommy." Carrie said.

"Okay." Carrie Ann said and she started to run toward the elevator.

"Don't I get a kiss goodbye?" Carrie asked the streaking child.

"Oh yes!" Carrie Ann said as she skidded to a stop and came running back to Carrie's arms. She then gave Carrie a big kiss. Carrie Ann started to run off again but Carrie grabbed her. "Now how about Zoe, she needs at least a hug don't she."

Carrie Ann looked at her grandmother then at Zoe before looking at Carrie again. Carrie Ann thought for a second then decided it was in her best interest to do as she was told. Carrie came over and gave Zoe a very quick hug then she gave Carrie a much harder hug before running off again.

"You know, you could have gone if you wanted." Zoe told her as she handed Carrie a cup of coffee.

"Oh no, you were a great excuse, that girl would have run me to death. I'll let Kristen do that, it's her job. I like tea parties where she can tell me long drawn out tales as we sit our tea." Carrie said with a laugh.

"Are you sure?" Zoe asked.

"Yea, I'm sure." Carrie said and she seemed to listen toward the elevator which had just stopped. "Hold on a second, I'm about to get a phone call."

Zoe gave her a questioning look. "Carrie Ann is just now rushing to her mother to tell her that there is a strange woman in Granny's house. And Kristen is going to call me any second now." Carrie told her.

About the time that Carrie got to her phone, it rang. "Hello Kristen, how are you this lovely morning?" Carrie said into the phone as she grinned at Zoe. "What woman?... Carrie Ann told you that... I don't know why she would tell you that..." Carrie was saying into the phone and trying not to laugh at the same time. "Yes she stayed the night, does that meet with your approval... It does I see... I don't know yet... We'll talk about it later. ... You two have fun... Yes I know you know to do that but I am your mother and I get to remind you." Carrie told her as she winked at Zoe. "Love ya sweetie." She said as she hung up.

"Carrie Ann didn't waste any time in telling Kristen that I was here did she." Zoe told Carrie with a smile as Carrie came back into the kitchen.

"Oh she couldn't wait to tell her mother." Carrie said with a laugh.

"She is a sweet girl like her mother... and her grandmother." Zoe told Carrie handing her a cup of coffee.

"Thank you but her mother deserves all the credit. She has worked wonders with her." Carrie said like a proud mother.

"So do I get a good morning kiss?" Zoe said putting her cup on the counter then she took Carrie's cup from her hands.

"I guess I could give you one if you insist." Carrie told her as she acted as if it was something that she really didn't want to but would be willing to do if pressed.

This caught Zoe a bit off guard until she could see that while her face was frowning, her eyes seemed to be smiling. "I really must insist." Zoe then said.

Carrie let out a loud sigh as she said "Well okay..." However she was the one who moved forward first and she brought her left hand to the back of Zoe's neck pulling her in. Zoe was again a bit surprised by Carrie's action but happily so. Their lips came together in a soft long kiss. Zoe gripped Carrie's hips in her hands holding onto her and not letting Carrie move not that Carrie seemed to inclined to do so. Their lips kissed and came apart for a second then came back together. But much too soon Carrie pulled her head back, giving Zoe a smile. She then put her head on Zoe's shoulder with her face toward Zoe's neck. Zoe moved her hands to Carrie's back, holding her tightly and feeling the warmth of her body against her own body.

"You smell nice," Carrie said almost silently.

"I borrowed your shower, I hope you don't mind." Zoe told her.

"I don't." Carrie told her snuggling in against her.

"Good then I have to admit that I also borrowed your robe." Zoe said and she heard and felt Carrie giggle.

"So I noticed and no I don't mind that either." Carrie told her.

Zoe was about to say "Good" when she heard Carrie's phone ring behind of her. Zoe started to release Carrie so that she could answer it but Carrie held onto her as she reached behind of Zoe to get her phone where she had laid it. Zoe saw Carrie bring the phone to her front and she saw that Kristen's name was on the front of the phone indicating that it was her who was calling.

"Haven't you left yet?" Carrie asked.

Zoe could hear Kristen's voice but not what she was saying. "Kristen wants to know if you are staying for dinner?" Carrie said to her.

Zoe pushed Carrie back a little so that she could see into her eyes but she still holding onto her. Zoe looked into Carrie's eyes with a questioning look. They hadn't gotten around to discussing just when she would be leaving. Finally she said, "If you want me to." Zoe finally said.

She said "Yes," Carrie said to Kristen. "Where is she?" Carrie said echoing what Kristen was asking her. "She was right in front of me, a couple of inches at most." Zoe saw Carrie smiling and then she heard Kristen say something loudly.

"I'm sorry that was too much information but you asked." Carrie said into the phone as she crinkled her nose at Zoe who had to bite her lips to keep from laughing.

Zoe heard Kristen talking more and Carrie didn't repeat this, she just listened as Kristen talked. Finally Carrie said a bit strongly, "We can talk about it later honey, now you go take Carrie Ann to the fun park and have fun, we'll see you about five." Then she listened for a few minutes before she said, "I love you too and give Carrie Ann a kiss from me."

"I don't know about that girl, first she wants me to go out with you then she tells me to be careful. What does she want me to do?" Carrie said as she put the phone down pulling away from Zoe.

"I believe I know what her problem is." Zoe said to Carrie as she picked up her coffee taking a sip.

"Oh please do tell me." Carrie told her indicating that she didn't really believe that Zoe could have the answer.

"Well Kristen was the one who talked you into going to dinner with me right?" Zoe asked her.

"She did encourage me some but it was my decision." Carrie said and Zoe just stood there and looked into Carrie's eyes. After a moment, Carrie said, "Okay, she talked me into going to dinner with you."

"Well while I don't know but I suspect that her intention was for you to get out of the house and start to have a social life and I seemed like a nice woman. What she didn't plan on was for you to go out with me two nights in a row and then I spend the night. Now I bet she is worrying just what she has gotten you into. For all she knows, I could be some type of pervert." Zoe told her.

"You are a pervert." Carrie said as she laughed.

"Well that aside, I bet she is worried about her mother and just like you would want to find out about her dates, she wants to know all she can about your dates. You know it works both ways." Zoe said with a smile.

"I guess it does. So what do we do?" Carrie asked her.

"We have dinner with her and Carrie Ann and see if we can bring her around. Convince her that you haven't gone off the deep end and I'm not out to hurt you." Zoe told her.

"After last night, I think I might have gone off the deep end." Carrie said with a blush.

"I don't think you did but we'll leave that out of the conversation. But we can talk about that later, how about I make us some breakfast." Zoe said as she came to Carrie giving her a kiss then saying, "So what you got to fix?"

"It's my place, you sit and I cook." Carrie told her leading her to a bar stool that was at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

So they talked about Kristen as Carrie fixed them something to eat and then as they ate. Zoe learned more about Kristen as now she had to impress her as well as Carrie. This relationship was going to take a lot of work but it was work that she was willing to put in.

"So what you want to do today as we wait for Kristen and Carrie Ann to return." Carrie asked of her after they had washed up the breakfast dishes.

"One thing we need to do is to go to my apartment and let me find something to wear for tonight. The skirt I wore last night was meant to impress you and not Kristen and I think I would be more comfortable wearing something a little longer and thus cover more of my body. And besides I need to get another pair of panties. I washed mine out in your sink but they need to be really washed." Zoe told her.

"Well I think we can do both of those things without leaving here." Carrie told her.

"I don't think I can fit into any of your clothes and anything in your shop is much too nice and expensive to wear around here." Zoe told her.

"Ah, but we're not going to do either of those." Carrie told her as she gave her a smile that seemed to indicate that Carrie had something up her sleeve but she wasn't going to give her any hints as to what that was.

"Okay, then how do we go about doing this pray tell?" Zoe asked of her.

"Just go get your clothes and meet me back here. I'm going to go get dressed." Carrie said then she walked toward her bedroom leaving Zoe standing there like a knot on a log.

Zoe eventually went to the couch to get her blouse and skirt and then onto the bathroom where she got her panties from where they were hanging in the shower. Zoe got back to the kitchen first but Carrie soon came out of her bedroom wearing a flowered printed skirt that went to her knees and a light blue blouse. Both appeared to be old but she looked nice in them. Like this would be how she would always dress if she could. She came to the kitchen, taking Zoe's clothes from her then walking out of the kitchen. She went toward the one room that she hadn't shown her that was between her bedroom and the guest bedrooms. Zoe followed her and when Carrie opened the door, she found that it was the laundry room. She pulled her dirty clothes from a laundry basket separating them as she went. Zoe's clothes went in with these. Carrie put on a load of her panties and bras putting Zoe's into the washer as she did so.

Once she had the washer going, she led Zoe out of the wash room, still not telling her what she was up to. She went over to her work area sitting down at a small drafting table where she sketched out her designs. "So what do you want to wear tonight, a dress or a skirt and blouse?" Carrie asked her.

"Are you going to design me something to wear?" Zoe asked both surprised and very pleased.

"No you are." Carrie said giving her a smile.

"Okay," now completely surprised was Zoe. "But who is going to make it by this afternoon?"

"I am."Carrie said now smiling from ear to ear.

"You?" Zoe asked.

"Yes me, don't you think I can sew?" Carrie asked acting disappointed that Zoe doubted her ability.

"No I am sure that you can but I figured that you had lots of people to do the sewing for you." Zoe told her.

"I do but I also know how to sew and I do so as much as I can. I sew all of Carrie Ann's clothes, even her play clothes." Carrie said proudly. "Of course there will come a day when she will only have store bought things like her friends but until then I am going to do them."

"If she smart and I believe that she is, she'll never do that." Zoe said with a laugh.

"You already forgotten your teenage years?" Carrie asked.

Zoe laughed, "No I haven't forgotten them and I know you are right."

"Anyway we need to get going, I may be able to sew but I am not a fast sewer." Carrie told her. "So what do you want to wear?"

"A dress, something simple but not so simple." Zoe said.

"A dress that you don't notice but then you break your neck to get another look at." Carrie said with a smile.

"That's it." Zoe said.

"Okay, how long?" Carrie asked her.

"Mmmm... around my knees."

"Sleeves or not?"

"No sleeves, with shoulder straps but not too thin."

"Belt or no belt?" Carrie asked.

"No belt... no, no put a wide belt but not too wide." Zoe told her as she was getting excited about doing this.

"Interesting, I think we can do something with this." Carrie said as she turned to her placing her hands on Zoe's hips and gripping them but more feeling them through her robe.

"What you doing?" Zoe asked.

"Feeling of your hips." Carrie said.

"Well I figured that out but why?" Zoe asked.

"To know where to put the belt, we could go up high or down lower on your hips." Carrie told her as she felt another minute, then she went to her drawing board and started to sketch out the dress.

"What about the material and color?" Zoe asked.

"Keep your panties on, we'll get there." Carrie said.

"I can't, you put them in the washer." Zoe told her, "You want to see."

"No I don't!" Carrie said not looking over at her.

"Shucks, I was hoping you would want to look." Zoe said with a laugh that made Carrie laugh with her.

"One day soon..." Carrie said as she continued to sketch out Zoe's new dress.

Zoe leaned over Carrie's shoulder to watch her draw. Zoe could tell the Carrie was talented but not nearly as talented as Faye was but then Carrie wanted to do a rough draft of what particular piece of clothing that she wanted to make. As she drew, Zoe would make some minor changes making the shoulder straps a bit thinner, but Carrie was adding even more changes that Zoe liked. She could tell that Carrie knew her stuff.

"But what about the color and material?" Zoe asked again after Carrie had finished.

"That comes next my impatient friend." Carrie said as she got up tearing off the drawing and taking it with them. She first stopped off to put their bras and panties into the dryer and then put in Zoe's blouse and skirt with some of her stuff into the washer to get it started. They took the elevator down to the second floor. As Zoe stepped out of the elevator, she walked into a real sewing factory. There were about thirty fancy sewing machines scattered about the front of the room. To the sides and behind of the sewing machines were rolls and racks of cloth. Then behind them, Zoe could see dresses and pant suits hanging.

"How many seamstresses do you have working for you?" Zoe asked as they came on into the room.

"Oh about thirty or so," Carrie said as she went over to one of the sewing machines that was behind the rest of the machines. This one appeared less used and Zoe figured that it was reserved for Carrie.

Carrie placed the drawing she had made by the machine, "Now you get to pick the material." She told her. "Come on and let's see what we can find."

"Oh god, this may take all day for me to choose." Zoe told her.

"It had better not or you will be coming to dinner naked and we both don't want that tonight." Carrie told her in a tone that told her that it was time to get serious.

"True, let's see what we can do but if I pick out something that you don't think would look good on me then I give you veto power." Zoe told her and that seemed to please Carrie very much.

After Carrie had made the right choice with her party dress, Zoe trusted her opinion more than her own now. Zoe started to feel and look at the material, when she found one she liked; she would look at Carrie to see if she got a smile or a frown. The ones that received frowns were quickly left behind. Zoe ended up with four differed patterns of cloth that she liked. They talked about these before deciding on a roll of cloth that felt almost silky and light to the touch and had a white background. They then went to a rack of belts and this went quicker as Zoe got a smile on the first one she picked. She decided to stop while she was ahead on this one. As they went to find a zipper, Zoe noticed some buttons, and there she found some that was about the size of a half dollar that had Roses on them.

"Oh I love these, can we put them down the front?" Zoe asked.

"I thought you wanted a zipper in the back?" Carrie asked as she took one of the buttons from Zoe.

"I do but we can put these on the front, you know not functional buttons but just to add to it." Zoe told her.

"I don't know, that may make the dress too busy looking." Carrie said as she started to put the button she had in her hand back.

"Pleaseee..." Zoe said putting a little pout on her face.

"God you're as bad as Carrie Ann." Carrie said with a laugh. "Bring four of them along and I'll put them on but if I don't like it then they come back off."

"Deal," Zoe said smiling from ear to ear as she took the button from Carrie and adding three more to it.

When Zoe turned back around, she saw Carrie heading back to her sewing machine leaving Zoe to carry all the stuff with her. She caught up with Carrie just as Carrie was sitting down.

"So what do we do first?" Zoe asked however she didn't get an answer as Carrie was studying the drawing that she had done of the dress that she was about to sew. Zoe decided that her job from this point was to sit quietly and watch.

"Fuck!" Carrie said a moment or two later surprising Zoe as she didn't expect Carrie to use that word for some reason.

"What?" Zoe asked.

"I need to measure you." Carrie told her.

"That's no big deal."Zoe replied as she started to undo the tie on her robe.

"Oh no you don't," Carrie said as she grabbed Zoe's hand stopping her. "Your body is sexy enough in panties and a bra. I need to concentrate on doing the sewing and not thinking about you. I'll end up sewing my finger to your dress."

This made Zoe smile at Carrie's compliment, "Then what do we do? My panties and bra are still wet I'm sure." Zoe told her.

Carrie looked at her for a moment then she said, "You and Kristen are about the same size, you can borrow some of hers. Just go up to her floor, it is arraigned much like mine. Her bras and panties are in the tall dresser in the corner. Pick something that isn't anything close to sheer."

"I can't go into her place without being asked, much less go through her stuff." Zoe said shocked that Carrie would even suggest such a thing.

"I trust you not to touch anything you're not supposed to." Carrie told her. "Now get going!"

From the sound of Carrie's voice, she was afraid to disobey her. "Okay," Zoe said as she went toward the elevator. She hated doing this but she didn't see that she had any choice, so she took the elevator up to Kristen's floor. As she walked out, she saw that it indeed looked exactly like Carrie's place, except for the dolls and toys scatted around the place. A five year old definitely lived here. Zoe went quickly back to Kristen's bedroom. She tried not to look around too much, just going directly to the tall dresser. She opened the top drawer and found Kristen's bras. As carefully as she could, she looked through them until she found an older padded cotton bra that looked like it hadn't been used in a while. She took off her robe and put it on. It actually fit pretty good except the cups were just a hair larger than she needed but would do in a crunch. She went to the next drawer where she found Kristen's panties. She had lots of pretty ones but again she went to the bottom where she found some older cotton ones but they were a little too old and worn thin. They really needed to be thrown away. Zoe looked around some more and she found a white pair of nylon panties that were much thicker. Zoe slipped these on and found them about right. Carrie was right, she a Kristen were about the same size. She shut the drawer and after putting her robe back on, she hurried back down to Carrie who was busy cutting out some of the material.

"I couldn't find anything to fit so I decided you would just have to measure me naked." Zoe said as she got to her and then she opened her robe. She saw Carrie start to yell at her but then stopped with her mouth hanging open.

"Smart ass..." Carrie said as she had to smile. "Now come over here and let me measure you."

Zoe moved on over to Carrie who had picked up a cloth measuring tape. Carrie started with her chest. "The bra is a bit too large." Zoe cautioned her.

"I noticed. But I'll get around that." Carrie assured her.

"How did you do the black dress without measuring me?" Zoe asked.

"Well we weren't starting from scratch so I could see how much to take from where." Carrie said as she pulled the measuring tape around her breasts a little tighter. Zoe wanted to make a saucy comment but the look of complete concentration on Carrie's face told her to keep her mouth shut. Next came her hips and then she measured the length from her hips to the tops of her knees. Zoe noticed that she never wrote a number down; she seemed to be able to keep them in her head. Carrie sat back down at her sewing machine and Zoe got a chair from another machine so that she could sit beside of her. Carrie cut just a bit more material from the cloth and then she started her machine. Zoe sat quietly as Carrie began to move the material around. As she sewed, Carrie began to hum a little nursery rhyme that Zoe remembered from her childhood. Zoe figured that she did this to keep Carrie Ann occupied when she sewed something for her. Zoe thought it was sweet and soon she was humming along.

At first, Zoe couldn't make heads or tails out of what Carrie was doing however as she went along, Zoe could see the dress taking shape. It was almost like magic seeing it all come together. Carrie's fingers were a blur as they pushed the material around the needle of the machine. Zoe knew if she had tried something like this, she would have sewed her fingers to the dress several times over by now. About an hour later, the dress was about done; Carrie put the zipper in the back making sure that it worked before putting in the belt loops for the belt that Zoe had chosen.

"Try it on." Carrie told her.

Zoe got up and after removing her robe, she slipped the dress on, then she turned to let Carrie zip it up for her. "I love it." Zoe said feeling the material on her body and how light a cool it felt.

"We still got the buttons to put on." Carrie told her as she looked at the dress and putting one of the buttons to it.

"We don't have to put them on, it looks great without them." Zoe told her.

"No, that was your added touch and we need to try them." Carrie told her giving her a sweet smile. "Now take the dress off and let me add these buttons."

Zoe took the dress off but not putting the robe on. She saw that Carrie took an extra moment to look at her in her panties and bra, or rather Kristen's panties and bra. Carrie started to put the first button on then she stopped and Zoe figured that Carrie had decided against the buttons. "Put the dress back on honey."

Zoe did so and then Carrie picked up some pins which she used to pin the buttons on the front of the dress. Then she would step back and look at them before moving them just a hair, barely enough for Zoe to notice but obviously Carrie did. Carrie did this for twenty minutes as her frown grew deeper like she couldn't seem to get it to work. Zoe was about to tell her to forget it when Carrie stepped back and said, "Perfect!" and finally she smiled. Zoe carefully took the dress off handing it to Carrie.

It took Carrie only a second to put the buttons on the dress and then instead of giving the dress back to Zoe, she got up and began to clean up her mess. Zoe helped her put the unused material away and then Carrie began to walk toward the elevator with the dress in her hands.

"Don't I get to put it on?" Zoe asked as she grabbed her robe and followed after her.

"Not done with it yet sweetie." Carrie said waiting on her in the elevator.

"Just what do we have to do to it?" Zoe asked.

"I want to wash and iron it and then I might let you put it on." Carrie told her.

"You might?" Zoe asked giving Carrie a questioning look.

"I kind of like you running around in your panties and bra." Carrie told her giving her a wink.

"Oh I see..." Zoe said smiling.

Zoe did have to go around in Kristen's panties and bra for a good part of the morning but then Carrie did let her put the dress on after she had washed the dress then trimmed any loose threads that appeared after the washing and drying. They then relaxed for most of the afternoon, just talking. They planned what to fix for supper and that entailed a trip to the grocery store to pick up some things that Carrie needed to make Kristen's favorite dish which of course couldn't be something simple but very complicated. Even though it was a dish that while Zoe had never made, she was familiar with it, so she could help.

About four, they heard the elevator going down then back up to Kristen's place. Carrie was busy putting the last touches on the meal before she could put it on simmer until it was time to eat. Right at five the elevator started, this made Zoe very nervous as she knew she really needed to keep Kristen's approval to have a real chance at keeping Carrie. When the doors opened, Carrie Ann burst through the door running to her grandmother and talking a mile a minute. Carrie had to catch her and then listen to what all she and her mother had done. Kristen came out a second later and Zoe saw that she looked as nervous as Zoe felt. That was a good sign as far as she was concerned.

"That's a pretty dress." Kristen told her as she came up to her.

"Well thank you but you need to thank your mother." Zoe said then she bit her lips as she wasn't sure that Carrie had told Kristen that she had told her.

"She is a great designer isn't she? And I love the buttons on the front." Kristen told her.

"That you have to compliment Zoe for. I didn't think they would work but they did." Carrie said as she came up to them with Carrie Ann holding onto her hand.

"I didn't think that would be something that you would do mom, maybe you should take some lessons from Zoe here." Kristen said with a smile.

"Kristen has been trying to get me to do things like that with my designs for as long as I have known her. But this dress was mostly Zoe's design; she decided what it would look like." Carrie told her to soften the blow of Zoe getting her to do something that Kristen couldn't get her to do.

"So you'll listen to me from now on?" Kristen asked of her.

"I always listen to you dear." Carrie told her.

"That you do." Kristen said to Carrie but then she said to Zoe, "She just doesn't do what I suggest."

"Well maybe we can work on her and get the stubborn old broad to change her ways." Zoe suggested to Kristen.

Kristen gave her a smile as Carrie frowned, "Maybe we can, and between the two of us she doesn't have a chance."

"So are you two ganging up on me now?" Carrie asked.

"Yes we are, so be prepared to change your ways old gal." Kristen said and then before Carrie could respond she said to Zoe, "Come on, let's get supper ready before my little girl starves to death. Mom you can occupy Carrie Ann for a while."

"My pleasure, come on little one, let's do something together while Zoe and your mom plot against me." Carrie told them all.

"Great," Carrie Ann said not knowing what her grandmother was talking about for the most part but she did understand that she and her grandmother were doing something together and that was all she cared about.

"So you okay with me going out with Carrie?" Zoe asked once they were alone in the kitchen. She wanted to go ahead and get that in the open.

Kristen hesitated for a second and then she looked over at Carrie who was playing with Carrie Ann. "I'll admit that I wasn't sure about you staying over last night, that was a little too soon for me. But then mom is a grown woman who needs to have someone of her own. And maybe you are just the person for her. She has had me and Carrie Ann in her life and then the shop but she needs to get away from all of that." Kristen told her but then she hesitated again before saying. "Can I ask you something and I need an honest answer."

"Sure you can ask me about anything." Zoe told her.

"Are you serious about Carrie or is this just a fling?" Kristen asked her.

Zoe didn't hesitate as she answered Kristen's question, "I'm very serious about her. I just worry that Carrie won't like me."

"Oh she likes you, don't fret about that." Kristen told her smiling at her.

"So tell me what you do." Kristen told her changing the subject. Zoe was sure that Carrie had already told her this but it was a way to go onto other things and off her and Carrie. The rest of the evening went well from there, Zoe had gotten Kristen on her side again and she even got Carrie Ann to warm up to her. All she had to do was to play one of Carrie Ann's favorite games and she had a friend for life.

"I see that you have made Kristen your friend again." Carrie said to her as they went down the elevator.

"I hope so. But I'm more worried about getting you to like me." Zoe told Carrie as she took her hand.

"I wouldn't worry so much about that." Carrie said as she gripped her hand back.

"That's good to know." Zoe told her. "So when can I see you again?"

"Mmmm... would Friday night be okay." Carrie asked.

"That works for me." Zoe told her.

"Good... but you know you can call anytime you want." Carrie suggested.

"I had planned to do that already, I already got your number in my phone." Zoe told her.

"How can you have done that, I haven't given it to you." Carrie asked her as the doors opened to the street.

"When you called me Friday night, I immediately saved it, unless you used Kristen's or Marcella's phone." Zoe told her.

"Oh I forgot about that and it was my phone." Carrie told her.

"Good then I would expect a call tomorrow night." Zoe said as she pulled Carrie to her.

Zoe felt Carrie putting her hands to her back and they came together for a kiss. It was a soft light kiss but a nice kiss all the same. "I'll talk to you soon." Zoe said as she broke away and opened her car door.

Carrie stayed there on the street as Zoe started her car and then she waved at her as she drove away. Zoe waved back and then she smiled to herself feeling good about how the weekend went.

On Monday when Zoe got to the lunch room, she saw that the gang was there again including Silvia who had made a special trip into town like she had done last Sunday. Zoe smiled as she quickly got her salad and she hurried back to the table in the corner.

"Okay give us the details and give them to us quick." Rose demanded of her before she had even sat down.

"It nice to see you all too, I hope you had as good a weekend as I did." Zoe told her and she got no responses.

"Girl if you are smart, you'll tell us how it went Saturday night, otherwise I don't know that you'll ever make it out of the lunch room alive." Sylvia told her.

Zoe laughed then said, "Let me put it this way, I didn't sleep in my bed Saturday night." Zoe told them and she watched as all their forks stopped in midair.

"Are you serious?" Faye finally asked.

"Yes I'm serious but not as much happened as your dirty minds are thinking." Zoe told them and again they stopped their forks where they were.

"Okay enough teasing, tell us what went on." Alex told her.

Zoe laughed enjoying the game then she quickly told them what had happened. It was hard to fit it all in but she did. They had lots of questions for her and she answered them but then she also asked some questions that she got some helpful ideas as to what to do from here on out. They all seemed happy for her and how well things were starting out.

Faye walked her back to the elevator. "Is our yoga session still on for Wednesday?" Faye asked her.

Zoe thought for only a second before replying, "Sure but..."

Faye smiled at her as she placed her hand on her arm and she said, "Oh I know, you're spoken for, that's understood."

"Thanks," Zoe told her.

"I just need to see where this goes, you know." Zoe told her.

"I understand and I don't blame you. I can't say I wouldn't do the same if I was you." Faye told her as they got to the elevator. Then as they started to get on the elevator with everyone else, Faye whispered to her, "I might even just forgo doing our session in the nude."

Zoe blushed and then she said, "Faye!" but then she laughed with her friend.

That evening after she figured that Carrie had made it up to her place from the shop, she gave her a call. Carrie had just sat down so the timing was perfect. Zoe was lying in her bed and so she spent the rest of the evening talking to Carrie about how her day had went including telling her friends about their evening. She wanted to see how Carrie would react to the fact that she was talking about their relationship to her friends. Carrie seemed to take it in stride as she asked what their reaction was and if it was positive. Zoe also told her that she was going to see Faye on Wednesday for their weekly yoga session. This time Carrie was a bit more hesitant but again she seemed fine with it. Zoe told her that she would cancel but Carrie assured her that she was fine with it. Zoe talked it over with Carrie making sure that everything was fine but still she knew that Carrie had some reservations. They talked until eleven before Zoe had to go to sleep and so they said their goodnights.

Tuesday there was only Faye, Rose, and Alex to meet her for lunch and they talked some more about Carrie but Zoe then got them to talk about what they were doing. She didn't want this to turn into all about her and Carrie. She wanted to know what they were doing as she spent time with Carrie.

They had a nice lunch and then that evening, she again talked to Carrie though not quite as long. When Wednesday came, Zoe was nervous about going over to see Faye. Zoe knew how deeply she felt about Carrie but this was the first time that she had been with one of her friend's one on one since Carrie became a part of her life. Faye met her at the door with a kiss on the cheek and a brief hug but that was all. Zoe returned the kiss and hug then she came on in. They began to talk and Zoe started to relax. While she still found Faye pretty and desirable, she didn't have the need to sleep with her. Zoe helped her with their dinner and then they began their yoga session after a brief rest. Faye did indeed keep her clothes on as did Zoe, thought she did miss doing it in the nude and she knew that Faye did too. They talked about this afterwards and Zoe knew that they day would come when they could do it in the nude again, maybe when Zoe got Carrie into doing yoga with her and Faye. She did call Carrie on her way home just to let her know how things went and also to assure her that she wasn't spending the night with Faye.

Thursday went to hell in a hand basket as soon as Zoe walked into the office. It was like one thing after another went wrong and she was putting out fires all day long. She ended up working late into the evening to get things straight for Friday as she didn't want to have to work late on that day. She did talk briefly to Carrie that evening but she was so tired and worn out that she just wanted to get out of her clothes and take a long relaxing bath in water as hot as she could stand it. The water felt so good and she felt her muscles relaxing as she sat in the tub. She stayed in the water until it began to turn cold on her. She then washed and shaved her legs and pussy. She really didn't think anything would happen Friday night, but she wanted to be prepared. She knew that what happened the previous Saturday wasn't what Carrie had planned to have happen and she knew that it wasn't likely to happen again soon.

Zoe pulled up in front of the store at about six on Friday evening. She felt a little nervous but she felt good about that. It kept her on her toes and that was good. She went into the store expecting to see Carrie waiting for her as she gave out last minute instructions. However there was no one to be seen, she started to head to the back of the store when she saw Kristen coming toward her. She smiled at Kristen and got a smile back but not one she was hoping for from Kristen.

"I don't know what is wrong with that woman tonight." Kristen said to her or she thought she was saying it to her.

"Which woman?" Zoe asked though she already knew the answer to her question and that made her stomach churn.

"The one you are going out with tonight, that's who." Kristen said slightly pissed.

"What's wrong with her?" Zoe asked getting more nervous as each second went by.

"Damned if I know, she won't talk to me except to tell me what I'm doing wrong. Even when I wasn't doing anything I was doing it wrong." Kristen said as she threw her hands up in the air.

Zoe wanted to laugh however she was the one going out with this woman, and if Kristen couldn't please her, she didn't have a hope. About that time, she saw Carrie coming toward her and while she had a smile on her face, it seemed to be plastered on it. Zoe felt her stomach churn as she tried to think of something fun to do tonight to get Carrie out of her funk or whatever she was in.

"Good luck, you'll need it." Kristen said as she went back toward Carrie and Zoe saw them talking just a bit. Then Kristen gave her mother a kiss on the cheek and that seemed to ease the tension that Zoe was seeing on Carrie's face.

"So you ready?" Carrie asked as she grabbed her purse from under the counter.

"Yes, let's get going." Zoe said opening the door and holding it open for Carrie.

"So how was your day?" Zoe asked her hoping to draw her out a bit.

"It was fine, just like any other day, nothing unusual." Carrie told her. "How was your day?" Carrie asked her.

"It was good, much better than yesterday." Zoe told her and she began to talk about her day and then the day before which was so bad. She could tell that Carrie was listening to her but not completely as she headed toward the supper club that she was taking her to eat and enjoy a nice show.

They had gotten about halfway there when Carrie finally said something without being prompted to by Zoe, "So you had a good evening with Faye on Wednesday."

Zoe then knew what was bothering Carrie. She didn't say anything; instead she found a place to pull over. She turned off the car and turned to Carrie. "Ask me what you really want to ask me." Zoe told her.

"What"' Carrie asked of her but then she lowered her head and Zoe waited her out. Finally as some long agonizing minutes Carrie said very quietly, "Well did you?"

"I told you before I went that I wasn't going to sleep with her and I told you on my way home that I didn't sleep with her and I am telling you now that I did not sleep with her nor did I want to." Zoe told her.

Carrie looked up at Zoe and said, "I believe you."

"Good, now is that what was bothering you." Zoe asked of her.

After a moment's hesitation, Carrie replied with, "Sort of..."

"Then what else is there bothering you?" She asked of her.

Carrie looked at her then looked away, she then said, "Take us back home."

Zoe's felt her heart start to beat a mile a minute. She had told Carrie the truth and Carrie said she said that she believed her but now she was ending it all. "Talk to me, tell me what's wrong." Zoe told her.

"Just take us home now!" Carrie told her in no uncertain terms which kind of pissed Zoe off so she turned back in her seat, started the car, and quickly got back into traffic.

End of Part Seven.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 8

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