Spanking Club

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Oct 2, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

The Spanking Club

Part Six

By Chris

"Zoe, this is Carrie..." Zoe heard in her phone and Zoe's heart leaped. But then there was silence before she heard in the background, "Just tell her that you'd loved to go to dinner with her. You've been talking about her for two weeks now and you know you want to." Zoe recognized that it was Kristen's voice saying those words.

Zoe heard the phone being covered and then she heard in muffled tones, "Shut up or I'll hang up right now."

After another second, Carrie's voice came back on the phone, "I'm sorry about that, it's just Kristen wanting to be fired again."

"Well I hope that you'll rehire her in the morning." Zoe said laughing a little to get Carrie to relax.

It obviously worked as Carrie laughed and then she said, "I don't know... I think I'll keep her fired for a few days this time."

"Well not too many days." Zoe said laughing. Then she heard Carrie gasp and she knew that Carrie was getting poked again.

"Zoe, if the offer is still open for dinner tonight, I would love to have dinner with you." Carrie said to her.

"It is and I'm very pleased that you changed your mind. How about we meet at Phillip's Bar and Grill at eight?" Zoe asked. Though the name sounds like it was a dive, it was actually a very nice restaurant.

"Oh I love it there, I'll meet you then." Carrie told her and that made Zoe very happy that she picked the right place to go.

"See you at eight," Zoe said and then she added, "And thank Kristen and Marcella for me."

Carrie laughed before saying, "I will, right after I fire them both."

Zoe laughed again, "See you in a bit." Then she hung up after Carrie said good bye.

Zoe checked her watch and saw that she had just enough time to get a shower in before she had to get ready. However first she had to call to get reservations so that they wouldn't have to wait on a table. Being a Friday evening, she didn't have much hope of actually getting a table but she lucked out and was able to.

She got to the restaurant a few minutes early but they went ahead and seated her. She ordered herself a glass of wine to calm her nerves. She felt like she was going on her first date and had no clue as to what she was suppose to do. She had to be careful and take small sips of wine as she didn't want to drink too much, she wanted to keep her senses about her. When Carrie hadn't gotten there by fifteen after, Zoe began to get more than a little worried, afraid that she had changed her mind but then she saw her being escorted back to where she was seated. She was wearing a simple summer dress leaving her shoulders bare with thin straps holding the dress. As she got closer, she could see her pale skin and the light freckles that were on her shoulders that just made her look so cute. Her auburn hair seems to bounce on her shoulders and it looked so beautiful.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I think Kristen did my hair four times before I just had to make her stop." Carrie said as she sat down choosing to sit to Zoe's right side instead of across from her at the small table.

"That's fine, she did a great job, you look lovely and your hair is beautiful." Zoe told her.

Carrie blushed, "Thank you and you look beautiful too."

"Thank you," Zoe told her, "Would you like a glass of wine?" Zoe asked her as she waved down their waiter and pointing to her wine glass and then at Carrie. He obviously got the message as he went off to get Carrie's wine.

"I would love one." Carrie said. "I see that you are with the FDIC. What do you do there?"

"I'm over the Atlanta office and we cover all of Georgia and the northern part of Florida." Zoe told her.

"Impressive, now I know who to call when I have a banking problem." Carrie said with a little giggle that Zoe loved.

"And I know who to call when I need something patched." Zoe told her with a laugh letting Carrie know that she was kidding with her.

"I don't come cheap." Carrie replied with a smile.

"That's good to know." Zoe said giving Carrie a wink.

Carrie gave her a confused look but then she realized what she said and she blushed from head to toe. "Oh..." she said as she covered her face.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist." Zoe said as she took Carrie's left hand bringing it down from her face. She could see that when Carrie blushed, her freckles became more pronounced.

Zoe gave Carrie's hand a squeeze, holding onto it as she told Carrie, "I have to warn you, when I see an opening, and I tend to take it without thinking. It gets me into trouble sometimes."

"I consider myself forewarned and try not to leave you too many openings." Carrie said and then she blushed again realizing that she had done it again.

"Oh you are going to be so much fun." Zoe said giving Carrie's had a squeeze again making them both laugh.

The waiter appeared with a glass of wine for Carrie and refilling Zoe's glass which gave Carrie an opportunity to pull her hand away. They then took a minute to figure out what they wanted then gave their orders to the waiter.

"So did you fire Kristen?" Zoe had to ask changing the subject and hoping to get Carrie to talk some about herself. Zoe figured that going through Kristen was a good way to get Carrie talking.

Carrie laughed a little, "No she knows that I will never actually fire her. She also knows me well enough to know how far to push me."

"How so?" Zoe asked wondering if maybe Kristen was her competition though she didn't think so.

Carrie looked at Zoe carefully as if trying to decide what to tell her and if she could trust her. "Kristen has had a hard life but has turned it around and made something of herself."

"With your help, I bet." Zoe stated.

Carrie smiled and then looked at her again studying her once more, "It was a little over five years ago that I was at the park downtown. I sometimes go there just to see what the women are wearing and that helps be decide what types of clothes that may become popular. Anyway, I was there watching the women when I saw this young girl walking around begging for change. She was thin as a rail but she had this little belly so I knew she was pregnant. I watched her for a while but then I had to get back to the shop. I thought about her all afternoon and when I closed the shop, I went back to the park looking for her. I had just about given up when I saw her on the bench and she looked so pitiful. I also saw two cops approaching her and I knew they were going to make her move along. I knew it was stupid but I got to her first and brought her home."

Their dinner arrived and Carrie stopped her story as the food was placed before them. Zoe was a little worried that Carrie wouldn't go on but then once the waiter left, she did so as they began to eat. "I let her take a shower and get something to eat. She was quiet at first but slowly she began to talk. She was fifteen and her parents had kicked her out of the house when they found out that she was pregnant. I felt sorry for her and let her stay for a few days. She took it upon herself to clean my apartment and when she was done doing that, she began to help clean the second floor where my seamstresses are. Then she started to help in the shop. Once I saw that she was willing to work without being asked. I decided that this was one young lady who could make something of herself. So I found a private school nearby that she could attend and got her medical help for her and her baby that she was carrying. When the baby arrived, she named it Carrie Ann, for which I threaten to kick her out for doing that to the poor girl." She said making Zoe laugh. "She was a good mother and a good student. So once she graduated from high school, I put her into college which she just finished this past May so now she works full time at the dress shop and is a doting mother the rest of the time."

"I knew you had a loving heart." Zoe said softly admiring Carrie for what she did for Kristen.

"Don't tell the rest of the people that work for me, they think that I'm a real bitch and I want them to keep thinking that." Carrie told her seriously.

"Oh they let you believe that they think you are a bitch, but I bet they know you have a soft heart." Zoe told her.

"I don't know about that." Carrie said.

Zoe then had to ask, "So does Kristen and Carrie Ann still live with you?"

Carrie smiled at her in a knowing way, "Yes and no. Once the baby came and I knew that Kristen could handle the baby without much help, I had a part of the fourth floor fixed into an apartment for Kristen and Carrie Ann. That way, she could have a place of her own with a separate entrance but still just above me in case she needed help with anything."

"That's nice, that way you can look over both of them. And is Carrie Ann just as much a pistol as her mother?" Zoe asked.

"More so," Carrie said with a laugh. "That girl would drive a hornet from its nest."

"And you love her to death right? Zoe asked.

"God yes, you can't help but to love the little demon." Carrie said laughing.

"I bet you'll miss her when some man sweeps Kristen off her feet." Zoe asked just to make sure that Kristen was into men and not women.

"Well now that Kristen has finished college she is free to fall in love." Carrie told her.

Zoe gave her a confused look and Carrie explained, "That is the only rule of many that I made that she actually obeyed. I told her that I would kick her out and keep Carrie Ann if she ever ran off with someone before she has proven to herself that she can make it in this world on her own without anyone's help. I know that sounds cruel but I want to make sure that she will be okay on her own and she seems to know this. I figured that she would have started dating by now but she seems to be content to just spend her time with Carrie Ann. She and Marcella will go do something as I keep Carrie Ann but other than that she seems content to take care of Carrie Ann and herself before she lets anyone into her life."

"You know you can't keep her from falling in love." Zoe cautioned her and wondering to herself if maybe she had already, but not with a man but with Marcella.

"Oh I know. It is just a rule that we both like for the moment." Carrie said.

"That's cool and I do respect you for doing all of that for Kristen and it does explain how she can get away with so much with you." Zoe said.

"I trust that you will keep what I have said about Kristen to yourself. I just felt like you needed to know why Kristen and I seemed so close." She told her.

"I understand and I'm a good secret keeper. I know the financial condition of every bank in Georgia but you'll never know any of that. I hope you understand that." Zoe told her.

"I do, so we're both good secret keepers." Carrie said with a laugh.

"Yes we are." Zoe said taking a bite of her food before asking, "So how did you happen to get to open a dress shop?"

"Well I figured that since I would never look all that great in clothes, I would make them for others to wear and be beautiful." Carrie said with a laugh but Zoe could see that in a way Carrie was serious in her feelings that she wasn't pretty.

"I think you are wrong there, you're a beautiful woman." Zoe told her seriously.

"What with this thick hair that I can't do anything with and my freckles that get worse when I'm out in the sun. You're complexion is so much prettier than my freckled pale complexion." Carrie told her.

"Well it's those freckles that made me want to ask you to dinner, especially that one on the tip of your cute nose." Zoe said as she reached over tenderly touching the end of Carrie's nose with the tip of her index finger.

Carrie blushed, "Well you're weird then." Carrie said making Zoe laugh.

"That may be," Zoe said with a laugh. "Now tell the real reason you got into the fashion industry."

"Mmmm," Carrie said as she thought for a moment then she went into her life's story, or at least the short version. Carrie had come from a very wealthy and powerful family in the Atlanta area. She had two older brothers that could do no wrong in their father's eyes. And she was supposed to be the third son but Mother Nature had something else planned and the third son came out as a daughter. Her mother was very subservient to her husband and since he put his boys first, so did she. Carrie said that she was left to be raised by the nanny.

Zoe could hear the sadness in Carrie's voice though she tried not to show it as she talked. When she was little, she loved to dress up and that was probably where her love of clothes came from. Once she was through with school, she left home going as far away as she could to go to college and that happened to be Paris. There her love of clothes became her passion but she got disillusioned by the designers that she studied under. None of them made clothes for the average woman, the clothes that they designed were all for skinny models who starved themselves to death. It was also there that she found that what she thought was true of herself, was indeed true. She found a fellow student, named Mischa, who showed her how to love a woman and how to be loved. Unfortunately Mischa was from Russia and had to return there. As much as Carrie loved her, she knew that she could never be happy there so she returned to Atlanta. When she got to her home she immediately told her family that she was lesbian and they would have to deal with it. She said it was the hardest thing that she had ever done yet the most satisfying. Of course her father about went through the roof, he couldn't have his daughter be a lesbian, what would that do to his son's political careers. So Carrie let him pay her off and she changed her last name to her maternal grandmother's maiden name as she loved her grandmother and her grandmother was the only one in her family that welcomed a daughter being born. Once she had the money in hand, she went looking for a place to set up her own dress shop and where she could do the designs of clothes that she liked.

"Now tell me about you." Carrie said as she pushed her plate back.

"Okay but I have lived a much boring life but before I start, I think we need to order some of that." Zoe said as she pointed to a plate that a waiter was carrying as he went past them. It had a large piece of fudge topped with hot chocolate and then a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side.

"Oh no, you had just as well apply that to my hips." Carrie said with a little laugh yet her eyes followed the dish as it was delivered to a waiting table.

"Yea, me too. Maybe we had better forget it." Zoe said.

"Yes we had." Carrie said as she finally focused her eyes back on Zoe.

"Okay, another time." Zoe said. Then as the waiter went by she stopped him. "We'll take one of those."

"Yes madam." He said and then he was off to get their desert.

"I thought you said we'd do it another time." Carrie told her.

"This is another time. That was a whole minute ago that I said that, so this is a whole another time." Zoe said with a giggle.

"Not only do you have a sharp wit but you are also sneaky." Carrie said laughing with her.

"Yep, that's me in a nutshell." Zoe told her.

"So tell me the rest of you that's not in a nutshell." Carrie told her.

Zoe began to tell her a little about herself, about her girlfriend in Boston and then moving down to Atlanta. She told her about meeting Alex and her gang but she left out the part about their special weekends. She knew that she would tell her about that too but not tonight. Zoe talked as they enjoyed their rich desert and then suggested a long walk to work off the calories that they had just eaten. There were lots of shops and restaurants where they had eaten so it was safe to walk around, talking and observing the people as they went by.

Zoe got to know more about Carrie's childhood or rather the lack of one. Zoe so wanted to hate Carrie's mother for giving into her husband and putting their sons first leaving very little for Carrie. However Carrie seemed to take it in stride and she said that it made her a stronger person. Still Zoe wondered if Carrie wasn't hiding a lot of resentment within her soul. Carrie said that it all worked out in the end as she was doing what she wanted and was enjoying her life. Zoe told her that she thought at times that her childhood wasn't the best in the world but now hearing Carrie's story, her childhood was about perfect. Her parents too pitched a fit when she told them that she was a lesbian but they eventually came around as they didn't want to lose their daughter. So her relationship was a bit strained but she did talk to them and she did go home to visit them and they came to see her, so things were good. She also had to admit that she was in the job that she wanted. She enjoyed working with the banking industry thought she hated it when she had to go in and shut a bank down. That wasn't fun in the least.

They eventually made their way back to Zoe's car and she took Carrie back to the shop, where Zoe had already figured out from Carrie's talking that was where she lived as well as worked. The store was on the first floor, the sewing factory on the second with Carrie living on the third. Then Kristen and Carrie Ann on the forth, and there was also a fifth floor but that Carrie didn't mention what was there and she didn't ask. She parked in front of the building and got out with Carrie, who led them over to a door that was about thirty feet to the right of the front door.

"I enjoyed the dinner and the company so thank you for asking me." Carrie said as she turned to face her.

"Well I'm glad that you called me and said yes. I was a little worried that I wasn't going to get you to go out with me." Zoe told her.

"Well I wanted to say yes when you asked in the dressing room but I chicken out. Then I made the mistake in telling Kristen that you had asked me to dinner." Carrie said with a nervous laugh.

"I still got to thank her for that." Zoe said and then they were silent for a moment as they both looked at each other then away and back again.

"Would it be too pushy of me to ask you to dinner and a movie tomorrow night?" Zoe asked her.

Zoe saw that Carrie began to bite her lower lip as she thought this over, lucky she didn't make Zoe wait too long for an answer. "No it isn't being too pushy, and I would love to unless you order desert again, then all bets are off." Carrie said with a nervous giggle.

"No deserts, I still need to fit into that dress that you made even tighter." Zoe said with a little giggle.

"Well I wanted to show off all your assets." Carrie told her.

"And do you like those assets?" Zoe had to ask.

"Maybe...," Carrie answered with a smile which let Zoe know that she did indeed.

"How about I pick you up about seven and then we can see the late show?" Zoe asked.

"Sounds good, I'll see you then." Carrie said then she started to turn but Zoe caught her arm bringing her around again.

Zoe put her hands on Carrie's waist and began to pull her toward her. She was relieved that after only a second's hesitation, Carrie let her. Zoe gave her a reassuring smile as she pulled Carrie in closer until their bodies touched. Zoe moved her left hand around to Carrie's back as her right one went to the back of Carrie's neck. She looked into Carrie's eyes as she brought her head forward. She kept staring into those pretty green eyes until she had to turn her head slightly and their lips met. She could feel Carrie's lips resist but for a second before they gave into the kiss. Carrie's hands went up to her shoulders gripping them as they kissed. Carrie's lips were so soft and sensual as Zoe kissed her. Zoe slowly opened her lips and so did Carrie and their tongues met. Zoe felt her heart pounding as she felt Carrie's doing the same. Their breasts were pressed together making Zoe's pussy get a little moisture which was starting to wet her panties. She wanted the kiss to go on however she felt Carrie start to push away so she eased her grip letting their lips to part.

"I need to go." Carrie said in a husky voice that indicated to Zoe that Carrie didn't really want to go but she felt she had to.

"Okay," Zoe said as she dropped her hands to Carrie's waist but still held onto to her.

"I'll see you tomorrow night." Carrie said pulling away and heading to the door.

"Wait a minute." Zoe said suddenly.

"What?" Carrie asked as she turned back to her.

Zoe didn't say anything, she just came back up to Carrie going up on her toes and she gave the tip of Carrie's nose a light kiss. "I had to give my favorite freckle a good night kiss." Then she gave Carrie a wink as she walked away.

"Oh God, you're crazy." Carrie said with a laugh.

Zoe opened her car door as Carrie hit the numbers on the keypad by the door and a buzzer went off. Carrie opened the door going inside, giving Zoe a wave as she did so. Zoe saw that the door opened into a small elevator. Zoe waved back before slipping inside of her car. Zoe had a smile on her face all the way home.

When she got home, she pulled out her cell phone which she had turned off while she was out with Carrie. She wasn't too surprised to find six missed calls and six voice mails. She slipped off her shoes as she put the speaker on the phone and she listened to her voice mails. The first one was from Rose, "So did you ask Carrie out? Call me, I am dying to know." The rest were from Alex, Faye, and Wilma and they all asked pretty much the same question. Then Alex and Rose called back still wanting to know and telling her to call them. Zoe knew that they were dying to know and she was dying to tell them but she didn't know who to call first, then she saw a solution to her problem. She tapped out a message saying "Meet me at the Waffle House at nine in the morning or miss out on all the juicy details." She then sent it to her five close friends.

In about thirty seconds, she got a message back, "You little tease, see you at nine. A." Zoe laughed at the message. It took a couple of minutes before she got more messages and they weren't as nice as Alex's was, they referred to her not as a tease but a bitch or in Faye's case a fucking tease. These too made Zoe laugh as she was enjoying making her friends twist in the wind. That night she slept well, not twisting and turning as she had the night before. She also awoke with a smile on her face.

When she got to the Waffle House, she saw all her friends waiting for her and she was about fifteen minutes early. It made her feel good to know that they were so interested in her welfare. She smiled as she approached, not saying a word as she slid in beside of Faye.

"Okay give us all the details, we know you went out with her last night." Rose said.

"Don't I even get my coffee first?" Zoe asked. And she no more got those words out, when the waitress placed a cup of coffee in front of her with cream.

"Okay, how about letting me look at the menu to see what I want?" Zoe asked knowing that they probably had an answer for that too and they did.

"We ordered you the same thing that you ordered the last time and you can always take some of each of ours if you want something different." Alex told her.

"Well you all have thought of everything, so tell me how did you know that I went out with Carrie last night? Did one of you follow me around?" Zoe asked really curious now though she knew no one would follow her or at least she thought she did.

"Because everyone called you and you didn't return any of our calls so that means either you were dead or you went out with her. Seeing how you are sitting in front of us right now slurping on your coffee, then you obviously aren't dead. That only leaves us with the conclusion that you went out with Carrie, right?" Sylvia told her.

Zoe laughed at their logic, "Yes we went out for dinner though I left the shop with her turning me down."

"Okay you now got our attention, what did you do, go back and kidnap her?" Wilma asked.

"No, I didn't have to but it did cross my mind." Zoe said laughing again and making them laugh.

Zoe went on to explain what happened and then what they did, where they went to eat, and what they talked about. This lasted through their meal and then they drank their coffee, tea, or juices as they each asked her questions about Carrie. Some she answered and others she didn't because she didn't know the answer. She didn't give them the complete details but all that she felt she could. She told them about their dinner that night and got suggestions as to which movie to see and where to go eat. The one good thing about living in such a large city, there were plenty of places to do both. She got some good ideas and she could tell that they all wanted things to work out for her and Carrie.

They seemed to understand that this was something that Zoe needed in her life. She was more like Wilma and Sylvia, needing someone to be there every day for them. Rose, Faye and Alex were made of different things, and the need wasn't so deep with them. Zoe figured that one day the three of them would end up together, sharing their affection and their love with each other. They stayed at the Waffle House until near eleven before they left to go their separate ways, but not before each of them giving her a kiss for good luck.

Zoe had enough to keep her busy the rest of the day. She had a report to finish from work that took a couple of hours to get done and then she could go about deciding what to wear and take a long bath to relax. She made sure to shave her legs and pussy getting them so smooth to the touch. She put on a short skirt with a matching blouse that had a bit of a V in front so that it looked like it would almost show some of her breasts but didn't. She always called it her tease blouse and she did want to tease Carrie just a little without being too obvious about doing so. Soon enough it was time to go pick Carrie up. And she was anxious to do get their second date started.

Zoe had to park a few places down from the shop so she had to walk up to the front door. She had her long coat on but the wind was blowing a little and thus making her think again about wearing a short skirt. She wasn't sure where Carrie would be so she entered the shop hoping that she would be there since the shop didn't close until eight. She looked around for someone when she saw Carrie and Kristen coming toward her with Carrie talking away and Kristen listening.

"So you know what to do?' Carrie was asking Kristen as they got close to her.

"You know I do, now stop worrying. I know how to close the shop; I've only done it a thousand times. I can handle anything that comes along, you know that too." Kristen was telling Carrie.

"I know." Carrie told her.

"Good now go and have a good time." Kristen said to her then she surprised Zoe by giving Carrie a kiss on the cheek.

Zoe let them part then she went to Kristen, "I do believe that I owe you a heartfelt thank you."

"You're welcome," Kristen said to her then she held out her arms giving Zoe a hug. She gave Zoe a kiss on the cheek then she whispered into her ear, "Now you be good to my mom, she deserves to be happy."

"Yes she does and I will be." Zoe told her, giving her a little kiss on the cheek.

Zoe then pulled back and Kristen gave her a little wink as she let go of her. Zoe went over to Carrie, taking her hand in hers, "You ready to go?"

"Yes I am." Carrie said as she first wanted to pull her hand away but then she gave Zoe's hand a squeeze and held onto it.

They had just gotten to the door when Kristen called out, "You two have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do." Then she burst out into giggles as Carrie turned and gave her a look to kill as she was blushing.

"Kristen!" Carrie called back to her. "Be nice!"

"Yes mom..." Kristen said earning herself another dirty look.

"Mom?" Zoe asked after they got outside and where walking toward Zoe's car.

"Oh she just does that because she knows that it pisses me off." Carrie replied but she didn't look at Zoe as she was saying it.

They got to Zoe's car about then so Zoe opened the door for Carrie, helping her inside. Then as she came around the front of the car, she saw Kristen and Marcella peeking out of the door so she waved to them and they waved back. As Zoe opened her door, she saw Carrie waving at Kristen and Marcella but not a wave goodbye but a wave for them to get back inside and stop embarrassing her.

Zoe had just started the car when Carrie said, "She doesn't just call me Mom to piss me off, she does it because I am her Mom."

"Okay," Zoe said and then she let Carrie go on with what she was saying.

"When she came to live with me, I had to adopt her to be able to take care of her and get her into the school that I did. I wasn't sure how Kristen would feel about that but when I told her, she was thrilled, she said she wanted me to be her mom and wanted me to be the kind grandmother that her child could go to and trust. So at the age of twenty nine, I became a granny." Carrie said with a little laugh.

"I bet you are a great mother and a greater grandmother to Carrie Ann." Zoe said as she took Carrie's hand, giving it a kiss. "I was wondering about how you got all that done without being her legal guardian." Zoe went on to say.

"Well that was what I was going for at first, I mean, her parents was glad to get rid of the "Little Tramp" as they called her. But I ended up adopting her as that made more sense as my lawyer told me." She said.

"Like I said, she couldn't have gotten a better mother or a better grandmother for her daughter." Zoe told her kissing her hand again making Carrie smile.

"I try and so you know why Kristen gets away with so much. I don't have to heart to really get mad at her and I know she just loves to push my buttons though she has learned just how many buttons to push before she backs off." Carrie said with a laugh.

"Since you're a grandmother, does that mean I get to call you granny?" Zoe asked.

"Not if you want to live through the night." Carrie said with a laugh.

Zoe laughed making Carrie laugh, "In that case I will leave Granny to Carrie Ann and stick with calling you Carrie."

"That's a smart move." Carrie said as she laughed again.

They then talked a little about Kristen and what she was doing with her life as she took them toward the restaurant she and the girls had decided on. Carrie told her that Kristen had finished high school in two years though she was behind when she started and then had a baby to care for to boot. But even that only kept her out of school for a week. Carrie's part time maid, Melinda became the full time nanny. She looked after Carrie Ann during the day with Carrie looking in on her several time a day. Then Kristen went to a local college where she majored in business and her minor was in Fashion design. Carrie had tried to talk Kristen out of following her in her business but Kristen had decided that if she was going to inherit the business, then she had better know what she was doing. Zoe could see that while Carrie protested Kristen following in her footsteps, she was proud of her all the same. Again Kristen went to school year around so that she could finish early and she still made time to care for her baby whom she was so attached.

They both went on into some more details of their lives as they learned about each other through the dinner. And once they got to the movie theater, Zoe found out that Carrie was a big fan of horror flicks, which didn't make her happy to know. However it did give her a reason to get close to her during the movie and hide her eyes behind Carrie's shoulder.

"I didn't know you were that much of a chicken shit." Carrie told her as they came out of the theater.

"You mean you didn't notice that big yellow stripe going up my back when you unzipped my dress yesterday?" Zoe stated with a laugh.

"Nope I missed that." Carrie said with a laugh. "You know you should have told me that you don't like horror flicks, we could have seen something else."

"No it is cool, besides it gave me an excuse to hang onto you tighter." Zoe said taking her hand as they headed toward her car. "So anytime you want to see a horror flick, I'm your girl. You can watch and I can hold on tightly."

"That's a deal." Carrie said, and then she went on to talk about some of the better horror movies that she had seen over the years. She liked anything that would scare the shit out of her and that made Zoe laugh.

"Would you like to come up for a cup of coffee or something?" Carrie asked her as Zoe pulled in front of Carrie's shop.

"I would love too." Zoe said.

"Just coffee, okay?" Carrie said as she bit her lower lip.

"Sure, one cup and I'm gone... Well maybe two if they're small cups." Zoe said making Carrie laugh and release the tension that was on her face.

"Come on up and see my humble adobe." Carrie said opening her door and getting out.

Zoe averted her eyes as Carrie punched in her security code as she wanted Carrie to be the one to give that to her when and if she was ready to do so. They both got inside with Zoe taking her hand as they rode up to the third floor. The door opened to a large room. The first thing that Zoe thought of was of the play room at Wilma and Sylvia's house, except that there were no toys hanging along the wall. Carrie led her on in not saying anything as Zoe took in everything.

"It isn't much but it is home." Carrie finally said.

"No I love it, it is so spacious. I feel so crowded in my apartment but then I don't have a whole warehouse floor of an apartment." Zoe told her.

"I do like that part of it, except it does get to feel a little too empty at times. Carrie said sadly. "But then when I am keeping Carrie Ann, it doesn't seem big enough." She said with a laugh.

"I bet not." Zoe said with a laugh. "Ah... do you mind if I borrow your bathroom?"

"Oh I'm sorry; the guest bathroom is there straight ahead of you." Carrie said, "And I'll use the one attached to my bedroom and then I'll put the coffee on."

"Thanks," Zoe said as she let go of Carrie's hand going to the bathroom. She opened the door to a large bathroom. It had both a shower and big tub and two sinks.

"I've died and gone to heaven." Zoe said to herself but a bit too loudly.

"What?" She heard Carrie say to her.

Zoe laughed at herself then she went back to the bathroom door opening it, "I said I am taking your bathroom with me when I leave tonight."

"Oh okay," Carrie said with a laugh as she went on to the back part of the floor.

Once she was finished, Zoe came out of the bathroom and not seeing Carrie, she went toward the kitchen which was positioned in the center of the floor. It was a weird place to put it but then most kitchens was where most things happened in a home so why not put it in the center. Zoe went to the counter top seeing the coffeepot and then some coffee in a container behind of it. So she began to scoop the coffee into the filter and she turned it on just as Carrie came over.

"I thought I was supposed to be making you coffee." Carrie said to her.

"How about you serving it?" Zoe suggested.

"Deal, how about a quick tour of my house as it makes." Carrie suggested.

"I would love that." Zoe said.

"Then come this way my dear." Carrie said taking her hand this time.

She took her first to the two smaller bedrooms, one of which was obviously fixed up for Carrie Ann as it had a toy box and had lots of balloons painted in pink on the walls. The other one was suited more for an adult with a queen size bed and plain beige walls. Then she took her to the master bedroom which was about as big as Zoe's living room and kitchen combined. It had a large king size bed and a couple of dressers and a vanity. The bathroom that was attached had a shower/tub with the usual toilet and sink. Then she took her over to the left side of the floor where she had her work area. This is where Carrie did her sketches of the fashions that she was working on. Carrie let her look through a few and Zoe noticed that Carrie was not one of those designers who tried to shock people; she wanted comfortable and stylish clothes. Something about any woman would want and be able to wear. By the time they finished the short tour, the coffee was ready so Carrie made Zoe go on to the couch while she fixed them both a cup to drink.

"Well I guess it will be just one cup of coffee before I have to leave." Zoe said to Carrie as she handed her the cup of coffee that she had made for her.

"What?" Carrie asked with a confused look on her face then a light went off in her head. "Oh, well maybe I will allow you a cup and half." She said with a laugh.

"That is nice of you; I just might hold you to that." Zoe told her.

Carrie gave her a smile as she sat down on the couch then folding her left leg under her as she turned to face her. "So what do you think of my place?" She asked.

"I love it; I never dreamed that it would look so nice when I found out that you lived in a warehouse. You have put a lot of work into it." Zoe told her.

"And a lot of money," Carrie said with a laugh. "I guess daddy's bribe to keep me quiet and away from the family did help me out a lot. I could never have done this if I had to start from scratch."

"You paid for that money many times over with your childhood. And besides, it may have been your daddy's money but you are the one who did all the work, you're the one who got your business off the ground and you are the one who made this old warehouse look like it does. So don't give your daddy too much credit, you are the only one who deserves that." Zoe said as she reached over and took Carrie's hand in hers.

"Thanks, I am proud of what I have done but I've got lots more to do. I'm not done yet, I've just got started." Carrie told her and she gave her a smile that Zoe had to return.

"I am sure that you will do a lot of good, just look at what you have done for Kristen. I mean, she could have still been out on the street right now or worse if you had not taken her in. That shows me how good and big a heart that you have and makes me care for you more each time I talk to you." Zoe said and she saw Carrie smile.

Zoe then leaned in and gave Carrie a light kiss on the lips. "I'm beginning to care for you too, you're someone that I could care for and trust." Carrie told her after the kiss.

The word trust made Zoe sit back, she knew that there was something else she needed to tell Carrie but she wanted to wait. But things were advancing quicker than she thought and they both were having the same feelings for each other.

"Speaking of trust, there's something that I need to tell you. I hadn't planned on telling you so soon but with what I am feeling for you and what I believe you are feeling for me, I do need to tell you." Zoe said and she saw Carrie frown and what appeared to be fear in her eyes.

"You're involved with someone, one of those friends that you told me about, aren't you." Carrie said as she moved back a little.

"No, I'm not in love with any of them. I love them as friends but I'm not in love with any of them and I don't see myself ever doing so. They aren't what I'm looking for in a lover and a partner. I believe that you are what I have been looking for and hopefully have found." Zoe told her wanting to reach out for her hand but not doing so yet. She needed to tell Carrie everything first.

"But there is something going on between you and them isn't there?" Carrie asked.

"Yes there is." Zoe told her as she bit her lower lip.

"Well maybe it is time for you to go." Carrie told her as she stood up.

Zoe felt her heart fall as she herself stood up. "Before I go may I at least explain my situation? I want you to think about it before you kick me out of your home and your life. I need to do this."

Zoe saw that Carrie was thinking about it so at least so that was an opening that maybe the door wasn't completely shut, but it was so fucking close. "Okay but then you must go and not come back." Carrie told her and she sounded very serious. Zoe knew she was but at least she was letting her explain herself.

"Would you sit back down as I tell you what I have to tell you?" Zoe told her.

Carrie hesitated for a second but then she relented, "Okay," she said as she sat back down but this time a little further from her.

"Thank you," Zoe said as she sat back down keeping the distance that Carrie obviously wanted to keep between them.

Zoe took a sip of her coffee then she began. "When I moved down here, I had just broken off with my girlfriend of four years and while my work kept me busy, I admit I was more than a little lonely. I didn't have time to go out looking for someone and I admit that I wasn't in the mood to do so. But after I had been here for about six months, my work load eased off and the feeling of loneliness came back stronger and that was when I met Alex. I thought at first that maybe she was someone that was worth checking out but I found out later that I was being the one checked out." Zoe said and she saw a bit of confusion in Carrie's face but also interest so that was good.

She went on to tell Carrie about meeting Faye, Rose and Wilma in the coming weeks. She told Carrie about how she knew that something was going on and how she tricked them into meeting her at her apartment where she was on her own grounds. This made Carrie smile, another positive sign. She then told her about the Spanking Club as they now called themselves and how they seduced her or rather she let them seduce her. This made Carrie wrinkle her nose but Zoe went on with her story. She told her everything, not leaving any detail out, telling her all about being spanked and getting eaten out until she came so hard that she thought that she would die. She told her how much she enjoyed it all and how she loved every second of her time with them. Then she stopped to let Carrie soak this all in before she continued.

"That sounds very interesting; you can go now and have fun with your friends." Carrie said as she started to get up.

"I'm not done with my story; there is one last thing I need to tell you." Zoe said as she put her hand on Carrie's arm. She wasn't sure what Carrie would do, slap her hand away and kick her out or sit back down.

After a moment's hesitation, Carrie did a little of both, she removed Zoe's hand from her arm and then she sat back down. "Go ahead." She said to her.

"I did and do love every second of my time with them, however as time went along, I found that something was missing in my life. I had everything a woman could want, a great career and a love life that most would envy. I mean any time I felt the need for a little loving; I had a friend I could call who would be there for me and make love to me. But as I lay in bed afterwards, I found that the need wasn't completely filled. There was something missing and that was love, I mean real love, a love that one would fight for. I have been with these women for almost a year now and have yet to have an argument with any of them. We avoid that at all cost. I want someone to argue with." Zoe told her.

"So if you argue with someone then its love?" Carrie asked with more than a bit of sarcasm.

"No of course not, but it does mean you care enough to argue." Zoe replied and that seemed to be an answer that Carrie liked.

"But where does that leave us." Carrie asked and Zoe liked that Carrie used the word us.

"When you said that you would go to dinner with me last night, I gave up my membership in the spanking club." Zoe told her and she meant it with all her heart.

"Why should I believe you, I mean you could have your cake and eat it too. You could be lying through your teeth right now, why should I believe you." Carrie said as a tear went down her cheek.

"You shouldn't believe me." Zoe told her and that surprised Carrie.

"What?" Carrie said now all confused and getting to the point of being very upset.

"You've known me for a whole two days, I haven't earned your trust yet but I hope to do that. I want you to believe me when I say something because I am an honest person. I also don't screw around on anyone that I love, that I'm in love with and I am getting to that point real quick with you. I told you all about this to start to earn your trust. I mean I could call Faye or anyone of the rest of them in the morning and by afternoon be fucking my brains out. But it isn't them I want to make love to; it is you when you are ready." Zoe told her.

"What if it doesn't work out between us, will you go back to them?" Carrie asked.

This time it was Zoe who hesitated, "I don't know, things have changed for me now. They will always be my friends but I don't think they will be my lovers anymore."

"But you don't know..." Carrie said.

"No I don't know." Zoe said and after a second, she reached out taking both of Carrie's hands in her and she looked her directly in her eyes and said, "But I do know that you are the one I want and not them."

Carrie looked into her eyes as if trying to look into her soul to determine if she could believe her or not. She didn't say anything and nor did Zoe, the ball was in Carrie's court right now. "I'm not into any of those kinky things you know."

"I didn't figure that you were and to tell you the truth, I didn't think I would be either but I was. But I can live without those things, I just want to be able to hold someone at night and be held and know that they won't let go. And I want to be able to get so pissed off at someone that I could kill them yet at the same time know that I love them a hundred times more than I'm pissed off at them." Zoe told her.

"You sure have a weird way of describing love, you know that." Carrie said with a nervous laugh.

"Yea, I am weird that way." Zoe said with a laugh. Then she turned serious. "So do I get that chance to prove myself to you?"

"I'm not an easy person to live with or to love." Carrie told her.

"I didn't figure that you were; that's what makes me know you are worth the effort." Zoe said and that gained her another half smile from Carrie.

"I tend to hold back my love, I don't give in easily." Carrie warned her.

"I am willing to wait until you are ready. I just want that chance to win over your heart." Zoe told her.

Carrie looked at her again and after a moment the tear began to fall from her eyes, slowly at first then harder. Zoe let go of Carrie's left hand and used her right thumb to wipe the tears from Carrie's eyes as they fell. "You fuck up just once and by god I will kill you." Carrie said angrily.

"I won't fuck up." Zoe told her as she pulled Carrie to her until she was half lying across her lap. Zoe wrapped her arms around her and lowered her head down to kiss Carrie's lips which Carrie returned with more passion than Zoe expected. Their mouths opened and their tongues touched as they kissed. Carrie still had tears running from her eyes and down her cheeks and soon Zoe's tears joined Carrie's as they fell from Carrie's cheeks. Their fingers caressed each other faces, running through the tears that they were both shedding.

"Aren't we a pair, crying like a couple of foolish women." Carrie said as the kiss ended.

"I guess we are." Zoe said with a little laugh that seemed to ease the tension that they both were feeling.

Carrie laughed a bit too then she said with a sigh, "Oh god, I'm tired."

"Then I guess I had better leave, it has been a long night for both of us." Zoe said though she really didn't want to leave and as it turned out neither did Carrie want her to leave.

"No lay here with me for a little while; tell me about this group that you and your friends are in, I want to understand you a little better." Carrie told her.

Zoe was surprised that Carrie would want to know this but then she figured that she had a reason. "Okay but do you mind if I lose this skirt, it is starting to dig into my waist." Zoe said then she quickly added, "I not trying to start something, it is really getting to me."

"See I told you not to order that desert last night." Carrie said catching Zoe by surprise.

Zoe let out a little laugh, "So you did."

"It's cool; I want to lose these slacks, lets both get a little more comfortable." Carrie said as she sat up and then got up. "Well since I'm up, I'm going to hit the bathroom."

"Okay, I believe I will too." Zoe said as she got up. She then went to Carrie and she gave her a light kiss, "Thank you for giving me a chance, I promise that you won't regret it."

"Well you earned it by being so honest to be, you didn't have to tell me anything but you did." Carrie told her.

"Yes I did have to tell you." Zoe told her and that made Carrie smile and this time Carrie was the one to lean in and give her a kiss. After which, she gave her a sweet smile then walked away leaving Zoe standing there feeling more love in her heart than she had in a very long time. Zoe watched her walk all the way to her bedroom and then disappeared inside. Only then did Zoe turn and go to the guest bathroom. She looked at her face and saw how her mascara had run down her cheeks and she almost had to laugh at how bad she looked and how anyone could love such a face. She splashed some water on her face then used some of Carrie's soap to wash her face clean. Then she took off her skirt letting herself breathe as she pulled down her panties to pee which she had to do more than she had thought. She ran her fingers through her hair trying to make it presentable before letting out a deep breath.

When she came out, she didn't see Carrie until she got to the couch. There Carrie lay in a long tee shirt and her white cotton panties. She could just see how her mons stood out with the hair that lay just underneath and a few red hairs peeking from the sides of her panties. She also noticed that Carrie had also shed her bra, something that Zoe wished that she too had done. Zoe could see that Carrie also had freckles on her legs and they were just like the ones on her face. "I hope you don't mind but I went ahead and changed of my clothes." Carrie said as she bit her lower lip.

"No I don't mind at all, you look lovely laying there." Zoe said as she stood there staring at her.

"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself, now lay with me and talk to me." Carrie told her and from the way that Carrie said it, Zoe realized that she wasn't the only one that had been feeling lonely for much too long.

Zoe went to the couch and sat on the edge at about Carrie's waist. "Ah... would you mind if I lose my bra too?" She asked as her turned to look at Carrie.

"Sure, get rid of that damn thing." Carrie told her with a smile.

"Thanks," Zoe said as she turned her back to Carrie not being modest but because tonight wasn't about making love but to bond and get to know each other. So she unbuttoned her blouse letting it fall from her shoulders. She was about to reach back to get the hooks when she felt Carrie's fingers there. They opened the clasps but then the fingers didn't leave her back. Zoe slowly eased the bra from her breasts letting it fall to the floor.

Carrie's fingers ran up then down her spine and Zoe wanted to let out a moan but she bit her lower lip forcing herself to hold the moan within her body. The fingers when to her shoulders and down the sides of her back to the top of her panties. They went back up her back and Zoe could feel her pussy get moist but she didn't make a move, she just let Carrie touch her. Zoe had never felt anything more loving or sensual in her life. She could sit there all night and just let Carrie touch her. The fingers covered ever inch of her back and Zoe could only sit there with her eyes closed and fall further in love with the women with such loving fingers. "Come lay with me," Carrie said with a sigh as her fingers left Zoe's back.

Zoe started to put her blouse back on but as she reached for it, Carrie pulled it away letting it drop to the floor. So Zoe slowly turned toward Carrie letting her see her breasts. Just as she was about to lay down, she saw Carrie's left hand reach up to her right breast. Zoe stopped for a second allowing Carrie to touch her nipple making it hard. Zoe did let out a little moan this time and another one when Carrie lightly touch the left nipple then let her fingertip run around it. Zoe was definitely getting aroused but then Carrie reached out her hands pulling Zoe down onto the couch beside of her.

Zoe moved in close giving Carrie a light kiss on the lips. Zoe then reached down to the bottom of Carrie's tee shirt but Carrie stopped her when she started to pull it up. "No don't, my breasts aren't as pretty as yours are."

Zoe kissed her again letting the kiss linger for of a bit then she said, "Let me be the judge of that." She began to pull up on the tee shirt and this time Carrie let her. Zoe could see the light freckles on Carrie's stomach and also her nervous look on her face. Slowly the tee shirt came up and the bottom of Carrie's small breasts was bared. Zoe gave Carrie a reassuring smile as the tee shirt came on up to the point that Carrie's breasts were uncovered. She had very pale areolas that were only slightly darker that the surrounding tissue of Carrie's breasts and her nipples were inverted so that they didn't stick out at all. Zoe went ahead and finished pulling Carrie's tee shirt off leaving her in only her panties.

"See I told you that I don't have pretty breasts like you." Carrie said as she placed her hands over her breasts covering them up.

"I love your breasts." Zoe said as she reached up and she gently pulled Carrie's hands away.

"But my nipples are so pale and they don't stick out even when I'm aroused." Carrie said.

"That just means that I will get to spend more time kissing and sucking on them." Zoe told her as she moved her head down giving a kiss to the left then right nipple.

"You're not just saying that are you?" Carrie asked her.

"No and they got lots of freckles for me to kiss too. I'll never get through kissing your breasts." Zoe said and then she started to kiss all over Carrie's breasts like she was trying to kiss each and every one of Carrie's freckles which were light in color like her pale skin but she could see them.

After a few seconds of kissing, Carrie began to giggle and then laugh which was what Zoe wanted her to do. "Now quit and get up here and talk to me." Carrie told her through her laughter.

"If I have to," Zoe said putting a pout on her face which made Carrie laugh a bit more.

"Yes you do." Carrie commanded her.

"Okay," Zoe said then she gave a kiss to each of Carrie's pale areolas, then sucking on each which made Carrie moan just a little as she did so.

"I want to understand why you enjoy being spanked, what made it so arousing. I mean I would have been scared to death and very afraid of how hard they would spank me." Carrie said as she pulled Zoe to her as she placed her left hand on Zoe's hip and her right hand slipped under Zoe's side holding her there. Zoe put her right arm around Carrie's side and onto her back pulling her in close. Her left arm went out and curled under Carrie's head that was lying on the pillow that she had brought in from her bedroom.

"Oh I was scared the first time, I was scared to death." Zoe said with a little laugh.

"Then why did you do it." Carrie asked of her.

"Because I felt like I could trust them and I believe that you will see what I mean when you meet them." Zoe told her and Carrie backed away or at least as much as the back of the couch would allow her.

"I'm not going to let them spank me; you're crazy if you think I would." Carrie said very strongly.

"No honey, not meet them that way. I mean with everyone having their clothes on in a restaurant or somewhere like that or maybe at Wilma and Sylvia's anniversary party if you will go with me." Zoe said calming Carrie down.

"Oh..." she said then she added, "But that is two months away, what makes you think that we'll still be together then."

"Well considering an hour ago, I wasn't sure that I had any chance with you at all and now I'm laying topless with you on the couch, I think we got a chance of making it until then." Zoe said with a smile.

"Yea, that has taken me by surprise too." Carrie admitted.

"So you'll consider meeting them, I want you too." Zoe asked.

"Maybe, go on with your story." Carrie told her as she let Zoe pull her back in close and allowed her to give her a light kiss that she returned.

Zoe hesitated for a second as she enjoyed having Carrie so close and her body being so warm and soft. She just wanted to enjoy it for a moment longer but she heard Carrie clear her voice. Zoe didn't even realized that she had closed her eyes but when she opened them, she saw that Carrie was smiling at her and she knew for sure that she would give up everything for her.

Zoe smile, gave Carrie a kiss on the tip of her nose, then she started on her story. She wasn't so sure how graphic to be so she started out a little tame but Carrie stopped her.

"No Zoe, how am I going to understand what you are about if you leave out the details. Tell me what it is like to lay over someone's lap and have them spank you. I want to know what you were feeling." Carrie told her.

"Okay, I just didn't know just what you wanted to know or how you wanted me to tell you." Zoe told her.

"Well now you do, don't you." Carrie said more than a little bluntly.

"Yes I do," Zoe said, not expecting Carrie to be so forceful and blunt but she liked it. She knew then that Carrie would be more than a hand full.

"Like I said, I was scared to death as I lay over Wilma's lap. My heart was pounding so hard that I thought that it would burst. I almost wanted to jump up and run screaming out of the place." Zoe told her.

"So why didn't you?" Carrie asked.

"Because I was also so sexually excited by seeing Rose getting spanked and by watching her cum so hard, I just had to try it once. I had to go through with it. My pussy was soaking wet and I needed to cum. I just had to find out what it was all about." Zoe told her.

"And what was it about?" Carrie asked her.

"Well first it was painful, Wilma does spank hard and my ass stung like hell but as my ass hurt more, my pussy got wetter and I got more aroused. I was hooked at that point. I enjoyed what was happening to me and what I was doing. And then when I got to spank someone for the first time, god that was powerful." Zoe told her.

"So tell me what that was like." Carrie ordered her.

Zoe smiled as she began to tell Carrie about that and she tried to make her story even more exciting and from the way Carrie began to shift a little it obviously was. Zoe kept talking about the first weekend there and all the sex that she had. And she told about them all sleeping together all cuddled up in the big bed. Then she went back and told Carrie about her first time with the five women at her apartment. She had sort of skipped over that part. And this she went into greater detail of how they all caressed her body and made her feel so good. She talked about getting eaten by so many women one after the other until she couldn't take it no more. Carrie began to move around a little more and Zoe knew that she was getting to her.

Zoe went from the first weekend to the second weekend that she spent with her new friends. As she did so, she let her right hand slip down to Carrie's hip. She let her fingers run across her panties and back to her ass cheek that she gave a tender squeeze. Carrie tensed for a moment but then she relaxed as Zoe let her voice calm Carrie and also excite her. She slowly moved her fingers to Carrie's belly and then to the edge of Carrie's panties.

"Please don't..." Carrie said softly.

"I want to..." Zoe said just as softly and then she kissed her lightly on the lips.

End of Part Six

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 7

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