Spanking Club

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Sep 24, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

The Spanking Club

Part Five

By Chris

Zoe couldn't help but to giggle as she heard those words and for that she heard Rose say, "So you think this is funny, well we'll see about that. Your ass won't be laughing in a second."

Zoe then felt Rose grab her by her collar and the next thing she knew she was being dragged by the scuff of the neck to the center of the room where there was a chair. Faye, Alex, and Wilma were all cheering Rose on making Zoe feel a little outnumbered. She felt her heart racing and she was just a bit scared by Rose sudden change in demeanor. She was also getting excited at the same time. Rose sat down in the chair pulling her skirt up and exposing her firm thighs.

"Are you so helpless that you can't take your clothes off either? Do I have to do everything for you?" Rose practically shouted at her causing Zoe to jump.

"No madam," Zoe said quickly then she began to tear her clothes off getting naked in record time. She then fell across Rose's lap without being told to do so.

"That's much better." Rose said as she patted Zoe ass cheeks a few times with her hand.

"I think you should give her a long hard spanking, anyone so lazy that she can't get her own bag deserves that at the least." Alex said.

"Oh I don't know, I think a hand spanking is letting her off too easy. I think you should use the strap on that lazy ass of hers." Wilma popped in.

"You know you're right, a hand spanking is much too easy for her. But I'm not sure that the strap is painful enough to teach her not to be lazy." Rose said as her hand began to caress Zoe's ass.

Zoe began to get nervous with all this talk. She knew that they were playing with her yet a part of her wasn't completely convinced that it was all talk.

"You know I think that maybe a canning is in order." Rose said then she gave Zoe right cheek a pinch making Zoe cry out.

"Oh you're right let me go get the cane for you." Faye said and Zoe heard Faye's feet going away in a hurry and then return in flash. When she saw Faye's feet at her head she looked up to see Faye with the cane. Zoe's eyes got big at seeing the cane in Faye's hand and even bigger as Faye began to flick the cane and Zoe heard the sound of the cane cut through the air.

"Oh please not the cane, I won't ever be lazy again, I'll ever carry all of your bags for the rest of the year." Zoe said begging.

"Mmmm... that is an idea but maybe you should carry all my bags for the rest of the year and get the cane. I think that will teach you." Rose said going back to patting Zoe's bottom.

"On please no, not the cane." Zoe begged, feeling really scared but she could feel her pussy getting so wet.

Rose paused for a moment letting her hand rest on Zoe's bottom. "Well she only left her bag for me to carry, maybe just a good hard hand spanking and a few of the cane..." Rose said and Zoe felt her heart stop until Rose said, "...light strokes." And Zoe let her breath out. She still didn't want anything to do with the cane yet the thought of getting a few light ones also excited her.

Before Zoe could take all that in, she felt Rose's hand land on her ass. "Ouch!" Zoe screamed as she jerked. The slap of Rose's hand on her ass wasn't that hard but she was still thinking about the cane.

Zoe had clinched her ass and Rose waited for her to relax them before she began the spanking again. This time Rose didn't stop between spanks as her hand rained down on Zoe's ass causing her pain as she felt her as cheeks warm up. She could feel her pussy pulsing as Rose moved her hand around Zoe's ass cheeks going from one to the other then concentrating on one cheek and then the other. Rose was working her cheeks well as she rained her hand down on Zoe's ass and then thighs. Zoe felt her ass getting hotter and hotter and the stinging was getting worse. Zoe was beginning to wonder when Rose was going to stop as she felt her ass start to hurt. She was also getting her juices all over Rose's thighs as she wiggled around on her lap.

Finally Rose stopped and she began to caress Zoe's tender ass cheeks. Zoe was more than ready for Rose to get to her pussy when she heard Rose say, "Now for six of the cane."

"Oh no..." Zoe cried out but she didn't try to get off of Rose's lap. It was like she was scared to death of the cane yet she trusted Rose to be true to her word and make them light. She did want to see what the cane would feel like yet it scared her to death.

"Now hold real still," Rose told her as she put her hands on Zoe's side holding her to her lap.

"Please, no..." Zoe cried yet again she made no move to try and get off of Rose's lap. She knew she could if she wanted to but something made her stay still.

"Faye knows what she is doing." Rose assured her as she held Zoe to her lap.

Zoe heard the cane swishing through the air and the tears began to flow from her eyes. The room was quiet as Faye stepped to her side. Zoe turned her head toward her and she saw the look of concentration on Faye's face. She wanted to look but she couldn't. She let her head fall and waited for the first strike of the cane. It came sooner than she expected, she heard the swish then she felt a stinging pain go across her ass.

"Oh fuck!" Zoe cried out as she jerked hard. If it wasn't for Rose holding onto her she would have fell off of Rose's lap.

She slowly began to relax again and she realized that the cane was painful, it wasn't any worse than the paddle was, it was just more concentrated in one area. Zoe waited for the next lick of the cane and it didn't come, she then turned her head back toward Faye who was looking at her. She wondered just what Faye was waiting for and then it hit her, Faye was waiting for Zoe to indicate whether she wanted any more.

"I believe that I have five more don't I?" Zoe asked through tear stained eyes.

"Yes you do." Rose said.

"Give her five more of your best Faye." Rose ordered.

Zoe turned her head back not wanting to see Faye swing the cane; she waited for just a moment before the second lick hit her ass just below the first one. "Shit that hurts!" Zoe cried out feeling the sting go across her ass cheeks.

Zoe cried out after each of the licks of the cane feeling then cut into her ass and they did hurt but it wasn't anything that she couldn't take. The last one she really cried out on as it was in the center of her ass and was a bit harder but still not anything she couldn't handle.

Zoe was crying as the she felt the stinging in her ass then she felt Faye's soft lips kissing everywhere she had hit her with the cane. Those kisses made her moan from the pleasure that they were giving her. Her kisses felt so nice on her stinging hot ass cheeks. Then she felt Rose pulling up on her and she got up on shaky legs. Faye took her by one arm and Rose the other leading her over to one of the padded tables. They lay her down on her back with her ass hanging just over the edge. Alex and Wilma were there and they took a hold of her ankles bringing them up and over her head. She looked down between her legs to see both Faye and Rose grinning at her. Faye then dropped down below the table and resumed kissing her ass cheeks while Rose dropped her head down and began to lick at her hot wet pussy.

"Oh fuck yes!" Zoe cried out as she closed her eyes and concentrating on the loving that she was getting from Rose and Faye. Alex and Wilma not to be left out began to caress her breasts, cupping them in their free hand before going to her nipples to tease and pinch them. Rose's tongue was going between her lips getting into her core as Zoe could only moan out her pleasure. She was in such a high state of arousal, she soon felt an orgasm come out of her and cried out her pleasure. It was an intense one and when she came around, she found that Faye and Rose were still hard at work. It was almost too much for Zoe to take but she wasn't about to stop them.

Rose was licking her pussy lips while Faye was concentrating on her ass cheeks kissing them tenderly. Zoe felt Faye's fingers at her ass cheeks spreading them further apart. Zoe knew where Faye's mouth was heading and there it went. She felt Faye tongue her asshole, which made her shiver with excitement. The tip of Faye's tongue was rimming her ass before the tip found the center. Zoe relaxed her ass as she felt Faye's tongue begin to penetrate it. Rose's mouth was on her clit kissing it first before she began to lick at her sensitive nub.

"Oh god; you two are going to make me cum again!" Zoe cried out as she felt the waves gather at her shoreline. They got higher and higher until they broke through and she was in a different world where all she could feel was pleasure.

When she opened her eyes, she saw four of her best friends looking down at her smiling. "God you ladies know how to make a girl cum."

"We try." Faye said as she came up to give Zoe a kiss.

Zoe kissed Rose after she had kissed Faye then she allowed them to help her off of the table. Her legs were a little shaky so Faye held her up until her could get her legs back under her. She reached back to feel of her ass cheeks. She felt how hot they were from the hand spanking that Rose had given to her but she didn't feel any welts. She knew that Faye had gone easy on her, just giving her a little taste but not the real thing.

"So what is a real canning like?" Zoe asked Rose.

"It feels like the damn thing is cutting your ass in two but..." Rose was saying then she stopped.

"But yet is feels good too." Zoe finished Rose's sentence.

"Yes as long as the person whipping you does it with just the right amount of force." Rose told her.

"I might just have to try it for real one day." Zoe told her.

"I think you'll like it. You seem to like your spankings a little more intense like I do." Rose told her as they walked over to where Faye was now over Alex's naked thighs getting her ass spanked pretty well.

Zoe found a way to get herself put over everyone's legs that night as well as well as getting them over her legs. She loved to spank just as much as she did getting spanked. She had found women who she could identify with and enjoy being around.

The next morning Zoe awoke to the sound of thunder. She sat up to see that it was just her and Rose still in bed. Rose was lying on her stomach and when she had sat up, Zoe had uncovered Rose's bottom. She was tempted to smack those cute cheeks but she didn't, instead she leaned over giving each cheek a kiss then she got up. She went to the toilet to pee and to brush her hair and teeth. She then joined Faye, Alex, and Wilma in the little kitchenette for some coffee.

"It sounds like Hurricane Debbie has made it to Georgia." Zoe said as she accepted the cup of coffee from Wilma.

"Yep," Alex said sadly.

"That means no pool or sunbathing today." Faye told her.

"So what we going to do today?" Zoe asked.

Before anyone could reply the door leading up to the house opened and Sylvia called down, "Breakfast is being served upstairs; the weather channel says it is going to be storming all day."

"You know what that means!" Rose said as she suddenly sat up in the bed.

"Yes we know Rose." Faye yelled back then she let out a sigh.

"Okay I'll bite, what does that mean?" Zoe asked.

"If there is a rainy day during the summer that we can't relax by the pool, we go to the Atlanta Underground to shop. Rose loves to go there so that's what we do." Faye told her.

"Don't you all like to shop?" Zoe asked.

"Sure but Rose goes from one shop to another not giving us any time to look at anything, she's a speed shopper; she thinks that she has to visit every shop at least twice in a day. So if you see something you like in a shop but she doesn't give you time to try it on, don't worry, we will be coming back." Wilma said with a laugh.

"And be sure to wear comfortable shoes, she will wear a pair of shoes out in a day." Alex added laughing.

"But we always get our revenge on her and we have something special planned for today." Alex said with this mischievous grin on her face.

"Okay I'll bite again, what do you all do to her to get back and what do you have planned?" Zoe asked.

"Since she gets to decide what shops we visit and what we do today, she has to let us all have a turn on her ass tonight before she can spank any of us." Alex told her.

"And today will be a skirt day; we all will wear short skirts without panties. And we will be taking a camera and video camera for a little naughtiness." Wilma said with a wink.

Zoe knew that this had to be Wilma's idea as she was very much into exhibitionism, but Zoe wasn't so sure about this idea. She had too much to lose if they got caught or any pictures got out into the public. She started to protest when Wilma put her hand on her arm getting her attention.

"Don't worry, we will be discreet, none of us want to be arrested, we all have too much to lose, and any pictures or videos taken stay here with us. They will be just like Faye's drawings of us, only we can see them and we have control over them. It's just something to make things interesting." Wilma told her and she saw that Faye and Alex giving her the same reassurance with their smiles.

"Okay, but if get caught and I lose my job then I will be moving in with you and Sylvia." Zoe told Wilma.

"We all will." Alex echoed with a laugh.

"I can live with that." Wilma said laughing.

"You can live with what?" Rose said as she came up to them all dressed and ready to go shopping.

"Oh nothing dear," Alex told her giving her a kiss to take her mind off what they had been talking about.

"Aren't you all going to get dressed, the shops will be all sold out before we get there." Rose said.

"We'll get dressed before we leave; Sylvia has our clothes upstairs." Wilma told her.

"She does?" Zoe whispered to Wilma as they started up the stairs.

"Yea, we had been planning for this since the weather warmed up and before you became a part of us. We should have told you but it slipped our minds, sorry." Wilma told her.

"It's cool I brought a skirt to wear on Monday but I think it is much longer than what you all have in mind." Zoe whispered to her.

"Don't worry, Sylvia went and got one for you last night, just in case we got a rain out today." Wilma told her.

"Good," Zoe said though she wasn't so keen on this idea and wished that they had told her beforehand but she forgave them as they all had other things on their mind last night and besides she would have just worried about it all night, so maybe it was better that she was told this morning.

Rose rushed them through breakfast and then hurried them as they got ready. Zoe saw that Alex, Wilma, Sylvia, and Faye were taking their time and she did too. She was starting to get into this now. It was fun seeing Rose so excited and trying to rush them as they went even slower. They all stayed upstairs to get dressed with them doubling up in the downstairs bathrooms and Rose going from one to the other trying to hurry them. Then they all came out meeting Rose in the living room, all were wearing blouses with no bras. The blouses were dark enough to not show their breasts through the material. They were also all had their short skirts on that came down to mid-thigh. Zoe was starting to get into this as it did feel like she was being a little naughty going out without a bra or panties.

"Are you all going out like that?" Rose said in disbelief.

"Yes and so are you." Alex said with a grin that made Rose frown.

"Just what do you mean?" Rose said as she began to step back as they all stepped toward her.

Zoe was standing behind of Alex, Faye, Sylvia, and Wilma holding what they were going to make Rose wear.

"What are you doing?" Rose said stepping back further.

"We think you need a change of outfits." Wilma told her as they trapped her against the wall.

"Oh no I don't." Rose protested.

"Yes you do." Alex told her.

"Now we can do this the hard way or the easy way. Which way do you want it?" Faye told her as she reached up to the top button of Rose's blouse.

Rose looked each one of them in the eyes and then her eyes focused in on Zoe's eyes. Zoe saw that she was asking for her help but Zoe could only smile, she had joined in with the other women and wasn't going to help Rose out. Rose let out a sigh and said, "The easy way."

"Good choice," Faye told her as she began to unbutton her blouse.

They soon had Rose naked standing in only her sandals. Zoe then came out from behind of Faye who was standing in front of Rose handling her blouse that they had for Rose, which she began to put on her.

"What no bra?" Rose asked slightly alarmed.

"Nope and no panties either." Wilma said now holding the short skirt that Zoe had given to her.

"What are you girls up to?" Rose asked as she stepped into the skirt that Wilma held for her.

"Just a little fun," Wilma told her with a grin as she snapped the skirt into place.

Zoe then pulled out the camera and video camera that had been in Wilma's handbag. "We're not going to do what I think you have in mind?" Rose asked knowing the answer already.

"Yep," Zoe said.

"Why do I think this is your idea?" Rose asked looking at Wilma.

"Who me?" Wilma said with a laugh.

"Yes you." Rose said with a laugh. Then she said, "Well if we're going to do this then lets hit the road."

They all then went out the door and down to Sylvia's Humvee that Wilma had gotten for her. Sylvia had always complained about driving in Atlanta and her fear of the interstates in and around Atlanta. It was rarely driven but since there were the six of them, it was the only thing that they had to drive without taking two cars.

They had no more gotten on the road before Rose, who was sitting up front with Sylvia who was driving, asked for the video camera. Wilma was sitting in the middle of the back seat with Faye and Alex to each side with Zoe sitting on Alex's lap.

"Since this is Wilma's idea, I think she should be the first one to do a little exposure. Undress her girls." Rose said as she turned on the camera and turned in her seat so that she could film Wilma.

Zoe looked at Wilma to see what she would do; expecting her to protest but she just had this smile on her face. Zoe slipped off of Alex's lap getting down in the floor board. All the windows were tinted so there wasn't much of a chance of anyone really seeing her but still riding in a car naked was more than Zoe would do. Alex and Sylvia began to unbutton Wilma's blouse as Rose got up on her knees to better film the undressing.

"You had better get your ass down, or you will be flashing your pussy to everyone passing us." Sylvia said to Rose with a laugh.

"Oh shit!" Rose cried as she dropped her ass quickly. She repositioned herself so that she could get a good shot without doing a little flashing of her own.

Alex and Faye had stopped what they were doing until Rose could get back into position to film the show. Once the camera was going again, they went back to unbuttoning Wilma's blouse. Once that was completed, they slowly opened it thus exposing Wilma's breasts, Zoe saw that Wilma's nipples were already getting hard as where her own nipples. Alex and Faye pulled the blouse on off of Wilma's shoulders and then off of her leaving her topless. Alex and Faye moved her hands to Wilma's breasts cupping them, giving them a squeeze and making Wilma moan. They pinched her nipples, pulling on them getting them even harder. Faye then unsnapped Wilma's short skirt and she looked to Zoe who had planned to just be an observer in on this but Faye was making her a participant. Zoe moved over in front of Wilma reaching to the bottom of Wilma's skirt. Alex and Faye helped Wilma to rise up while Zoe pulled on the skirt. The skirt came down Wilma's hips and then thighs. She pulled then on off of Wilma's legs and then off her ankles leaving her naked. Wilma spread her legs out wide giving Rose a great view of her pussy which was wet.

They hit a break in the rain and Sylvia decided it was a great time to lower all the windows which she did. Now Wilma could be seen if someone had a vehicle that was tall enough to see inside. This seemed to turn Wilma on even more. Luckily the Humvee was taller than most of the cars that passed by them however a trucker came up beside of them and as he passed he slowed down. He honked his horn as he got a bit of a show but then they ran back into the rain and Sylvia had to end the show. But now she was really turned on as were all of them in the car including Zoe. She was looking at that wet pussy and she wanted a taste. She moved forward not caring that Rose was filming what she was going to do. She got between Wilma's legs and moved up her between them. She took a long slow lick up Wilma's slit tasting her juices.

"Oh yea, that's it, lick me Zoe." Wilma said aloud and Zoe knew that the video camera that Rose was holding picked up her name. She figured that it was too late to stop now so she went on with her licking getting into the whole debased act. She put her tongue in deep into Wilma's pussy as she lifted her ass up off the seat of the car. She moved it around inside of her before moving her tongue to Wilma's clit, licking the hard bud. Zoe then felt fingers at her face pushing her hair away from her face. She looked up to see that Alex now had the camera and was getting a great shot of her licking Wilma's pussy. Zoe felt her face turn red but it was too late to stop now and besides Wilma would never forgive her for getting her so close to an orgasm and then stopping. So she went back to licking at Wilma's clit getting closer and closer to an orgasm. She moved her right hand in-between Wilma's legs until she felt Wilma's wet pussy. She pushed two fingers inside of her as Wilma let out a moan. She started to finger fuck her as she licked her clit. Wilma was soon jerking as her pussy squeezed down on Zoe's fingers. Zoe licked and fucked Wilma through a wonderful orgasm then she pulled her fingers out, licking them clean before getting back up and sitting once again on Alex's lap who had passed the camera back to Rose.

"Thank you Zoe, that was wonderful." Wilma said making no move to get dressed again.

"You're welcome, I'm glad I could be of service." Zoe said as she took the wet wipe from Faye to clean the girlcum from her fingers and face.

"You're really into exhibitionism aren't you?" Zoe asked.

"Yea I am, it excites me to no end though I do have to be careful." Wilma told her.

"So have you all done this before?" Zoe asked no one in particular, just asking.

"Well I've gone naked in a car before but this is the first time that anyone has eaten me out while doing so." Wilma told her.

"And the filming?" Zoe asked further.

"No that is new. We have filmed each other getting spanked and having sex but we've never tried what we are going to do today. This is just something that we decided to do for Rose." Faye told her.

"Thank you so much," Rose said from the front.

"Sure any time." Wilma replied.

"Too bad I have used up most of the battery and memory on the video camera." Rose told them.

"Oh we got extra memory and batteries plus a battery charger that hooks up to the car." Faye said as she took out the battery from the camera handing it and the charger up to Rose who frowned as she hooked them up.

"And besides we got a digital camera to take some pictures." Alex told Rose who groaned.

"You know ladies, there's going to be a lot of people around, we really are going to have to be careful." Sylvia said from the driver's seat.

"With one taking the picture and one getting her picture taken, we'll still have four lookouts." Wilma told Sylvia.

"All the same..." Sylvia warned.

"Yes mother," Wilma told her.

"Watch it or I'll make you stay all day naked in the car." Sylvia told her as she waved her finger at her.

"Oh we see who wears the pants in your household." Alex told Wilma.

"Yea right, that's what she thinks." Wilma said.

Zoe laughed with the rest of the girls but they all knew that it really was the truth. They were equal but Sylvia did seem to be the one who made the hard decisions.

They laughed and talked until they parked the car and only then did they help Wilma put herself back together and then got out of the Humvee, heading toward the Atlanta Underground.

Rose took the lead immediately, leading them into the first store that she came too. With the weather the way it was, the place was kind of slow. Most everyone was staying indoors and not getting out in the storm. However there were still plenty of people around. It just wasn't super crowded as it would normally be on a summer day. They all stayed pretty much together as they moved around the store. Rose as always was in a hurry going from one set of clothes to another. She eventually made it to the back of the store where the lingerie section was located.

Alex nudged Zoe and whispered into her ear, "Go up to Rose and tell her to stand still, and then when I cough, lift up the back of her skirt."

"Okay," Zoe said with a smile. She couldn't believe that she was going to do this but it did excite her.

Zoe walked over to Rose who was looking at a pink baby doll set, "Please stand still."

"Don't you dare!" Rose warned her when she felt Zoe's hand at the bottom of her short skirt.

"Sorry," Zoe said with a smile.

"I bet." Rose said as she stood still. All Rose had to do was to just walk away but she didn't; she just stood there so Zoe knew that while Rose was telling her not to do this, she really wanted her to or at least didn't mind that she was doing it.

A couple of women walked through but once they left, Zoe heard a cough. She quickly pulled the back of Rose's skirt up revealing her ass for all to see. Zoe looked back at Alex knowing that she was in the shot too and saw her taking several pictures. Then Sylvia stepped in behind of Rose and Zoe quickly pulled her skirt back down. Rose then turned around giving Alex the finger which Alex got a picture of too. About then Faye coughed and Sylvia stepped away, Zoe quickly reached down pulling the front of Rose's skirt up revealing her pussy. This time Rose smiled as she had her picture taken. They got only one picture before Sylvia stepped back in front of them and Zoe helped Rose get her skirt back in place.

Once she had her skirt back, she went right up to Alex taking the camera from her and she said, "It's your turn now sweetie."

"Come on ladies; let's go someplace very busy to get a nice picture of Alex." Rose said as she walked on out of the store waiting for them to catch up.

And so any thought of shopping went out the window as they all got into the game. The first store that Rose went into was much too busy with too many people around. They wanted to be daring but not that daring. Rose went out of that store with the rest of them following along like kids following their mother as she led them from store to store. The second store was a sports wear store. Since it was still early, there were just two couples there and the women obviously wanted out of there so that they could go to a store that they were more interested in. It didn't take them long to get their way and the store had just the six of them. They quickly got rid of the salesman so they were left alone. Alex went to the far corner and being bold, she quickly lifted the front of her skirt and Rose got her picture. She then turned around and did the same to the back of her skirt. Zoe could feel her pussy getting wet from what she was seeing and taking part in. The salesman began to take interest in them so they quickly exited the store.

They had to go to several more stores before they found a place that they could take some more pictures. This was a discount store and had stuff all over the place. There were several people there but there were also places that were no people. Zoe found that she had been picked to be the next one to be photographed. She was led to a table that was stacked full of towels. Rose placed a hand on her upper back pushing forward. Zoe pretended to look at towels as she felt the back of her skirt rise up her thighs and then her ass. She knew that she was exposing her pussy to Wilma who was holding the camera and Alex who was holding the video camera. Zoe could feel her pussy getting moist again as she knew that she was being photographed and videoed. Zoe had never been into exhibition but at this moment she was very much into it. She stayed there for a few moments until Rose tapped her on the back. She quickly stood back up with Rose helping to straighten her skirt. She had a couple of towels in her hands which she took over to show Alex and Wilma as a couple of ladies walked over.

"That was so fucking wild!" Zoe said softly after the women had left.

"Now you see why I get into it but I think we need to get out of here before anyone else comes by." Wilma told her.

"Yea I do now." Zoe replied talking about Wilma's fetish.

They spent the whole day going from store to store and walking around the area finding places that was in the open yet safe to play their game. They even went to a fountain where they took turns sitting and opening their legs when they could. Then there was a nice older woman who offered to take all their pictures. They knew she thought them to be tourists so to keep up that pretense; they let her take their picture sitting together however they did keep their legs closed for the woman. They day of shopping turned out to be a day of naughty fun however they did actually did manage to buy a few things.

They laughed and relived their more daring moments on the trip home and once there, Rose did get her spankings as promised but after four orgasms, she didn't much care. Sunday the rain kept them inside so during the afternoon, Sylvia downloaded their pictures and videos onto a disk and they went through them one by one. When Zoe saw herself on the screen, she felt her face go red and she knew she would just die if anyone other than these women around her saw them. But she knew that the photos were safe here. She also found herself getting aroused seeing herself and her friends exposing themselves like they had done. Once they had gone over the pictures several times, Sylvia put on the videos that they had made. The first one that Sylvia put on was of course Wilma sitting in the back seat naked. Zoe wanted to hide her head as she knew what was coming. However as much as she wanted to look away, she couldn't. She had to watch and while the camera shook a little from being in the car, it still showed very well what she was doing to Wilma.

"Oh my god, I'm in a porno movie." Zoe said aloud.

"And the star to boot." Alex said with a laugh.

"Hey what about me?" Wilma said in protest.

"Okay, a co-star." Alex replied as they all laughed again.

"Hey I want to see this; Zoe may give me some ideas." Sylvia said as she stopped the video and put it back to the beginning.

"Oh god, don't show it again!" Zoe protested.

"Oh we are going to be showing this a lot over the next few years." Rose said.

"That's what I'm afraid of." Zoe said as her eyes went back to the screen.

"You're a star." Faye, who was sitting next to her, whispered into her ear. Then Zoe felt Faye's hand on her right thigh. Zoe naturally opened her legs opening the promise land to Faye's knowing fingers. Zoe's interest in the video grew as did her arousal and by the time that she had made Wilma had cum on the screen, she was cumming herself. Next up was some of the videos that they made as they shopped, and of course she had a role in this section too as she was filmed bending over the table exposing her ass and pussy to the world, only in this case, it was only her friends who saw what she had done. By the time that they had gone through the videos that they had made; they all had a couple of orgasms as they fingered each other.

Then that evening, it was her turn to bring a tearjerker. She had thought all month on what to bring. She had wanted to bring one that wouldn't make her cry too much but in the end she knew what the ladies expected of her and she pulled out one of her favorite films that also was one she hated to watch as she cried too much. She had done well as they went through two boxes of tissues between the six of them.

Monday morning arrived much too soon for Zoe. She wanted another day of playing with her friends but work would not wait. So she got up and got ready. She wore a long skirt and she brought a thick cotton pair of panties to wear with them. Not to protect her ass but to soak up the juices that the paddle would cause her to produce. She wanted to be the first but as they lined up, she ended up being last. Wilma was in front of her and Rose was the first in line and thus would be the one to spank her. Zoe figured that this was fair since the previous month; she was the one to spank Rose. Zoe watched closely as the asses in front of her got paddled and she saw them turn from pint to red to a dark red with bruises arising. Zoe's panties were soaked by the time that she got to paddle Wilma and her pussy got even wetter as she felt Rose lay the paddle to her ass.

Rose wasn't gentle in the least not that she wanted her to be. The pain shot from her ass cheeks to her brain and she was crying by the second lick of the paddle. It hurt as much as the first time but this time she was more prepared for what was going to happen to her and what the paddle would feel like. The third and forth lick of the paddle made her cry out and the tears fell from her cheeks. Rose went lower on her ass for the fifth, sixth, and seventh licks which made her rise up on her toes. The next two were more on the center of her ass and they hurt like hell. Then Rose paused for a second before the last one that sent stars through her head.

Zoe took a second before standing and going to Rose to give her a hug and a kiss. "You sure know how to swing a paddle." Zoe whispered into her ear.

"It is among my lesser known talents." Rose whispered back with a little giggle.

"I think that talent is well known now." Zoe told her as she took a moment to pull up her panties and put her skirt back down.

Zoe was glad that she didn't have to drive back to Atlanta. That gave her the freedom to wiggle around trying to find a comfortable position to sit that Alex who was doing her own wiggling though much less than Zoe was able to do.

The week went along like the ones previous to it as she did things with Faye, Rose, Wilma, Sylvia, and Alex. She was enjoying life again. It was like she was back in college, having fun without any real cares. The only difference was that instead of studying and worrying about tests, she was working and worrying about getting things right and making sure that her part of the nation's banks were doing the things that would keep them out of trouble and when they did get into trouble, she had to worry about making sure that the banks customers were looked after and their money was safe. She was able to keep the two things in perspective and thus enjoy her free time.

As summer turned into fall and then into winter, she began to feel something inside of her trying to tell her something but she could never figure out what that was. She could never put her finger on what was bothering her, so when she began to feel that tugging within herself, she would just call one of the group and find something to do. That seemed to make the feeling go away for awhile and she couldn't forget about it.

On their Friday evening meal before the fun began at their February meeting, Wilma announced that she and Sylvia would be celebrating their fifteenth anniversary on Friday, May the fifth. Then as Sylvia came to her side, she said, "And Wilma has decided that this will be a formal affair. So that means all you sluts will actually have to dress up."

"Very funny!" Alex said as she threw her cloth napkin at Silvia and then three more napkins followed Alex's napkin.

Once they quit fussing at Sylvia's calling them sluts, Zoe asked, "Just what do you mean by formal?"

"Well..." Sylvia said then she stopped.

"What Sylvia wants to say is that we don't want this to be a come as you are thing, we want everyone to dress up in their best outfits. We want the men, or women if they chose to be in suits and the women in long formal dresses. We want this to be something that says that we are just as much a couple as any man and woman would consider being. We are even sending out formal invitations which you should receive in the mail this coming week. You know what we are saying?" Wilma asked.

"Yes I believe that we do." Alex told them. "I assure you that I will try to forgo being a slut for one night just for you and Sylvia."

"Oh fuck you Alex!" Sylvia said then she laughed.

That weekend not as much spanking was done as they were all too busy giving Wilma and Sylvia ideas as to how to do the party. Sylvia was going to have it in a ballroom but was talked out of that and into having it at the house. They had more than enough room in the back yard to set up tents and have it catered. Zoe was excited by the party yet that nagging feeling came back that weekend and this time she couldn't get it to go away. Then as she went to bed, she had this need to be close to someone but even as they all snuggled in close together, it still didn't seem to be what she wanted or needed. It was like she knew that she couldn't ever get their bodies close enough to her.

That week, she was talking to one of her female staff about the formal anniversary party that she was going to go to at the end of May. She needed to find a formal dress to wear but being new to Atlanta; she had no clue as to where to start looking. The young woman thought for a few minutes then she told her about a shop that she had been in a while back. The store had some beautiful and stylish dresses that she loved but they were a little too steep in price for her. Zoe got the name and on Friday she caught a cab outside of the building heading to the address that her staffer had given her so that she could check out the shop. The shop was located in the old section of town where there were several warehouses and a small upscale shopping area.

It only took her about twenty minutes to get there and when she cab stopped, it was in front of this warehouse looking building. While the building had been fixed up, she could see that it was very old. Zoe thought that the cab had gotten the wrong place as there were no picture windows with mannequins showcasing the dresses contained within. The cab drove off leaving her there so she turned around and started to look around. She looked above the glass door seeing an old fashion sign that read "Carrie's Dress Shoppe". "At least I got the right place." She thought to herself as she went to the glass door seeing the name of the store there too.

She went to the door, opening it, and entering the shop. She felt like entering a whole new world from what she saw on the outside. The floor had thick soft carpeting and the showroom looked like it covered most of the bottom floor of the warehouse. There were several sharply dressed women in the store shopping with young, very nice looking, and well dressed saleswomen helping them. Zoe went on in and a moment later another one of those lovely saleswomen came up to her asking if she needed any help. Zoe declined the offer saying that she would ask for help when she needed it as she didn't like sales people hanging around her when she shopped. Zoe slowly worked her way through the store checking out what was there and she knew that somewhere in this store was the dress that she would be wearing to Silvia and Wilma's party.

Zoe checked out a couple of the dresses, holding them up to her to see what they would look like on her. She noticed that the prices on the dresses was more than she had paid for any dress but this was a special occasion so she would lay out the money to get a dress that she would be proud to wear to the party.

She had gotten to the back of the store when she heard someone clearing their voice behind her then she heard, "May I help you."

Zoe began to turn around and she started to say, "N..." when she saw the woman whose voice she had heard and she stopped herself from completing the word, "No."

The woman had wavy auburn colored hair that went down to her shoulders. The first thing that she noticed was the intelligent and pretty green eyes that the woman had. She had these light colored freckles going across her nose and on her cheeks. She also had this soft smile on her face that made Zoe smile back at her. Zoe glanced down at the woman's nametag and saw that it was Carrie and thus was the store owner. Carrie was just a hair taller than she was with a build that was neither too slim or to heavy. She had some meat on her bones but she carried it well. Her breasts were B cup at best. This woman was far from being a beauty queen, she wasn't even someone who would turn many heads as she walked down the street, however to Zoe, and she was like a beautiful angel who had come to earth.

For once her life, she gladly accepted the offer of a salesperson. "Why yes you can. I'm going to a formal anniversary party for my friends Sylvia and Wilma and I need a dress for the event." Zoe said not sure why she needed to tell this woman that the anniversary party was for two women and not a heterosexual couple but the need was there and also she had to see Carrie's reaction.

"That is great, how long have they been together?" Carrie asked not the least being put off by Zoe's saying that the party was for a lesbian couple.

"This will be their fifteenth anniversary, and they are a great couple, they just seem to fit together." Zoe told her.

"Well then let's see if we can't find you the perfect dress for that special event. I know that we have to have something here for you or if we don't then we'll design you something." Carrie said as she touched Zoe's arm and that sent shock waves through her body.

Carrie then escorted Zoe to a section of the store that she had not visited yet. Carrie then stepped back from her and gave Zoe the once over. Zoe knew that Carrie was getting into her mind, her dress size and also what colors would work for her but still just having Carrie look at her this was made her heart flutter. Carrie then went to work as she went through several dresses before picking out one. Then she left Zoe to go to another rack of dresses so Zoe had to quickly catch up. Carrie again went through several dresses before picking another then off she went again. Zoe was ready for this time and was able to keep pace. Carrie went through several more dresses before stopping and looked deeply at Zoe again before pulling out a black dress. Zoe wanted to tell her that she didn't like to dress in black but she kept her mouth shut not wanting to hurt her feelings.

Carrie carried the dresses over to the dressing room, opening one of the doors and leading Zoe inside. The dressing room was at least six foot by six foot with a cushioned chair and full length mirrors on two of the adjoining walls. It was a beautiful dressing room, much nicer than any of the ones she had ever been in.

"Try each of these on and then come out and let me look at you." Carrie told her as hung the dresses up for her. Then as she was leaving, she told Zoe, "Please try on the black dress last."

"Okay," Zoe replied as Carrie left the dressing room.

Zoe had planned on trying on the black dress first and get it over with but she did as Carrie had requested. So she put on the light blue dress on first, she kind of liked it as she put it on. She looked at herself in the mirrors and liked what she saw. She adjusted the dress in the mirror then she walked out into the area outside of the dressing room where Carrie was waiting for her.

Zoe expected Carrie to say how lovely she looked in the dress but instead what she got was, "Turn around and let me look at you."

Zoe felt disappointed but she did as she was told. She turned slowly around letting Carrie look her over or rather look at the dress that she was wearing. Once she was facing Carrie, she was hoping to get an approving smile but instead she saw a frowning Carrie who came to her, tugging the dress at the shoulders and then at the hips.

Carrie stepped back and using her fingers she motioned for Zoe turn around again. "No, I don't think that's it." Carrie proclaimed and Zoe felt a small amount of disappointment as she liked this dress.

Zoe went back to the dressing room to take that dress off and put the next one on. She liked this one too and she hoped that Carrie would too. She didn't know why she wanted Carrie's approval when she was never one to ever need to have that especially on what she wore. She knew her styles and what she liked and what looked good on her but this lady seem to be undercutting that confidence in her sense of style.

Zoe walked out hoping to see Carrie smile but she didn't, however she didn't get the frown either. Zoe stopped a few feet from Carrie and immediately did a slow turn so that Carrie could get a good look at the dress. Zoe thought the dress looked nice and it felt nice on her but she knew as Carrie came up to her to do some adjustments that this wasn't going to cut the muster either.

"That's better but I think you need a prettier dress that that." Carrie said softly as she sent Zoe back to the dressing room.

Zoe was definitely feeling disappointed as she began to think that she would never find a dress that Carrie would like as she knew that the black one wasn't for her. She took the dress she was wearing off, hanging it back up and then getting the black dress off the hanger. She slipped the dress on and then reaching behind of her, she was able to zip herself up. It wasn't an easy task but she had always been flexible and Faye's working with her on her yoga made her more flexible. Zoe then looked at herself in the mirror. The dress was tight fitting around the middle thus making her hips and breasts more pronounced. The dress flared out at the waist and went down to her ankles. The top had a V in front that showed a little of her cleavage and if she had a pushup bra on, she would look nice. The dress had sleeves that just went down her arms a few inches and were flared out too. Zoe turned around feeling the bottom of the dress go out so she circled around again faster and the bottom was light enough so it really went out. Zoe looked at herself in the mirror for a minute and she knew why Carrie wanted her to try this one on last. This was the dress that Carrie knew was going to be the one.

Zoe went out to face Carrie expecting to see a smile but she still got a frown. Zoe walked up to Carrie and turned around for Carrie without being told to do so. When she was facing Carrie again, she finally got the smile that she was looking for.

"I do believe that we've found you a dress to wear." Carrie said as she came up to her.

"What do you think?" Carrie asked as she did a few minor adjustments.

"Well I was going to tell you that I don't like to wear black but I have to admit that I like this one." Zoe admitted to her.

"With your skin tone, I think black suits you perfectly. You should wear it a lot." Carrie told her.

"I'll remember that, so you think it looks great on me?" Zoe asked her.

"No... not yet, but it will when I get some adjustments done to it." Carrie said as she came in behind of her. Zoe felt Carrie bunching up the dress in the back thus making it tighter around her stomach and making Zoe suck in her stomach.

"You know I will have to breathe while I'm wearing this dress." Zoe gasped out trying not to breath out much.

"You will be able to, just relax and breathe normally." Carrie said not releasing the material she was holding.

Zoe did so and found that she could actually breathe. "This is a new material that we just got in; it stretches while not showing that it is doing so." Carrie told her.

"Cool but still don't take in too much. I like it just as it is." Zoe told her.

"I won't." Carrie said letting go of the back of the dress and coming back to the front. She fussed at the waist of the dress saying, "I think this need to fit just a little lower at your waist. You got lovely hips and we need to show them off."

"Thank you," Zoe said not sure that Carrie was really talking to her or talking to herself as she looked the dress over, fussing and adjusting every part of it.

"Now for the shoes," Carrie said as she walked off before Zoe could say that she had plenty of shoes and beside with the long dress, no one would be seeing her feet that much as she would be on her feet most of the evening.

A couple of minutes later, Carrie came out carrying a shoe box. She made Zoe walk over to a posh chair, having her sit down. Before Zoe could start to take off her shoes, Carrie was down on her knees in front of her. She let Carrie lift her right foot putting it on her thigh after removing her shoe, Carrie then opened the box and there was a beautiful pair of heels. They were black with an open toe and heel. There were two long straps that after putting the shoe on Zoe's foot she laced up and around Zoe's calf going halfway up her calf. Carrie then put the other shoe on her left foot.

"Those are beautiful," Zoe said as she flexed her ankle as she looked down at them.

"Yes they are and now you can show your lovely legs when you sit." Carrie said as she got up.

"Thank you, I'm not sure that my feet and legs are my best feature but these shoes do make that look better." Zoe said standing up to try out the shoes.

"How did you know my shoe size?" Zoe said as she walked around feeling the shoes and how the dress felt upon her body.

"Lucky guess," Carrie said just passing it off.

Zoe doubted that it was a lucky guess but she didn't say anything about it. She walked around looking at herself in the mirrors that were located on the wall in front of her.

"So what do you think? Is this the dress you want? I do have several others that we can try." Carrie asked and told her.

"I don't think that we need to look any further, I believe you're right. This is the dress for me, though I didn't think so when you gave it to me to try on." Zoe admitted.

"I thought that you would look beautiful in this dress and you do." Carrie said.

"I bet you say that to all the girls." Zoe said with a laugh and to her surprise, she saw that Carrie was blushing at the comment. Her pale skin turned a bright red and her freckles became more noticeable.

Zoe had said it just trying to be funny but she began to wonder if Carrie felt that she had a deeper meaning to her words. Zoe wanted to say something but she didn't know what to say so she was silent for a moment which quickly became an awkward moment for both of them. "So when will I be able to kick up the dress. I don't need it until the beginning of May so there is no hurry."

Carrie seemed relieved to be able to get past her comment, "I'll have it ready in two weeks." She said.

"Great, I'll go get this off and let you get back to work." Zoe told her.

"It's no problem; I've enjoyed helping you out." Carrie said and Zoe gave her a smile as she went on into the dressing room.

Zoe thought about Carrie and how nice and smart that she was as she took one last look in the mirror seeing how the dress really was her. She also loved how Carrie blushed at her comment. It was refreshing to see. Carrie was a person that she could see herself falling for but she wondered if she was into women. She doubted it but it was a nice thought.

Zoe reached back undoing the small hook at the top of the dress, and then she twisted her right hand to her back, starting to pull the zipper down. She moved it a couple of inches when it stopped. She pulled a little harder and the zipper gave a bit but then stopped and it wasn't going any further. She was afraid to pull any harder and she was also afraid to try to pull the dress up over her head. It was tight and she feared tearing it. She tried to see it in the mirror but she couldn't. She wasn't sure what to do and she hated to call of Carrie's help but she didn't see any other option.

She opened the door and not seeing Carrie, she called out for her being as quiet as she could, "Carrie, I have a problem."

"What's the matter dear?" Carrie said as she came from the side of the room and into Zoe's view.

"The zipper hung on me and I can't get it down." Zoe said as she turned around to show Carrie.

"Mmm so it has, let me give it a try." Carrie said as Zoe felt her fingers on her back working on the zipper.

"Oh this sucker is stuck well, Margo told me not to buy these zippers and now I have to go to tell her that she was right." Carrie said as she kept fiddling with the zipper.

"Who is Margo?" Zoe asked.

"She's my head seamstress; she oversees the making of all our clothes." Carrie told her.

"You made all of these things, including this dress." Zoe asked surprised as she thought that these were designer dresses that were bought and brought in.

"Sure, everything here is made and designed in house." Carrie said and Zoe could hear the pride in Carrie's voice.

"Do you design the clothes?" Zoe had to ask.

"I do a few of the designs but most of the clothes that we offer are designed by designers that we have on contract." Carrie told her.

"Who designed the one's I'm wearing?" Zoe asked.

Carrie hesitated before answering, "I did."

"I'm glad, it is a beautiful dress and you are a talented designer." Zoe said complimenting her.

"Thank you," Carrie said and Zoe knew that Carrie was blushing again and she wished that she could see her face.

"I don't think this damn zipper is going to give. Do you mind if I come in here with you to help you get out of the dress?" Carrie asked.

"Sure, I'm not bashful." Zoe said thinking about everything she and her friends did on their weekends together, being bashful was the last thing she was now.

Zoe went back into the dressing room as Carrie followed her in. Zoe went on over toward the mirrors which enabled her to see what Carrie was doing and she could thus help her better.

"I think that if we work together, we can pull the dress up over your head. We will just have to do so carefully and slowly." Carrie told her.

"Okay," Zoe said as she began to pull the front of the dress up as she felt Carrie doing the same with the back. The back of the dress had gotten up to her waist when Zoe remembered what panties and bra that she was wearing. It had been a couple of busy weeks for her and she had put off doing her laundry. When she got up that morning, all she had to wear was her thongs and sheer bras that she didn't wear to work. So she had put on a skimpy pair of sheer thong panties and a light blue sheer bra. It was too late to do anything about that now as she knew that Carrie was about to get a nice look at her ass which was one of her better body features. Zoe glanced to the side to look into the mirror to see Carrie's reaction. She saw that Carrie did stare for a moment at her ass and she saw her blushing just a little. Zoe liked Carrie's reaction as they worked the dress on up. Zoe could feel Carrie's fingers on her sides as she worked the dress on up to her chest.

At this point, Zoe had to let Carrie do all the work as she raised her arms so that Carrie could work the dress on up. Zoe then felt Carrie's fingers brush against the sides of her breasts.

"I'm sorry," Carrie said and Zoe knew that Carrie was blushing without having to look into the mirror which she couldn't with the dress covering her face.

"It's cool, don't worry about it." Zoe reassured her. Zoe felt her bra being pulled up by the dress as it came slowly over her breasts.

"Let me help you from the front."Carrie told her as the dress was now practically off of her.

"Okay," Zoe said as she bent forward slightly so that Carrie could finish pulling the dress over her head and off her arms.

Carrie worked slowly so as not to tear the dress and it soon came off of Zoe's arms leaving her standing there in front of Carrie. Zoe straightened up and she could feel that her bra had been pulled up past her nipples thus exposing them to Carrie's eyes. She also knew that the small triangle of cloth that covered her pussy was sheer enough to show her pussy lips to Carrie's staring eyes. Zoe stood there for a moment as she let Carrie look at her. Just for a second, she could almost see a desire in Carrie's eyes. Zoe slowly reached up to her bra so that she could pull it back down over her breasts. And then she reached down to her panties, pulling at the edges as if she needed to adjust them. Carrie's eyes followed her fingers before then looked up into Zoe's eyes.

Zoe gave her the sweetest smile that she could and they held their eye contact for what seemed like hours but was only seconds before Carrie said, "I'll have the dress ready the Friday after next, you can try it on again and then pay for it." Then she rushed out of the dressing room carrying the dress.

Zoe got dressed again and then she remembered the shoes that she was wearing. She did love the shoes she thought as she took them off putting her flats back on. When she walked out of the dressing room, she was hoping to see Carrie there but she wasn't around. She carried the shoes on up to the front where a pretty blond was standing.

"Carrie had me try on these shoes with the dress that I'm going to buy but she didn't take them with the dress." Zoe told the girl whose name tag said her name was Kristen.

"You can give them to me and I will hold them for you. Carrie said to tell you that your dress with be ready anytime on the Friday after next." Kristen told her with a knowing smile on her face.

"Okay, tell her I'll be here about the same time then." Zoe told the young woman as she handed her the shoes.

As she went out the door, she heard some giggling and she looked back to see that another young woman had joined Kristen and they were looking at her as they talked and giggled. She wondered what Carrie had said to them, or done to make them so interested in her. She caught a cab and on the way back she thought about the dress that she was buying but more so about Carrie. She was starting to feel an attraction for this woman.

That night she didn't have any plans and for once, she didn't call any of her friends to see if any wanted to do something with her. She was content to stay at home and relax. She did get her laundry done not that her running out of her normal undergarments didn't work out in her favor that afternoon with Carrie. She thought about Carrie and tried to determine if Carrie was interested in her. She knew that she had an interest in Carrie but was that interest mutual. That was something that she tried to figure out that evening but was unable to. She knew what she saw in Carrie's eyes but was she seeing more than was really there. That was the real question and one that she wasn't able to figure out before she went to bed and one she was still thinking about when she woke up Saturday morning.

That evening she was to have dinner and then go to a movie with Rose and Faye. She figured that she could tell them both about Carrie and see what they thought. So as they ate, Zoe started out by telling them about going to the dress shop and meeting Carrie. She didn't mention about being interested in her, she just told them about how Carrie had picked out the dresses she was to try on. She left out what the dresses looked like only that the last one that Carrie picked up was the one she liked the least before trying them on. Zoe saw that she had their attention as she told the story and they both smiled at her when she told about the panties and bra that she just happened to be wearing. She went on with her story going until she left the store. She tried not to mention anything about the looks she saw in Carrie's eyes or of her blushing; she was saving that for later.

"So when you asking her out?" Rose asked as soon as she paused at the end of her shopping tale.

"Asking who out?" Zoe asked pretending confusion by Rose's question.

"The shop owner Carrie, who do you think we're talking about silly." Faye told her.

"What makes you think I'm interested in her?" Zoe asked trying to keep her face straight with a bit of a confused look.

"Because you barely mentioned the dresses but you described exactly what Carrie looked like down to every freckle on her face and her intelligent green eyes." Rose told her.

Zoe finally let out a little laugh before she said, "Okay, I might be a little interested in her but the question is she interested in me?"

"You obviously think so, so tell us why you do." Faye asked her as she placed her hand on Zoe's arm to give her a little confidence.

"Well the first thing was the way she blushed when I told her that I bet she said that to all the girls when she said I looked beautiful in the dress. And then when I was in the dressing room and she was helping me get the dress off and my bra came up, she took a long look instead of looking away." Zoe told her and was about to go on when Rose stopped her.

"Your bra came up, you didn't tell us that." Rose said a bit too loudly and that got them a couple of strange looks from the surrounding tables.

"Shhh..." Zoe said quieting Rose before going on. "Yes as the dress came up, it pulled my bra up. I know I should have immediately pulled it back down but I left it up to see if she would look and she did. But it wasn't just that, it was just the way she talked to me and how she looked at me. I know it is her job to sell dresses but still, I felt like she was looking at me and not just at the dresses I was wearing."

"So what are you going to do?" Rose asked her.

"I don't know, what should I do?" Zoe asked them both.

"I asked you that question first. That is the question that you have to answer, it doesn't matter what Faye and I would do. All that matters is what you want to do." Rose told her and Zoe liked that answer as she really didn't want to be told what to do.

"I can't believe how silly I'm being; normally deciding whether to ask someone out is no big deal to me." Zoe told them.

"You're being silly because this woman means something to you. She isn't someone to spend the night with like Rose and I are, she's someone who you feel might be something more that a good night in bed." Faye told her.

"I know your right. And I am going to asked her out when I go back to pick up my dress. I just think she is a nice person and someone I want to know better." Zoe admitted to them.

"Good for you, now tell us about the dress you're going to wear." Rose told her.

"Nope, you've got to wait until the party to see it. But Carrie has lots of dresses that she would sure like to sell you both." Zoe told them both.

"Oh we'll be going to check out her dresses and give her the once over." Faye said then she paused for a second before adding, "That is after you go out with her."

"I appreciate that." Zoe told them.

"We may check out each other's girlfriends but we don't move in on them or even their ex's." Faye told her.

"I know you wouldn't, besides it isn't a given that she's interested or even go out with me." Zoe told them.

"Oh I think she will." Rose told her.

"Why do you think that, you haven't even met her yet." Zoe asked her.

"I just got this gut feeling, a good gut feeling." Rose told her and gave her a big smile as she did so.

Zoe told them both more about Carrie as they finished their diner, then they went on to the movie that they were going to see. From there, they all went back to Zoe's place for a little fun. Zoe thought a little about Carrie as she undressed with Rose and Faye wondering if she would even be doing this with her. Except with Carrie, she knew it would be making love and not just having sex. Still it was a fun evening and then after eating a little breakfast, then ended up back in Zoe's bed for a little more fun before Rose and Faye had to go leaving Zoe on her own to think and relax.

Zoe had a surprise waiting for her that following Monday morning when she got to the dining room and found everyone there including Sylvia who never came to Atlanta unless she had to. She knew before she got to the table that two of her friends had big mouths, which was fine when they were eating her pussy but another matter when they had to spill the beans on her interest in Carrie before she could mention it to anyone else.

"So tell us all about this woman who has caught your eye." Alex said before she could sit down.

Zoe didn't say a word nor did she look at anyone in particular as she sat down. She slowly placed her napkin on her lap taking adding time to make sure it was neat. She then took her packet of salad dressing, opening it and pouring it on her salad. She stared mostly at her salad but she could feel five sets of eyes staring at her. Once everything was in place, she looked up, cleared her throat before saying, "I know two women who are going to get their asses beat raw at our next meeting."

"Like you would have kept quiet if it was one of us gushing over some woman." Rose said in hers and Faye's defense.

"I was not gushing over her." Zoe spat back.

"Oh you were gushing, no doubt about that." Faye said.

Zoe started to deny that but then she stopped herself, "Was I gushing over her?" She asked.

"Afraid so honey, but it was cute to see." Rose said as she put her hand on Zoe's hand.

"Enough about gushing or not gushing just tell us about this woman and hurry, I got a meeting at one thirty." Alex said in a rush.

"Okay, don't get your panties in a wad." Zoe told her with a laugh.

"I'm not wearing any panties so start talking." Alex urged her on.

"She would if you would let and stop talking about your lack of under things." Sylvia told Alex as she gave Zoe a wink.

Zoe immediate set in telling them the same things that she had told Faye and Rose though she was sure they had been told all of this before but then getting it from the source is always better. Alex barely made it to her meeting and they were all late getting back to work. But it did make her feel better to talk about Carrie some more and she felt reassured that the girls thought that Carrie was interested.

The waiting for the two weeks until she was to go back to see Carrie seemed to take forever to get there however at the same time it came before she was ready for it. She wanted to get to talk to her again yet she wasn't sure just how to go about asking her out. All the pervious women that she had asked out, she knew ahead of time that they were lesbians. This wasn't the case here, she had her suspicions but she didn't know for sure with Carrie. She would just have to play it by ear. The night before she was to go get her dress, she lay in bed thinking about Carrie. She could picture her in her mind and no matter how hard she tried to focus on something else but her mind wasn't about to cooperate with her. It kept putting her face back to the center of her attention. She could see it as plain as day as Carrie frowned at the dresses that she had tried on and then that smile when Carrie decided that the black dress was the dress that fit her complexion and body shape. That smile of Carrie's made her smile as she lay in her bed. She had a busy day ahead of her and she knew she needed some sleep but it wasn't coming. So she lay there and let her mind wander until it was ready to sleep and only then did she fall into a fitful night's slumber.

When she got out of the cab in front of Carrie's Shoppe, she was wishing that she had come up with a real plan of attack and not walk in without any clue as to what she would do or say. She took in a deep breath and walked inside of the store. She was hoping that Carrie would be the one to come and meet her but instead it was Kristen.

"I have come to pick up my dress. Is Carrie here?" Zoe asked.

Kristen hesitated for a second as if trying to decide how to answer Zoe's question which Zoe didn't think was complicated enough to have to think about. "Ah...," Kristen said as she glanced toward the back of the stores and then with a disappointed look in her eyes, she turned back to Zoe, "She's out of the store right now, she asked me to take care of you. Come on back and you can try the dress on to make sure that the alterations that were made are fine with you."

"Okay," Zoe said with a smile hiding the disappointment that she was feeling. After all that thinking and worrying, she wasn't even going to get to talk to Carrie.

Kristen was talking away but Zoe didn't hear much of what she was saying, she was just following along and wondering why Carrie chose not to be here when she came to pick up her dress.

They had just gotten to the open area in front of the dressing rooms when Zoe heard a familiar voice come from behind them. "I'll take it from here Kristen; go see if someone needs your help."

Kristen stopped suddenly, turning around causing Zoe to almost run over her, "As you wish," She said with a big grin on her face.

"And if there isn't anyone to help then get the vacuum out, this floor is a mess." Carrie said in a gruff voice that did nothing to wipe the grin off of Kristen's face as she walked by.

"She's all yours." Kristen whispered to Carrie as she passed her; however her whisper was loud enough for Zoe to hear.

"These damn kids, they don't listen and think that they know everything these days." Carrie said with a loud sigh.

"We do listen and we do know everything." Kristen called back to Carrie; however she then quickly disappeared before Carrie could say something back to her.

"Remind me to fire her when we get done here." Carrie said to Zoe with a voice that indicated that she was very serious and had every intention of carrying through with her threat.

"I don't think that you need to fire her, she was just messing with you." Zoe said in Kristen's defense, a girl that she really didn't know but she seemed to be nice enough.

Carrie gave her a stare that told Zoe that she might have just crossed a line that she shouldn't have but then her facial expression softened and she gave Zoe a slight smile. "I already fired the damn girl at least ten times but she never leaves. I doubt that she will believe me this time either."

"Oh," Zoe said then she smiled at Carrie whose face softened even more.

"So let's try on this dress and see if we got that stupid zipper fixed." Carrie told her as she as she held out her hand in the direction of the dressing room. Zoe walked with her to the dressing room and Carrie opened the door for her. Zoe wondered and hoped for a second that Carrie would come in with her but she stopped at the door. Zoe went on inside the dressing room seeing the dress hanging on the wall and the shoes sitting underneath the dress. Zoe went toward the dress, hearing the door close behind her. She glanced in the mirror hoping that Carrie would have slipped inside at the last moment but she didn't. She went to the dress feeling of the silky material and letting it run across her fingers.

She then began to undress going down to her bra and panties which were some of her better ones and not the skimpy ones she wore that last time she was in this room. She took the dress from the hanger, taking notice of the new zipper that did feel stronger but still very small so that it would not be noticeable. She pulled the zipper down before slipping it over her head and down her body. Once she had it down, she adjusted it a little before holding her breath as she reached back pulling the zipper up. She was a bit of a struggle but she got it up. She could feel that the dress was just a little snugger than before but she liked how it looked in the mirror. And she could breath normally even with the way it fit around her waist and chest. She sat down on the chair so that she could put her shoes on. She wrapped the straps around her calves then she stood back up. She went back to the mirror to look at herself then she lifted the front of her dress to look at her shoes and she liked them too. She could just feel that she was so sexy looking in this dress that Carrie had made for her.

She heard a knock on the door, "Is everything okay in there?" Carrie asked through the door.

"Oh yes, the dress is beautiful, come on in." Zoe told her.

Zoe turned around to face the door as Carrie opened it and came in. Zoe was holding her breath as she stared into Carrie's eyes and watched for any facial expression that would tell her what she thought of her and the dress that she was wearing. The seconds passed going at a rate of one per hour or so it seemed to Zoe. Carrie's first expression was one of thoughtful study as if she was trying to discover the meaning of life without having any luck in doing so. However that expression slowly turned into joy as a smile came across her face.

"Oh my god, you are beautiful in that dress." Carrie finally said.

Zoe exhaled loudly before she said, "No it's your dress that is beautiful, I just happened to be the one wearing it."

"No it's you that makes my dress beautiful." Carrie said and then she blushed as if she had just realized what she had said. Then before Zoe could say anything in return, Carrie came to her and started to pinch here and pull there getting the dress just perfect.

Then she stepped back to look over Zoe one more time and a smile just came to her face. "I think you're set for your party." Carrie told her.

Zoe wanted to say to her, "I will be once you say you will be my date for it." But she didn't. She knew she needed to go at a slower pace with Carrie. So instead she just said, "I believe that I am." Then she hated herself for not saying something a little wittier.

"Yes you are." Carrie said putting her hands on Zoe's shoulders and looking at her through the mirror that they were standing in front of.

"Do you mind unzipping me?" Zoe asked.

Carrie hesitated for a second leaving her hands on Zoe's shoulders. Zoe looked in Carrie's eyes seeing the same thing that she saw when they were in the dressing room the last time she was here. "Sure," Carrie finally said as she hands moved from her shoulders to her back. Zoe felt the zipper slowly moving down and she knew that her time was running out and if she was going to ask this woman out, now was the time.

"If you're not busy tonight, would you like to go out to dinner..." Zoe said softly and she felt the zipper stop halfway down her back, "...with me?"

Zoe waited for an answer but none was immediately forthcoming. Zoe was afraid to look into the mirror but she had too. She looked at Carrie's face seeing the indecision in her face like she wanted to say yes but something was holding her back. Zoe wanted to say something to convince her to say yes but she didn't. She waited Carrie out.

"I don't think that would be a good idea, you being a customer and all." Carrie said then she pulled the zipper on down. "Just bring the dress and shoes up front when you get dressed." Carrie said then immediately rushed out of the dressing room.

"Shit!" Zoe said to herself as the door closed behind of Carrie. She really wanted to go out with Carrie and she figured that her chance of doing so just walked out the door. She pulled the dress and shoes off then she got redressed. She let out a sigh as she picked up her new expensive dress and shoes.

As Zoe headed toward the front of the store, she saw Carrie, Kristen and another of the salesgirls in a heated discussion however as she got a little closer, she saw that Kristen was doing most of the talking and Carrie listening however, she didn't seem to be happy about it. When she got closer, the conversation stopped however Kristen then pushed Carrie forward to the counter.

"Marcella, please take the dress and shoes and get a cover for the dress and a box for the shoes for Zoe." Carrie told the young woman who took the dress and shoes from Zoe heading to the back of the store.

"How do I need to clean the dress?" Zoe asked Carrie.

"It has to be dried cleaned." Carrie said then she hesitated for a second before adding, "But if you like, we can hold it here and have it cleaned and ready for you when you need it."

"We do that now?" Kristen asked and that earned her a look from Carrie that Zoe figured meant that she had just gotten fired for the twelfth time.

"We do for special customers." Carrie told Kristen and gave her a look that indicated that if she wanted to live through the rest of the day she would keep her mouth closed.

"I appreciate that." Zoe replied as that meant that she would have an excuse to come back at least one more time. She couldn't afford to keep coming in and buying dresses until Carrie went out with her, she could barely afford the cost of this dress.

"Sure, we'd be happy to do that for you." Carrie said looking first at Zoe then Kristen who wasn't about to say a word now.

"Here's my credit card." Zoe said giving Carrie her Visa card.

"This shouldn't take a second to process." Carrie said being all formal.

"Thank you," Zoe said. She then noticed that Carrie would jump every moment or two and then she would reach back behind her back. Zoe realized that Kristen was poking her in the back obviously wanting her to do something. Zoe quickly figured out what that was and she knew she had an ally in Kristen.

"Please sign here and you'll be done." Carrie said presenting her with the bill and an expensive pen.

Zoe looked down at the sum, seeing that it was five hundred dollars which was three hundred less than the price that was on the dress and there wasn't a charge for the shoes. "Thank you." Zoe said as she signed the bill giving Carrie a bright smile. She was about to give the bill and pen back to Carrie when she stopped. Not saying a word, she pulled open her purse and getting one of her business cards out. She quickly wrote her cell phone number on the back of the card.

"My number is on the back, in case you should happen to change your mind." Zoe said as she handed the bill, pen, and her card to Carrie, giving Carrie's hand a squeeze before letting go.

She knew that was all she could say, so she gave Carrie a smile, turned and left the store. As she stood outside the store waiting for a cab to drive by, she so wanted to look back in the store but kept herself from doing so. She did get lucky and a cab stopped for her a couple of minutes later. As she got into the cab, she did look back into the store. She saw that Carrie had her back to the counter with Kristen and Marcella talking to her. Carrie appeared to be trying to saying something back but from what little Zoe could see, neither of them was giving her a chance to get a word in edgewise. Zoe wished that she could be a fly on the wall and listen in on what Carrie was being told. She climbed into the cab telling him where to take her.

Zoe was feeling sorry for herself as the cab driver maneuvered his way to Zoe's apartment building. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't hear her phone for a moment but when she did, she rushed to get it out of her purse. She didn't recognize the number and she hoped beyond hope for it to be Carrie.

"Hello," Zoe said into her phone.

End of Part Five.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 6

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