Spanking Club

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Sep 3, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

The Spanking Club

Part Two

By Chris

"We're not a cult or anything like that. We don't have any agenda of any kind except to have fun." Faye told her. "It started out with Alex and me. We met and dated some but then we found out that there was something we both enjoyed when we had sex and that was to spank each other. We both got off on it and we loved to spank each other and then make her other have such wonderful orgasms. I loved Alex and the time we spent together and we got close because of our shared interest. Then we met Rose and we found that she too was into the same things that we were, so we invited her along as we both liked her and wanted to be with her as she us. The problem was that we were all so busy it was hard to get the three of us together, so we made a pack. The third weekend of each month was just for us. We would meet at one or the other's place and spend the weekend spanking and fucking each other to our hearts content. Wilma was the next to join our group. We all knew her and were already casual friends. However, one night she and Alex went to dinner and of course, Alex got her snookered on wine. Wilma let it slip that she was into spanking too, however her partner of five years wasn't. She had just built a big house and the basement she had done just to fulfill her one fantasy which of course was spanking. However her partner wasn't into it. So Alex, Rose and I talked it over and invited Wilma to join us on our weekends. She talked it over with her partner and she agreed to let Wilma have her weekends with us as long as she remained faithful to her at all other times and would stop trying to get her into spanking. So we began to meet at Wilma's house and first her partner Sylvia laid down the law to us and then we were free to play."

She let Zoe digest all of this and Zoe looked at each of them to see if she was being fed a pile of shit or the truth. From their expressions, she felt like it was the truth and believed it was the truth.

"So where do I fit into this?" Zoe asked.

Alex answered her, "Well I was the first to notice you."

"No tell her the truth." Rose said to Alex and that got Zoe a little worried until she said, "She noticed your ass first."

Zoe laughed as she blushed. She did have a firm ass but she didn't think it was the best part of her but to a bunch of spanking enthusiasts; maybe she did have a great ass.

"Okay I noticed your ass first but the rest of you looked great too." Alex admitted to the others laughter. "Anyway I made a point to get to know you first as a friend and then maybe as someone who might like to join out little group. Once I found out that you could be into spanking, I introduced you to Faye who confirmed it, maybe not into it as much as us but open to it."

"So then it was a matter of determining if you would fit in with the rest of us which is where Wilma and I came in." Rose told her.

"So do I fit in, are you going to invite me to join you?" Zoe asked.

"Well your little dinner party caught us off guard. It was a smart move and I'm impressed but we had planned to talk about it next weekend which happens to be the third weekend of the month." Alex told her.

"So I'll know if I'm going to be invited sometime after then?" Zoe asked as she was already thinking about whether this was something for her or not.

Again there was silence as they looked again at each other then Faye, being to outspoken one, said, "Hell girls, if she wants to join us Friday night then I want her there. I like her a lot, she smart and sweet and I am fucking dying to get my hands on her body."

Zoe again blushed but she also felt her body respond to what Faye was saying and it was definitely a positive response.

"Oh no, Alex met her first and was the one to introduce her to the rest of us, she gets to spank her first then devour that body of hers." Rose spoke up with some authority.

"Then I get her next." Faye said,

"Then me." Rose said.

"Well I guess I get her last but that's fine, you'll have her warmed up and I can show her just what a real woman can do to her body." Wilma said giving her a wink.

Zoe felt her pussy getting wet and she was afraid that the rest of them could smell her as well as see her wiggling in her seat. But then she got her head together and said, "Don't I get a say in this. I haven't even said that I wanted to join you and you've already got me set up for four spankings. I'm not sure I can handle that. I meant I said I was into spanking but I'm not sure that I'm ready for what you're into."

Alex got up and came over to her. She went down on her knees taking Zoe's nervous hands in hers. "Honey, we don't spank all that hard. We don't leave marks on you after each spanking. Well you may have a little bruise or two by the end of the weekend but it isn't that bad. And no one even gets to the point of crying, well except for Rose, but then she cries because she wants to and not because it hurts. It is just a part of what she likes to do. The spankings are more to get you warmed up and have your ass stinging a little before we make love to you. It will be the orgasms more than the spankings that you'll remember when the weekend is over."

"You promise?" Zoe asked.

"I promise with all my heart." Alex said kindly and sincerely.

Zoe then noticed Faye, Rose, and Wilma coming over to her chair and they all got down on their knees around her.

"I promise." Wilma said.

"I promise too," Faye said.

"I promise too and what Alex said about me crying is true. I start to cry before I even get across whosoever lap that is spanking me. It is just a release for me and it makes the spanking and the orgasms better. Hell I even cry when I cum." Rose said smiling and blushing a bit too as she admitted to that.

"So will be a part of our little fucked up group?" Alex asked.

Zoe looked carefully in each one of their eyes taking her time just to make sure that they were sincere and being straight with her. She found that each one was and she saw that they really were her friends and that she could trust them. She closed her eyes for a moment to think and make her decision, when she opened them she simply said, "Yes."

Alex let go of her hand placing them on Zoe's upper thighs and she pulled up and forward giving her a light kiss on the lips that felt wonderful to her. They Faye kissed her letting her lips linger for a little longer. Rose was next and her kiss was a bit longer than Faye's kiss. Finally she got a kiss from Wilma whose lips were so soft and caring. As Wilma kissed her, she felt Alex's hands moving up and down her thighs.

"I don't know about you all but I'm in the mood for an orgy." Faye said with a grin.

This made Zoe's pussy pulse but then she blurted out, "But I thought the spankings and orgasms were next weekend."

"They are. However orgies are for any time you can have them. And since you got us all here we might as well have a little fun. What do you say?" Faye asked and they all looked at her.

Zoe felt her heart begin to pound within her chest. Her eyes went from one of the women to the next wondering what she had gotten herself into and if it was the right thing to do. She had wanted to date each of the women surrounding her as she met them. It didn't look like it would work out with any of them and now suddenly she was with them all and they all wanted to make love to her. She was scared and excited at the same time. She looked them over again but by then her pussy had already made that decision for her.

She hooked her finger motioning for Faye to lean down to her. When Faye's face got close enough, Zoe brought her hand up curling it around the back of Faye's neck. She brought her face down until she could kiss her and she kissed her passionately.

"The fun has begun ladies." She heard Alex say and she felt her pushing her legs apart.

She continued to kiss Faye and then she felt a hand on her right breast and then her left one caressing them through her dress and bra. She moaned into Faye's mouth. She felt Alex kissing her inner thighs as she pushed her dress up. Zoe felt a hand going to her back and it began to unzip her dress. Alex had her dress up to her hips by then so she placed her hands to the seat of the chair and lifted her ass up all the while kissing Faye who now had her tongue in her mouth. The hands that had been on her breasts, left them, to help pull her dress up; once the dress was past her hips, she felt Alex's hands at the sides of her panties pulling them down her thighs.

Faye's mouth moved away hers and she opened her eyes. She saw Wilma to her right pulling her dress up and Rose was to her left doing the same. Faye went behind her to undo her bra. So as she raised her arms up, the dress and bra came off of her. Alex had her panties down to her ankles and was pulling them off. Alex smiled up at her, giving her a wink as she pushed her hips back down then she pushed her knees out wide. Alex began to kiss her way back up Zoe's inner thighs as Faye ran her hands down her shoulders to her breasts, giving them a squeeze. Rose and Wilma dropped back down to their knees bring their mouths in to Zoe's breasts that Faye was holding for them. Zoe closed her eyes as she felt Rose's mouth kiss her left nipple then Wilma kiss her right one. Alex kissed her way up her thighs going from one thigh to the other. When she got next to her pussy, Zoe prayed that she wouldn't tease her as she was burning up with passion and she needed Alex to lick her and not tease her. The next thing that she felt was Alex's tongue going up the length of her pussy.

"Oh fuckkk..." Zoe moaned as she felt her pussy quiver.

"I think your singing her song." Faye said to Alex and she was right as all those soft hands and mouths caressing her were more than she could have imagined ever feeling.

Alex's tongue went back town her slit where she began to lick up and down her lips. Zoe felt Faye's hands leave her breasts leaving them to Rose and Wilma who were doing a damn fine job sucking and biting on them. Their mouths were sucking on her nipples and kissing around her breasts as their tongues licked at them and their teeth bit them. They were obviously not working in tandem, while Rose was biting, Wilma would be teasing her nipple with the tongue. Her breasts were rarely getting the same treatment at the same time. Alex had brought up her fingers and she was spreading her pussy lips so that her tongue could get deeper inside of her.

Somewhere deep within her head, Zoe felt clothes rustling and she heard giggling going along with that. Alex was going from her pussy to her clit giving her clit a long suck and then licking on it before going back to her pussy to lick some more. Zoe was getting higher and higher as Alex licked and sucked on her pussy and clit. Both Rose and Wilma were sucking her nipples hard then giving them lots of love bites that made her groan. Zoe was gripping the seat of her chair lifting her ass up off the seat and forcing her pussy into Alex's mouth. As she got closer to her climax, she felt Faye back at her mouth trying to kiss her but she was panting too hard to return the kiss. Alex's mouth then latched onto her clit as two fingers entered her pussy. They began to fuck her wet tight pussy hard and soon she let out a loud moan as her pussy gripped those fingers and she came hard.

When she came back around, Alex was tenderly licking her pussy drinking in her girlcum as the other girls kissed and loved on her. "Oh god that was wonderful." Zoe said as she opened her eyes and she saw what Faye had been doing as when she left her as all the women were now naked. Zoe looked as each woman and saw how attractive they all were and that they all had one thing in common, they all had bare pussies. They all also had nice tanned bodies without any tan lines. She figured that they went to tanning beds or had one of their own to keep their tans so nice.

"Well there're lots more of that to come." Faye said as she leaned down and gave her a kiss. "How about us taking the new member to our group to her bedroom and really rock her world."

"Hey it's someone else's turn." Zoe said protesting.

"Nope, it's your turn again then we'll take turns." Faye said then she added, "Only it's my turn to eat that pussy of yours."

Zoe started to protest but Rose and Wilma had her by her hands pulling her out of the chair and toward the bedroom. Zoe decided that if that was what they wanted then who was she to protest. It had been a long time since she had made love and she needed and wanted this. She had grown to love these women, they were now her friends, and she felt safe in their company. Rose and Wilma put her in the center of the bed and Faye immediately crawled between her widespread legs.

Zoe felt Faye first kiss her pussy lips, going up the right side stopping at her clit to give the sensitive nub a few extra kisses, and then she went down the left side. Rose and Wilma began their assault on her breasts, this time; they were on opposite sides than they were before. Alex was kissing her face and Zoe could taste her juices on Alex's face and lips. Zoe moved her arms a little and felt Rose and Wilma's legs. She moved her hands between their legs and she felt them opening up as if they knew where her hands were going and they were right.

Zoe's right hand was the first to make contact, touching Wilma's wet pussy. She could feel Wilma's inner lips extending past her inner lips. She ran her fingers across those lips up to her clit which was already peeking from its hiding place. She heard Wilma let out a moan. Her left hand then made contact with Rose's pussy. She found that her inner lips extended past her inner lips but not as much as Wilma's, however her pussy was just as wet as Wilma's pussy. She began to finger their pussies as she felt Faye's tongue moving between her pussy lips, getting in deeper and making her push her ass up off the bed. Faye was going slow teasing her and keeping her aroused. Zoe let her fingers get in deeper into both Rose and Wilma's pussy and that caused them to suck and bite harder on her nipples.

"Sit on my face." Zoe whispered to Alex as she was kissing all around her face. She couldn't believe that she had said that but the words were already out of her mouth. It was like a wild animal had been released from her body and she wanted it all. Besides it was too late now as she felt Alex moving around at her head. She had her eyes close but she could feel and smell Alex's pussy as it neared her face. Zoe lifted her head and she let her tongue run up Alex's pussy lips. Her inner lips were like hers in that they barely peeked from her outer lips. And Alex was no different from Rose and Wilma, her pussy was very wet.

She began to lick but she was having trouble keeping up with what she was doing. And Faye was pushing her tongue deep into her pussy and her tits were getting worked over pretty good. The best that Zoe could do was to just lick at Alex's pussy. She knew this was the worst cunnilingus that she had ever given but it was the best that she could do at that moment. But Alex didn't seem to mine as she kept her pussy right over her face. As Faye's tongue went up to her clit and a couple of fingers entered her pussy, Zoe let out a moan. She pushed a couple of fingers into Rose and Wilma's pussy and tried to fuck them but her mind was on her own pussy and breasts, as she felt another massive orgasm ride up through her body until she couldn't hold it in any more. She let out a cry as she came hard and she stopped doing what she had been doing to Alex, Wilma, and Rose.

When she came back around, Faye was lying on top of her kissing her and Rose and Wilma were lying beside of her hugging her tightly. She could feel that Alex was sitting above her head. "Oh god, you girls are wonderful. I don't think I have ever had two orgasms that hard so close together."

"It was our pleasure sweetie." Faye said giving her a kiss.

"Well it's now my turn to give pleasure. And you're first Alex as I want to show you that I really do know how to eat a pussy." Zoe said to them and she looked up at Alex with that last line.

"What about the rest of us?" Faye said with a pout.

"Oh I'm going to eat you all out before I let you leave." Zoe told Faye giving her and kiss.

"Now you're talking." Faye said with a big grin on her face.

Faye slid off of Zoe and on top of Wilma whom she began to kiss and whom was kissing her back. Alex then pulled Rose over and around so that she was lying on her back on top of Zoe's legs with her ass pressing against Zoe's still sensitive pussy. Alex put her pussy back over Zoe's face as she bent over and she began to eat Rose's pussy. Zoe reached up to Alex's ass pulling it down. Zoe opened her mouth and began to lick. She was determined to make Alex cum and cum hard. She ran her tongue along those lips tasting Alex's juices. She moved her mouth to Alex's clit, licking it with short fast strokes making Alex wiggle her ass and press her pussy down on her face.

Rose was doing a lot of wiggling on top of her so whatever Alex was doing to her, Rose was enjoying it. Zoe then closed her mouth down on Alex's clit sucking the hard sensitive nub into her mouth. Alex let out a moan and a louder one when Zoe began to use the tip of her tongue against that nub as she sucked on it. She kept going until she felt Alex begin to stiffen her body. She released the clit going back to Alex's pussy licking up the juices that were flowing. She licked in deep and sucked on Alex's pussy lips. She slowly kept going to the bottom of Alex's pussy and then she used her fingers to spread Alex's ass cheeks. She ran the tip of her tongue across Alex's asshole making her squirm. Then she rimed the pink little hole as Alex twisted and turned above her. Zoe slowly worked her way back down to Alex's pussy, tongue fucking her for a few minutes. Then she went back to Alex's clit licking it first before going back and sucking it into her mouth. She felt Rose go stiff above her and there was a moan so she knew that Rose was cumming so she licked and sucked hard on Alex's clit until she was rewarded with lots of her girlcum.

Alex collapsed on top of her and Rose wasn't moving either. So she slipped out from under both of them. She saw that Faye was lying on her back and Wilma's face was buried in her pussy. Wilma had her ass sticking up in the air so Zoe moved in behind of her. She didn't have a lot of room at the end of the bed but she managed to squeeze in behind of her. She first kissed Wilma's right ass cheek then the left one. This caused Wilma to lift her head from Faye's pussy and look back at her giving her a grin. Zoe gave her a wink in return. Faye then reached down and pulled Wilma's face to her pussy. Zoe went back to kissing Wilma's ass cheeks then she went to the top of her crack and kissed her way downward. Wilma froze for a second as Zoe's lips kissed her plucked little hole.

Zoe thought her heard a "Noo..." come from Wilma but then Faye had her hands holding Wilma's face to her pussy. Zoe waited for a second and seeing how Wilma didn't move, Zoe lowered her mouth back to Wilma's asshole, kissing it. She gave it several wet kisses before she stuck out her tongue, using the tip to rim the cute the little hole. She ran her tongue around and around the little hole before placing the tip of her tongue at the center. She felt Wilma clinch her asshole for a second but then Zoe used her fingers of her right hand to play with Wilma's pussy which was soaking wet. Slowly Wilma began to relax her asshole.

That was when Zoe slowly pushed her tongue inside. She pushed it inside as far as she could as she slipped two fingers into Wilma's pussy. She started to finger fuck her as she tongue fucked her asshole. Wilma was now moaning as she ate Faye's pussy. She kept her tongue at Wilma's asshole for a few minutes before slowly withdrawing it. She withdrew her wet fingers from Wilma's pussy, putting them on Wilma's clit as she moved her mouth to Wilma's pussy tasting her juices. She was a little tangier than Alex but she liked it. She ran her tongue up and down her slit gathering in all those juices. She sucked and chewed on Wilma's pussy lips getting her to groan and moan in unison with Faye whom Wilma was eating up a storm. Zoe fingers were rubbing Wilma's clit which was a little larger that Alex's and she could feel that Wilma loved it by the juices that she was producing. Zoe stuck her tongue in deep into Wilma's pussy tongue fucking her. Zoe heard Faye moan loudly so Zoe rubbed Wilma's clit harder as she ran her tongue around inside of Wilma's pussy. She felt Wilma go stiff and moan and was rewarded with lots of girlcum which she sucked up and a moment later Wilma collapsed down onto Faye.

Zoe sat up on the bed and saw Rose lying on the bed watching her with a smile on her face. Zoe noticed that Rose's mascara had run down the sides of her face. She didn't see Alex and wondered where she was. But about then she heard Rose say softly, "How about a little sixty-nine?"

Zoe smiled and without answering. She moved over Rose, lowering her mouth to Rose's pussy as she felt Rose's hands on her ass cheeks pulling her down. Zoe opened Rose's lips with her fingers and she began to lick, starting with Rose's tiny clit licking and sucking on it before going down to her pussy. She felt Rose's tongue licking her pussy and it felt good. Rose was running her hands up and down her ass cheeks caressing them. This felt so nice and relaxing as Rose's tongue moved along her pussy lips. Zoe was pushing her tongue in deep into Rose's pussy gathering the sweet juices. She liked how each of the women tasted just a little different and she liked them all. She just licked slowly as Rose was doing to her. They were taking their time slowly working each other toward another orgasm. As Zoe went back to Rose's clit, she felt another pair of hands on her ass. These hands were pulling her cheeks apart. Then she felt someone's mouth kissing her ass hole as Rose continued to lick and suck on her pussy. She figured that Alex had returned and was working on her asshole which felt nice. Alex kissed, and then licked her asshole before she felt her tongue enter her ass.

"Oh yesss..." Zoe cried out before going back to Rose's pussy. She knew she wouldn't last for long now with two mouths working on her. So she attacked Rose's clit with a vengeance sucking and biting on the little bud. Then as she got close to an orgasm, she was able to get Rose there too. Then as Alex forced her tongue deep into Zoe's ass, she felt her orgasm arrive. She bit down on Rose's clit making her cum with her. Zoe fell down on the bed spent completely.

When she came around she saw that everyone was resting. "How about a little break and a glass of wine before we continue with our orgy." She heard Alex say.

There was a chorus of "Yea's" as they all sat up in bed. "Well, I'm going to make a stop in the little girl's room first." Zoe said as she got off the bed. "The guest bathroom is across the hall and I have a small bathroom attached to my bedroom." She further said as she pointed in both directions.

"I just went so I'll open a fresh bottle of wine." Alex said which explained her absents a few moments ago.

"Come on Faye, well take the guest bath." Wilma said as she started out of the bedroom with Faye following. Zoe watched both of their forms from the rear.

"They got nice asses don't they?" Rose said taking Zoe by surprise.

"Yes they do." Zoe said blushing then she turned to go to the bathroom.

She went first to the sink splashing water on her face then drying it as Rose sat on the toilet peeing. Zoe glanced down at her and saw that about all of her mascara had run from around her eyes coating her cheeks and temples.

"You really do cry when you have an orgasms don't you." Zoe said as she got a washcloth putting a little face soap on it.

"I told you I did." Rose said as her face turned a reddish color.

"Yes you did and while I believed you when you said it, I don't think I completely believed you." Zoe admitted as she got down on her knees in front of Rose forcing her to stay seated on the toilet.

"Why do you think you do that?" Zoe asked out of curiosity as she began to wash Rose's face.

"With my work, I'm constantly required to come up with ideas or making decisions that will either bring in millions to the company if we win an account or cause them to lose millions if we lose the account. So to say I stay stressed most of the time is an understatement. When I am with a woman or women that I love and they show that love to me when they make love to me, I let all that tension out and the emotions flow out with them. So I cry." Rose told her as she kept her eyes closed as Zoe tenderly washed the mascara from her face.

"And getting spanked gives you the same release?" Zoe asked.

"If it's done right and these women know how to do it right." Rose told her.

"How do they do it that makes it so right?" Zoe asked her.

It was at this moment that she heard someone clearing her voice and Zoe turned to see Alex standing in the doorway. Then she felt Rose's hands on her hands and she felt Rose kiss the back of her right hand. "Trust us Zoe." Was all she said.

"Okay," Zoe replied as she got up and washed the soap from the washcloth then went back to wipe Rose's face again getting the leftover soap off.

Rose got up off the toilet saying, "Thanks for washing my face; I don't think I have ever had my face washed and it felt so loving." She then gave Zoe a light kiss on the lips.

"Mind if I use your brush?" Rose asked as Zoe sat down to pee.

"Sure go ahead." Zoe said then she looked up to see that Alex was still standing there. "You going to stay and watch me pee." Zoe asked Alex smiling at her.

"Yep, I love watching women pee..." Alex said giving her a wink. Then she hesitated before saying, "Plus Rose can be a blabber mouth after she has had a couple of glasses of wine and several orgasms which she has had tonight."

"I'm not a blabber mouth!" Rose protested.

"Yes you are my dear." Alex told her as she came up behind her giving her a hug and a kiss on her shoulder.

"Am not," Rose protested but not very hard or with much conviction.

Zoe finished peeing then ran a brush through her hair before walking with Rose and Alex to the living room where Faye and Wilma were sitting on the couch with Faye in the center. They each had a glass of wine in their hands and there were three more full glasses on the coffee table. Alex and Rose took theirs and Alex pulled Rose over to the chair with her sitting down first with Rose sitting on her lap. Zoe took the last glass of wine sitting beside of Faye on the couch.

"To our new friend. " Alex said as she lifted her glass in a toast to Zoe.

Rose and Alex clicked glasses as did Faye and Wilma then they all took a sip as did Zoe who was slightly embarrassed by the toast.

"How about to our new friendship." Zoe said as she lifted her glass. "Amen," Faye said as she clinked glasses with first Zoe and then Wilma.

"So do you all have orgies like this on your special weekends?" Zoe asked as she sipped her wine.

"Oh no we usually..." Rose was saying when she interjected an "Ouch that hurt!" as Alex had reached up and pinched her right nipple hard causing Rose to grab it as she glared at Alex.

"No this is something new for us, very enjoyable but new." Wilma told her.

Faye then spoke up before Zoe could try and get a little more information from Wilma, "Specking of new, I think we need to congratulate Zoe for doing something that the rest of us have failed to do."

"What's that? Starting an orgy? I really didn't do that, you all started that when you ganged up on me." Zoe told her.

"No, I was talking about being the first one to show Wilma that anal sex can be fun and very enjoyable." Faye told her and they were all smiling at a blushing Wilma.

"Oh god Wilma, I'm sorry. I just assumed that you were into that. I mean you're obviously into spanking and having sex with several women at the same time. I just figured that you were into anal too. I really am sorry. I hope that you will forgive me..." Zoe was saying feeling bad about what she had unintentionally done.

Zoe would have keep on going except for Wilma reaching over Faye and grasping her hand. "It's okay honey. I'm cool with it now." Wilma assured her then she added, "Beside if there is any blame then it goes to Faye here."

"What did I do?" Faye asked.

"You held my face to that pussy of yours when you knew what Zoe was doing so I couldn't say anything." Wilma told Faye padding Faye's pussy with her hand as she said it.

"I didn't know what she was doing." Faye protested as she looked over at Wilma then when she looked back at Zoe, she gave her a wink.

"The hell you didn't. I saw you looking down at Zoe and you knew exactly what she was doing to me." Wilma told her.

Zoe was afraid that things were about to get out of hand here so she stepped in. "No Wilma, it was my fault. I shouldn't have made such an assumption. I'm sorry." Zoe said really feeling bad about what she had done and she didn't want Wilma and Faye to fight over something that she had done.

"No Zoe, I'm cool with you but this little shit is going to admit that she knew what you were doing." Wilma said as she turned to Faye who didn't seem to be too worried or afraid of Wilma.

Zoe looked over at Alex and Rose who were sipping their wine and seemed to be enjoying the little spat. "I'm not admitting to anything." Faye said definitely.

"Oh yes you will!" Wilma said as she put her wine glass down.

Zoe just knew that they were going to get into a big cat fight right then and there. However Wilma just turned to Faye, putting the fingers to her nipples and she began to pinch them. "Fess up!" She said to Faye.

Faye calmly handed her wine glass to Zoe then making no effort to knock Wilma's hands away she turned toward Wilma and she reached up and began to pinch Wilma's nipples. "Admit that you enjoyed it!" Faye demanded.

"Not until you admit that knew what Zoe was doing." Wilma told her and Zoe could see Wilma increase the pressure she was using on Faye's nipples.

To Zoe it looked liked two men trying to prove who was tougher and neither willing to give in. It went back and forth as each tried to get the other to admit first. Zoe looked over at Alex and Rose who were both staring at the two women with bemused smiles on their faces. After a couple of minutes of this, Zoe was ready to stop them, as while they had smiles on their faces, they were obviously in some amount of pain.

Finally Faye let go of Wilma's nipples, knocking Wilma's hands away from her nipples so that she could rub them, "Okay I admit I knew exactly what Zoe was doing and I was determined to let her do it." Faye told her.

"Now you admit you liked it." Faye told her.

"I didn't like it." Wilma said and that made Zoe feel bad and caused Faye to frown.

Wilma then turned and looked directly into Zoe eyes as she said, "I loved it." Then she leaned over and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"I knew it, I knew it!" Faye said triumphantly. "I knew you would love it if you would just unclench those ass cheeks and let us at your ass."

"Oh shut up you bitch!" Wilma said to Faye.

"Now now girls, kiss and make up." Rose told them.

"She can kiss my ass is what she can kiss." Wilma told Faye.

"Stick it up here." Faye told her. But then she pulled Wilma to her and they did kiss. A short kiss but then Wilma leaned back into her and kissed her with this one being much longer and lots more passionate. Zoe felt a little better but she knew from then on, she was going to be a little more careful in what she did.

"So you really did love it?" Zoe asked Wilma after the kiss had ended and they were both sipping their wine again.

Wilma hesitated for a moment before she replied, "Well I didn't at first. That is just something I wasn't comfortable with doing. I didn't like doing it or having it done to me. So when you first kissed me there I didn't like it and I did try to say 'No" but this little shit beside of me stopped me." She said but this time Zoe noticed that she took Faye's hand giving it a squeeze. "You were new to us and I didn't want to make a scene with everyone having fun, so I let you do it. However then you began to rub my pussy and clit and I relaxed. Then it was like a light going off and I realized that what these bitches had been telling me was actually true. It could feel good and it did feel fucking great. So I guess my ass is now open for business."

"I'm happy for you." Faye told her and she leaned over giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Just go slowly with me girls..." Wilma said and Zoe recognized the nervousness in her face and eyes.

"You know we will Wilma." Rose said as she got up off of Alex's lap going to Wilma giving her a kiss.

"Anyone want more wine?" Rose asked as she pulled the wine from the ice bucket. She then began to refill everyone's glass even though no one actually said that they did.

"So were you surprised when we told you what we were up to?" Rose asked as she went back to Alex's lap.

Zoe took a sip of her wine as she thought about the question. "Yes I was. I knew that you were all together and into something. I suspected that something was sexual in nature but to tell you the truth I wasn't sure." Zoe told them as she took another sip of her wine trying to decide to tell them the next part. "And I admit that I was also thinking about each of you and who might be a good lover or partner."

"And who did you think that would be?" Rose asked.

"Rose! Don't ask her that!" Wilma said. "I apologize for my rude friend; you don't have to answer that question."

Zoe saw Rose frown and for such a successful woman who could and did deal with a great about of stress, when she was with women whom she could relax around, she did indeed wear her emotions on her sleeve. "No it's a good question and I'll answer your question Rose." Zoe said and she saw that she had all of their attentions now.

Zoe took another sip of her wine thus making them all wait for her answer, "I could see each of you as my lover. I do love you all and I think that I could be happy with any of you." Zoe said and then she added, "But for now I think I would like to be friends with all of you and never chose any of you over the other. Is that okay?"

"That is perfect Zoe; I think that is how we all feel about each other. We're all free to have other lovers and if one of us should find a woman that want to spend the rest of their lives with then we will wish them well..." Faye said but then she added, "But we had better be invited to the wedding and be bridesmaids or we'll fuck the other woman up."

Zoe laughed as did the rest of the women. "So have you and Sylvia gone anywhere to get married since the deep south will freeze over before they allow us to marry here?" this comment got a "Amen" from them all, however it was a sad "Amen" all the same.

"We are talking about it and trying to decide where we want to go if we decide to go that route. However we don't need a piece of paper to make us love each other as we do." Wilma said then she added, "However if we should get married... yes you all will be in the wedding. I don't want anyone fucking Sylvia up or thinking that they can."

"Hey I'm not about to touch Sylvia, she scared the shit out of me when she laid down the rules to us and Wilma." Rose said with a laugh.

"Now Sylvia isn't that bad, she wouldn't hurt a fly." Wilma told her.

"She looked like she would with that big butcher knife in her hand." Rose said.

Zoe suddenly began to have second thoughts about going to Wilma's house if her partner threatens them with a knife. "Now Rose you got Zoe scared to death." Wilma said.

Then she directed her attention to Zoe, "Sylvia was cooking us dinner when we presented the idea of us using the house for our weekends. She was cutting up a chicken to fry up so yes she had a big butcher knife in her hand but she never threatened anyone with it did she Rose."

"No but she had the knife in her hand all the same." Rose said then she smiled at Zoe. "I was just messing with you Zoe, Sylvia is as sweet as she can be and wouldn't hurt anyone. But I did get your eyes to go as big as saucers." She said as she laughed.

Zoe let out a sigh then she laughed as Rose did get her on that one. However, she suspected that Sylvia did make sure that everyone understood that Wilma was hers. "I'm sure that she did and I bet if you made a move on Wilma, she'd cut you from head to toe." Zoe told Rose and this time it was Rose's eyes that got wide as saucers.

Everyone laughed at Rose this time and she tried to say something back but couldn't think of anything. Zoe came to her rescue by asking Wilma how she had met Sylvia and thus the conversation went in that direction for a while as they rested and just enjoyed the talk of friends. They talked for an hour so before Faye decided that it was time to get things going again.

"You know someone didn't keep their promise tonight. " Faye said and Zoe looked around at the other women as she wondered what the promise was and who failed to keep it.

Zoe's eyes finally landed on Faye and she found that Faye was looking directly at her. She glanced around at the other women and saw that they too were staring at her.

"Who me?" Zoe asked. "I don't remember making any promises to anyone." Zoe protested as she racked her brain trying to remember what she could have promised Faye.

"Yes you." Faye said to her with her eyes boring into her.

Zoe was beginning to panic and with everyone staring at her like they all were in on some joke and she was about to be the butt of it. This gave her a bad feeling about herself and the women in the room with her.

"What in the hell did I promise." Zoe asked with panic in her voice.

Faye stared into her eyes for a moment before her face broke into a smile, "I do believe that someone said to me and I am quoting here "Oh I'm going to eat you all out before I let you leave. However I do believe that someone has yet to eat me."

Zoe let out a sigh of relief now that she knew what Faye was up to. She glanced around and saw that everyone was looking at her to see what she would do. Zoe put a blank look on her face as she leaned forward placing her wine glass on the coffee table. She then pushed the coffee table back a couple of feet so that there was a wider space between Faye's legs and the coffee table. Zoe slipped off the couch and onto her knees. She crawled in front of Faye legs placing her hands on her knees. She gently pushed Faye's knees open exposing her pussy. She could see that Faye was starting to get aroused by her actions. Zoe moved her hands to Faye's waist, pulling her ass to the edge of the couch. She looked up at Faye who was grinning from ear to ear.

Zoe was going to tease Faye a little by kissing her thighs but she decided that she would rather wipe that silly grin off of Faye's face. She moved her face in and she placed the flat of her tongue at the bottom of Faye's pussy and slowly licked upwards. She heard Faye suck in her breath then when Zoe got to her clit and she sucked it into her mouth, causing Faye let out a moan. Zoe brought her teeth down on the base of the clit putting a little force on it making Faye squirm and groan. She sucked on the clit making Faye squirm more and she could smell her musky aroma of her arousal. She gave a kiss to Faye's clit before moving down to her pussy lips so that she could lick at those now juicy lips.

She took a long lick from the bottom of Faye's pussy to her clit and then back down. She stopped her tongue when she got to her entrance. She used her fingers to pull Faye's lips apart and she began to lick. She teased the outer entrance first before pushing her tongue inside. She heard Faye moan and then she felt Faye's hands on the back of her head. The fingers combed through her hair and while she wasn't pushing her face into her pussy, she knew that as she got Faye close to an orgasm, she would do so. However, at that moment, Faye's fingers combing through her hair made her feel closer to Faye. She pushed her tongue in deep moving it around inside of her before starting to tongue fuck her. She felt Faye raising her hips off the couch as she tried to get more of her tongue inside of her. Zoe kept her tongue inside of Faye for another moment before withdrawing it so that she could tenderly chew on Faye's fat pussy lips. This Faye seemed to enjoy so she kept at it before pushing her tongue back inside of her.

She had just started to tongue fuck Faye's pussy again when she heard the doorbell ring. She started to jerk her head up but Faye gripped her head forcing her to stay in place. "I'll get it." She heard Wilma say.

Zoe tried to keep up with what she was doing but her mind was on who in the hell was at the door and a naked Wilma opening the door to them. She heard the door open and Wilma say, "Oh good you're here babe, come on in and join the fun."

"Don't worry its okay." She heard Faye say to her so she went back to getting Faye off though her curiosity was maxing out. She could hear Wilma, Rose, and Alex whispering to the new woman and she heard a strange voice reply.

Zoe licked deep into Faye's pussy getting her to moan again. She sucked and licked on her lips before going to Faye's clit. She now wanted to get her off quickly so that she could see who the hell was now in the room watching her eat Faye out. She pushed two fingers into Faye's pussy, going in deep and she began to finger fuck her as she sucked Faye's clit into her mouth. She used the tip of her tongue against that sensitive nub. Faye let out a groan and she did push Zoe's head into her pussy and she began a rapid climb up toward her orgasm. She sucked hard on her clit as her tongue worked the tip. Her fingers were flying in and out of her pussy and she could feel Faye's juices coating them. She raised her mouth up pulling Faye's clit with it until it popped from her mouth. Faye let out a mournful groan then a happy moan when she started to lick at that clit. She fingers were flying in and out of Faye's pussy until she felt Faye's pussy walls clamp down on her fingers and they were coated with her girlcum. She kept licking Faye's clit and fucking her until Faye pushed her face away as her clit got too sensitive to touch.

Zoe raised her head up and she saw Wilma standing behind a slim woman with black hair and small breasts which she could plainly see as the woman was naked as the rest of them. She was a very pretty woman and Zoe could see a few gray hairs in her hair that made her seem nicer and wise. The woman had a bright smile on her face.

"Well since none of these rude women will introduce me, I guess I'll have to do it myself." She said as she stepped from Wilma's arms and extending out her right hand. "My name is Sylvia and I'm Wilma's better half."

Zoe was still in a bit of a state of shock from seeing her there and the first thought of the woman was of Rose's description of her holding them at bay with her butcher knife. As these thought went through her head, she removed her fingers from their resting places which happened to be Faye's pussy and reached up to Sylvia's outreached hand.

Just as Sylvia was about to take her hand, Zoe saw Faye's girlcum coating her fingers, "Oh god I'm sorry." She said blushing and was about to take her hand away when Sylvia grasped them.

"That's okay; your fingers haven't been anywhere mind hadn't been." She said smiling then she shook Zoe's hand wet fingers and all. "I hope that you don't mind me showing up like this."

Zoe finally got her voice to work, "No it's no problem at all. But I didn't think you were into the things that Wilma and the others are in to." She then pushed herself off the floor using Faye's knees for support not that Faye minded as she was still enjoying the after effects of her orgasm.

"Oh I'm not into spanking like they are but now sex, I'm all for that." Silvia said giving her a nice smile.

"Then I'm sorry, I should have invited you along with Wilma but I really didn't know or plan for this to happen." Zoe told her.

"Oh I know that, Wilma told me she was coming here but wasn't sure what you wanted. However once dinner was over and the fun began, Wilma called me and told me to get my skinny ass over here. Again I hope you don't mind me coming over but Wilma knows better than to have fun without me." Sylvia told her.

Zoe replied with "Oh okay." However she was still a bit confused about the whole thing.

"Wilma, get me a glass of wine and let me explain our relationship to Zoe since you have obviously done such a poor job of explaining it to my new friend Zoe." Sylvia said as she came around the couch and she took Zoe's hand.

"Scoot over Faye and let Zoe and I sit down." Sylvia said and Faye did so just as Wilma was getting Sylvia a glass of wine.

Zoe was beginning to suspect that Sylvia was the one who was really the one in charge of this group, even if she wasn't a participating member. Sylvia kept Zoe's hand in hers and she had a gentle grip that felt nice and comforting. "You see Wilma and I have a very open relationship with one very important rule that can never be broken. She can have sex with any of these women on their special weekend however if there is sex any other time then I have to be there. That way we are both having fun and no one gets upset or feels left out. So when this evening had a dramatic turn, Wilma called me as she knows to do, and what I would have done if the roles had been reversed. So it wasn't your responsibility to call me, it was hers, and she did so. I wasn't going to come since I hadn't met you and you were only being considered to join their special weekend. However she said that I would love you and that you were so cute. And she was right about both of those things." Sylvia said as she took the glass of wine that Wilma had brought to her.

"All the same, the next time I invite Wilma anywhere, I will make sure to invite you." Zoe told her.

"But I do have a question for you, I know Wilma was meeting you here for dinner and she was to check you out and see if you fit in with the rest of these crazy bitches. However a couple of hours later, she is calling me and telling me to come to your apartment for an orgy, just how did it go from an evaluation to a orgy?" She asked her.

"Well I kind of tricked them?" Zoe said blushing a little.

"You mean you got the better of these intelligent and highly successful women?" Sylvia asked with her eyebrows raised.

"I don't know that I got the better of them." Zoe said modestly.

"Don't let her fool you, she got us and she got us good." Wilma said as she was now behind the couch and she had her hands on Sylvia's shoulders tenderly caressing them.

"This I got to hear." Sylvia said with a big smile as she looked first at the other women sitting around her and then to Zoe.

Zoe was slightly embarrassed by being the center of attention, yet she was enjoying it too. "I knew that they were up to something, just not sure what..." She said as she went through her story. Telling Sylvia about getting them all there without the others knowing about it and then after dinner she told how she got them to tell her what she was up to and how she felt comfortable in accepting their invitation to join them.

"Not only are you cute, but you're one sharp cookie," Sylvia told her giving her hand a squeeze, "Though I have to take a point or two away since you are joining their crazy little spanking group."

"Now Sylvia, don't scare her, you know we'll take care of her." Wilma warned her partner.

"I'm not scaring her in the least, am I?" She asked Zoe.

"No, I'm a little nervous about what I have gotten myself into but I'm not scared." Zoe told Wilma and the rest of them.

"I don't know about the rest of you but I'm ready to get back to having fun." Faye said as she had long since recovered from the orgasm that Zoe had given to her and then before anyone else could comment, "And I do believe that someone hasn't done what she said that she would do."

This time Zoe knew exactly what Faye was referring to, however when she said that, Sylvia wasn't there, she knew what Faye wanted her to do. She wasn't sure about having sex with a woman whom she had met only a few moments before. However, she did like her; Sylvia was a strong woman who was also very intelligent.

Zoe looked at Sylvia who looked back at her then at everyone else who were also staring at her. "Why do I have a feeling that everyone else knows something that I don't."

"Because we do," Rose said grinning from ear to ear.

Zoe wasn't sure what to do, but about then, Wilma leaned down whispering something into Sylvia's ear. A smile slowly came to Sylvia's face and she opened her knees as she slid her ass to the edge of the couch. Now it was Zoe's turn to make a decision as Sylvia had obviously made hers.

Zoe slipped off the couch onto her knees. She moved around Sylvia's right knee, putting herself between those sweet legs. She looked up into Sylvia's eyes receiving the warmth that they conveyed. Then Sylvia's eyes slowly closed as Wilma's hands slipped over her breasts. She saw Wilma's hands squeezing them gently and tenderly as she began to give her kisses on her left cheek.

Zoe pushed Sylvia's legs further apart and she saw Sylvia's pussy lips parting and seeing the beginning of moisture appear. As she moved her mouth closer, she picked up Sylvia's musky aroma and they got her own fires started. She went in kissing Sylvia's pussy lips tasting her juices. She licked the juices off of her lips and liking the taste. She used her fingers to spread Sylvia's lips open so that she could get her tongue in deeper. She pushed her tongue deep inside of Sylvia's pussy getting a moan from her. She glanced upwards to see that Wilma was going in for a kiss as she caressed Sylvia's breasts. Zoe moved her tongue in and around the pink flesh of Sylvia's pussy. Sylvia pushed her ass off the couch forcing her pussy against Zoe's mouth.

Sylvia may not have been into spanking but she was into sex as she grasped Zoe's head pushing it into her pussy. About this time, Zoe felt someone behind her. They pushed her knees out then she felt them lying down between her legs. She felt a pair of hands on her ass cheeks pulling them downward. She lowered her ass down until she felt warm air from someone's mouth blowing against her pussy. Then she felt a tongue running along her slit. She let out a moan into Sylvia's pussy as she continued to lick her. She moved her mouth up to Sylvia's clit noticing that it was fairly large. She sucked the clit into her mouth making Sylvia let out a muffled groan. Zoe knew that Wilma was kissing her.

She used her tongue against Sylvia's clit as she sucked on it. She felt another set of hands on her ass cheeks spreading them. The first set of hands then went to her pussy pulling her lips open and a tongue going in deeper. She felt a hot breath against her asshole before she felt a hot tongue go across it. Zoe let out a loud groan and she knew that she wasn't going to last long. The tongue was soon licking and probing her asshole making her squirm. Zoe moved the fingers of her right hand to Sylvia's pussy, pushing two fingers in fast and hard making Sylvia grunt. She finger fucked Sylvia pussy as she sucked and bit on Sylvia's clit. She fucked her hard and fast with her fingers as she sucked harder on her clit. Soon she had Sylvia grunting and groaning as she felt Sylvia's pussy squeeze down on her fingers.

Zoe now had a tongue deep in her ass and a mouth on her clit sucking and lick on it. Zoe pulled her fingers from Sylvia's pussy so that she could lick up her girlcum that she was producing from her orgasm. Zoe was fast approaching that same point as she enjoying the attention that her ass and pussy was getting. She tried to hold off her orgasm for as long as she could but that didn't last long as she felt her orgasm hit her hard. She clung onto Sylvia as she experienced a wonderful orgasm.

When she came back around, she found that she was laying on the floor looking up at Rose's pussy. "I was wondering when you were going to come around." Rose said to her as Zoe looked up at her. Rose was on her knees which were on either side of her head. "Now get to work." Rose told her as she began to lower her pussy down to Zoe's mouth.

"Yes madam," Zoe said with a big smile.

As she began to lick on Rose's wet juicy pussy, she glanced to her right to see Wilma and Sylvia in a sixty-nine on the couch and to her left was Alex and Faye with their pussies pressed together and they were frigging away. Zoe reached up placing her hands on Rose's breasts squeezing and pinching the nipples as she licked away the juices on Rose's pussy lips. She went from Rose's asshole to her clit licking away with the flat of her tongue. She was also pinching and pulling on her nipples making Rose cry out in pleasure and pain. She let the tip of her tongue slide between Rose's pussy lips getting in deeper and thus getting more juices from her. She licked and sucked away on Rose's sweet tasting pussy getting from her all the juices that she could and making Rose squirm as she sat down more on her face. She went from her asshole up to her clit where she sucked it deep into her mouth making Rose cry out. She kept the pressure up on that clit as she pinched hard on Rose's nipples until she was rewarded with a flood of girlcum. She also felt Rose's tears falling onto her hands as she worked her breasts.

They all exchanged partners a couple of more times before they all lay exhausted in the living room. Zoe suggested that they all pile onto her bed for some much needed and deserved sleep. It was a tight fit with them all lying on top and against each other. They were so tired that this didn't bother any of them in the least since they were all asleep within moments of settling onto the bed.

Zoe woke up the next morning to the sound of the shower in her bathroom running and giggling coming from the same direction. She looked around and saw that Faye and Alex were missing from the bed. Zoe slipped from the bed going to the kitchen to get some coffee going before going to the guest bathroom to pee and then turn on the shower. She had just stepped in when she heard someone enter the bathroom. A couple of moments later the shower door opened and she saw Sylvia standing there.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked,

"No come on it, the water's hot and ready." Zoe said.

"Just the way I like my women." Sylvia said with a laugh.

"I'll have to remember that one." Zoe said laughing.

"Just remember where you got it." Sylvia said as she leaned in giving her a kiss that Zoe was happy to return.

"I do owe you a thank you." Sylvia told her.

"Whatever for," Zoe asked.

"It seems that you were the one to finally convince my Wilma that anal sex can be quiet fun. I've and everyone else has been trying to do that for years but she wouldn't hear of it." Sylvia said as she got herself wet while Zoe began to wash.

Zoe blushed a bit, "That was purely by accident; I just assumed that since she was into spanking then she would be into most everything else. I hope that you don't mind that I did it to her first."

"Oh hell no sweetie, I'm just thankful that you got through to her. You see while you get her for one weekend a month, I have her the rest of the time so I reap the much bigger reward." Sylvia told her. "She even used her tongue on my ass last night and I was the first person she did that too. So you see I was still her first."

"Very true, I'm glad that you are looking at it that way. And I think it is great that you two are so much in love, yet also enjoy other people. I think that is hard to do and I'm not sure that I could do it." Zoe told her.

"It's not for everyone, and for a lot, it would tear them apart. But we have found a way for it to work. Plus I know the only women that she is with are the same ones that I too have been with so that makes it easier." Sylvia told her as she too began to wash.

They talked as they showered, mostly about Wilma's relationship with Sylvia. It was interesting to hear how they met and how they came together, also on how they came to their current relationship. Just was Sylvia finished washing her body, she pulled Zoe to her giving her a kiss. It was a nice soft kiss that Zoe was enjoying when the shower door opened.

"You're not trying to move in on my lover are you?" Wilma said standing in front of the shower door. She had a big smile on her face so Zoe knew that Wilma wasn't upset at seeing them kissing.

"Nope, just getting her warmed up for you." Zoe said stepping out of the shower giving Wilma a kiss on the way past her.

As Zoe dried her body, she heard moaning coming from the shower. She glanced over and she could see Wilma and Sylvia clinging together as they kissed passionately. Once she got her hair dried, she went out to find something to fix for breakfast for them all. As she passed by her bedroom, she thought of Rose and hoped that she didn't feel left out, however as she peeked in, she saw that the bed was now empty and there were three voices coming from her bathroom and she realized that she didn't need to worry about rose, she knew where to go when she wanted some loving.

Zoe poured herself a cup of coffee then she began to look around the kitchen trying to figure out what to cook everyone for breakfast. This was made hard on two counts, one she wasn't a big breakfast person so she didn't have much in the way of breakfast foods to feed everyone and two she had no clue what everyone liked to eat. She searched around for a bit and came to the conclusion that the only way she was going to feed all these hungry women was to take them somewhere to eat. Having come to this conclusion she decided to get everyone going because this was one morning that she did want something to eat.

"Okay ladies you got fifteen minutes to get your asses out of the shower and get dressed so get it in gear!" Zoe hollered so that she could be heard over both showers.

Both showers immediately stopped and she heard Alex from her bathroom and Wilma from the guest bathroom call back almost in unison, "What? What's wrong?"

"I'm taking all of you to breakfast and I'm hungry so get it in gear, we are leaving in fourteen minutes so get it in gear unless you want to parade around Atlanta in the nude." Zoe said loudly then she went into her bedroom to start getting dressed.

"It'll take me thirty minutes to get my make-up on." Rose protested.

"Well you now got thirteen minutes to get ready so I'd get moving." Zoe said seriously but she did have a smile on her face.

"I think we'd better move it, she sounds serious." Alex said pulling Rose into the bathroom. "Faye and I will help you get your make-up on since the bitch is in such a fucking hurry." She said to Rose. Alex then gave Zoe a wink as she went back into the bathroom with Rose in tow.

It was actually closer to thirty minutes before she got them out of the apartment but she knew if she didn't push them a bit, they'd never get out of there. There was a Waffle House a couple of blocks from her apartment so they walked there. They all crowded into a booth together then they got their drinks, coffee for four of them and a tea for Sylvia and a juice for Faye who was the health freak. They kept the waitress busy with their orders and refilling their drinks. They sat and talked at the restaurant for almost two hours before finally taking their leave. Since they kept the waitress busy, they made sure that they gave her a huge tip as the waitresses depended on tips to make their living. Once outside, they all offered to come back and help Zoe clean up her apartment but Zoe turned them down, she wanted some time to think about everything and she could do that as she cleaned up after their party. So once they got back to her apartment building, they each gave her a kiss and each went on their way back to their own places.

She stepped into the elevator pushing the button for her floor. She wanted to think things over and began that thought process. She had never been a part of an orgy before and really hadn't thought about doing so but she couldn't say that now. She had to admit that she enjoyed having sex with so many women at once. She wouldn't want to do that with four strange women but these women she knew and liked. Well except for Sylvia whom she had only just met, but she knew of her through Wilma however after talking to her for a few minutes, she liked her too. By the time that she got to her door, she had come to the conclusion that what she had done was okay with her. She didn't feel bad or guilty about it. The fact that she wasn't involved with anyone at that moment made it easier for her. She went on into her apartment heading toward her bedroom to change into her cleaning uniform which happened to be a pair of sweat shorts and a loose tee shirt. This was what she always wore when she cleaned as they were comfortable and gave her the freedom to move around.

As she entered her bedroom, the first thing that she saw was five pair of panties lined up along the edge of her bed. She stopped and smiled looking at those panties. She knew that they had done that to mess with her mind and make her think about the women who had come into her apartment wearing them. She went over to them gathering them up. She was at first going to put them into the wash and return them to their owners but then she stopped herself. Instead she took them over to her dresser hanging them across the top of the mirror as a keepsake that would remind her of the fun she had with the owners of the panties.

She then begun to clean, starting first with the sheets on her bed that now smelled of sex. She put them onto wash then she went to the living room to begin to vacuum. She worked for most of the day before changing into a pair of jeans and a blouse to go shopping. She lived near enough to work to not have to use her car so every Sunday she went down to the parking garage under her apartment building to get her car. She made sure to drive it at least once a week so that the battery would remain charged so that if she needed the car in a rush, it would start for her. She went out for an afternoon drive, just driving for a couple of hours before stopping to do her weekly grocery shopping.

She had thought little about the fact that she had agreed to join their spanking club on Sunday, however as she walked to work on Monday morning, that thought did come into her mind. She felt a few butterflies in her stomach as she thought about what she had done. For the first time since making the decision, she began to wonder if that was such a good idea. She wondered if she had been right to rush the women into a decision. If she had not then she wouldn't be joining them this weekend but that time would be more than a month away. For the first time in her life, she regretted being such a pushy broad, but then that was who she was and how she had gotten where she was in such a short time.

Once she got to her office and the phone began to ring, she forgot about her weekend of pleasure and her pending weekend of spanking. She had a busy morning so she was a little late getting to lunch. When she entered the dining room, she looked around for her friends and was surprised to find not a one there. She got a salad, paying for it and a juice, and then she went through the tables looking for her friends but again she couldn't find them. She finally found a table with a couple of her auditors and she had her lunch with them. None of her new friends appeared as she ate so she went back with her auditors to the office. Her afternoon was as busy as her morning so she didn't have much time to think about no one showing up for lunch until she started to pack up her things to go home.

That night as she lay alone in her bed, she began to think again about her decision to join this weird group. The doubts began to arise within her and she had a harder time quashing them. However by the time she was ready for sleep she was feeling okay about her decision.

She was really expecting to see at least one for her friends at the dining room on Tuesday but again no one showed up. She then begun to wonder if they were having second thoughts about her and that scared her even more. She knew that she was making more of all of this than was really necessary but she would feel better if at least one of the women would stop by and have lunch with her. That afternoon as she walked from the office building to her apartment, she pulled out her cell phone placing a call to Alex. She got her voice mail and she left a message for Alex to call her when she got a chance. She tried to make it sound like she was just calling to talk but she wasn't sure she was able to pull it off. She felt like her voice was conveying her nerviness. She waited all evening for a call from Alex but it never came.

By lunch time on Wednesday, she really wanted to talk to one of her new friends and she so hoped that one would appear for lunch but again she was disappointed. This time she placed a call to both Rose and Faye as she tried to eat her lunch. She didn't get either of them to answer their phone so she left them a message saying that she was eating and hoped that they could join her. She wasn't really surprise that her calls went unanswered and that she ate alone. That evening as she walked home, she called Wilma and asked that she call her as she really needed to talk to her. She didn't care that she sounded desperate because her was. She needed some reassurance from them and she wasn't getting any. That evening, she turned on her home computer doing a search on spanking and spanking sites. The first couple that she looked at was mostly OTK, over the knee; sites and they didn't look to bad and were exciting to see. She should have stopped there while she was feeling better about things but she didn't. The next site was a canning site and that one scared the hell out of her. The women on this site got their asses bruised by the cane and they showed how much pain that they were in. For her, this wasn't erotic in the least bit, it was downright scary. Now she really wanted to talk to someone, so she placed a call to Alex again practically begging her to call her but again she got no answer or a return call. She tossed and turned all night, not getting much sleep at all.

Thursday she had a hard time concentrating on her work and she left early to go to lunch. She really didn't expect for any of her so called friends to come to lunch so she wasn't surprised that no one showed up. She didn't bother to call anyone because she knew that no one would answer her calls. She sat there thinking that is was time to pay a call on one of her friends. They all worked in the same building so all she had to do was to go to their office suite. She spent the rest of her lunch trying to decide just which one to pay a visit. She started with Alex and went back through them all; she ended up deciding on Alex as she was the first one to make contact with her. She waited until a little after one to make sure that Alex would have time to get back to her office then she left the dining room.

She went to the elevator and there was a line waiting to get on the elevator. Once it stopped and the door opened, there was a crowd waiting to enter. They all packed in and she was the last one to enter.

"What floor?" A lady in a red dress asked her.

Zoe was about to answer when a thought went through her head, "What if they want to give me time to second guess myself?"

"Honey, what floor do you want?" The lady in red repeated as the doors closed behind her.

Zoe was about to say the tenth which was Alex's floor but instead she said, "The twentieth."

Zoe made her way to the back of the elevator as she thought through her thoughts. She began to realize that her friends did want her to rethink what she was about to do and they were staying away from her so that she could do so. Zoe knew that if she spent the week talking to Alex and her friends, she would never really go through the thought process that she was going through right then. All through lunch, she had begun to hate her new friends for abandoning her when she needed them the most but now she had new respect for them for giving her the chance to back out without any pressure. That afternoon, her mind was more on what she really wanted to do rather than her work. The fun she had had with them on Saturday had faded a bit so she was better able to think things through logically.

That evening, she ran herself a bath so that she could soak and think. She rarely took the time to take a bath but tonight she granted herself that pleasure. She put lots of bubble bath into the water and made the water as hot as she could stand it. She slipped down into the hot water, lying back and closing her eyes. She let her mind relax as she thought about what she really wanted to do. She loved the thought of having fun with these women but she knew now that none of these women would be the woman she would want to spend the rest of her life with. That was what she was looking for but as of yet she had not found her. She knew that she was still young and had plenty of time to look for her. But she also knew that if she spent one weekend a month having lots of orgasms then she might not look as hard for that woman of her dreams. It was all too confusing for her and she really didn't know what to do. She didn't like to change her mind after telling everyone that she would join their group but she also knew that they would understand her decision. She thought all through her bath going until the water go too cold to stand. She then let the water out, turning on the shower to wash the bath bubbles off her body. Then after washing, she shaved her legs and her pussy, just in case she decided to go through with her first decision.

That night, she slept better than she thought she would but after not sleeping the night before, she was so tired that she couldn't help but to go to sleep. The next morning she awoke without knowing where the evening would find her. She poured herself a cup of coffee taking it with her to her bathroom, sipping on it as she got ready for work. She picked out what she wanted to wear that day and then went to her bathroom to make herself presentable to the outside world. She then returned to her bedroom to dress for work.

She went to her dresser mirror to do a last look over when she saw the five pairs of panties hanging there. She thought not of the sex that she had with these women but of the women that wore these panties. These were women that she had grown to love and respect. These were also women that she trusted and it was that thought that made her decision easy to make. She reached up touch each pair of panties in turn smiling as she did so. Then she headed out of the bedroom feeling confident again.

That day at lunch, she ordered out with the rest of her staff, she didn't bother going to the dining room as she knew that none of her friends would be there. She really didn't think much about what would happen that evening until it was getting close to five which was when the office shut down. She had no clue as to how to get to Wilma's house, she knew the general area but that was it. She didn't know if she should call someone or not. She was just getting her cell phone out to look up Alex's number when a new email popped up on her computer. She could tell by the sender that it was Wilma's personal email address. She felt herself getting nervous as she went to open the email. She saw that there was an attachment to the email. She first opened the email and read the message:

Attached are the directions to my house if you so decide to join us. We hope that you do but like we said before, you'll still be our friend should you decline.



P.S. Be there exactly at seven, being late is not acceptable and will be dealt with harshly!

P.S. P.S. The last one there will also be dealt with harshly!

Zoe laughed at the message, she knew that it was going to be impossible to arrive there exactly at seven without being either early, as it said exactly at seven, or be late, nor did she want to be the last one there either.

She opened the attachment printing out the directions. She saw that it wasn't that far away and she knew the area so she wasn't afraid of getting lost. It also gave her time to run home, take a shower and still have plenty of time to make it there on time. She felt the butterflies return to her stomach as she folded up the directions placing them in her purse and then she hurried her staff out of the office, not that she had to try too hard. It was Friday afternoon and they were just as anxious to get out of there as she was. She locked the office up then hurried to the elevator where some of her staff was holding it for her. Once out on the street, she ran more than walked to her apartment.

She shed her clothes on her way to her bedroom and then she went into her bathroom. She got the water started as she brushed her teeth. She was so anxious to get going that she jumped in even before the water was completely warm. She yelped as the cooler water hit her hot body but then it quickly warmed up. She showered quickly then she ran her razor over her legs and pussy making sure she was nice and smooth.

Once she had finished doing her make-up and her hair, she went to her bedroom looking for something to wear. She knew that eventually she would be naked and suspected that she would remain so for the better part of the weekend. Still she wanted to look nice for her arrival. She put on a cute pair of high cut panties with a matching bra. Then she went to her closet finding that sexy dress that she loved. It came down to mid thigh and had a V cut in front that went down enough to show off her a little of her cleavage. She packed an overnight bag with a change of clothing and a couple changes of undergarments. She checked her watch and saw that she still had better than an hour to get there but she would be facing Friday afternoon traffic so she headed out.

It wasn't until she got outside of Atlanta that she was able to relax enough to think about just what she was heading to. The butterflies returned to her stomach full force. She had to really concentrate on her driving as her mind went through the things that lay ahead of her. The problem was that she wasn't entirely sure just what did lie ahead of her. She wondered again, if this was what she wanted to do but she knew that she wasn't going to turn back now. She would stay the weekend and if she found that she wasn't into spanking as much as she thought that she would be then she would tell that that she just wanted to be their friends on Monday, however she had a feeling that when they all met again, she would be there.

The closer she got to Wilma's house, the more she checked her watch and the directions. The directions had the mileage on each part of the journey so she adjusted her speed to try and arrive at the appointed time. But her fear of being late caused her to be on Wilma's street fifteen minutes early. So she passed the driveway marked with the street number of Wilma's house. She went on down the street, turning left, and going down that street for a few minutes before finding a place that she could turn around and head back. She drove back up the street slowly trying to get to Wilma's driveway a minute before seven. However she went too slow and she ended up turning in at a minute after seven. She just knew she was going to be the last one there. However as she pulled up the long driveway, she saw just one car parked in front of Wilma's house. She was so relieved not to be the last one there that she didn't feel her nerves return until she had stopped and was getting out of her car.

She took in a deep breath before grabbing her overnight bag. She adjusted her dress and her hair before starting up the walk to the front door. Once there, she took in another deep breath trying to quell the butterflies in her stomach, then she rang the door bell. She only had to wait for a moment before the door opened and she was looking at a smiling Wilma who was dressed in a long skirt and a beautiful blouse.

"I see that you did decide to join us, I'm so glad." Wilma said as she welcomed Zoe in giving her a kiss on the cheek as Zoe came in.

"Hey girls, look who decided to join us." Wilma called out as she took a nervous Zoe by the hand and leading her through the foyer and into a large living room. There she saw Faye, Alex, and Rose all standing by the large fireplace drinking a glass of wine.

"Shit, I'm the last one here, aren't I?" Zoe said to herself but loud enough for Wilma to hear her.

"Afraid so," Wilma whispered into her ear.

Zoe then glance back at their wine glasses and saw that they were all half empty, "I was suppose to arrive last wasn't I?" Zoe asked.

"Afraid so," Wilma said again with a little laugh. "Come on and let's get you a glass of wine. Dinner will be served in a just a bit."

"I'm glad that you decided to join us." Alex said giving her a glass of wine. Then she gave her a light kiss.

All the others then told her the much the same thing as they too gave her a kiss and a hug. She welcomed the hugs and kisses as they did comfort her a little though she was still feeling nervous. "I do have a question for you all." Zoe said as she took a sip of her wine that she sorely needed.

"Why didn't any of you come to lunch this week and failed to return my phone calls. I was really feeling alone and wanted some reassurance." Zoe asked them though she wasn't bitter, she was just curious as to what they would say.

"I wanted to return your call but they wouldn't let me." Rose told her.

"Yea, make us the bad guys Rose, you know why we did that and you agreed didn't you." Faye told her.

"Well yes but still I knew she was worried and needed to talk to someone." Rose replied in her defense.

"Ladies, no one has answered my question." Zoe reminded them.

"You know why we did that, but to answer your question, we wanted you to decide for yourself if this was what you wanted, and to do without us around to cloud your thoughts." Wilma told her.

"That's what I figured but it took me a few days to get it." Zoe said with a smile.

"You mad at us?" Alex asked.

"I was on Tuesday and Wednesday but once I figured out what you all were doing, I was okay with it. And it did give me time to think." Zoe told her.

"You're here now and that's all that counts." Alex said as she gave her a hug.

Then they all talked and sipped their wine. Nothing was said about what they were going to be doing soon; it was mostly about their work week and the frustrations that they had to overcome. Zoe began to relax and just enjoy talking to her new friends. Zoe could smell food cooking and she wondered who was doing the cooking. She suspected that it was Sylvia though she had as of yet to make an appearance.

Once they had finished their glasses of wine, Alex poured them all another glass then she made a toast, "To our newest member, I hope that she will enjoy this special weekend and want to come back for many more."

They all touched glasses and took a sip, "Thank you all for inviting me to join you. I do believe that I will have fun and want to return." Zoe said and they all touched glasses again and took another sip of their wine.

"I think we should lay out the ground rules for Zoe before we go eat and then start our weekend." Faye said.

"Normally we just have one rule but this weekend since this is your first weekend and we decided a little initiation is in order so we have added a second rule just for you." Wilma told her.

Zoe felt her stomach turn over and she got that nervous feeling again. It had been all talk up to this point but now it was about to become real. "What are those rules?" Zoe said trying to keep her voice calm but not quiet pulling it off.

"The first rule that will always be in place is that if someone tells you to do something, then you must do it." Wilma told her.

"So if I tell Faye to lie across my lap, then she must do so. She can't then tell me to lay across her lap after I am done with her. She must go across my lap and once I am done with her then she is free to say or do as she pleases but until then, she is under my control." Rose told her.

"Do you see how it works?" Alex asked her.

"Yes I believe that I do and I am sure I will catch on quickly as I see you all interact." Zoe said, "So what is the second rule you all made just for me?"

Wilma smiled as she replied with, "You cannot spank any of us until we all have had a chance to spank you at least once."

Zoe thought that over for a moment but then she thought of something, "Does that mean that one of you could hold out all weekend and not tell me to do anything and thus I would be under the other three all weekend?"

"Oh we didn't think of that!" Rose said excitedly. "Let's do that!"

"Okay we will, but you've got to be the one who has to hold out." Faye told her laughing.

"Oh then never mind." Rose said with some disappointment.

"No we won't do that to you, we want you to be a full member of the group and that wouldn't be fair. But we had to think of some type of initiation and this is what we came up with." Wilma told her.

"So I'm your first new member?" Zoe asked.

"Yes you are my sweet and I can't think of a better person to bring into our group." Alex told her. "And since I am the one that discovered you, I was allowed to be the first one tell you what to do."

Zoe felt her knees go weak for a second as she realized that things were about to begin. "Okay," she said with her voice breaking just a bit.

"I want you to remove your clothes... all of your clothes." Alex said firmly but yet there was kindness in her voice.

"Right here?" Zoe asked nervously.

"Yes right here." Alex said still using that firm but kind voice.

Zoe looked past Alex to the other ladies and they were all watching her. She felt her hand shaking as she reached back to unzip her dress but her hands were shaking so much that she couldn't get to it.

"Here let me help." Faye said as she came around and pulled the zipper down for her.

"Thanks," Zoe said giving her a smile.

Zoe stepped out of her sandals before slowly pulling the top of the dress from her shoulders and then on down her body before stepping out of it. She wasn't sure what to do with it but then Rose took it from her hand and she had a hanger in her hand. So obviously they had this all planned well before hand. Rose took the dress over to an antique hat stand, hanging the dress on it. Zoe was now standing in just her panties and bra. Even though she had been naked in front of these women before, this was completely different as now she was the only one taking her clothes off.

Zoe reached back to unhook her bra pulling it from her arms revealing her breasts. Her nipples were already hard and that embarrassed her. She stood there as the ladies admired her breasts and they all had smiles on their faces. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her high cut panties. She could feel her pussy getting moist as she pulled them over her hips and down her thighs. She felt the cool air hit her pussy and it made her shiver. She got her panties down to her knees then she let them drop so that she could step out of them. Now she was completely naked in front of four dressed women who were staring at her body. She felt very self-conscious as she stood there.

"Now turn around slowly for us." Alex told her.

Without Alex telling her to do so, she locked her fingers behind her head thus pushing out her breasts. She figured if she was going to give them a show, then she might as well give them a good show. She slowly turned around letting them get a good look at her and she felt her pussy getting wetter as she went. She didn't think doing something like this would turn her on but it did. She heard a lot of "Ohh's" and "Awh's." as she made the turn. When she was facing them again, she saw them all put their wine glasses on the fireplace mantel where she had previously placed hers.

They surrounded her and then she felt four sets of hands touching her body. She let out a moan as she closed her eyes. There were hands on her breasts, caressing them then pinching her nipples. There were a set of hands on her ass giving her cheeks a squeeze. There was a pair of hands on her thighs moving up toward her pussy. She automatically opened her legs so that the hands would be able to get to her pussy. She also had a set of hands on her face turning her head slightly to the right. She then felt a set of lips touching her lips. She quickly figured out that it was Alex's lips kissing her and she moaned into her kiss. The hands on her ass cheeks went up to her back giving her gently caresses there before returning to her ass cheeks. She then felt someone kissing her ass cheeks as their hands continued to caress her there. The hands that were on her thighs had by now made their way to her pussy. She felt fingers running up and down her slit and a finger rubbing against her clit. Zoe felt her body responding to this loving as she now just tried to keep standing. Her knees were weak as she felt her body responding to all this gently touching.

"Oh god..." Zoe mumbled out as she tried to return Alex's kisses but her mind couldn't keep up with all that was happening to her. She was at these women's mercy. She felt a couple of fingers enter her pussy and the cried out into Alex's mouth. The fingers began to fuck her as a tongue ran across her clit.

This did Zoe in as she felt her pussy pulse and clamp down on those fingers. She felt her body go weak as an intense orgasm went through her body. She just enjoyed her orgasm as she felt those hands just caressing her body.

When Zoe was able to open her eyes, she saw that Alex was holding her up. She felt Alex kiss her and she kissed her back as she got her legs back under her and she was able to hold herself up. Zoe glanced down to see Rose licking her fingers so she knew whose fingers had been fucking her and whose mouth had been licking her clit.

"Oh god, you all just love to gang up on me don't you." Zoe said smiling and taking the wine that Wilma was handing to her.

"You don't mind do you?" Alex asked.

"Oh hell no," Zoe said and she heard them all laughing at her response.

"Dinner's on the table!" Sylvia said from the dining room.

"I believe that Sylvia has determined that it was time that we eat." Wilma said and she put her right arm out directing them to the dining room.

They all started to head in the direction that Wilma was indicating as Zoe hesitated for a second. She thought that someone would give her at least a robe to wear to dinner but obviously not. So she brought up the rear as they went out of the living room into a large dining room.

"I see that they have started on you already." Sylvia said with a big smile on her face making Zoe blush at the way Sylvia was seeing her for the first time this evening.

"Afraid so," Zoe replied still blushing.

There were six places set out with the food already on the table. There was a plate at each end of the table and two to one side and two on the other. Alex took one of the end chairs with Rose and Faye sitting on one side and Sylvia and Wilma on the other leaving the other end to her. Zoe felt so self-conscious as she stood there naked while the rest of them were going to eat clothed. Zoe went on into the dining room, pulling out her chair. She looked down and saw that it had a cloth seat.

"Ah... I think I need to go clean up, where's the bathroom?" Zoe said feeling her whole body blush. Her pussy was soaking wet from just cumming and she hadn't had a chance to clean herself.

"Here... let me go get you a towel." Alex said giving her a smile as she got up.

"I can just go with you and wash off." Zoe said as she started to follow her.

"No just stay here, I'll get you something." Alex told her and thus that ended that conversation.

Zoe knew that they were playing with her so she just went along though she wished that she would stop blushing. Rose then began to talk about her latest project as if they were all eating lunch at the dining room at the office building. Zoe followed along with the conversation wishing that Alex would hurry up with the towel but she was obviously taking her time. However she did eventually bring a thick towel, even placing it on the seat for her. Zoe thanked her as she quickly sat down so at least she was halfway covered. However her breasts were well above the table so they all got to look at them, though for the most part, they didn't as the conversation got going with several conversations going on at once.

Zoe almost got to the point that she forgot that she was the only one naked. Zoe didn't have that much of an appetite though she did manage to get some food down. She was just so nervous and excited that she found it hard to eat and talk. Once they had finished eating, Sylvia had them go back into the living room for a glass of wine while they digested their food. Zoe offered to help with the dishes and putting the food away but Sylvia said that she would take care of it later. Zoe felt bad that Sylvia was doing all this work for them and not being a part of the fun but obviously that was how it was and had been. So Zoe went with the other women back to the living room, she did remember to take her towel with her so that she would have something to sit on.

Zoe sat with Faye and Wilma on the couch with her being in the center with Rose and Alex sitting in chairs on each end of the couch. Sylvia had a chair that was set right in front of the couch making sort of a circle of women with Zoe being the only one naked. Faye took her left hand giving it a squeeze which did help her to relax some. Again they talked about everything but what they were all here to do. This was getting on Zoe's nerves but being the new person, she didn't want to say anything. If this was what they normally did then who was she to up and try to change things. But for them, this wasn't something completely new so they felt no need to rush things along as Zoe was feeling. Zoe just barely sipped her wine and she noticed that everyone else was doing the same.

After about an hour, Wilma stood up as she said, "I do believe that it's time to begin."

""I agree." Alex said. "And I do believe that Zoe is more than ready to start."

Zoe could only say, "Definitely, the wait is killing me." The other women laughed at her comment.

"Do you normally wait this long to begin or was this for my benefit?" Zoe asked.

"A little of both, we do usually have dinner then talk for a while. However since you were sitting there nude, we went a little longer than normal." Alex said.

"And we usually don't have such a fancy dinner but this was a special evening, so we wanted to go all out." Rose said with a little laugh.

"Well thank you but you didn't have to go to so much trouble for me." Zoe told them as Wilma led them through the living room.

"It was no trouble at all, plus it was fun watching you squirm through dinner." Wilma said giving them a laugh at her expense but Zoe didn't mind, it was all in fun and she had to admit that it was exciting in a way.

Wilma went over to Sylvia giving her a kiss that showed the passion and love that she had for her. Zoe just barely heard Sylvia tell Wilma to have fun. They then went on down a hallway passing what appeared to be the family room and the guest bathroom leaving Sylvia behind. At the end of the hallway was a door that Wilma opened. Zoe felt her stomach churn and she tried to hear what Wilma was saying but her mind wasn't taking it all in. Wilma went down the lighted steps followed by Faye and Rose. Next came Zoe and she noticed that the steps were carpeted and well lit. Alex was behind of her and she had a hand on her shoulder giving it a squeeze. Zoe went on down the steps and once reaching the bottom step, she went on over to where Faye, Rose, and Wilma were waiting for her and Alex.

End of Part Two.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 3

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