Spanking Club

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Nov 17, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

The Spanking Club

Part Twelve

By Chris

Zoe then saw Sylvia standing a few feet behind of Carrie and she mouthed the words, "Go on, let me talk to her." Zoe had no clue as to what to do. Go and possibly piss Carrie off or stay and definitely piss Carrie off, neither were an option that Zoe wanted to take. Sylvia then motioned her to go on, so she said meekly, "Okay," and she turned to go down the stairs hating every step that she took. She heard the door close behind of her and she felt like the door was closing on her and Carrie's relationship.

"Where's Carrie?" Rose asked when she got to the bottom of the stairs.

"She changed her mind." Zoe said and she saw that no one was surprised to hear her utter those words. "I didn't know what to do. She practically ordered me to come down here and Sylvia indicated that I should but now I feel like I have made the biggest mistake of my life." Then she started to cry.

"Come on, you need a stiff drink." Wilma said as she came over putting her arm around her shoulders and leading her over to the little kitchenette. "Sylvia will talk to her and see what is going on, you can count on her."

Alex placed a shot of something in front of her that she gulped down and she felt it burning all the way down and then burn her stomach. That shot glass was replaced by another but she left this one alone for the moment as the first one began to calm her. "I don't know what I should do. Maybe I need to go back up there." Zoe said as she started to get up off the bar stool that Wilma had placed her on.

"Give Sylvia a few minutes and let's see what happens." Faye suggested.

"You think?" Zoe asked.

"Yes I do." Faye told her kindly.

"I knew this was a bad idea from the beginning and I should have talked her out of it." Zoe told them.

"You really think you could talk Carrie out of anything?" Wilma asked her. "You got that power over her?"

Zoe thought for a second before saying, "No but I could have tried harder."

"You could but I suspect the result would have been the same." Faye told her.

"You're probably right." Zoe conceded. "But I still don't understand why she wanted to do this."

"You'll have to get her to answer that question, but I suspect it was something that she just had to do." Wilma said.

"That's about what she told me, she wanted to sew her wild oats but I suspect there is more to it than that." Zoe told them.

"You know us women, we always have more than one reason to do something; we're funny that way." Rose said with a laugh.

Zoe had to smile, "I guess we are."

"Yep, that's why we're such bitches to live with." Faye said that got everyone to laugh a bit and relieve the tension.

"You all can go ahead and play, I'm just going to sit here and think." Zoe told her.

"And we're going to sit with you. We got the whole weekend to play." Alex told her as she fixed them all a shot of the bottle she was pouring.

Alex then raised her shot glass and said, "To loving women and all that comes with that, good and bad."

"Amen," They all said and then they downed their shot glasses causing them all to gasp and their eyes to water.

"Just what in the hell you got in that bottle?" Rose asked when she could breathe again.

"It's my own little concoction and I'll never tell what it is." Alex said smiling and giving Zoe a wink.

Zoe talked a while about what led up to this and got their input but mostly they listened as great friends do. They weren't much on giving advice as they knew that this was something that she had to resolve on her own. They talked or rather she talked until she decided that it was time for her to go see what was going on upstairs. She knew her place was with Carrie whether she wanted her there or not.

Zoe found Sylvia and Carrie in the sun room talking or rather Carrie was talking and Sylvia was listening. Sylvia saw her first and motioned with her eyes that it was safe to enter. As Zoe got close to the back of the chair that Carrie was sitting in, Sylvia said that she had to visit the powder room and slipped out of the room.

"So how you doing?" Zoe asked as she got beside of Carrie's chair.

Carrie jumped in surprised then she asked, "What you doing up here, I told you to go have fun. And what are you doing still dressed?"

"My place is up here with you." Zoe said as she came around the chair and sitting on Carrie's lap forcing her to stay put. "And I have found over the past year that I need you to have fun so that is why I am still in my clothes since you are still in your clothes. So that is why I came up here to be with the one that I love."

This made Carrie smile but then the smile disappeared and a frown appeared, "I guess I have really fucked things up haven't I, for you and everyone else."

"No, you haven't but I do want you to tell me what is going on in that head of yours. I need to understand what you are going through." Zoe said and she saw Carrie wanting to draw back.

"I don't know." Carrie said.

"You know that is the one thing about you that frustrates me the most, just when I need you to open up the most, you go back into your shell." Zoe told her.

"Then why do you stay around if I frustrate you so much." Carrie said a bit defensively.

"Because you do eventually open up and I plan on spending the next fifty or sixty years waiting for you to open completely." Zoe said giving her a kiss.

"You think it'll take that long?" Carrie asked.

"As stubborn as you are, yes I do." Zoe said giving her a smile to let her know that she was kidding with her a bit.

"Then maybe I'm not worth the wait." Carrie suggested.

"Oh you're more than worth it, the more I see inside of you the more in love with you I become." Zoe said and that did make Carrie smile.

Carrie sat for a second then she said, "I did want to sew my oats as I told you but I also wanted to show you that I was open to everything that you would want to ever do. I didn't want to risk losing you, I can't lose you." Then a tear appeared on Carrie's cheek.

"You don't ever have to prove your love to me. I would have loved you just as much if you had never spanked me or let me spank you. That never had anything to do with why I fell in love with you and never will. You understand that?" Zoe asked.

"I do now." Carrie told her.

"Good then we can go home and forget about all of this." Zoe said as she started to get up but Carrie pulled her back down.

"Wait a minute," Carrie said and then she hesitated for a moment.

"What is it?" Zoe asked kindly.

"I still... will they..." Carrie said as she blushed.

Zoe looked at her wondering just what Carrie was wanting to say but then it hit her, "You still want to know what goes on down there don't you?"

"Yes, does that bother you?" Carrie asked.

"Are you going to go home with me Monday morning?" Zoe asked her.

"Of course, who else would I go home with? I love you and only you." Carrie told her.

"Okay then we can stay if you want." Zoe told her.

"But what if I don't want to do something?" Carrie asked.

"Then you just tell them that. They will respect your wishes, I promise you that." Zoe said.

"Okay then let's go downstairs and join our friends." Carrie said with a nervous smile but this time a nervous smile for a different reason.

"You sure about this, you know they will still be our friends if we never go down there and join them." Zoe asked.

"Yea, I'm sure but I won't swear that I will do everything that they want me to do." Carrie said.

"Carrie, the only thing they want you to do is to have fun. In fact I suspect that you will have to make them spank you harder if that is what you want." Zoe told her.

"What about the rest of it?" Carrie asked.

"That's also up to you but if you let someone spank you then they will expect to be allowed to bring you to orgasm. You understand that don't you?" Zoe asked of her.

"Yes that part worries me... and excites me too." Carrie admitted. "Does that bother you?"

"I little." Zoe admitted.

"Good," Carrie said with a smile.

"But it goes the other way too. It has been a while since these ladies has had a chance at my ass and seeing how they may never get another; I bet they will want to get their licks in." Zoe said with a smile.

"As long as you are the first to spank me and I'll be the first to spank you, can you work that out?" Carrie said.

"Oh I don't think that they'll have a problem with that." Zoe said.

"Good then get your fat ass off my lap and let's go see what they are doing." Carrie told her.

Zoe started to say something about the "Fat Ass" comment but decided to put that one in her back pocket. Carrie seemed genuinely surprised when all Zoe said as she got up was, "Come on babe, let's go have some fun."

"Let's," Carrie said taking the hand that Zoe offered to her.

Zoe held her hand as she led Carrie over to the door and when Carrie nodded her approval, Zoe opened the door. She squeezed Carrie's hand as she took the first step and she felt Carrie hesitate for only a split second before taking that step into the stairway. Sylvia appeared out of nowhere to give an encouraging smile to Carrie as she closed the door behind of them. Zoe went down the stairs slowly while holding onto Carrie's hand which she noticed had begun to sweat. They got to the bottom of the stairs and Zoe waited for Carrie to step down onto the floor and then she looked around. Zoe had over the past year or so told her all about the room. Still she took a moment to look around and Zoe saw that Carrie started to frown which worried her a bit. Then she looked to where Carrie was looking and she saw Rose, Wilma, Alex, and Faye sitting on bar stools talking and all fully dressed. Zoe then knew why Carrie was frowning; she was expecting to see them having all types of fun.

"Look who's here ladies." Alex said as they all turned to see them standing at the foot of the stairs.

"Oh great, I've been dying to get my hands on that ass of hers!" Rose said excitedly.

"Rose!" Wilma yelled at her.

"Well I have." Rose said in her defense.

"Please don't pay any attention to Rose, when she is among friends, she forgets to mind her manners." Faye said as they all headed over to where they were standing.

"That is okay," Carrie said through her voice broke a little.

"It is nice to see you." Alex said to her then she went to Carrie to give her a hug and a kiss. Zoe let go of Carrie's hand to allow her to hug each lady back. Zoe also heard them all whisper something into Carrie's ear which was that she was going to have fun and that she was among friends.

"You want a tour of the place?" Wilma asked once the niceties were over.

"Sure," Carrie said and Wilma took her by the hand and started toward the center of the room. Zoe stayed back a few steps letting them get to the middle of the room before she interrupted Wilma's speech.

"Haven't you all forgotten something?" Zoe asked making them all stop and turn toward her.

"What?" Faye asked.

"Yea, what did we forget?" Rose asked.

"I believe that Carrie needs to have the rules pointed out to her. You all did with me and I don't think she shouldn't be treated any differently." Zoe proclaimed.

Carrie gave her a confused look then she smiled at her grateful that Zoe wanted her to be treated the same as the others and as she was treated.

"I do believe that we did leave that out didn't we." Wilma said, "Alex would you like to do the honors?"

Alex looked at Zoe and when Zoe smiled, she turned to a nervous Carrie. "We really have just one rule but it is an important one."

"What is it?" Carrie said with a nervous look on her face.

"Before you get to spank anyone, you have to be spanked at least once by everyone here." Alex told her.

"Oh..." Carrie said then she asked, "so that means that in theory, I could spend the whole weekend here and not get to spank anyone if one of you should hold back and not spank me?"

"Well I guess you are right. That is a possibility." Alex said with a smile.

"But that won't happen, will it?" Carrie asked.

"I doubt it; I think we all want to feel that ass of yours." Faye told her giving her a wink.

"Is there anything else?" Alex asked Zoe.

"Mmmmm..." Zoe said as she came up to Carrie and began to walk around her making a nervous Carrie even more nervous. She then put her fingers to her chin and said, "I do believe that someone here has way too many clothes on."

It didn't take Carrie long to figure out who that someone was, "Oh no..." she said.

"Oh yes, get those clothes off." Zoe told her as she stepped back and then the rest of them went to stand beside of her leaving Carrie standing alone.

"I hate you!" Carrie said but then she had to smile as she was being put to the center of attention and for the first time in her life, she liked it. It scared the hell out of her but she liked it.

"That may be but those clothes need to go." Zoe said folding her arms in front of her body.

"Meanie," Carrie said as her fingers went to the top button of her blouse and she began to unbutton it. Her fingers began to shake as they went down the front of her blouse.

Zoe was afraid that Carrie wouldn't be able to go through with it but then she seemed to gain her composure as she pulled her blouse off letting it drop to the floor. She then went to her slacks, unbuttoning the side and then unzipping it enough to let it slide off her hips. That left her in her bra and panties, and she stood there a moment before reaching to her back and undoing her bra. She didn't hesitate any as she pulled the straps forward and she let it fall from her arms. She gave them a nervous smile as she put her thumbs to the sides of her panties pushing them off her hips and down her thighs. She kicked her legs a bit to get them to fall to her ankles where she stepped out of them. She then stood tall in front of her clothed friends and Zoe, who could see a bit of moisture on Carrie's lips.

"The sandals too, don't forget them." Zoe told her and just as she was bending down to undo the strap, Zoe added, "But turn around first."

"Zoe!" Carrie cried out but Zoe held firm just giving her a smile and getting a mean look from Carrie in return.

Carrie did turn around and she bent over allowing everyone a good look at her pussy and pink little asshole. Carrie took her time allowing everyone to look and though she was blushing from head to toe, Zoe could tell that she was enjoying this. Zoe began to realize that this had become a fantasy for Carrie and it was finally coming true. Carrie finally got her sandals off and she stood back up, turning to face them.

"Satisfied?" Carrie asked.

"Oh very satisfied," Zoe said coming to Carrie and pulling her into her arms and giving her a long passionate kiss that had everyone clapping and yelling at them.

"Now that the show is over, may we continue with the tour?" Carrie asked pulling away from Zoe but then taking her hand and holding onto it tightly.

"Yes we can," Wilma said as she took Carrie's other hand and began to lead her around the room, showing off the big TV and the comfortable couch and she told them about the tear jerker night they held each Sunday evening.

"Cool, I can rarely get Zoe to watch one with me." Carrie said as she gave a look to Zoe.

"Well she didn't like that when she first started and vowed not to cry but we got a few tears out of her." Alex told Carrie.

"Yea and we didn't even have to spank her first." Rose said with a laugh.

"But only a few," Zoe had to add before they went on with the tour.

Wilma saved the tables with all the bondage gear and the whips and things for last not wanting to scare Carrie too soon. You all use these things on each other?" Carrie asked as she looked down at the various implements.

"Sometimes but mostly we just use our hands." Wilma said.

"However Zoe does love to have this used on her." Faye said as she picked up the strap and handing it to Carrie making her take it.

"Really?" Carrie asked as she turned to Zoe as she felt the strap in her hands.

"Sometimes..." Zoe said giving Carrie a smile.

"I think you should try it out on her this weekend, she'll love it." Rose told her.

"Would you like that?" Carrie asked of her.

"Yes I would." Zoe said taking the strap from Carrie and giving her a brief kiss.

"Then maybe I will." Carrie said with a smile.

"Do you all use that thing?" Carrie asked as her eyes went back to the tables and she saw the cane.

"Only Rose is brave enough to try the cane." Faye said.

"And only rarely, that damn thing stings like the dickens." Rose said as she rubbed her ass through her shorts.

"Who uses it on you?" Carrie asked.

"Only Alex; I trust everyone here but she knows how hard and when to stop without me having to tell her." Rose said.

"Well that thing isn't going to get close to me." Carrie said and everyone laughed.

"I hear you girl, anyone comes at me with that, and they'll get their eyes clawed out. Wilma said and everyone but Rose agreed with her, even Alex who would use it but not have it used on her.

"Well I think it is way past time to get the show on the road, what do you all think?" Wilma declared.

"Oh I do indeed and I believe I know someone who said I had a fat ass recently and I think that person deserves to be spanked for saying that." Zoe said looking at Carrie who immediately began to bit her lower lip.

"Oh hell yes, anyone who tells me that I have a fat ass deserves to have her ass spanked but good." Alex echoed.

"Definitely, I can't believe that anyone would ever say anything like that to you. I mean you have a great ass." Rose told her.

"Oh yes a mighty fine ass." Faye echoed.

"Go get me a chair and bring it over here." Zoe ordered her.

"But I didn't mean it that way; I don't deserve a spanking for saying that." Carrie said falling into the scene as they had played scenes like this at home. The only difference would be that they would be doing it in front of four other women.

"Oh yes you do, you know better than to tell me that I have a Fat Ass!!" Zoe told her sternly, "Now go get that chair before I tell Alex to go fetch me that cane you were so interested in!"

"Oh no! Not the cane!" Carrie said as she rushed off to get the chair. And that caused Alex and the rest of the women to let out a giggle as they were enjoying the show.

"Here you go madam," Carrie said as she put the chair right behind for Zoe.

"Very good, maybe I won't have to get the cane after all." Zoe said sitting down.

"Now get over my lap!" Zoe ordered her as she pulled up her long skirt as she wanted Carrie to lie across her bare legs but she didn't want to get naked yet.

Carrie took a last look at Rose and the other women before lying across Zoe's lap. Zoe helped her get settled before placing her hand on Carrie's ass cheeks making her jump a little. Zoe let her hand roam around Carrie's ass cheeks getting her to relax. She moved her hand from one cheek to the other then she left her fingers slide down Carrie's ass crack all the way down to the end and she felt Carrie opening her legs for her. Zoe wanted to make sure that Carrie was starting to get wet meaning that she was enjoying what was happening to her. Zoe was very pleased to find that not only was Carrie's pussy getting moist, it was already wet. Zoe let her fingers run lightly up and down Carrie's slit getting her to let out a moan before letting her fingers go back the way they came until her hand was resting on Carrie's ass.

Zoe then leaned over a little and whispered to Carrie, "Are you ready?" thus giving her a last chance to change her mind.

"Yes," Carrie replied.

"Well I believe it is time to get this cute ass nice and pink, don't you ladies?" Zoe stated.

"Oh yes, please do." Rose said with a throaty voice.

Zoe raised her hand and after a moment's hesitation, she brought it down upon Carrie's ass cheeks. She started her off using a softer spank as she knew that Carrie would be getting lots more spankings tonight.

"Ouch!" Carrie yelled as she jerked more from surprise and excitement than pain.

"Oh I'm just getting started, you deserve lots more for telling me I have a fat ass!" Zoe told her sternly.

"I'm sorry," Carrie said with true sorrow for what she had said.

"You will be!" Zoe said bringing her hand down again as she began to spank Carrie with a steady rhythm. She moved her hand up and down one cheek then the other before going from one to the other. As she spanked Carrie, she saw Alex, Rose, Wilma, and Faye begin to shed their clothes. Zoe kept the spanking going until she had Carrie's ass a nice pink color which with her pale skin tone that didn't take all that long.

Zoe let her hand rest on Carrie's ass feeling the heat then she began to caress those warm ass cheeks. Carrie happened to look over at their audience and she gasped as she saw their four friends naked and all caressing various parts of their bodies. Zoe took this opportunity to let her fingers go down Carrie's ass cheeks to her wet pussy. She let her fingers teased those wet lips making Carrie moan. She kept teasing her not going near her clit but getting all so close that Carrie was moving her hips up trying to get Zoe to touch her there. Zoe got Carrie to really start moaning before she pulled her fingers away and she began to spank Carrie a little harder and faster.

"Oh god!" Carrie cried out from frustration and pain.

Zoe let her hands rain down on Carrie's ass for a bit before moving to her thighs getting them nice and pink. Carrie groaned and twisted around on Zoe's lap until Zoe's hand went back up to her ass to finish it off. She gave it a last few hard swats before stopping.

"Get up off my lap!" Zoe ordered her and then she helped her up. Carrie looked a little disappointed that the spanking didn't go further but all Zoe wanted to do was to get her started as it would be a long night. "Now sit down and get those legs spread for me."

Carrie did so quickly then groaned as her ass did hurt a bit even if the spanking wasn't all that hard or long. Zoe got down on her knees and she leaned forward until she was right at Carrie's pussy but instead of licking it, she went to Carrie's right inner thigh and licked the juices that had leaked there. Carrie pushed her ass to the edge of the chair trying to get Zoe to lick where she needed to be licked. However Zoe was content to tease Carrie for a bit getting her aroused to the point that she didn't care what happened to her. Zoe let her tongue go to the junction of Carrie's legs and body letting the tip of her tongue to tease her.

"Fuck Zoe, please lick my fucking pussy!" Carrie cried out using words she would never have used in front of anyone except Zoe. Zoe knew she had her then so she moved her tongue to Carrie's wet pussy lips licking the juices from them.

"Yes!" Carrie cried out.

Zoe let her tongue move up and down those lips getting the juices from them. As she did that, she moved her hands to her back and she waved for Alex and everyone to come forward. She couldn't tell them what she wanted them to do but she hoped they would figure it out which they did. Carrie had her eyes closed so she never saw what was coming but Zoe did.

Faye got on her knees to Carrie's left side and Rose to the right. Wilma went to Carrie's head as Alex was left to her feet but then Alex liked feet so that was fine with her. Zoe watched as she licked Carrie's pussy as Rose and Faye moved in unison to Carrie's breasts, each taking a nipple into their mouths at the same time.

Carrie's eyes popped open in shock as she felt then saw Faye and Rose sucking on her breasts. She looked down in alarm at Zoe who stopped licking long enough to say softly, "Enjoy it." She gave her a reassuring smile that Carrie slowly returned. Zoe started to lick at Carrie's slit which caused Carrie to moan. Wilma then put her hands on Carrie's cheeks causing her to open her eyes again. Wilma smiled at her as she brought her head down and began to kiss her.

Zoe wasn't so sure about this but it was all a part of making Carrie feel good so her fought back the green eye of jealously and she licked deeper into Carrie's slit. Zoe saw that Carrie resisted the kiss just a little before she gave in and that made Zoe feel a little better. Zoe then felt Alex raising Carrie's left leg and she heard slurping noises as Alex began to lick and suck on Carrie's toes. This all proved too much for Carrie as she let out a loud moan that Zoe could hear even though Wilma's mouth which was covering her mouth. Zoe sucked up all of the girlcum that Carrie let loose. Zoe kept licking and sucking on Carrie's pussy as everyone else kept up what they were doing though Alex had switched to Carrie's right foot. Zoe went up to Carrie's clit which was swollen and needing to be sucked and licked so she did just that. Carrie cried out squirming and gripping the edge of the chair as she came once again this time even harder. Zoe kept sucking and licking Carrie as she had one orgasm after another until she pushed Zoe's head away.

Everyone stepped away allowing Zoe to pull Carrie down from the chair and onto her lap as she sat on the floor holding Carrie who was still panting from her orgasm. "Oh god!" Carrie finally said in almost a sigh.

"So you enjoyed that did you?" Rose asked her as they all were sitting on the floor around her.

"Yes, I did." Carrie said blushing. "I can see why Zoe kept coming back."

"Oh she did keep cumming." Wilma said and they all laughed at her bad joke.

"I bet she did." Carrie said as she gave Zoe a little kiss. "Thank you." She said softly to her.

"You're welcome." Zoe said kissing her back.

"You know someone here is still dressed and it has been a long time since any of us has spanked her." Faye said as they all looked at Zoe.

Zoe started to say something when Carrie beat her to it, "Can I ask a favor?"

"Sure anything," Wilma told her.

"Can I be the first one to spank her?" Carrie asked them.

"I kind of made that promise that we would each be the first to spank the other if we decided to come." Zoe explained.

"I think we can honor that promise Carrie... on one condition." Alex told them.

"What's that?' Carrie asked.

"That after warming her ass up with your hand; you use the strap on that fat ass of hers." Alex told her.

Carrie looked at Zoe who said, "I'm game if you are."

"Okay, it's a deal." Carrie said smiling and Zoe could see that she had quickly warmed up to that idea.

"However someone still has too many clothes on." Rose said as she moved over pushing them both back on the floor.

Carrie slipped down to her waist and started to remove her skirt as Rose and Faye worked on her blouse. They were all laughing as they proceeded to rid her of her clothes which Zoe didn't mind in the least as she wanted to be naked like everyone else was plus after spanking Carrie and making love to her as everyone else helped got her super horny.

"Looks like someone is a little wet, think you all can help me out here." Carrie said as she gave Zoe a wink then she slipped on down and buried her face in Zoe's pussy making her moan.

Just as Zoe did that, Rose and Faye took a nipple into their mouths and began to suck and bite on them. Just when she thought it couldn't get any better with her lover eating her pussy like no one else could, Alex and Wilma began to suck on her toes and she quickly decided that she liked that and hoped that Carrie did too as she was going to be sucking on hers soon. Carrie's tongue was going deep inside of her making her moan as she held Rose and Faye's head to her breasts making them suck and bite her sensitive nipples. With five women working on her body, she felt her orgasm began in her pussy and burst forth making her let out a long moan as she came hard.

When she came to earth, Carrie was lying on top of her giving her kisses and Rose and Faye were lying to each side of her. "Damn, I needed that, thank you all." Zoe said giving Carrie a kiss.

"You know Rose, I think if Carrie is going to have to use a strap on Zoe then she ought to see it in use, don't you?" Faye said to Rose as they both sat up.

"Oh I agree, and I believe that we have two willing volunteers just waiting to have their asses strapped." Rose said as she looked at Faye then they both looked at Wilma and Alex who just smiled.

"You don't have..." Carrie started to say when Zoe had to put her finger to her lips.

"Oh..." she said blushing as she realized that Rose and Faye were just using it as an excuse to spank Wilma and Alex. Everyone gave a little giggle before getting up as Rose and Faye ordered Wilma and Alex to go get a strap each from the table.

"Come on and let's watch." Zoe suggested.

"Okay," Carrie said as she smiled now that she knew they were doing this as much for themselves as for her education. They followed Faye and Rose as they went over to the back of the big couch.

"Why they going here?" Carrie asked as she whispered into Zoe's ear.

"Just wait and watch." Zoe told her as she put her arm around her waist.

"I figured that you'd say that." Carrie said with a frown.

"Then why'd you ask me?" Zoe asked and Carrie stuck her tongue out at her.

"Hush you two or you'll both be next to lie over the back of the couch." Faye warned them.

"Sorry," Carrie said quietly as she nervously giggled.

Alex and Wilma brought over the straps that they had chosen, presenting them to Faye and Rose. They then were ordered to lay across the back of the couch with Rose beside Wilma and Faye beside of Alex. Zoe moved them around so that they were now standing behind Alex and Wilma who were lying over the back of the couch. After some caressing of their asses, the hand spanking began. And soon after that, Faye began to tell Alex what a slut and whore she was which seemed to bother Carrie.

"She likes that and it is cool as we all know that Alex is a lady and far from being the things she likes to be called." Zoe whispered to her.

"Oh," Carrie whispered and the frown that had appeared on Carrie's face disappeared now that she knew Alex was getting only what she wanted to get. Rose and Faye got their asses very red before stopping for a little caressing and pussy teasing.

"The straps please," Faye ordered and both ladies reached to the seat of the couch where the straps had been placed by Rose and Faye. The straps were handed back to their respective spanker.

Faye and Rose got into position and after a few light taps they proceeded to spank both Alex and Wilma with the straps. Carrie gasped when the straps hit as they made a much louder and different sound than the palm. They were swinging hard and fast making both Alex and Wilma squirm and moan. Their asses went from red to a deep red very quickly so the straps were not used for long before more caressing and pussy playing began. When they started the third time, it was Alex and Wilma's thighs that got the brunt of the licks thought their asses caught a last few hard stinging blows.

Once the spanking was done, Faye and Rose got behind of Wilma and Alex kissing their red asses as their hands caressed those red cheeks. They then pulled the sore cheeks apart to lick their assholes before going to their pussies to bring them to orgasms. After they had recovered, they all went to the kitchenette to drink a glass of wine and take a short break. Carrie had a few questions for them and they all freely answered them, including the question to Alex about being called such bad names as she was being spanked. While Alex couldn't completely say why she liked it or needed it, she did seem to satisfy Carrie's questions. They talked until their wine glasses were empty and then Alex got it all started again.

"How is your ass doing?" she asked Carrie.

"Oh fine, Zoe didn't spank me all that hard." Carrie answered and Zoe had to smile as she knew what was coming next though Carrie had no clue.

"Good then go stand by that chair in the center of the room." Alex told her.

Carrie looked over at Zoe who said, "You heard the lady, I'd do as she says and quickly." Thus she gave Carrie her approval and encouraged her to go ahead.

"Yes madam," Carrie said as she slipped off the stool and started to walk toward the chair. She kept looking back at Zoe who as much as she wanted to follow, she stayed in place.

Alex made Carrie stand by the chair for a couple of minutes letting her think it over before she slipped off her stool and went over to the chair and sat down. She heard Alex talking to Carrie but couldn't understand exactly what she was saying. However she did see that the nervous look on Carrie's face did turn to a smile for a moment before she went over Alex's legs. She felt a little jealous as she saw Alex's hand caressing Carrie's ass but she held it in. This was about Carrie and she wanted her to enjoy her weekend. Soon enough the hand stopped caressing and the spanking began. She saw that Alex wasn't spanking her all that hard though she did hear Carrie let out a moan.

She watched for a moment before Wilma enlisted her and Rose's help to tie Faye down on one of the tables for a little bondage and spanking. Faye was placed on her belly and her breasts were over the two holes in the table so she and Rose pulled and twisted Faye's nipples as Wilma gave her a good hand then riding crop spanking. Zoe kept an eye on Alex and Carrie and she saw that Carrie was enjoying her spanking and after a short spanking, she saw Alex's head between Carrie's legs and she was gripping the edge of the chair as she came hard.

Carrie had barely recovered from her orgasm when Rose left Zoe to attend to Faye's nipples and she got her hands on Carrie's ass. Zoe knew Carrie's ass would be sore before the evening was over with but her pussy would be very well serviced. Carrie wiggled a bit more on Rose's lap but Rose also took more time to caress and play with her. So the orgasm that she had with Rose was just a good as far as Zoe could tell. Wilma had made Faye cum by the point that Rose got Carrie to cum. She then left Faye tied up and she took Rose's place.

Zoe wasn't sure which she felt sorrier for, Carrie's ass or her pussy as both would be feeling the effects of so much attention. Alex had come over and seeing Faye all trussed up, she gave her a few more spanks to keep her going and then she went down on her ass hole and then pussy to get her to cum again. Wilma was taking her time with Carrie giving her a few spanks and then lots of caressing so that the spanking went on for much longer than anyone else but she actually got less spanks.

When Wilma finished with Carrie, she brought her over to where Faye was trussed up. "How you doing?" Zoe asked her as she gave her a kiss on the cheek and put her arm around her waist.

"My ass is sore and so is my pussy but I am having fun." Carrie said with a smile.

"I'm glad. I was hoping that you would." Zoe told her giving her a kiss on the lips which Carrie returned.

"How about a break and another glass of wine?" Wilma suggested.

"Sounds great! Let's go." Rose said.

"Hey how about me?" Faye asked.

"What about you?" Alex asked as they all left poor Faye tied up on the table.

"You all just going to leave her there?" Carrie asked.

"Yep," Rose said with a laugh.

"Don't worry, she loves it and we'll eventually untie her." Wilma told her.

Carrie looked at Zoe who just shrugged her shoulders which didn't make Carrie happy though she did go with them. They talked and drank about half of their glasses of wine when Faye cried out, "Hey I need to pee girls."

"Then pee," Alex called back to her.

"Oh god," Carrie said in a loud sigh as she went over to Faye and let her loose. Then she went with her to the toilet where they took turns peeing.

"At least I know who is my friend around here." Faye said in disgust when they got back to the kitchenette.

"Ah you know we all love you." Alex told her giving her a glass of wine. Then she slipped off her stool and going to Faye. There she pulling her in close giving her a long passionate kiss before going on to use the toilet herself.

They all went through a second glass of wine and had used the bathroom before Faye said to Carrie, "Well it looks like it's my turn. Stand up and bend over the counter."

Carrie looked at her in surprised as she had only been spanked over someone's lap before and Zoe liked that Faye had changed it a bit on her. Carrie for her part did as she was told, as she stood up and bent over the side of the counter.

Faye came up to her and she placed her hand on Carrie's ass caressing it. "Mmmm... looks a bit red but those thighs are still pink, I think they could use some work." Faye said and that made Carrie groan.

"What was that cunt?" Faye asked her.

"Nothing madam," Carrie said not being bothered by being called a cunt.

"Good now open those legs of yours!" Faye told her.

Carrie did so but obviously not to Faye's satisfaction as Faye said, "I said open your legs cunt, you can do better than that!" Faye told her harshly.

Zoe looked at Carrie's face to see how she was taking being treated like this and she had a smile on her face so Zoe let out her breath as Faye seemed to know what she was doing. They had been easy on her up to now and it was time to see just how much she could take and what she liked. Carrie had her legs spread out as far as she could with just her toes touching the floor.

"That is much better; I knew you could do it." Faye cooed to her as she let her hand go down to Carrie's inner thighs teasing her there and then she pushed two fingers into Carrie's pussy.

"Oh damn, you got a tight pussy." Faye said as she began to finger fuck her.

"Ohhhh..." Carrie groaned as she was being finger fucked hard.

"You know I think this bitch needs to be fucked good once I'm done with her. Zoe why don't you go put a strap on with a big cock and fuck this bitch." Faye told her and then she gave her a wink.

It was then that Zoe knew what Faye and Carrie talked about when they were peeing. "Oh I would love to fuck that bitch!" Zoe said as she went over and gave Carrie a kiss then she rushed over to the where the toys were and she grabbed a harness and a nice dildo although it wasn't as big as Faye had suggested.

When she got back, Faye pulled her fingers from Carrie's wet pussy and she licked them clean before she began to spank those thighs of Carrie making her groan. Zoe was standing behind of Carrie and Faye watching as the back of Carrie's thighs got redder and redder. Faye worked those thighs well making Carrie groan and cry out. She then gave Carrie a few hard spanks to her ass cheeks, harder than any of them had so far this evening. However this would be the last spanking that Carrie would get this evening and thus she would have a few hours to recover. After a last very hard slap to each cheek, Faye said, "The bitch is all yours."

"You ready to get the shit fucked out of you bitch!" Zoe asked as she placed the head to Carrie's wet pussy.

"Stop talking and fuck me!" Carrie cried out.

Zoe grabbed Carrie's hips and shoved the cock in deep. "Ohhhh..." Carrie cried out as body shook from an orgasm that went through her body.

Zoe kept the cock buried deep as Carrie came then as she began to recover; Zoe began to fuck her hard. She was shoving the cock in deep and hard as Carrie lay there and moaned. This was a side of Carrie that Zoe hadn't seen but she liked it. She kept driving the cock into Carrie as the rest of the girls went off to play and let them have this moment just between them. Zoe could see Carrie's juices coating the cock that she was wearing and she loved how wet Carrie was. And her ass was so hot as her hips drove into them. Carrie was a mess as she cried and moaned through yet another orgasm and this one seemed to take all that she had left in her. Zoe gave her a few last strokes of her cock then she pulled it out so that she could go down and lick all the girlcum that was coming out of her. She licked her clean then she took off her harness and sat on a stool pulling Carrie onto her lap where she could hold her and kiss the sweat from her face. Her hair was soaked and Zoe ran her fingers through it getting the hair out of her eyes.

"How you doing?' Zoe asked her when Carrie was able to open her eyes.

"Worn out but a good worn out." Carrie told her.

"Too worn out to give me my spanking." Zoe asked her.

"Oh no, you have waited long enough, just give me a bit to get my breath." Carrie told her.

"Take all the time you want." Zoe said as she kissed her.

"I do have a question for you." Zoe stated after the kiss.

"What's that?" Carrie asked.

"Did you and Faye arrange what she was going to do to you?" Zoe asked.

Carrie grinned, "I did tell her that I wanted to be fucked hard but I wanted you to do it. I wasn't so sure if that was allowed since she was to be the next one to spank me and thus should be the one to make me cum."

"Well that rule like any other rule around here, isn't strickly enforced. Like I said all along, it is all about making each other happy and have a great orgasm. In addition, Faye probably figured that she would get another chance at your sweet pussy before the weekend is over." Zoe told her as she gave her another kiss that became more passionate as it went on. Then Zoe pulled Carrie to her hugging her tightly as they both listened to hands making contact to asses and then moans filling the room.

When the room became silent, Carrie pushed away from Zoe hopping to the floor. "You ready for your spanking?' she asked.

"More than ready," Was Zoe's reply and she was.

Carrie started to walk away when she stopped, turning toward Zoe, "I want to do something but if you don't want to then let me know, okay?"

"Okay," Zoe said curious as to what Carrie was up to.

"You promise?" She asked.

"Yes I promise." Zoe replied even more curious now.

"Good now come along my lover." Carrie said taking her hand and pulling her over to where the others were resting.

"I don't know about you all but it has been a very fun evening and I do believe that the best way to end it is to give someone who has waited patiently for her turn, her spanking." Carrie told them.

"Oh I agree." Wilma said giving Carrie a big smile.

"She deserves a long hard one, you know." Faye told her.

"She'll get it, rest assured." Carrie said to them then she let go of Zoe's hand and said to her, "Zoe, get your Fat Ass over there and get me a strap to spank you with."

Zoe almost laughed at Carrie referring to her fat ass but she didn't, instead she said, "Yes madam."

Zoe went over and picked out her favorite strap which was light weight and around eighteen inches long and about two inches wide. It was one that could use for a longer period of time without causing any bruising. She returned, handling the strap to Carrie.

"Very good, now come along." Carrie said as she began to walk toward the far wall. Zoe wondered where she was going as she followed along with the rest of the women following her. After a few more steps, Zoe knew where Carrie was going. This was a new piece that had been added since she had stopped coming. She would later learn that Faye had bought it and had it set up there. It had a large curved padded area on top with padded boards running down the side of each side. There was also Velcro straps at each end of the side boards. She had told Carrie about Faye being into bondage and it was something that she never worked up the courage to try except for the one time when she asked to be restrained so that she wouldn't rub her ass when Alex first strapped her ass.

But now she was letting herself come under the complete control of someone else and doing so willingly. With Carrie being to one being in control which made Zoe feel safe and more than willing to give herself over to her. When Carrie got to the contraption, she turned and stared into Zoe's eyes. Zoe smiled back and gave her a wink thus telling Carrie that this was what she wanted to do.

"Zoe get your Fat Ass up on the spanking horse and if you ladies would help me get her restrained so she won't run when I start to spank her Fat Ass with this strap." Carrie said.

"Oh I have wanted to get Zoe restrained for ages, I would just love to help." Faye said.

"I bet you would." Zoe said to her and then she felt the strap pop her ass.

She jumped as she grabbed her ass. "Ouch!" She said as she turned back to Carrie.

"Don't talk unless you are address." Carrie ordered her and then she giggled. Carrie then tried to put a mean look on her face and that just made her giggle more. This of course made everyone else laugh.

"Sorry I ruined that." Carrie said when she got her giggling under control.

"We're here to have fun." Wilma told her and that seemed to make Carrie feel better.

"Don't just stand there, get up there so I can begin." Carrie ordered and this time she was able to keep the mean look on her face.

Zoe had to giggle just looking at Carrie which made Carrie smile despite her best effort not to do so. Zoe turned back to the spanking horse, putting her knee to one side board, she hauled herself up. She swung her leg over and felt the cool leather touch her hot pussy making her shiver. Faye went over to the far side and she help Zoe get her legs in position. Zoe laid on down feeling the cool leather against her stomach and chest. Her breasts were against the sides and the coolness made her nipples hard. She then put her forearms down on the side boards and she was ready to be strapped down. However, Carrie had her slide down a few inches which made her ass stick out past the end. The women gathered around her and they each took an arm or leg securing them into place with the Velcro straps. Zoe tested the straps and found that she wasn't going to go anywhere without someone letting her loose and that someone would be Carrie.

Zoe found that she was both very excited and nervous about being put into this position. She could also feel that her pussy was getting very wet from the excitement part.

"Oh I think I like you in this position." She heard Carrie say and that made her even more nervous.

"I bet you do." Zoe couldn't help but to say.

That, of course, earned her a slap from Carrie's hand on her right ass cheek. "Ouch," Zoe cried feeling the sting. With her ass sticking out so far, it maked her cheeks tight and she knew that she would feel each and every spank that much more.

"Stay quiet my little slave!" Carrie ordered her.

"Yes mistress!" Zoe replied playing along and that got a giggle from Carrie who was obviously enjoying this very much.

"Very good, keep addressing me that way while you are being spanked." Carrie ordered.

"Yes Mistress Carrie," Zoe added.

"Is my slave ready for her punishment?" Carrie asked.

"Yes Mistress Carrie," Zoe replied and she braced herself for either Carrie's hand or the strap.

However that wasn't what she got. Instead she felt Carrie's breath on her asshole a split second before she felt her lips there giving her a kiss.

"Ohhh..." Zoe moaned feeling Carrie kissing her there and then licking. Carrie then went down to her pussy licking the juices that were flowing from her pussy. However she didn't stay there long enough to get her off but did get her very aroused.

There was nothing for a moment then she felt Carrie's hand hit her left ass cheek hard. "Ohhh..." She cried out feeling the sting.

"Hush slave, I'm just getting started." Carrie ordered her.

"I'll try Mistress Carrie." Zoe replied but then she moaned again as Carrie began to spank her ass with her hand.

Carrie moved her hand all around Zoe's ass and Zoe felt every sting of her hand. She wasn't spanking her real hard but then she didn't have to with the position of her ass, Zoe was feeling every slap of her hand very well. Zoe kept the spanking going until Zoe felt like her ass was catching on fire and then she stopped.

Zoe waited for Carrie to caress her with her hand but instead she felt Carrie's kissing her hot ass cheeks and then her asshole before going to her wet pussy. Zoe moaned with pleasure feeling Carrie's lips and tongue working over her ass hole and pussy. Again Carrie got her very aroused before stopping.

"You ready for the strap now slave?" Carrie asked her but before she could answer, she heard Alex speak up.

"You know Mistress Carrie, I think a few pussy spanks with your hand might be in order first, if you don't mind me suggesting." Alex told her keeping with the whole Mistress thing.

Zoe groaned upon hearing this and then she heard some quiet discussion going on behind her and she knew that Carrie was being assured that it was something that she would like. The discussion went on for a bit before Carrie asked more than stated, "I think that is a great idea, don't you slave?"

Zoe replied with, "Yes Mistress Carrie, I think five firm spanks on my hot pussy would be appropriate." This gave Carrie the permission that she was seeking and also told her how hard to do the spanks.

"Then six would be even better," Carrie said and Zoe had to smile to herself as Carrie just had to get the last word in.

"Yes Mistress Carrie, six would be better." Zoe replied and then she added, "Shall I count them?"

"Yes you shall." Carrie replied.

Zoe then felt Carrie's hand covering her pussy and she felt her caressing her a little before the hand was taken away. When Zoe felt it again, it was the first spank.

"Ohhh... One!" Zoe cried out feeling the sting on her sensitive pussy. "Just a little harder Mistress Carrie," Zoe added to guide Carrie a bit.

The next slap was harder and it really stung but felt good too. "Two!" Zoe cried out as she tried to close her legs but couldn't.

The next slap came and it stung more as Zoe grunted out "Three!"

"Ohhhh..." Zoe cried out as the forth spank came and it took her a second to say "Four!"

"Fuck!" and then "Five" Zoe cried out as the fifth slap also caught her clit.

Zoe was on the edge with the final slap came also catching her clit and she cried out, "Oh fuck I'm cumming!", and then she felt her body spasm as the orgasm rode through her body.

When she could breathe again, she felt Carrie tongue licking her sensitive pussy and giving it some tender loving care after she had slapped it. Zoe had to rest for a bit before she could get her breathing back to normal and Carrie stopped licking her pussy.

Again Carrie heard more whispering before Carrie said, "You came without permission, that means your strapping with be longer and harder."

"I'm sorry Mistress Carrie, I didn't mean to cum." Zoe told her.

"I bet," Carrie said after some guidance from someone. "You ready slave?" She asked.

"Yes Mistress Carrie," Zoe replied as she readied herself for the strap.

Zoe heard the strap go through the air and then strike her ass cheeks. It stung but not as much as Zoe expected or wanted. "Harder Mistress Carrie, I cum without your permission and that was not something a good slave should do." She told her.

The next one stung more but still not hard enough. "A little more," Zoe told her.

"You sure?" Carrie asked.

"Yes, make them hard and fast and then make me cum." Zoe told her.

"Okay," Carrie replied.

Carrie did swing the strap harder and it landed with a loud slap that echoed through the room. "Fuck!" Zoe cried out as she felt the sting of the strap. "Yes, that's it." She called out when Carrie hesitated.

Carrie now confident of how hard Zoe wanted it, she began to strap Zoe's ass hard and fast just like she asked for. The strap moved up and down her ass cheeks making them sting and she felt the tears forming in her eyes and then falling off her cheeks as she cried from the pain the strap was causing her. However as much as the strap hurt, she was enjoying every sting of it as it just made her that much more aroused. She could feel her pussy leaking its juices down on the leather of the spanking horse and she began to sweat causing her body to slide against the leather. Her ass was starting to burn with every sting of the strap. Carrie was laying it on good and hard and she was crying real tears when she felt Carrie hit her ass cheeks even harder and faster. Zoe was moaning from every sting of the strap but then it ended and she felt Carrie's tongue on her pussy. It was like putting gasoline on a fire and she exploded with an intense orgasm that almost made her pass out. She felt her body rising up and floating as she felt wave after of pleasure.

However the orgasm eventually passed and she felt Carrie's lips on her face kissing her as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. "Are you okay?" Carrie asked.

"I'm perfect." Zoe told her.

"But I made you cry." Carrie said very worried.

"I wanted you to, I sometimes cry when spanked, just like Rose does." Zoe said as she felt the Velcro straps being undone.

"Oh you never told me that." Carrie told her. "Have I not been spanking you hard enough before?"

"You have been doing it just the way I wanted you too. I'll let you know what I want just as you let me know." Zoe told her as they all helped her off the spanking horse and Carrie pulled her into her body holding her and giving her a kiss.

"So did you like this thing and being tied up?" Carrie asked her.

"I did but only if you are the one putting me there." Zoe told her.

"Then maybe we should get one." Carrie suggested with a shy grin.

"We don't have anywhere to put it without everyone seeing it and asking about it." Zoe told her.

"Oh I got an idea where we can put it. This place has given me some ideas." Carrie said smiling.

"I bet it has." Zoe said giving Carrie a wink and then a kiss.

"Mistress Carrie, with your permission, how about a group shower and some sleep." Rose said to Carrie making her blush.

"Don't call me that." Carrie said blushing from head to toe.

"Yes Mistress Carrie," Rose said.

"Oh god you have started something now." Carrie told Zoe.

"Yes Mistress Carrie, I believe I have." Zoe said grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh god," Carrie said and they all laughed but the name had stuck and she knew it.

They all went into the big shower where lots of caressing was done and they also managed to get a shower in too. Once they were clean, they all sat on the couch as Alex served them a last glass of wine before bed. This time Zoe didn't go to the bed with Wilma, Rose, Alex and Faye, but instead, she and Carrie took the other bed choosing to sleep together alone.

They had just got settle in when Carrie said, "I love you Zoe" upon which Zoe replied with "I love you Carrie."

Then from the other bed, Alex said, "I love you Rose." loud enough for all to hear. This was followed by Rose saying "I love you Wilma" which was followed by Faye saying "I love you Alex." And then Alex started it over by saying "I love you Wilma," and so it went until they had said "I love you to each other.

When they were done, Carrie just had to say, "Very funny, now can we get some sleep."

"Yes Mistress Carrie." Alex replied.

"Oh god!" Carrie said in a sigh and that had everyone laughing.

The next morning they all were out outside under the patio where Sylvia had put their late breakfast. And it wasn't long before Carrie had to explain to Sylvia why everyone was calling her Mistress Carrie, which of course got a laugh from her. The name had indeed stuck and there wasn't anything that Carrie could do about it.

It was late afternoon and everyone was resting under the oak tree when Faye came up to Carrie and asked, "May I do a watercolor of you?"

Carrie was surprised that Faye would ask that and it showed on her face, "Oh no, I can't. Do another one of Zoe, the ones you did of her are beautiful." Carrie told her.

"I want to do one of you; I have been dying to do it since I first saw you." Faye told her.

"I don't know why, with my body and complexion, I would look ugly in one of your drawings." Carrie told her.

"Carrie, you're beautiful, I love your body and complexion." Faye told her.

"You are beautiful Carrie." Sylvia told her.

Zoe wanted to say so too but she knew that their friends would convince her better than she could. She was in love with her so Carrie expected her to say it.

"With all these freckles covering my body and you can barely see my nipples; I just wouldn't look very pretty at all." Carrie said seriously.

"Those are the things that make you beautiful honey; they make you who you are. I agree with Sylvia, you are a beautiful woman." Wilma told her.

Then everyone chimed in telling her the things that they loved about her body and Carrie was taking it all in. Zoe could see that she was beginning to waver and then she saw that Carrie really did want Faye to draw her. She just needed to be pushed a little. Zoe leaned over and said, "Do it for me, I want a watercolor of you just for myself."

Carrie bit her lower lip as she looked at Zoe then at everyone else. "No one will ever see it but us?" she asked.

"I promise, I have done drawings of everyone here and no one has ever seen any of them except for the people here and it will stay that way." Faye told her.

"Ahhh... well okay but if it turns out bad then you have to burn it." Carrie said.

"I'll give you the matches and you can do it yourself." Faye told her.

"Okay but we'll just end up burning it." Carrie finally said.

"I doubt that." Zoe had to say.

"I don't." Carrie had to say to get the final word in.

Sylvia ended what appeared to be a growing argument by say, "Faye, you and Zoe go get your stuff while the rest of us make this woman even more beautiful than she is now."

Sylvia then got up grabbing Carrie's hand, hauling her to her feet. She then led her toward the house as the rest followed.

"She really doesn't know how beautiful she is does she?" Faye asked.

"Not a clue," Zoe said with a sigh.

Faye and Zoe had her stuff all set up long before Carrie came back out so Zoe let Faye do a couple of quick drawings of her. Then when Carrie came down the steps of the patio, Zoe had to suck in her breath as she was so beautiful. They had fixed and pinned her hair up and put just a little makeup on her face to draw out her pretty green eyes.

"You are the most beautiful creature in the world." Zoe told her once she got to her.

"Thank you," Carrie said blushing which made her look even more beautiful to her.

Faye had her go by the tree, letting her lean up against it with her left arm hanging by her side and the right, she placed on her right upper thigh. Faye stood back and after looking at her for a moment, she made some final adjustments before starting out doing a drawing so Carrie would see how the water would look. The rest of them lay on blankets under the tree, sipping some wine.

"So tell me how Zoe got into your little club. I can see how close you all are, why did you want her to join in. I know her side of the story, but now I want yours." Carrie asked them

"Oh that's easy; Alex fell in love with her ass and just had to get her hands on it." Rose said with a laugh which got them all to laugh.

"I don't think that is the real reason, you all wouldn't let just anyone join in, I can see that. I may be an outsider but I do have eyes." Carrie told them.

Zoe saw everyone's faces turn from laughter to seriousness and she knew that Carrie wanted to know what this was all about. Carrie was very sharp and she could see things that even she didn't. After years of observing people from afar, she had learned a few things about them.

"You're not an outsider; you and Zoe are just as much a part of the group as any of us are." Alex told her.

"I appreciate you saying that but it isn't true. There are you Alex, Rose and Faye who are together like Wilma and Sylvia are." Carrie told them.

This was something Zoe had begun to suspect though each of them had separate places, Zoe often found that when she called Alex, she seemed to hear either Rose's or Faye's or both of their voices in the background. Zoe saw that they were looking at one another and their faces told them that Carrie was correct.

"I don't know how the three of you got with Sylvia and Wilma but you did and it formed a partnership of a sort. And I bet that Zoe is the first one you let in and will be the only one you ever let into your inner circle. But what I want to know is why you let her join?"

"Why do you want to know?" Sylvia asked.

"Is there something that is bothering you about us?" Faye asked as she stopped her drawing.

"Oh god no, I love you all with all my heart. You have become my friends; my close friends, friends I know I can trust and who I hope trust me." Carrie said and then she added, "I just feel like it is important for Zoe and I."

Carrie then looked at Zoe who was getting a little worried but now she felt like the truth had to come out.

"You're right, it is important to you two." Sylvia said and that got Zoe's attention. Now she was worried, scared, and curious.

"Alex, tell her why you brought Zoe to our attention." Sylvia told her or rather ordered her to do.

"It probably wasn't too long after Zoe arrived in Atlanta that I saw her sitting in the dining room. I wasn't sure why she seemed to be drawing me to her but she was. I told Rose and Faye about the woman I had seen and made them watch her and tell me if I was reading her right. It took us a while to come to the same conclusion and a bit longer to decide what to do about it. Since I saw her first, I was picked to introduce myself. I found that I was right in my assessment of her. She was a bright, energetic, and when she wanted to be, a funny young woman who knew what she wanted and she was determined to get it. But it wasn't those things that made me, or rather us, want to befriend her." Alex said.

"What was it then?" Carrie asked as Zoe wanted to know the answer more than Carrie did at this point.

"She was also very lonely; she was very much in need of some friends and maybe some fun." Alex said as she looked at Zoe who felt her eyes tear up as Alex was right, she was so lonely right then, though she pretended she wasn't. Alex and her friends were like water to a man lost in the desert to her.

"You see, Zoe and you were very much alike, you were both lost souls looking for each other." Sylvia told them both and that made Zoe and Carrie both start to cry.

Zoe felt more than saw Carrie in front of her on the blanket, and then she heard her say, "I'm glad you found me."

"I'm glad you found me." Zoe told her and they cried in each other's arms but they finally separated.

"I think I ruined your all's hard work." Carrie said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"That's why I brought my make up pack along." Rose said as she came over and wiped the makeup from Carrie's eyes and then put it back on as Zoe held her hand.

"You know, we knew from the beginning that Zoe wouldn't be with us long. We knew we weren't what she was looking for, just a place to stay until she found her real home." Faye told them both.

"Well she's got a home now and she ain't leaving." Carrie said forcefully.

"I guess you have been told." Wilma said and they all laughed.

"On I knew long ago who wore the pants in our relationship, she just lets me pretend that I do sometimes." Zoe said and that made everyone laugh except for Carrie who just said, "Zoe!"

Once Rose had Carrie back together and she had resumed her position for Faye to draw her, she asked, "So why don't you three get a place together, you're obviously in love with each other so why have three different places?" Carrie asked.

"Carrie, you've pried enough today." Zoe said.

"Mistress Carrie to you slave." Carrie responded but then she smiled as everyone laughed at Zoe expense.

"Actually we just bought a house together. We just wanted to make sure that this was what we wanted. I mean it is hard enough to made a relationship of two work, much less three." Rose said.

"Plus having three different addresses works better for business, you know." Faye said.

"It is a shame but that is true." Sylvia said.

And so the conversation went on about relationships and Zoe felt that while Carrie did stick her nose in where it didn't belong, it did have some good things to come out of it. And when Faye was done with the water color, Carrie had to admit that she loved it and it wouldn't be burned. While she didn't let Faye do a close up of her pussy that day, she would later on. Zoe did get Faye do a watercolor of them together, well actually two, one with clothes and one without.

That evening the spanking and sex resumed and this time Carrie got to spank everyone else and she had fun doing so. Zoe had now gotten to the point that she could watch Carrie having a spanking session with one of the other women and she could enjoy watching her play and being played with. Carrie also seemed to enjoy watching as Zoe got her ass spanked and then being brought to orgasm. So they both enjoyed the evening of play.

"I got a request before we play the Sunday night tearjerker." Carrie said as they all settled on the couch.

"What's that dear?" Wilma asked.

"I have heard about a little adventure that all of you had one Saturday when you couldn't play by the pool. I would love to see the pictures and video from that adventure." Carrie said much to Zoe's horror.

"Oh that is a great idea! We haven't seen those since we did it." Rose said with her usual excitement.

"Oh no, I veto that idea!" Zoe said forcefully, "I vote that we all go straight to the fucking tearjerker."

"All of those who want to see the pictures and videos raise your hand." Sylvia said and everyone did except for Zoe.

"Your veto was just overruled." Sylvia said as she got up, going to the player and putting in the disk with the videos.

"You just had to ask them to do this didn't you." Zoe said to Carrie.

"Yep, I heard that you had a starring role and I just had to see it." Carrie told her grinning at her as Zoe pouted but Carrie's kiss did help a little.

"Yea, I wonder who told you that?" Zoe asked as she looked around at the other women and her eyes fell upon Rose.

"Don't look at me!" Rose said innocently.

"Fess up, I know you told her." Zoe told Rose who began to squirm a bit.

"Hey she asked me to fill in the details that you seemed to have left out when you told her about our adventure, what could I do." Rose said throwing up her hands as everyone laughed at her.

"You could have told her that the disks were destroyed, like I'm going to do to them once they finish playing." Zoe told her.

"You know I can't lie to my dear friend Carrie." Rose said as she grasped Carrie's hand.

"Come on and let's watch the videos." Carrie told her as she grabbed her hand giving it a squeeze.

"Yes Mistress Carrie," Zoe said getting a frown then a smile from Carrie.

"Everybody ready," Sylvia asked as she started the first disk.

Zoe wanted to say no but she bit her tongue and she could only hope that Carrie would not think badly of her which she didn't. In fact, she seemed to enjoy the videos and pictures as Zoe saw her moving her legs around as she watched Zoe eat Wilma out in Sylvia's HumVee. By the time the show was over, they all had fingers in each other's pussies making each other cum several times.

After a break to clean themselves up, they settled back in for the tearjerker. With Carrie beside of her, Zoe didn't mind crying as much especially since Carrie was doing a lot more crying than she was. However that fact didn't seem to matter to Carrie as she kidded her about her crying as they went to bed.

When Monday morning came around, Zoe suggested that they forgo the paddling to end the weekend; however Carrie would have no part of that. If that was how they always ended the weekend then they should continue to do so. Zoe did make sure that they got to paddle each other with her paddling Carrie first. She wanted to go easy on her but she knew that if she did then Carrie would just make her do it over and she rather give her one paddling than two. Carrie also made sure that they were the last to go so Carrie would know how hard to paddle Zoe and how hard Zoe would be paddling her. Zoe let Carrie paddle her first and she did bring tears to her eyes as Carrie popped her good and hard. Then she had to do the same and as much as she didn't want to, she returned the favor bringing tears and a couple of bruises to Carrie's ass that she was proud of and showed off to Zoe for the next couple of days.

When Zoe got home on Monday, she wondered if the weekend would change things between them and she had worried about it all day. But she was welcomed with a cup of coffee and a kiss like always and then while she changed clothes, Carrie put supper on the table. She had feared that the weekend would change things between them and it did but not in a bad way. It actually brought them closer as they had learned something of each other and found that they had more in common than they thought that they had. That night when they went to bed, they began to kiss and soon they were making love. The lovemaking was as passionate as ever and they found that they were even more open to the other's needs. Zoe thought that they had been before but she found that like all good relationships, theirs had room to grow.

Friday night, Carrie had everyone over for dinner. They all talked and gossiped the evening away and of course, Carrie was always addressed as Mistress Carrie which she now loved as it made her a special part of the group.

The third weekend of the next month they were invited back however they politely declined as Carrie said that she had something planned for them that weekend. Zoe knew she had been up to something and the fact that she had to make two trips out of town helped Carrie do whatever she was doing. She knew that it had something to do with the back part of the warehouse on their floor. Carrie's place didn't actually take up the whole floor though it took most of it. There was a back section that was as wide as the warehouse and about twenty feet deep that Carrie stored some of her design drawings and other things. It was also where Zoe had moved some of her extra stuff when she gave up her apartment at the end of her lease. The door leading to this part of the floor had always been kept unlock but recently Zoe found that the door was locked and Carrie had somehow lost the key. This Zoe didn't believe but she let go.

On that third Friday of the month, Carrie had dinner ready as always and after dinner, she told Zoe to take a shower as they were going out. Zoe of course asked where but all she got was "Out." Zoe being the good partner she was she said no more going on to take her shower. She had her mind on work so she never saw Carrie slip into the bathroom and then back out. When she finished with her shower, Zoe stepped out and saw a note stuck to the mirror. She immediately went to it pulling it down.

"Don't put any clothes on Slave and then follow the yellow brick road."


Mistress Carrie.

Zoe let out a little laugh then she turned to the doorway to see little yellow squares leading out of the bathroom. She quickly dried her body and hair, putting on a little perfume that Carrie loved for her to wear when they did something special. Zoe felt her pussy already getting wet as she began to follow the yellow brick road that lead to the door leading to the back of the floor. Carrie had obviously found the "lost" key as the door was unlocked.

She opened the door slowly to find the room lit with soft lighting and sweet smelling candles. Her eyes surveyed the room and she found that Carrie had made them their own little playroom. There was a big four poster bed in one corner and then a couch and big TV to the other side of that end. Her eyes went on around and she saw several chairs of different types that they could play their spanking games. And in the center of the room was a spanking horse just like the one Faye had gotten except for it had brown leather instead of red. Standing beside of the spanking horse was her Mistress Carrie. She was wearing a red corset with red boots that went up to her knees and the top had open bra cups exposing her small breasts. She had a riding crop in her left hand and was hitting her right palm with it.

"Welcome to our playroom, my beautiful slave." Carrie said grinning from ear to ear.

"It's wonderful," Zoe said as she rushed over to Carrie, hugging her tightly and lifting her off the floor as she kissed her.

"I thought that maybe we should have our own private playroom, just for us." Carrie told her as the kiss ended.

"I love it and I love you my Mistress." Zoe told her kissing her again, a long passionate kiss.

"Only sometimes am I your mistress." Carrie said and Zoe looked at her trying to figure out what she meant as Carrie would always be her mistress.

"Sometimes your Mistress needs to have her Mistress Zoe spank her." Carrie told her. "I got you a matching outfit for when your slave is a bad girl."

"Oh I love it when my slave is bad." Zoe said grinning at a very pleased Carrie.

Carrie then took Zoe's hand showing off everything that she had done, including the drawings that Faye had down of each of them and those done with them together. Carrie even had some ideas of other watercolors and drawings she wanted Faye to do of them. Carrie told her that she could change anything around or add things but Zoe knew she would never do that, this was Carrie's creation and it was perfect just the way it was.

Zoe could just see the excitement in Carrie's eyes and that made her feel so much love for this shy reserved woman who when alone with her or just with their friends let the whole of herself out.

While they did go back a couple times a year to play with The Spanking Club, most of the time, their playing was reserved just for them. The two lost souls that had found each other and themselves through a few close loving women who saw a need and filled it.

The end!

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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