Spanking Club

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Nov 5, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

The Spanking Club

Part Eleven

By Chris

Again Carrie had to think a moment before she replied, "Can I defer my answer to a later date?"

Zoe smiled before she leaned in to give Carrie a tender kiss then she answered her question, "Yes you can, take all the time you want."

Zoe kissed her again as she encircled Carrie in her arms. She then turned onto her back pulling Carrie with her so that Carrie's head ended up lying on her shoulder. Zoe let her hands and fingers caress Carrie's back and arms as Carrie lay there holding onto her. Zoe knew that Carrie was thinking about what they had done and that there would eventually be more questions and she wasn't too surprised when they came a few minutes a little later.

"You didn't spank me nearly as hard as I spanked you did you?" Carrie asked.

"No I didn't want to go too far, just enough for you to really feel it but then this was your first time and I wasn't so sure that you would like it. But erotic spanking is all about spanking as hard as the person is comfortable with and what makes them aroused." Zoe told her.

"But how do you know how hard that is?" Carrie asked her as she rose up so that she could look into Zoe's eyes.

"Alex was the first person that I spanked and I got a little lucky as everyone was telling me to spank her ass hard which gave me a little clue as to what she liked but still I was afraid after the first spank that it was too hard but when I heard Alex moan, I knew it was okay. So you let the person you are spanking guide you. Start off a little lighter and go stronger judging by her reactions. And trust that they will tell you when you get too hard." Zoe told her.

"Okay, did I go too hard?" Carrie asked.

"No I assure you, you did fine and if you decide to try again, you can go longer and harder." Zoe told her.

"You can too, but not much more." Carrie said then she immediately added, "If I decide to try it again."

"Okay," Zoe said giving Carrie a kiss on that freckle on the tip of her nose that Zoe had claimed was hers alone.

"What if I decide that I like spanking you but not getting spanked?" Carrie asked.

"Then that's fine with me but let me know in some way before you begin." Zoe told her.

"I will." Carrie told her. "But don't take this as I am thinking about wanting to do it again."

"Oh I know you're just establishing the ground rules before you decide. It's cool." Zoe assured her as she gripped Carrie tighter in the arms.

Carrie lay there with her head back on Zoe's shoulder as Zoe's hands and fingers went back to caressing her back and soon to her warm ass which made Carrie coo. Zoe kissed the top of her head as they lay there just relaxing.

"What are we doing here in bed when it is still light outside?" Carrie asked.

"We're fucking our brains out." Zoe said referring to what they had done when they spanked each other.

"Well if you're fucking me then you must be using the tiniest dildo ever made as I can't feel anything." Carrie said as she got up on her elbows and looked hard at Zoe who took on the challenge.

"Well let me see if I can find a bigger one that you will feel." Zoe said rolling them over so that she was on top of Carrie, then she rolled on off the bed.

She got into the bedside table pulling out her strap-on harness and the dildo that Carrie loved to be used on her. It was a bit smaller than the one Zoe liked but not by much. Zoe slipped the harness on as Carrie watched licking her lips and lightly rubbing her already wet pussy. Zoe got out the lube which Carrie reached for. Zoe gave the bottle to her as she stepped forward to the edge of the bed. Carrie opened the bottle squirting a line of lube along the top of the fake cock. She used her fingers to coat the cock as she gazed up into Zoe's eyes. Once she was finished, she gave a kiss to the head of the cock.

Zoe grinned at Carrie's action then she moved up on the bed getting between Carrie's spread legs. Zoe put her hands to each side of Carrie's chest as Carrie reached up grasping Zoe's breasts with her lube coated hands.

"Oops, sorry about that." Carrie said as she started to pull her hands away.

"No leave them there that feels nice." Zoe told her as she reached down with her right hand grasping the cock. She put the head to Carrie's slit moving it up and down the lips.

"Oh yes," Carrie moaned as she gripped Zoe's breasts with her slippery hands.

Zoe let the head of the fake cock run up and down Carrie's lips then she used it to part them slightly making Carrie moan a bit more and grip Zoe's breasts tighter as best as she could with her slippery hands. After a bit more teasing, Zoe moved the head to Carrie's entrance. Carrie immediately pushed her hips upwards forcing the head inside of her.

"Anxious are we?" Zoe asked with a smile.

Carrie just blushed and she started to lower her hips however Zoe went with her lowering her own hips thus keeping the head of her fake cock inside of Carrie. When Carrie's ass touched the bed, Zoe kept lowering her hips pushing the cock deeper and deeper into her pussy, until she had it buried deep into Carrie's pussy making her moan. Carrie's legs widened and wrapped themselves around Zoe's waist and her hands went under Zoe's arms up to her shoulders.

"Oh god, I'm getting this lube all over you." Carrie said.

"And the lube you put on my tits is now on yours." Zoe said with a wink then she kissed Carrie lightly on the lips. Carrie put her hand to the back of Carrie's head pulling it down for another kiss, a longer one filled with the passion they were both feeling. Zoe moved her hips from side to side as they kissed thus moving the fake cock buried deep in Carrie's pussy around a bit.

"Mmmm... that feels great." Carrie moaned.

"I'm about to make it feel even better." Zoe told Carrie kissing her lips and then the freckle on her nose as she raised her hips up an inch or two then bringing them back down making Carrie moan. Zoe went slowly at first moving the cock only an inch or two as she began to fuck her. She was kissing Carrie's face and lips while Carrie closed her eyes and received the pleasure that Zoe was giving to her.

Ever so slightly Zoe began to raise her hips up higher and push down harder. Carrie gripped her tighter and began to use her hips to push back on each in stroke. Zoe kept on kissing Carrie's face as she fucked her and their bodies got into a rhythm that they had perfected over time. Zoe knew how Carrie liked to be fucked and she did that, bringing Carrie along slowly until she began to pant and then she started to fuck her harder and faster. She pushed her hips down hard and fast as Carrie began to moan constantly. Their bodies slid against each other from the sweat they were both producing. After having cum hard already tonight, Carrie was able to go a little longer but soon she was crying out as her body stiffened and she pulled Zoe into her body. Zoe gave Carrie a few last hard thrusts of her fake cock making Carrie cry out.

"Oh god that felt good." Carrie said in a sigh as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Are you ready for a little more?" Zoe asked with a grin as she pushed her hips into Carrie making her groan.

"No, it's my turn to fuck you my sweet." Carrie told her as she gave her a kiss.

"How about doggie style?" Zoe asked as a request.

"Sure baby." Carrie said with a smile and then she put her hands to Zoe's shoulders pushing her up. Zoe dropped her head down giving Carrie a kiss before getting up off of her.

Zoe got up on her knees as Carrie sat up and they both removed the harness from Zoe. Carrie took the harness getting up off the bed. She took the dildo out putting in a slightly larger and longer dildo. In the meantime, Zoe got to the center of the bed on her hands and knees lowering her head to the pillow and putting her ass up in the air.

"Oh god your ass is still red, did I spank you that hard?" Carrie gasped as she put her left hand to her mouth.

"Yes you did and it felt great and it stills feel great. And the next time, if there is a next time, you can spank me even harder and longer. But right now I want you to shove that cock you're wearing deep into my pussy." Zoe told her to reassure her.

"Okay, but don't ever let me spank you too hard." Carrie told her seriously.

"I won't let you but I like a real hard spanking so I don't think you could ever spank me too hard." Zoe said as she wiggled her ass at Carrie who seemed to get the message as she grinned and went back to putting the lube on the cock not that Zoe needed much as wet as she was.

Carrie got up on the bed getting in behind of Zoe who waited for Carrie to put the cock to her pussy however she first got a soft kiss to her left then right ass cheek.

"That feels nice." Zoe cooed out. Carrie then gave another kiss to each cheek before she put her right hand on Zoe's right hip and Zoe felt the head of the cock touch her pussy.

"Mmmm..." Zoe moaned as she felt that fake cock slide past her pussy lips and deep into her pussy. She felt Carrie's hips touch her still warm ass cheeks. Carrie's left hand went to Zoe's left hip gripping it as she pulled her hips back and she shoved the cock back into Zoe's pussy making her cry out in pleasure.

Carrie had a firm grip on her hips and she felt Carrie driving the cock deep into her pussy. She could feel the length of the cock going in and out of her pussy, it filled her and then it left her feeling empty only to be filled again. It felt so fucking good and Carrie was going hard and deep with her thrusts just as she liked it. The sounds of their skin hitting against each other echoed around the room.

"Oh yes baby, that's it, fuck me hard baby." Zoe cried out.

"Oh I'm going to, nice and hard." Carrie said as she pounded her fake cock into Zoe's pussy.

"Spank me; spank my ass as you fuck me." Zoe ordered Carrie to do.

Zoe felt Carrie slow down for a second and Zoe was afraid that Carrie would stop but she didn't. She only hesitated for a second before Zoe felt the first slap on her left ass cheek. It was a hard slap that was followed by another and another that stung but felt good. And the cock sliding in and out of her pussy felt even better. Zoe wanted to tell Carrie to keep going but all she could do was grunt her approval. Soon Carrie switched hands and her right ass cheek was being spanked as Carrie continued to fuck her hard. It did not take too many of these slaps on her ass cheeks for Zoe to get to and fall off the cliff going down in a spiral as her orgasm consumed her.

When Zoe opened her eyes Carrie was lying beside of her and was holding her tightly as she kissed her face. "Oh that was perfect." Zoe said to her as she kissed those soft lips of Carrie's.

"Yes it was... after you found a cock to fuck me with that was big enough for me to actually feel." Carrie said in a serious voice.

"Oh you're funny." Zoe said with a laugh that got Carrie to laugh.

After the laughter ended, they kissed and caressed each other until sleep began to overtake them and they slept contently and very satisfied.

The next morning, Zoe kept waiting for Carrie to mention the spanking game that they had played but she didn't. They went on about their day as if it had never happened but it had. Zoe wanted to mention it but she knew her lover and she knew to wait her out. The wait turned out to be much longer than she thought that it would be, about a month longer before she brought it up again and in a surprising way.

They were laying in bed after making love, it was on a lazy Sunday afternoon and the early fall sun was shining into the bedroom. They were lying on their backs just resting after they had talked for a while. Everything seemed perfect to Zoe when Carrie suddenly turned on her side and pushed her off the bed and onto the floor as she screamed, "I hate you, you stupid bitch!"

Zoe landed on the floor with a thump hipping on her right hip first making her cry out in pain. She sat there a second rubbing her hip wondering just what the hell had just happened and then she got pissed, "Just what the hell did I do?" Zoe screamed as she got on her knees leaning against the bed and looking at Carrie who had the confused look on her face.

"You introduced me to your friends, you got me to like them, and then you convinced me to spank you." Carrie said.

"I never asked you to spank me!" Zoe fired back.

"I know you didn't" Carrie said with a sigh as she lay onto her back. "But now I'm thinking about it all the time."

Zoe's anger at Carrie disappeared in an instant. She slipped back onto the bed lying on her side in front of her. "I'm sorry." Was all Zoe could say.

"Don't be." Carrie said as she touched Zoe's right cheek with her fingertips. "I'm sorry that I kicked you out of the bed. I just had to do something before I went crazy."

"I thought you did go crazy for a moment there." Zoe said with a smile.

Carrie let out a little laugh, "I guess I did. I am sorry."

"Tell my hip that." Zoe said as she rubbed her hip.

"Oh god did I hurt you." Carrie said now alarmed.

"Not too bad, I'll heal but let's talk about what is going on in that crazy head of yours." Zoe said.

"Let me see." Carrie ordered her as she sat up to look at her hip that was facing up.

"The other one," Zoe said and found that she was being turned over rather roughly until she was facing away from her.

"I don't see any bruising." Carrie said.

"I told you that it wasn't so bad." Zoe said.

"Well a kiss to make it better anyway." Carrie said as she kissed her hip.

"Now tell me what is going on inside that head of yours." Zoe said as she sat up. "I know you have been thinking about the spanking game that we played and I kept quiet, maybe I should have said something before now."

"No you were right to keep quiet; I had to think about it on my own first." Carrie said.

"So what conclusion did you come to?" Zoe had to ask.

"I kept telling myself that it was a onetime thing and nothing else. But it kept coming back to me at the weirdest times. I would be putting clothes into the washing machine and I would think about spanking you or you spanking me. It would just come out of nowhere. I just don't know where to take this." Carrie said.

"We'll take it one step at a time like we do everything else in our lives. Maybe we'll try it again and if you enjoy that then either we'll do it again until it becomes something we do from time to time or we just stop doing it. That is the best way to play it." Zoe told her.

"How do I know when you want to play?' Carrie asked her.

"That will be the exact moment that you want to play." Zoe answered.

"A very diplomatic answer but it doesn't answer my question." Carrie told her.

"I know but it is the only answer I can and will give you sweetie." Zoe told her with a little smile.

"I was right the first time, you are a bitch!" Carrie said loudly but then she wrapped her arms around Zoe pulling her in tightly.

Zoe kissed Carrie's ear then she whispered into Carrie's ear, "However you're going to be hard pressed to outdo your panty scene, you got me on that one."

"Now you really are a bitch putting the pressure on me like that." Carrie said as she pushed Zoe back and giving Zoe her meanest look but then she pulled her back giving her a kiss on the cheek.

They fell back on the bed kissing and caressing. Their fingers touched each other's arms, breasts and finally their pussies. The caresses were soft and tender as their fingers ran lightly against each other's pussy lips, slowly going deeper caressing deep within one another. Eventually their fingers found the other's aroused clits, waiting for some sweet caresses. The fingers lightly touched before pressing down harder as they began to pant. Soon they were cumming in each other's arms.

Zoe kept waiting for Carrie to spring something on her all during the next week and the following week but she made no move at all. They went about their normal routine and Zoe began to wonder if Carrie was going to do anything at all. However it seemed that Carrie was just playing with her.

The following week, Zoe had to go to Washington D.C. for a three day conference that ended on a Friday. She had a late afternoon flight out Friday however the planes were stacked up over Atlanta due to a thunder storm passing through. She thus landed about an hour later than she was supposed to land. Then with one plane landing right after another due to the storm, there was an added delay in picking up her baggage. She wished that she could have just taken carryon luggage but with all the documents and her laptop that she had to carry, she had to check in a couple of bags. She rushed out of the airport and to her car and was again delayed getting out of the parking garage. She was exhausted by the time that the elevator doors opened and she was at last home. Zoe picked up her bags hauling them toward the living room where she had planned on dropping her bags and falling onto the couch.

"Where the hell have you been?" Carrie said to her rather loudly.

Zoe looked up to see Carrie standing in a black sheer gown that went to her feet and was held up by the thinnest of straps.

Before Zoe could do anything other than let her jaw drop to the floor, Carrie put her hands on her hips, cocking them to the left and she said also rather loudly, "You said you would be home at seven sharp and it is now eight thirty five!"

"There was a thunder storm over Atlanta, you had to have seen or heard it." Zoe told her. "Then there was a delay at baggage claim and getting out of the parking garage was an absolute mess. And..."

"Yea, yea, yea... I have heard it all from you and I'm tired of it. Go get me a kitchen chair and let's see if we can instill the need for you to be on time for once in your life." Carrie ordered her.

"Yes madam," Zoe said dropping her head in shame as her pussy began to get moist and her energy spiking. "I am sorry about being late, but this time it really wasn't my fault."

"The chair and right now!" Carrie demanded as she slammed her foot on the floor to make her point.

"I'm getting it." Zoe pleaded as she hurried over to the dining table and grabbing a chair and bringing it to Carrie.

"Well at least you do one thing on time." Carrie said as she sat in the chair smoothing out her gown which Zoe was having trouble not staring at as she could see Carrie's nipples hardening.

"Now get out of those clothes and across my lap. I'm not going to spank you through all that padding." Carrie ordered her.

"Yes madam," Zoe said as she practically torn her blouse off not caring if her tore it or not. Then she unsnapped her bra, pulling it off before going to her skirt. She undid the button on the side of her skirt unzipping it just enough to get it off her hips. She pushed it down with her panty hose and her panties. She pushed them past her hips and then she sat on the floor to get the panty hose off her legs and feet.

She jumped up and started to get over Carrie's lap when she suddenly felt something cool on her pussy. She looked down to see Carrie's left hand covering her pussy and she moaned as she felt Carrie rubbing her pussy.

"God you're already soaking wet, you should be ashamed." Carrie said in fake disgust.

Zoe wanted to come back with, "yea, like you're not wet too." However, she didn't. She went along with the game as Carrie had it planned out. "I'm sorry," Zoe said dropping her head in shame again. "I know that the long hard spanking you're about to give me will show me that a spanking from you is not something to get aroused about."

"We'll see about that won't we? Now get over my lap and let's get this long hard spanking started. I plan on getting your ass a very bright red." Carrie told her and Zoe knew that this one would be harder than the first spanking that Carrie had given to her.

Carrie pulled her hand away so that Zoe could get across her lap. Zoe didn't have to look back to know that Carrie was licking her fingers clean which only excited her more. Zoe settled herself over Carrie's lap and then she felt Carrie's hand lay upon her ass. The hand caressed her ass cheeks going from one to the other with her fingers going down the crack of her ass sending a chill down Zoe's back. The fingers kept going all the way to Zoe's pussy which was producing its juices. The fingers played with her pussy lips but for a brief moment before they were gone.

Zoe expected for Carrie to go back to caressing her ass and then warn her before the first spank however Carrie had other plans as Zoe felt Carrie's left hand come down hard on her left ass cheek.

"Ouch, that stung." Zoe cried out.

"It was supposed to, that is the only way I will get you to be on time." Carrie said as she caressed the place that she had just spanked.

When Carrie's hand left her ass this time, Zoe knew what was coming and it did come, a hard spank to her right ass cheek. "Ohhh..." She moaned as she heard and then felt the sting of Carrie's hand. Then hand came back down on her left cheek just above the first spank and the one after that went just below the second spank. Carrie was doing better this time of moving her hand around so Zoe never knew which part of her ass would sting next and that made it that much more exciting. Carrie was spanking her hard and fast moving her hand all around her ass. Hitting her up high and then down low and back to the middle. It did not take Carrie long to have her ass really stinging and have her pussy soaking wet.

Carrie stopped her spanking, placing her hand on Zoe's hot cheeks. She caressed her sore ass cheeks with tender loving care that got Zoe's motor running that much more. The hand moved in circles around her ass going wider and wider until they came to her upper thigh. Zoe opened her legs as the fingers of that hand moved in toward her pussy. The fingers lightly glazed the lips of her wet and hot pussy making Zoe moan. Then fingers went on down to her clit giving it a light rub making Zoe shiver and almost cum right then but the contact wasn't long enough for her to do that. The fingers went to her slit slightly parting it making Zoe moan more. Zoe then felt a finger slide up inside of her going in deep.

"Oh god yes..." Zoe cried out but then the finger withdrew leaving her empty and wanting it back.

"Fuck!" Zoe cried out in frustration and then "Fuck!" again as Carrie's left hand landed on the center of her ass hard.

Carrie was spanking her even harder now and Zoe had to moan after each stinging spank. Her pussy was leaking all over Carrie's gown but she didn't care. Carrie's hand moved down to the back of her upper thighs making Zoe cry out in pain but also pleasure. It hurt a lot worse to be spanked on her thighs but it also made her that much more excited. Carrie spanked her thighs until they were really stinging before she stopped again.

This time, Carrie's fingers went right for Zoe's pussy, pushing two fingers deep inside making Zoe groan with pleasure. "Fuck me baby!" Zoe cried out as she felt those fingers go deep into her pussy and they were fucking her hard. Zoe pushed back against those fingers wanting to get off as she needed to do so really bad. Her whole body was screaming to be released. Zoe felt her body getting closer to a climax and her pussy was pulsing against Carrie's fingers but just as her orgasm was about to come, the fingers disappeared again.

Zoe felt Carrie's hand come down against her ass even harder making a sound of flesh against flesh that echoed around the room. "Oh god," Zoe sobbed out as the tears began to flow from her eyes. Her ass and thighs were hurting and she needed to cum so badly. Carrie's hand seemed to hit her everywhere at once, as it was coming down on her ass and thighs so hard and fast. Zoe began to twist around on Carrie's lap trying to get her ass away from the stinging of Carrie's hand. Then the spanks came even harder and faster and Zoe cried even harder. Then the spanks stopped and there were three fingers in her pussy fucking her so hard. Zoe lost control of her body as she came hard. She just cried out as her pussy clamped down on Carrie's fingers and she floated away in pleasure of her orgasm and the pain of her spanking.

When Zoe recovered from her orgasm, she felt Carrie caressing her sore ass cheeks. "That feels nice." Zoe moaned out.

"Whap!" and Zoe cried out as Carrie smacked her hard on the center of her sore ass.

"Get up; I'm not done with you yet!" Carrie ordered her.

"Yes madam," Zoe said as she got up off of Carrie's lap but not without Carrie's help.

Carrie sat her down on the chair that had little cushioning which made her jump back up before lowering herself down slowly. Carrie got down in front of her pushing her legs out wide. She looked up in Zoe's eyes giving her a wink before burying her head between Zoe's thighs.

"Oh yes, that feels great," Zoe moaned out as she felt Carrie's tongue moving around her pussy lips licking up all the girlcum and her fresh juices. Zoe moved her hands down to Carrie's head holding it to her pussy. She felt the flat of Carrie's tongue moving up and down her slit gazing across her sensitive clit and then back down to her slit parting her lips to get inside.

"Fuck!" Zoe moaned as Carrie licked her pussy getting up the juices that she was producing. Sitting on her sore ass just added to the arousal that she was feeling as Carrie licked and sucked on her pussy lips. Her tongue would dip deep inside of her moving around then she would chew on her pussy lips making her squirm on those sore ass cheeks. Carrie's tongue felt so good that she never wanted her to stop her licking; however she was also getting so aroused that she needed to cum. Carrie slowly licked her way up to Zoe's clit that was so aroused that it was peeking up from its hiding place. Carrie kissed it making Zoe moan then Carrie sucked the little nub into her mouth. Zoe then felt several fingers enter her pussy fucking it hard.

"Fuck me baby!" Zoe cried out as Carrie's fingers went in deep and hard. In addition, her mouth was sucking hard on her clit. Then Carrie began to use the flat of her tongue against her clit, licking it hard. This was more than Zoe could take and she shuttered as the orgasm overcame her. She was lost in the world of pleasure as Carrie licked her girlcum from her pussy.

"Come here baby." Zoe said when she was able. Carrie got up and Zoe had her sit on her lap which made her ass hurt more but it was a nice feeling reminding her of what Carrie had just done to her.

Zoe kissed her then said, "You had this planned for me to be late, what would you have done if my plane had been on time?" Zoe asked her.

"Has your flight from Washington ever landed on time?" Carrie asked with a smile on her face.

"No," Zoe said with a little laugh.

"See I knew what I was doing." Carrie said quiet proud of herself.

"Did you?" Zoe asked arching her eye browns at her.

"Yes I did." Carrie said firmly thought there was some doubt in her eyes.

"What about that nice dinner that was to be on the table when I got here, didn't you promise me that when I left on Wednesday morning?" Zoe asked her.

"Oh... I forgot about that." Carrie said then she jumped up, "I can fix you something now."

Zoe grabbed her right wrist as Carrie started to move toward the kitchen. "Oh no you don't, you made a promise you didn't keep and it is too late to do it now."

"Oh no I can whip up something really quick." Carrie said though she didn't try to pull away which told Zoe all she needed to know.

"Nope, I got a spanking for not keeping a promise and so shall you." Zoe said as she pulled on Carrie's arm so that she was at her right side, and then she pulled down on that arm making Carrie lay across her lap.

"Please don't spank me; I won't break a promise again." Carrie pleaded with her.

"Well this will just serve to remind you not to break another promise." Zoe said as she placed her hand on Carrie's ass that was still covered by her thin gown. She thought about pulling it up but decided to save that for later. She let her hand move around Carrie's soft ass cheeks as Carrie moaned a little.

After a moment of caressing, Zoe raised her hand from Carrie's ass noticing that this time Carrie didn't clinch her ass cheeks. Zoe brought her hand down hard with it landing with a loud smack.

"Ouch!" Carrie cried out as she jerked a little.

"I see I got your attention now." Zoe told her.

"Yes madam," Carrie said as she settled back down.

Zoe patted Carrie's ass a few times then she began to spank those cute cheeks. She spanked her a little harder than she did the first time but not as hard as Carrie had spanked her. She moved her hand around those covered cheeks and she could see through the sheer material, Carrie's ass start to turn a little pink. Carrie moaned and groaned as Zoe spanked her but again she made no attempt to stop the spanking and Zoe could feel the top of her thighs get moist from Carrie's juices. Zoe kept her hand moving around until she got Carrie's ass a light red color then she stopped. She let her hand rest on Carrie's now warm ass caressing it a little. When her fingers went toward Carrie's legs, Carrie opened her legs. Zoe didn't raise the gown but slipped her fingers between Carrie's legs to her wet pussy. She rubbed those wet lips through the sheer material getting it and her fingers wet.

Just as she got Carrie very aroused, she pulled the gown up to Carrie's lower back holding it in place with her left hand as she began to spank the bare cheeks.

"Oh that hurts!" Carrie moaned out.

"It's supposed to honey." Zoe said as she continued to spank those reddening cheeks. She moved her hand down to Carrie's upper thighs getting them red and making Carrie moan and groan with each spank. Carrie began to squirm on Zoe's lap as she moaned from her spanking. Once Zoe had Carrie's ass nice and red, she stopped again.

She caressed those red hot cheeks as Carrie moaned now from pleasure as well as pain. When Zoe moved her fingers around and down those cheeks, Carrie opened her legs wide. Zoe let her fingers go lightly up Carrie's slit to her clit where she gave it a little tickle. However she quickly stopped making Carrie moan from frustration. Zoe put her fingers down to Carrie's entrance where she pushed her middle finger into her. She felt Carrie's pussy grip her finger as she began to fuck her with that finger. Zoe fucked her until Carrie began to squirm and that was when she pulled her finger from her pussy causing Carrie to cry out in frustration again.

"Get up and get that damn gown off." Zoe ordered her.

"Oh god," Carrie moaned as she got up off Zoe's lap and stood on shaky legs that Zoe was afraid would give out on her before she could pull the gown up and off. She started to go back over Zoe's lap when Zoe returned the favor by cupping Carrie's pussy with her hand.

"Ohhhh..." Carrie said as Zoe rubbed her pussy getting her hand coated with Carrie's juices. Zoe then slipped two fingers into Carrie's pussy and began to fuck her. Carrie put her hands on Zoe's shoulders holding herself up as Zoe finger fucked her.

"Oh god, I'm going to cum." Carrie cried out and that was when Zoe withdrew her fingers from that pussy.

"Noooo..." Carrie cried out.

"Yes, now get back over my lap." Zoe ordered her in no uncertain terms.

Carrie was almost in tears as she crawled back over Zoe's lap. Zoe knew that Carrie was on the edge so she immediately began to spank her ass cheeks and thighs. She went harder and faster than she had before making Carrie groan and cry out with each spank. Zoe got Carrie's ass a very nice red color before she stopped.

She pulled Carrie up off her lap holding onto a crying woman as she placed her down on the hard chair making her groan. She then went down on her knees pushing them out wide, where she buried her face into Carrie's pussy, licking hard and fast. Carrie immediately cried out as an orgasm hit her hard. Zoe kept licking and sucking on her pussy and clit as Carrie went from one intense orgasm into another one that was even more intense. Zoe just kept licking and sucking those juices from her until Carrie let out a deep sigh and she almost went limp.

Zoe kept licking but now just to keep Carrie aroused as she slowly recovered from her series of intense orgasms. It took a while before Zoe felt Carrie tugging at her shoulders. Zoe got up and she let Carrie sit her on her lap. Zoe kissed her lips then her cheeks and her sweaty forehead before returning to her lips kissing them again and making the kiss last longer.

"I thought you were going to kill me there." Carrie said with a sigh.

"I was hoping that you would enjoy that." Zoe said smiling.

"I did." Carrie said as she kissed her. "Now take me to bed and let's make love all night."

"That we can do," Zoe said as she got up helping Carrie up and they walked hand to hand to their bedroom where they kissed for a while before getting into a sixty-nine position to make each other cum several more times.

"You know, that dinner you promised me would sound real good right now." Zoe said as they cuddled after making love.

"I think I can fix us up something for us." Carrie said as she gave Zoe a kiss.

When they got to the bathroom, Zoe sat on the toilet to pee and she noticed that Carrie was looking at her ass in the mirror. "It's still a little red isn't it?" she asked proudly.

"Yes it is." Zoe said smiling as she ran her hand across her ass. "And a little warm too. Does it still sting?"

"Yes it does." Carrie said again proudly as she rubbed her ass cheeks.

"You'll be a proud member of the spanking club soon." Zoe said as she got off the toilet. She said it just as a throw away statement but after the words left her mouth, she saw that they had clicked in Carrie's head and she wasn't so sure that was a good thing.

Carrie didn't comment on the statement that Zoe had made, for which she was grateful, as she sat on the toilet to pee. Once they had washed up and brushed out their hair, they went out for find something to fill their growling stomachs. Carrie kept feeling of her warm ass as she fixed them a midnight snack.

The next morning, Carrie watched over the shop so that Kristen and Marcella could take Carrie Ann to a concert that she was just dying to see. Carrie figured that was the lesser of the two evils as she told Kristen whom agreed seeing how the concert was a teen star that neither of them could stand but Carrie Ann adored. Zoe took the time alone to get her notes from the conference together so that she could bring her people up to date. It was a nice day to relax and do some work. She even had dinner waiting for Carrie after she had closed down the shop. Then when the concert ended, Carrie Ann just had to stop by and tell her grandmother and aunt all about it. They were of course all excited to hear about it and told her that they wish they could have gone too. Kristen mouthed to Zoe that they could take her next time, upon which Zoe replied by mouthing 'Hell no." It took a while for Carrie Ann's excitement to wear out but when it did she was out like a light. Marcella stayed and talked for a bit while Kristen put her little one to bed.

Over the fall and winter months, they continued to play their spanking game, with Zoe starting it a time or two just to see how Carrie would react. The first time she tried this, she was worried that Carrie would react negatively but quite the opposite occurred as she fell right into the scene that Zoe had created. Later when they talked, Carrie told her it was nice that she didn't have to come up with a scene and she loved that she got to spank Zoe last and not first. After that Zoe started the game as much as Carrie did.

They also continued to visit with the group and even had them come over to see their place. Sometimes it was just one or two of them, depending on who was free, and sometimes Carrie had everyone over for dinner. Since Carrie was now really into Yoga, they never missed their Wednesday night session with her however Carrie had not progressed to doing yoga nude so they did it fully clothed. Carrie and Zoe also did yoga several times a week just because they enjoyed doing it and help them to relieve their stress and made them more flexible.

On the first warm spring weekend, which just happened to be almost exactly a year from Wilma and Sylvia's anniversary party, everyone was back at Wilma's and Sylvia's house for a weekend by the pool. On Friday night, they had a nice dinner that Sylvia cooked however Carrie was allowed to help serve. Of course, she volunteered herself and Zoe to clean up and wouldn't take no for an answer. Once the kitchen was cleaned, Zoe and Carrie joined the group which was in the living room drinking wine and talking.

Then Saturday morning, once the sun had warmed the morning air up, they were all out by the pool. This time Carrie had no problem going nude in front of everyone. In fact, when she got up that morning, she had only a robe on not bothering to tie it closed just like everyone else had done. When they went out to the pool, Carrie took the robe off putting it with everyone else's and then waited for Sylvia to coat them all down with sunscreen. Zoe watched Carrie throughout the weekend and she seemed to be so comfortable with everyone and while Carrie spent a lot of time with Sylvia, she also spent a fair amount of time with everyone else and that was great to see.

"So did you enjoy the weekend?" Zoe asked as she drove them home Sunday evening.

"What do you think?" Carrie asked back.

"God, you're as bad as I am, answering a question with a question." Zoe said with a laugh.

"I learned from the master." Carrie said as she took Zoe's hand in hers.

"So answer my question." Zoe told her.

"You answer mine first." Carrie told her.

Zoe laughed before saying, "Yes you did."

"Then I guess I did." Carrie said smiling and Zoe turned her head giving Carrie a look that she hoped told Carrie to answer the question. "Yes I enjoyed it very much. I always enjoy spending time with our friends."

Zoe liked the way Carrie now referred to her friends as their friends as that was what they truly were. "I 'm glad that you do like them; I was hoping all along that they would become as much your friends as mine." Zoe told her.

"They have," Carrie said and then she seemed to want to say something more but stopped herself. Zoe waited a moment for her to continue and she did. "Do they spank harder than you do to me now?"

"What brought this up?" Zoe asked.

"I don't know, just answer my question." Carrie told her.

"I don't know maybe a little but I am spanking you pretty good now. However, the group has always tailored how they spanked to the person that they were spanking. The main objective has always been to get the person aroused to the point that they are dying to cum. If a very light spanking does it then that is what the person gets and if takes a very hard spanking then that is also what they get. You see what I am saying?" Zoe asked.

"Yea I do." Carrie replied and said nothing more.

"What brought this on?' Zoe asked.

"I was just curious." Carrie told her.

"Carrie, I know you better than that. If you are curious then there is a reason you are curious, so fess up." Zoe told her.

"Really I am just curious." Carrie told her.

"Are you thinking of wanting to see what the Spanking Club does for real?" Zoe asked.

"Oh god no!" Carrie said as if that was the last thing on her mind however a brief pause, she said, "Maybe."

"Are you wanting to do that for me or for you?" Zoe had to ask.

"Both," Carrie said which didn't help Zoe any. "Would they let us come maybe once in a blue moon?" She went on to ask before Zoe could ask anything more.

"For us yes, I think they would but is this something you really want to do?" Zoe asked. "You know it isn't just spanking that goes on there, they also have sex and lots of it."

"I know." Carrie said.

"Would it bother you to see me make love with someone else?" Zoe asked her.

"Yes, would it bother you if I did?" Zoe asked.

"Yes, it would." Carrie told her straight forwardly.

"Then what are we talking about?" Zoe asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it is just something that I want us to try, something I want to try for you and for myself." Carrie told her.

"You don't have to do anything for me, you know that. I am perfectly happy the way things are with us right now." Zoe told her.

"I am too," Carrie told her. "But ask them tomorrow what they would think of us joining them for a weekend."

"You sure?" Zoe asked.

"Yes I'm sure." Carrie replied and immediately changed the subject so that Zoe knew that she wasn't going to get any more out of her that evening. So Zoe was left to her own thoughts about where Carrie was going with this and she hated it when Carrie did things like this but that was a part of what make Carrie who she was and a person she loved.

When she got to work the next morning, Zoe sent out an email to Alex, Rose, Wilma, and Faye asking them to come to lunch if at all possible. Zoe wasn't surprised to find that all were in the dining room when she got there at noon. "Thank you all for coming, I do appreciate it."

"So what's going on?" Rose asked.

"Well Carrie has asked me to ask you all something and to tell you the truth I don't know how I feel about it." Zoe told them.

"What is the question? Let us in on what is going on." Alex asked her

"On the way home last night, Carrie got to asking me questions about the spanking club and what went on there. I had told her all of this before but I knew this was different. It seems that she now wants to know if you all would be open to us coming every once in a while. So that is the question she wanted me to present to you." Zoe told them.

"Interesting," Alex said as she sat back and took a bite of her salad.

"Very interesting," Rose echoed.

"How do you feel about her wanting to join us?" Wilma asked her.

"I don't know. I'm not sure she understands what she is getting into and I'm not sure how I feel about sharing her to be honest with you." Zoe said.

"We can say no if you like." Faye told her.

"No, she wanted me to ask you and I have to be honest with you and her. So I present the question to you." Zoe told them.

They each looked to the other and Zoe tried to get in a bite of food before they gave her the answer she expected. It only took them a moment to come to a conclusion without ever saying a word to each other.

"I believe I can speak for everyone here." Alex said then she took a sip of her tea. "You will always be welcome and Carrie has become a friend to us all and so she too will always be welcome whether that be once or several times."

"I figured that you all would say that." Zoe told them somewhat sadly.

"Sorry but that is how we feel." Rose told her. "But let me ask you something. Why don't you want her to come and see what we do? I know you said you are not sure about sharing her and I understand that but I feel there is another reason you don't want her to come and join us."

Zoe had to smile though it was a sad smile all the same, "Because I feel like I have led her down a road that she would never have gone down."

Wilma let out a little laugh that Zoe had to admit irritated her as this was a very serious matter to her. "I'm sorry Zoe, I didn't mean to laugh. I know you are upset about this but while I don't know Carrie as well as you do but I think your love for her and your need to protect her is blinding you a bit."

"How so?" Zoe said not bothering to show her irritation at Wilma.

"Because Carrie doesn't walk down any road she doesn't want to walk down." Wilma told her.

"I agree," Rose said, "If Carrie went down any path with you it was because she wanted to walk down that path."

Zoe had to think about that one for a moment before she said, "I guess you are right. She can be a real stubborn bitch when she wants to be."

"Tell me about it." Wilma said and everyone laughed except for Zoe who was so caught up in her own thoughts to realize what they were laughing about but then she remembered the bet she and Wilma had made over Carrie helping Sylvia make dinner.

Zoe had to laugh and then she asked of her friends, "So what shall I do?"

"Tell her that we welcome you both with open arms and let her decide. It might be that she only needs to know that she is welcome to come." Faye told her.

"Yea, she may decide that is all she needs to know." Rose told her trying to make her feel better.

"Do you believe that?" Zoe asked her.

Rose hesitated for a second before she said, "No... I think she needs to come at least once... sorry"

"I know, I knew the instant that she asked the question that we would be joining you all at some point in the future." Zoe told them.

"Can I give you a piece of advice?" Wilma asked.

"I'll take any that you can give me." Zoe said.

"When you tell her our answer tonight, don't look so depressed. This, I suspect, is something that is very important to her so be happy about it." Wilma told her.

"Okay I will." Zoe told them and for the rest of their lunch they all talked about how Zoe should answer Carrier's questions as they all knew that there would be many.

They were in bed that night before Carrie brought the subject that Zoe had been waiting for all night and it was a horrible wait. However Carrie did have an excuse for not asking sooner as Kristen, Marcella, and Carrie Ann had invited themselves for dinner as Carrie Ann had the day off from school so they all went to the Zoo for the day. Charlotte was working at the shop so that was covered. By the time that they left to put Carrie Ann into bed, it was time for Zoe to head toward bed. So they each talked a little about work before Carrie finally decided to bring the subject of the spanking club up.

"Did you get to talk to everyone today?" Carrie asked her casually.

"Yea, I email everyone when I got to work and told them to try to make it to the dining room and they were able to." Zoe told her as she turned to her side facing Carrie which sort of forced her to do the same.

"What did they say" Carrie asked after Zoe stopped talking thus again forcing Carrie to prod her further.

"They said that we were welcome anytime that we wanted to come." Zoe told her then she had to ask, "Do we want to come?"

"I don't know." Carrie told her.

"Just when do you think you will know?" Zoe had to ask.

"I don't know." Carrie told her frowning.

"You know you're not exactly full of information tonight." Zoe told her matching Carrie's frown.

"I'm sorry, I know you deserve an answer and I truly wish I could give you one but I can't." Carrie told her as she tenderly caressed Zoe's cheek with her fingers.

Zoe took Carrie's hand in hers, giving the fingers a kiss, "Is this something that you feel you just have to try and find out why I was a part of the group and what my attraction to it was? And why I stayed in it for so long?"

"I think that is a part of it but there are also my own reasons to do so. For so long, I have sort of lived in a cocoon of my own making. You have helped me break out of that a bit and maybe I need to..." Carrie was saying but then she stopped acting as if she wasn't sure what to say or how to say what she wanted to say.

"Need to sew a few wild oats of your own before you settle down with me?" Zoe asked.

Carrie let out an embarrassed laugh before saying, "Maybe..."

Zoe smiled giving Carrie a soft kiss, "Well then let's go and see if we can sew some wild oats for you."

"But what if I chicken out once I get there?" Carrie asked.

"Then I'll take you upstairs to one of Wilma and Sylvia's spare bedrooms and fuck your brains out." Zoe said making Carrie laugh.

"You know that is why I love you so much, you always make me laugh when I need to laugh." Carrie told her.

"You love me?" Zoe asked.

Carrie smiled and without hesitation, she said, "Yes I do. I should have told you sooner but I just had to be sure."

"And you're sure now?" Zoe asked.

"Very sure," Carrie replied.

"I love you too. And I also should have told you sooner." Zoe told her, and then she pulled her in tightly giving her a soft sweet sensual kiss that lasted for what seemed an eternity. After the kiss, they cuddled for a while until Zoe fell asleep in Carrie's arms.

They had two weeks before the next meeting of the Spanking Club was to occur and Zoe figured that Carrie would talk a lot about it but she didn't. Their conversations covered about everything except for that. In fact, Carrie didn't show any nerviness until Thursday before that third Friday of the month, yet she still didn't bring the subject up, and when Zoe did, she defected the question. So Zoe was forced to let her be however all of this was making Zoe nervous as she wasn't so sure how all of this would play out.

"So what we doing tonight?" Zoe asked when she got home early Friday evening.

"We're going to Wilma and Sylvia's for the weekend." Carrie said leaving out any reference to what would be happening there.

"Okay, let me jump into the shower real quick and we'll be on our way." Zoe said matter of fact, just as Carrie had said what they would be doing that weekend.

"What do I need to pack for us?" Carrie asked.

"Just something for us to wear Monday morning when we leave, I'll need something nice to wear to work, maybe a blouse and skirt, just pick me out something." Zoe told her.

"What about the rest of the weekend?" Carrie asked.

"Oh we'll be naked the rest of the time." Zoe said as she headed off for the shower. She knew that last statement would make Carrie think a bit. She had been naked around their friends before but not from Friday night until Monday morning. That would be something new.

"Oh okay," was Carrie's reply.

Zoe had appeared calm until she got into the shower and then she let her own nerves show. She was still not so sure this was a good idea but Carrie seemed intent on going through with it so she was too. However she knew she had to be prepared for anything. Her worst fear was that Carrie would go through with this when her heart really wasn't into it. Then she was afraid that she would blame her for getting her into something she had no business doing. The bad part was that even if she began to get that feeling, Carrie would be even madder at her if she tried to stop her from going on through with the weekend. She just felt like she was heading straight on into a no win situation.

She just hoped that she didn't fuck it up. She wished she could stay in the shower all weekend and thus miss the weekend but she couldn't do that, so she hurried with her shower and then got ready. Carrie had her clothes set out on the bed, which were a long skirt and blouse that Carrie knew she loved to wear, it was one of her favorite outfits. Zoe put it on and after taking a deep breath, she went out of the bedroom to a waiting Carrie who had a small bag sitting beside of her on the couch and their outfits for Monday on hangers laying across the back of the couch.

"You ready?" Zoe asked

"Yep," Carrie said smiling as she got up but then it looked like her knees were about to give out on her. Zoe rushed to catch her but Carrie got it back together before she could get to her.

"I'm fine; I just tripped on the rug." Carrie said quickly.

"Okay then let's not keep everyone waiting." Zoe said with a smile not mentioning to Carrie that one has to actually take a step to trip over something. She decided to let that one pass. However she was going to keep an eye on her for the rest of the evening.

On the trip to Wilma and Sylvia's, Zoe kept the conversation going, talking about work and asking Carrie about her day. Carrie seemed relieved that Zoe wasn't talking about what they were heading toward. When they pulled up in front of the house, Wilma and Sylvia came out the door to meet them. They were greeted at the door with hugs and kisses. They then went inside to see Faye, Alex, and Rose in the living room having a glass of wine and talking. They went in and were greeted by them with hugs and kisses then Alex served them a glass of wine that Carrie seemed grateful as she took a big gulp that everyone noticed but did not comment upon. Carrie was a little quiet as they talked while Sylvia finished up dinner. Sylvia made Carrie stay and talk and she didn't argue which surprised Zoe a bit but then again it didn't. She knew Carrie was thinking of other things and she wasn't her regular self.

Soon enough, Sylvia had dinner on the table and they sat down to eat. Zoe noticed right off that while everyone else ate, Carrie picked at her food. She remembered the first time she came there and did much the same thing. She felt like she would throw up at any second with her stomach churning like it was and she knew that Carrie's stomach was doing the same thing. Zoe wasn't eating all that well herself as she was almost as nervous as Carrie for much the same reason, she didn't know what was going to happen that evening. After dinner, Zoe made Carrie go with everyone else to the living room to talk as she cleaned up the kitchen and dining room. She figured that the girls would try to make her feel more comfortable and get her to relax a little. However when she returned, Carrie looked even more nervous than she did before.

"So we ready to begin the weekend?" Alex said about an hour after dinner and they all had finished their glass of wine.

"More than ready!" Rose said excitedly giving a wink to Carrie who tried to smile but couldn't quiet pull it off.

"Then let the fun begin!" Faye said smiling as Carrie who again tried to smile.

They headed toward the door that led to their playroom with Rose chatting away as she always did. She always got excited about the beginning of their weekend together. As Zoe started to follow, she noticed that Carrie was hanging back; she reached down taking her hand giving it a squeeze as she whispered into her ear, "I'll be with you, nothing bad is going to happen, I promise."

Carrie gave her a smile and she began to walk with her. Rose was the first to go through the door and start down the stairs followed by Faye, Alex, and then Wilma. Then it came time for Zoe and Carrie to enter. Zoe stopped allowing Carrie to enter and she got into the door before she suddenly turned causing Zoe to stop to keep from walking into her and sending them both tumbling down the stairs.

"I changed my mind. I'm going to stay up here with Sylvia and you can join everyone." She said as she tried to get around Zoe.

"Well then I'll stay with you." Zoe said not completely taken by surprise by Carrie's sudden change of mind.

"No you go have fun!" Carrie said forcefully as she slipped around Zoe.

"I go where you go, we're in this together." Zoe said starting to take a step toward Carrie who put her hands on her shoulders stopping her.

"No, I want you to go down those steps and that is the end of this conversation. I mean it!" Carrie said and she had this look in her eyes that Zoe had learned that now wasn't the time to argue however she so wanted to do just that.

End of Part Eleven.

To Be Continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 12

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