Spanked by a Punk During a Robbery

By Pete D

Published on Oct 20, 2015



Spanked by a Punk During a Robbery

I am a British man in my thirties. Writing this story still sends shivers down my spine; but I feel I must write it. My humiliation happened nearly 5 years ago when I visited my friend's Spanish hotel with my wife and kids. It's a hotel in the middle of nowhere and we were staying there with 5 other families. One night a terrible thing happened: we were invaded by a gang of teenagers brandishing baseball bats and, one of them, a gun.

They turned up on motorbikes late one evening. As I've said my friend's hotel's in the middle of Spanish wilderness so it's an easy target for thieves. Within minutes of them turning up we were all forced by the gang into the main room. We were forced to hand over our valuables and two of the gang went to search the rooms.

The one with the gun was obviously their leader. He couldn't have been older than 20. He was on the thin side but his muscular body was apparent through his tight white T shirt. He had dark hair with too much gel in it and a handsome face with some scruff and sharp blue eyes. But most notably, he was sporting a wicked grin. I was infuriated that this punk was obviously enjoying stealing from people!

My friend is the macho type. We know each other from various sport teams. He is well built and quite brave. He started questioning the boys (who do they think they are? etc...) this didn't go down well and the one with the gun started waving it in his face. Naturally he backed down. But he had made himself a bit of a target and what came next shocked me to the core. They decided to have their sick amusement while they were waiting. They made my friend walk on all fours and kiss their shoes (a constant threat of the gun made him comply).

The kid with the wicked grin was obviously revelling in the power he wielded as he insisted that my friend keep licking his shoes till they were cleaned to his satisfaction.

Then they made my friend strip to his underwear in front of all the other guests then hop on the spot and do star-jumps. He was red with embarrassment and started perspiring from the effort. A grown man jumping around with his hairy chest and legs on display like that! The room filled with the scent of his body sweat. We could also see his genitals dancing around under his cotton briefs and one of the gang commented on it.

I couldn't stop myself from saying something at this point. I would not allow my family to witness this humiliation anymore. I loudly told my children to look away from these "stupid games"- but I really wish I had kept my mouth shut because then they turned on me too. What happened next is the most shocking as the sick teenagers forced both my friend and I, to remove all our clothes. And I mean everything! It was awful.

We had to stand there bare-ass naked with all our bits just hanging out in the open for everyone to see.

They commented on our bodies as we stood there with our hands covering our junk, heads lowered in shame. I clenched my buttocks tightly as they commented on my "hot ass" and I felt everyone's eyes on me.

Then as we stood there facing the crowd, the kid with the gun came and casually raised my limp penis with his gun. He commented on my endowment then asked me how big it was when it was hard. I refused to reply. He then asked me if I would like to make it hard so everyone could see.

I still didn't reply. Then to my disgust he grabbed my member and started rubbing. I couldn't believe it. Right in front of everyone! I was mortified. And worse yet, my penis started to respond. Soon I was sporting a full hard-on. This was evidently quite hilarious to the group of sick teenagers as they couldn't stop laughing and pointing.

I stood there hard as a rock not being able to look at anything but the the ceiling above me until it started to deflate. Then the leader clapped his hands together and announced that we looked like fit men so we should do some more exercises.

We were made to stretch and pose in all sorts of humiliating positions in front of them and the other guests.

Asses opening as we bent over exposing our hairy cracks, cocks and balls flying about as we leaped.

The thieves were laughing and mocking us. We tried to cover ourselves with our hands but they would make us throw our hands in the air and run round the room. The room stunk with the smell of our body odour. The rest of the crowd tried not to look but obviously there was not much else to look at in the room besides the two naked men being made to run about.

At one point I was bent over with my buttocks high in the air, hands on the floor and feet wide apart. There was a horrible comment about my swinging testicles and when I looked back from under my legs I saw men, women and wide eyed children getting a good view of my anus. Two teenaged girls stared with intense fascination.

At another point my friend was forced to lay on his back facing everyone , legs wide apart with his junk and hole on display. They made him jerk himself into an erection while one of the gang put a foot to his anus and rubbed. He shut his eyes as he neared his climax and they made him open them and look into the faces of his stunned audience. I'm pretty sure I saw tears in his eyes as he was forced to stimulate himself to ejaculation and cum spurted over his hairy chest.

Then the gunman told us to us to stand and face the crowd with our hands on our heads. I tried very hard not to look at anyone in the room, especially my family but this was very difficult. He pulled up a chair beside us and sat down.

Then with that wicked grin he ordered my friend to get over his lap. My buddy awkwardly complied, Soon that punk teen had a naked muscular man embarrassingly spread out over his lap. Firm hair flecked buttocks sticking up, slightly parted displaying a fur lined cleft . The teen caressed my friends upturned buttocks almost lovingly and it was quite obvious that he was enjoying the feel of a man's flesh.

He then started spanking my buddy over and over again. My friend started grunting and writhing about as the gang laughed. The rest of audience was completely silent as the sound of loud smacks filled the room. Soon my friend was yelping with each slap and his buttocks were turning quite red. Some of the people in the audience worked for my my friend and could just imagine his humiliation at them, and everyone else seeing him reduced the status of a little boy getting a spanking. After a while he started shouting with each slap on his red butt.

Finally he was allowed to get up. And then it was my turn. I found myself lying over the lap of this stupid punk. To my horror, I was able to feel his hard cock under his jeans as my own naked genitals were pressed onto his crotch. I looked sideways and caught the eye of my mortified children and wife as they stared wide eyed. I then felt the punk's hands caressing the naked flesh of my buttocks. I reflectively squeezed my ass as tight as I could as I felt a finger intruding into my crack and I prayed I wasn't going to get fingered right there in front of everyone like a cheap whore.

Then slaps came down. I jumped with surprise at the force. More and more slaps came till my ass was really stinging. I tried with all my might not to groan or shout. I tried to be a man as much as possible in this unmanly position but the pain was ever increasing and I started writhing about. The intruders were all laughing and making comments about my pathetic predicament. Tears were coming to my eyes. I couldn't believe it. It was the most emasculating thing that has ever happened to me. I felt helpless in the lap of this man who was totally in charge; and he was at least 10 years my junior!

With the laughter of the punks, the pain of my ass and knowing that I was looking ridiculous in the eyes of all gathered, I totally lost it. I started openly sobbing while I thrashed about on the young man's lap.

Finally I was also let up. The two of us were then ordered to stand in the corner. Our red asses on show as we shamefully faced the wall with our heads bowed. I took some consolation when I looked to my side and saw that my buddy was also fighting back tears. The gang gathered up their loot and soon left. We immediately dressed as the police were called.

I have never felt so silly and humiliated; to have my most private parts bared and then spanked for some sick amusement of low life thieves is hard to take. I suppose it was harder for my friend as he had guests staying who were regular patrons and staff. I don't know how he was ever able to face them again. In any case, we don't talk about it.

Strangely, when I seen my buddy after a work-out or some sport event, acting his regular macho self, I find myself day dreaming of him splayed over the lap of that young punk with a wicked grin, getting his hot naked butt spanked. Even more strangely, I have lately been hoping for an invite back to his guest house and maybe deep down even hoping for another encounter with those delinquent punks.

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