Spade Is a Spade

By Andrew Clubs

Published on Aug 28, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not know the sexuality of any celebrity mentioned in this story. This story is FICTION.

What's up everyone?

I would like to thank the people who sent me feedback. Please feel free to let me know what you think.

Now, on with the show!

****************************** Previously

"So, Justin, how old are you?" I asked I sat down on a nearby couch. He came over and sat by me putting his arm on the back of the couch and turned to look at me.

"Sixteen, I'll be seventeen in January. How about you?" Taking another hit off of my smoke, I replied.

"I'm twelve." I said smiling at the shocked look on his face.

"No way! You can't be twelve, you act way to grown up to be twelve." he said in amazement.

"That comes from the way I was raised, but you can ask Madonna if you don't believe me." I said getting a kick out of shocking him. Justin turned and face the others.

"Is Sean really twelve?" he asked talking over the others. Madonna turned and smiled at the both of us.

"Yep, he's really twelve. He seems older don't he?" she asked.

"Hell yeah he does, I thought he was sixteen at least." Jc said looking at me.

"Hey, you guys wanna go get something to eat with us?" I asked them all but looking at Justin. The guys, all agreed and we made our way into the waiting car.

In the car as well as here in the th restaurant Justin seemed to make a point of sitting next to me. I'm happy he is, he is so hot, but, I don't want to get my hopes up cause I think he might be straight.

"So, when did ya'll get signed?" I need to stop thinking about Justin, hopefully this will get my mind off of him.

"About a year ago, we already released the album in Europe, so now it's time to try America." Jc responded.

"How about yourself?" Joey asked.

"Six months ago, I finished the album last month." I said while taking a drink of water.

"Wow, you finished that Quick, I guess you found a lot of songs you liked." Chris smiled my way.

"Actually he wrote the entire album by himself, co produced half of it as well." Madonna stated proudly.

"You wrote your whole album? How did you get the creative control?" Justin seemed amazed.

"I don't know, ask her, she's my boss." I said pointing at Madonna.

"First, I know what it's like to be a new artist trying to be in this business and keep your artistic freedom. Secondly, Sean, don't fucking lie to these guys, you, are your own boss." She was right, I do what I want.

"True, I am. She likes to think she's in control, but we both know I run the show." I smiled at Justin before smirking at Madonna.

"You little shit. Just remember, revenge is a Bitch." she smirked right back at me.

"Well, that's something you and revenge have in common." I said quickly before taking a drink of water. The table burst into laughter.

"Touche." she replied while chuckling.

"So, what's your promo schedule like?" Lance smiled at me.

"Not so bad, just every other day there's some radio thing or something." I said while scanning over the menu.

"That's as of now, with what happened on the show earlier, your probably gonna get a lot of national publicity." Jack said back.

"Yeah, like I told you before, you're gonna cause a lot of controversy, I just didn't know it was gonna be this soon." Madonna said while looking at me.

"Well, were off tomorrow, if you wanna hang out." Justin said to me while unknown Justin and myself the rest of the table had small smirks on their faces.

"Sure, I guess I could grace you with my presence." I said back.

"Geeze, one single under his belt and he's already got an ego." Madonna laughed.

"Can you blame me? I mean, look at me." I said gesturing to myself and making a weird face. That got a round of chuckles except Justin.

"I couldn't agree more." He said while gazing into my eyes. We held the gaze until the waitress came and took our order. After she left, I turned to look at Justin.

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked him.

"Nothing special, why?" He seemed excited.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out at my hotel?" He smiled a breathtaking smile at me and responded quickly.

"Sure!" he said almost bellowing.

"Great!" I said while feeling all giddy. I don't know what it is about him, but I just can't seem to get him out of my head. I want to spend as much time with him as I possibly can, from his reaction, I think he feels the same. We'll just have to see if this will go anywhere.

Justin and I are sitting on the bed in my hotel room. He looks so amazing right now it's crazy.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked while laying on my side facing him.

"I don't know, talk, maybe get to know each other."" he said looking back at me. Well, if he wants to talk, I know just the thing to help. I got out of the bed and started rummaging through my sock door.

"What are you doing?" Pulling out a joint and a lighter I turned back towards the bed. When he saw what was in my hand, he smiled and sat up. Apparently, he is ready to go.

"Well, I figure if we wanna get to know each other this would be the best way to do it." I sat back down beside him and handed him the Joint and lighter. Justin took the stuff from my hand and lit it and took a deep hit before passing it back to me to take a hit of my own.

"So, where are you from?" he asked while I handed him the joint back.

"New York, I lived there my whole life until now." I grabbed the smoke back from him and took another hit.

"Why did you leave?" he asked. I shot him, a funny look and the both of us broke down laughing at the ridiculous question.

"Damn, this must be some strong shit." I laughed while he took another hit.

"I mean, why did you wanna pursue this career?" he said while handing it back to me. I took another hit before replying.

"Music, has become the most important thing in my life. It's something I can always count on." I said handing the smoke back to him.

"What about your family? Can't you count on them?" he seemed confused.

"No, I learned that a long time ago. All I have in this world is Music and myself." I said while staring off in the distance.

"Well, I can see your not ready to tell me why you feel that way, and I respect that. Just remember if you'll let me, I'd like to be something else you can count on." he said while taking the joint from my hand. Wow, that's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. However, how long will that last? I'm sure once he gets to know me he'll be gone just like everyone else.

"You say that now, but, once get to know me, you'll change your mind just like everyone else." I said while taking another hit. Justin tore the joint from my hand and threw it in the ashtray by the bed grabbed my hands and turned me to face him.

"You listen to me, I will never ever abandon you, no matter how mad you may make me or anything else, I will always be here for you, Understand?"

"Promise?" I asked looking at the ground. Putting his finger under my chin he made me look him in the eye.

"I promise." He said before pulling me into a hug. Of course this made me start bawling like a baby.

I've never felt so good in my life. Sitting there with his arms around me, I felt as if nothing bad could happen to me. God, I wanna just stay here forever. Pulling away he smiled at me and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Ok, lets move on to happier topics." he smiled at me.

"Well, I've talked about myself a lot and haven't learned anything about you." I said while laying back on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

"What do you wanna know?" he asked while laying down next to me.

"Where were you born?"

"Memphis, I lived there until I was like twelve, and then i moved out here to be on the Mickey Mouse Club."

"What's the Mickey Mouse Club?" I had never heard of that before, He looked at me like I was crazy.

"You know, the Disney show?"

"What's Disney?" I swear I don't know what this dude is talking about.

"Are you kidding me? How can you not know what Disney is? Have you never seen a Disney Cartoon?" He sat up and seem really surprised.

"No, I was poor, dude, no TV no Movies."

"Holy shit, we're gonna have to fix that." he still seemed surprised.

"Anyway, back to you, you moved out here for the show."

"Right, and after a couple of years it was canceled, and I moved back to Memphis, and the JC called me and asked if I wanted to be in NSYNC and here I am."

"What about your family?"

"My mom actually goes everywhere with me, she didn't today since it was here in Orlando."

"Your Mom travels with you? Wow, lucky you."

"I guess, it be a pain in the ass sometimes."

"Sure, but your lucky you have a Mom that cares about you that much."

"Yeah, your right, I guess I take her for granted sometimes." He sounded as if it just dawned on him that he had a good Mom. He's lucky.

"Don't worry about it, you can always change that." I smiled at him which he returned.

"Your right."


"Smart ass.""

"Better than a Dumb ass."

"Did you just call me dumb?"

"If you have to ask it just proves my point." I smiled at him before he jumped on me and started tickling me. After awhile he finally got off of me, and we laid there panting.

"What is your plan for the future?" I asked after I caught my breath.

"To sing with NSYNC, get famous and maybe go solo. How about you?"

"Money, fame, the whole shebang." I smiled at him.

"That would be awesome wouldn't it?" he asked


"To actually do it, go be celebrities, tour the world."

"Yeah, hopefully someday." I replied while both of us got lost in our own thoughts. Sitting up I pulled him with me and looked at him.

"Let's you and me right now, make a pact." He looked confused.

"What kind of pact?"

"Right now we make a pact that we will both get our dreams and become two of the biggest superstars to ever come into this world. Furthermore, a pact that no matter what happens or where we go or what we do, we remain the best of friends." I said.

"Deal, and no matter the trouble that faces us, we always talk things out and be completely honest with each other."" He stuck his hand out for me to shake which I willingly took.

"You ready to make our dreams come true?" I smiled.

"Oh, hell yeah." he once again pulled me into a hug, God, there is no where else I'd rather be than in his arms.

To Be Continued....

Send me an email and tell me what you think.

Next: Chapter 4

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