Space Whores

By Jenny Lane

Published on Dec 9, 2022


Jena's eyes fluttered briefly and she struggled against the soft restraints. She came to in a sort of misty hazy consciousness and only then realized the Nightsister Bru'ki was riding her and her she cock seemed harder than Beskar, the legendary metal of the Mandalorians. Deeper and deeper she plunged into the warm wet dripping pussy of Bru'ki. She could not move, she could barely think and when she tried to use her Force powers she found the only thing she was able to do was slide deeper and deeper into the Nightsister's tight hole. She gathered enough strength to glance over to see her lover Lisi in the same position. The other Nightsister, (Pluu C'ity?? she thought hazily), was on top of Lisi riding her with abandon yet she noticed Lisi's eyes were squeezed shut fluttering under her eyelids. She could not tell if Lisi was awake or still under the effects of the drink the Nightsisters had given them.

Jena's lady cock seemed on fire! She felt Bru'ki's warm wet pussy pull her even deeper. It seemed as if millions of tiny tentacles stroked, lapped and pulled at her. The heat inside intensified and Bru'ki rose up leaving only the tip inside and Jena gasped to see that her she cock had nearly doubled in size! It throbbed and pulsed and twitched as the Nightsister wiggled, teased and circled the tip before finally slamming down to Jena's soft balls and held there. Bru'ki ground against her and the fire in Jena's loins grew until she could hold it no longer. She screamed as she erupted deep inside the Nightsisters tight cunt and let loose with a flow of her hot gooey load like she had never cum before. She shot spurt after spurt into Bru'ki with a passion and intensity like she had never felt in her entire life. Her screams seemed to awaken Lisi and she cried out as she felt the bonds holding her and feeling the moist hole of Pluu C'ity enveloping her.

Seconds later Lisi let out a very un-Onderonian scream of her own and Jena could tell she also had filed the Nightsisters hole with a creamy load of her own. Both Nightsisters rose in the air above them leaving only the leaking tips of their she cocks inside. The witches joined hands above them and their free hands waved in the air creating a green mist that seemed to envelope their cave dwelling. The candles flickered and at the same time both Jena and Lisi felt their eyes flutter and roll back inside their heads. Finally the Nightsisters began chanting. "Nadii, ma'ah, riii-eez, vaann, du'uuu, laa, tray-inn', over and over again. Jena and Lisi felt their heads spin and the room grew hazy once again. Almost unbelievably the Nightsisters form and features started to shift and change. Their long white hair seemed to grow and flow down their bodies reaching below their tight asses. Their features softened to a mix between Zeltron, Human and Twi'lek. Their ears pulled back and their lips filled. Shoulders became rounded, softer less muscular. Breasts were softer and grew round and juicy like Meiloorun fruit ripe and hanging from the vines. Their legs became long, lean and creamy. Their vaginas became soft and hairless and seemed to tighten ever so slightly.

Jena watched Lisi's body shiver from head to toe and began to feel a powerful lust as her own body shuddered uncontrollably. Once again Bru'ki sank down on her and again she felt her warm gooey pussy seem to pull and encourage her still rock hard lady cock deeper and deeper. An almost animalistic lust filled her body and Bru'ki seemed to sense that as she bent over and kissed Jena her tongue snaking in and around her mouth and Jena could not help but return the gooey, sloppy dripping kisses of her captor. Lisi, in the meantime began thrusting harder and harder into Pluu C'ity and her wet moans echoed throughout the cavern. Time seemed to slow and all the two girls could feel is their she cocks growing, twitching pulsing and rocking inside Nightsisters creamy cunts. Cries of carnal passion filled the cave and once again both girls erupted inside the hot holes of the Nightsisters and collapsed on the beds covered with soft warm blankets.

The two witches slid forward and allowed both Jena and Lisi to lick and lap at the dribbles of sweet cum oozing from their pussies. Without warning the Nightsisters rose in the air high above them almost to the cave's rocky ceiling. Somehow Jena and Lisi's bodies moved close enough so their creamy lips could meet sharing the dribbles of cum they had been able to lick from the witches dripping cunts.

"The Nightsister Clan shall rise again!", the two Nightsisters incanted from the ceiling above them, the entire cavern went black and Jena and Lisi passed out.

When the two girls awoke who knows how much later they found themselves now seated on what seemed like covered bales of some leafy plant before a table set with a feast to behold. Bantha stew, the aforementioned Meiloorun fruit and goblets of blue milk were among the many dishes before them. Other non identifiable food filled the table before them and canters of Chandrillan and Alderaanian wine along with what looked like Flameouts and Corellian Brandy.

"Please, Jedi sisters, eat drink and regain your strength!", Bru'ki intoned who had reverted back to her original Nightsister form as had Pluu C'ity. "Please know we are not your enemies and we are sisters in the Force. Please do not attempt to flee and we will remove your bonds." Jena and Lisi could only nod vigorously, mouths full of Deneelian fizz-pudding. When the girls had eaten their fill they were handed goblets of some fizzing and bubbling liquid. They drank heartily and without warning Jena and Lisi began to wail as their brains felt like they were being smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick.

The witches helped Jena and Lisi to their feet and helped them stagger back to a hidden cavern in the rear. Once entering they saw a pool of bubbling water with green wisps of smoke rising from it. The girls were helped down rocky steps into the steaming water. Through the Force they could sense the powerful energizing energy of the water. The water flowed over their soft bodies and they also felt a stirring in their loins. Under their now sopping tunics they could feel the pressure build and their cocks began to rise under the water. Once again the two Nightsisters seemed to sense this and both of them laid their bodies on the outside of the rocky pool and spread their legs wide. Jena and Lisi knew what they wanted and could only lustily oblige. This time Lisi paddled over to Bru'ki and swiftly sank her throbbing she cock into her warm almost hot wet pussy. Jena followed and let her pulsating lady cock deep inside of Pluu C'ity. The witches wailed as they felt rock hard Onderonian she meat plunging in and out of their gooey cunts. Over and over Jena and Lisi slammed their cocks into dripping Nightsister pussies. The witches could only claw the rocky outside of the pool as the Jedi plunged deeper and deeper inside their creamy holes. Pluu C'ity reached over to fondle her Nightsister sisters breast which allowed Jena and Lisi to share hot wet tongue kisses as the witches bodies flailed beneath them. Their creamy white bodies bucked beneath them and pushed back hard onto their throbbing cocks. Jena and Lisi's tongue kisses only intensified as they both began to spurt another huge load of their creamy spunk deep inside screaming Nightsister cunts. They both collapsed on top of now green glowing witches as gallons of their sweet Onderonian goo filled Nightsister holes to overflowing.

Tight Nightsister asses rose into the air and allowed Jena and Lisi to drink each other's hot honey from their captors shuddering holes. This time four sets of dripping tongues met in the middle and shared huge mouthfuls of Onderonian cream. Mouths, lips and tongues let the gooey cum slide back and forth sharing, swapping, licking and consuming ever last drop of hot jizz between them.

Bellies and pussies full of cream the four Force users stumbled back to the main cave. The candles dimmed and Nightsister lay down with Jedi four bodies sweetly entangled upon soft blankets...

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