Space Whores

By Jenny Lane

Published on Aug 26, 2022


Category: Magic and Science Fiction

The engines of the J-Type Nubian Starcraft roared to life and as the mottled orange, pink and yellow clouds of the planet Zeltron disappeared behind them Jena and Lisa sighed in relief. "Where do we go from here?", Jena stuttered and Lisi could only shrug her shoulders. "The First Order has completely taken over our home world and who knows what death and destruction they've inflicted on the planet.". She sighed. The two girls had been Academy mates, roommates and lovers. Jena's eyes fluttered as she recalled the events of the previous months. She had discovered Lisi's secret one afternoon while spying on her in the shower. Lisi, like her, was gifted with an enormous she cock that swayed suggestively between her thighs. Jena let out a soft moan as she remembered the vision of that day. She had joined Lisi in the shower to show her own girl cock to Lisa and the two had made sweet love right then and there in the shower. The day was filled with non stop sex after that wet encounter. Lisi bent Jena right over their dining room table, Jena had taken Lisi hard up against their cooling unit and finally collapsed in their now shared bed, their intertwined bodies falling asleep with satisfied smiles and dribbles of each others sweet girly cream dribbling from the corner of their juicy mouths. Jena and Lisi had both grown up on the beautiful planet of Onderon. Jena, born in the Southern regions had dark caramel skin the color of the wild Nerfs of Alderaan. Lisi, from the Northern areas had creamy white skin the color of Ice Wampas. The girls were also Force sensitive though neither had the high Midichorian count as the fabled Jedi Masters such as Master Yoda, Obi-Wan or the legendary Anakin Skywalker. Nevertheless the two had sworn to use their powers for `Knowledge and Defense, never for attack.'

Jena shuddered as she also recalled the First Order Invasion a few months later. She remembered the whine of the First Order drop ships as they penetrated the atmosphere and began raining destruction on the villages and cities of their beloved planet. Armored First Order stormtroopers flooded the surface mopping up any last resistance. Finally the evil Kylo Ren burst through the door of their tiny apartment having sensed their fledgling Force powers and taking them prisoner aboard his Resurgent Class Star Destroyer, the Finalizer. The girls had been used as sex slaves to the First Order having their bodies used and abused by Kylo, his Knights and countless troopers. The had been miraculously rescued by their former Academy mate, Trix who had been masquerading as the Silver armored First Order Stormtrooper Commander, Captain Phasma. After escaping The Finalizer, Trix, Jena and Lisa crashed landed on the planet of Zeltros which was inhabited by pink and purple skinned extremely sexual beings. Legends told of the smoking hot Zeltron female Dani who had nearly succeeded in seducing the legendary Jedi Luke Skywalker however most of the records of their adventures had been lost over the ages. They had been tricked into performing a sex show which was the only way they were able to secure enough credits to repair their Nubian starship. During the show, Jena and Lisi had discovered their friend Trix was more well endowed than the both of them. Trix was so grateful for the credits that she had gifted Jena and Lisi her Nubian Starship deciding to remain on Zeltros.

Jena shook her head to clear her mind and began randomly entering in coordinates into the Navi-computer. As Lisi looked at her quizzically she laid her hand down on hers, their fingers intertwining. "Trust in the Force.". When the computer pinged she yelled out, `Punch it Lisi!". Lisi let out a fairly decent impression of a Wookiee growl and threw the light speed lever forward. The stars flickered, danced and blurred into star lines as the ship entered the strange dimension of Hyper-space.

Lisi sensed, before she felt the ship shudder then slam into Sub Space. Alarms blared and warning lights began blinking and flashing. "Here we go again.", Lisi muttered and started throwing switches silencing most of the alarms. "Sith Spit!", she exclaimed and began powering up the defensive shields as per habit. "Where in the fuck are we?". She had that bad feeling about things as she recognized the misty clouds and blood red with almost green blotches on the surface. Dathomir! It was the former home of the long gone Nightsister Clan. "Or were they...?", Lisi wondered, however it was pretty well documented Mother Talzin and the rest of the clan perished long before The Battle of Yavin. Lisi and Jeni began shutting down systems as they could feel the ship being guided down to the surface. With nothing but Life Support and Shields powered up the ship landed gently in a clearing in the red misty forest. The ship's gangplank spilt out of the side of the ship and finished just above the stunted grass. Jena and Lisi unstrapped, checked their holsters and descended to the planet. Standing before them were two cloaked figures brandishing glowing bows with shimmering arrows at the ready. One stepped forward and aimed her weapon at Jenny's heart, Lisi raised her hand and uttered a booming, "STOP!" The cloaked figure stopped in her tracks, uncovered her face, lowered her weapon and dropped to one knee.

"Jedi?", she lisped and Lisi strode down to lift her up gently. "We..we had heard the stories..". She trailed off and turned away and began coughing furiously. Her companion looked over briefly and Jena saw a wince of sorrow in her eyes. They looked like the Nightsisters yet that was supposed to be impossible! The beings standing before them had lankly bodies pale white skin and swept back ears common among the Nightsister Clan but she kept her mouth shut. She reached out with the Force and while she was no healer she could tell the girl suffered by some sort of respiratory ailment. She rushed up the walkway and gathered what was left of their med kit and stood next to the Force Witch.

"This may sting a little..", and without warning slid a shot of bacta into her upper right shoulder. The Nightsister growled yet quickly lowered her head and stepped back as she felt the effects of the bacta easing the effects of her disease. Her arms spread wide and she raised her head.

"Great Jedi warriors..", she began, her voice echoed and sounded ethereal. "Our two clans have long battled, now the time for reconciliation has begun.". Her voice cleared, as the bacta had now taken full effect. "Welcome to Dathomir my Force sisters. I humbly introduce myself as Bru'ki and my clan sister Pluu C'ity.". She pronounced the C' with a hard inflection like clan'. Neither Jena or Lisa knew much about the Nightsister Clan, only that the evil Count Dooku and the vile General Grievous had decimated the Nightsisters during the events of the Clone Wars decades before. "Please come with us, we offer shelter and what little nourishment we are able to share.". Jena helped Bru'ki rise and the four women headed to a cave opening in the side of the mountain. Upon entering the cave both Jena and Lisi noticed the sparse furnishings aside from a large bed in the rear of the cave covered with dripping red cushions and blankets. Candles served as the only illumination."Please, sit and share with us, Jedi sisters.", and poured a silky yet steamy liquid into two stone goblets. She handed the goblets to the girls and whispered, "Accept this offering to bring our two tribes together after years of animosity.". Jena reached out with the Force but was unable to ascertain the contents and at first sense, appeared harmless. The drink was refreshing yet somewhat intoxicating yet both Jena and Lisa were happy to finally drink something besides ship rations. "As you may know, our clan had nearly been wiped out during the time of the Clone Wars that ravaged the entire galaxy. We have been reaching out with the Force combined with our Magick to attempt to find other survivors and when your ship passed through our system, we felt compelled to bring you to us.". At this statement, Lisi once again had bad feelings, but somehow was entranced by her voice which now seemed to penetrate her mind as well as her body. She looked over at Jena who seemed similarly held by the voice and shook her head. Almost dreamily, Bru'ki continued. "We had begun to fear our great clan would disappear from the galaxy. Thanks to the Force now we can rebuild.". Lisi's bad feelings about this intensified but for some reason she felt powerless and her knees became weak. Moments later Jena and Lisi collapsed to the ground unconscious.

When they stumbled back to consciousness, Jena and Lisi found themselves strapped to the bed, their legs and arms bound and crossed over each other. The girls struggled mightily but the effects of the drink were potent. Both Bru'ki and Pluu stood at the base of the bed. Candlelight glowed on their silky white skin and they appeared to shimmer before them. Without a word the two Nightsisters disrobed. Pluu whispered softly as they both began to climb onto the bedding, "It is time for the Nightsister Clan to rise again!". Jena and Lisi felt their cloaks rip off their bodies exposing their now rock hard she cocks. "Fill us with your Onderonian seed so we may rise again!". Time seemed to slow and the two Nightsister witches began to float over the bed. Legs spread they began to slowly descend onto the wriggling bodies and the last thing both Jena and Lisi remembered was the feeling of their lady cocks enter the hot wet pussies of the Force witches before passing out once more...

Next: Chapter 2

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