Space Colony Chronicles

By Dolphin Dan

Published on Aug 2, 2020



By Dolphin Dan

*** This story takes place against the backdrop of an alternate history where, after the U.S. Apollo Moon landing program ended in 1972, the United States and Soviet Union, and eventually other countries, joined together in a massive concerted effort to build a large Earth-orbiting space station capable of sustaining a significant human population in space. This alternate history explores a trajectory of peace and cooperation that was not taken, instead of a course of antagonism and conflict that, in the real world, was. Peace and cooperation is always better than war and conflict. [/Dolphin rant OFF Execute Program Space Colony Chronicles 4.0] ***

I don't want to give you the impression that I was some super stud who got laid all the time on the space station, Cooperation 1. I got lucky when I was a young teenager and I became slightly more strategic about it as I got older. Whenever you have boys in their mid teens cooped up together in a tiny space, like the station, you will have some degree of sexual activity going on. Because a lot more boys of that age experiment without actually taking to a permanent lifestyle that involves same-gender sex, whether you're bi or gay, in many people's life stories you'll find a brief burst of homosexual activity in their early to mid teens which the straight ones eventually grow out of, but the gay and bi ones (like me) take as foundational experiences. This is what happened with me.

After Bill, Greg and my brother Lucas, who I all fucked before the age of 15, my only other sexual partner in high school was a boy named Cedric. He was a very smart kid, the son of other very smart people who lived on the station. In this time period, between 1986 (when civilians, including my family, were first invited to live on the space colony) and 1991 (when I returned to Earth to go to college), the vast majority of civilians who lived on Cooperation 1 were either engineers or astronauts, super smart people who had jobs related to the operation and expansion of the station. My dad worked for NASA as did more than half of the American civilians who lived on the station. In 1988, 75% of the men and 35% of the women who lived on Cooperation 1 had Ph.Ds in one scientific field or another. So the teenagers who lived on the station were generally sons and daughters of super-smart eggheads who kept the place running. As a result most of us were socially awkward. There were no jocks or popular people like there were at high schools back in the U.S. on Earth. We were all geeks and nerds.

Cedric, whose last name was Van Hoomissen or some other Dutch name, was the son of an astrophysicist from the Netherlands who arrived on the station in 1989, at the end of my sophomore year in high school. He was a year older. In the spring of 1989 several Western European countries, including Holland, France and West Germany, sent a handful of people to live on the station as part of the growing "International Team" that was as much political as it was technical. Cedric suddenly appeared at our high school. He was overweight, with a thick belly and a big ass. He had long hair, which always attracted me, and those steel-rimmed glasses that were popular among many young men in the late 1980s. He spoke both Dutch and English. While dressing for our P.E. class I saw him shirtless, in his underwear, and was surprisingly attracted to him. He was a big solid guy and I imagined what it would be like if he bossed me around sexually, taking charge and telling me what to do. The fact that Cedric was easily the smartest kid in our small school, who could do complex math problems, who at 16 had read Molière and who corrected our social studies teacher on the dates of the Thirty Years War, made him even hotter to me.

I became friends with Cedric early on. Not long after he showed up at school, late in the spring semester of my sophomore year, I came up to him in the cafeteria, introduced myself and asked him lots of questions about being part of the first Dutch contingent to live on the station. He was kind of aloof at first but I tried to tempt him with stuff he probably didn't have access to in his strict European household. "Hey, you want to come over for dinner? My mom makes burgers every Thursday night. We've got cable, we have Showtime and HBO. You want to watch some movies?" Cedric was still aloof but he did accept some of my invitations. One night he came over for dinner and we ended up watching "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" on TV. Cedric did not usually wear a belt so his jeans were almost always sliding down his hips. On more than one occasion I could see the waistband of his underwear and even the top of his butt crack. He was totally unconscious that he was showing his ass to the world. I masturbated several times thinking about rubbing my rock hard cock into that butt crack and how Cedric might enjoy that. These were nothing more than fantasies, though.

Unfortunately the summer intervened. School ended, but on the station, mainly to keep young people busy and as extra free labor, they had a "Summer Works" program where we got college-level credits for doing work around the station, like cleaning ducts or polishing solar panels or doing the inventory of supplies that came in. Cedric was on a different work crew than me so I didn't see him much that summer. He lost weight, which many people do when they first start living in space. He was still a big guy, but not as fat as when he arrived, more chubby than fat. I caught a glimpse of him a few times but we never interacted. I did see him working on polishing the windows on the top of the station, where the small portion of the "toilet lid" mirror that had been completed by then shone sunlight down into the station. He had his shirt off and he was far up on a gantry, using a squeegee to clean the glass. He was thinner than before, but the waistband of his briefs and the top of his butt crack were visible, and as he reached up with the squeegee I also saw the fine wispy dark hair under his arms. He was also sweating heavily and his hairless chest was slick with moisture. This got me hot enough to jack off in bed that night, thinking about Cedric giving me sexual orders in Dutch even if I didn't understand them. Clearly I was fixated on him.

1989 was an important year. In the late summer, countries in the Soviet bloc in Eastern Europe began falling, as Gorbachev, the Soviet leader, would not prop them up with military force as his predecessors had done. In late September 1989, apparently on Gorbachev's orders, the Soviets on the space colony relaxed their restrictions. The plexiglass wall between the U.S. and Soviet sections of the space station went down and the Russians and other Eastern bloc citizens on Cooperation 1 began visiting the U.S., British and French sectors (all there were at that time) regularly. A bunch of Russian kids visited the cafeteria of our high school and ate burgers and French fries. I remember Cedric and I ate with them, and we took a bunch of pictures that ended up in the high school yearbook. At the end of this experience I asked Cedric again, "You want to come over to my house again sometime?" He said yes.

That night he came over we watched "Raiders of the Lost Ark" on VHS, a movie he had never seen. This was right after Pizza Hut, the first fast food franchise on the station, opened up, and my parents ordered pizza, which Cedric, growing up in Amsterdam, was not familiar with. During the movie we sat on the couch and I gradually moved closer to Cedric, and eventually snuggled up against him and put my head on his shoulder. He seemed uncomfortable at first but eventually he put his arm around me. I really wanted to feel him up but decided I better not push it. Getting him to agree to come over again soon was more important, which he did. When he left that night I said, "You're my best friend," and he smiled and kissed me lightly on the forehead.

When Cedric came over the next time I was determined we were going to close the deal. He seemed inches from surrender. I acted very submissive and demure but in reality I was aggressively trying to get him to have sex with me. That night we watched "Back to the Future," which, like most American movies he'd never seen. My parents totally left us alone because my father knew Cedric's dad and thought we were a good influence on each other. We cuddled again during the movie. This time, with my head on Cedric's shoulder, I gently reached up under his T-shirt and stroked his round belly. He allowed me to do this, but when I reached up to touch one of his nipples he seized my hand and said, "I don't think you should do that." I withdrew my hand but we were still cuddling. About 20 minutes later I started feeling him up again. I felt his belly, but then went far up under his shirt and tweaked his right nipple. It stiffened almost immediately. When I reached across to find his left nipple it was already hard, a warm stiff little bullet between my fingers. He said, "Dan, please," but it didn't sound like he meant it. I pinched his nipple and he gave a little sigh that told me he liked the way it felt. I caressed his chest and stomach under his shirt and then plunged downward toward his waist. I started undoing the top button of Cedric's jeans and I was sure he was going to stop me, but he didn't. I undid the button and rested my hand just under it. He didn't do anything. I took both hands and pried apart the fly of his jeans, exposing his throbbing hardness through his gray boxer briefs which were some clothing label popular in Europe. He did nothing to stop me. I put my hand on the pulsing stiff lump in his underwear. Cedric not only didn't protest, he groaned and squirmed a little as if he was enjoying it and he also spread his thighs. He could have stopped me at any time and I would have withdrawn. He didn't.

In fact Cedric was so passive that I slid my fingers under the waistband of his underwear and came in contact with his penis, bare, my skin to his. He was small, about five inches long, though his dick was thicker than mine, and he had foreskin which I did not have. I was amazed that he was considerably smaller even though he was older than me, but I didn't give a fuck. I reached full-on into his briefs, pulled back his foreskin, stroked his shaft and started playing with his balls which were quite hairy. His dick was leaking precum onto my wrist. Cedric actually produced a great deal of precum. I jacked him quietly for about five minutes. Just as on the screen the time machine DeLorean was struck by lightning and traveled in time, Cedric's body and cock tensed up, quivered and unloaded onto my hand. Most of his ejaculation was contained in his underwear. After we was done I reached over and grabbed a paper napkin from the coffee table and cleaned him up, wiping the inside of his briefs so the cum wouldn't soak in. I said nothing, but I reached up and kissed him on the neck and put my arm around him. We cuddled until the end of the movie. We did not speak of what happened but I hoped I had made it clear to Cedric that I would please him sexually if and whenever he wanted me to. After he went home that night I jacked off like crazy and came at least three times in the next eight hours or so.

This was the first of my experiences with Cedric. There were more, and most were intertwined with the complicated history of the space colony in this period.

More to come...

My book, "An American Elf in Paris," is out now:

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Next: Chapter 5

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