Space Colony Chronicles

By Dolphin Dan

Published on Jul 23, 2020



By Dolphin Dan

*** This story takes place against the backdrop of an alternate history where, after the U.S. Apollo Moon landing program ended in 1972, the United States and Soviet Union, and eventually other countries, joined together in a massive concerted effort to build a large Earth-orbiting space station capable of sustaining a significant human population in space. This alternate history explores a trajectory of peace and cooperation that was not taken, instead of a course of antagonism and conflict that, in the real world, was. Peace and cooperation is always better than war and conflict. [/Dolphin rant OFF Execute Program Space Colony Chronicles 3.0] ***

In many ways growing up on Cooperation 1 was strange and austere, and I admit I had many experiences that American kids growing up on Earth never had. In the early days, before 1990, the American sector of the space station was barely larger than about three city blocks, and 200 people lived in that small space. The Soviet sector was slightly smaller and had about 150 civilians, divided from the American sector with a plexiglass wall with an armed guard. You couldn't take a walk, ride your bike in the park or go to the mall. Pets were not allowed. Everything from toilet paper to water to electricity was rationed. The first McDonald's on the station did not arrive until 1994, so hamburgers and French fries were luxury foods that I hadn't tasted since leaving Earth. But on the other hand it was also ordinary. We got TV on the station. My favorite shows were "The A-Team," "The Facts of Life" and "ALF." I had a Trapper Keeper notebook and Ninja Turtles comic books. I wore Hanes underwear, tube socks, Spot-Bilt sneakers, Levi's jeans and Ocean Pacific T-shirts. The space colony had its own radio station, and I remember in the summer of 1987 they played a lot of Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson and Bob Seeger on the radio. On the 4th of July, President Ronald Reagan recorded a special patriotic message from the Oval Office that was beamed directly to the space station and meant only for us. It was a weird way to grow up.

The next part of the sexual story is a little awkward for me to tell because I'm not proud of it. After cycling through Bill and Greg, neither of whom would have anything more to do with me, and especially with school out until September, my next sexual partner was my younger brother, Luke. I was 14, he was 12. Looking back on it as an adult, to be honest I wish it never happened. But it did happen, and part of the reason it did was because there were so few people available to have sex with on the colony that you had to push the boundaries of what would have been acceptable back on Earth, or else commit to a life of being celibate. At 14 I sure as hell wasn't going to be celibate.

Luke discovered masturbation without any help from me. We shared a tiny bedroom in our apartment; if we'd lived in a normal house back in Houston I would have been considered way too old to share a bedroom with a sibling, but space was at a premium on the station so there we were. About six months after we arrived I remember waking up in the middle of the night and hearing him squirming around under the covers of his bed and that may have been the start of it but I didn't think much of it at first. By a couple of months later, though, sometimes at night I could hear movements from his side of the room that were definitely caused by him masturbating. I would hear the covers moving in a rhythmic fashion and he was panting, his breath quick. At first it made me really uncomfortable but I wasn't going to tell him to stop. Then, after Greg dumped me, I started to think it was kind of cute and eventually I looked forward to hearing Lucas play with himself which was almost every night. He was old enough to ejaculate at least a little because he needed a catch rag. I knew he used a sock because there was always a single wadded-up athletic sock pushed far under his bed. I generally didn't jack off in bed but when I started thinking about maybe joining in when he did it I had to think of what I was going to cum into. A T-shirt I'd worn since early middle school, a faded Panama Jack shirt, had only recently gotten a rip under the arm and was no longer wearable but I hadn't thrown it out yet. (Trash was also rationed on Cooperation 1, each household had a quota you could generate per week). I stashed that under my bed, but it was still a week or two before I got up the sand to make a move.

When I did it really wasn't a big deal. I woke up from a light sleep, maybe half an hour after we'd gone to bed, and I heard Luke's covers moving in that rhythmic motion. I sprang an unusually hard boner and my heart started beating hard, like when you're nervous about something. I thought, fuck it; I hadn't cum in several days and badly needed to drain my balls. Under the covers I pulled my underwear down and gripped my cock firmly in my right hand. With my left hand I reached down under the bed and found the wadded-up ball of the T-shirt. I started jacking, softly at first, then louder and faster. I'm not even sure Luke heard me. I came before he did, exploding into the T-shirt, and I sighed softly. Luke's panting breaths were just ramping up. They reached a climax, then silence. He cleaned himself up quietly, and I did too. We were both asleep in a few minutes and never said anything about it. Either I'd gotten away with it without him noticing, or he did hear me and just didn't care. Either way was fine.

Two nights later it happened again, in much the same way, except this time he came before I was done. My breath was short and ragged too as I approached orgasm. It was really unlikely that he didn't hear it this time but again he said nothing and didn't react. Still, maybe he didn't like it because I didn't hear him jack off for three more nights, and I wasn't going to do it on my own.

When he got back to it, this was on a Sunday night in late July, again about half an hour after lights out, I joined in like I sometimes did. My climax was very satisfying and after I stashed the T-shirt under the bed I slept heavily which I often do after a particularly good cum. In the middle of the night I woke up again and was surprised to hear Lucas's covers rustling again and the sound of his panting breath. This time I said something. Just in a soft whisper I said, "You're going again?" He whispered back, "Hell yeah!" and came a few seconds later judging from the peak of his breathing. He cleaned up and was quiet. We'd crossed another line: we'd openly acknowledged to each other we each knew what the other was doing. It was scary but kind of hot. My dick stiffened a little in my underwear which was still slightly damp from the after-cum that leaked out of me after ejaculating earlier.

After a while I was shocked to hear Luke whisper, "You going to go again?" I didn't say anything out loud but I didn't need any more prodding. I reached under the covers, pulled off my underwear and took myself in both hands. Precum was already leaking from my tip. I'd been this aroused only a very few times. I found the T-shirt, got into a comfortable position and jacked like crazy. I groaned very softly at the moment of orgasm.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't that I found my brother attractive in the same sense as I thought, for example, Greg was hot. But there was something very gratifying about the idea that Luke enjoyed listening to me masturbate in the same way I liked hearing him do it. I wasn't even thinking about doing more than that. Apparently he was, though.

The next night after we went to bed we didn't start in on it right away. That was usual; we'd often sleep a little first, but Luke apparently wasn't asleep. I was just about to drift off when he said in a whisper, "Can I ask you something, Dan?" I woke the rest of the way up and said, sure. "How big are you?"

"What, you mean my dick?"


"Bigger than you."

"How do you know?"

I told him I just knew. He hesitated a moment and said he was afraid he had a really small dick. At first I was going to tease him and say that yeah, I was sure he did. But he'd opened up to me, and I admitted to myself I was curious. So I said, I'm sure it's totally normal.

"How can you tell?" he asked me.

It was intriguing that he said this because about six weeks earlier, just as school was getting out, I'd been talking to my friends Ben and Cory, another Korean kid (there were lots of Korean-Americans on the station), and the talk turned dirty as it usually did. Ben said that if you made a fist, and stuck your thumb and pinkie out and stretched them as far apart from each other, the distance between the end of your thumb and the end of your little finger was exactly equal to the size of your cock when hard. So naturally the three of us immediately did the hand measurement to compare. Cory was shortest, I was in the middle and Ben apparently had an unusually large dick. The next time I masturbated in the shower I stuck my fingers out in exactly that way, pressed them up against my dick and found to my surprise that Ben was right, plus or minus a quarter inch or so.

So I told Lucas to get out of bed and get a flashlight. Our room was so small he actually didn't have to get out of bed; he could sit at the end of his bed and reach his school desk. He found his astronaut-grade penlight, standard issue for the space station. He pulled his briefs off and sat on the edge of his bed and I told him to give me the flashlight. "It only works when you're hard," I said. "You tell me when." About ten seconds later he said, "Okay." I switched on the penlight and aimed it at his groin. I saw my brother hard for the first time. His penis was a bit thicker than my thumb and slightly longer than my middle finger. I told him about the thumb-and-pinkie measurement. He did it and put it up against his dick. My brother had smallish hands, but again the measurement was pretty close.

I switched off the penlight. "You're totally average. Nothing to worry about."

"What about you?"

I kind of figured it would get to this. I slid to the end of my bed, dropped my underwear to my ankles and gently fondled myself. A quick grab of the balls was all it took. My staff rose, and I switched on the light and showed him. I stroked myself upwards a few times and let go. I turned the penlight off and asked if he was satisfied.

"How do you compare to me?"

I knelt next to his bed, told him to sit still and spread his legs. With my left hand I switched on the penlight, and with my right hand I made a fist with my thumb and pinkie extended. I reached into Luke's groin. He had a dusting of fine brown hair between his legs, more than I remember having at 12. The span of my fingers was about two and a half inches longer than his dick. "It's all right," I told him. "You'll grow."

I switched the light off but I didn't take my hand away. In the dark I moved my hand slightly to the left and took his penis in my grasp. He didn't do anything to protest, so I started stroking. In a few seconds I was masturbating my brother with a steady rhythm. His breathing started to get shallow. With my left hand I put the flashlight down on the floor and reached under his bed. The sock was crusty and gross; I wasn't going to play with it but I thrust it into his hand. As he continued panting he held the sock, fuzzy-side out, under his dick. He gave a little gasp as jets of watery cum flew out and onto the sock and my hand. It was dark so I couldn't see the color or consistency of his semen but it felt much less thick and gelatinous than my own. I used my T-shirt to wipe off my hand. Then I sat next to him, on his bed, my ankles crossed, knees apart. I whispered, "Now do me." Soon my brother was masturbating me. My dick quivered like a tuning fork and the pleasure radiating through me was especially sharp. I stuffed my catch rag T-shirt, damp with Lucas's cum, into my lap so I wouldn't stain the sheets of his bed. My cum ended up all over Luke's hand but he didn't complain. Indeed he seemed to like the experience. I certainly did, at least at the time. Looking back on it I shouldn't have done it, but there was no obvious harm done.

You have to understand there was a weird psychological thing going on here. I desperately wanted to be the little brother being schooled by an older brother, sexually as much as anything else. My older brother was dead and I never knew him. So I kind of envied Luke getting to have the experience, with me, that I never had. But it was still complex.

This wasn't the end of it. Lucas and I continued to jack off together, always at night in our shared bedroom, during the next couple of weeks of the summer. I'd say about a third of the time we jacked each other instead of ourselves. It was kind of shocking the first time he got out of his own bed and crawled into bed with me, and I hugged him and found him naked, but I admit I did the same thing with him more than once. More often than this we masturbated ourselves, without touching, at the same time. But even that was still kind of mutual because he'd whisper stuff like, "You getting close?" or "Is that feeling good?" and a couple of times I'd ask questions like that too. After a while Luke starting rating his orgasms. I don't even know how it got started but he'd cum and then after cleaning up he'd say, "That was a seven," or "I'd give that one about an eight and a half," on a scale of one to ten. I started doing that too. Neither of us ever "scored" below seven, and I think the highest we got was a completely insane cum that I rated a 9.5. Curiously we didn't rate the ones where we touched each other, only the solo ones.

One of the best ones we ever had, at least as I remember it, was a weird little game we played which was my idea. Both Luke and I liked to cum sitting up, which is a little unusual; most boys of our age masturbated while laying down. I very much liked to do it sitting on a bed or the floor, legs folded under me, Indian-style I guess you'd say. One night I got into Luke's bed and sat like this, facing the wall at the head of the bed, and I told him to face the other way. We pressed our bare backs up against each other and we masturbated. I made a point to grind the muscles of my central back against Luke's and it felt really great, like the intimate embrace we couldn't bring ourselves to do otherwise. This cum was a 9.0 for me and Luke said it was 8.5 for him, so pretty high. I got back in my bed and we went to sleep.

Lucas was curious about sex. He asked me, "You ever been with a girl?" Truthfully I said no. He asked what a blow job was. For some reason he had the idea that it was literally a girl blowing air through her lips on a man's penis. (He didn't seem to acknowledge the possibility that another male could do it). I explained what it really was, and he said, "A girl must really love you if she lets you cum in her mouth." I said, without letting on that I knew from experience, that it wasn't as gross as it seemed. Luke was horrified at the idea of anal sex and he went so far as to say it was impossible because a butt was way too tight, how could a man physically get his dick inside someone's ass? And even if he did, why would he want that? "You'd just get a big ole turd on your dick. That's disgusting." Not having had it myself I didn't try to convince him of the virtues of anal sex but I told him some people did like it.

There was even possibly a stealth occasion when we did something. One night right before school started we went to sleep as always, but I fell asleep faster and heavier than usual. I woke up hours later and found myself naked in my own bed, but I didn't remember taking my underwear off. In the morning I found my briefs on the carpet next to the bed, not far from my cum rag T-shirt which was damp so I guess I came during the night. Curious I couldn't remember.

I also can't clearly remember how my sexual play with Luke ended. It just sort of trailed off, I guess. It wasn't like either of us decided, "Let's stop doing this." But by the fall of the next school year, my freshman year in high school, we were no longer fooling around with each other or jacking off in each other's presence. I went back to doing it mostly in the shower. Honestly it was a relief. I guess, again, that ultimately there was no harm done. It still feels awkward to me and I know from the experience of others that if Lucas perceived that I had abused him it could totally have ruined our relationships as brothers. Thankfully it didn't. It was just something that happened on the space colony. I did not forget, though.

More to come...

My book, "An American Elf in Paris," is out now:

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Next: Chapter 4

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