Space Angel

Published on Aug 24, 2001



ANGEL.TXT by Waldo

Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further.

The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters.

Space Angel by Waldo

The chapters are:

Chapter 1 - The Mission Chapter 2 - The Swap Chapter 3 - Harry's version of the Body Exchange Chapter 4 - Exploring Inner Space Chapter 5 - The Dulaney Sisters Chapter 6 - Onward

This is my version of what could have happend on the USS Voyager. All Star Trek fans are very familiar with the Voyager and it's crew. But what would happen if something happened on their journey back to Earth to Captain Katheryn Janeway that made it impossible for her to retain control of her mental facilities. And their research found a way to get around the problem by swapping her memories with the memories of one of the crewmen. Who just happened to be Ensign Harry Kim. It would have to be accomplished so that the crew retained confidence in Janeway and didn't get the opportunity to harrass Kim later. So it is decided that they will impersonate each other.

Only another race comes into the picture and the new Janeway and Kim visit their spaceship, only to discover that they were asked there for purposes of sex. What will our hero and heroine do to continue their impersonation? After all, if the you were the eader of a powerful alien race and thought that you were getting a luscious woman such as Kath Janeway in bed, but discovered that it was really Harry Kim, there is no telling how angry you would get. So the new Janeway has to feel, act, and really be the woman that she looks like.

As in other non-authorized stories, this story is not for profit, has not been approved by the owners of the various Star War trademarks, and is not intended to infringe upon any of those trademarks. It was written completely for entertainment.

My stories typically have a plot that have some sexual content and action. Anyone that is not of legal age should not read it. Anyone that thinks Jesse Helms is the best thing that ever hit this country, should also not read it. Has anyone every considered that the alien character Kes in only a year old, according to the story line, and that she has a lover who is a short, funny looking little alien fart? Wonder how they get around the child pornography laws with that situation.

Anyhow anyone that has found this story has read a million of the standard disclaimers. If you are under age, do not download this series of stories.

Hope you enjoy it.


Space Angel Chapter 1 - The Mission

"Have you located her yet?" said an more stone-face than usual, First Officer Chakotay sitting in the Captain's Chair on the Voyager's bridge.

The Vulcan Tuvok looked up from his instruments and responded "Three seconds prior to attacking Captain Janeway, the Divorkans set off a anti-nutron particle generator, which is effectively jamming the atmosphere for a 1000 kilometers area around the Away Team's arrival point. It will take at least sixteen minutes and thirty-eight seconds for us to neutralize that signal and lock onto the Captain and her two Team members. It also prevents us from transporting down a back-up Away Security Team."

Ensign Harry Kim added "I can't find any traces of the Captain in the survey area now but can find traces of the other two surveyors."

Chakotay looked at his log and noted that it had been almost three minutes now since the attack and they had been unable to do anything to help. In three minutes, a lot could occur and it would be several more minutes before they could clear the jamming signal. It should have been him exploring this unknown Class M planet first, not her on this mission. Why did he let her talk him out of it?

Everyone on the ship was responding to the Red Alert but the ship could not land or use it's transporters until the Vulcan resolved the anti-nutron problem. Chakotay knew that Tuvok was working as fast as he could as he kept glancing at the display screen and the ticking clock. After several minutes, Tuvok said "Condition cleared."

Kim's excited voice responded "Acknowledged. Locked onto two crew members, but the Captain is not within the area."

"Beam them up to the sick bay and expand the search area." said the First Officer, following standard procedures. He would have preferred beaming down himself with a search team, but he knew that he would have to remain on the ship, until the Red Alert was lifted.

Kim reported. "Transport completed, Doctor program activated and Doctor Zimmerman informed of reason for activation of his hologram program. Search area expanded to complete planet."

Tuvok responded "The Divorkans have a small ship on the other side of the planet that is trying to escape through the atmosphere. Unable to determine if the Captain is on the ship yet."

"Bring us around and put us in their path." said Chakotay, eager to finally be able to do something.

The ship left orbit as Lieutenant Paris plotted an intercept course. As the Divorkan ship came into view on the monitor, Kim said "She's on board. I have a lock on her."

"Beam her to sick bay." ordered Chakotay.

A smiling Kim acknowledged completion of the transport procedure. Chakotay smiled as he said "Issue a hail to the Divorkan ship so we can see why they kidnapped our Captain."

The smile faded as the huge monitor showed the smaller Divorkan ship exploding. Tuvok summed it up "Sir, I believe that the ship's captain chose death over failure. It appears that this was a critical mission for them."

"I agree. Lieutenant Paris, take command of the bridge. Tuvok, please come with me to Sick Bay.

For the last several minutes, the hologram doctor program had been examining an unconscious Captain Janeway, while Chakotay and Tuvok watched. Finally Doctor Zimmerman said "My preliminary diagnosis was correct. They have subjected the Captain to a Mystmagoric thought warping processing. Floating around in her body are enough magoric particles to maintain their hypnotic-like conditioning for several weeks."

Chakotay leaned forward and said "What does that mean?"

Tuvok responded "Quite simple. They have brainwashed the Captain, using a very through technique. As long as there are any magoric particles in her body, she will react according to their commands. Which we have no way of finding, correcting, or removing either the commands or particles. As soon as we wake her up, she will react based upon how she has been programmed and will act that way, until the magoric particles are no longer in her body. The particles will slowly die out and should be gone in three to four weeks. Because we do not know what commands were given to her, we must treat her as if she was an enemy, until she has recovered. We must assume that because they subjected the Captain to this treatment, that her thought patterns were modified in a manner that are not to this ship's best interests."

Doctor Zimmerman looked up from his screen and said "I concur with the recommendation. I will examine the ship's databases to try to find something that can be done, but as long as those particles are in her body, they will affect her brain, causing her to respond to her unknown commands."

Chakotay looked at the sleeping Captain, who looked very normal. Then he said "Transfer her to a secured medical bed and wake her. Dedicate all ship resources to finding a solution to this problem."

Chakotay was examining the ships logs. It had been three days since he had ordered Captain Janeway restricted to a security sickbed. They had awaken her and watched as her normally peaceful face turned into a very angry face when she saw them. She then tried to pretend that she was normal, but a simple test caused her to reveal her true current emotions. She thought that they were leaving her to rest and she went straight to the armory when she was alone. Tuvok had revoked her personal clearance and was waiting for her just inside the armory door. When she realized that she had been caught, she allowed her new hatred for her former crew to show. Although she still had all of her memories, she was now conditioned to be their enemy and to use her memories and authority position to destroy the ship. She was clearly a very dangerous enemy of the ship.

Chakotay could not spend much time with her, seeing the hate in her eyes. To keep her from doing or saying anything to other crew members, he had restricted access to her to only the Doctor, Tuvok and himself. She had used her memories of his own personal history and her modified thought patterns to find several ways to verbally hurt him. Although he knew that this was not really her, he had to maintain crew morale, so he restricted anyone else from being near her. On the second day of her imprisonment, he entered her sickbay cell to find her standing fully naked. She told him that she would never wear that hated uniform again.

Doctor Zimmerman had remained active and was spending every moment researching the ship's tremendous database, looking for any possible remedy to remove the magoric particles from her body. Tuvok also was working with the Doctor, to determine if other options existed.

Chakotay was resting in his quarters when he was summoned to the bridge. Upon arriving on the bridge Lieutenant Paris said "We have a hail from a Fanger Ship- of-War on the outer limits of our hailing frequency. They are calling for Captain Janeway by name."

"Respond to their hail and place them on the monitor as soon as you get a lock on them." said Chakotay as he sat down in the Captain's chair.

About ten minutes later, Lieutenant Paris replied "The ship is now with-in range. They acknowledge our greeting."

The monitor flashed to life with a grainy, static display of a person that appeared to be related to the Earthlings. Except that his skin was green and he was naked. He smiled and said "Greetings. I am Javrom, Grand Liaison of the Fangers. Our ancestors were originally from Earth from an area called Atlantis. When I heard that people from Earth were in our galaxy, I had to come find you. Where is this amazing Captain Janeway that I have heard so much about?"

Chakotay replied "I am First Officer Chakotay. Our Captain is resting now. On behalf of the Federation and Earth, I bring you Greetings."

A small grimace formed on Javrom's face then he smiled and said "Thank you. I desire to meet with your Captain. I understand that she is a most beautiful woman. Please plot a course so that our ship's intercept each other. When our ships get closer, have her contact me. Javrom out."

As the screen went blank, Tuvok said "My impression is that he is more interested in meeting an Earth woman, than in establishing contact with earthlings."

"I got the same impression. What do we do?"

"If the Captain was functioning normally, she would order a course change to meet with him. We have three options. We can explain to Javrom why we have locked up the woman that he desires to meet. Or we can delay meeting with him, until the Captain is back to normal; which I don't think Javrom will accept. Or we can let him meet with someone that he thinks is the Captain." said the impassive Tuvok.

"We need to meet with him, but I concur that he will not wait until she is back to normal. How would your third option work?"

"May we discuss this in the Captain's Briefing Room?" said Tuvok as he walked to the adjoining office. Chakotay followed him and sat down at the conference table.

When they were alone, Tuvok started "There does not appear to be any way to remove the magoric particles from her body and we will have to wait until the particles die. From her reactions, we know some of her brainwash commands, but do not have a way to counter-act those commands. So we will have to wait for those particles to die for her and her body to return to normal. I have been examining other options and found what could be a solution. Many years ago, a scientist named Dr. Janice Lester found a way to swap bodies with Captain James Kirk of the Enterprise. She wanted desperately to be a man, particularly a man in a position of power. She exchanged bodies with Captain Kirk and impersonated him until her ruse was discovered. Using that same method, I think it would be possible to swap Captain Janeway's memories with a crewmember. With her memories in a different body, those memories would no longer be affected by the magoric particles and she would return to normal thinking. The person in her body would not be subject to the conditioning imposed upon her. Both people would be able to think and act normally, except for the difference caused by being in each other's body. This is a mental exchange and not a physical change."

Chakotay leaned back in his chair and looked at the imperturbable Vulcan sitting in front of him. Tuvok continued "If she had been physically injured, we would use whatever medical methods were available to restore her body. We would install android parts until such time as her body was able to re-generate itself. Having her locked up in sick bay results in a loss of her skills and expertise. Having her swap bodies with a crewmember returns her to duty. When the magoric particles are gone from her body, she can be returned to it."

Chakotay took a deep breath and said "My obligation is to make sure the ship is safe and Federation rules prohibit me from volunteering to participate in this. Do we ask the crew to volunteer or do you have someone in mind?"

"Unfortunately the documented process used by Doctor Lester has some severe limitations, requiring the bodies to have certain genic characteristics. I took the liberty of matching the Captain's genes to those of our crewmembers. Only Ensign Harry Kim matches her."

Chapter 2 - The swap

Chakotay and Tuvok called Ensign Kim into the briefing room. After explaining the options available to be able to use the Captain's skills, the Ensign volunteered for the assignment. After making sure that Ensign Kim was comfortable with his decision, Chakotay called a meeting of the ship's senior staff in the Sick Bay so that the hologram Doctor Zimmerman could be present.

Tuvok explained the decision to the staff and everyone concurred with the decision. Prior to the staff returning to duty, Chakotay ordered everyone to silence upon what was going to occur because there could be some potential embarrassing personal problems if it was generally known on the ship that this was occurring or that it had ever occurred.

Kim undressed, laid on the medical bed, and allowed the doctor to put him to sleep. Then they went to get Janeway from her security sickbay room. She was wearing a simple white robe because she refused to wear any Federation uniforms and her hair was brushed down on her shoulders. She gave a mild resistance to cooperating with them but the Doctor quickly tranquilized her, placing her in a zombie type of control. She was led to an adjoining medical bed, undressed and placed on the bed, where she was put to sleep.

Chakotay stood and watched as Tuvok and Doctor Zimmerman initiated the procedures. From his position, he could see no change in either of the sleeping bodies and was a little startled when Tuvok said "Completed. Please wake them up."

The doctor gave each patient a touch with his medical injector. As their eyes opened, everyone watched Kim's face. As he awoke, he slowly sat up, catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror as he looked over at the other table to look at the body of Kathryn Janeway starting back at the body of Harry Kim. Then Harry Kim spoke but his accent was different and his vocal tone was slightly different from his usual voice. "I feel as if I have been drugged. I knew that what I was doing was wrong, but I could not help myself. I apologize to you for anything that I might have said or did, when I was out of control. Why have our bodies been exchanged?"

Chakotay spent the next several minutes explaining what had occurred on the planet and why this action had been taken. When he was finished, "Harry Kim" said "I concur with the actions taken. With those brain-washing commands, I was incapable of performing any duties and was a danger to the ship. In this body, I think that I am free of the brain-wash commands and can think logically again. When do we meet the Fangers?"

"We have plotted an intercept course that should bring us within transport range in 27 hours." replied Tuvok.

Harry Kim looked over at his former body and said "Good. We need the preparation time. Mr. Kim, thank you for volunteering for this unusual assignment. I will take good care of your body and know that you will treat my body as if it was really yours. Before we meet the Fangers, we need to prepare you to help you in what could be one of your most difficult missions. I know that you will represent the Federation as an officer but the Fangers expect more. They expect the Captain to also be a lady. We must make sure that when you meet with their leader, that you are comfortable with being in a female body. Doctor Zimmerman, is it possible to use the existing magoric particles in my body... I mean, in Captain Janeway's body to condition her to be comfortable with that body and a female's function?"

A very puzzled look appeared on the hologram Doctor's face as he replied "Why yes. We can impose some commands onto the personality and memory; but I would not recommend too drastic a modification of the thinking process."

The body of Harry Kim looked into the eyes of the body of Kathryn Janeway and quietly said "As Captain of this ship, I am required to meet with representatives from other worlds and to respect their customs. Sometimes, those customs require me to do things that I would not do as an individual. Javrom is expecting a female captain and would be disappointed if the person that he was meeting, did not react as a woman. I recommend that we condition Mr. Kim's personality so that it is more comfortable not only in being in a woman's body, but also in using a woman's body."

A fully dressed Harry Kim was sitting in the Captain's Quarters, watching the sleeping woman, who was covered with a sheet showing every curve of the body. The lights were dim and the current Harry was examining what the body looked like from this angle and from a male perspective. As the naked Kathryn Janeway slowly awoke, Harry knew what he must do. Doctor Zimmerman's Mystmagoric process had failed and they were unable to protect the real Harry's memories or to temporary change his thinking. The decision had been made to pretend that the Mystmagoric worked and to try to convince the real Harry that his thinking had been modified. When her eyes opened, Harry Kim said "How do you feel?"

Before she sat up, she pulled the sheet up so that it covered her breasts. Then she brushed the hair from her face and the familiar husky voice said "My mouth tastes a little fuzzy from the sleeping medication but aside from that, I feel OK."

Harry Kim said "Only the senior staff is aware of what is going on and they will treat you as if you are the real Captain Janeway. Everyone else will think that you have recovered from the attack. I will spend as much time with you as possible to make sure that you are comfortable with this very difficult mission. Javrom and I have never met, so when he meets you, he will not have any previous memories to compare against this new version. Starfleet has very defined rules on personal conduct and sexual interaction. However, every Starfleet Officer is permitted to use individual discretion when dealing with alien races or cultures. Although Starfleet does not have a documented policy, it is clearly understood that Starfleet officers may have to participate in alien rituals, even if that involves sex. I have reviewed the Javrom log and can feel his sexual energy and desire. I expect him to attempt to have sex with his female counterpart - You."

The eyelashes of Kathryn Janeway fluttered as what was being said sunk into the still slightly drugged mind. Harry Kim continued "We do not want you to react incorrectly or do anything that you would not normally do. So we have conditioned you to remove some of your masculine feelings and actions, and to replace those thought processes with a more feminine response. I will accompany you on board his ship and will try to stay as close as I can, but if you are placed into a difficult and private situation, I expect you to use my body as needed to accomplish our mission. I had the Doctor inject a anti- pregnancy compound and an anti-disease compound into my, I mean into your body. While I have not been conditioned to react as a male in this body, I will also participate in their rituals as expected for someone of this rank and sex."

Then came the time for the big lie. Harry paused and continued "We were not able to do an in-depth thinking conversion and were only able to provide some modification, which I cannot discuss with you now. You can expect to feel a little confused but as you get used to being in a female body, you will feel more comfortable. If you are required to participate in sex, you will probably feel some hesitation until the female hormones kick in. That is quite normal and to be expected. Just relax and let the hormones control you. From this moment on, you are Captain Janeway and I am Ensign Kim. We both must act, think and become who we are supposed to be. You are a woman and must think female. I am a man and must think male. You are the Captain and I am one of your Ensigns. You have the command of the ship and I will respect your orders. If you issue a command that I do not agree with, I will discuss it's ramifications with you before I go to the other ship's officers. The body that you are in, is your body, and anything that you do with it, is acceptable; as is anything that I do with the body that I am in. When we exchange bodies again, we will each live with whatever the other person did, and accept it as if we had actually did it ourselves. That is the only way that this will work."

Kathryn Janeway nodded her head, causing her hair to fall over her face as she said "I understand."

Harry Kim looked at his former body and smiled as he said " And if you turn your version of Kathryn into a too-feminine sissy, I will kick your ass at the first opportunity. I worked hard to build my professional image and don't want anyone to think that I have become a silly-nilly slut. We only have a limited time for me to teach you how to take care of this body. Learning how to put your hair up into that damn Starfleet bun hairstyle, will take the most time and practice."

Chapter 3 - Harry's version of the Body Exchange

As Javrom's image faded from the screen, Harry turned his attention to what Tuvok was saying to Chakotay. Harry was worried about the Captain and her brain- washed mental state, even though he knew that they were taking good care of her in the security medical bay.

"We need to meet with him, but I concur that he will not wait until she is back to normal. How would your third option work?" said Chakotay as he stood in front of the Captain's chair.

"May we discuss this in the Captain's Briefing Room?" said Tuvok as he walked to the adjoining office. Chakotay followed him into the briefing room.

Harry watched as they walked into the briefing room, wishing that he could participate in this discussion, knowing full well that he would have been asked if his skills were needed. He saw the change on his instruments as Lieutenant Paris made the course changes approved by Chakotay. He reviewed the calculations and conformed the course change. As he was finishing up, Tuvok's voice came from his Com-badge "Ensign Kim, please join us in the briefing room."

Kim remained at his console for the few seconds necessary for his replacement to come forward, then entered the briefing room, knowing that Tom Paris was wondering why he had not been invited also.

Kim sat down and listened to Tuvok's explanation of the Captain's problem, their research so far, and the options. When Tuvok finished speaking after explaining the options available, Kim knew his responsibility and expected reaction.

"I volunteer to participate in the body exchange with the Captain." said the young man.

Tuvok and Chakotay looked at each other and Chakotay said "Computer, Ship's Log, Secure Message. Ensign Kim has just volunteered to participate in an body exchange with Captain Janeway. Chakotay, out."

In a daze, Harry followed the two senior officers down the hall to the Sick Bay to meet with the Doctor and other senior ship officers. He listened as Tuvok again explained what they were going to attempt to do and why. He felt everyone's eyes on him as his role was explained and for the first time, he discovered that he was the only one on the Voyager, who could do this exchange with the Captain.

As the senior staff returned to duty, he heard Doctor Zimmerman instruct him to undress and lie down. He quickly undressed and laid down on the cool table. He felt just the touch of the medical injection before he fell asleep.

The doctor gave each patient a touch with his medical injector. As Harry's eyes opened and he saw that he was in sickbay, he remembered why he was here. And what was supposed to happen to him. As he sat up, making sure to keep his body covered with the sheet, he knew that it had worked as a long brown wave of hair fell across his face as he sat up. A quick glance down and the very obvious breasts could be seen under the sheet. He looked up to see if anyone had observed him, but saw that they were all looking at the other bed.

Staring at his body sitting up on the other bed which was also staring back at him. He watched his mouth on his real body form the words and recognized his voice as it said "I feel as if I have been drugged. I knew that what I was doing was wrong, but I could not help myself. I apologize to you for anything that I might have said or did, when I was out of control. Why have our bodies been exchanged?"

He sat quietly on the bed listening as Tuvok and Chakotay explained what had occurred, watching the face on his body as it listened to the words and kept glancing over at him, as if to verify that it had really occurred. It was very weird to watch himself, and to know that he was not looking into a mirror.

He was watching the mouth on his body move as it talked and pulled out of his reverie as he heard the words "They expect the Captain to also be a lady. We must make sure that when you meet with their leader, that you are comfortable with being in a female body. Doctor Zimmerman, is it possible to use the existing magoric particles in my body... I mean, in Captain Janeway's body to condition her to be comfortable with that body and a female's function?"

After a couple of moments discussion between Tuvok and his body, his body paused and looked him directly into the eyes as it said "I recommend that we condition Mr. Kim's personality so that it is more comfortable not only in being in a woman's body, but also in using a woman's body."

He only nodded and laid back. Doctor Zimmerman placed the medical injector next to his neck and Harry fell asleep again.

Slowly conscious returned. As I opened my eyes, I realized that I was not in my small quarters, but was in a much bigger bedroom. I was slightly startled when I heard "How do you feel?" from nearby in the dimly lit room.

I instantly recognized the voice as being my voice and remembered what had happened to me. I was now in Captain Janeway's body and she was in my body. I was in her quarters. In her bed.

As I turned my head, in the dim light, I could see a fully dressed Harry Kim sitting in a chair beside the bed.

As I sat up, I pulled the sheet up so that it covered the breasts that I knew was riding on my chest now. My vision was blocked momentary as a long strand of thick hair fell across my face. I brushed the hair from my face and said "My mouth tastes a little fuzzy from the sleeping medication but aside from that, I feel OK.", hearing the nasal sound of her voice, but with my accent and dictation.

For the next several minutes, we sat in the darken bedroom and talked. Mostly it was her. Her in my body that was talking. All the time, I was listening, but my mind was racing through many thoughts, trying to determine how they had changed my thinking process. Trying to discover what was different in my memories and I could not find anything. I felt normal. As normal as you can feel in a woman's body, when you are a man.

Then my body said "We only have a limited time for me to teach you how to take care of this body. Learning how to put your hair up into that damn Starfleet bun hairstyle, will take the most time and practice. Computer, Normal Lights, please."

I watched my body stand up as the room lightened. I was still sitting up, with a sheet covering my naked female body. My real male body said "I appreciate how difficult this is, but I am in the same circumstances. I wish that we had more time, but we do not. The crew has been informed that the brain-washing suggestions were removed and that Captain Janeway has been returned to duty. You are due on the bridge in one hour. That is Captain Janeway is due and you must get cleaned up if she is going to be on time. Why don't you take a shower. Most men don't know anything about the necessity to make sure that the female genitalia is washed thoroughly. Make sure to wash folds of the labia minora and when you are finished showering, I will help you dress."

A smile formed on his face as he finished instructing me on feminine hygiene. I felt the blush of embarrassment flow across my face.

I stood up slowly, holding onto the sheet. Then I realized how foolish it is to try to hide your body from it's rightful owner. I let the sheet drop and walked into the bathroom feeling her eyes on my naked back as I walked. I made sure to shut the door after I entered.

The long dark hair flowing down my back tickled me and felt very unreal. However I was too busy staring in the mirror at the most unreal sight. A beautiful, naked Captain Kathryn Janeway was staring back at me from the mirror. I watched as one of her delicate hands slowly reached up and cupped her breast as I felt my fingers curl around the mass of female breast tissue hanging on my chest. I was truly in her body. I am a female now.

I looked at the breast. It was beautiful, almost translucent with a flawless, soft skin. The breasts were very well formed, pointy, with small but very prominent pink nipples. I had seen breasts before but never from this perspective. I cupped the breasts in both hands and discovered that the touching feeling was very pleasant. The nipples immediately got hard and I could feel a weird sensation in my pubic area as I rubbed the nipples.

Then I looked back into the mirror and let my gaze drift further down to the neatly trimmed patch of short dark hair covering my pubic mound. While still looking into the mirror, I reached down to where my manhood should be.

My fingers did not find the normal little hot-dog piece of flesh hanging from my body. My hand pressed against my soft skin, feeling the sensation as my hand floated across the soft pubic hair, until I found a moist, soft slit. As I touched myself there, just the slight touch of my fingertips sent shivers up and down my spine.

I jerked from the shock and realized how sensitive this body was. Especially in this area. I wondered if every woman was that sensitive. I touched myself again and felt another lightning shock as this body's autonomic nervous system kicked in.

I look at myself in the mirror, flicking my tongue out to moisten my lips for some unknown reason. My spread legs have exposed my new vagina to my view, but I want to see more.

Spreading my legs, and watching myself in the mirror, with my fingertips, I parted the pubic hair so that I could inspect this thick fleshy mound. Gently I pulled the lips apart feeling a slight tremor stream through my body. The clitoris was glistening and I could see a urethra with the larger vagina opening behind it.

I slowly let go and looked again in the mirror at the image being reflected. I was truly in a woman's body now. And that body is Captain of my ship. I am now the Captain of the USS Voyager, with a crew of 200 that are 70 lightyears away from home. I now have the position and authority that I have desired all of my life.

I am now a woman. I am now Kathryn Janeway, wife of Mark Janeway, who is 70 light years away not aware of what has occurred with the woman that he loves. I shuddered just thinking about what it would be like to explore this body more fully as I realized that I did not have time now.

I slowly turned and walked over to the commode, feeling a little pressure on my bladder. Sitting down to pee did not seem so unusual, but where the pee came from, did feel very different. It was not so much of a stream as a spray. After peeing, I also wiped myself just to see what that felt like, knowing that I would have to get used to that little habit everytime I used the bathroom.

Then I stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water wet this wonderful body. Remembering my instructions, I rubbed my soapy fingers along the slit, and all around the interior folds of what I had determined was the labia minora. When my rubbing fingers touched my clitoris, I felt shivers and became turned on again. I could stand here all day and enjoy giving myself a shower.

I was sitting on a chair in front of a make-up table and wearing a robe. I still did not feel comfortable being naked around anyone else. Even my old body.

My old body was busy drying my hair and showing me how to dry it and put it up, into that bun. As soon as he put it up, she took it down and had me put it up. Or had me try to put it up. It looked so easy when he was doing it. I mean when I was doing it. No, I mean when he was doing it. I have to get used to thinking this person showing me how to put my hair up into a bun, is Harry Kim. I have to believe that I am Captain Janeway and that he is Ensign Kim, if this is going to work.

Finally, he said "Close enough" and handed me a bra as he said "This is a body hugging, seamless, full coverage, stretch lace, basic white bra, with full coverage underwire cups to give support. It is part of the standard uniform for Starfleet females. When you are off duty in a social setting, you will wear one of the more colorful peach colored pushup bras that are designed for when I wear dresses with maximum décolleté. When you are in your quarters, you may go braless, but you will never let any of the crew see you in uniform without a bra on. The only females authorized to go bra-less while on-duty are Kes and B'Elanna Torres. B'Elanna has nipple problems when she is going through her period."

After laughing at my attempts to put it on, he showed me an easy way. Then he handed me a pair of panties and also laughed when I looked for the familiar penis opening so I could find the front. After finally getting my underwear on, he handed me the black trousers and black/red Captain's Uniform. After putting that on, he had me sit back down in front of the mirror, touch-up my hair and then apply a little make-up. Finally he was satisfied with how I looked and said he was late reporting to his assignment. He winked at me as he left the bedroom.

I sat there for several minutes, almost breaking into a sweat, thinking about what I had gotten myself into. Knowing that in a few minutes, I must leave the safety of this room and go to the bridge. I watched the clock, waiting until the last second and then slowly stood. I pulled my tunic down so that it was hanging right and looked at myself one last time in the mirror. Staring back at me was Captain Janeway. Then I took a deep breath, smiled at my mirror image and walked to the door, which opened as I approached.

As I walked down the hallway, everyone spoke to me and smiled at me. I smiled back and kept walking as I acknowledged their greeting.

Until Neelix came up to me and stopped me "Captain, It is my duty to inform you that we are running low on Tashivickie leaves and we will have to substitute some of that hydroponic earth lettuce. As ship morale officer, I recommend that we quickly find a planet and replenish our supply."

I looked at him and had to keep from laughing. He was serious about how important he thought his request was. I just smiled and said "We will consider it. Thank you, Neelix."

And kept walking to the bridge. As the door opened and I stepped in, I sensed everyone's knowledge of my presence. I glanced to my right and saw Harry Kim winking at me from his position on the bridge. Chakotay stood so I could assume control of the bridge and sit in the Captain's Chair.

I walked slowly forward and sat down as Tuvok said "Welcome back, Captain. We missed you."

I looked around and smiled as I said "Glad to be back. Continue on intercept course for Javrom's ship." hearing what I now recognized as my very nasal voice echo around the bridge. Around my bridge. After all, I am the Captain.

Chapter 4 - Exploring Inner Space

The next several hours passed quickly. Chakotay and Tuvok went to their quarters to rest. Chakotay would relieve me shortly and I could rest before I met Javrom.

I felt comfortable sitting in the Captain's Chair because I sit there frequently when I am in charge of the Bridge. Just before taking command, Chakotay had ordered some routing testing, so everyone was reporting to me about their portion of the test. Even Ensign Kim reported on his equipment. It felt funny to have everyone treat me with so much respect.

Finally it was over and time for me to rest. As I walked through the ship's hallways, I passed by Lieutenant Paris and Ensign Kim, hearing only Lieutenant Paris say something about "the Dulaney Sisters".

Tom will never change. Even though he knows that he is really talking to Captain Janeway, he is still acting as if he was talking to me. He keeps pushing me to join him and the Dulaney Sisters in a foursome sex session. I wonder what he is trying to talk my former body into?

I enter her quarters and listen to the ssssh of the door closing, knowing that I have pulled it off so far.

I take the tunic off and remove the bra, feeling the relief as the bra is removed. Before I put the bra down, I examine it for the label and see that it is a size 36C. I remove the boots and trousers and visit the commode because my bladder was beginning to feel full again. I made sure to wipe myself dry before opening the closet to put away my uniform.

Inside the closet, I see several uniforms hanging neatly and then I see the off-duty clothes. I have never seen her in anything but her uniform. She likes bright and feminine clothes when she is in a social environment. I pull out a black beautiful dinner suit, with a shaped cutaway jacket and hold it in front of me as I look at myself in the mirror. Something doesn't look right and I realized it is the hair that is still in the bun style.

I put the dress on the bed and sit down at the make-up table and let my hair down. Remembering what she told me, I started brushing the very long straight hair to keep it luscious, healthy and shiny.

When I put the brush down, I looked at the make-up on the table and what was still on my face. As an officer, I am not supposed to use much make-up. Just a light dusting of powder, and lipstick. Looking at the mirrored image of a bare-breasted Kathryn Janeway, with long dark hair flowing naturally around her face, I had to agree that the look of naturalness did look very nice on her.

I walked over to the bed, picked up the dinner suit and held it in front of me again, and smiled at my image in the mirror. Then I hung it up and selected a cotton knit cream suit. I tried that one on and looked at how it fit my body. I smiled as I realized that I would have liked the skirt to be a little shorter but the Captain has an image to maintain.

I tried on a long flowing, soft dress that hid the legs. I liked to see the legs but I liked the feel of the dress as it floated around me as I moved, creating a little mystery about my legs. As I stared at my image, I realized that something was missing.

I looked in the closet and found some high heel shoes that matched this dress. I slipped them on and stepped forward, catching myself as I almost fell when my ankle twisted under my weight on the flimsy high heel. Then I took a much smaller step and felt the heel wobble again under me. With a little difficulty, I walked over the dresser and opened the jewelry box. I removed a gold necklace, a bracelet, some rings, and some earrings.

As I turned to go back to the make-up mirror, I almost fell again from the way the heel moved under me. How do women dance or work in these shoes?

I find the small ear-ring holes in my ears and insert the post and click on the what-ever-you-call-it to hold the ear-rings in place. They feel funny, dangling from my ears, swaying as I swing my head. As I put the rings on, I look at the fingernails. She has on clear polish, as per Starfleet limitations, but on the make-up table are several small container of different color polish. I don't have time to put any of those colors on today, but I would like to see what my fingernails look like, with bright red fingernails.

As I put the necklace around my neck, I look at my face and decide that it needs a little more make-up for social settings than for normal duty. The lipstick is easy, but I have problems with the eyes, putting too much eye-liner on at first. But finally I get the eyes looking somewhat darker and mysterious, while looking feminine.

I open some of the cologne containers and smell the wonderful fragrances. I decide that I like two of them and finally apply a very small amount of my favorite to my neck, smelling the wonderful aroma.

Finally, I was dressed. High heels, long flowing skirt, a form fitting low-cut blouse, and a touch of jewelry. The image of the woman staring back at me from the mirror was the image of a very attractive woman, with an excellent body. There was no trace of any masculinity that I expected to observe.

As I walked back and forth across the floor watching myself in the mirror, I smiled as I realized that the high heels made my ass stick out more and made it look sexier. I was beginning to get used to walking in the high heels when my door bell sounded.

"Who is it?" I asked, knowing the computer would relay my question.

"Ensign Kim." said a very familiar voice.

Panic flowed through me because I had been caught playing dress-up in her clothes. Then my self-confidence returned as I decided that it was part of my responsibility to learn how to look and dress as she would. I was only doing what was expected from me.

I said "Enter" allowing the computer to open the door, as I walked from the bedroom into the living area.

The door opened and Harry came in. He looked at me and a big grin crossed his face as he sniffed and said "Chatonay is my favorite fragrance. You look very nice. You are good at matching clothes with accessories. Only thing that I would have done differently is to put on a push-up bra under that blouse. I have a very beautiful lacy bra, that is slightly padded underneath to give a more fuller figure that Mark bought me back on Earth. I just stopped by to suggest that you might want to practice trying on the different off-duty clothes, but I see that you are ahead of me as usual. You are doing very good and I found it hard to believe that it was not really me sitting there in the Captain's chair today."

"Thank you. I tried to do what I thought you would do." I said, feeling good from the praise.

He continued "My impersonation of you will be a lot easier than your impersonation of me. I am used to wearing trousers and competing in a male dominated world where male traits and actions are more acceptable then female traits. While we are on the ship and you are dressed in the Captain's uniform, you will find it easier to be the Captain, then when you have to be Kathryn in private. I am not trying to insult you, but Ensign Kim does not get the personal attention that Captain Janeway does. I seem to be invisible now that I am walking around in your body. While you will find that everyone on the ship has something to tell you or to ask you. When you are Kathryn, you will have to let the feminine side of your personality take control and hide the male side. When you are the Captain, you are in charge and have to do a lot of things that you would not normally do. Remember that the buck stops with you."

"I have some tasks to accomplish before I turn in, so I will leave you alone to explore and become familiar with your new environment. I just thought that I would let you know that I have some bedtime toys in the back of the middle drawer of the closet. Being Captain, I have to find ways to entertain myself that do not involve the crew. Computer, please play a mixture of Earth 1990 romantic music. Good night." he said as he smiled and left.

I walked to the closet and pulled out the middle drawer. In the front were some bras, panties, and hose. In the back, was a dildo.

I had taken my shower, brushed my teeth, dried and brushed my hair, and was wearing a soft yellow silk charmeuse chemise, with cross-laced straps in back, scooped neckline in the front and matching pair of panties.

I had the replicator make a carafe of Rosé wine and I was sipping my wine, feeling slightly light headed as I relaxed and enjoyed the wonderful mixture of soft music that was being played. I could easily learn to enjoy living like this.

But it was time to turn in and go to sleep. I gave the computer instructions to monitor me and to turn off the music when I was asleep. But I wanted it to continue playing that type of soft relaxing music.

I laid on the satin sheets and felt the wonderful sensations as my body very slowly moved under the sheets. With the lights dimmed, I slowly slid my hand up and down the soft silky skin of my thighs, enjoying the very smooth feeling. My hands stroked my bare skin ceaselessly as I moved up to my breasts, my touch causing the nipples to stiffen. I rubbed the nipple stiff with the palm of my hand and then began the same slow progression on the other nipple. This nipple was stiff with excitement before my fingers ever touched it, anticipating the touch of my hand. I rubbed my breasts more rapidly now, pausing only to run the tip of my nail around the swollen nipple. Each flick of my fingernail on the nipples caused me to moan softly. My eyes are closed as I enjoy the feeling.

"Why can't men's clothes feel this good?" I whispered, hearing my nasal voice become more husky from my body becoming aroused. I continued rubbing my soft, shaved legs as I spread my legs and moved my hand up, pressing my palm against the crotch of my panties; feeling a warm flood flow through my body. Through the moist texture of the thin panties material, I ran my fingers lightly over my throbbing vagina lips.

I eased a finger under the panties leg opening and stroked my finger up and down, feeling the soft slick flesh of my vagina. I groaned and jumped when I touched my finger to my clit. It felt so good that I did it again and gasped as I felt it start to harden from my touch. I pressed my hand harder against it, grinding my hips down as I worked my hand over my clit and my rapidly moistening vagina. My mouth opens slightly as I breath deeply; my soft sighs matched by the slow, swaying motion of my body as I thrust and twists my hand.

Then I smelled that wonder smell. A very rich, pungent musky scent. I removed my finger and held my finger under my nose as my other hand eased into my panties, quickly finding the source of this wonderful smell. I inhaled deeply, smelling my thick animal smell, letting it drive me into a much higher state of arousal. With a low, deep groan, I arched my back and jerked off the panties so that I could get to myself easier.

With both hands, I teased and stroked myself as I felt myself release more fluids to completely wet myself. I could feel the wetness oozing out of me and slowly flowing down my ass. I had one hand stroking my cunt and the other was squeezing one of my breasts through the nightgown. My stiffened nipples rub against the nightgown as I rub myself through it.

I kept giving little jumps as I touched myself in a sensitive area. My juices of creamy nectar flowed from my slit, onto my fingers and hand. I kept swapping hands and putting my nectar coated fingers into my mouth, where I licked off the wonderful tasting nectar of the gods.

I remember giving a small scream when my finger slipped inside the tight protected hole, touching the sensitive tender inner walls in my exploration of this wonderful body. I again let my finger slip slowly into my vagina, feeling myself shift as I position myself so it can easily enter. I pull my finger back out, then let my fingernail find it's way from my vagina lips down between my legs to the crack of my even tighter ass. But I am not ready to explore this virgin, for me that is, area yet.

I bring my hand back up and allow the tip of my moist finger to position itself over this wonderful hole. I breath in deeply as I touch myself again, allowing my finger to move deeper inside me as I try to relax to accept my finger, my breasts rising and falling with each push of my finger.

I pressed my finger still harder into myself, stroking the finger in and out as I turned it, and my knuckles brushed against my clitoris. I worked my hips in fast pumping motions as I teased my clit, squeezing it between my fingers, while easing a finger deep into my vagina. I was moving my hips up and down in quick, jerking motions, while my cunt expanded to take two fingers. I stiffened, and a sharp series of spasms surged through me. As a wall of flame flooded through my body, I felt my legs tense as I lifted my ass up, allowing my finger to probe much deeper. Then it happened. I screamed as I came, feeling the thick stream of hot liquid as a flood of cunt cream poured from me, in an almost spewing stream. I jerked wildly as I twisted and writhed all over the bed.

Finally, I collapsed as my legs relaxed. My face was coated with my hot cum from where I had swapped fingers several times and sucked my fingers dry. I curled into a ball, as I tried to re-gain control of my body. I could hear someone moaning and then I realized that the sound was coming from me.

"Oh fuck," I moaned, my voice a husky whisper as I gasped for breath. I tried to stand but my legs were weak and rubbery. My juice was running in thick streams down my thighs. As I walked over to the closet, I whispered to myself "Jacking off in my bunk or in the shower will never be the same."

This body is mine for a limited time. I must take advantage of the opportunity to explore it and to learn what it is like to be a woman. I smile as I softly repeat the old Star Trek motto "To go boldly where no man has gone before."

I need to explore all of me. Looking down at the boobs jiggling under the chemise, I smile as I see them and arch my back, watching my breasts expand. Then I move my legs slightly apart as I turn so that I am looking at my ass in the mirror. My crack of my ass is glistening from where the pussy juice had flowed down it.

I need to be fucked. I have to be fucked. The mental conditioning and the hormones are controlling me now. They have to be, because the body of Harry Kim never felt like this before.

I jerk over the drawer and pull out a dildo. It is a leather strap-on dildo. I look at it's twin prongs and silky smooth leather straps attached to it. I can smell a slight musky smell but am not sure if it is me or the dildo that I am smelling.

I put it back and take out the other dildo, feeling its weight as I look at it's length and thickness. This is what I want.

Almost in homage to it, my tongue flickers slowly up the shaft, following it's gentle curves, knowing that it will bring me the relief that I so desperately need now. My saliva glistens along it as I carry it back to the bed and lie back down.

One of my hands spreads my lips as I puts the tip of the huge dildo against my waiting, throbbing hole. I know it will fit inside this body or it wouldn't be in that drawer. So I slowly work just the tip into my cunt. My vagina stays tight at first, then with a long moan I shift slightly, forcing myself to relax. I feel more of the dildo slide into me, stretching me, as it enters this most sensitive area. My grunts echo loudly as I feel the dildo continue it's journey.

I arch my back to open me wider for the dildo. I have never felt anything like this before. Never. I have never had anything fill my body cavities before and never imagined that it could feel as great as this. I stop when the dildo is buried with half its length inside me. Then with one thrust, I push it deeper into me.

Every muscles in my body jerked as it attained it's maximum penetration. The smooth muscles of my inner thighs hold it inside me as I arch my back. I pull it out slowly, until only the tip is still within me. Then I slide the curved dildo back into myself, using a slow, maddening stroke. I jerk and moan as I am driven wild with desire for this piece of plastic buried inside my moist depths.

My hand keeps the rhythm as I work the dildo in and out of my sopping wet cunt. My heart is beating a million beats a minute as I hump myself without slowing down. My thrashing hips pull and push the dildo deeper into my pussy and open me deeper with each thrust. Every plunge of the dildo builds my internal flame higher. I can feel my orgasm building, and I become more frantic as I stroke myself with the dildo.

Then I feel my orgasm rising. I collapsed on the bed, grabbing the sheets with my hands as I scream. My hips grind on the dildo buried inside me as I cum while I am screaming. Spasms deep in my pussy jerk my body as I explode with a tremendous internal fireball of pleasure. Then I collapse.

The muscles in my body are twitching with exhaustion. My body is soaking wet with perspiration as I laid on the damp sheets, trying to calm my breathing. Each shuddering breath moves the dildo causing more pleasure. I grab it and remove it with one jerk, letting it fall to the floor.

I fall asleep, exhausted, yet satisfied.

Chapter 5 - The Dulaney Sisters

The body of Harry Kim smiled as the door of the Captain's Quarters shut behind him. She was adapting quickly to her new female role and I should leave her alone as long as she was making progress in her impersonation.

As I walked down the corridor, I enjoyed the feeling of being almost invisible. Some people would speak or acknowledge my presence, but most people just kept going. When I walk through as Captain Janeway, they smile and make room. Or sometimes if they are talking with someone, they just shut up and I hate that awkward silence, knowing that I caused it.

I go into the bar area and get myself a drink. When I turn around, I see some of the Yeomen sitting at a table talking and relaxing. As I walk over, they make room for me to sit down. If it was the Captain walking over, they would stand. When the Captain is sitting with them, the discussions don't feel comfortable and I usually don't spend much time, so that they can relax and go back to being themselves.

When I sat down as Harry Kim, they continued their chatter and having a good time. I look around the table and feel accepted as one of them, for the first time. The discussion is not limited to anything and for the first time, I feel that I am one of the crew.

The Dulaney sisters are at this table and I expect Lieutenant Paris to show up any moment. He has a very noticeable sexual desire for those two women. Although procreation is not prohibited, it is frowned on by Starfleet because of the still-in place governing rules left over from the late 1990's where everything had to be politically correct. However, out in the middle of no-where, we have to permit it. If we are not able to find a fast way back to earth, it will be two generations from now, that take the Voyager back to Earth.

For over an hour, we laughed and joked around the table. I really enjoyed myself because normally the only two people on the ship that I can relax with, are Tuvok and Chakotay.

I feel a very slight buzz as I say good-night and go to the assigned quarters for Ensign Kim. The door opens and shuts behind me as I look around at the small, sparsely furnished room. The only personal item is a picture of Harry with his mother.

I remove the tunic and look at myself. It feels funny to have a flat chest. My husband, Mark, has a wonderful chest. I like to lie beside him in bed after we have made love and run my hand through his curly chest hair. I smile as I look at Harry's bare chest.

While I enjoy being a woman, I don't enjoy having to wear a bra, or go through all of the daily hygiene rituals or cosmetic customs. It felt so good to spend only five minutes in the shower, dry my hair in another five minutes, and be dressed in less than three minutes this morning. I wanted to shave my face, but Harry doesn't have a trace of stubble on his baby face.

I look at the body and wished that it had some more muscular development. This body needs some defined pectoral muscles and the thighs could be more muscular. But you take what is given you in life.

I take the boots off and the doorbell rings. I start to grab my tunic and then remember that I do not have any boobs so there is no reason to cover my chest. Especially in my own quarters.

"Enter" I said.

The door opens and Yeoman Thompson enters my quarters. She had been at the table with the rest of the crew tonight.

"Hi, Harry. I thought that I would stop by and talk to you for a minute. You were so funny and confident tonight that I wanted to tell you that I enjoyed talking to you." she said.

"Thank you. I laughed so hard that it hurt, when Brian was telling about that time he ate Zomarian Soup, thinking it was Zomahian Soup." I replied as I stood up.

She stood about three feet from me, just looking at me and not saying anything so I continued "Can I get you another drink or something to eat?"

"No, I just came by to tell you that Brian and I are breaking up." she said.

"Oh, really. Well, at least he is taking it good. Watching you two tonight, I would never have realized that you were no longer a couple. When did you break up?" I asked.

She stepped forward as she said softly "Tomorrow morning when he finds out that I spent the night with you."

The shower is pouring down on my head. Hot water. I am using it to help me think more than to cleanse me.

I know better. And I did it with Harry's body. After we exchange back to our original bodies, what if he doesn't want to have a relationship with her? It would be one thing to have sex with someone from another planet or ship that you never see again, but to have sex with someone that we are going to be sharing the Voyager with, for at least 70 lightyears.

It was the old story of the little head talking to the big head. She surprised me with her statement and before I knew it, we were kissing and I could feel the penis get hard. I resisted but when she dropped to her knees and pulled my trousers down, taking my penis into her mouth, there was no way that I resist her.

I have given blowjobs before. My husband, Mark, loves them. And I love to give him one. I feel so powerful when I am leading him around by his cock. And it feels so good to feel his wonderful cock throb inside my mouth and to taste his warm, salty cum.

So when she started sucking on my very hard cock, I let her. She dropped my trousers around my ankles and I just stood there, enjoying every lick, every suck, every kiss that she gave me. And when I started coming, she sucked it all down, swallowing it.

Getting a blowjob is a very interesting sensation. I can see now why it is so easy for a man to lose his self- control. I can never tell Yeoman Thompson this, but I learned a trick from her that I will have to remember when I am back home with my husband.

From there, we went to the bedroom where I discovered what it is like to make love to a woman. As a man, that is.

I prefer being the female during sex, but being the man does have it's pleasures. Except that as soon as I climaxed, I wanted to fall asleep. She wouldn't let me and we made love again before she let me sleep.

So I finished showering and put on my uniform. I walk quietly through my bedroom because she is still sleeping in my bed. Wonder how Brian is going to take this.

Captain Janeway's appearance is very acceptable. She had dressed herself and put her hair up when I got there. We sat around for awhile and talked. I wanted to talk to her about Yeoman Thompson, but didn't know where to start.

When I took my post on the bridge, I saw that it was only about an hour until we arrived at the Intercept point. Captain Janeway came in, reviewed the log, and talked with Chakotay as we waited.

Then we got the hail, which I announced.

She stood up, looked at me very solemnly, and said "Put them on the monitor." as she turned to face the monitor.

The smiling image of Javrom came on the monitor. He smiled and said "Welcome. I am Javrom, Grand Liaison of the Fangers. I request the honor of receiving you on my ship. I will send a transport ship for you."

She smiled and said "Thank you. I am Captain Janeway. I will be honored to join you on your ship, but we can transport over easier. I will be bringing an Ensign with me. Lieutenant Paris, please transport Ensign Kim and myself to the Fanger command bridge."

I felt the transport grab me and everything went wavy then I found myself standing on the Fanger Bridge with her, Javrom and some of his crew. All of the Fangers on the bridge were naked men.

He was about six foot, five inches, 240 pounds, and naked. His skin was also a greenish hue. His cock was almost a foot long.

Javrom said "We must discuss how your transporter works later. But let me welcome you."

He walked over and gave her a big hug. Then he walked over and kissed my ear. I said "We are not familiar with your customs. Please forgive me for not providing the proper response."

Javrom replied as he walked around the Captain "Our customs are very similar to your customs, I would think. We are descendants of Atlantis, who were taken into space by friendly aliens just before the island sunk. We traveled through a wormhole, which has since closed and finally settled on our current world. Our captors had sex with us and by the fourth generation, we were one happy new mixture of people. So, you see why we are glad to learn that some Earth people are in our galaxy. But enough of history. We have scheduled a celebration for tonight, with you and your man as our Guests of Honor. And you would honor me, if you would wear our native ceremonial dress."

She responded "We are also glad to meet you. We would be honored to participate."

She touched the Com-badge on her chest and said "Janeway to Chakotay."

"Yes, Captain." replied Chakotay's voice from her Com- badge.

"We are getting ready to have some private discussions with Javrom and his advisor team. We will change from our Starfleet uniforms into appropriate civilian attire, so we will not be wearing our Com-badges for the next 12 hours. " she said, looking at Ensign Kim.

Chakotay's voice echoed from the Com-badge "Understand, Captain. Good luck in your discussions. Chakotay, out."

Javrom clapped his hands and some doors opened. Four naked green-skinned women, with the biggest sets of boobs that I have ever seen, entered the room. The smallest set of boobs must have in the 60 or 70 inch range, with at least a DDDDDD size if they make that size. The women were attractive and their bodies were firm, but their female body features were just too far out of portion.

As they approached Javrom, he said "When we mated with the Fangers, our women's bodies changed. These are typical women on my planet. A small breasted woman is highly regarded and is better for sex. They will take you to your guest quarters."

The Captain looked at me and I gave a slight nod as two of the women motioned for me to follow, while the other two were to escort her. We followed our escorts to our quarters.

My women took me to a large room, helped me undress and to take a bath. Then I laid on a massage table as they oiled me, and gave me a good rub-down. I also got a blowjob while I was lying on the table. What was I to do? Her hands felt nice, the warm oil combined with the rubbing, gave me an erection, and before I could stop her, she found a new way to please me.

I am now naked, except that a little ring was placed around my cock, causing it to get hard and stay hard. I understand that all the men will be dressed this way.

I got the opportunity to feel the women's boobs. Well, while one of the was sucking me, I was sucking on the other woman's boobs. Their boobs are so firm for their size. Any of these women could make a fortune back on Earth in the porn movies.

They led me across the hall to where the Captain was also being dressed for the ceremony. Or rather undressed. She was also naked, but had a beautiful necklace on her neck, some coiled golden arm bands on her wrists, some rings with gemstones, a pair of long dangling ear-rings, and a gemstone in her belly button. Her hair was down and framing her face as it laid down her back. Her fingernails and toenails were coated with a bright red polish, which matched the lipstick. Her eyes and face had been made up.

As I entered her room, I wanted to laugh, but knew better. We were probably being watched and had to continue our impersonations. She said "The women were jealous of my breasts. They examined them quiet closely. A good plastic surgeon could make a fortune up here."

I looked at her body closer now and saw that her body was also gleaming from the oil. We did not get a chance to say anything else because we were both escorted down the hallway into a great room, where there were several male and female Fangers relaxing on great big cushions. Javrom was waiting for us, in the middle of the room.

As we entered the room, every one watched us. Rather, they watched her. And I had to admit that she looked very good, with her hair down, her face made up, the jewelry, and the firm body glistening from the massage oil.

We sat down beside Javrom and he poured us a drink. As we took a sip, he said "Our society believes in giving. There is nothing more important to me, than myself. So tonight, I give myself to you. We have several volunteers that have requested the same honor for your ensign."

Javrom stared at Janeway's breasts and then continued "Your breasts are truly wonderful. They are so nicely shaped and are not too big for a mouth. I wish that my wife had breasts such as yours. You honor us by not wearing your uniform and letting us gaze upon such perfect breasts."

She replied "Thank you. Are all women as large breasted as the women that I have seen so far?"

Javrom laughed and said "No. Most women are extremely large. The women on my ship are small breasted when compared to most of our females. Let me show you a typical Fanger woman. Jakata! Come here." he commanded.

A door opened at the end of the hall and a woman with extremely large breasts walked into the hall and stood in front of us. Her body frame was about the same size as the Janeway body, but the resemblance ended there. Her breasts stood out about eighteen inches from her chest, with the sides pushed out past her hanging arms, and extending down over the belly button. There was no way that she could put her arms out and around her breasts. They were firm and not sagging, but were just too huge.

Javrom said "Jakata is my sister. She weighs about two hundred pounds. Eighty pounds of that is her breast weight. Her genic body structure is good and is able to support that weight without any back problems. And her breasts will stay just that firm until her death. When she has a baby, she produces about four gallons of milk per milking session and usually has two sessions per day. She is a very typical woman. As you can see, her ability to work is limited, so women in our society do not have a role, except to bear children and to please their men. Because breasts have such a role in our society, our women do not wear clothes on our tropical planet. When a woman has small breasts such as most of the women that you see on my ship, they are given good positions in the households of men that can support them. When a woman has extremely small breasts, such as your breasts, they are treated as Goddess. You can see why I was so eager to meet you. When you return to your ship, you will find a history of our planet in your ship's computer."

She said "Thank you. We accept your records and will share them when we return to Earth."

Something was not right. Her voice was getting huskier than usual.

Then Javrom said "One of our mottoes is that It is better to Take and then ask forgiveness than to Ask and be denied. In the massage oil coating your body, is a powerful aphrodisiac. The drink that I gave you activated the drug. For the rest of the night, you are my woman. My queen. Dance for me."

She slowly stood. I could not move to stop her. I was powerless and could only watch her through a daze. They had drugged me also so that I could not move or interfere with their plans.

She slowly turned around in front of us as some soft music came from hidden speakers. Then she began to dance. She started moving her body in time with the music as she slowly danced around Javrom. In her eyes, I could see the glimmering passion and energy as she moved faster to dance with the music's changing rhythm. She was weaving and bumping and grinding as if she had been born in that body and been doing this all of her life. I watched as she gracefully moved, her body flowing in sexy movements, her long dark hair tossing as she danced. I stared at her breasts, watching them jiggle as her hips gyrated with the music. She turned her back to Javrom and slowly began to bend over as she rolled her firm, rounded ass at him. I don't know where she learned to do this because that motion would only work with a female body.

She swirled and held her hand out to Javrom, in a teasing come-here motion. As he started to comply, she stepped forward, and raised one leg, placing it on his shoulder to stop him, while at the same time exposing her cunt to him. Standing like that, keeping him at bay, she cupped her breasts as she squeezed and rolled her boobs. She had one leg bent, her foot on his shoulder, and was staring into his eyes as she played with her nipples. I looked at her face and could feel the strong sexual desire flowing through her. As she stared in Javrom's eyes, she was licking her lips slowly with her tongue.

She stepped back, spun around, and picked up a scarf, which she held behind her as she spun around as she eased onto the floor, continuing her slow spin. Dropping flat on the floor, she began to crawl seductively back to Javrom. When she was directly in front of him, she rolled over, put her legs under her body and slowly began to raise herself. She paused when her knees were pointed straight at Javrom. Then she slowly began to open her legs, exposing her cunt to his viewpoint again, which was getting very wet from the drops of liquid oozing out of it and down her legs. She stood in front of Javrom rolling her hips and looking at his huge green cock that was standing straight up. She licked her lips, dropped to her knees in front of him, while leaning back and still moving her upper body in time with the music. Then with one swift move, she leaned forward and slowly licked his cock in one smooth upward lick, before leaning back and jiggling her boobs at him again.

I still had not moved and did not realize that a woman had moved so that she was sitting beside me. The first indicator that I had of her presence, was when she put her hand on my naked cock which was sticking straight up, hard as a rock. She started jacking on my cock, her soft hand wrapped around me and slowly sliding up and down on it.

I looked her in the eyes and said "I have to have you. Now. Let me fuck you."

She said "I am Jana. There are six of us women that are your treat for tonight. When her show is over, we will go into the corner and take care of you and each other. The oil on your body will help you keep it hard all night and to enjoy what we are going to do. I am just supposed to keep you company while we watch her dance."

The Captain had her knees tucked under her, but was sitting straight up as she danced in front of Javrom like a cobra, getting ready to go after it's prey. I watched her as she licked her lips again, then run her hand between her legs, bringing a wet finger back to her waiting tongue. She slowly took her finger into her mouth, sucking on it as if it was a small cock, as she stared back into Javrom's eyes.

She slowly stood up, as she flowed in time to the music. She stepped forward and leaned over so that her breasts were within easy reach of his hand. I watched as he reached out and closed his finger tips around one boob. She was slowly moving her hips in a humping motion, but her upper body was not moving at all as he milked her breast, showing off her hard nipples. I watched him tweak it with his thumb and finger.

Javrom opened his mouth, licking his lips. She leaned forward and cupped her breasts, bringing one to his mouth. He licked the nipple with his tongue. She pulled back and ran her finger between her legs again, quickly returning with a wet finger which she wiped off on that nipple.

I could smell her scent in the room from where I was sitting. I knew that strong musky scent quiet well and knew that she was soaking wet inside if it was smelling that strong. I wanted to fuck her myself but I couldn't move and Jana was still stroking me.

"Taste my nectar," she whispered in a very sexy husky voice as she offered the breast to him. He stuck out his tongue, finding the nipple, and licking the soft, swollen nipple. I watched as he took the nipple between his lips and began to suck on it as she continued to slowly hump in time to the music. As he reached his arms up to put around her waist, she pulled away from him and stood back up

She picked the scarf up from the floor and pulled it between her legs so that she was doing a see-saw motion between her legs against her pussy with the scarf as she danced. Then she wrapped the scarf around Javrom's neck in one smooth motion.

Still standing in front of him, she began to stoke her clit. She dropped slowly to her knees so that she was kneeling in front of the sitting Javrom. With her free hand she began to slide her hand up and down his large erection.

Then, she jumped to her feet and leaned back, bending at the knees. She made a couple of little hops forward and her spread legs went around Javrom's body, exposing her cunt to his face. Then she stopped and stood there. He put one hand around her ass to support her and using his other hand to spread her pussy wide open. I watched as he found the hard, erect clit. I could see the juice oozing from her.

He slid his finger up and down in her slippery slit as she jerked from his touch in that sensitive area. He rolled her clit with his fingertip, then cupped her pussy with the palm of his hand, his middle fingertip finding the entrance. He let the fingertip swirl around in her hole for a few seconds, then pushed it deeper into her. She moaned, then pulled back a little, pulling away from his hand.

I could feel the strong desire that was flowing through her body. The whole room could feel it. She dropped to her knees again and licked the end of his cock. Her tongue swirled around over the big knob. Then, opening her lips, she slowly lowered her mouth on him. I knew from experience that a cock that size would choke her and was surprised when she got half of his dick in her mouth. She backed off until only the very tip was still in her mouth, then began to suck him back into her mouth again. Repeating this motion several times, I saw that she was getting just a little more into her throat with every thrust.

Then, she slowly took his dick down her throat, all the way to the balls! She glanced up at him, and began to slowly withdraw until only the end was in her mouth. She slid her mouth down his dick, taking as much in her mouth as she could, then slowly back up until only the end was still in her mouth. Then she sucked and licked the big knob with her tongue, before she would start the cycle again.

When Javrom groaned, she began sucking hard on the end of his cock. Suddenly, he grunted and his cock exploded shooting the strong spurt of cum into her mouth. She sucked on the end of his dick, her hand pumping his shaft, as spurt after spurt of cum shot into her mouth. I could see her throat moving as she swallowed each spurt. When the spurts turned to a dribble, she quit sucking but kept stroking him, pumping the last of his liquid out onto her face, where she licked it off with her tongue.

I was still just staring and only faintly heard Jana say "Drink this and I will give you the best fuck that you ever had. My sisters and I are trained to serve men and to satisfy them. We will do anything that want us to do."

I took the liquid from her willingly and felt a warm rush flow through my body and felt the numbness quickly wear off of my body. I could freely move again. I looked at Jana's hand which was still stroking my erect cock.

I looked around the room and the men and women had paired up and were fucking each other. I looked at Janeway and saw her kneeling on Javrom and easing herself down onto a very erect cock.

Jana released my cock, stood up, turned her back to me and bent over. Reaching back between her legs, she took my cock in her hand and brought it to her slit. Slowly, she pushed back onto me, and I felt my cock slowly sink into her wet, warm and hungry pussy. I felt hands on my shoulders and looked up to see another woman. Still keeping my cock in Jana, I laid back on the cushion, as this new woman straddled my face. My lips found her wonderful tasting pussy.

With my hips, I was slowly humping Jana and with my tongue, was eating this new woman. I inserted my tongue into her and flicked the end of her clit, hearing a moan of pleasure, even with her legs muffling my hearing. I swirled my tongue around her swollen clit, then licked down along her slit, swirling my tongue in her cunt opening. I brought my hands up to her ass, gripping her and holding her pussy against my mouth as she jumped from my tongue teasing. My tongue moved up and down along her slit, licking her clit as I probed her pussy. I felt Jana jump as she experienced an orgasm and felt her fluid leaking down my ass crack.

The new woman could not hold still whenever I touched her clit with my tongue. So I held her tight and began to suck on it, twirling my tongue around it as I sucked; knowing that she enjoyed it but could not stand the pleasure.

Suddenly, she screamed, wrapping her legs so tightly around my head that I couldn't hardly breath. As her body quaked and quivered from where she was cuming, Jana started humping me again.

Chapter 6 - Onward

The Captain and I returned to the ship. While we had been having private discussions with Javrom and his closest advisors, Chakotay had been having official discussions with their administrative team. A lot had been accomplished by both meetings.

We were both very tired from our visit and needed a good rest so we requested to be transported straight to our quarters. Chakotay declined and transported us to the Sick Bay following normal procedures. After a through examination, Doctor Zimmerman released us from duty for three days of rest. He was very angry at me, because my back was scratched deeply from their fingernails. He was also angry at the Captain because her breasts and neck were covered with hickeys. With his medical equipment, he was able to heal both of us, so that there were no scars or bruises; but the skin would be tender for a couple of days.

Yeoman Thompson was gone from my bed, thank goodness and I can go to my quarters and sleep as Chakotay continues our voyage.

Javrom and his ship turned back. They would celebrate this night as the night that they establish contact with Earth. I was tired because the massage oil had given me a extended hard-on with multiple orgasms. As soon as I would explode, pumping my never ending cum into whatever female mouth or vagina that I was using, my cock would get hard again. So I fucked and sucked all six of them. There is something to be said for big-breasted women, but I really prefer my women to have breasts that are normal sized for earth women. I remember the image of Javrom's sister as she walked out of the room. Her gigantic breasts were sticking out about six inches wider than her body. There is no way that I could live as a female in a society where the women look like that and are limited to that sort of lifestyle.

I was pleased that Javrom was so happy with Janeway's breasts. While the history keepers won't acknowledge it, most successful treaties with other races are resolved through simple sexual liaisons, instead of through long winded meetings where every one pontificates over their self-serving views.

As I get ready to drift off to sleep, I wonder what I am going to do for the next sixteen or eighteen days that the magoric particles are still in my body. I guess that I will just have to make the best out of being in the male body and she can make the best out of being in that female body. As I drift off to sleep, I give one last instruction to the computer "Computer, let me sleep for ten hours. Then ask Yeoman Thompson to join me. Kim out."

In the Captain's quarters, Kathryn was applying lotion to her body after relaxing in a warm, soaking bath for an hour, as she sipped her evening wine. The water had been full of soft, sensual bubbles and had tickled her skin as she allowed herself the luxury of soaking before turning in. That was the only bathtub on the ship, and was a wonderful treat.

When I finished with my bath, I put on a pink thong bikini panty and matching tank-top. My nipples were still sensitive from all of the tongue lashing and the tank-top rubbed against them. My semi-hard nipples were pushing through the flimsy material of the tank-top and that image was very satisfying. Before I put on the bikini, I applied some of the lubricant to my vagina that Doctor Zimmerman had given me. The hologram doctor had been his usual negative self, when he noted that the vagina had been heavily abused over the last several hours, and needed some lubrication when I went to bed.

I sat down at the make-up table and brushed my long, flowing hair, noticing that I needed to get it cut soon, to stay in compliance with Starfleet limitations. I wondered if I could get by with letting it grow longer because we were so far from anyone at Starfleet, but I already knew that as Captain, I still had to enforce the rules. Even for myself. I also needed to do something to put just a little body into it, for when I didn't have to wear it up in the bun hairstyle.

When I finished drying and brushing my hair, I touched up my fingernail polish, using some of the red polish. After all, when you are on three days of rest, you can take some liberties that are not normally tolerated on a Starfleet vessel. I would reluctantly remove the red polish and put a clear polish back on, when it was time to go back to work.

I looked at my lips and selected a lip gloss to restore some of the moisture to my lips. After all, they had been very active over the last ten hours. Stretching my mouth over Javrom's big cock had been difficult, but I had succeeded. Or was it suckceeded?

I looked at myself in the mirror and liked what was looking back at me. I opened the jewelry case and selected a small gold necklace, which I placed around my neck and a small gold anklet bracelet for my foot.

I walked into the living quarters and sat down on the couch, staring out the porthole into space as I sipped wine and listened to the background soft music. I would miss this view, because Ensign Kim's quarters did not have any windows.

This is what I had always dreamed of. Being a Captain on a Starship. Having command authority over an exploration vehicle. I smiled as I realized that those childhood images had always reflected my success as a man; and I had to become a woman to achive those dreams. Well, you do what you have to do, to get the job done.

As I relaxed, I thought about what I needed to do, for the next several weeks to continue my impersonation. And I thought about what I wanted to do, to explore my newly found femininity. While I was still in this body, I wanted to have sex with Chakotay, Tom Paris, and Harry Kim. Having sex with my former body would be very interesting. For both of us.

I shuddered as I imagined what it would be like to suck my former body's cock and feel the cum from my former body flood the inside of my new hungry, female mouth. And to be able to look down and see my former male lips wrapped around my new female breasts and sucking on my engorged female nipples. I had discovered that I liked sitting on the man's body and riding his cock as I teased and tantalized him with my frequent attacks on his nipples, neck and lips. I had also discovered that I liked it when a man uses the Pivorician kiss-technique on me. Yes, making love to my former body would be a treat. Even knowing that it only had a very normal cock.

I knew that Chakotay and Paris would be reluctant to participate because of their awareness of my impersonation, but I knew that I could handle that. I looked across the room at the small bottle of massage oil and wine sitting on the counter that I had been given by Javrom as a parting gift. I could obtain their compliance and participation in whatever sexual activities that I wanted, whenever I wanted it. One way or the other.

I was enjoying this lifestyle. And I knew that Harry was enjoying his male impersonation and freedom to roam the ship as an ordinary crewmember. He was temporary free of some of the constraints that being a female and Captain of a Starfleet ship can cause.

Because the computer recognized the voice of Kathryn Janeway and follow-up trodium-ray retina analysis, I was permitted to access the personal life-time log of Kathryn. At first, it had only been to help get an insight to her personality, but as the images from the years were scanned, it was discovered that the very young Kathryn had a female lover before she attended Starfleet Academy and married her husband. And there were a couple of vacations where Mark and Kathryn had checked into hotels and shared hired female lovers.

So I know that the real Janeway is happy in my former male body, because she can explore the other side of the sexual fence for awhile.

Finishing up the glass of wine, I slowly stood and stretched, feeling the tank-top stretch across the nipples that were still very sensitive. As I put the wine glass down, I softly said "What are they going to do to me? Send me to Deep Space 9?"

I walked into the bedroom and opened the closet. I searched through the clothes until I found the little vial that I had hidden. I unscrewed the lid, removed the medicine dropper, and slowly filled it with some of the liquid from the vial. I leaned back my head, feeling my hair tickle my back, and let the liquid from the vial empty onto my tongue. I swallowed the liquid and put the lid back on the vial, before returning the liquid to it's hiding place.

I walked over to the bed and pulled the satin sheets back. I laid down and said "Computer"

"Yes, Captain" was the familiar computer voice response.

"I am going to sleep now. Please wake me in eight hours. And also change the duty assignment schedule so that Lieutenant Paris is off ten hours from now and that he reports to my quarters for tasks to be determined at that time. Make sure that he has sixteen straight hours off during that time period from other duty assignments. Also modify the duty assignment schedule so that Yeoman Thompson is on the same schedule and is assigned to Ensign Kim for operational guidance. Please dim the light. Janeway, out." I said as I adjusted my pillow.

The lights dimmed and the room for quiet for a few seconds. Then only the sound of the soft, husky voice of Kathryn Janeway could be heard in the room as I whispered out loud to myself "That extra dosage of magoric particles that I just swallowed, should make it impossible for us to exchange bodies again for an additional three weeks."

The End

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